Pentecostalism is blaspheming the Holy Spirit. 'Speaking in tongues' DEFINED.

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Holy Spirit baptism and what baptism of the Spirit is now of course the word spirit spirit is the word PN EU MA NUMA or Ponemah if you want to pronounce it that way that's the way they would pronounce in the Greek kanuma and we get our word pneumonia from that and a person with pneumonia is having breathing problems well the word pneuma means breath that's what it means the word spirit means breath and the word let me give you something that's interesting no my church stood thank you Mary I want you to look over here in second Timothy 2nd Timothy and we're talking about inspiration of the spirit 2nd Timothy 3 and verse 16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God now when Paul wrote this the New Testament had not been completed yet so when he says all Scripture he's also including Old Testament when people say the Old Testament is done away with this includes the Old Testament and all Scripture is profitable for doctrine for Dada K the ID a CAG and that means instruction all scripture now I studied genealogies now when the Bible speaks of vain genealogies it's talking about when a man is involved and going down to those little courthouses and find out who his father was and his father's father because he was a Pharisee and had some good position and he studies this the the little courthouses where they kept the record he studies it only for his own pride that's a vain genealogy the Bible doesn't say genealogies are vain you can go to the first chapter of Matthew you can find the genealogy of Christ and on out study on and I'll teach on that in fact when you count down to Jesus Jesus was the sixtieth from Adam and 60 is the number of man and when you get to Jesus he's the sixtieth so God becomes man and in David is the 33rd from Adam in and David is a type of Christ and Jesus is the son of David and Jesus was 33 years old when he died and David reigned 33 years in Jerusalem and you can look at these genealogies and find some of the most amazing things and you can actually find the true grace of God in the lineage of Christ genealogies there in the first chapter Matthew because you find a harlot a Gentile harlot in Christ's lineage Rahab a harlot was the ancestor of Jesus and then you find Ruth a a Moabite in the Moabites worship Moloch or shamash they worship she marched the Sun God and this shows God's grace to a certain few Gentiles in the Old Testament God did not pull out of his spirit until acts to on all flesh or unto the Gentiles less red yellow white black and brown flesh until he gets tax - so you can study genealogies and find some amazing things in the genealogy so all scripts including genealogies is given by inspiration from God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness and that means everything in the Bible therefore how you going to find out what these things mean you have to study them intricately and in great detail you have to actually factor the Bible factor if you want to factor something and this is what we're going to be doing we're going to be factoring scripture I'll get to that in a moment but let me give you this word inspiration in this word verse it's the words Theo knew scoffs th EO th EO p in e us TOS feel new stuff and we recognize that it comes from Theo sin P in EU MA it means God Theo's breathe it's got braved he God breathes into us and are divinely breathed when you go into the word inspire we get the word inspire so that got your as inspired inspire well inspire is the exact opposite of Xfire when we say that God expired we say he died he doesn't have any more breath x-bar means to exhale inspire means to inhale and we said last week that we inhaled we've got two beings in us we got a physical man that breathes in unclean air or unclean breath unclean breath unclean breath or unclean spirit and when we try to take care of this body instead of God taking care we have an unclean spirit and that is a demon or a day Aman and damn on means to distribute fortunes now in the first century a demon was well this gets all this really gets down to a whole bunch of things a demon they said they had good demons and they had bad demons and a good demon would give you good fortune and a bad demon would distribute bad fortunes you'd get it you get a good job if you had a good demon and you you feel good and and be well all the time bad demon get you fired and break your leg but that's an unclean breath when we try to take care of this flesh we don't believe in demons here we believe that we have unclean spirit well the word Holy Spirit is the word hey guys hey guys Numa and of course it means clean or pure breath so we have a big in us which is the spiritual man that has a pure breath now some people have tried to argue where as to whether the Holy Spirit is a third person of the Godhead and they will admit that Jesus is a person and they'll admit that they'll admit that of course the father is a person but look over here in Matthew the first chapter huh okay keep going okay all right now look over here Matthew the first chapter and look here in verse 18 now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise when as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together sexually she was found with child of the Holy Ghost and that word holy there now the word endings are changed depending on some character of the word when I say Hagios the o' of the OS will be changed you look in your inner linear Bible you get the actual spelling then you go into an analytical lexicon to find out the character the word well this word holy here that Mary was found with child the Holy Spirit holy is an adjective and an adjective modifies nouns and pronouns will spirit is a spirit is a noun so holy modifies spirit always every adjective carries the gender when we say gender for those of you that might not know what that means masculine or male feminine female and neuter gender neuter means it's neither male nor female it's a table it's not male or female it's a car so always the adjective and the noun that it modifies has to carry the same gender if the adjective is masculine then the noun it modifies must be masculine that's always true well this word hey Geass in this first is the word hag you H a G IOU and that word hag U is masculine gender therefore spirit is masculine gender and Holy Spirit is masculine I think that's a person in it yes anyway I'm getting at when people say well the Holy Spirit's not a person yes it's a person but it is Christ living in us and now then as I said when the Holy Spirit is breathed into us the person of Christ in when the Bible speaks of Christ in you the hope of Gore in Colossians 1:27 and you go to John 14 and repeatedly John will say Jesus will say in John 14 I am in you and you are in me well Christ is in us in the form of the holy spirit that we're talking about this word inspire look over here in job 32 go to joke 32 I don't know if you know what I'm doing I'm I'm factoring things is what I'm doing that's in fact that's the way I teach I factor a lot now Mike knows what factor means and I'll tell you that in a moment all right job 30 job 32 in verse 8 job 32 32 and verse 8 but there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the author Almighty giveth them understanding now this is very important inspiration is God breathing in inspiration gives understanding but but inspiration is the Holy Spirit isn't it and the Holy Spirit is truth and thy Word is truth that gives understanding let me give you this word let me give you this word inspiration it's stored in s-sama ne sa ma h ne sa mah nĂ  sama and that word not sama means puff wind puff wind a rushing mighty wind was an old babylonian term that meant to breathe something on someone when we see a rushing mighty wind don't mean who are rushing mighty wind I feel to the coastal it mates to breathe in it means intellect it means to understand an intellectual is a person who has understanding what intellect is nothing wrong with the word intellect or being intellectual intellectual means you understanding you've studied something a pseudo intellectual is someone who thinks they know like a Baptist preacher I just have to say that