Predestination: It's The Only Way To Heaven

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this Sunday morning we are teaching on the doctrine of predestination we teach on many doctrines that people hate so much we teach predestination and God has got a family that he knew before the world began he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world Paul wasn't including all the vessels of Wrath he was only talking about the believers at Ephesus and phases one in four and he goes on to say in verse 5 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will people say why does God do that why does he choose one and not another the Bible says it's according to the good pleasure of his will that's what isaiah 46 and 10 says he says he that God has declared the end from the beginning and from ancient times everything that's not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure God says my will my pleasure will be done and he says the same thing throughout the scripture Psalms 110 3 my people shall be thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power God has the people that will be willing to come to him psalm 115 3 says our God sits in the heavens and he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased he does what he wants to do he's God because like well why would God do that have mercy on one and not the other well he says who are thought that replies des gainst God shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why has that made me thus hath not the Potter power of the clay of the same lump to make one vessel unto honor Jacob and another to dishonor Esau because that verse in verse 21 of Romans 9 is talking about verse 13 where the scripture says Jacob have I loved Esau have I hated before either one were born before either one had any good or evil everybody that hasn't read Romans nine needs to read that because God said he's got vessels of Wrath fitted to destruction and vessels of Mercy which he hath before prepared to glory now everyone sitting in this room everyone in the world right where you sit you are either a vessel of Mercy and you are fitted for destruction or you are a vessel of Mercy which God hath afore prepared that word of for prepared pro at toi Amazo PR o ET o IMA zo poet o Amazo means to fit up in advance you're either a vessel of Wrath or you are a vessel of Mercy that God has fitted in advance to be one of his righteous people and you say how can I know that you will know that because God will cut in your heart and cause you to desire to be righteous and live godly and live holy before him and that will not be a mere walk down the aisle to so-call accept Christ you cannot accept Christ the Bible plainly states that you have to have a new birth that you have nothing to do with when Jesus told Nicodemus you must be born again and that word again is the word anathan ano th en that's the greek word I'm putting the Greek words on the board for those of you that don't know what I'm doing the Greek the original new test was written in the Greek all you have to do we've got some people that hadn't been here all you have to do is get you out of Strong's exhaustive concordance it has a Greek dictionary in the back it has a Hebrew dictionary in the back and when you're going to look up a word out of the Old Testament when you look the word up alphabetically it'll have every time that English word is mentioned in the Bible and you look up the number to the right of the word in the respective dictionary in the back and you find out what this means as you advance you can get an interlinear Bible and that is the original Greek text on the top line and right under it is the English right under it now I'll teach you how to use this use all of them but you've got to come here on a regular basis to find out how to use the Bible and how to look up these words in the original text you cannot trust the English language it is a harlot language it does not meet the text of Scripture you cannot you cannot translate it correctly in fact the King James Bible is not the inspired Word of God now use the King James Bible it's not inspired because we had no English when Jesus was alive English is only about a little over a thousand years old they spoke Greek and Hebrew and Latin and the New Testaments written in the Greek you have to go to the original text to find out what the words mean you I got one of my favorite words I guess the first thing I say to somebody out in public when I sit out in a restaurant some girl waits on me and they'll say well do you want a drink a cocktail I said well I can't do that I'm a preacher and people come in here they'd see me they'll jump all over me if they're my sheep and I can't do that besides that I kind of teach things other people don't teach and sometimes they'll say like what I say like the Greek text like the word prayer do you know what prayer means they all say well well yeah all right even they'll kind of a mumble around and fumble and prayers the word I pull out before I pull anything because that's the word that everybody thinks the Pentecostals the charismatic s' the Baptist all thing well prayer you just pray for this person over here to be healing they'll be healed pray for that guy to get a job and you pray for this my mother needs a new car and this guy down here needs this and I got friends that need help and we pray for them that they'll have what they want they'll get feeling better that's not the meaning of the word prayer prayer is the Greek word P ro se u CH o ma I pro sukima that's the word whether anybody likes it or not that's it it comes from the word closed closes our word Pro it means for our two Lord and the word UK EU CH e UK means to will or desire prayer means to will or desire oneself toward the will of another in it amazing jesus said when you pray prayer for this man our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in that what he said and then Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane his last prayer to the Father before he gets to the cross and he says father if it be thy will let this cup pass from me nevertheless thy will be done huh even he says that in it's sticking us in the face and we're saying God now I'm telling you you you heal this guy and that guy in the charismatic s' are the people that believe in faith even would say well Jesus came down from the mountain after preaching his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7 8 Matthew 5 6 and 7 and he comes down from the mountain in Matthew 8 and 1 and he meets this leper and this leper in Kenneth Copeland's say he received his healing no he did not the leper said these words if thou wilt if you will get your God you can make me clean if you want to that's what he said he didn't I receive my healing when you pray you pray thy will be done don't we do I know the will of God for my life no I just know he wants me to live righteously and godly but as far as ordering him around about what calling him to drive in the house I need what I need to be well or not I don't know maybe he needs to keep me sick to keep me humble before him Paul said I have a thorn in the flesh the messenger of Satan to Buffett me lest I be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations he said God has revealed to me and I've written thirteen fourteen books maybe one more or less of the New Testament at least I be exalted above what I should be exalted of through God's revelation and I should be lifted up in Pride God's given me a thorn in the flesh now it's been argued with the thorn in the flesh yes and nobody really knows now in the glacier among the Galatians Paul says in Galatians the fourth chapter he tells the Galatians you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me when I was with you and you didn't despise my affliction and then he says I write to you in big letters in another place and then Luke has to be a stenographer in another place so some say that Paul had a bad eye problem whatever it was Paul said God wanted me to have that and after I asked him notice Paul did something he tells us not to do you can find Paul sin in the scripture he did he said I besought the Lord three times he didn't say I prayed what's real easy for me to say to you pray thy will be done and then I get in trouble I'm gonna go ahead get me out of this he's and he said I don't want you out of this huh yeah but God like I can't take any more of this he says yes you can and I'll get you out when I'm ready it's real easy for me to say for you to pray thy will be done but I am really under heavy heavy burden and heavy trials boy you have to learn that that's something you have to learn so praying how long does it take you to learn to play oh man that takes I have people come here for listen to predestination after they hear how that God's ordained everything and they'll come here and they'll say I don't know how to pray anymore and I love to hear somebody play God it's me I don't know what to say you know Jesus help us God crushes amen that's a good that's a good player it's too how do you Heavenly Father we come before thee this morning to show off that's not prayer that's not prayer that's arrogance that's pride there's enough there's enough sin in that prayer to send you they'll know if you don't repent we're talking about predestination what have we predestined do we've been talking about this people