Precipitation model with HEC-RAS 2D

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hello uh we are going to create today a rain mobile so yeah like this one that I have here that it has 16 millimeters of of rain per square meter and we can see that the water flowing throughout our system in this attachment but we are going to start from scratch so I will just open a new request window I forgot to download the 6.4 but it's already out there so I'll probably do that today and I'll go to file safe read us and I have it in the this tutorial folder the class green another two green model awesome okay and now I go to the rest mapper window and I will just add an existing restaurant because I created the other one before so it's gonna be here in model to rain okay okay and I'm gonna also add my catchment to know the area where I want to draw my geometry Circle here it's in the other one hydrology here okay perfect and next step is create the geometry at new geometry new geometry anti-go to right click on edit geometry and the first is to draw the perimeter click click click click click and double click to finish limiter one and I'm gonna put the cell size of 10 meters that's anything I'll generate computational parts yeah 32 2 000 cells that I'm gonna have this is gonna take long but uh yeah we will see and the next step is the boundary condition so I go to pick and boundary conditions at the same I have to draw it all around my geometry so that I let the water flow out because if I wouldn't do it then the water would stay inside and we don't want that yeah there is other models like evil or that you can just uh selecting the mesh let the water flow out but in this one we have to do it manually and I will call it outflow and that's it very good so right click on Geometry stop editing I want to save what I did and the next is to load this geometry that we created we go to the geometry window file open Geometry data Neo geometry and here it is so we can see the geometry is loaded and the next is entering the boundary conditions and steady flow data window file safe and SD flow data as zero one D100 and in the outflow we just select normal depth to let the water flow out 0.01 this is just to give an energy when it flows out and okay good and the next is okay and this is the key of this tutorial that we are going to add is a 2d flow area so in the perimeter one that is our mesh and okay and here if I click here the precipitation it's uh it's possible to click on it and here is where I input my ring for this case I'm just gonna copy what I did before values so that it's easier okay so we are gonna have frame with a Peak at uh two hours of 16 millimeters perfect okay five safe close and we go to the performance the flow simulation we safe plan as zero one t1001 we click all of those not the sediment processor we put today's date we are going to run it for six hours we are we're just gonna leave it based on current conditions um in this because I have the diffusion width equation I leave these parameters although what we would try if we wanted to have more accurate uh uh model we should change this also to shallow water equations okay and then that's it I'll click compute to know that everything it's uh okay so now it's processing the geometry and it doesn't find any any issues uh yeah I'll in this case we have introduced a mesh of 10 meters lighter meters which is pretty coarse I would say that in the in the areas where where the river river or streams are flowing I will probably uh draw some brake lines so that the computations are done more easy and yeah we can just let this run but we can look at the result from the previous one that is the same so it will be probably something like this so it's raining 16 millimeters per square meter and yeah we can also see the maximum values of depth that we have in this area we can create a profile in the in the outlet of the catchment and right click on a plot Time series and Flow so it's giving us a big uh discharge of 35 kilometer per second yeah um that's it I hope it helps you and if you have any question you can always comment down there bye bye have a nice day
Channel: Ana Juárez Gómez
Views: 11,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cT89Ob5Q6sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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