I Made A D&D Class! The Element Bender - Full Breakdown

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I made a whole new class for Dungeons and Dragons the element Bender Benders in D and D with affinities in earth air fire and water are defined by their connection to the elements the class with new spells and subclasses is from rioko's Guide to the yo-kai Realms which you can pick up at the link below but this video will take you through the class and one of the sub classes so you can play right now let's go level one the art of element bending let's start with the basics element Benders have a d8 hit dice same as the Warlock and the monk you start with Proficiency in light armor medium armor simple weapons and Chums shuriken and nunchaku you also get Proficiency in strength and Constitution saves and a couple of skills element Benders are a half casting class like the artificer and you start the game with two first level spell slots and you end the game able to cast fifth level spells but there are ways to cast spells of a higher level we'll get into that later the cool thing about Benders is they don't have a generic class spell list instead when you choose this class at level one and again at later levels you pick an elemental Affinity you can pick from earth water fire and air and each one has their own spell list air Benders get lots of movement and wind-based spells they make great skirmishers water benders gets some good healing spells and some powerful control effects like hold person and blood weave each element has its own flavor translated through its spell list and as such different kinds of element Benders feel very very different to play before you even get to sub classes and ability score combinations each element is also associated with one or two damage types air is thunder damage Earth is acid and bludgeoning fire is fire and lightning and water is cold basically these are the damage types that you are connected with and they interact with your later features most of the Spells unique to your spell list deal these types of damage as well they also play into your Elemental strikes which is your other first level feature when you take the attack action you can make an elemental strike which is either a melee unarmed strike or a ranged attack roll on a hit the melee attack deals 1d6 damage and the ranged attack deals 1 D4 often you're going to be better off using a can trip for damage but some Elemental Benders really play into the unarmed fighting approach this is especially true if you multiclass with monk to get those bonus action attacks and higher damaging unarmed strikes the spellcasting ability modifier the spellcasting ability for Benders is interesting and this is a big part of where their design philosophy comes in element bending is all about the power within you to us that meant whatever makes your character special whatever drives them whatever fits into your vision that is where your magic comes from this means you get to choose between intelligence wisdom or Charisma for your spellcasting ability modifier if you want to be a deeply intellectual element Bender who studies and cataloges the natural world and bends it to their will you can if you want to go full on Elementalist fueled by raw emotion you can by using Charisma as your spellcasting ability this flexibility means Benders are great for multiclassing a very charismatic Bender will go great with warlock a wise Bender might go better with monk or Druid this is where I've got to shout out the over 20,000 people who helped play test this because it was hard to get right we didn't want to make a class that was just better at being a monk than a monk but if you do want to do the whole Ang or tensin thing from Avatar you can multiclass beautifully with monk for a very powerful build or you can go full Storm from the X-Men or Demon Slayer if you prefer it's not about just having the Avatar class it's about having a class that's flexible enough to allow you to explore whatever fantasy you want at second level you get elemental combo after you take the attack action or use an action to cast a spell you can make an elemental strike as a bonus action but you don't add your ability score modifier to the damage of that attack this is kind of like two weapon fighting but with your Elemental strikes and the Damage increases as you level up at third level you choose your Bender discipline AKA your subass we'll talk more about sub classes at the end then at fourth level like all other classes you get an ability score increase or a feat fifth level gets you extra attack and access to second level spells remember the Spells you can choose are dictated by the element you have Affinity with that's important because sixth level is where things get really EXC exciting I have lived a long life a good life but now my time has come what what happened where am I hello Soldier why am I here I Di death is just the beginning Soldier now go kill that thing what you thought dying meant the adventure was over huh dying is just another path to totally awesome stuff what is this this is aravan's guide to death and beyond aravan's guide is a 350 page tone of epic adventure 10 undying Mega bosses over 10 profane layers new death and Resurrection mechanics 75 Unholy monsters 12 plus dark subclasses and over six haunting new races it's also made by arch villain games the folks who made the ryoko's guide Kaiju mini for Nomi the Colossal C B and there's tons more epic minis here aravan's guide has everything you need to create haunting cursed stories for your games death isn't the end it's part of the adventure turn your tpk into a TPA back now on Kickstarter link below Elemental Affinity 2 Electric bugaloo sixth level is here and that means it's time for a second Elemental Affinity you choose a new element to attune with so if you start Ed with fire you could now choose water Earth or air and gain access to their spell lists this represents a huge expansion in your spell options but you have a choice because you could also pick the same element you already have again if you do this all spells you cast from that spell list are cast one level higher than the spell slot you expend so if you picked the fire element at first level and the fire element again at sixth level those second level spells are going to be cast at third level that's an extra Beam on every scorching Ray an extra person you can Target with invisibility and extra damage on every heat metal in short choosing only one element makes you very powerful in that element whereas choosing many makes you more versatile there are other benefits to these choices too that we'll get into later seventh level is your second subclass feature and the optional improved extra attack that's a new feature from rokos every Marshall and half Marshal class get access to their own special version of extra attack which provides a bit more power and flavor eighth level is another ability score increase or feat and Ninth level gives you access to your third level spells level 10 is your next Elemental affinity and once again you get to choose you could learn another elements to expand your list perhaps you want to go water bender because you really like the look of hypnotic patent or you could choose the same Affinity you already have again meaning every spell you cast with it is upcast by two levels that third level Fireball is now a fifth level Fireball if that sounds tempting