I get back as a hard time because they don't believe what they used to believe they used to be predestination they believe used to be Christmas is pagan 150 years ago so the madness today and the ones 150 years ago don't say the same thing don't even believe the same thing now that's that word so inspiration causes understand have you noticed I am breaking down for you what things mean I am doing what you call in mathematics factoring if you're going to study something I have been going through every verse in the Bible I haven't gone through all of you through this study I've decided to go through every verse and read every verse in the Bible that has holy spirit spirit that has any of these words wind or breathe and I'm going through all of these what the Holy Spirit does what it is what it produces well it understands doesn't it and this is the breath of God that causes us to understand now the Holy Spirit is not a Pentecostal term now I'm going to I'm going to tell on the Baptist and the Presbyterians and the other people I got a call from a Pentecostal woman it she sounded like I recognized the voice and she she sounds like that woman on TV that local Pentecost a woman that's really talking uh no she's a local woman that and I recognized her voice and she was jumping on me you're treading on dangerous ground you're running the Holy Spirit and your blaspheming God then you're gonna and you're just walking on eggshells mister and you better repent and get the Holy Ghost good night woman you're not paying any attention the Holy Spirit is something that is exact you can't just come up and make it some imaginary thing that what I'm doing if you'll go through the Bible and this doesn't take a whole lot of then take a brilliant person all you have to do is take your concordance look up spirit look up ghost find out every time it's mentioned and read every one of those verses if it's two hundred verses you want to do that if you don't want to do it I'll do it I want to do it whether you want do or not okay and I'm going to show you what the Holy Spirit is what it does what I'm doing when you do that you break something down to its factors let me read to you Webster's definition of factor I don't know if y'all realize this I use a lot of mathematics and I'm factoring constantly if you want to know how a clock works what do you do you take it apart now Eric used to take apart everything we bought him but he never did put it back together we bought him a telescope one time and it was all over the place he wanted to see how it worked you have to take something apart and put it back together that's the way a lot of people learn electronics and radio and everything else that's how you do it if you take the Word of God apart but you have to take a concordance and I've got a copy machine I'll make a copy of certain words and I'll go through every verse a lot of times and I'll see what this word does what words it's connected with and I want you to notice that because a factor is an element or a constituent that makes things what it is for for it's got a lot of factors what is it makes up a for well what makes up a for here's some factors - x - 4 times 1 how about - 2 x - 2 negative 2 times negative 2 that's safor alright you can go into 5 times 4 minus 16 those are factors aren't they of for everything that you can come up with to make a 4 is a factor break it all down or 4 times 4 times well I put 4 times 1 any number of other things up there those are factors what does it take to make up something when you're going to study the Bible go through all the verses and find out everything it does now some people think I teach the same thing and repeat myself because I continue to go through all these different verses in order to find out what does this do we don't need the 3 3 vs. Ottis only a word we need to read all these verses because God put them there for us now let me go back and we need to find out what the Holy Spirit is what is the Holy Spirit impulse that all Scripture is given by inspiration from God will that include the Old Testament is the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament equal to the Holy Spirit in the New Testament huh well yeah it is if it's Scripture it's equal to everything that's one thing is equal to to each other let's just go back and cover what the Holy Spirit is now we know that it's a person we just got through establishing that and I'm not going to go into any more than that but go back over here to John 14 let's write some of these things down as we go when you have the Holy Spirit this is what you have alright John 14 John 14 factor everything break everything down to its lowest common denominator find out what it takes to make something up what it takes to constitute something and when that thing is constituted what does it do and it's really not that hard you just look at everything that said when you have a what we used to call a statement problem in in arithmetic or math and you've got a train going east at 40 miles an hour and a train going west and they're 300 miles support it at 60 miles an hour how long in a 500 miles apart how long does it take them come together which is the only thing you can do is write down all those facts on the board the way to study is to look at the Holy Spirit and the spirit don't just look up spirit but look up ghosts because they're the same word and then find out everything the Holy Spirit in the Holy Ghost does and find out everything that baptism of the Spirit is and find out everything that it is and everything that it produces and everything it does and what has an effect on it it's the same thing and it's a word problem that's how you find out what the Bible means factor everything just break it down and a lot of times you won't even know where you're going is okay the Holy Spirit does this Holy Spirit does this Holy Spirit oh wait a minute look here I just found something that's amazing and you'll run across it as you constantly break these things down now look here in John 14 we're just going to I'm going to write this on the board I've quoted this a thousand times but look here in let's read a little bit here start herein in verse 12 verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall we do I mean greater doesn't mean it just it comes from the word Magus or Magali in EGA are megasaur Emmy or Emmy gele mega lei and that just means larger it doesn't mean you're going to do greater works and I know you're here more people it means larger because the works are going to be done all over the world by the believers he's not talking about you're going to do greater things that you're going to build 5,000 people on the hill this being in your ought to raise this many people from the dead and you're going to walk on the water 25 times let's know what it's talking about is talking about the larger works that go throughout the world because I go into my father and whatsoever you shall ask in my name and ask is a conditional word and don't mean you can ask anything you won't do I'm not going there I've done the entire series don't ask that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it I tell is the word and you only get what you ask if you keep his Commandments and do the things that are pleasing in his sight and what's pleasing to God is death to self and when you start asking for self you break the law of asking if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another comforter now the word comforter is the word paralysis PA RA klas is in comforter comes from the word para Kaleo paulo coelho is the word comfort now we need comfort because the world is going to be persecuting us getting angry at us the Pentecostals are mad at me all started to tell you something while ago I was going to tell off on the Baptist I do not believe in Pentecostalism I hate Pentecostalism I didn't say I hated Pentecostals because a lot of the people here were Pentecostals before they came here but I hate it because it's a lying doctrine it is not blasphemy if you believe in Pentecostalism you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit because you're saying that that the Word of God means something it does not mean now this lady told me I was blaspheming know blasphemous elas phe MOS comes from blocked o BL a PTO