I saw PREY | Movie Review

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i got to see the new predator movie called prey on hulu and these are my thoughts about it [Music] hey welcome back to the ping pong flicks my name is chris wong so i've been a fan of predator since the original predator movie came out i even liked predator 2 with danny glover and i dug the predators movie as well but when it got to aliens vs predator and the new the predator movie from 2018 i don't know the franchise just kind of went downhill it didn't reflect my love for predator back in the day when i used to go to the comic book store and grab those dark horse comics and i really loved the predator stories from then in fact the ones i truly dug was watching this demon or ghosts throughout different time periods and the different hunters or prey that the predator faced so granted when i first saw the trailer for prey i'm like well is this gonna be another junk predator movie because we haven't really gotten a good predator movie in a while and boy was i wrong this is one of the best if not maybe even the best predator movie well no well i think i'll still like the arnold schwarzenegger one better because that's just dear to my heart but this movie has a callback to the first predator and even predator 2. but pray follows a young comanche who is training herself to be a hunter the comanche girl named naru played by amber mid thunder is fantastic in this movie you do see her conflicted between being a gatherer rather than a hunter but she looks up to her brother and wants to be just like him she wants to make a name for herself she wants to be praised as a hunter so not only does she have to go up against nature animals even some french colonists also an alien from another world and i just loved a director who directed by the way 10 cloverfield lane one of the best thrillers i've ever seen he gets back to the basics of the understanding of predator how predator is an alien species coming to another world to find and challenge other predatorial species that he will kill and collect them as trophies and yeah this movie is called prey but it totally makes sense why it's called prey when you see this movie and you realize who the prey is i love to look and feel the simplicity of this movie i love the grand scale the cinematography it's amazing to see the american wilderness and it doesn't take long to get going it's fast paced is suspenseful and you really are rooting for naaru and i'm already seeing stuff like this online a team of highly skilled badasses with years of experience had almost no chance versus a predator a girl with almost no experience beats a predator alone oh because of women now come on did you even watch the movie in fact if you've watched the original predator movie you know that's not the case all those guys that were highly skilled highly weaponized they didn't win at all it brought arnold's character dutch down to primitive weapons learning and figuring out the predator so he could outsmart it in the end in a lot of ways it's very much the same case for naaru and i think that's the beauty of the good predator movies it goes down to the basic of predator and prey how the hunter is hunting the hunted then the hunted turns into the hunter so in summary this movie is fantastic i recommend anybody who loves the predator series before it went downhill this reinvigorated the predator brand so i'm hopefully after this movie we're gonna get some spectacular predator movies alright what did you think about the prey movie share your thoughts in the comments down below
Channel: Ping Pong Flix Toku
Views: 5,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prey movie review, prey review, prey movie, prey reaction, prey 2022 movie review
Id: HgLZvB_J74A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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