say you keep talking about this I've been on this subject of predestination for 18 years on Wednesday night and we've kind of switched it out to Sunday morning Mary said I think the sudden wonder need people need to hear about predestination for those of you hadn't been here I know some of you have already heard these things we'll use for our theme verse Romans 8 and 29 don't listen to some of these people who claim when somebody tells you they believe in predestination they have to define what it is because it has an exact meaning the scripture says for whom he did foreknow God's got a home that he foreknew now God knows everything because he's ordained everything he knows who will come to him who won't because he's ordained him too and he has got vessels of Wrath fitted to destruction Romans 9:22 he's got natural brute beasts which are the vessels of Wrath second Peter 2 and 12 natural brute beasts that are made to be taken and destroyed and these are the same men of Jude for men before of old ordained to this condemnation they're the same people at proverbs 16 and 4 the lord hath made all things for himself yay even the wicked for the day of evil I started to say right where you sit you either vessel of Wrath or vessel of mercy and there's not one thing you can do about it he said but what if somebody wants to come to Christ and they hadn't been elected you can't have the want to unless you been elected of God the will comes from God when the Bible says born-again anathan it means from above from above above it comes from the word a no meaning above you must be born again you must be born from above above and it comes from the word word an ta and di and their word auntie means in opposition to or instead of you have to have a birth that comes from God that opposes your flesh and it has to be in the place of this flesh and it will fight this flesh the longest day you live there's an inner man that's Christ in you that's the birth in you and there's an outer man in that self and you can't get away from that fresh self and the inner man can't sin and the outer man can't keep from sinning Paul said I have an inner man that serves the law of God and an outer man that serves self but he's going to burn this outer man up the older you get in the loan you live and the more fiery trials he put you through that's what the fire is for that's what sickness is for that's what the Lord said he brought upon Israel for he said I'm gonna bring pestilence and plague and famine and and I'm gonna bring all this on you until you learn and he would do this to us and this birth that's going on and you had nothing to do with your will nothing because the scripture says in James 118 118 of his own will begat he us we were begotten by the will of God not by our will have you ever seen a child is anybody here this morning that when you were born all right before you conceived by your parents just before the egg is fertilized by the sperm you're just about to be conceived and you cry out wait a minute somebody give me an invitation and I want to see if I want to be the son of my who is going to me my father and my mother that's just about to conceive me and right before you come out of the womb you said wait a minute somebody's got to sing just as I am and let me see if I want to be born that's all a lie that's just not true you say who are you to say this with all these preachers saying what they're saying I am creating what the preachers were preaching 150 years ago in America America is apostate Martin Luther and John Calvin and George Whitefield and Thomas Watson would turn over in their grave if they knew what was going on in this nation you say are you the only guy that preaches this there's a lot of dead guys in my library that preached this and they loved the truth and the world is corrupt oh by the way the invitation him comes out of the same thing as Christmas it's all Roman Catholicism that's where the Catholics walked down the aisle kneel down and accept the Eucharist and they say in the Eucharist that is the mass in the Eucharist his Christ is the body and body and blood of Christ so when they walk down the aisle they accept the Eucharist to accept Christ and that was that was that was brought out of Roman Catholicism into the Church of England when Henry the Eighth pulled away from the Church of England and then the Methodist Church pulled away from the Anglican Church of the Church of England and brought that to America and their camp meetings in the early 1800s and they started walking the island except in Christ and none of the Protestants were doing that before the early 1800 can you believe we've got corrupted you must be born again God has to cut into your heart and make you alive and that's not something you do it's something he'll do in you and you'll begin to see Lord oh god I feel such conviction for and if God doesn't do that to you you're dead in your sin and you can't bring yourself alive now that's what this is about anathan means from above j-john 113 favorite verse i that's the verse I don't know how any free will people get around I don't understand how they get around this that speaking of the new birth from from the previous verse that Jesus came into his own his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God even to them that believed on his name which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God we were born by the will of God and people say how do you how you've saved how you born again well you have to believe but you can't if God just leaves it up to you you can't believe him if he leaves it up to you you can't have faith why well you're dead you're dead you're sin how can you make a life decision there is none that understands there is none that seeks after God how you go to get to God when nobody's sakes him when you're dead I always represented is here's a cow pile out here in the middle of the field I like to represent it that way because that's how disgusting we are before that we come to the knowledge of Christ probably worse than a cow pile you know what a cow pile is don't you we're just a piece of cow pile of dung out in the middle of a field and singing just as I am to a congregation you might as well go out into a field with a whole bunch of cat piles and start singing just as I come on all you dead people bring yourself to life we were dead in our sin in Paul said we are done and you can make yourself alive you can't do that God has got a people that he's chosen before the world began and he will cross our path and if anything comes alive anything did he quickens who he wills John 5:21 quick and 0p o ye o isn't this amazing I'm finding all of these verses and I'm quoting him out of a King James Bible I've had people say what sounds like a culling you're doing quicken soup ah hello it comes from PI oh that means to make in zu zu what is a zoo you go and look at living animals the word zoom means alive make alive he makes a life who he wills not who you will and you don't have the will to come to him because you're dead your sin and nobody seeks God so if anybody has to want to where is the won't do going to come from where is faith going to come from faith is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast my Baptist father Baptist preacher father would say for my great my father didn't know up from down I won't I cut no slack for him and I won't cut any for your father for you the Bible says for by grace you saved through faith Ephesians 2:8 a favorite Baptists verse and that not of yourselves listen to this by grace you saved through faith and that not of yourselves faith is the gift of God God has to right faith in the hearts of those that are his jesus said all that the father giveth me shall come to me but you're not going to come without faith and the faith has to be written in your heart by God everyone here is already a vessel of Wrath or a vessel of mercy if you can hear what I'm saying if you can understand what I'm saying you belong to God if you resent and hate this you're wasting your time sitting listening to me what I'm telling you is the truth what the preacher is up and down the streets are saying it a lie it's a lie according to the Bible it's a lie according to church fathers it's a lie according the founding fathers people are wondering anybody else preached this well Paul preached didn't Peter preached Jesus preached it I think that sufficient amount isn't it David preached it in the sums I don't understand why people can't read the Bible and find the verses that I find they're all over the Bible Jesus would tell the Pharisees they'd come to him in John 10 they'd say how long what they'll make us to doubt if thou be the Christ tell us plainly the word plainly is the word party Jie the Pharisees came to Jesus said be blunt with us get blunt with us get to the point Jesus and Jesus said I already told you I already got blunt with you I told you you are of your father the devil the watch of your father you will do I told you that in John 8 and here we are in John 10 and you're saying tell us plain I told you your father Satan and the words your father you'll do it I didn't invite you in he said you will not believe because you are not of my sheep you're not in the fold you don't belong to me get away from me why do you say Peter come up here let's sing just as I am and I'd like to plead with you accept me as