Precise Logging

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[Music] bbr which they pull back [Music] okay so this is a pretty good-sized pine here I went and got the 36 inch bar and really I just want to put it down right where that cedar is that little one so we're gonna take that cedar out and and then that'll pretty much I'll probably want to go just to the left of where that cedar is right there we'll just destroy that cedar we can either cut it down now or destroy it and then cut it down well you think destroy yeah okay destroy yeah that's true well okay well then I'll try to rip all the limbs off wait we might want those limbs yeah yeah that's true okay then I'll just try to go on top of the little cedar there that cedar yeah I got this this is a Collins axe Thank You Sean from the tree house I don't see any blue stains in these logs so that means there's likely no metal okay where are you going Wow to the right of that stump yeah just to the right of that stump okay so explain your your stop nice-lookin stomp a yeah that was perfection [Music] [Music] [Music] okay next tree is this pine and you can see that all this way is going toward the house and if you look up the tree a lot of times you look up a tree and if you look up on one side it looks doable your plan looks doable and then you step you round to the other side and look and then you should be able to be afraid if you see the right things so looking at it from here this thing is hardcore dialed that this direction and we need it to go out here so what we're gonna do is we're going to use this throw line and we're gonna put a line in it some Tuffle berger 14 millimeters serious line I love that stuff oh it's sixteen millimeter my apologies the yellow stuff is it yellow oh I thought sure he'd correct me and say it was Green I have a colorblindness issue I was born with so we'll block it probably off of that cedar which means let me get the raindrops off the camera which means we'll be pulling it hard this way in order to get it here and have it nowhere near any of this and there's a leach field inside those junipers so out here is where we want it all right out there hey Joe let me put you on the spot with that throw ball so wet today all right well don't doubt not this time yeah oh it Birds nested okay you got an F on the throw but an A+ on the clearing of bird's nest which is also very important huh yeah okay d+ here's gonna like my grading system oh that's true you didn't hit yourself in the back of the camera probably makes things more difficult to youtube just in case you're wondering oh yeah that's gonna do it it's gonna do it [Music] okay got the old Ford in position and braced against a tree I do that a lot I didn't like crash the tree I just gently set it against it and then it'll be like a insurance plan this is perfect yeah I love it trusty dusty remote winch control will put a little bit of tension on it that's before we make that's before we make the face cut watch the relationship between those limbs and those limbs to look for movement when you're looking up into the sky it's sometimes difficult without a reference [Music] [Applause] okay that's pretty tight for just making a face cut that should do it we can already see the back cut opening up I had it faced at this old stump actually it's a new stump but you can see and that was to keep the limbs so they weren't on the junipers because there weren't very many limbs on this side to shred those cedars so perfect cutting this one in 18s because we have a sweep see the butt sweeps a little bit we don't want to make a long log out of that so put an 18 there [Music] [Music] okay Sean I was gonna use this awesome Collins wedge pounding axe you sent me to pound that over but since we have the truck right here and a block in place then we'll just do the same thing we did last time even though it's not as necessary still it'll be nice and easy okay Joe's gonna cut this one it's his turn this is a lightning strike tree see this is how they look and it just spirals good clear the top probably we'll check it out in a minute when it's on the ground usually they're dead usually kills pine trees when they look like this but this one's still alive so this is cool see our trucks right here right where we're working and the tree will go across our rope right here but by the time it does it'll be loose in other words it won't dynamically hit a tight line and do weird stuff to my truck also we're hoping that if we go out this way on top of that stuff there uphill the butt will be off the ground and we'll just pull our rope out this tree is what we call fair standing it's basically straight up and down except it leans back a little bit we don't need this compensation way over here except it's already set up so we'll use it and I'll just pull it hard enough to make it tip and I'll let him steer it out here I won't take over the steering by over pulling at this direction and the advantages the tree won't be on our rope out there as much as it would be if we were pulling the direction we wanted it to go so this look this rope will pull right out because there's airspace between the rope and the tree so here here's what I was saying about getting the rope back see it's not covered by miles of free trunk and limbs you can get right to it so here we are up in the top see lightning strike just goes it spirals clear on out and saw and like I was saying this tree is alive it's green pretty rare for a pine to be alive after a lightning strike their place is back there I'll show you where the bark is you know it has a dead tree look where there's galleries hit the ground and that stuff a little off and I was like oh it is it is dead and I was like out here now a little fir tree down through that Avenue by now all of this action and we have only wrecked one little tree and we did that one on purpose of course we did some trimming to this madrone but we also had to do that in order to have that space and we have permission still pretty low impact for vlogging now that we can get a better look at the big side of the twin we can tell that obviously the small side of the twin didn't allow any limbs from the big one to grow this way so we should probably rope that down I mean pull it over I think yeah I mean it yeah it could be wedged but why and there's no backswing with all these rhododendrons in our way we're supposed to save out the rhododendrons so we won't have no room to swing an axe back there and there's the house truck block low purchase but enough for the tree I think and I'll try to put it right down there between the stump and the log right there and it stopped raining so I'll put the drone up huh okay remember what I was saying about reference points watch see if we have command even down low by watching the relationship between the cedar and the fir [Applause] yeah [Music] remember what I was talking about yeah oh yeah that's nice but let's look at the stump and you'll see a little bit about what was going on when that was falling I kept it pretty even because this is this is where I was at here and here until I got it to tipping and going where I want it but I had it I was holding wood on this side a bit and steering it kind of into the cedar and then that last minute cutting I was doing I was cutting off this holding wood because I swung it that way and then I didn't want to keep going that way or I would have been on the stump and so I steered it back by eliminating this all these fibers are not clean-cut there were fibers that were cut when it was pulled tight you know they're sticking out more you can tell it's different here so if that makes sense to anybody I steered it in does that make sense makes sense to somebody
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 37,332
Rating: 4.9541669 out of 5
Id: hD71VXuUe_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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