and femaie pheme that were blocked o means to hinder and the word femaie that's our word Fame it means to hinder the fame it comes from the word femi infamy means something said or spoken now the Holy Spirit speaks and if you hinder the truth that God has spoken you are blaspheming now God said that they all spoke with other tongues hetero glossa other foreign languages and the word glossa you got two words for tongue glossa and dialect oz in the elect us is the word dialect and if you do not believe that and you say that is not true you are blaspheming and you are Antichrist the Bible says the man that denies Christ is Antichrist and the word denies the word AR in e om AI and that word our nail my means to contradict if you contradict the Word of God and you say that tongue is anything other than glossa in dialects then you are blaspheming if you're a Pentecostal and you insist on that I'm going to warn you Pentecostals you better get out of that that is one of the greatest lies that's come along in the history of the world and they are literally just taking over the world I don't know if you know that in it but let me tell you another secret Pentecostals the badly you think you've got something that the Baptist won't you think that the badness behind the scenes I care more about you than they do because they lie to your face they will not look you in the eye and tell you what they believe they don't believe in what you're doing and they don't believe you've got anything and the Baptist's will laugh at you behind your back and make fun of you did you know that they think well we'll get around the Bible and say perhaps you'll get this old ghost one time the Bible's going yeah yeah and the Baptist is just kind of trying to hide from his real feelings they don't believe what you're doing and they don't believe it's right but they don't have the guts to tell you they're nice Tommy Tommy no seat up in New York he'd been raised in a Pentecostal church all his life and Tommy began to watch this on TV eight or nine years ago he said I was so messed up when you got on there and you started saying tongues was Glosson and dialects and he said I had to do something he said I didn't know what to do so he said I drove to Atlanta from New York City and went to Charles Stanley's church and walked down the aisle during the invitation him and told him I was a Pentecost and Charles Stanley told me get out of that that's not true well Charles won't you have the guts enough to get on TV and say that you didn't say what I'm saying the babbage's don't believe you have anything they don't even believe in what you're doing but they will fake you out and put you on as though they respect you when they don't and laugh behind your back I'm telling you to your face it's wrong isn't that true Baptist if you've been a Baptist Church you laugh at it you make fun of them they joke about it and people in this woman said you're blaspheming the holy ghost you need to get Holy Ghost you don't know nothing that's hogwash numa that's purebred so I just want to tell off I was raised a Baptist preacher's home I was ordained the Baptist Church myself I know what they think I've traveled all of American hundreds of Baptist churches don't tell me what baddest things I know how they are I know from the bottom my toes to the top my head exactly I was born bred a Baptist and they laugh at Pentecostalism and they don't believe it and they won't tell you to your face they're gutless now I just thought I'd tell y'all that I don't know if you know that don't get mad at me I'm willing to sit and be forthright they don't have the nerve now if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he will give you another comforter a paralysis and he'll comfort you during all your tribulation the whole idea of a comforter is to give you comfort while you're going through some difficulties but it's not comfort if you don't know what it means is it well I got a comforter the Holy Ghost and I just feel good I got to go out here and I don't have a job doll this but I feel good while I'm a church and I'm shouting jumping up and down tear down acting like a fool I feel good that's not a comfort comfort has inexactness to it then he says here is the comforter even the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit let me write this let me make a list of this up on the board Holy Spirit Holy Spirit is a comforter it comforts it is the spirit or the breath of truth that he breathed into our spiritual being and remember when John said i baptize with water but there comes one after me he'll baptize you with the Holy Spirit in fire NUMA and / there was a man named Zeno that started something called old stoicism it's the oh I see I see is M stoicism and the Stoics they said all the universe was a cosmos and only arrangement that's the word world in John 3:16 it is masculine gender so there's an orderly arrangement a man got in kind for God so love the old arrangement of mankind of whether you believe it or not that's what it says that whosoever pass ho pas so are the all and the all in stores ISM they said was all of the components what it took to make up the universe the factors of the universe the all that was the all and they said that that this all constituted the cosmos and Numa and purr gave it life and they had been saying that for about 360 years by the time Jesus starts his ministry that was that comet of saying for over 350 years so when you saw Newman par it meant life what breathes life into us spiritually that's the new birth and the scripture says in 1st Corinthians 8 in verse 5 If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his if you haven't been birthed with the breath of God you don't belong to God you the Holy Spirit is not a second work of grace it's God breathing life into us and continue to breathe life and continue to breathe truth because the Holy Spirit is the truth isn't it now what it is it doesn't mean like I said you're on a Bible when you have the Holy Spirit you have the ability in your mind to understand truth and to take the cover off and when you when you define the word truth you're actually factoring the word because the word truth is the word land Fano how many times that I put this on the board a thousand in the last year land Fano land on O means to hide or conceal when you place the Alpha the first letter of the Greek alphabet in front of a word as a negative particle it's called the alpha primitive it negates the word it negates the word gives an opposite meaning when you place the off in front of land Fano it translates a L ETH eia which is the word truth it means not to hide anything it means to break things down define the words find out what it means it means to factor everything find out what it takes to make up truth and then speak it out when you have the Holy Spirit as you grow in the Spirit you start off with a little faith and as you grow you your ability to speak the truth out becomes more and more but you have the ability to understand the truth take the cover off and see what the truth means you're able to actually see it if you are so stuck if you are so stuck on some denomination a Pentecostal denomination a Baptist denomination now I'm not just giving Pentecostals a hard time sometimes I give Baptist a real hard time I'm giving everybody a hard time that don't tell the truth Pentecostalism is not true it used to bother me that nobody would stand up and say that of course the Baptist doctrine is not true that we're talking about Pentecostals right now through this Hung's baptism the Holy Spirit series now look over here one more time he says even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive notice that the Spirit of Truth is not received by the world majority of the world's going to hell many are going into the wide gate the broad way fewer fighting the narrow gate few will know the truth because it seeth him not it does not have spiritual eyes to see with neither knoweth him but ye know him and Jesus is talking to the apostles in his last discourse before he goes to the cross for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you Christ in you the hope of glory as the Holy Spirit are the breath of God that's in us now look over here in Matthew in John 15 John 15 verse 26 