God Shall Supply Your 'Need'. Predestination. "All things work together for good"

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i'm going into some things that's very very convicting to the believer and i i and so what i'm doing is i'll do a wednesday night and the following sunday morning on predestination and then the following wednesday night and the following sunday morning i'm doing on this series on baptism that we've got and what we're trying to do is is spread this out so everybody can hear it and understand it we're teaching that tonight and coming sunday morning is predestination of course predestination is a doctrine that people really hate because they hate the idea that god ordains certain people for eternal life and that he ordains certain people to go to hell and god wants more people in hell than he wants in heaven that's what the bible says few will find the narrow gate many will go into the wide gate and god's ordained it all so god ordains more people more people that are alive in the world to go to hell than he ordains to go to heaven you say how can that glorify god well romans 9 22 says god willing to show his wrath and make his power known he endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction boy i like you know why i'm saying that real clear because most people if they read it they go uh god willing shorts right naked paranormal future wrongs from severe destruction they don't want to say it real loud and clear because they don't like that verse god has fitted cat ortizo k-a-t-a-r t-i-z-o god has vessels of wrath that he has fitted fully accomplished for destruction those are the same people of ii peter 2 12. these same men are natural brute beasts brute beasts and they are made to be taken and destroyed their whole purpose is to be destroyed and they have no chance or no hope of eternal salvation they are brute the word brood is oligos a-l-o-g-o-s that is the greek word the hebrew equivalent word is the word the scripture says the man who despises instruction he is brutish in the old testament that word means dull of hearing or it means it means to have the understanding of an animal that can't learn anything and that ana and it means dull of hearing are stupid mary and i used to have a bulldog his name was charlie he was stupid well he was lovable he'd slobber and shake his head and spit would fly everywhere and he loved everybody well he was dumb as a rock i mean he couldn't come he said come here charlie you go and that's it that's all you get out of him he was dumb he was stupid that's how these people are they cannot learn and that's the same meaning of the word allah goes it means dull of hearing or stupid and the reason they are dull of hearing is by definition of oligos a lagos comes from the word logos which is the word word and the alpha primitive the first letter of the greek alphabet when it's placed in front of a word it's give it's a negative particle gives an opposite meaning it means no word of god they have no word of god written in their hearts they can't understand they're stupid when i call preachers stupid that's because they will not learn there's nothing wrong with being ignorant ignorant is the word idiots and it's our word idiot it means unlearned well there's nothing wrong with being unlearned if god's going to teach you if you learn when you're unlearned you have no daily cross do you because to learn a learner is a mathematics isn't it and we get a word mathematics from that in mathematics is the word disciple and jesus said if you do not bear your cross you cannot be my disciple so you have to have a cross daily boy we better find out what that is you can't be a follower of christ you cannot learn the word of god you'll be unlearned and idiotics it's like somebody brand new in the word somebody's just been converted and they don't know anything that's an idiots but when you bury your cross daily you are doing the work of god now the main verse that we're using for predestination is about learning and doing and the verse we're using is romans 8 and 29 that's one of the most hated verses in all the bible people will i hear i heard adrian rogers preach on that one of the most famous southern baptist preachers in america before he died recently and he hacked that verse all two pieces i mean butchered it he didn't want god sending men to hell on purpose in saving certain ones i heard that ignoramus fred price said the other day he said well god hasn't predestined certain people for heaven and certain ones for hell that's just not true you idiot unlearned you stupid man dull of hearing will not hear will not learn doesn't matter what they say predestination is true the bible says for whom whom for for is a subordinate conjunction it connects the thought here with the previous verse romans 8 and 28 the baptist's favorite verse well all the southern baptists and independent baptists every round that's the verse everybody quotes they like it just about as well as they like john 3 16 don't they huh we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are not called they called according to his purpose there is a particular specific called people the word called is kaleo and ek kaleo is the word ekklesia e-k-k-l-e-s-i-a that's the word church you're the church you can't invite somebody to church when you're gonna invite them to themselves would you like to come to you and visit you isn't that crazy would you like to join the church would you like to join yourself isn't that nutty it means called out we're called out of this world to live righteously and godly and there's a particular people that jesus knew god knew before the world began ephesians 1 4 he hath chosen us a particular specific people the church he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world if he hasn't chosen you this is going to be boring to you but see and it will scare you if he hasn't chosen you because you don't want to like the idea that you might not be chosen and might not be he is but if you are elect this will be thrilling words to you and we don't give invitation hymns here because we don't believe we can convince anybody with an invitation him to walk down the aisle and accept christ because you can't accept christ there's none that seeketh after god none understands if you belong to him you will come out of this world you won't come out all of a sudden it'll be a gradual but you will your eyes will be opened you will be birthed and this will begin a process in your life of living for the lord instead of living for yourself the bible says whom and the whoms are those people that he knew before the foundation of the world he chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love ephesians 1 and 4 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself what is wrong with the world they don't believe that he's predestinated us unto the adoption of children so we are the whoms i love ii thessalonians 2 13. we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved of the lord because god hath from the beginning church at thessalonica god hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit there's a method that he's going to sanctify you there's a method of salvation sanctification hagiasmas h-a-g-i-a-z-o and we also have the word hagias h-a-g-i-o-s haggai is the word holy holy means single pure and how do you make something singular pure god equates the fiery trials of our life fiery trials he compares it with the gold refining process gold refining he says there in first peter one and seven the trying of your faith is more precious than gold that perisheth though it be tried by fire if you're not tried in the fire and it's not causing you to come out of self you don't belong to god and i'm not here to convince and i'm not going to look at the tv and convince anybody you are elect right where you're sitting or you are a vessel of wrath from the foundation of the world and if you're a vessel of wrath you're wasting your time listening to me because you can't come in and you're not even going to want to come in only god's elect want to come into the kingdom that's all and he knows the lord knoweth them that are his he said so let everyone that nameth the name of christ depart from iniquity well will you depart all of a sudden will you just give up your sin all of a sudden no that's what the fire is for that's what being holy is for that is what haggai says when we are put through the fire we're just like gold the hotter the fire the more trials you go through the more pure the gold becomes the more malleable it becomes and the more it can be shaped into what god wants it to be that's what our lives are like the hotter the fire god has put me to hell and back in 68 years i mean i have gone down and tasted the pit of hell with my tongue and i thought there was places i couldn't get out of i thought god i am in a dark place how can i get out of here i'm off in my sin i'm wallowing in it i