Preaching the Gospel - 757 - Investigate Church of Christ

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all Authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the age [Music] [Applause] [Music] for some time now we have been talking about the way to heaven and consequently we have spoken frequently of the church it is through the church that you can stand in a right relationship with God in the final analysis so friends the greatest activity in which you may engage would be to investigate thoroughly the Church of Christ you need to look into the basis of man's Redemption it is an interesting thing that no matter who you are what you may accumulate how good or bad you may be how famous well-known you may become in the full world we all will wind up in exactly the same place there is no question of that you recall John statement in Revelation chapter 20 at verse 11 he said I saw a great white throne and him who sat thereon before whose face the heavens and the earth fled away and there was found no place for them friends to many people live loosely and without thought of spiritual matters in this whole world and when the day of judgment will come they could wish there was a place to which they could flee someplace they could escape the presence of the Almighty but there is no place to go is and he continued he said and I saw the great and the small stand before the throne and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and were there the dead were judged out of the things that are written in the books according to their works I remember that Paul said what is that Romans chapter 14 verse 12 so then each one of us shall give account of himself unto God in the day of judgment friends there's no question about that Hebrews 9 verse 27 it is appointed unto man once to die and we understand that there's no problem with that oh and after this the judgment you and I will stand before God in judgment and having gained the whole world with the equipment ability to make money has nothing to do with it or out of total poverty not no value at all no no you and I will stand before God to give an account of how we have dealt with his word they say you and I need to examine I mean really thoroughly look into the Church of God well someone says yes but now preacher where would I find the the resources I mean where would I get the materials where can I find the information if I'm to totally investigate that oh that's the most simple part of it yes they're all that you need to know as a matter of fact the only source of available information is the Bible just to the one book and marvelously enough it's very very simple written down between the 6th and 8th grade level you have no trouble really understanding the Bible and all that you need to know to make a thorough investigation of the Lord Church is found in the Bible now you are aware of course that the Bible covers three dispensations of time there is the patriarchal age patriarch the father God dealt with the heads of tribes or families that lasted for some 2,500 years there was no written law from God and following that of course the Mosaic period God gave a law for ancient Israel the descendants of Abram a written law and of course that lasted about 1500 years and then of course Christ is the fulfillment of that law that's what the Old Testament is all about pointing toward the redemption of the human family you see as an Adam all died although question about that through the one man sin entered into the world and death through sin so death passed on to all men for that all have sinned Romans chapter five at verse 12 in the transgression of Adam paradise was lost humanity was alienated from God and friends God made a promise right there in Genesis 3 verse 15 if the seed of the woman under we've explained this many times the Christ would deliver a fatal blow to the head of Satan bruised his head while suffering a minor wound yes he had to die on the cross but in three days he was raised and the advantage of that Oh Hebrews chapter 2 14 and 15 since then the children are sharers in flesh and blood he also himself / took of the same that through death he might bring to naught him that had the power of death that is the devil and might deliver all them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage marvelously enough through the cleansing power of the blood of the son of God I need not fear Satan no no he's helpless the only way Satan can enter my life is for me to drop the guard yes there to open the gate and I don't have to do that I can walk in the illuminated pathway of the Son of God oh and that is so very very important investigate the Church of Christ sure the authority for that is of course the New Testament the word new is used in contrast with the Old Testament stone of types shadows and prophecies of which Jesus Christ is the anti-type the substance and the fulfillment oh yes what then is the law oh it was given because of transgressions till the seed should come through whom the promise should be made this verse 19 of Galatians chapter 3 wait a minute the law was given because of Trance went right to make sin sinful by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified for through the law cometh the knowledge of sin that's Romans chapter 3 at verse 20 so back to verse 19 and gedion chapter 3 or the law was given to make sin sinful how long was it to last until the seed should come through whom the promise have been made oh wait wait a minute who is this seed all of you back up to verse 15 birth and I