your personal Savior there's no such thing y'all realize how corrupted churches are in America and I hear it every day and my you say that Jim that's just because you never you never experienced this are you kidding my father leaned over the pulpit so many times and said if you don't know tonight this may be your last opportunity and we're gonna sing one more verse of just as I have I know we've been here 45 minutes singing just as I am and we're just gonna sing another 10 verses of Safi and generally you may die and go to hell tonight my father's say that not run down the aisle every time he said that because I believed him until I started studying the Bible as I was growing up and I thought this is not truth God cuts through that you can say that to a little kid or to a baby sheaf and they're gonna believe you if you're some authority in a pulpit and you tell some little kid that loves Jesus Oliver so how do you know you don't know he's not grown up enough to know and that is bullying the Sheep and that is hurting this little flock and the little lambs and you ought to be ashamed of yourself I mean Jamar do you tell you do you tell Isaiah you little boy I'll say I may not be your father how do you know I'm your father if you'll day say that you'll have him cried over there in the corner won't you that is wrong not supposed to be doing that to poor little baby sheep now we're predestined discern aren't we the people the hums he foreknew Romans 8:29 whom he foreknew not who God knew would walk down an aisle that's not what it says and everybody wants to get around predestination by saying well God knew what would happen well yes that's exactly right he knew what would happen if he left us alone since there's none righteous in all men drink iniquity like water none seeks after God he knew that if he left us all alone nobody would come to him he knew that and if he does not come in and intervene in their lives nobody's coming if he doesn't write what really made this made God says he's going to write his word upon fleshy tables of our heart there and second Corinthians the third chapter those first four verses I'm gonna write this in your heart you mean that has to do with your will when he writes it in your heart I don't want anything do it your will he's got a family writes it in your heart he arranges your life to cross the preaching of the gospel and when you hear the real Ruth it cuts in here and you realize what a low-down slug and sinner you are and you start saying oh god then you start calling upon him but how shall they call on him in whom they have not believed oh yes whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved almost in 13 but how you going to call if you don't believe in a God and how you gonna believe when you're just dead in your sin you can't can you now predestination is about doing something not what he foreknew whom whom is a pronoun it's a plural pronoun and it's talking about a specific particular people for people the church that God foreknew the wife the bride that God foreknew the sheep that God foreknew those are the words for no Braga no scope er ogi nos al progra no snow means to know intimately beforehand the sheep that God knew intimately in his mind before the world began those are the ones that he's predestinated and predestinate whether anybody likes it or not is the word Provo Rizal that's the word and it has a meaning it doesn't mean God wants everybody to be saved it's not what it means well I thought John 3:16 says God loves everybody in the world no it doesn't doesn't say that God so loved the world so is an adverb and it puts a condition on loved I'll put it in big letters up there so you can understand so completely puts a whole different meaning upon the word John 3:16 it doesn't say God loved everybody in the world doesn't say that it says God in this fashion who ties the word it means in this fashion loved and doesn't say world it says cosmos the orderly arrangement of mankind and it doesn't say whosoever that's not the words in original text it says that they all that's the work that's the word they translated to whosoever in that a crazy translation they all pass pass ho or pass join him fiscal pass ho pas so like that paso vo vo vo this singular all is singular and it doesn't say the all that believes in him believe whosoever believeth believeth is a participle a participle is an adjective a participle in the English is an ing word is an ING so let's tres like this which should be a participle being an adjective modifies nouns and pronouns and this participle believing modifies all since all is a pronoun what this actually says is the believing oh these are adjectives believing is an adjective v and believing both modify all v believing all it is a particular singular believing all that will these are the ones will not perish but have everlasting life God's got a particular people and family that he knew and it's not the way the world is saying the better really amazes me if God is God is he God can he do everything he wants to why did he make the tree of the knowledge of good and even put it in the garden why did he do that why did he make hell why did he not make hell why did he just not put a tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden and why did he have why did he have Michael and Gabriel and made them perfect where they couldn't sin and why did he make Satan with a glitch huh where he would see it why'd he do that he wanted the sin to happen for the same reason that the Bible says that Jesus was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world that our names were written in the book of life from the foundation of the world he was merciful to his elect before the world began and if he didn't make Satan with the glitch maybe Satan wouldn't have fallen maybe Adam wouldn't have sinned and then Jesus would have wasted his time dying for us before the world began wouldn't he God's arranged it all so whenever he makes Gabriel and Michael perfect well is he going to be able to make you and I in perfection where we can't sin when we're taken out of here to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord and he changes our bodies in the moment in the twinkling of an eye and he's going to make our bodies to be locked in his glorious body according to the working whereby these is he going to give us bodies that can't sin do you think he knew how to make Satan with a body that couldn't sing do you think he knew how to make Adam with a body that couldn't sin why did he make him with a body that could see him that was his program in his plan people said God didn't want sin to happen certainly did he's not a sinner but the creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him God who subjects that same man in hope the creature was made subject of any but not by the will of the creature but by the will of God who subjects the same in hope the world's not breaching this God wanted Adam to sin because he had a family that he had chosen before the world began and he wants to redeem us out of sin how can we be redeemed out of sin and in him be merciful to us before the world began on a cross how can he do that if we don't go into sin that's amazing anything did God want the tree in the garden why it would make me insane why didn't God just forget that tree and forget the sinful nature and say from now on Adam you're gonna be perfect it wasn't a choice for Adam he said Adam thou shalt not and when you do you're going to die not if you do but the day you eat thereof you'll die this is all about but predestination is not about this what some people call fatalism it is fatalism but it's not fatalism in the sense of well don't matter what we do then predestination is about what you do it's about what you do because the word predestinate Pro whole Rizzo is about the light what is light truth he that doeth the truth John 3:21 he that doeth truth cometh to the light in provo Renzo means pro before this is the word predestinate Pro is our prefix pre it means before horrid is our that little mark there's a dear critical mark it's a breathing sound it's actually hor i zo and later on the end was added by the Latins it's that word horizon predestinate means to predetermine for the horizon horizon is where the light shines isn't it and Jesus said you were darkness but now are you light in the Lord walk as children of light we have been pre lightened and didn't Jesus say I am the way the truth I am the light of the world well when you see light you can you can substitute truth Jesus we have been pre Jesus you make that word Jesus he is a Jesus man we've been pre Jesus haven't we we've been predetermined for the lighter for Jesus well the people that God foreknew he predestined to something now the last I've been around predestination and I've been around Calvinist don't call me a Calvinist Calvinists don't believe enough of predestination to suit me see I believe God creates evil he said he did I make peace and create evil I the LORD do all things I did a paper with dozens and dozens of verses where God says he'll bring evil upon Jerusalem he'll bring evil upon Babylon he'll cause the the persians to come in and slaughter babbling and rape the children rape the women and and pull the bettors out of the women and destroy them God says I'll do that over and over and over again in the Old Testament it's amazing to me