when the comforter has come when the Holy Spirit has come when the truth is coming to your heart it's been breathed into you and you come alive whom I will send unto you from the father even the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the father he shall testify of me now when the Holy Spirit comes Holy Spirit will testify of Jesus we said last week that we become witnesses the Holy Spirit preaches doesn't it now notice this testify comes from the word ma r tu reo it comes from the word Marcos which is the word witness witness martyr ayo we get the word martyr from that and when you testify but I was you notice he says he will testify me and this verse has to be connected to chapter 16 verse 13 notice this Jesus said in verse 13 of chapter 16 howbeit when Hey look at this when he the Spirit of Truth is the spirit of he doesn't it say it's a person here it's a the spirit is the third person of the Godhead how can you say the Holy Spirit is not a person when it says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth not part truth he's not going to come up and say well you got the Holy Ghost but Christmas we're going to celebrate Christmas even though Christmas is Christ's mass and you're not going to understand that and you refuse to understand it because you like getting presents at Christmas time putting up a tree and all the decoration when Christmas was Christ's mass it was the old feast of Saturn it was sun worship and tree worship out of the ancient world if you have the holy spirit you'll be able to understand that that is fact if you Pentecostals say you have the holy spirit you say if you have you have to Pentecostal this one I'm after false doctrine if you say you have the spirit and you refuse Romans 8:29 for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son and you refuse to deal with every word in that verse and define the words and break the syllables down in the original text you deny Christ you blaspheme God and you're Antichrist somebody needs to preach against these lying features in these pulpits don't they and they don't even bother to find it if what they're saying is true they don't define the word tongue when they said how here we ever man our own tongue when we were born the word tongue is wordy elect Oz and it was the dialect of the kornei where they were born in the first century because the Jews had been scattered all over the world and they had to come back for these three feasts Passover Pentecost in the end gathering in the Day of Atonement and they heard in the Dalek who newborn but if you'll notice here I want you to know something real close when the spirits come he speaks now he Jesus Jesus said in verse 26 of the previous chapter he testifies of me and if you notice the next phrase here in verse 13 of chapter 16 for he shall not speak of himself the Holy Spirit does not come and say I got the Holy Ghost do you have the Holy Ghost that's not what the Spirit does when the Spirit comes it is breathed into us he speaks of Jesus that's what it says doesn't it he didn't test five himself say I got the Holy Ghost everybody go get the Holy Ghost I got a stupid little brother on TV and he's only everyone not saying Oh Holy Spirit come down we invite you to come down wait a minute the Holy Spirit is in the hearts of the believers if you go talk to the spirit go up to somebody's chest say hey Holy Spirit Enda of course the heart is the place of understanding I'm being a little bit ludicrous is that ridiculous it's silly we're going to invite the Holy Spirit in you're going to invite the breath of God in to make something alive you don't invite the breath of God and he goes in where he wants to he quickens with where he will look here John 3 I'll come back this book at John 3 John 3 look here verse 8 the wind bloweth where it listeth phileo th e le o or it comes from the word Thelema and the word - Laima means to determine the spirit blows where it determines to blow or the wind blows where it determines to blow the here's the sound thereof and cats not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of the Spirit what does it mean so is every one that's born of the Spirit the same thing that the wind does the Holy Spirit does the the wind blows where it wills to blow that's what the word list of means it blows where it wants to blow so is everyone in support of the spirit the spirit blows where it wants to blow and makes alive who it wants to make alive doesn't it you don't invite the spirit in what we're doing is we're factoring the spirit now go back over here now go back over here to verse 13 of chapter 16 of John let me reread but whatsoever he shall hear how's the Holy Spirit going to hear something chapter 16 verse 13 whatsoever he shall hear how's the holy spirit gonna hear something can anybody tell me that's going to hear where is the Holy Spirit it's in us enough spiritually isn't it so if the Holy Spirit hears it's our spiritual man hearing isn't it proverbs 20 and 12 the hearing ear and the sing I the LORD hath made even both of them so if the Holy Spirit hears is because we can hear truth now what does the Holy Spirit do well the next phrase tells us whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak the Holy Spirit speaks doesn't we said we went through that last week we breathe it in and we speak it out and he will show you things to come let's back up to the first part of that verse when the Spirit has come he will guide you not into partial truth but to all truth the word guide is the word honda gail h OD e GE oh now that's the word God and the word guide comes from Honda OnStar ho DOS wait a minute there's only one way isn't there what's he going to guide us in narrow is the way and I go I go means to lead in the way that's what it means well the Bible says narrow is the way and narrow is the word th Li Bo it means to crowd through a narrow opening like you're going through a turnstile 101 you can't go in with your wife or with your husband or with your brother your sister your mother it's one-on-one you and God that's it it comes through words ellipsis the base word is th Li PSIs and that is the common word every time you find tribulation so what is the Holy Spirit going to do he's going to guide us through the way lead us into the narrow tribulation way we must through much tribulation into the kingdom of God unto you it is given to the behalf of Christ I don't believe upon him but also to suffer is forsake you and all that when they've got in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution no man should be moved by these afflictions knowing that you were appointed there to the Holy Spirit will guide us through this way it's not going to make us jump up and down in the church you may be so thrilled with predestination and Christmas is begging you want to jump up and down like Jamar does what yeah men are like that but his getting his side it is not over getting a Pentecostal feeling it's because he was a Pentecostal he used to speak in tongues in their IG bar and he comes over the house on Friday night and says I am so embarrassed for the foolishness I've been in me too me too I'm so embarrassed for having been such a fool and if you're not embarrassed for having been such a fool you haven't repented Jamar is not alone he's thrilled with this message and Bhavana gets excited it's like yeah man that's that's the truth into what it's doing it's going against everything he was taught now he'll guide you into all truth that that word guide means to govern have authority over or have rule over wait a minute what is it that has rule over us I think that's the word Corey Oz isn't it if a man has the Holy Spirit Carell says the word the Lord if a man is involved in his in his traditions God is not your Lord it Pentecostalism is a tradition it started in 1914 1904 in in Joplin Missouri area some woman stood up and said I think I have a word in a tongue and she just conjured this up in 1904 ignorant woman in joplin missouri that knew nothing about the bible didn't know anything she was talking about and then they had this movement in the Joplin Missouri Galena Kansas area and then it moved out to Azusa Street and now they put this great big step of approval of the Pentecostal movement on Azusa Street and it's a bunch of