didn't even want to pray the prayer and i would say oh god i'm so disgusted with my life and i hate my life get me out of here god i said i will in my time and i'd sit just crumbling and complaining just mad at the world and just think god come on i couldn't stand it and nobody here has been in more sin that i've been in hagiadzo is the word hallowed hallowed or sanctified and when god sanctifies his people sacrifice sounds like some real self-righteous holy word well it's not it's holy all right but it's not that self-righteous word that people try to use sanctify means to set apart when you set gold apart it's because you separate it from the other lesser metals that's in the fire by turning the heat up and we're set apart we are sanctified over our entire life and sanctification is that words hagiasmos and that's the method remember the verse i just quoted we are bound to give thanks always to god for you brethren beloved of the lord because god hath from the beginning chosen you do salvation through sanctification of the spirit and what is the spirit and belief of the truth that's what he says the holy spirit is going to sanctify truth in our life and we're going to begin to live in it that's what this whole thing is about now for whom he did for no those people that he's going to put in the fire those are the ones that he knew for no progress go that's the word for no we got our word prognosis from that prognosis you go to the doctor and he does a prognosis doesn't he comes from pro in ganosis well gnosis means to know scientifically or exactly in pro means before i don't think doctors can do that do you i think they have more of a progessis you know what i'm saying they're guessing but they don't know absolutely so the people god foreknew four no comes from pro and gonosco gonosco means to have a personal intimate relationship with someone i know that guy not i know about him i can see some guy walking down the street i'll say well there's the mayor i know about him but i don't know him i can see some famous star and say well i know about him now i know a few stars but i don't know that guy that's what that word means it means to know intimately beforehand the people that god foreknew those are the ones that he's prohorizo predestinated predetermined pro before before determined for the whole red zone now red so is the word bound that's the common greek word for bound but it always has to do kittle's dictionary of new testament greek word says horizon always has to do with jesus always because horizo is our word horizon and horizon is the light and the bible says ye were darkness but now are ye light in the lord walk as children of light and light is equated with truth so god is pre-truth and jesus said i am the way the truth and the life so god has pre-jesus a family before the world begin and if you belong to him you'll hear this and if you don't belong to him this will bore you that's kind of scary isn't it if it bores you and you never want this you're going to hell one day that's a sobering thought isn't it i don't want that is a lot of people have gotten out and walked out of here i don't like what that guy is saying this is the truth if you belong to him you have been pre-jesus pre-lightened and we are predestined to something to be conformed predestinate is a verb it's a verb it's an action verb action shows action that's like run that's like jump it's like skip that's like throw those are verbs they're words that show action you got being verbs but we're not going to talk about those this is an action verb action verbs always have a recipient to the action you have to have a direct object to receive the action of the action verb you have to have a direct object and it has to be a noun to be conformed doesn't look like a noun but it is it is a noun that's because to be conformed is an infinitive an infinitive is a verbal noun it has verbal character but it's a phrase that acts as the noun and it receives the action of predestinate so we are predestinated it's like god's throwing the ball to us john threw the ball to jim jim would be uh ball would be the john through ball ball would be the direct object to jim would be the indirect object so ball is the recipient of throw predestinate to be conformed is the noun that receives the action of the verb predestinate and predestinate is is a verb in the in the greek it's this is of no interest to you it's an arrest a-o-r-i-s-t arrest indicative that won't be interesting to you but the fact of what a nearest indicative is will be interesting iris indicative means a past tense verb that means the action took place before the world began the people that god foreknew let me give you something that's interesting i haven't given it in a while the the word arist word arist it comes from the word horizo and the alpha primitive it means no boundary it has to be an indicative to be past tense so it means what it means is that and you've got many kinds of arist verbs i'm not going to go into that's a little complex but you've got verbs and this means the action took place but it's an action that continues to take place throughout time to the end of time so it means that god lives in eternity there's no boundary on this verb it means in indicative means it goes all the way to the past and there's no bound on it all the way to the future so god has ordained those that will go to heaven from forever to forever and those are the ones that's going to go with nobody else if you can hear this and this convicts your heart then you belong to god and it's not a matter of whether you feel like you're saved or not that don't have anything to do anything well i know i'm saying well that ain't got nothing to do with nothing you can i know i'm saying you go to hell saying that besides that it's not the word no i mean goodness i don't have time to go there when john said i know him and when paul said i know whom i had believed and john said these things have written you that you know that you have eternal life he didn't use our word i know he didn't use that that's our word gnosco which means to learn something by going to school or by experience when he said i know whom i believe he used the word ido it means to see paul said i'm an apostle a preacher and a teacher for which things i suffer i see who i believe in i see the death of self and you have to see the death of self somewhere in your life i wasn't seeing a whole lot of death itself while i was trying to be rich and famous i could not see the death of self i can see it today at my age and don't think you can well gosh jim i just don't think i can attain what you are uh i just don't think i can contain what you are well not anytime soon i mean i've been down to the pit of hell i'm like jonah i've been out of the belly of elk right high i have just been to the pit just without a way out about 50 times nearly died several times been in some hurricanes and some floods and some some everything you can imagine hospital stays and operated on my eyes and my heart and cancer you've got to go through a lot of trials to really depend on god so the people god predestined he's predestined to something to be conformed sue morphos now if you belong to god this is going to happen to you if you don't belong to god this ain't going to happen to you it's that simple and we don't i preach don't try to convince anybody of anything don't try to get people to pray a prayer don't believe in a sinner's prayer that's not true we know that god heareth not sinners if any man be a worshiper of god and do with his will him he healeth you've got to be believing god before he'll hear you it's like praying to zeus right now do you think zeus is here to me well how could he i don't believe he's there i don't well he's not there how's he going to hear me and how shall they call on him in whom they've not believed romans 10 14. you can't call on a god you don't believe in so he's predestined us to be conformed sue marvel shaped in fellowship or together this is why fellowship is important if you truly belong to god and you are one of the whoms that god foreknew before the world began he knew you then he's got a job to do on you and you've got some needs you got some needs in fact let me put it this way he's well let me stop let me finish this he's predestined you to conform to the image icon likeness and what was jesus like well goodness will take us it's going to take us i'll be on this subject forever because in order to understand what jesus was like he was the living word this is the written word i got to study everything that's righteous in this book and that's what predestination is about it's about righteousness and godliness and holiness and we're not talking about a pentecostal definition of godly we're talking about the word eusabia everything has a rational definition it's not what people think it's not oh i can't be that real self-righteous person that walks around with his was