that preachers can read these verses and not see what I'm singing it God says I'll do this people some God wouldn't do that he says yes I will now kill you in eternity when you start arguing with me now I keep saying this predestination is about what God is determined for our lives it's about righteousness it's about godliness righteousness is not going to come in your life if God doesn't determine it and if God doesn't determine righteousness you don't belong to God righteousness is always equated with the white robes of the saints isn't it the Bible says that the righteousness is the white robes well the Bible says you have to do righteousness do righteous there in first John 3:7 may not deceived he that doeth righteousness is righteous you have to do righteousness but righteousness is the white robes of the saints isn't it white robes and that's what the wife had to wear when she was taken out by the bridegroom she had to be wearing white robes and how our robes made white how do we receive righteousness which is the white robes that's the blood of Christ are you washed in the blood in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb and nobody knows what it means what Ken was showing my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus and nobody knows what that means we sang that in the little Baptist Church was where my father passed when I was a kid I had no idea what do you mean washing in the blood a blood baptism a Blood baptism in the first century oh the old writers new blood baptism was a martyrdom and baptized does not mean you can't get it from any scholar in the world baptized does not mean to immerse in anything it has the idea of a fluid coming from an outer source it's an infinity of a verbal noun a fluid comes from outer source and washing someone and staining and dyeing it it was a dyers term in the first century it was a household term that did so what's a household term in the first century baptism went to cover and baptize baptism comes to word baptism BAP - and bapto means to stain and die to stain our righteousness it's what we do and when we do righteousness we're going to go through a blood baptism when when Jesus said can you be baptized with the baptism I baptized with he was telling James and John can you died the martyrs death if you don't believe this you're going to hell and people will look at this and be stubborn say I haven't been taught that all my life and my churches and I just don't believe that you preachers been lying to you I wrote my sister letter and said Janis daddy lied to us whether he meant to that's neither here nor there he did because he did not find out what the truth was too many people say I think God wants me to preach ah I'm just going to be a preacher y'all thought of this last week I've said to church and the preacher said if you're God's calling you to preach and I think I need to preach this week no you don't you go out and study for about 25 years first and then they get out there and they start shouting something if they heard from that preacher and that preacher started when he didn't know nothing they heard this preach over here who didn't know nothing and it goes back one generation after the other and they ever have studied the Word of God and this is how all of these opinions get out here in the world well we are in trouble aren't we America is in trouble this nation is corrupt to the core the preachers are corrupt these pictures don't know the truth they don't study I've spent 51 years studying the Bible I can tell you when a man knows something or not and I've had a lot of years of sin just like you but I can tell you when I know something out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks what comes out of the mouth that's what's in his man's heart if all the men wants to talk about is himself and his things and his stuff and how big a building he's going to build and his car and his investments I stood in the church one time here in the Hendersonville and this preacher said you know I need to really get to invest in a bunch of houses I need to do something for my kids when they go to college and I need and it's a humongous Church and I'm thinking don't you have enough to do here without getting out here in the investment world I thought what foolishness and he didn't study he said nothing he was very stupid he didn't have time to study but he needed to go make investments he said to me one time he said I'm just too busy administrating to study hard guilty as charged that's what's wrong preachers don't study they don't they don't know how to study they don't have a desire to study if you have a desire to study you will study if you have a desire to learn you want there's the difference in this real boy I just got saved last week and I'm ready to go preach and tell the world about Jesus and you get wound up and get real emotional you can't you have to wait till that winds down until the rut gets deep and long and you've been in it for years and you say now I really want to still study not because I feel good not because I'm emotionally stirred up but because I know this is what I need to be doing you fulfill your duty and your responsibilities because switches to do feeling good is for a short time you have to know what you're supposed to do get down and study the Word of God and get into it now we're predestined so bad pre bound for the light all the predestination is and the Calvinist I ever heard they say whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate and they put a period right there they just end he predestined so therefore God's got his family chosen and their predestined then forget the rest of the verse no we are predestined predestinate that is called an Erised indicative verb in the Greek you say I don't know what in Erised indicative verb is I'm fixing to tell you it's a past tense verb that means a predestination was before the world began it's past tense so before the world began here's what God praetor predetermined for us mummy did foreknow he also did predestinate and here is what we're predestined unto to be conformed to the image of his son that we be the firstborn not that Christ is the firstborn that we be the firstborn among many brethren we've been predestined to be conformed to the image to be conformed what evidently we're not conforming are in that right evidently when you come to when you first come to a knowledge of truth and you hear some preacher read a verse or you hear some truth being taught and I don't hear much of it going on how in the world people are gonna get convicted but when you hear when you hear the word of God you come to a knowledge of Christ and you're born again I've said this so many times when what have you riding down the road in the car is anybody been riding down the road in the car and heard some preacher and all of a sudden you got convicted in the car are you sitting around your house listing the radio and some preacher preached this and that's the first time you get convicted if somebody drags you out here to listen to this crazy Jim Brown and that's the first time you get convicted huh well that's kind of like now this is what people do and this is how we have been so polluted in this nation you riding down the road you hear preacher read something out of the Bible you've never been convicted in your life and here you are riding on Main Street and you're the car okay and you got your that's it that's a no SUV in it trying to make it a Mercedes or something up there okay now that's an SUV and you and your antennas up and some signal is coming in from some station and you hear and you're driving along sitting there in your car there you are setting your car and all of a sudden here this little rainy heart gets convicted oh man oh and you'd start believing where did that belief come from did you conjure it up did you write it there but here's what the guy does he's been hearing his wife talking about going to church and getting saved so he's been more or less brainwashed to an attitude in America that people have to go somewhere to get saved so he drives home goes down the street comes down here to his house down here and he comes in the drive when it goes in the house and he says honey I need to go to church and get saved and they get up the next Sunday morn and they go up to this church down here with this big tall steeple okay there's a church and they go in that church and then the preacher gives me an invitation him he walks down the aisle and prays the sinner's prayer and says I want to accept Christ as my savior and that's all a waste of time because the work and the birth began right there the Bible doesn't say go home and tell you if I need to go get saved that's where the birth began the rest is just a journey this is where the confusion begins when he walks the oven tries to accept Christ and my father kept saying that and I kept walking the aisle and walking the aisle and I got so confused because before he started giving a vie invitation him as a little boy I was always praying to God and I believed God and where did that belief come from I found out later on that God put it in my heart but I had no idea where it came from when I was a little boy and I was praying at 6 and 7 and 8 and saying Jesus I love you and I can't go out on a playground in cuts with him other boys or tell those dirty jokes and Lord I feel so