hogwash because it does not meet the definition and the factors of the Holy Spirit in the Bible the constituents of what the Holy Spirit needs of what it does does not make the Pentecostalism cannot meet the criteria Pentecostalism is a hellish doctrine and i don't know i have never heard a preacher in my life that's willing to stand up and say that because he's afraid he's going to make enemies the Pentecostals have nothing I want unless there's some elect in there that can hear this and say oh man is that true somebody needs to put a question in their mind if somebody doesn't set up and say the preacher is lying how they gonna know you just Pat them on a bear there I know your Pentecost and I'm a Baptist not believing a thing you're saying but I'll pat you on the back day I wonder for y'all and you're Christian I'm Christian I'll let you have your ungodly false doctrine and what they're doing they are blaspheming God they are Antichrist and they deny these are the words of God they deny that there's a narrow way they deny that Jesus is the Lord don't they it did not and when they come up and say these things if something has no foundation and it's passed down from one generation to the next that's called a tradition a tradition and that word tradition is the word para dosis tradition is something you passed down from generation to the next that has no foundation there's not an ounce of foundation somebody's to stand up say something uh Pentecostalism you say what's the big deal about Pentecostalism most of the charismatic Tsar Pentecostal Pentecostals means you speak in tongues you believe in slain in the spirit first of all the Holy Spirit is not killing anybody he's breathing life into the elect what is this slain in the spirit that's foolishness God quickens who he wills he breathes into into his he licked he breathed life into him by the spirit I don't wonder whatever comes up and thinks of that the Honan it is the spirit that quickeneth there look there in John 6 John 6 verse 63 it is the spirit now just because that's a little s it doesn't mean it's not the Holy Spirit anytime you find caps are small letters that's because the translators put it in there there are no in the original text most of them don't have any capitals it is the holy spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life the Spirit is life because Neumann ferment to come to life so he says the Spirit quickens and look at John 5 John 5:21 for as the father raises up the dead and quickeneth them even the so the son quickeneth whom he will and quicken 0p OIE o simple means to make alive and what are we made alive with with Hagee anima pure breath I don't like lying doctrine any believers in Pentecostalism you need to come out of it I had a Pentecostal lady called me one night she said my husband is a associate pastor of a Pentecostal church he said these things are singing really scaring me will the fear of the Lord's the beginning of wisdom and knowledge Mary and I went by where she worked and gave her some tapes and she wouldn't argue with us she didn't know what to do she is tied up in a situation she doesn't know how to get out of because her husband is a Pentecostal preacher it might take years for her to come to a place and say I'm fed up I'm going to believe God instead of you this is a one on one thing you don't keep doing something because your husband does it because your wife doesn't ya don't matter you don't keep going because your dad is the preacher my father was the preacher I had to call him down so many times after I grew up and after I learned some truth I said daddy that's not true you have to repent and I couldn't even get a comment on him he just dropped his head I did Eric and Karen's wedding and I did a pretense I have a predestination wedding when I do it and he was there at their wedding he walked it to me he's real boisterous and loud and noisy and just a know-it-all he walked up to me said Jimmy that's really interesting uh could I have a copy of that it humbled him so bad he didn't know what to do he never heard predestination in that light before but I had to throw everything that my father taught me out the window I have been deprogramming what he said for years and decades and decades that's wrong that's wrong that's wrong as I learned I'm not going to let my father dictate to me what I go to heaven or not you better not let your kinfolks dictate to you if a man gain the world and loses so what will he give in exchange for his soul just to gain your parents I want God's truth more than I want my mother and father I want God's truth more than I want my brothers and sisters I want God's truth with more than I want my daughter I hadn't seen her in 22 years she'll be 47 this year haven't seen her since she's 25 but I want God more and I want her how bad do you want the Lord you have to sell all unless a man forsakes all that he has he cannot be my disciple you got to be willing to sell your mother and father you got to be willing to sell your family and say Lord I want you it's just me and you how about you will Jesus jesus said buy me gold tried in the fire if a man finds a treasure in a field he sells all that he has to buy that field that means all your family everything I don't care about my father's doctrines he was off base a million miles off base and I love him more than my brothers and sisters because I told him the truth and told him he must repent of his sin if you don't tell your parents the truth you don't care nothing about him I don't care what kind of affection you show when you're around them now where was I look over here oh if a man is involved in his tradition that word that word how the ghetto means to root over and God is your Lord the Holy Spirit is not guiding you when you are ruled by your traditions that's what the Bible says look over here in John 15 I mean excuse me Matthew 15 Matthew the fifteenth chapter and that word how to ghetto means to be led in the way or it means to be ruled over the Holy Spirit let me say this very slow and very clear if you're pentecost's the Holy Spirit is not leading you if you're led by this tradition that this is a spiritual thing when you're speaking in tongues when the word tongue is or dialect asar glossa tradition is leading you it has no foundation in the true none look here in Matthew 15 this is what Jesus says God is not your Lord when you're led by tradition Matthew 15 verse 6 ought or not let's read done 5 and 6 but you say whosoever shall say to his father his mother is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honour not his father his mother he shall be free and of course they would say we have given all the Pharisees would say we've given all of our money to the temple and I cannot have helped my mother and father thus have you made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition the commandment of God is OK you are o Alcala o Alcala is the word none effect are of none effect and it comes in the word kurios Carrillo's means Lord Lord has the same meaning as hada ghetto it means to rule over how to get all means to guide you into the tribulation that is Lord when you place the Alpha in front of kurios the Alpha primitive it negates the word gives an opposite meaning it means no Lord God is not ruling you when you're following the traditions of Pentecostalism the comforter does not guide you know that's hard isn't it I am so tired of anybody beating around the bush I'm not trying to get along with people I'm not trying to make people happy I'm trying to tell the blunt straight truth that when a man has the Holy Spirit he will do that we're going to get to that dude look over here in 1st John so we're finding out you'll guide you into all truth he will he will rule over you and lead you he'll lead you into and through tribulation that's what the Holy Spirit will do what we're doing is breaking down the Holy Spirit what he does what it is look in first John it's going to take some time to get through this baptism of the Holy Spirit and tongues and what is this all about what have we been talking about for a long time we've been talking about Israel going after Idol gods for 500 years and then God scattered him all over the earth through the Beast and when he scatters them he says because you've got