real pious way about him and don't you know that the baptists that walk around like that are not as righteous as they act haven't you figured that out yet and the pentecostals that walk around and they won't cut their hair and they have it at my bun and they won't put any makeup on their face don't you know they're not that righteous have you not figured that out yet the bible says there's none good not one none understands none seeks after god every one of us are slugs we all drink iniquity like water and that includes billy graham doesn't it well except for billy graham the bible says whosoever be a friend of the world is the enemy god except billy graham why didn't god put that in there uh every man drinks a nickel really like water except those real nice fancy dress southern baptist preachers that get on tv and look like they've got it together they don't have it together i am a man and i know they don't have it together how do i know that well there's no temptation taken you but such as is common to man there's no temptation say taken them but such as is common to me all i have to do is admit what's in my heart and i know it's in billy graham's art all i have to do is admit what's in my heart and i know what's in ed young that imbecile that pastor the second baptist church houston pastors these humongous churches somebody said he flies from one to the other in the helicopter on sunday morning and he stands and i watch him on tv and the guy is an ignoramus just a stupid man doesn't know anything about the bible have y'all not figured out all that polish stuff that they spew out there's no information in it and they memorize words out of a out of a thesaurus and they make up sentences that sound pretty and it has no truth in it have y'all not figured that out yet people do that i've mike said his teacher told him when he was in some grade in school memorize these words and make sentences learn to make sentences that's all they do so we are predestined to conform to the image of christ now this is going to take us to something what was jesus like well he said i came to do do to work i came to do the will of the father to obey my father do work and obey that's what we're talking about if we're going to do work and obey let me give you something here if you belong to god if you belong to god i know what you are i know what's going on your mind one day i i walked in into our den and eric and karen were dating they've been married for 15 years now and that's our son and i walked in and i looked at them they were sitting on the couch i said i don't know what y'all been thinking i know what's been going through your minds they went like i caught them oh god what does he know about us what we've done i said i said do you know why i know that's because there's no temptation taking you but such is common to me and i'm admitting what's in my heart so i know what's in yours it's really that simple admit the slug that you are and you're not going to stay slug god's going to redeem you and pull you out of that i have been in the pit of sin you can't sing in 200 big clubs across america and not get in sin because i'll tell you what's there sin that's what's there isn't it i know a lot of y'all been there haven't you boy i wonder what we'd think of each other if we all stood up and confessed all of our past we say i don't think i'll have anything to do with you that just say i don't think i'll let anything do with you either i thank god that that he really does cleanse us from sin now we are predestined to be like jesus now look here if he's predestined to us to be like jesus to be like jesus jesus and we start off we start off in our lives uh we start off with a little faith little faith or the word is oligarchs pistes puny faith this is the way we start we start off with little faith holy gospels puny faith that's what the word means oh you have a little faith jesus kept telling the apostles well most of what's in us the bible says when you're an immature believer you're not doing the will of the father you're not like christ we're predestined to be like jesus you're not like jesus when you first come to the knowledge of the truth you've got we've talked about this the immature believer there in first corinthians three and 1-2 over in fifth chapter first timothy and this led us over into the book of proverbs this is what you've got in you you've got envy strife contention jealousy tail bearing busybodying gossip pride now we're not talking about the unbeliever arrogance and a whole lot more forwardness forward is a hebrew word it means to twist you twist god's word to kind of let yourself off the hook you twist your friend's heart words you twist everything that's going on in life to make yourself okay well i i i didn't do that i didn't mean to do that and i didn't do that on purpose well i didn't well i'm gonna lie and tell you that i did i didn't do what you're accusing me of and we twist and we got all that in us you know what the problem is if we're going to be like jesus jesus ain't like none of this is he huh i love that word busybody in fifth chapter first timothy perry our gosh it means to work around perry is the word around or gods or god it's the word work it means to work all around somebody's life and set yourself up as the official critic in their life they don't need to do this and they shouldn't do that do you see the way that he eats and look at the kind of job he's gotten look at this and look at that about them i don't think they should that's tail bearing setting ourselves as officious in their life in order to get us to this place of purity in order to get us there what do we need do we need in our life do we have a need we need something to get rid of all this don't we what is it what do we need what is our need we need fire don't we we need trials count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations knowing that the trying of your faith works patience and let patience have its perfect work don't pray that the fire will go away if the fire is more precious than gold that perisheth are you praying that your bank that we got your money will go broke god i pray that my bank will go barely up so uh no you don't pray for that and you don't pray for something that's more precious than gold that perisheth and while you're living in this way you're living in babylon babylon is a system of let us make us a name you say jim i thought god saved me well he does but you've still got an outer man paul says and that's self and you've got an inner man which is christ in you the hope of glory and he's going to have to get rid of self and he's going to start the fire and burn out all that old self and if you belong to him and if you're one of the predestinated elect you'll get older and you'll say you'll wake up one day and you say man i've fought everybody i've tried to be somebody i've tried to have my i've tried to be what i wanted to be i've tried to be rich i've tried to be a star i've tried to be this i've tried to be that butch and i used to have a band together years ago butch would tell me why we wanted to play big rock group like yes or and he could do it i don't think you have that same attitude now do you butch at 56 that you had when you was 19 20. you don't do that no more that's too hard and when you're living in babylon according to the fourth chapter of revelation you're living deliciously you know why you're living deliciously because you're fulfilling your envy your strife your covetousness your jealousy and your faith is little and faith has to work faith has to do so you got a little bit of working you're living deliciously and the word deliciously is the word stranos s-t-r-e-i-n-o-s it means in a strain somebody tell me that it's not a strain to be out there fighting for your rights and your envy and you're striving you're contending and that guy cheated me and he beat me out of that contract not supposed to sign this and he didn't live up to what he said and well guess what that's the world the world's crazy haven't y'all figured out yet and when i say the world's crazy that takes you back to demons because possessed with a demon meant to be crazy and demon demon itself when men are possessed with self they are crazy the world is loony as a bunch of fruitcakes and god hasn't so we have a need to get rid of all of this stuff don't we well let me give you the word here let me give you something here let's go over here to uh oh gosh i got so many of these let's go over to philippians go to philippians i'll show you what you need is philippians 4. you have a need in your life you need some fire to burn out self and the more fire you go through you wake up one day and you say god i can't beat you if you think you're fighting the world and you think you're fighting you think you're fighting for your rights and you don't have any nobody has any rights god has his rights what about rights no you don't nobody has their rights