2024 To 2026 | Massive Astronomical Changes Happen | Future | Solar Flare | Sadhguru

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this is going to be next few years a Charged Up time on this planet and next six years there will be at a very high pitch the kind of pitch that we have not seen in our lifetime at least so when this started digestive system your breathing process your ability to digest your ability to breathe and absorb what you need to absorb everything is affected by the solar flesh in the Indian traditions and in scriptures and other things I know it has been said that when solar activity Rises like that there could be lot of death there could be disease there could be Wars there could be psychological imbalances there could be lot of turmoil in human life the solar flash it could go on for another 4 and 1 half years so at that time disasters to the world or will Nations start shooting at each other I don't know at the same time battles happen disastrous events happen lot of people in India asking me sadguru you knew I did not know I just knew that something is not good people will go through some turmoil the solar flare activity in the sun has gone up significantly and it's going up further maybe about 17 18 months ago it started when the solar flares increase it has a significant impact on the magnetic field of of the planet and the amount of radiation that happens various things I don't want to go into the science of it but it has serious impact on all planets Our concern is Earth so these solar flares are happening autonomic nervous system is seriously impacted by this everybody knows this I know this from what happens in my system and I see how it is happening in other people's systems digestive system your breathing process your ability to digest your ability to breathe and absorb what you need to absorb everything is affected by the solar flash so when this started the solar flash started happening and I felt certain things within my system then I inquired with a few people what is happening feels like this then they said the solar flares have kicked out and next six years they will be at a very high pitch the kind kind of pitch that we have not seen in our lifetime at least so now the solar activity one way is in the Indian traditions and in scriptures and other things I'm not an expert on this but I know it has been said that when solar activity Rises like that there could be lot of death there could be disease there could be Wars there could be psychological imbalances there could be lot of turmoil in human life and lot of upheavals in animal life every life on the planet because it affect your nervous system digestive system pulmonary system everything I knew something not so good will be happening to people so in the month of February we released the death book 8 years it's been in the works and people who are working on it wanted to be perfect they worked on it they worked on it they worked on it it came back to me I worked on it give it back to them again they come back one more question one more question backward forward it's been going on for 8 years then I put a deadline it has to be finished by end of January in 2020 and February we published it lot of people in India asking me sadguru you knew I did not know if I knew I would have told you it's coming I did not know I just knew that something is not good people will go through something turmoil so this solar flash started about 17 months ago maybe which increased its activity it could go on for another 4 and 1/2 years in this time will Humanity bring disaster upon themselves or will they bring realization and transformation upon themselves is in the hands of human beings probably not 100% this is most probably 80% I am correct on this but it could be a little off probably by mid 2023 to Mid 2024 those 12 months probably or at least 9 months it could be at its peak so at that time will we bring realization to the world or disasters to the world or will Nations start shooting at each other I don't know I would like to see something very positive and wonderful happens this is going to be next few years a Charged Up time on this planet are we going to use this charge for transformation realization or are we going to stab at each other kill each other do something terrible to each other because some stimulus is happening in our body we don't have Equanimity then we will damage each other this is where we are you will watch it as it progresses and there is enough scientific study today to support this that this is these solar flares have been mocked in the yogi calendar in the past whenever solar flares Rose to a certain pitch it is happening all the time but certain times uh I don't think there is any particular kind of time table for that it is just happens for whatever reasons I don't think anybody has really figured out why it happens and why the timing of it uh because probably the Cycles may be in millions of years years there is nobody here to observe that exactly why it happens at a given time our observations are all of a few centuries so we really do not know but whenever these solar flares happened great yogis Rose in that culture at the same time battles happened disastrous events happened sometimes earthquakes happened because the magnetic forces in the planet and the thermal forces in the core of the planet are all being influenced by the solar flares so if a volcano erupts if you have a gallery view of a volcano going off full