after Bale in the grove which was the Christmas system of the tree and Sun worship then he says I'm going to pull out of my spirit on all flesh or the Gentiles or the red yellow white black and brown flesh and he said I'm going to use the tongues to do that and I'm going to bring them alive by the spirit because I gave the spirit or the truth to Israel to one flesh and now I'm going to pull out my my spirit on all flesh and I'm going I got an elect family among the Gentile world I'm going to breathe life into them by the spirit that's what all of it's about isn't it now look here in 1st John 1st John 5 I don't have time to go through over six just read this last sentence here and it is the spirit that beareth witness what does the spirit do it bears witness in the word birth witness is the word martyr Rael first John 5:6 Marta rayou is the word bear witness and it comes from word marcus marcus and boy that takes us into the two witnesses doesn't it so whenever the spirit is bearing witness goodness sake steer wheel back to revelation for there are three that bear record the word bear record is the word marked array oh it's the same word as witness there's three that witness in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost these three are one there one in there witness the three individuals but there one in there in agreement and there are three that bear witness in the earth the spirit the water and the blood these three agree in one to have a witness you have to have two to three witnesses under Jewish law so the Holy Spirit bears witness doesn't it because I don't have time to go in all this so when you get to the spirit and the word witness comes from the word Martha's and Martha's means two we get the word martyr which means to die and one who dies the spirit witnesses or the spirit preaches and when you preach you die and that's a blood baptism a death in the first century was a baptism this is the baptism of the Holy Spirit the baptism Holy Spirit is when we preach we die for it that's what it's talking about it's not talking about what people are saying and it took two witnesses in the ancient world to verify anything under Jewish law I wasn't going to go here but let me give it to you real quick how much time to have mine okay let's go quickly over the second Corinthians the thirteenth chapter under Jewish law we're still talking about when the Spirit when you're filled with the spirit ye shall be witnesses you'll die for it because the word witness Marcus comes from the word martyr it means to die that's the baptism of the Holy Spirit that's a blood baptism was a martyrdom it baptized comes to word baptizo and bapto and that baptism means to cover and bapto means to stain where they die that was a dyers term in the first century baptized was a dyers term it meant to come to stain and die something he's washed us from our sins in his own blood so when we're washed in the blood of Christ that's a blood baptism that's because we are baptized with the spirit telling the truth and we're paying with our life you say I don't see anybody dying death Thanatos means separation not anihilation so when your family separates from you they are putting you on a figurative cross for telling them the truth because you are filled with the spirit and you're telling truth and that's the Word of God and he says because the Spirit is the truth that's the last part of that verse the Spirit is the truth they're in first John five and six and very quickly so the witnesses are connected to spirit isn't it ah when you have the Holy Spirit you become a witness you begin to preach when we think of witnessing we think about preaching but there's something more deep than just preaching to somebody it's dying for it because that's what a witness is it's a martyr and that's a blood baptism now look here in second now when we're talking about the spirit you shall be witnesses we're talking about a death because let me keep reminding you witness means of death it comes from martyr meaning to die a martyr is someone who dies for a cause we die for the cause of Christ look here and when you see these witnesses you think death to self look here in people say how do you die to self you tell the truth it's really really simple but how you going to tell the truth if you don't learn the truth do you know Pentecostals are going to come after me I've had several people call me here just blaspheming God you listen one woman called said you don't know what you're doing and you're so messed up and you and they don't even they don't give any words of verses or anything you're just messed up and you're really and good trouble with God and you're going to get in trouble and then I'm telling you yeah one woman calling from Oakland said you just you're just so mad Pentecostals this woman Oklahoma City last week it was kind of funny and I was trying to answer no I'm not to talk to you and she hung up so I called her back she yells up my god I got done jongup you know nothing I just thought it was funny it's sad because they're fighting me over the truth ain't no badness got the guts to stand up and tell them of course the Baptists don't even know what this is about much that's the Methodist that's a party place that's just a social club and the Lutheran's John Martin Luther would turn over in his grave if he knew what they did to his name he was a great preacher of predestination the sovereignty God look in 2nd Corinthians 13 and 1 this is the time I am coming to you in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established so when you have the witnesses you have the Holy Spirit there don't you you have the truth right now go back over here to numbers 35 notice that the two witnesses have to do with the law of God let me write this down so you won't forget it look here me go ahead and write this down okay now we've established that the Spirit is truth John 14 15 16 15 26 16 13 first John 5 and 6 the Spirit is the truth that's what all these verses say it's the comforter it's the truth it is he that's living in us and then John 17:17 sanctify those that belong to you through thy truth thy Word is truth things that are equal to the same thing reap to each other if the Spirit is the truth and the word is the truth the truth is equal to the Holy Spirit and the truth is equal to the word therefore the Holy Spirit is the Word of God isn't it well let me ask it is who not what who was the Word of God that's Jesus in the beginning was the word and words with God John 1:1 what we're doing is factoring the Holy Spirit we just breaking it all down find out what is it in the beginning was the word Word was with God what was God the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by the word what they let me show you something well this thing gets so intricately detailed go to Genesis 1:1 hold you place over and second go Genesis 1:1 I will get to it in a minute I got my look at there I got I got my places marked in my Bible and we get to it look here in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth became became without form and void I'm going to give you the original and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved you reckon he moved where he willed he moves upon darkness and the darkness comprehended not and look here in Psalms 33 and six Psalms 33 breath has a lot to do this doesn't by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth everything was made and created by the breath of the mouth of God I think that was the Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters wasn't it huh now when you find the Holy Spirit it has to do with the word of God wasn't that the word in the beginning what isn't Jesus the word that was made flesh in John 1:14 and dwelt among us so when you see witness it always has to do with verifying the Word of God or God's commandments look here in numbers let's go to numbers 35 when you see witnesses ye shall be witnesses witness that it's just not something God thought moom let me see if I can come up with something oh here's an idea witnesses know this is Jewish law when your witness it's Jewish law well the law has to do with the Holy Spirit doesn't it isn't the law the Word of God I've got so many places to go here let me read this real quick and I'll take you somewhere