you have a right to go to hell now go over here to uh hold on a second i don't know which one of these i want to give you first all right the word uh let me see hold on y'all don't leave yeah go to philippians philippians 4. philippians the fourth chapter and this is the name that you have i'm looking for my word and i don't have it in front of me all right here it is okay you have a need to live godly look here in philippians 4 verse 11 paul is in a roman jail waiting to be beheaded when he makes these this statement not that i speak in respect of want for i have learned in whatsoever state i am therewith to be content now paul said he had to learn this the word is manthano m-a-n-t-h-a-n-o and manthano comes from the word mathematics and mathematics is the word disciple and that means a learner so paul said i've had to learn and how do you become a disciple by a daily cross paul said i have borne my cross all these years and i have learned to sit here in this prison and i have learned to be at our case a-t a-u-t-a-r-k-e-s a-u-t-a-r-k-e-s atar case an octar case means self-complacent it comes from otto you remember the word auto self a-u-t-o auto means self in complacent rk means complacent or kale means to ward off seth archaeo a-r-k-e-o toward off when you ward off something you shove it away paul said i have learned to shove away self who what's hard isn't it self is what we all live in one of my favorite words of self when the bible speaks a covetous man is an idolater covetousness is idolatry yes i never worshiped a god are you really sure because covetous is the word pleionectase p-l-e-o-n e-k-t-e-s cleonectas means what more have you ever wanted more we just got to have more car we got to have more square footage we i got to have more money i've got to have more jobs i've got to have more i want more than what i've got i'm not content with anything i have well i'm afraid we've all been idol worshipers haven't we that's idolatry oh you think you're by yourself i have i am guilty but i tell you what the older you get the less himself you want because you begin to ward off self you begin to shove self away and at 68 i'm shoving self away but i didn't shove myself away at 30. no man i have my rights and look i can sing like this and everybody needs to hear me hey listen to me i don't want to do that no more i don't have any rights god has nearly killed me stuck me in the hospital for a two-year period i nearly died and delayed and on my deathbed at 37 and i was dying when you die and you ain't worried about i have my rights he said god give me one more breath there is nothing as precious as breath mary has driven me to the hospital in the middle of the night having asthma attacks and mike's driven me and mike drives like a maniac to begin with and i'd say slow down mike but hurry up i can't breathe and there is and i wasn't thinking about my house burning then i was thinking i need some breath ain't nothing like it when somebody starts taking your breath away you don't care if somebody's stealing your car you say i don't care give me some breath ain't nothing like air when you can't get it now where was i we have a need don't we look here he says i know both how to be a based and how to abound i know how to be leveled and how to be up and down to be on top and be small everywhere in all things i am instructed both to be full sometimes have plenty to eat and to be hungry i'm instructed both to abound and suffer need and then he says i can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me do all of what things i can build big companies through christ which strengthens me that's not what this says what's the context of this being in jail being content abounding and suffering need everywhere in all things to be fooling to be hungry i can be abased and abound through christ which strengthens me i can be full and be hungry through christ which strengtheneth me i can abound and suffer need through christ which strengthens me and how many baptists and pentecostals say oh you can do great things i can do all things you can build a big company through christ which strengthens you that's idiocy that's not the context of this is it this is abounding and suffering need this being full and being hungry what he's saying i can make it through life through god's help through every difficulty i'm having it's not talking about i can build a big company through christ that's stupid i've heard baptists say oh i can do all things in christ and strengthen me therefore watch me do my big thing but here's what i want to show you let's read on down i can do all things through christ i can go through all of this notwithstanding you have well done that you did communicate with my affliction the fourth chapter of philippians is believed to be the last words that paul wrote upon the earth while he was an apostle in jail waiting for the axe man to come now ye philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but ye only but even in thessalonica you sit once again unto my necessity i had a need but because i desire a gift but i desire fruit not because i desire gift but i desire fruit that may abound to your account he's not saying i want somebody to bring me a fruit basket he's talking about the fruit of the spirit love joy peace long suffering isn't he but i have all boy look at that i have all i'm ready to die i've learned to be content i've got everything i need and abound i am full having received of epaphroditus the things which were sent from you and whatever sweet smell he didn't get a box of perfume from sweet smelling savor that's what the prayers of the saints were called there in revelation the fourth chapter equated with the altar of incense that they were a sweet-smelling savor in epaphroditus he was nigh unto death when he ministered to paul here and he says this was a great sacrifice a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to god and then he says these words we all have a need those of us who are elect of god we have a need to get rid of that old man in us that will not do when you are young you are employed with self you're self-employed that's right you're self-employed and you're employed with self and you're running around trying to do your thing with envy and strife and attention and you'll only do for you do for ourself well i don't feel like going to church this morning sunday morning i deserve a rest and i i don't think god really means that i should tithe i mean you know if i give something once in a while and you know i'll tithe once every six weeks giving 10 every six weeks is not 10 of your earnings notice how quiet everything got what was i fixing to tell you need you got a need every one of us have a need huh that's right now look here let's let's continue reading but my god shall supply all your need not all your greed all of your need according to his riches in glory about christ jesus what need do you have you have a need now notice this the context you have a need to learn to be content in what state you're in from verse 11 don't you don't you have a need to learn how to be a based and how to abound don't you have a need to learn to be mature like paul and don't you have a need to learn how to be fooling to be hungry don't we have a need to abound and suffer need this word need it's amazing it's the word kriya we have a need god's gonna have to get rid of all that old man in order to teach us to do like jesus say jim that's such a long journey it's so depressing to hear you say this i just don't know how i'll ever get there you won't if god don't take you there and if he don't take you there you don't belong to him if somehow he doesn't take you through life and make you tired of yourself i have never been so more tired of anybody than i am of me everything i've ever argued about everything i've ever thought about everything i thought i deserved nothing has worked out the way i planned it nothing my life has not worked out the way i planned it but i am more content than i ever thought i could be when god gets rid of this when you're young in the faith you say i don't want all my rights taken away that's because you've got you taking care of yourself one day when god teaches you to bow to him and say god you take care of me i'm not going to take care of myself anymore i'm tired of fighting my battles for me that's why david after he had gone through all the trials he'd gone through committed murder and adultery killed that i killed you rather hit tight got bathsheba pregnant and then his son amnon killed his daughter or raped his daughter tamer and then absalom his other son uh planned two plotted two years and he killed uh killed adnan and then absalom tried to take over the kingdom and hitherfail his chief counselor pulled away from him and went after absalom and then joab his nephew killed absolutely sounds like young and restless and you're going and david's going god i've tried to fight my battles you plead my