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there could be lot of death there could be disease there could be Wars there could be psychological imbalances there could be lot of turmoil in human life whenever these solar flares happen great yogis roles in that culture I want to make sure all the consecrations I want to do I finish within this next 4 and 1/2 years will Humanity bring disaster upon themselves or will they bring realization and transformation upon themselves the solar flare activity in the sun has gone up significantly and it's going up further maybe about 17 18 months ago it started when the solar flares increase it has a significant impact on the magnetic field of the planet and the amount of radiation that happen happens various things I don't want to call it the science of it but it has serious impact on all planets Our concern is Earth so these solar flares are happening autonomic nervous system is seriously impacted by this everybody knows this I know this from what happens in my system and I see how it is happening in other people's systems digestive system your breathing process your ability to digest your ability to breathe and absorb what you need to absorb everything is affected by the solar flass so when this started the solar flash started happening and I felt certain things within my system then I inquired with a few people what is happening things like this then they said the solar fles have kicked out and next six years they will be at a very high pitch the kind of pitch that we have not not seen an Our Lifetime at least so now the solar activity one way is in the Indian traditions and in scriptures and other things I'm not an expert on this but I know it has been said that when solar activity Rises like that there could be lot of death there could be disease there could be Wars there could be psychological imbalances there could be lot of turmoil in human life and lot of hums in animal life every life on the planet because it affects your nervous system digestive system pulmonary system everything in this time will Humanity bring disaster upon themselves or will they bring realization and transformation upon themselves is in the hands of human beings I would like to see something very positive and wonderful happens this is going to be next few years a Charged Up time on this planet are we going to use use this charge for transformation realization or are we going to stab at each other kill each other do something terrible to each other because some stimulus is happening in our body we don't have Equanimity then we will damage each other this is where we are you will watch it as it progresses whenever the Sol out flares happen great yogis roles in that culture at the same time battles happen disastrous events happen sometimes earthquakes happened because the magnetic forces in the planet and the thermal forces in the core of the planet are all being influenced by the solar fles so this if you're conscious this is a fantastic time because I want you to understand this it is only in the summer when the sun is really hot all the plants really burst out they know how to make use of the sun energy winter also of course you were complaining but something new every season gives you something new to complain whether it is a climatic season or your life Seasons always complaining about something because you don't learn how to write it so these solar flags for a spiritual sea who wants to transform his energy oh well there's a time when everything is cooking really well I want to make sure all the consecrations I want to do I finish within this next 4 and 1 half years because son himself with me after listening to sadguru many of us might be thinking that now we have become helpless and whatever in the country is happening or around the world is happening is because of the solar fears or because of the predictions that different people are making well is that true yeah it might might be true to some extent but it is not entirely sadguru himself tells that this is happening simply because you have not realized the immensity of Being Human how big it is to be a human being is not being realized so if you just depend on predictions that means you are running away from taking your own responsibilities and so if you realize the immensity of being a human being then you won't predict you will simply create and this is what we want we just have to cre not predict so why is this happening is for most of the people they have not realized that their physical body is a fantastic stepping stone for higher possibilities but for majority it has become a roadblock the compulsions of the body do not allow us to go forward that is why being in the sink with the solar cycle is an important part of bringing balance and receptivity and also it is a means to take the body to the point where the body is no longer Hur so to deal with such solar flares that are happening or say that which is already started if we become in tune with the sun then it can't affect us anymore there are many sadas that is being done the purpose is only and always to break the Cycles so that there is no more compulsiveness and you have the right kind of foundation or Consciousness the repetitive nature of the cyclical movements of system which we traditionally refer to as Sana is the necessary stability for making the life if it was all at random it was not possible to house a steady life making machine so for the solar system and for the individual person being roted in the cyclical nature is the firmness and steadiness of life so the sadna or the heart yoga is about creating the body that will not become a hurdle on your life anymore and also it will become a stepping stone towards blossoming one's own ultimate possibility so moving forward there are some simple practices that you can do to prepare your body and get most out of your practices and become in tune with the Sun so that these solar flares do not affect any individual being first and the Very powerful process is performing sorria sorria which is a very powerful process for activating the solar power within you is a potent yogic practice of dreaming Antiquity designed as a holistic approach for health wellness and complete inner well-being sria activates the solar prus or Raise The samat Prana or the solar heat in the system not only that it balances the person's left and right energy channels that is Ida and pingala nari leading to stability of the body and also Stillness of the [Music] mind this strong Foundation becomes the basis to explore higher D Dimension or higher possibilities of Life further always remember that whether you practice your ASAS or Sur namaskar or surria if you start sweating while doing the practice or after the practice keep in mind do not wipe off the sweat with a tall always rub it back into the body at least the exposed part of your skin if you simply wipe off the sweat you drain the energy that you have generated with the practice water has the capability to carry its own memory and energy that is why one should not wipe off sweat with a tow drink water or go to the bathroom during the practice time unless there is a special situation that makes it absolutely necessary and also after practicing yoga wait a minimum of 1.5 hours before taking the shot now moving further into sorria one who does sorria not only they get in tune with the Sun Also develops mental Clarity and focus remedies weak Constitution boost Vigor and vitality balances hormonal levels in the body and also prepares one for the deeper states of meditation to harness the solar flares suria is the best hog practice to perform and to do daily now it is left to individual human being either to remain trapped in the cycal nature which is the basis of the stable physical existence or use these cycles for physical well-being and ride them and go beyond the cyclical this strong Foundation becomes the basis to explore the higher dimensions of Life next thing you might have heard about OAS in many of the sadguru's video surria is very poent htio practice that generates OES in your system to know how I have discussed about it in this video I'll give the link in the description you can watch it after watching this video now moving further into sria as I told it takes one to deeper states of meditation you might have felt it while doing shamba you might have experienced it after surria if if you perform your shambavi you can do it really very well as well as you are going into deeper States while doing shambavi and there's no second thought coming that now my meditation is over now I should get up get up get up no if you perform sorria you will see that you will sit for longer time so now at last if you wish to learn suria you need to register for that there's no prior knowledge of yoga or any sadna required even if you are not initiated in shamba you can learn surria still I've given the link in the description just visit the site register yourself for suria in the nearby locations and lastly for today hope you loved the video and found it meaningful and if yes do not forget to give it a like share and subscribe up to next stay safe healthy happy and namaskaram
Channel: Sadhguru - The global mystic
Views: 40,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru, sadhguru motivation, sadhguru daily wisdom, Sadhguru The global mystic, sathguru, sadguru, sadguru english speeches, sadhguru latest, sadhguru latest speeches, sadhguru short video, sadhguru on, by sadhguru, how to, sadhguru advices, sadhguru tips, sadhguru wisdom, wisdom, sadhguru on future predictions, predictions of 2024, surya kriya, solar flares, how solar flares impact world, sadhguru celestial events, celestial events, gyanwapi, kashi vishwanath
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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