numbers 35 all right numbers 35 and verse 30 whosoever killeth any person the murderer shall be put to death by the mouths of witnesses is this Jewish law you think that's the holy spirit by the mouths of witnesses but one witness shall not testify against any person to cause him to die it takes two witnesses that's why jesus in the-- passes out in two and we got two witnesses in us before is this the law of God you got two witnesses here and this is the law of God let me give you something here go over here to Psalms 119 Psalms 119 now we've said now what you notice what we're doing I'm using this word we're factoring we're breaking up the holy spirit into its constituents what it takes to constitute the holy spirit and what does the Holy Spirit do look at psalms one night 119 so I'm going I think that remember I want to remind you you have to keep reminding yourself the Spirit is truth right the Spirit is the word of God John 17:17 right is the word of God is that easy law when a man has the spirit he has the law of God where is the law now it's written on fleshy tables of the heart into the third chapter second Corinthians isn't it I think that's the shedding abroad of God's love in our heart because love is agape and that's walking in his commandments in it if I can show you that the Holy Spirit is the law of God here then everywhere we find the law of God that's the yoke of the kingdom in it man look here in the Psalms 119 verse 142 the righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth what else is the truth the Holy Spirit the truth so the law and the holy spirit are the same thing aren't they that's the Word of God written in our heart city and look up here in verse 151 thou art near O Lord all thy Commandments are truth what if I said all thy Commandments or the Holy Spirit in US huh can we say that so we've got the commandments and the law being the hope being truth the law and the commandments of God well I think that's love isn't it agape is walking in God's commandments isn't it second John 6 this is love that we walk after his Commandments we walk after truth we walk after the holy spirit well those that are led by the spirit then Colette inclusion 6 let's go over there Galatians 5 I'm just all this is coming to my mind real quick glace is a fifth chapter Galatians 5 look at verse 24 they better Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit what walk in the truth yes because we're crucifying the lust of the flesh we're crucifying the flesh when you crucify the flesh you walk in truth you walk in the Word of God you walk in his commandments you walk in the spirit because the spirit equals the truth the spirit equals the truth which equals the Word of God which equals the law which equals His commandments which equals agape which equals the yoke of the kingdom doesn't it the yoke of a kingdom was the laws of a kingdom notice all we're doing is breaking all this down what does it all mean and when a man witnesses he it's something when you find the two witnesses in the Old Testament it's the law of God let's go back over here to Deuteronomy 17 and 6 Deuteronomy 17 and 6 notice how this comes together Deuteronomy 17 6 at the mouth of two witnesses say the holy spirit when the Holy Spirit what is the book of Deuteronomy that's the law isn't it Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy is the law of God this is the law this is the Word of God this is the Holy Spirit given to the one flesh was God's law or God's Word given to Israel that's the only flesh it was given to to one flesh and now in the last days for the last 2,000 years he's going to pour out his spirit on all flesh but it took two witnesses under the law under the Word of God under the Spirit of God to put a man to death at the mouth of two witnesses a three witnesses Shelly that is worthy of death be put to death but at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death the hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death in John eight when the woman brought in adultery to Christ and Jesus said let him that is without sin first cast a stone he didn't say cast the first stone he said let him be the first one to step forward to cast the stone at the woman because of this first right here the hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death but if what they said wasn't true they had to suffer the same penalty the accusers did so they dropped their stones and walked away Jesus probably was writing this verse in the dust the hands of the witnesses shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterwards the hands of the people so shalt thou put the evil away from among you and look over here in Deuteronomy 19 Deuteronomy 19:15 I preached on this on Wednesday on a Sunday night on Revelation before because you got two witnesses in Revelation the eleventh chapter don't you huh but the two witnesses is not Moses and Elijah the two witnesses of what puts self to death help me look here Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 19 and 15 19 verse 15 one witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity or for any sin in any sin that he sinneth at the mouth of two witnesses we're still talking about the holy spirit aren't we this is the Word of God this is his commandments in it do you think the Old Testament they had the Holy Spirit repeatedly the Bible say the spirit was in this man to do what God said to do he and when they were building the temple these men who have names that you're not familiar with they say the Spirit of the Lord was upon him to make the altar according to the specifications of God that God gave Moses in the mound that's the Word of God isn't it at the mouth of three witnesses shall the matter be established and Jesus was confronting the Pharisees continually look at John 8 John 8 I'm just trying I'm trying I'm showing you kind of how I study I'll take one concept I'll take a word I'll go into my concordance and put all these verses out and see what it does and what it is and how it affects other things and what the words are that are affecting it and how it affects other words and how they're all related together you just break it all down just start take one word and read all the way through the Bible with that one word and everything you can see about that word write it down and after you get through go 30 and you will be it'll be unbelievable what you'll see in the Bible if Pentecostalism is true I don't know a word of what I'm talking about and if I know what I'm talking about Pentecostals in America are in trouble people just don't have the guts to stand up and say it see I don't believe that's an alternate way to eternal life I believe that's the devil's lie it's one of many the Baptist approaching one - now look here in John John 8 verse 17 Jesus is confronting the Pharisees look at 16 and yet if I judge my judgment is true for I'm not alone but I am the father that sent me and he's talking to the Pharisees the keepers of the law it is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true two witnesses and know what it says that's it and look over here and okay I am one that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me bear witness of me and look over here look over here in I don't have time to get to all of this Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 but when we're talking about witnessing we're talking about Holy Spirit in the Word of God aren't we we're talking about speaking the word Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 verse 28 he that despised Moses law died without mercy under two or three witnesses when you're talking about ye shall be witnesses you will die the death Jesus died the death Paul and Peter and James and John and Andrew Nathaniel and Timothy they died the death they were witnesses and when the Holy Spirit comes upon a man he will tell the truth he will speak the Word of God but before the Spirit comes upon you you won't be so lazy you won't read this book and find the words and factor things factor has the same meaning as rightly divide rather divide the word of truth ortho wor th o t ome o means to make a straight cut it means to divide the sentence up into the subject into the verb in the predicate the predicate in the modifying words in the in the