cause i'm tired of fighting for me for my rights being envious and contentious and striving saying i got my rights i'm tired of that if you get old enough you'll get tired of fighting for your rights that ain't nothing but self and if god's going to make us like him we'll come one day and we'll say god you rubed my cause you fight for me i'm not fighting for myself anymore if somebody cheats me out of money i say well he can live with it i can live without it i don't care if it was yesterday it was ten thousand dollars look that's over that's yesterday forget that that's done now you can watch out for him you don't have to do business with him sitting around eating your heart out over something you ain't going to change is a waste of time besides that that evil man that did that to you he was a sword in the hand of god cutting you down david said lord deliver me from the wicked which is thy sword in my hand and god causes these people to cut us down our entire lifetime to cause us to be like jesus and do you know why that we are fighting these people so much do you know why you fight so much when you're young as opposed to when you're old you're out there in their ballpark with their ball and they're bad playing their game with their rules and you're fighting them over them you figured that out yet you can't play in somebody else's ballpark with their ball and expect them to do things your way and let you have your way that ain't gonna happen the way you get up in the world it don't matter if it's a music business if it's real estate if it's insurance you have to compromise you got to turn your head away when some guy's taking drugs or somebody else is drinking or cussing or running around his wife you got to say well somebody says that guy's running around his wife and you got to say well i don't know what you're talking about and you got to polish people up and spit you on the shoes all the time and lay down as a doormat and just be everybody's number one boy and have everybody like you in the world and compromise every value and every moral that you have that's the way you climb the ladder in the world but those of us who are believers and elect we can't climb that ladder and we can't play their game when we fight them all of our lives and we're filled with contention with self and we're fighting them and we have a need we got a need to get rid of that old self there don't we if we're going to be like jesus because he's predestined us to conform to the likeness of jesus and he knew us before the world began and he says you will do this if it kills you and it nearly does sometimes it's nearly killed me now that word need is the word crea guess what word it comes from huh anoint comes from the word creole anoint and creole what are we anointed with that word anoint means to cover all over or to smear all over and what are we smeared all over with huh blood and that is truth we're smeared all over with the blood of christ are you washed in the blood he's washed us from our sins in his own blood and a blood baptism was a martyrdom and god has to cause us to be willing to be martyred there's two sufferings you're going to find the new testament teaches we start off as believers very rebellious against god oh we start off looking hey man i'm saved and i love jesus and i'm born again i'm going to win the world for christ let me go out here and witness to everybody and we go off like this and we just kind of wind down and about six or eight months later we're back in sin aren't we we wind up and wind and wind and wind and wind down this thing of christianity is not about being excited all the time it's not what it's about when you get down here obeying christ do y'all think i get up every day just feeling good i get up and it's on my mind who can i talk to about truth today and who can i give tapes to me i need to talk to mike about what stations we can get on and we need to get on some more tv stations and i got to send this to someone so i got to tell mary about this and i got my list and i make my list every morning and i think about that but i don't always feel good and i don't always feel excited but i'm trying to do what i'm supposed to do i've got a duty to do and i realize now i have to do it but back here you know what my idea was when i was young now god hears my idea this is the way i thought now what i can do god now if i can become a great world famous singing star and i gave this great singing group what we can do we can be real good christians for you we have this great influence in the world for you after i make lots of money then we can do this and god's saying shut up that ain't my way that's not the way god works how many of us have thought that well i can only do this and i can you got to get eye out of your vocabulary ego eyes the greek word ego you got to get and i hear people say well he has a lot of ego yeah he's got a lot of i now we're anointed with truth aren't we we're anointed with truth first john 2 27 we don't have any need that any man teach us for the truth teaches us and we're anointed with the truth well we're smeared all over and we die to self but that's a lifetime process we have a need to get rid of us now let me give you a couple of words here the in from this from this word need if a man is in need we we have a need and god has to employ us doesn't he he has to employ us in his work to be employed means to do it means to obey doesn't it we have to do we have to obey we have to be obedient you don't want to obey god when you're young when you first start out you don't want to do what he says we're talking about death to self daily cross self-denial you don't want to do that when you're young do you you want to be a star i know a lot of people say well i really want to serve god i want to become a preacher and i want to become a worship leader so i get up on the stage and everybody can see me that's that's not serving god if you're a minister of christ remember the word minister people talk about ministers they don't know what a ministry is you got two words first corinthians four and one let a man sow account of us as of the ministers of christ diaconos now people who call themselves deacons don't know what a deacon is this is a deacon it's our deacon a deacon is a waiter of the tables it's a waiter of tables it's a person who is a household slave that does the most menial tasks in the first century he would clean the floor and mop the floor and wait on the people and wait on the tables and do the dirtiest jobs and he didn't get paid you really want to be a minister you really want to be a deacon then you have the word huparaytes huparaytes was the guy on the bottom level of a galley ship he had the longest doors he was sitting there on that board catching the whip rowing the boat he was rowing the boat he was a boat rower he was a slave and he didn't get paid either you really want to be a minister is that what you want to be this stuff about i want to serve god and that and these young guys get excited i ain't never seen any of them really do anything with their lives they're all excited when you get into this word this word crea or creo i'm not going to go through the verses but when you get into the word all these words crayo my m a c-h-r-a-o-m-a-i and the word korea that we just saw my god shall supply all your need and the word c-h-r-e-i-a-e-i-a that's a word that's the word my god shall supply all your need and then you have the word all these are base words uh uh crestula my c-h-r-e-s t-e-u-o-m-a-i chris jewel my this word means to be useful useful has to do with meaning and need and this word useful also means to be employed so when you see employed or useful or meeting a need they all come from these words we have a need we got to get rid of self but we can't so god is predestined us to be like christ and if we're going to be like jesus we are in need of some fire in our lives and some depression what you need is to get fired on your job you need your wife to leave you if you're elected she's not you need to go through a nervous breakdown you need to go to the hospital with some uh real bad ailments you need to lose your spouse or what are your kids you have a need in order to make it about christ i know that we don't like these things that we need but if you belong to him you're going to go through them anyway and you're going to bow and you think most of us think well if i get rid of myself and my envy and what i want what i think i have a right to and my career and where i'm going if i get rid of all that i'm going to be so unhappy no you're not when you get down here when you really give up i have never been as inhabited i don't think i've had happier years in the last three years of my life because i'm really learning just to see whatever you want don't matter somebody say well they i don't live in a strain anymore boy i used to i used to get mad at the drop of a hat and just want to jump on