speak after the manner of men though it be but a man's cub we'll Testament yet when it hath been confirmed no man maketh avoid or add if there to now to Abraham where the promises spoken unto his seed he saith not and to seeds as of many but of I seed which is Christ oh then the law was given and was to be authoritative until the seed should come right so when Christ came he of course is the fulfillment of the prophecies the teaching of the Old Testament that foretold the coming of a redeemer so consequently when he came he fulfilled the law you recall what he said in Matthew 5 verses 17 and 18 he said think not that I came to destroy the law I came not to destroy but to fulfil till heaven and earth pass away not one jot or one tittle shall in any wise pass from the law till all things be fulfilled and I remember that after his resurrection from the dead a just prior to his ascension to the Father he said to his disciples it Luke chapter 24 verse 44 this is that which I spake unto you Oliver he had with you that all things that are written in the law of Moses in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me hath fulfillment so he fulfilled the law the meaning of the word fulfilled is observed by just turning it around he filled it full that's it that's what the law was all about it foretold the coming of a messiah through which alienated humanity could be reconciled to its maker that's what Christ did when he came he made reconciliation salvation from sin that is he enabled a sinner such as I to stand in a right relationship with the Almighty God ah that is a marvelous marvelous thing indeed you need to read this book yes you need to study this word Christ is the authority in the Christian age Matthew 17 juror number one through five Jesus took Peter James and John with him and at the Mount of Transfiguration transfigured before them garments became glistening whiter than any fuller or launderer on earth could make them oh and there appeared talking with them Moses representing the law and Elijah representing the prophets and Luke explains they were discussing his deceased which must shortly come to pass and Jerusalem but all Peter being roused out of sleep he said seeing Moses and Elijah he said Lord it's good for us to be here if thou wilt I'll build three Tabernacles one for thee one for Moses one for Elijah he would have exalted Moses representing the law and Elijah representing the prophets to a plane equal with Christ but a bright cloud overshadowed them and I voice out of heaven said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him oh and there were none left but Christ Moses and Elijah were taken up they were taken out of the way today we hear Jesus Christ he has all authority in heaven and on earth Matthew 28 at verse 18 they said we need to hear him so in our research in our examination of the Church of Our Lord we need simply to look into the last will and testament of the Son of God you remember Paul conclusion of the epistle written to the church at Rome he's sending greetings of course from the old rule with him and he said in chapter 16 verse 16 in the Churches of Christ salute you the what the Churches of Christ salute you oh yes you need to examine thoroughly in the Church of Jesus Christ no no that's not an exclusive name no no no the church is referred to as the kingdom of God oh it's referred to as the body of Christ a number of the Appalachians apply to the church each suggesting a relationship sustained by the church either to God to Christ to the world or to its members but then for the sake of records and law we have the Church of Christ why would you call up the Church of Christ why did Paul talking of a number of congregations referred to it as truth of Christ well Christ built it it was his in Matthew 16 verse 18 oh he purchased it with his blood Acts chapter 20 at verse 28 oh it's the one to which the Lord adds the saved in Acts chapter 2 at verse 47 so then that term is accurate all you need to do is read this book with an open mind you know it's wonderful somebody said all well Frazer and it doesn't make sense ha ha I said does with just reasonable intelligence and mind you barely reach the reason but deal with just reasonable intelligence if you read this book with an open mind there's no question about its origin you see it couldn't have been written by men or by any group of men who said it had to be the product of an infinite mind and we could go and free that time and time and time again just in the context of the book itself we need to look into the Word of God thus to thoroughly investigate the Church of Christ that's fundamentally important and now many people due to background teaching of course I'm not talking about basically good people they say oh well that you're one among many no usually or in that's death of church you read about in the blood seal covenant of the son of God you see where a testament is there must of necessity be the death of him that made it and for the Testament is a force where there has been death for it doesn't never delay a while he didn't made Olivia or Jesus Christ by his death on the cross validated made authoritative his last will and testament or the interesting thing about it as we said at the beginning all of us will wind up in exactly the same spot we're going to stand before God to be judged out of the things written in the books right it's on 12 verse 48 jesus said as we've noted many times either rejecteth me and receiveth not my sayings hath won the judge of him the words