predicate nominative or the or the direct object in in all your modifiers it means to break it down in factor the sentence define the words find out the idioms find out the metaphors you say Jim that's an awful lot of work yes siree that's why you need to build a library instead of buying a new car buy a good set of encyclopedias McClintock is strong and and by edersheim his books and Iceman's books and and I'll help you with what books to get a hold of and a lot of people here know how to start studying looking for the culture and the customs what we're doing is we're factoring the Holy Spirit is what find out what is it and I know some Pentecost earlier using what a modern word Factory yeah yes what's wrong you're a modernist silly that's all I got to say to you're silly now how much time might well we got to look at the two witnesses over here in revelation 11 revelation 11 I'm teaching on Revelation on Sunday night and I've gone through about 200 Sunday nights about 200 weeks I could stay on this book the rest of my life and it'll take us all through the Bible you've got two witnesses look in verse 3 I will get power to my two witnesses you think the Holy Spirit's involved here you think they're going to be preaching truth they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred threescore days clothed in sackcloth that's the last half of the 70th week of Daniel 70 weeks that's exactly three and a half years on a on a 360 day year Jewish calendar and everybody has a real hard time and understanding the two witnesses and what's amazing to me all you have to do is look at verse four and says these are that's it that's all it takes these are the two witnesses are the two witnesses equals the two witnesses equals that's all you have to do it's not Moses and Elijah it says right here what they are these are the two olive trees I wonder if that's somewhere in the Old Testament you think and the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth that's quoted from Zechariah the fourth chapter look they're the two olive trees I'm just going to give it to you quick Zac alive fourth chapter this is which quoted from it's not Enoch it's not Moses it's not Elijah it tells you exactly these are the two olive trees and I don't have time to go through the whole chapter but verse 11 the answer time said unto Him what are these two olive trees how's that huh the two witnesses the Holy Spirit in a man upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof I think the candlesticks or the seventh candlesticks of the seven churches of Asia are the-- that's the refined Church don't have time to go they're not going to go any further and I answered again and said to him what B these two are the branches which took the two golden pipes empty the gold and all out of themselves and he answered me and said knowest thou not what these be and I said no my lord and he said then these are the two anointed ones the two olive trees the two witnesses are the anointed ones which stand beside the Lord of the whole earth there were two that were anointed in the Old Testament - we're back to truth we're back to the Holy Spirit - anointed the two that were anointed in the Old Testament was the priest and the King that's the two witnesses right there who is the priest now God hath made us priests and kings we're a royal priesthood he hadith made us priests in Kings the church is the two witnesses and what are we anointed with now first John 2:27 we're knotted with truth what is the truth Holy Spirit look at that in Revelation the first chapter revelation the first chapter is he's not going to make us priests in Kings we are spiritual Israel Christ the King lives in us that is the Holy Spirit 1 verse 5 from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and first begotten of the Dead the priest of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us priests kings and priests unto God his father what does a king do he declares righteous judgment John 7:24 look not at the outward appearance but Judge righteous judgment was a priest do he offers acceptable sacrifice that's the two witnesses the inner man causes the outer man death to self we witness to that that's the priest in the gang and he says the same thing over there in the fifth chapter of Revelation verse 10 has made unto us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth and go back over to revelation 11 I'm just skipping through this real quick in verse 5 If any man shall hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth they're not flame throwers like I say the Word of God is a fire in Israel as would anyone who preached fire was said to preach the Word of God they're two witnesses preaching the spirit aren't they preaching the truth preaching the Word of God God said no words afar repeatedly the Lord of God is a consuming fire and devout their enemies and any man hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that's famine isn't it the first judgment of God we preach the judgments of God that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and power over the waters to turn them to blood that's pestilence isn't it that's the first two judgments sword famine pestilence and the Beast famine and pestilence to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will and notice in verse seven when they shall have finished their testimony matauri oh they're dying they're martyrs their witness their martyrdom we die when we have the truth our words or a fire this is the fire - Pentecostals what I'm saying if you're a Pentecostal and you've been involved in all of this doctrine of error and your true believer you need to get out of it and if you are a true believer you will hear what I'm saying and you will get out of it people don't realize the charismatic Tsar literally flooding the world the charismatic charismatic means special gifts that's what TBN is we call it DB and The Devil's Broadcasting Network because that's what it is they preached the doctrine of the devil devil day Aman means to distribute fortunes these people are all over the world they're Pentecostals their faith healers we don't believe in faith healing faith doesn't he'll face saves thy faith has made the Oh every time that word is mentioned the word hold is sowed so it's the word saved we don't believe that somebody needs to tell these people that they're wrong somebody's tell the Baptist they're wrong but we're spending some time on this Holy Spirit thing they're not telling the truth what they're saying is not true learn to break these things down and factor these things and take a word and go through your concordance take every time it's mentioned and everything that's related to it and just spend some time just go through every verse and write down everything it does this is how you study sometimes I don't even know what I'm looking for where I'm going I just say I'm going to see what this word does all the way through the Bible and when you do that you'll learn it's a lot of work I haven't learned the things that I've learned overnight I mean 25 years ago I had already been studying the Bible 26 years you can't do this quickly I don't mean that in a boast I have spent a lot of time in the work and a lot of it is tedious will to come back I'm not by no means finished with this I'm going to talk about the exactness of the Spirit next week it has exactness in meaning let's pray father we thank you for your word truth help us to understand your book your word your spirit your law you've given us these truths so we can learn these things Lord by crucifying self and getting rid of all of our opinions but I get distressed sometimes seeing a world that doesn't even care about the facts of your word and they call themselves believers deal with our hearts and our lives and God will continue to praise you and glorify you Christ name you man
Channel: PlainnessOfSpeech
Views: 29,795
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Keywords: grace and truth, jim brown, Pentecostal, Apostolic, tongues, international house of prayer, IHOP, speaking in tongues, charismatic, pentecostalism
Id: O4R7QH3v6GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 38sec (5858 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2011
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