IUD - Mirena side effects are GREAT!

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they say bleeding anything you can imagine could happen with the IUD you could have an absent period missed period or a regular menstrual periods you could possibly have ovarian cysts nausea headaches acne breast tenderness mood changes that was suicidal I was having anxiety panic attacks could hardly sleep at night because I just felt like I was gonna die or my children were gonna die or somebody was gonna die and infection bacterial vaginosis is you're at an increased risk for it when you have the IUD and then this one ectopic pregnancy is something that I think a lot of us know that you can actually get pregnant with the IUD but it could possibly be an ectopic pregnancy so somewhere outside of the uterus possibly the Fallopian tubes and you could die from it if you didn't seek medical help and then a perforated uterus so the IUD could actually move outside of its normal healthy area of the uterus and perforate the uterus and you could never have babies again so pretty big deal not a huge number of women that are having it happen to them but could still happen
Channel: Pearently
Views: 28,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iud mirena experience, my mirena iud experience, my iud experience, my iud experience mirena, iud bad side effects, iud side effects, mirena iud, mirena iud review, mirena review, does iud affect sex drive, does mirena affect sex drive, does mirena iud affect sex drive, does mirena iud affect sex, iud and sex drive, iud and libido, mirena crash, mirena crash stories, hormonal iud experience, should i get mirena iud, should i get an iud, pros and cons mirena iud
Id: WIvHKkfubLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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