Ridley.S Announces Alien Awakening Will Explain Engineers & Juggernaut Origins

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hello guys croft is here since my last video on the alien awakening update more news and details came out about the potential plot of the next alien sequel it's been more than three years since alien covenant release and although we got different updates in the past about alien awakening the movie always seems like it's far away however recently ridley scott announced in two interviews that an alien sequel is in the works and he explained that alien awakening will answer questions about the juggernaut the eggs and the space jockey so in today's video i'm gonna go through this part and other things that he said in these interviews and you'll see that it's highly likely that the storyline about engineers will continue in the next alien movie since the alien covenant released there's been so many news about the next installment that some of you may not know all of them so before we get to the two most recent interviews i'm gonna go through the timeline of all the updates about this alien sequel that came out in the last three years this will give us a quick summary of everything we know so far about alien awakening which will put in context the two recent interviews and give a better understanding of what's coming up next before we begin i just wanted to thank you guys for watching my videos and reaching 100 000 subscribers it's a huge milestone for this channel and it truly wouldn't be possible without you guys so i really appreciate it alien covenant was released in may 2017 and already in june ridley scott and damon lindelof revealed their plans for the next installment in the franchise alien awakening first of all damon lindelof one of the script writers of prometheus said this in his interview with collider magazine i think that one of the conversations that we had at the end of prometheus is shaw and david have basically locked in on the coordinates of the planet where the engineers came from what does this place look like ridley called it paradise it doesn't feel like they've gotten there yet in covenant covenant felt like it was maybe a detour prior to them arriving at the place of origin of engineers so i don't want to spoil any place that he might still be wanting to go but the conversations that ridley and i had about where the story goes next were largely about the place where the engineers were from and less about the events of covenant from this interview we can already tell that the planet 4 was not paradise where david and shaw were heading at the end of prometheus it's actually really interesting how the engineer homeworld planet would look like i wouldn't be surprised if it would have geiger designs with many holographic elements similar to the ones in prometheus according to lindelof in this interview the planet 4 was a detour and the story will eventually lead to the engineer paradise planet in the sequels ridley scott actually confirmed this idea in another interview that he gave in mid-june 2017 and a little link to it in the description i actually think he revealed way too many details that's why the full version was removed and only a small part of this interview is still available online in overall ridley said that an alien awakening engineers will return to the planet iv to investigate why one of their seated planets was decimated he also explained that in his vision engineers are quote unquote gardeners of space who pretty much like gods periodically visit worlds that they've seated with life to observe how their creations are evolving another important thing that he said in this interview was that the story will eventually lead to the planet which is strongly implied to be lv426 featured in the original alien so as far back as in june 2017 ridley already was planning and developing the script for alien awakening it's possible that the script had some of the engineer lore and history from the early prometheus draft scripts that i explained in my other videos you should definitely check them out if you haven't seen them yet since the draft script and other documents revealed tons of fascinating information about engineers that was cut from the movie the pre-production for alien awakening was supposed to start in september 2017 but it was cancelled due to a modest box office of alien covenant however at that time the fox ceo said that they are open to make another alien movie if ridley finds the right story so ultimately the alien awakening project was put on the shelf for a while then in october 2017 during the podcast with empire magazine ridley said something that seemed contradictory to his earlier plans for the next alien installment i think the evolution of the alien himself is nearly over but what i was trying to do was transcend and move to another story which would be taken over by ais the world that the ai might create as a leader if he finds himself on a new planet we have actually quite a big layout for the next one by saying that they already have a big layout for the next one readily implied that the script for the next movie may be partially or completely written ridley's comment about ai had many fans worried that the franchise will shift its focus on david which contradicted previous plans for alien awakening however what i think ridley scott was trying to say was that david and ai will be the antagonist of the next movie that engineers or humans will be fighting against the concept of ai is actually one of the main themes of the alien franchise since the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence is explored in every film for that reason alien awakening might feature a conflict between a world ruled by artificial intelligence and engineers there exists a theory that engineers fundamentally reject the idea of ai and artificial life forms which is a possible reason the engineering prometheus killed david in such a violent way one possible scenario is that there will be some sort of a war between david's army of xenomorphs and engineers which would completely destroy lv-426 and make it a dead planet like we saw it an alien of 1979 and the human