uncomfortable and I don't know what to do about it I I just and I was talking to the Lord and praying and believing him and if you ask me at 6 years old who Jesus was I tell you he's my Savior he died for my sin and then daddy started preaching when I was 10 he started giving an invitation he was telling me I had to get saved in prayer sinner's prayer and he started confusing me and this man is going to be confused because of that experience right here rather than just his belief in God while he's in that car and that belief God writes it in his heart he begins to believe it's not something you do it's something God does in you and you think he arranged for that man to be riding in that car at that spot and you think they'd arranged for him to turn that radio on so he would hear and it would cut into his heart that going home and telling honey I got to go get say no you dog the process has begun in saved is the word Sozo it means to be taken one point all the way to another point and you can forget that church on the way you know why I'm so upset at this daddy kept me so confused I was so mixed up as a little kid I just and I'd say there's my sister Janice and she's two years younger than me there's Clyde he's two years older than me there's idiot Dean over there and running around making noise and and if Clyde he thought it together one time and Janice Goodwin I can't get yet I got walk down again make sure I got it right and I got to keep accepting guys keep reading this prayer and hoping I'm doing it right all it is is confusing it has nothing to do with how you feel do you believe God if you do you believe what I'm saying and if you were to argue with the truth you don't believe God you can't believe God outside of this book it's not go well I believe God and you think that book says that nothing it says something else one of us is lying there's not two truths they're not there's not two algebras there's not two English courses there's not two different ways to look at chemistry you can't say I have my chemistry and you have yours when I put this acid in this acid it doesn't explode when you put the same acid an acid explodes no it does it every time is that crazy now we are predestined what we are predestined to we are predestined to be conformed to the image that we be the firstborn now when it says that we might be the firstborn among many brethren might is not in the text that's a maybe there's no such thing as it may be when you look in the original text that's not there it says we're predestined to be conformed to the image that we be the firstborn well that's a long subject there to be conformed su MorphOS su MorphOS image icon icon su MorphOS comes from soon and more FEI and more famous to shape here's what we're predestined to were placed in the light to conform us to christ image when i said while ago you're born again that man in that car is born again but that doesn't mean his life is together there he is there's the conception right there in the form of that dot that's called when you first come to the knowledge of christ knowledge the truth that's called a new birth and it's called a little faith most know the gossip is too so where are gos P is T is Oleg Osmonds puny this is the way you start puny faith that's what you got in faith works doesn't it faith worketh by agape faith works by love over there in Galatians and faith without works is dead so what you do when you start off you've got puny faith or puny works for Christ and we're not talking about good deeds and we're not talking about ritual we're talking about the works that God has ordained us to for we are his workmanship Ephesians 2:10 we are his workmanship poem appeal I am a we are his workmanship comes from the word Popeil ieo that word plural means to make or to do we are his workmanship we are his making in his doing where he's doing he's doing us in the truth we are his workmanship the work means fabric our tapestry when you look at the tapestry do you think it made itself you see some big beautiful weaving see oh look at that it did that to itself somebody invited it to one day they said oh okay I'll weave me that's what we're saying isn't it when you say well I accepted Christ and I did it myself no you don't in a weaving doesn't weave itself that reminds me of the word cos cob because job is a Hebrew word that has the basic same meaning as an arrangement the tapestry that's woven together that's the word that Joseph used when his brothers came to him there in the fifteenth chapter of Genesis in his brothers come to Egypt Joseph is second in Egypt and his brothers come to him in fear Jacob has just died and they think Jacob's death is going to cause Joseph they think the only reason Joseph as the Prince of Egypt has with him with held his hand of wrath against them is because their father was alive and they say and they come to him here's all of his older brothers saying Joseph now our father said before he died for you not to be angry with us and and not to kill us or hurt us they were lying they still weren't strong and Joseph turned to him and said am I in the place of God he said all this evil you did he said you you thought evil against me but God meant it for good when you sold me when you got jealous of me over there in the 37th chapter of Genesis you got jealous cause I had those dreams and then you sold me into Egypt and that I was sold into Potiphar's house and then Potiphar's wife tries to seduce me because God made Joseph real good-looking and he made her good-looking enough for Joseph to be tipped admirer and Joseph said all of this evil that I was sold into pot of his house Potiphar's wife tried to seduce me then she lied then I was put in prison and then I interpret the the Pharaohs dreams for the baker and for the cup bear and then they're taking out the cup bears taken out of prison like I prophesied and then the Baker is hung and killed as a trick as a traitor and then the and then I tell them I tell the butler don't forget me when you get me full Pharaoh and he did that was also arranged so that when so that when the Pharaoh has some dreams the mother can say oh yes I remember there's one of these children of Israel that's over here in prison and they say he's got the ability to interpret dreams and the Pharaohs is bringing to me and Joseph says you've had a dream about good ears of corn bad ears of corn you had a dream about the time going down into the river eel a good favorite kind going into the river cattle come up out of the other side of the river eel favorite he said these the same dream seven good years seven bad years and he said all of this he said you meant it for evil God raised me up in Egypt to save much people alive he said you meant it for evil God meant everything that happened for good and that word meant is the word cause Shabet means to weave together like a tapestry Joseph said you God wove all of your evil doings together because it was ordained by him that you would do that so you could get me over here to Egypt actually he brought me into Egypt God meant it for good and God did it and people say there's no arrangement of God and they don't believe in predestination what foolishness now we are God's workmanship and we start off as puny we have puny works because we have puny faith and faith works we start off majority of what we are we start off not conforming when we are brand-new believers and you don't conform overnight you God has beat me I've tried to be a star I've tried to be a world-famous gospel saying I've tried to be a world-famous pop singer I've tried to be a big real estate mogul I've tried to do all these things now it's real good at most of it but even when you're good at it God stops you dead in your tracks when you're elected if you think you can get by living for yourself we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them and that's what predestination is about we're going to conform to this Palama to this COS job that God is doing in our lives it's an arrangement you're going to do it if you belong to him if you don't belong to him you're not going to do it you're not even gonna believe what I'm saying you're gonna say that guy's the fanatic and he's nuts for some reason people think because they hadn't heard of me I started yesterday I wouldn't born yesterday or the day before I've been around a long time I started off trying to be a singing star in 1962 a long time ago wasn't it man I've been to hell and back by 1962 I thought I couldn't live through 1967 68 and 69 I thought this is all hell is falling around and God why you going you put the air and you would 1969's to me right now it's a feather that somebody's dropping on the floor one I thank God that I went through that I couldn't be who I am if I hadn't gone through there and my life fell to pieces in the late 70s I laid in the bed dying in 1977 or 74 or 75 then I tried to start my life again in 77 78 went back out in the music world then at 39 40 quit that when the real estate started me in a hotshot then God stopped me about six years later stuck me on my deathbed again in Hendersonville Hospital said you don't listen to you it's not like it's not like I'm a beginner my 1970 I had traveled all over America by 1970 I had traveled in churches in Washington State all over California and Mexico Arizona Colorado Nebraska Kansas Iowa Minnesota all over the south over