Prehistoric Dungeons & Dragons | Planegea Explained

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prehistoric Dungeons and Dragons what would that even look like Hello everybody Jordan here the pH is silent and on this channel we talk about campaign settings for Dungeons and Dragons and this is going to be a smallish Series in which I want to look at planga which is Stone AG DND or prehistoric DND now dinosaurs have always been a part of Dungeons and Dragons but usually the player characters are medieval and they're thrown into a prehistoric World think Journey to the Center of the Earth or chult or when a space wizard sends you to battle dinosaurs on the moon but in planga it's your home you're part of that world you play the cavemen planga is bone and Fire Dinosaurs and giant beasts tribes and survival the universe or the Multiverse of Dungeons and Dragons is brand new new Elemental planes are slowly breaking apart and in the empty space we have a newly formed Prime material plane now because the elemental planes are still so close you could potentially walk from the plane of Earth across planga to the plane of air the land is Young and full of dangers but sentient beings have banded together to survive now the motto of planga which is borrowed from Eon is if it has a place in D and D it has a place in planga it just might not be what you expect Wizards and clerics exist in planga but they aren't called Wizards and clerics and they operate just a little bit differently their roles kind of change there are giants and dragons and mine flares but they're not the same ones that you'll find in the Forgotten Realms there are Gods but the gods of planga are still young they're not that powerful they compete for territory and followers so they can grow so let's look at some player options in planga to get a sense of who you'll be playing in a prehistoric world but first a a message from today's sponsor this video is sponsored by dice Dungeons and their new Kickstarter for battle cloth Maps these portable microfiber battle maps are perfect to lay down for a quick Terrain in your Dungeons and Dragons game each map is a square 21 1/2 in and has 1in Square grid on it for combat scenarios they're wrinkle-free and travel friendly they have lots of designs available from simple fields or oceans to more complex beaches sailing boats roadside camps or deep Caverns mix more than one to create larger areas legit these are a lot cooler than I even anticipated wle free kind of thing you just like roll it up throw it in your backpack check out the kickstarter using the link in the description and thanks again dice dungeons planga is a full and complete campaign setting which I would argue this book is better than some of the 5e campaign settings produced by Wizards of the Coast plcape Dragon Lance spell Jammer I'm looking at you plenio was kickstarted and released by Atlas games and it is the brainchild of David Somerville now David was inspired by the Eon creation process now not Eon itself but Keith Baker's creative process and coming up with a setting for DN that felt new yet familiar if it has a place in 5e it has a place in Eon and now it has a place in planga it's just not what you might expect nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition so what do campaign characters and stories feel like in planga well you're in luck because not only have I read through this massive book I've also been running a home plan Gia game for the last 3 months and it's been amazing ancient kingdoms are powerful Clans a castle is a complex Cave System carriages are beasts of Burden temples are a Shaman's tent or a God's Holy Ground a king would be a Chieftain a noble is an elder in your clan Now settings are odd in Dungeons and Dragons and there are those dungeon Masters that have an unnecessary need to unify all settings and this is how we uh got from the Forgotten Realms to fly into spell Jammer and then land in greyhawk five I Eon is just a Stones throw away if you can get a hold of the spell dream of the blue veil with plcape sigil unites all settings with a central Hub according to Wizards of the Coast but I want to say that Eon was originally intended to not be connected to any larger Multiverse it just is the setting Eon is what it is Darkon is similar and at least for planga its intention is that it is is the first campaign setting because of how the planes of existence are still ripping apart and forming now aside from time travel there isn't really a way to travel to plania it's supposedly supposed to exist before everything else existed and in that I think it's very unique and I kind of like that idea I find it interesting to sometimes explore one setting to another but if I'm going to run a planga game I think it's going to be just in planga now you're always free to use planga however you want but with the prehistoric world comes a young universe there is no sigil there's no portal to greyhawk and a mysterious Force seems to keep planga locked into the Stone Age a mystical power that is beyond gods and Beyond communication yet is somehow invested in the world and its creatures so how is planga kept locked in the Stone Age something called the black taboos now if you break one or more of the black taboos a cosmic Force known as the hounds of the blind heaven will descend and destroy you and nobody knows really where these creatures came from or why the land of planga is cursed uh to begin with that curse the hounds they keep players from bringing the Bronze Age to planga kind of reminds me of the dark powers from ravenloft and if you are that DM that feels the need to kind of unify settings or maybe it's just a fun thought experiment the dark Powers perhaps a millennia ago were the Mystical Force that controlled planga but hey that's just a theory a game theory so there are three well sort of four black tabos number one is that writing is death if the written word is ever created the hounds will appear and destroy all who understand now glyphs pictures and patterns those seem to be allowed taboo number two is no number after nine so counting anything past nine becomes the word many now this limits discussion of distance size or the amount of anything but the immediate now a family of 10 is a family of many an Endless Sea of a herd of animals is many complex calculations with larger numbers will bring about the hounds and finally the third taboo is no wheels and no money now trade is very important to this setting and because of 5 you kind of need a way to translate stuff into some sort of currency so there is a currency of salt but the idea is that you can't invent a type of fiat currency all items of worth have an immediate value to your survival clothing keeps you warm weapons keep you safe a gold coin is worthless you can't eat it can't use it for just about anything and planga a rock would be more useful and wheels are lumped into this taboo so don't don't go Reinventing the wheel now the people of planga believe the black taboos to be true player characters might push the boundaries and it's really up to the GM to decide if the hounds are real