exploration mission or the surviving colonists on the ship will be sort of caught in between this war the next update happened in april 2018 when kate waterson said in an interview that she hasn't heard anything about alien awakening since she played one of the main characters in covenant and was expected to have some sort of a role in the sequel these news really upset the fans and for a while it was assumed that italian awakening was completely cancelled however in november 2018 the empire magazine released a special edition called empire classics alien which explores every single alien film and provides an update about the sequel the magazine revealed that john logan almost finished the script for alien awakening in which david will be chased by furious engineers after they discovered that he committed a genocide on one of their planets the chase will eventually lead to lv-426 according to john logan therefore circling back the prequels to the original alien which confirms ideas mentioned previously by ridley scott these news were really exciting and they revived the possibility that alien awakening will eventually be made then in april 2019 disney fox merger was completed and at the cinemacon disney executives confirmed that they are planning to continue alien movies which was the first official update of any kind then for about a year there wasn't any other news about the alien sequel until two recent interviews which we're gonna go through right now in june 2020 ridley revealed what story he intends to tell in alien awakening in an interview with los angeles times this is what ridley said about future plans for the alien franchise i still think there's a lot of mileage in alien but i think you'll have to now re-evolve what i always thought when i was making the first one was why would a creature like this be made and why was it traveling in what i always thought was a kind of a warcraft which was carrying a cargo of these eggs what was the purpose of the vehicle and what was the purpose of the eggs that's the thing to question who why and for what purpose is the next idea since you cannot explain the purpose of the xenomorph eggs and the juggernaut without addressing the space jockey alien awakening will in some way answer questions about the engineers and their role in the xenomorph origins so by saying who why and for what purpose is the next idea ridley scott means that future alien films will be focused on exploring the mysteries about the space jockey the black goo the deacon and the xenomorph eggs and how it all relates to humans redly gave another interview to forbes in september and this is what he said about the future of alien that's in process we went down a route to try and reinvent the wheel with prometheus and covenant whether or not we go directly back to that is doubtful because prometheus woke it up very well it may sound confusing but i think what ridley meant by that is that they are not going to reinvent the franchise with the sequel because prometheus already did it pretty well so instead of rebooting or coming up with something completely new ridley is going to continue the storylines started in prometheus in order to answer questions about the origins of the space jockey the eggs and the juggernaut then ridley continued but you know you're asking fundamental questions like has the alien himself the facehugger the chestburster have they all run out of steam do you have to rethink the whole bloody thing and simply use the word to franchise that's the fundamental question in many interviews including this one ridley alluded to the fact that the alien creature itself doesn't have the same appeal as it had in the past that's why ridley is saying that he's just gonna use the word alien to indicate that a film belongs to the alien universe but the story will not necessarily be about the original alien creature therefore if ridley will actually try to answer questions about the space jockey and the juggernaut future movies will be exploring the origins of the alien species which will probably lead to the origins of the engineers and the black goo so that was my interpretation of things ridley was trying to say in these interviews i don't think he realizes when he answers these questions fans will dissect every word he said in order to get some insights about the next movie that's why i feel like sometimes ridley is just throwing ideas that are on his mind at that moment without really thinking it through so to summarize these recent interviews bring some excitement and hope that we will eventually get another alien movie which will explore other mysterious aspects of the alien universe the most likely scenario based on what we've heard from scriptwriters and ridley is that engineers will return and find out about the destruction of the planet 4. they will follow david to lv-426 where he will have created the xenomorph homeworld using colonists on the ship and xeno embryos therefore perfecting the organism that he started in covenant then there will be some sort of a war between a xenomorph world created by ai and engineers which will lead to the complete destruction of lv426 the script for alien awakening may be partially or completely written but considering what is going on in the world right now we probably won't see this movie for at least a year and a half thank you guys for watching let me know what you think about all the information that we have so far about alien awakening and what do you want to see in this alien sequel thank you again for reaching 100 000 subscribers it really means a lot to me also don't forget to check out other content on my channel my name is croft and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Kroft talks about Movies
Views: 858,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alien awakening, ridley scott, Ridley S. Announces Alien Awakening Will Answers Questions About Engineers, prometheus, alien covenant, engineers, david, alien awakening news, space jockey, engineer origins explained, alien awakening engineers, alien awakening release date
Id: jgxU5GUMGnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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