Alabama Georgia I don't even remember the places I preached canyon rim just preachers faces and names just flying through god had to crush me in my midnight early 40s mid 40s to make me preach what I'm preaching I didn't come up one day I think I said think oh let me see if I can just be a real nut and make all the world think I'm out of my mind just get up one morning say I think I'll be masochistic somehow and just see if I can flagellate my body with human guide come on everybody get me to preach this message you have to be either out of your mind or it has to be true you don't do nothing but make enemies except for the elect and that's whew we've reached it well I did it for the elect but I didn't do it God did it through me so I'll be here teaching you that's what he did I wasn't supposed to be a star I was supposed to be here telling you the truth and I wouldn't be here telling you the truth if I somewhere singing to 20,000 people last night would I know besides that that's a waste of time you know that stardom is a waste of time stars are jerks did you know that I've been around a lot of them I know them they're fools they think there's somebody besides Ed people who were famous 30 years ago nobody knows who they are people who were world famous I always used the illustration of the as down at Dillards one day and I was listening to the background and I could hear I recognized it was the fifth dimension I looked over the little girl across the counter I said you've heard of the fifth dimension and she said I don't think so she's a little girl to me she's 22 or 23 no I know I said that's them right there coming over that music sound I said they were so famous in 1970 they could pack entire Coliseum's by themselves and you don't even know who they are isn't fame fleeting and they fell apart and went nowhere and now there ain't no telling maybe one of them's working in some store out in Los Angeles I had a favorite group called the coasters when I was in high school one of my favorite groups back in 56 57 they st. Charlie Brown and their long game Jones and funny songs you don't a lot of funny thing I liked him and I was in high school turn up we didn't have boom boxes but I had a 49 Chevrolet and I turned that hang of reel out and I'd cruise around downtown and around the big stand see y'all think y'all started that you didn't start that am I in the thing wouldn't turn up high but I just heard sighs it going I thought I was cool and I put my elbow over there now they come up behind big old fool sometimes I'll say that but I know how they feel it's like Bill Cosby said they take their music with and they think they're cool you know I got my music with me you know food is kind of dumb I don't y'all field people know that by now all right who is none who coolest when you think you're smart you don't know nothing got you there I don't know all right when you start off you got little faith in little works most of what you got in you and we've been talking about this most of what you've got in you what is it it's you it's you all you got is you you got self you're filled with now this is the believer if God's going to conform us to the image of Christ that's because when you first come you got a little faith and you got more view than you got anything else you got contention strife what else you got envy we've already gone through these verses you got an infant you got jealousy you got busybody and this is what the Bible says is in every one of us your busybody your froward yeah are go Argos your slothful slothful and that's because your idle the Bible says the Bible says over there in the fifth chapter of first Timothy that you're a busybody when you're busybody your slothful that means if the word is idle idle the word is Argus it means lazy you're lazy you won't work what this means is you won't work for God and you won't conform to his image so God's got to work on that outer man Paul says in Romans 7 I've got an inner man and I have an outer man and God's got to work on this outer man you say Jim what are you still in this subject so long I've got so many things we need to understand about this everything that God's doing in the life of the believer is about getting rid of this outer man everything in the Bible that's about righteousness that you have to do he that doeth righteousness all the truth that you have to do he that doeth the truth you have to do or you don't belong to God if you want to continue we've had so many people come through here I've had people in the music business they won't quit traveling with pagans I've had people that work on jobs they won't quit and wine knows this but that's hard isn't it Duane's a songwriter more it is so hard and that's a fever that's a disease that gets hold of you just cannot and let go of it butch my guitar player comes he said Jim is so hard I don't know what to do I've been in this so long it's all I know playing guitar it's real easy to say to a man won't stop that I can't even tell somebody what to do I'll just say hey wrestle with this but it's not just musicians that have the problem we all have jobs that say I can't quit my job not everybody cuts us on my job and they ran a rave and they Cairo and they run around on their wives and they're truck drivers and truck drivers a tough tough business isn't it you I mean you can watch the TV discovery and they'll talk about truckers and they're out there killing people and they're out there on drugs and they got prostitutes and every one of the truck stops and they're running it down the roads and they're tipped in these truckers and saying stop over here and and we'll have a little tryst in your truck and it's like the temptation it's something you have to fight every day this is a battle that we're all in and don't say well I conquered it I got saved no you haven't Paul said o wretched man that I am NOT Oh wretched men that I was he see when I do the things that I would not it's no more either do it but sin that dwelleth in me he said I want to do right but I can't do right how to perform that which is good I don't even find in me the Apostle Paul who's a writer of 14 books of the New Testament one more or less he said I can't even find goodness in myself but most people who talk about Christianity don't understand predestination is the process of coming out of that old man and God just literally taking over and it takes fire and tribulation and trials and sickness and bankruptcies and God said all these things work together for your good in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you you're supposed to be thankful as it happens if you belong to God he is molding you he is conforming you to his image and he's getting rid of the old man he's got to get rid of us doesn't he because we've got a man in us that won't quit sinning 1st John 1 and 8 says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and it's truth is not in us first john 3 and 9 says whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for its seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of god what is he talking about you can't keep from sinning but you can't sin he's talking about that enter in that outer man that I enter man can't sin the outer man can't quit but the inner man is going to insist that the outer man take his cross and die daily isn't he the outer man the inner man insists not he's not asking you would you like to die would you like to put to death self in the idleness of self that will not work for God he's not asking you if you want to do that he's saying if any man will come after me deny take and follow didn't myself take your cross and follow me and those are imperative commands in the Greek and you can't get around it we're not gonna get around it we're going to die and if you're not dying somewhere in your life and self is not being eliminated and this strife in contention in you does anybody here had any strife or contentions anybody stress out is anybody here get mad in traffic is anybody here getting mad and somebody beat you out of money does anybody here have a problem when you get stressed over bills and you can't and you're behind on your rent does anybody get stressed you're not supposed to first of all you're supposed to readjust your life where you can live on what you're bringing in not trying to keep up with the Joneses next door down the street we're not supposed to do that and God's working on this man we are predestined to be conformed sooo MorphOS morph a means to be shaped soo means to be in fellowship this don't mean find some church and go to it the only fellowship that we are allowed is the Fellowship of his suffering we're supposed to withdraw from the world that's part of God's doing isn't it in that part of God's doing we're going to be conformed to the likeness to the icon likeness of Jesus jesus said I came to do the will of my father not my will but his will if we're going to be like Jesus we're working for ourselves in our strife and our contention our jealousy I worry God's going to teach you not to do that now you might be 60 65 years old by the time he gets you there and you may be right in the middle of the journey right now but be be of good faith be assured that's of God what you're going through is what you're supposed to go through because God is shaping us into his image so we'll be the firstborn the firstborn in the Old Testament