that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day John chapter 12 verse 48 oh and every word in this book as we've often demonstrated is a word of Christ as you remember John 16 verse 13 the Lord said to his apostle speaking of the Holy Spirit he shall guide you into all truth everybody didn't stop there he said he shall not speak from himself but whatsoever things he shot here at these shall he speak he shall glorify me for he shall take of mine and shall declare it unto you all through verse 14 every word in this book is a word of Christ by what will you and I be judged in the final analysis the word of Christ the blood seal covenant of the Son of God it provides for our Redemption friends you need to investigate the church they are indeed the most important work in which you will ever engage is to thoroughly investigate the truth of God you know it's amazing to me the church about what you read in the New Testament he has no Creed but the Bible sir oh no no no manual or disciplined catechism confession of faith the Book of Mormon the Koran so on no no no no all of that is of human origin those are human philosophies and doctrines oh and I remember what Jesus said about that when he fought in Isaiah 29:13 over the Matthew chapter 15 at verse 8 he said this people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me they on what basis Lord do you reach that conclusion oh he continued in vain do they worship Me teaching as their doctrines the commandments of men so we need to look into this blood sealed covenant and see what the Lord has said about the church about our well-being our spiritual nature our salvation it is so vitally important no Creed but the Bible right you know it's an interesting thing but I let me just refer to this incident that was a fine young lady that called me who at the time was attending a religious college and she said mr. Watkins her name she said we have been assigned the responsibility of looking into the various denominations and she said and I understood that and my assignment was the Church of Christ she said would you mind helping me with some questions oh I said I'd be happy to certainly be glad to I haven't said a word yet but book chapter and verse for every question she asked book chapter and verse no Creed but the Bible the I remember that statement of Peter in 1st Peter chapter 3 at verse 15 but sank to find your heart Christ Jesus as Lord being ready always to give an answer to every one that asketh with meekness and fear humility no no not trying to show I know it and you don't know it I'm righteous you're on boo boo boo boo that's the opposite of Christianity no sir Christianity is made manifest in humility in the abasing of oneself to the edification of others oh but it is a remarkable thing that the New Testament church the Church of Christ has no Creed but the Bible and it's also interesting that it binds no name upon its members except the name of Christ first Peter chapter 4 verse 15 you to call Peter said let no man suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a meddler and other men's matters oh but if any man suffered as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God in this name in what name may I glorify God Christ name a question what other name through which I may you know glorify God could I use what good none there is no other name no no you can only glorify God in the name Christian acts 11 verse 26 the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch someone said well nah just a minor preacher what kind of friend there are no kinds of Christians you're either a Christian or you aren't you see a Christian follows Christ no no not human a philosophy not as we said the manual of the discipline or any other human Creed it simply follows Christ no Creed with the Bible Minds no name upon his members except Christ's name and it's interesting that it speaks for the Bible speaks oh and it's silent or the Bible is silent hey first Peter 4 verse 11 If any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God it is so important you see my ideas are of no value no no Oh any thoughts or doctrines that I may have and - that's no worth a flip and they'll say book chapter and for what did the Lord say well someone says preacher we can't always know what the law yes yes every word of it is right here well the marvelous thing about it it is so easy to understand heavily Illustrated time and again that if you delete the proper name from the Bible the entire Bible and the proper names really have nothing to do with your salvation oh the length of the average word is a little less than five letters that's marvelous isn't it it is so very very simple book chapter and verse investigate the Lord's Church it will have to do with your eternal destiny it is the only way an investigation of truth the Lord's Church in obedience thereto standing in the right relationship with God it's the only way that you can enter into life I remember that scene of the judgement all whose names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life were cast into the lake of fire or this is the second death even the lake of fire see as we've explained you and I are made in the image and the likeness of God Genesis 1:26 and 27 but God is a spirit John 4:24 but a spirit doesn't have flesh and bone right verse 39 Luke chapter 24 well then my being made in the image and the likeness of God has nothing to do with the physical appearance you are an immortal spirit possessed of free moral agency you're a creature of choice oh then you must decide