and when to bring their wrath but that could be a whole campaign to either overthrow the hounds of the blind heaven or perhaps your players realize that they have been misled generations of people have believed in these powers in the black taboos and there's no danger whatsoever now characters in planga seldom live or work alone to be alone is to be hunted or eaten or Worse thus most of the sentient creatures in plang have banded together into Clans everyone in the clan works for the benefit of the clan during the day children gather wood and take care of animals hunters will hunt in groups to bring home food and resources crafts people will make weapons and tools out of bone and stone and everyone respects and protects the clan fire now this is one of the really important aspects of the setting that I think really captures the feel of it so every night the clans in planga build the largest bonfire that they can at the center of their camp now this light will keep Predators away the heat will protect the people so each night you'll see several Clan fires pop up over the horizon each Clan signaling to the world we're here and we are Fierce the clan fire is a symbol of a Clan's Vitality in survival it's useful during the day for cooking and crafting but at night it is necessary to ward off the things that will hunt you a clan is kind of the equivalent of a village or a city and a clan fire can be thought of as a Tavern or an inn it's a place to go for rest and protection there are often dances storytelling and ritual magic performed around the clan fire to extinguish a clan fire is an act of War it is not just an attack against that Clan it's an attack personally against all of the people in that Clan clans also have shamans Chieftain and Elders the shaman is usually their spiritual leader a connection to a local God that has taken an interest in the people the chief Chieftain makes decisions for the betterment of the clan and its people and both of these roles are advised by the elders who share their wisdom for clan survival now player characters can join an existing Clan which I'll talk about in future videos such as the bear clan the ape Clan or the lion clan there are also rules to create your own Clan and player characters receive Boons from the well-being of their Clan which could even turn into crafted magical weapons and items or new magical spells to use starting at the beginning I wanted to talk about the races of planga I think a campaign setting really kind of shows how we're going to interact with the World by the races provided in the The Campaign setting so races in planga are called kinships and the ones provided in the book are dwarves elves half elves halflings humans dragon born teelings who are actually called God marked gnomes or the custom ones are tree people known as the draus half ooze people and dinosaur people called saurin oh oh and also starlings who are stars that fell from the night sky most Clans in plania are nomadic you have to roam to survive as a hunter gather Society dwarves are interesting because as they travel they're also motivated to craft and build so they create caves tunnels and other structures as they roam once done they will move to a new area but they leave behind their Creations The Act of Creation is kind of a form of worship and it's in an inherent part of being a dwarf so strongholds that are carved into mountains or underground temples those all were perhaps created by ancient planga dwarves planga elves are fa-like creatures and they are connected to the dream world of planga known as nod halflings are known as the silent folk they are small deadly and resourceful humans are surprise a very adaptable Dragon Bor and come from something called the Venom Abyss Rising up from the great volcano that lives at the center of planga the god marked or the teelings are those that are touched by a God or a greater power their blood was changed by a divine presence gnomes are bold and they use primordial magic in their survival strategy Orcs are conquerors and Hunters a proud and Noble people and they actually have a Defiance for the Gods they see themselves as being used by them in many ways so they try to rely on each other to survive in planga the draus have bark-like skin and resemble trees they take humanoid form to protect the forest and plants now hau's characters are considered Outsiders as oozes are feared and avoided so a Hao character might be isolated or not welcome but if you do help the clan all become welcome despite prejudice now hau's characters also have a mighty hunger and they must eat twice as much food compared to other kinships oh and they stretch which is like the whole point it's so cool now sens are dinosaur folk of which there are four sub kinships that are called leatherwing Hammer tail sharp Fang and webfoot depending on what type of dinosaur person you want to play and finally starlings those are the humanoids that fell from the sky each star in the sky in planga is a creature and those who accidentally fall to planga must learn to live and survive here and they glow Illuminating their surroundings not listed in the book but other races that I'm sure would work fine in a planga game are the lizard folk toxi Eric HRA all of these kinships can fit in planga it's your game you can add whatever you want they're just not listed specifically in this book and it's probably because of the 5V SRD I had my players come across a group of Yanti and they had never encountered snake people before so they couldn't communicate they didn't speak the same language whatsoever and there was a lot of like miming for trade and trying to feel out if they were going to be attacked or not it was interesting and fun planga is big and this will be the first in a series of videos on planga so next time I'm going to talk about the classes of planga and then major tribes the map which is amazing and possible Adventures that you could run and sprinkled in I'll tell stories from my own home planga game so please subscribe for more content like this turn on notifications if you want to catch these videos as they are released and thank you again dice dungeons for supporting this video uh click the link in the description to visit their Kickstarter and tell them that Jordan sent you I also have a second Channel where I go over non dungeons of dragons RPGs called Jordan's dracular Junction a patreon where I have updates and info on my various projects so be sure to check it out and thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: Jorphdan
Views: 57,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jorphdan, D&D Lore, DnD Lore, Dungeons and Dragons Lore, DnD, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Tabletop RPGs, Game Lore, TTRPGs, planegea, planegea 5e, planegea explained, prehistoric d&d, prehistoric, prehistoric dnd, prehistoric dungeons and dragons, dnd dinosaurs, d&d dinosaurs, d&d campaign settings, campaign settings, dungeons and dragons campaign settings, dark sun
Id: NGxDwls8UHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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