on what a fantastic view you would want to miss it isn't it only if you at the Foothills and you're going to become part of the molten Stone that's not a good thing so every force in the world is like this it's not like some kind of sweeping disaster will happen earthquake will happen flood will happen it's not necessarily like that but there is a extra stimulus and all the energies that work upon this planet the geomagnetic forces and nuclear radiations and the Magnetic tail that is there behind the earth and the way Moon relates to the planet and how it redirects these energies of the flat towards the Earth what it does all these things will have some kind of stimulus so this if you're conscious this is a fantastic time because I want you to understand this it is only in the summer when the sun is really hot all the plants really burst out they know how to make use of the S Energy Winter also of course you were complaining but something new every season gives you something new to complain whether it is a climatic season or your life Seasons always complaining about something because you don't learn how to write it so these solar flags for a spiritual seeka who wants to transform his energy ah well this is a time when everything is cooking really well I want to make sure all the consecrations I want to do I finish within this next 4 and 1/2 years because uh s with me namaskaram to all and Welcome to our Channel we explore the interesting prediction about the Future made by an ancient wise person s autan Nanda Maharaj like sadguru he too foresaw what lies ahead for Humanity before we begin don't forget to hit the like button subscribe and ring the bell to stay updated with our content once there were five holy people in orisa these saints were named autan Nanda Das anad Das jovanta Das jaganath Das and balarama Das and they were known as the pchas Saka in panaki one of them autan Maharaj was a native of orisa born in the 16th century he wrote bhavisha Malika in Sanskrit autan Nanda Das had a special power to see past present and future using this divine power he wrote a book called bhavisha Malika where he talked about the things that would happen in the future this text is a prophetic composition that is considered to contain a prediction about the future autan nanda's bisha Malika consist of verses that are set to forel various events many of these predictions are believed to pertain to the future of India and its people there are some key predi itions associated with autan Maharaj prophecies about Lord jagat aananda Maharaj is said to have made a predictions related to the jagat temple in Puri odisa in his prediction he mentioned that the stone of jagan nat Puri Temple would fall suddenly additionally autan nand Das foresaw a cyclone approaching the jagat temple he predicted that the sacred banan tree that is kpaa in a Temple would be broken during the Cyclone Puri City will sink underwater autan nanda's prediction about the city of Puri was very frightening he said that in the future the city of Puri will be submerged in the water like the city of dwarika and when this happens the king of Puri will be gajapati Maharaj and the surprising thing is that the current Maharaj of Puri is a gajapati Maharaj accordingly aananda Maharaj has also further said that the flag on jagat Puri Temple will fall many times and when such incidents start happening a terrible situation will arise predictions about Ki aatar s autan Nanda Maharaj has also talked about Ki aara in bhavisha Malika where will the Ki AAR be born who will be his parents what will their name be how will KY destroy the visible forces on Earth how will sapta chiranjiv help him in this sacred task all these things are predicted in this book inflation and War situation Sant aananda Maharaj has written that inflation is going to increase a lot in future Rising prices will make the government weaker and because of that the government will begin charging higher taxes to the people people will have to face the problem of hunger due to gradual inflation a warlike situation will arise Pakistan along with China and other nations will attack India but the final Victory will be indias India will come before the world as a Vish Guru so in this way autan Nanda Maharaj has described the event that will happen in the future aananda Maharaj made a lot of predictions in the bisha Malika about India and the world we have shared some of these predictions with you if these predictions Captivate your interest don't forget to share your thought in the comment section would you like more content on Ancient prophecies tell us and we will explore further thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey into the future as seen Through The Eyes of sant aananda Maharaj until next time stay curious thank you
Channel: Mystical Exploration
Views: 306,628
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Keywords: 2024 to 2026, 2024 predictions, 2026 predictions, Massive Astronomical Changes Happen, future, solar flare, solar flares, celestial events, predictions for the future, prediction 2024, a big change is coming, what happens in future, sadhguru, what happens in future sadhguru, sadhguru on future predictions, prophecy, prophecies, why 2026 is dangerous, why future is dangerous, sadhguru prediction, achyutananda das, achyutananda malika, lord jagannath, puri prediction
Id: oIlv51SufQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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