whether or not you would love to live in glory they in association with all the redeemed of all the ages in the presence of the Almighty or in a place where the worm dies not and the fire is not quenched hell prepared for the devil and his angels friends you will be in one or the other of those places eternally say and it'll be in a very short time ooh it really flies doesn't it Ezra four years ago I was 25 I'm 85 it's 3 or 4 years that's the way it seems it just flies it passes a man born of woman there's a few days and full of trouble cometh for this grass I just cut down flee it also as a shadow and continue with not a job chapter 14 at verse 1 all this earthly life is very brief friend that's why we need an understanding of God's will that's why we need to investigate the Church of Jesus Christ you see it has no head but Christ oh no though there's no Papa Papa Papa Papa whatever Pope or Papa no no nothing like that at all I don't know the head of the church is Christ yes the most remote digital member of my body take orders from my head Oh something something churches one body made up of many members Paul said first Corinthians twelve at verse 12 all but every member of the church takes orders from the head it consequently just as my physical body has within it the disposition of every member working for the good of the body as a whole so it is with the Church of Our Lord every member of the church works for the good of the body as hope he gives himself in service to others oh that's Christianity that's what Christ did he came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many and that is exactly the way we are to live its purpose the church what is the purpose of the church Oh to lead all responsible humanity to Christ how can we do that just one way the sample proclamation of the good news of human Redemption that is the preaching of the gospel you remember that Jesus said to his disciples go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature the the purpose of the Oh without faith it's impossible to be well pleasing to him Hebrews 11 at verse 6 Oh preach the gospel to every creature the result he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved so then our task today and yours if you give your life to the Lord is simply to teach the simple testimony instruction contained in this book validated by the shed blood of the son of God oh and that is the aim of the church unto me who I'm less than the least of All Saints was this grace given to preach unto the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ and to make all men see what is the dispensation of the mystery which for ages have been hid in God who created all things through the intent that now unto the principalities and powers might be made known through the church the manifold wisdom of God according to his eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord Ephesians 3 verses 8 through 11 oh yes the purpose of the church lead men to Christ through the presentation the preaching the teaching of God's Word and it is a great privilege indeed friends only the truth will make you free jesus said that didn't he John chapter 8 verse 32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free truth Oh John 17 verse 17 in his prayer to the Father Jesus said sanctify them and truth thy word is crew friend that's why you need to investigate the church Oh in the investigation of the church about what you read in this book you'll learn everything the Lord would have you do to stand in a right relationship with himself well I remember that was made manifest in the first preaching of the gospel of Christ Acts chapter 2 all of the Apostles are speaking in the various languages of the different people assembled oh but Peter sermon is recorded preach the death burial resurrection the Ascension the coronation of Jesus Christ on David's throne at God's right hand reigning over spiritual Israel his Jewish auditors will cut to the heart they said brethren what shall we do verse 37 Peter said repent ye and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ that's for or unto the remission of your sins and him marvelous thing indeed Oh they'd be glad to receive his word were baptized and the Lord added to the church daily such as we're being saved the gospel Broadcasting Network has brought you preaching the gospel with James Watkins we make available free cassettes and CDs of our programs if you would like a copy of today's program please call us toll-free at you see denominationalism with all of the good work in a practical way that they do or made up of many many good people there's no question but they can't spread the good news of human Redemption because they have joined some religious institution friends you can't join the salvation we must be saved and when we are saved were no longer lost we are off the ecclesia we are the called out buddy redeemed by the blood of Christ saved from our sins when by faith we turn away from the practice of sin confess the name of Christ before men and we are buried with him in Baptism we are thus born into the family of God and from that position who make no linear manifold wisdom [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gospel Broadcasting Network
Views: 13,538
Rating: 4.8218622 out of 5
Keywords: GBN, Gospel Broadcasting Network, gospel, Religion, christianity, christian, preaching, preacher, sermon, Bible, Jesus, God, Church of Christ
Id: 66AC_0n2rJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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