PREDICTIONS 2024: What Is The FUTURE Of Humanity On Earth? | Prediction of Future | Sadhguru

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he looked into the future and said this is how human beings will be till the end of the world he predicted how human beings will evolve what types of human beings will come what are all the things which will Factor so he made a map of humanity so when he wrote this elaborate map of human consciousness he trained people with a certain dimension of intuitiveness to read this because this was not all logical stuff unless is in a certain State he cannot do that bgu was one of the Saar rishis he looked into the future and said this is how human beings will be till the end of the world he predicted is he talking about you no he's talking about Humanity as to how it will evolve what it will do and if the many combinations and permutations if they are this kind what will come towards them if they're that kind what will come towards them like this he wrote a map I want you to see this as a sketch suppose you make a sketch of the movement of the wind here low pressure is happening means we know wind is going to go there high pressure is happening means we know wind is going to go away from that so he made a map of humanity human consciousness if it's like this he will move here he will move into this kind of WB he will attract these kind of things this will happen that will happen like this elaborately he went into the whole thing so briu samita this was called This is a map of human consciousness till the end of this solar system how human beings will evolve what types of human beings will come what are all the things which will Factor how to read this he trained people so when he wrote this elaborate map of human consciousness he trained people with a certain dimension of intuitiveness to read this because this was not all logical stuff so these people maintained this tradition and came and uh it it doesn't matter how skeptical you are what you are they will say things in your face which will make you feel like an idiot okay and it's true unfortunately you go sit there in front of nya first thing he'll shock you with is as he said he will tell your mother's name and father's name you finished you already flowed because you gone from somewhere it doesn't matter if you are from some other country he will tell the first letter he may not know that you a Susan or you a Tanya he may not know he will say your name starts with t because he's not looking at your background or your future nothing he's just reading a map by reading the map he's saying okay this is the temperature this is the elevation this is this this is that but it's an intuitive map unless he's in a certain State he cannot do that hello everyone Welcome to our Channel today we are going to talk about predictions everyone gets curious when they hear the word prediction there have been many fortune tellers in this world who have written down their work in the form of books or poetry somewhere today we are going to see the predictions of some famous suiters we are going to see what predictions they have written about 2024 in their books but before we begin I want to make it clear that this video is not meant to scare anyone so please don't panic our goal is to raise awareness and keep you inform about what's ahead now let's enjoy this video without further [Music] delay Nostradamus was born in the 15th century he was a French astrologer and physician he was very famous for the book he wrote called the prophecies in this book he wrote 942 predictions about the future events in Poetic form here are his predictions for 2024 Nostradamus says red dragon country will work to spread unrest around the world and many people in many countries will suffer the consequences now here the red dragon country means China Nostradamus did not mention the name of China in that book but you also know that the dragon is always a symbol used to refer to China China is called the dragon country because dragons are a big part of Chinese mythology and celebrations the Chinese dragon is shown in red and yellow similar to the Chinese flag in Stories the dragon is powerful and can defeat anyone who challenges it it's seen as Superior because of its strong and impressive qualities and the way China is conducting military operations to maintain its control in the Indian and Pacific Ocean therefore the China is going to become a headache for other countries in the future Baba Wanga was originally from Bulgaria she was born in the 19th century Baba Wanga was a girl from a simple family as a child she faced a terrible storm but because of that she had to lose her eyes Baba a has made some important predictions for 2024 which are as follows according to the Baba Wanga by 2024 humans will find a solution to Major disease like cancer and Alzheimer's and human beings will also Master Quantum Computing by 2024 Quantum Computing means the same work that we do today on a simple computer will be 10x faster on a quantum computer quantum Computing is a mixx of different areas that uses quantum mechanics to solve hard problems way faster than regular computers it's a part of computer science that applies the rule of quantum theory to create new technologies according to the Baba Wanga by 2024 humans will Master the field of Technology not many people know about the Simpsons cartoons series but those who have heard about this series will know that this series predicts future events means the description of future events is already shown in the episodes of the series you can also search for this series on Google talking more about the Simpsons the series Simpsons was created by Matt grening The Simpsons was first telecast in America in 1987 now let's see what was predicted about 2024 in Simpsons in one of the episodes of The Simpsons Series it was shown that Donald Trump will stand for a election again in 2024 and this prediction was made by Simpsons many years ago similarly he talked about the growing influence of artificial intelligence and the crisis of job loss due to it now aays all companies are trying to automate everything everyone wants to do this with a a in their businesses and the prediction about how AI will gradually replace humans was made in that episodes of Simpsons The Simpsons predicted this many years ago many of us must know sadguru sadguru is a Mystic Yogi and Guru he is the founder of Isha Foundation generally sadguru never talk much about predictions or the future future but this time he has also predicted about 2024 according to him the impact of current solar flares can cause a lot of upheaval on Earth in the future the sun is the source of energy for the Earth the Sun is very important for life on Earth to flourish but shortly in 2024 this sun will be dangerous for humans as well as other animals on Earth [Music] bisha Malika is a book that deals with predictions about the near future in a world full of predictions and prophecies the ancient text bhavisha Malika written in Old Ora Language by S autan Das and pchas Saka of odisa stand out for being surprisingly accurate aanand Maharaj was a great Saint he had a vision of what was going to happen in the future he had had given a prediction of events that will happen in 2024 according to him in 2024 China and Pakistan together with 12 countries will attack India and start a war this war will continue for 5 to6 years but the final Victory will be India's and India will be known as a Vish Guru before the world so this is how great people of different countries have described the things that will happen in the future future this video is not made to create fear in anyone's mind only what is true has been tried to be told in this video I know these things are unbelievable it is also bitter difficult to fully believe these things anyway I have tried to present this subject to you in my way if you like this efforts then definitely like this video If this content captivates your interest then don't forget to share your thought in the comment section would you like to see more content on this kind of topic tell us and we will explore further thank you for joining us on this enlightening Journey until next time stay curious thank you
Channel: Mystical Exploration
Views: 170,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: predictions, predictions 2024, what is the future of humanity on earth, prediction of future, sadhguru, prediction, prediction 2024 world, predictions for the future, predictions 2024 astrology, what will happen in future of earth, prediction of future world, prediction of 2024 of india, future prediction of 2024, simpsons prediction of 2024, sadhguru on prediction, sadhguru on future predictions, future, astrology, fortune teller, 2024, 2024 predictions, 2024 predictions astrology
Id: 8E2aaPPDqFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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