that was the one who was supposed to be the priesthood Priesthood that's who the priesthood was supposed to be but God substituted for Reuben who was unstable as water Reuben was the firstborn of jacob but he was unstable he did some sin that we won't get into right now so God said give me the Levites Levi was the third son of Jacob God said I want you to buy back the firstborn well it's that's what he paid for it Passover didn't he so the first morning wouldn't buy he played wooden wouldn't die he they placed the blood upon the doorposts and the doorpost of the in the and the doorways and the threshold was the original altar that's where they offered the sacrifices so Reuben is not that is not the priest of God the Levites were they are the shadow shadow the firstborn was supposed to be but now God has a firstborn and that's us God has predestined us to be the priesthood of God we are a royal priesthood our wait what do priests do they offer acceptable sacrifice I beseech you therefore brethren Romans twelve and one by the mercies of God that you give your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is the only reasonable thing you can do which is your reasonable your logi Castelo gik OS that's the word reasonable we get our word logical from that and it comes from Lord logos logos is the word word it's our word service it's the logical thing we can do if Jesus died for us we are priests of God we are to die daily that's the sacrifice we give how do you die daily how does a man die daily you deny self you right now I'm dying because you tell the truth when Jesus told the truth he died for it I'm telling the truth and what I'm saying is so erratic from what they're saying at the big Baptist Church in the big Church of Christ and up here the Devils broadcasting network D being what I'm saying is off the wall for what you'll hear and you know why people don't believe me well I've got a real sharp shrill voice I'm wearing jeans and I got on this Hawaiian type shirt don't have any premature gray hair and I'm not saying big around profound words so therefore how can that guy have the truth do you think that determines whether something is true or not what somebody looks like that's what the world does they look at the outward appearance and God looks at the heart listen to what a man is saying don't listen to his round profound smooth words that doesn't mean a thing does it we are predestined this is the whole point we're predestined since we're not conforming since when so involved in ourselves is anybody here been involved in themselves besides me or would everybody here like to lie to me everybody's been involved in themselves when you fight for your way when you fight for your rights on your job Jesus didn't do that did he they murdered Jesus Jesus was innocent he was God and he was innocent and when you kill an innocent man that's murder but the murder of Jesus was predestined by God according to acts 428 herod was there Pilate was there the Jews were there the Romans were there and they were there for to do whatsoever thy hand a knock so determine before to be done determined before is the word Provo rids oh the the death of Jesus was predestinated by God they did their evil will and they did the will of God well that's a hard thing you know living and God didn't sin when he caused him to kill Jesus God's not a sinner God's not under the law we're under the law it killed who he wants to where he gets ready began e20 in 24 okay well let's look at it proverbs 20 all right a man's goings are of the Lord how can a man then understand his own way you can't understand it it's all ordained by God we make our plans and God directs our steps if you look over there in Psalms in Proverbs 16 in proverbs 16 and 9 a man's heart divideth his way you make your plans I made all my plans when I was young to be somebody and to be a star and get a lot of plaus and lots of recognition and make the world like me I wanted to be popular but the Lord directed my steps and he made me unpopular and maybe stand up you'd preach this thing that makes people mad at me think I'm nuts what this is not what I planned Lord I plan for everybody like me said I know that but you're not gonna get you where you gonna make everybody think you're crazy tell them Christmas is pagan and Easter's pagan and Easter is the end of Mardi Gras and Mardi Gras and Easter the same thing and I don't have time to go there the predestination is true and everybody don't have a chance and God's got certain people that are vessels of mercy and they will hear in vessels of Wrath won't hear and you have to take your cross and die daily and if you don't you're going to hell one day you cannot go to heaven without what I'm talking about predestination is the only way to heaven because if God doesn't pre-ordained you to conform if we're going to be like Jesus aren't we gonna walk in the narrow way the way to heaven the narrow way narrow is the word fully Bo th Li Bo then Matthew 7:13 predestination I got a t-shirt that I had made it says predestination my favorite subject and then I got hundred and small letters it's the only way to heaven and it is because predestination is the method that God's preordained in us to be like Christ like and you can't go to heaven without that that is the way to heaven the way is narrow isn't it when you go through tribulation narrow is the way that leads to righteousness and few there be that find it that word to libo the base word is to lifts is thel IPS is and that word ellipsis every time you find the word tribulation Jesus said in the world ye shall have tribulation in John 16:33 Paul said we must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God that acts 14:22 well when you go through tribulation that's what's conformed you to the likeness of Christ predestination is being conformed to the likeness of Jesus and the way there is through tribulation through the narrow way predestination is the only way to heaven God's got a pre ordained of family because we were all dead somebody tell me how dead man can make himself alive if you believe that next time you go to a loved one's funeral and you get to the funeral home and everybody saying they're dead though they're cried say I stop all this cotton real quick I'm gonna sing just as I haven't get this guy to get up out of the casket just come on I know you've got enough life in you to make a decision to come alive you say why are you making in front of those songs those invitations drove me out of my mind because I couldn't get it fixed and I wanted Jesus so bad you want him bad enough you're gonna find out walking the aisle don't do it praying a prayer don't do it if God doesn't change your heart and turn you into another person you're not going unless you're willing to go against your family the world another thing I preacher that people don't like you have to become enemies of your family you have to separate from the world don't you how much time to have mine look here give you a couple of verses if we're going to be like Christ are we gonna do what he says huh well let's look at a couple of verses I meant to get into this earlier look over here in second Thessalonians did Jesus write this word is he the Living Word is it it's a written word of God if we're going to do and be if we're going to be the priests of God being like Christ ordained to be like him we're going to do what he says do aren't we I think the hardest message I preached harder than Christmas is beggin harder than Easter is pagan harder than predestination which this is part of predestination is separating from the world people don't believe they have to separate from the world and I'm not talking about quit your job I mean when you're on your job don't eat with them they'll run with them don't fellowship with them be polite be cordial to people find believers and I'm not talking about people who go to a Baptist Church or a Pentecostal church or church Christ find true believers in the Word of God in fellowship with them come to grace and truth ministers in fellowship daily with people here get to be friends with these people go to dinner with them the Bible says we're not to fellowship with people who won't walk according to the Word of God in second Thessalonians three and six now we command you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw abstain from associating with is the word Stello as te ll o abstain from associating yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which he received from us yet why would you do that look at verse 14 here's why if a person is elect and they're a true believer when you separate from them they will think about this it might take them six months or a year to they'll think about this and they'll begin to get convicted look at verse 14 and if any man obey not by this epistle note that man and have no company with him and the reason is is the last phrase that he make be ashamed yet count him not as an enemy but admonish him as a brother if they're really true believers their hearts will be convicted look over here in ephesians ephesians 5 paul says that were to walk in love in verse 2 as Christ has loved us and love is agape there agape is walking in his Commandments and His commandments are more than the 10 commandments it's every time he gives us a command in the New Testament and he says but fornication verse 3 and all