Pregnant with an IUD! #shorts

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Ally I have the Mirena IUD and I just took a positive pregnancy test what do I do hi I'm Dr Ali and OB GYN if this is you I encourage you to call your OB GYN as soon as possible it's important to have an early ultrasound so that we can identify where the IUD is for some people the IUD was actually exposed or fallen out and they didn't even know so nothing to worry about but for others the IUD can be in place inside of the uterus and there could be a pregnancy going on at the same time unfortunately getting pregnant with an IUD in place does have an increased risk of miscarriage now if the IUD is inside of the uterus there's two options Avon pelvic exam we can clearly identify the IUD strings it's recommended to have the IUD removed what if I can't see the strings it will likely be pushed against the wall of the uterus and oftentimes in beds inside of the placenta this again is risky and it can lead to a miscarriage infection and even preterm delivery
Channel: Alirod MD
Views: 34,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VO0hzWpFbO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 57sec (57 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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