everybody i run across if they were giving me a hard time i wanted my way i don't get mad at people i get angry at one person and not my wife i get angry at one person and i keep saying this if anger was a 360 degree circle and this is one degree right here i used to get angry 359 degrees of the time that's what i used to get angry at now i get angry at one thing false teachers because i am commanded to be angry at them in ephesians 4 26 and that is something god puts in your heart i am angry at kenneth copeland i am angry at creflo dollar i am angry at fred price they're lying through their teeth i am angry at benny hen i am supposed to be and if you're not angry there's something wrong with you you have not matured enough yet you don't know that you're being cheated and lied to as much as you are if people knew how much those guys were lying if you knew as many greek words as i understand and knew as much culture about the first century and knew that they were saying what they were saying and when you come here for a while you start getting angry don't you when you know you've been lied to and you know that they're cheating and saving and stealing from the poor and some little old lady down here on jefferson street don't have enough money to pay a light bill and they're telling her you send this right you send your last nickel to us and god will restore this to you of tenfold and you'll end up with a thousand dollars if you give us your light bill you lying thieves they oppress the poor don't they and god said in 22nd chapter of exodus moses you tell israel if you oppress the widow and the orphan and they cry unto me i will hear their cry and i will kill you with the sword and your sons and daughters will be orphans and your wife will be a widow is that an indictment against those guys you say god doesn't seem to be doing nothing the judgment's not here yet just wait i wouldn't trade places with benny hen for every all of his money i wouldn't trade places with any of those guys they are the false teachers of the world and they are going to hell that's where they're going and then when you have you have the word question my and the word crestos christos means to be useful or employed remember we're talking about doing the will of god aren't we doing will of god isn't that employed when you're doing god's will aren't you employed by god huh you're employed by god and and when the scripture says there in matthew 11 30 my yoke is easy and my burden is light come unto me all you that labor in a heavy laden and i'll give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for my yoke is easy the word easy is that word christos christos it means my yoke is in being employed by god because the yoke of a kingdom was the laws of the kingdom do we have to walk in the laws of god yes do we want to do that when we're young no we want to walk in the laws of self i'm talking about as a believer god has to get rid of us and you've got the inner man and the outer man paul says in romans 7 and the outer man wants to serve the flesh and the inner man wants to serve god and there's a wrestling match that goes on between that outer and inner man every day of our lives if you've been birthed by god and christ is in you only god and you well you probably don't know that when you're young but you learn that as you grow older and as you grow older you have a need to go through fire do you know that i needed i needed that heart attack i needed that cancer i had that prostate cancer i needed to be in the hospital in my early 40s and nearly dying for about two years i needed at 37 years old to be laying on my deathbed over at my father's house and went but i needed that because all of that was building up i've needed every problem i've had i needed all of the the struggles with the music business i needed that i needed those evil men in my life to depress me about the world and depress me about myself so i will run to the arms of christ as i'm growing older say lord would you take care of me i can't take care of myself anymore and that's what'll happen to your life we have that need and that's the truth that he's anointed us with and when that truth is in you you'll be out there in the world and you'll be thinking i've got something in me and i know i'm in the middle of something i'm not supposed to be in god i don't know how can i apply my abilities and my talents to this you don't worry about your talents and your abilities sometimes god will take the talent you have and he'll give it to you so he can take it away from you god gave me this big tender voice so i could just knock the back of a building out bush can tell you that just shake a building with it and he gave me bronchial asthma he gave me copd i need copd chronic obstruction pulmonary disease i need that to keep me from going out wanting to go out there well i'm not going to try to be a senior at 68 but i'll tell you what i do need i was real good in business real good at real estate i could make money but i need this bronchitis and asthma to keep me from going out there i remember back 10 years ago in this ministry every once in a while i'd start feeling real good i'd go for a three four day period and my mind would click into gear and go money and i would start thinking i can go do this and i can buy these houses and buy this and i can go do this and my mind go it just it was like a click and all of a sudden the bronchitis would hit me i said okay let's get back to work i have a temptation to go make money when i feel real good i need wrong guidance can you understand that that keeps me humbled before god because i get into myself at the snap of a finger i mean just boom like that i get all kinds of ideas i'm gonna go make it happen and i don't i don't mean that to boast my record shows that in real estate was very good you need whatever comes into your life if you belong to god you need that to crush you well i well i was on drugs and i did this and that and i just got depressed and had to and i had to go over here into this place to dry out well you need it if you belong to god because that's just part of the straw that'll break the camel's back god keeps putting all these straws on us and puts them on you're saying well what's this trial for we'll just wait down the road we'll see he puts another straw he puts another you go through a divorce you go bankrupt you end up with no money you're out here living in a car and all of a sudden you get down here and just say oh god i'm so tired and god puts this one on you and he just crushes you and you collapse on him you say god i'm ready to serve you now you say he says that's the straw it's looking for and that's what he does to us now we have to do the will of god does the bible say that he that doeth the truth cometh to the light he that doeth righteousness is righteous why call you me lord lord and you do not the things that i say don't call me your lord i'm not ruling your life lord curios means to rule you're ruling yourself when you're filled with contention and strife in all of those things you're ruling you now i've got a whole list of these the word creo all these have to do with employment be employed hold on being employed they all have to do with being employed meeting a need or being useful you're useful when somebody employs you the employee employs you when you're not useful you're unemployed aren't you remember that you're not employed by god when you're young and god hasn't burned all this out of you yet you're really employed you've employed yourself to go seek your life and your career and your things and your stuff and if you belong to god he'll burn that out of you that will come out of you it'll come out of every one of his elect because he's predestined us to conform to the likeness of jesus it's going to come out of you i'm not guaranteeing i'm guaranteeing you that that that's what the bible says that it will and it doesn't matter what you're going through what trials you're going through that is for your good you need that to get rid of some ego in your life so if you're down on the bottom if if right now you're drugged out and on the bottom you're in better shape than somebody that's real proud that god hasn't started breaking yet they're in really terrible shape when they're being successful with their life if they're believers god's going to have to take all that away from them and bring them down to bring them to a place where they will be willing to conform to the likeness of christ because they have that need you have nothing but you nothing that's good in you and if it's going to happen if you're going to conform to the likeness of jesus god is going to have to do it and you're not in charge you're not in charge of anything we think we're in charge so we sit around worrying all the time don't we and the bible says take no thought for your life what you'll eat or what you'll drink or how you'll be clothed take thought is the word