uncleanness and covetousness let it not once be named among you as becometh Saints neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting I like the word jesting you trap Illya aut r AP ele ia that means an easy turning of the head always joking I don't like for people to joke all the time we'd laugh and we'll say funny things but I get back to the truth real quick Jesse Duplantis is a false teacher and a liar and God doesn't want us up there being jokesters he needs to sell his suits and get him a clown suit and live in Las Vegas that's what this is talking about which are not convenient not proper Fitness with the word means but rather giving of thanks for this you know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater covetous play on acctaste that means to want more stay away from people who all they want to do is want more ble Oh in bkt is they always want more than what they've got and all they do is talk about themselves the man that speak himself seeks his own glory Jesus in John 7 a deed hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God let no man deceive you with vain words for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience be not ye therefore partakers with them don't fellowship with these people for you you were sometimes darkness but now you light in the Lord walk as children of light for the fruit of the Spirit ISM all goodness and righteousness and truth hang around people who believe in the fruit of the Spirit proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather review them and it's talking about people who are into all this false doctrine that cease talking about before isn't it I know and I've said this to some of you many of you I know you week in and everybody when I bring these verses up after church people's are you talking to me yogi is if the if the shoe fits wear it I'm talking to all of us I can't be there and be your strength everybody I said this to lady the other night everybody has to go out and test the waters after you really come into the truth is anybody here been back to the church where you used to go well some have tried it once or twice and after you go does it seem that you started going you know what is this it's like oh man I had no idea I was in this much error I've gone back not tested the waters you gonna god I didn't know this was this bad because your ear is tuned in to the truth and you didn't have any idea how bad it was while you were there yeah it is a bridge reminder isn't it I've got so many more of these I'm running out of time but look over here look over here in first Corinthians the fifth chapter there's a man having an affair with his stepmother at Corinth you say her kind of men do such a thing Corrie it was a very apostate Church it is it is reportedly commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication is not so much as named among the Gentiles in verse one that one should have his father's wife there at corinth and you're puffed up and you haven't mourned over this sin in the church that he hath done this deed might be taken away from among you separate from that man telling we don't want you in the church if you're going to live like this I've got a guy that comes here once in a while and I've called him out from the pulpit I kept calling him down he says a lot sleep with women and I drink I drink and I get drunk and I take drugs and I and he'd walk right up here when it comes to so yeah I'm still drinking and sleeping all these women and I'm still taking drugs and I'm still cussing and still but at least I'm confessing it so that's not confessing confessing confessing your sin admitting it he was admitting it he thinks that's confessing it I don't know why you want everything doing I'm confessing it I'm still doing it confessing it is agreeing with God Houma Leggero but you have to change I said I tell him when he walks up to me if you ever seen him come in he's the guy with the ponytail I said I'm not having anything do with you I called him down from the pulpit on one of the messages I said don't everything to this man the Bible says take him before the church he lives wild he says it he wants to come in here and be our buddy in our pile I'm not talking about it we've all got sin but we're talking about presumptious seeing plan to sin David said deliver me from presumptuous sin presumptuous sin is you're just sitting against the light and saying I can do this God said anybody doing that disfellowship with them and he said this man he said in verse five delivers such an one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord the day of the Lord was the day when God came to deal with the man that doesn't mean the end of time that means when God's whipping this man turned him over to Satan was an idiom in the first century it meant to separate execrate him from the church don't sit around patting him on the back while he's in his sin because he'll say I'm okay when God comes to deal with him you're not supposed supposed to be patting him on the back that's in but you say but my way seems better this makes people mad at me believe it or not God's Way is better if you're gonna be like Christ we have to do this and look he already says he says you're going is not good don't you know that a little leaven which is the type of sin that's this man coming into the church leaveneth the whole lump and it'll get it'll go throughout the church you'll start putting your approval on him and he'll start affecting you you'll start doing some things he's doing purge out therefore the old leaven that you may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ I Passover sacrifice for us therefore let us keep the Feast of the spiritual Passover daily not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness like this man but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators yet not altogether with fornicators of this world he's saying I'm not just talking about literal fornicators I'm talking about spiritual fornicators and spiritual fornication is going after other doctrine I don't even have time to go out there because I'm nearly out of time that's other doctrine or with he says yet not altogether with literal fornicators of this world or with covetous which is warning more don't hang around but all they want to do is talk about what they want or extortioners or idolaters and the idolatry we get involved in itself or them then must ye needs go out of the world and now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man is called a brother he said even if a man calls himself a Christian if he calls himself a brother and he's a fornicator a spiritual fornicator he's going after other doctrine or covetous or an idolater or a or a drunkard or an extortioner with such an one don't even sit down and eat with him what's hard it with such an one no not to eat oh what's that have to do with false doctrine I'm out of time huh second John 10 if anyone comes bringing any of the doctrine do not receive them into your house neither bid them Godspeed Godspeed means to be cheerful to them and take them into your circle of friends if you bid them God speed you are partaker of their evil deeds and you will partake of theirs their judgments you say Jen I'm just a baby and all this is too much I can't handle this all it was I know that when you have trouble hang around us and we'll be here to help guide you I'm always here for you just call me on the phone people call me we're on TV in about 36 cities and people call that I answer the phone I can't believe I got you on the phone they are TV they answer the phone I said you call from me didn't you you see yeah what do you need and I talked to people on distance all the time the only way you can learn these things is to be around the people of God the only thing that's going to shape you into the likeness of Jesus is the fellowship of other people who believe then this suffering for Christ they believe in this outrageous doctrine we preach and they all realize that what I preach is outrageous compared to what you can get in a Baptist Church a church of christ a Pentecostal church a charismatic church this is outrageous it sounds crazy doesn't it yeah like I mean people always saying you still listen to that Jim Brown all the time so I had me a certain made it says cult leader on the front and he's got that Jim Brown on the bay I'm not as main out of the pulpit well I get on fire in the pool but when I think about all the false doctrines going on in the world let's pray father thank you for truth god help us this is so hard living by your word you said if the righteous scarcely be saved with great difficulty what were these ungodly sinners appear before you this is hard sometimes we don't know how to do it you said it's supposed to be a tribulation narrow way teach us that that we have to get into this trench it's a battle to the death and we can't put this cross down till we die deal with our hearts crush us under your hand you said we have to
Channel: PlainnessOfSpeech
Views: 10,781
Rating: 4.1532845 out of 5
Keywords: grace and truth, jim brown, Calvinism, Pentecostal, Apostolic, reformed, IHOP, osteen, copeland, TBN, creflo, predestination, tulip
Id: 8ah_6Cq4d50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 55sec (5935 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2011
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