it should because it's awesome but going for many different elements has benefits too at 11th level you get primordial form as a bonus action you can choose one element for which you have affinity and embody that energy this gives two benefits one you can now cast first level spells from your element spell list even if you haven't prepared them and casting them doesn't cost a spell slot note that these free spells won't get upcast there'll always be first level even if you have multiple affinities in the same element two you gain a special benefit depending on the element you choose air gives you resistance to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage fire lets you deal damage equal to your Bender spellcasting modifier to creatures of your choice within 10 ft of you at the end of every single turn Earth gives you a straight up plus two to your AC and water gives you a pool of Vitality equal to five times your Bender level so at this level that's 55 points then at the end of your turn you can heal up to three creatures within 5 ft of you for five hit points each expending Your vitality points as you do so it's basically a little bit of free local healing until it runs out you can only do this once per long rest and as you have noticed taking multiple affinities means you can choose the bonus that you want depending on the given situation that flexibility is awesome 12th level is another ability score increase and 13th level gets you access to your fourth level spells then 14th level gets you your final Elemental Affinity choice if you've been counting you'll realize that that means at this level you could have Affinity with every element accessing the entire Bender spell list alternatively you could have mastered only one element giving every spell you cast from your spell list a free upcasting of three levels that's big of course you could also have mixed and matched taking two affinities each in earth and water for example next is 15th level getting you another subass feature and 16th level is another ability score increase or feat 17th level gets you your fifth level spell slots but of course if you've invested all in one element those fifth level spells will be cast at eighth level everyone's chill until the water bender starts throwing down an eighth level dominate person blood Benders know what I'm talking about at 18th level you get probably the coolest feature of all primordial Avatar this is a full-on transformation into your Elemental form it Conant action and you can only do it once per long rest but it lasts for 10 minutes to start you get 50 temporary hit points and then you get four abilities these abilities are dictated by the elements you have Affinity with each element has four abilities like this so if you have two affinities in air and two affinities in water you'd get the first two abilities from each table in this case that would mean a flying speed a swimming speed an immunity to thunder and cold damage and an immunity to be being grappled and restrained essentially yeah this is where you enter the Avatar state or when storm goes full Omega mutant mode at 19th level you get your final ASI or feat and at 20th level you get your final subass feature in ryoko's guide there are four subclasses fortification ferocity fusion and invigoration let's be helpful elementalists and pick the invigoration subass today starting at third level these spells are added to your Bender spell list no matter your affinity and they're always is prepared you also get a flat plus one to your hit points for every level you have in this class essentially the invigoration subass turns your d8 hit die into a d10 you are extra dummy thick finally you get a sort of guidance effect when a creature within 30 ft of you fails an attack roll or saving throw you can give it a rejuvenating boost you use your reaction and that creature can roll that save or attack potentially turning a fail into a success they also get to add your spellcasting ability modifier to the result however you can only do this a number of times equal to your spellcasting ability modifier per long rest so save it for those key saving throws or crucial attacks at seventh level you get a similar ability except it's evil now when you deal damage to a creature you can cause an elemental effect to discombobulate them that creature then has a 1d8 penalty to the next attack roll or saving throw it makes before the end of its next turn once again you can do this a few times per long rest at 15th level the power of your primordial Transformations extends beyond your body now whenever you're in your primordial form or primordial Avatar State whenever you cast a level spell that targets an ally you can give that Ally an additional benefit you can end one negative condition that Target is suffering from this list you can give them a D6 bonus to the next attack roll or saving throw they make before the end of their next turn that creature can use its reaction to make a single weapon attack or that creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without broking opportunity attacks even if your spell targets multiple allies you still only get to pick one to give the benefit to still it's really nice it makes powerful support spells like healing word haste or bless even better your level 20 feature is awesome when you enter your primordial Avatar State you can grant up to five willing creatures within 30 ft of you access to one of your level one Affinity benefits so if you're an air bender you can give the whole crew a flying speed or if you're a fire bender you can have everyone throwing out extra fire damage on their first hit each turn share the love and when I say love I do of course mean murder Allin Benders are an extremely versatile class that you can mold to fit what you want to play or what your party needs they have tons of great utility spells and can pump out some pretty reasonable damage your damage options will increase if you specialize in only one element but then the damage types you have access to become more restricted the disciple of ferocity gives you extra damage if that's what you want disciple of fusion is all about combining elements to create unusual powerful effects and disciple of fortification makes you a stalwart spellcasting tank the PDF with all this information is linked below go try it out and thanks to everyone who supported and play tested this it wouldn't have been possible without you it's been amazing to see the subass Evolve while staying so fun and maintaining its identity throughout the play test if you want the full class with all the sub classes all the Spells and just like a ton more stuff it's all in ryoko's Guide to the yo-kai Realms which you can grab right now from backit link below the entire team behind this book kicks ass not just at their jobs not just as creatives but as human beings they're awesome shout out to everyone who worked on or supported or play tested ryoko's guide for coming along on this journey and making it the best D and D book ever made enjoy the element Bender grab the free PDF to explore and yeah remember to check out other videos on the channel like And subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 63,931
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Id: 6lmjZK1C6s8
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Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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