marimna oh m-e-r-i-m-n-a-o marim nao means to be distracted from the things of god and worry about the things of life quit doing that you're not in charge god has already determined your life from the beginning of the world he has declared the end from the beginning in isaiah 46 and 10 he's declared the end from the beginning and from ancient times everything that's not yet done in your life you've got some needs to get that self out of you to burn self out of you and he's going to meet that need in you my god shall supply all of your need what if i said my god shall supply all of your fire my god shall supply your divorce my god shall supply your bankruptcy my god shall supply your cancer my god shall supply your heart attack my god self supply the collapse of your company my god shall supply your house being foreclosed on my god shall supply you're losing your car my god's your supply all your family getting mad at you over this truth so you'll conform to the image of christ because you have that much need how much need do we have to get rid of this old flesh i don't think anybody's been more arrogant than i've been but you know what i didn't believe it was arrogance when i was there i didn't believe it was pride i thought well i have my rights i thought well i'm a nice guy i have a right you ever thought that way instead of saying lord i don't know what you want me to have i don't have any rights so i've been an old slug most people cannot recognize most people think real evil sin is robbing banks and village and raping and murdering that's what they think sin is sin ain't nothing but self you'll go to hell for being proud just as much as you will for being an axe murderer and god will set you right down beside a till of the hunt or adolf hitler for about a million years you can be proud baptist dick and go to hell be a proud preacher and go to hell now if this word creo the word creo all these words have the idea of being employed creo is the word anoint and charisma is the word anointing this is the noun c-h-r-i-s-m-a that's the noun this is the verb this and all this has the idea of meeting a need god anoints us with the truth he puts the truth in our hearts and we can't live in the world without telling somebody the truth when i was out in pop music world and butch and i were together out on the road and we had this great singing group boy we just go out and blow the people out with it i couldn't quit preaching to people not even when i was out there could have butch i used to preach the butch all the time i said i knew butch understood i said this guy i know he understands i'd preach at him up in front of the van i'd get in some club said i was some girl on the other side of the table and i would preach to her couldn't i had a need to get away from myself because i couldn't get the truth out of my heart i was anointed with the truth and that truth was going to destroy everything that i was trying to be and the truth if it's in your heart it'll destroy everything that you're trying to be it's like i said one night if you're not doing for the will of god if you're not doing god's will you're going to have to become another person and you can't do that that's something god's going to have to do in you you got to become somebody else if you're filled with strife and envy and self and gossip and tail bearing and you're not and you're working just for self and your life and your career you got to become somebody else to be that be in the image of christ don't you mary said that hit her so hard one night she said i got to become somebody else i said we all have to become another person we got to become a person that's not fighting for our rights and for self now all of these words have to do with being anointed with the truth when you have the truth in your life that truth will start killing off i never thought it do y'all know i never thought of this until just now while i was talking to you it never hit me i had the truth in me when i was out there in those clubs all over the country when we were playing colleges i had the truth in my heart i would even talk to people about predestination i had people come up to me in clubs say when you're mc and you sound like a preacher i say i am a preacher and i was off in my sin and god had to deal with me and he had the truth inside of me and the truth had to kill off all that that i was seeking for and all that enemy and all that strife can you see that it has to deal with you and it will if it's been birthed in your heart now i want to get to something if if you are what i'm trying to zero in on if you're not employed by god are employed with the truth he that doeth truth cometh to the light he doeth righteousness is righteous the man that is the not the man that just says with his mouth but the doers of the lord justified before god paul said so you have to do you have to be working we're not talking about works for salvation we're talking about god working in you and when we do the truth we tell people the truth we take the cover off we tell them what the bible says and we get persecuted for it and when you're young you can't handle the persecution for telling somebody that christmas is christ's mass that it's the old feast of saturn and that it doesn't have anything to do with jesus jesus was god in the flesh he died to save sinners but christ mass is roman catholicism when you tell somebody when you're young you can't handle the flack that you catch from it but when you get older you say well i'm more afraid of god than i am you and you tell and i get to i just bluntly i'm out in public and i'm talking to somebody down here at the shopping center up at kroger's i just go bloop here it is i say i preach things i'm a preacher that's er i see i preach stuff nobody else preaches like what predestination is true in christmas is spain what do you think of that what i just get sometimes when i don't have time to talk to somebody i just lay it on them real fast i got to go now and just and when i come back say you thinking about what i said the other day if they're elect if they belong to god and they're predestinated of god it will cut into their hearts how much time they have mine 12 minutes let me let me get into something here huh it won't return void his word won't return void it'll accomplish where he sends it a lot of people think well jim that's awful hard young i'm not people think i'm too hard i'm not in charge of your life i'm telling you what god's going to do to you if you belong to him and if you're going through hard times and if you belong to him i'm telling you where he's taking you he's taking to a place of contentment and rest in a in a spiritual sabbath where you can rest in these things where you can just depend on god and say it don't matter what the wind blows my house away if a hurricane comes if i lose everything i've got i will depend on god i was depending on me how many of us really depend on god when we're young we don't depend on god do we no we are set well i got to do this and i got to be sure and get that gig and i got to be sure and get that contract and i'm supposed to i'm supposed to get that contract on that building and that guy and this guy's trying to beat me out of it he lied to the guy he lied to the builder and i got to get him out he ain't going to do me that way and is that what we do when we're living in ourselves that's what we do don't you think it's a lot more pleasant to not live in that it's a lot life is much easier when you don't live in that it's like i said earlier the only reason you're fighting those people you're out there in their ballpark in their ballgame with their rules you can't you cannot go into the music world and go up to the top of the ladder when those guys on the ladder unless you play by their rules that's the way but you can't go to the top of the real estate world unless you play by their rules and compromise can you you can't go up to the top of anything in the world i i like what one rock star said i was reading some article i can't remember it was one of the big famous rock stars he said everybody's trying to climb the ladder to the top and he said there ain't nothing up there i thought man what a profound statement he's been there and he said there's nothing there nothing but more of self yeah he said solomon said all his vanity and vexation spirit he said i got me men singers and made dancers and pools of water and everything that my eyes beheld and it was all vanity and vexation the spirit he had 700 wives and 300 concubines he had a thousand women and he couldn't fulfill his sexual desires with a thousand women and they weren't all ugly now i meant to get into something else we have a need whatever fire you're going through is a need in your life you need that to get rid of you if you belong to god if you don't belong to god god is just giving you a hard time here and he's going to give you a hard time in eternity well that's a sobering thought isn't it now if you if you're employed by god you can't be employed by god till you mature mature comes from the word we get the word martus which is the word witness and from witness we get the word martyr a martyr is one who dies you do not learn to die to the flesh and die to self until you learn to be martyred i started to say earlier you got two sufferings in the bible two sufferings the first is we are rebellious baby believers we don't want to really live in the truth and tell people all the truth you go to some church i'm not talking about going to some free will church where i really want to serve god and i want to be in the youth choir and i want to be i want to go out and be this great witness for god and we're not talking about that we're talking about when you're young you don't really want to tell i we don't we don't want to really tell people about christmas do we huh when you're young tell them it's christmas it's paganism you don't tell people that you don't want to really tell people about predestinate do you you want to walk up to somebody and say hey if you're not hated you're an unbeliever jesus said if the world hated me it'll hate you well you don't want to tell somebody that you want to make friends don't you it's not until you mature and you grow into this this don't happen one day it's a slow growing process in order to conform to the likeness of jesus that's what predestination is about it's all of the fire of life teaches us to bow very slowly it's kind of like we're just proud and upright and it's like it takes about 40 years to do this god i'm tired of me it takes a long time to come to that it's very very slow if you belong to god he's doing it in you now i keep trying to get to this unemployed man the unemployed man that's what we are we're unemployed for god doesn't the bible say faith works is working employed or gone huh is that being employed faith works if you have faith in god you'll begin to work true faith is obedience to god it's not i believe in god that's it i got it what are you going to do tomorrow well i'm going to go bowling tomorrow night you want to read the bible have a bible study well no i got other plans and now faith works faith does a little bit of work when you first start off doesn't the bible say faith without works is dead being alone well is that good works or is that good deeds no it's god working in you to willing to do of his good pleasure philippians 2 13. it's ephesians 2 10 we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them you can't just believe god by saying i believe god i'm a good man i i i treat my neighbor right you have to be doing the truth you have to be telling people truth it has to be hunger in you you have to want it it won't be a lot at first and i've had women come and say well jim i just can't do all those things that you do i know that you're raising a family teach that little boy that little girl the truth tell your neighbor the truth tell people the truth when you can and if there's a hunger in you the only way you will do this if there is a hunger in you so the way you'll do it do you make yourself hungry no god has to empty you of yourself you cannot you cannot be hungry if i say hey let's go out and eat okay well where do you want to meet me up at mcdonald's okay we'll go to mcdonald's and eat and you get there and you say i'm not hungry i say why you say well i stopped on the way and ate in a garbage can a couple of garbage cans and filled it with some trash on the way that's what people are full of they're full of trash and garbage they're full of false doctrine full of themselves and until god deals with us and empties us of self how does god empty you of yourself he has to crush you with fiery trials with the things in your life that you think are unprofitable and they are profitable to you if you belong to god it doesn't matter what's going on in your life god ordained it didn't he i know that whatsoever god doeth it shall be forever nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it and god doeth it that men should fear before him god's doing everything in our lives because we have a need to turn us into that other person to make us like jesus now don't expect this real quick i've had people say i want to be mature real quick let's pray that god will break your neck okay dear god we pray that you'll break john's neck and make him a quadriplegic and put him in the hospital lord and material real fast he said wait a minute i don't want that i said well that's what it takes you can't have maturity that's like some little kid mommy i want to grow up and get my own apartment next week i'm sorry son you go to bed you can't grow up fast you can't mature fast i'm trying to help instruct you and tell you that what you're going through if you're elect believer is for your good it's for your need it's what you need in your life does anybody have any problems here i mean serious anybody have any problems that you can't seem to and greg win like that you can't seem to shake you can't seem to conquer well you need those you need them don't we we need that to make us into the image of christ to the likeness of jesus in well i went through a drug rehabilitation program you needed that the only reason you got on drugs to begin with was because you couldn't face life because you couldn't have what you wanted isn't that why people get on drugs they hiding from themselves you're hiding from you i used to take prescription drugs men butchers together and the guys would tell me the band jim you're you're hooked on that stuff i'd say no no i need this one to put me asleep and they just make me get awake i had a little satchel that carried around with me and i had about four doctors and i'd get whatever i wanted from them and i was just i was a nervous jerk and they kept trying to tell me you're hooked on that stuff and no no no i i've got i can't go to sleep without this one that's a downer i gotta wake up this helps me and i can mix these two and you could get what you wanted in the 60s from doctors and i knew what to mix to make me go i knew how to mix them up and i didn't even know i was on them but the reason i took them was to get out of reality isn't that why people take drugs get out of reality so you don't have to face the truth so you end up in a drug rehabilitation place well you need that if god's going to deal with you to make you like jesus everything that you're going through you need he needs to take you through it don't you kind of get disgusted with you after a while has anybody been disgusted with themselves besides me just put out just i am so put out with me until you get really put out with you you won't see where god's taking you when you get put out with trying to be somebody it ain't just the music business it was in real estate it's in the insurance business it's the machinists do the same thing they play games don't they daryl don't matter if you're in the investments or if you're what you're in if it's truck driving hey man i was watching truck drivers on on the tv the other night you talk about temptations they got hookers out there and drugs and everything you want in truck stops and jim knows about that the temptation is everywhere and all you got to do is submit to it but god's taken us through what it we all have a need that belong to christ every trial you're going through is for your good we know that all these things work together for good to them that love god in everything give thanks does that mean an ice cream and cake and a day at the beach yes but that means that means when you're having the worst time in your life i've got a situation i can't handle i can't get out of i can't deal with my mother-in-law my father-in-law my my brother-in-law this guy cheated me that guy took my place in my business this happened this wasn't supposed to happen the guy i bought my car from he sold me a lemon and i just it's supposed to happen he's doing it all we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will let's pray father thank you for truth help us to understand that we have a need for all these things in our lives if you're going to conform us to your likeness you preordained us for it it's hard to see that while we're going through it lord it sure was hard for me to see i pray for those that are here that belong to you they're new in the faith and they struggle so hard with the things they're going through help them to see they need it and god will praise you and glorify you for all things in christ's name before amen
Channel: PlainnessOfSpeech
Views: 7,892
Rating: 4.4883723 out of 5
Keywords: grace and truth, jim brown, Calvinism, Pentecostal, Apostolic, tongues, reformed, IHOP, osteen, copeland, TBN, creflo, predestination, tulip, total depravity, all things work, together, good
Id: EhQ3bdyIX3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2011
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