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Today's weather is cloudy and then sunny. The maximum temperature is forecast to be 29 degrees. The day I was looking forward to has arrived 🌤️ My best friend, who I have known since middle school, comes to visit my house✨ She's a mom, so I haven't seen her for about two years because she's been so busy. If the other person seems busy, it can be difficult to talk to them. Because she is my important person, I don't want to be her burden. We both care about each other, so I'm sure we both thought the same thing 🤣 However, she was the first to contact me when she knew I was feeling weak. The feeling of "I'm sorry for making you worry!" is mixed with the joy of talking with her. I haven't invited her to this house since we moved. Let's prepare the house and welcome her today✊ Have a light breakfast and keep the washing up to a minimum. I'll have to change the towels later. Just clean where dust is noticeable... ah. Having guests is good, because it helps keeping my house cleaner. lol Even the places that haven't been cleaned recently🧹 The table is wiped clean after breakfast 🫧 Put away any books or magazines that I'm reading. Sometimes I'm surprised to see so much dust and hair... I guess I'll have to dry the rug in the sun sometime...but it's been about half a year now😂 Well, the stairs are fine if I clean them roughly! For lunch, I'm going to make the "failure-proof paella" that I was addicted to for a while 🥘 First, remove the deveining from the shrimp. Leave the shell on, sprinkle with salt and sake, and store in the refrigerator, as it brings out the flavor. This preparation seems to reduce the odor considerably. Add 2 tablespoons of granulated consommé and a pinch of saffron. Add 360ml of hot or cold water and let it sit for a while. I use 2 cloves of garlic and a whole onion 🧅 I'm going to chop it into pieces. Ugh...the onions make me cry... For vegetables, I use asparagus, paprika, and cherry tomatoes. You can make it delicious no matter what you put in it. Add olive oil to a thin 26cm Staub Fry garlic and onion for 2-3 minutes Add 2 cups of unwashed rice and stir-fry until translucent. As a guideline, cook on low heat for about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the consommé soup prepared earlier. After mixing, place the ingredients on top. The clams, which have been removed from the salt and can be used as they are in the broth, are very convenient. This soup makes it delicious, and best of all, it saves you the trouble of removing salt ✨ Add color with vegetables Finally add some salt and pepper Cover and simmer on low heat for about 13 minutes. In the meantime, let's prepare the salad 🥗 Thinly sliced ​​mushrooms on baby leaves This avocado looks delicious🥑✨ Top with prosciutto and season simply with salt, pepper and olive oil. Looks delicious ✨ Turn off the heat, leave the lid on and let it steam for 10 minutes, and it's done! Lunch is ready, so it's time for a little coffee. The temperature is rising and I feel like drinking a cold cafe latte. With the launch of the "BONUQUE" brand just around the corner, production is in its final stages. With the help of many people, we managed to get it into shape. The original booklet and package for the final edition have arrived. Oh~✨I'm so moved to actually hold the printed version in my hands 🥲 I hope that everyone who picks up my work will be happy. I also make each item in the package with great care and attention. The final version of the fragrance...! I've done this check dozens of times, but every time I'm nervous... Yes, it smells very nice. A fragrance that can be enjoyed in any space without becoming tiresome even if it is scented for a long time. Finally... finally. I still had time, so I went to a local flower shop. I selected a gentle yellow rose with my friend in mind. The perfect color for her, who is like a ray of sunshine. The flower language of yellow roses has the meanings of "friendship", "peace", and "gratitude". I'm too embarrassed to express my "gratitude" well when I see her in person. I would be happy if I could convey some of this feeling to her through flowers. Old friends may become difficult to meet due to changes in life stage or environment, or there are times when our values ​​change and conversations no longer fit together. However, as time passes, the shape changes again, After all, when I meet her, I feel relieved and feel like I've returned to my hometown. I have a few friends like that. I truly value it from the bottom of my heart. Which room spray should I use? I think I'll try this! Neal's Yard Calming Room Spray It's easy to use because the scent isn't too strong. I feel nervous before I have guests😌 Should I turn on some music? I'm going to put on makeup! She will come in 10 minutes! ! Hurry, hurry~🤣 My cheeks have become too dark 🤣 Welcome~, long time no see~ Long time no see! Shall I lock the door?? Yeah, thank you~ Sorry to bother you. I wonder how much I can put in! ? Wouldn't it be better to dilute it 3 to 5 times? Is it like this? looks delicious! It turned out delicious~ looks delicious! Is it something like this for now? Yes Yes! Thank you~ here you are Let's eat. looks delicious! Let's eat. I'll eat this. Yeah! Refreshing and delicious! Is that roasted rice? Yeah! ! delicious! It's totally okay It looks good. hahaha Delicious~ good! good What is turmeric rice? ? You can find saffron in the seasoning section of your supermarket. yes, yes Add it to about 360ml of hot water, and Add about 2 tablespoons of consommé and turmeric. Let it soak for a while, something like that. oh I see Add that to the rice and vegetables. with this? I didn't know It's a bit difficult to buy turmeric. Hehehehe surely I don't know much about turmeric. when I was in college There was a time when I loved paella so much. really? I thought that NIKO loved Zunda mochi so much. You liked Zunda Mochi, right? When McDonald's released the Zundamochi shake It's not McDonald's, it's Mos Burger! Mos Burger? ? Yes I thought, "Wow, she drinks it like a champ." I was really into it. Yes I miss that time Mos Burger's Zunda Mochi Shake is super delicious! It was Mos Burger! Mos Burger Hmmm There was definitely a Mos Burger on the way home from school. A flag advertising Zunda Mochi was waiting for us. Ah~ Yeah If I got addicted to something, Really, I'm eating or drinking them forever. You are certainly that kind of person. I was most addicted to, After the zunda mochi boom Denny's boom has arrived Denny's caramel pancakes Melon cream soda There was a time when I got hooked on them. oh, I might have gained weight really! ? Yeah Probably around 2nd year high school I didn't notice it. Yeah When we talk about our old days, I remember various episodes I know, it's a lot. I was in the same class as you when I was in 2nd year of junior high school. Ah, is that so? We knew each other even when we were in 1st year of middle school, right? I feel like I knew about you too. Yeah, me too I knew you When I was in second year of junior high school, NIKO sent me a letter during class. I received your letter that said, "Is Johnny (nickname) half-Japanese?" I received such a letter during class. I thought "what do you mean??" At that time we're not that close yet. The letter said, "Let's go home together♪" Hahaha! Cute~ Yes, it's cute So cute! I remember so well Because I like cute girls I wanted to be friends with you. I remember you gave me that letter. nostalgic. I thought we'd become friends before I knew it. Yes, Yes Time passes quickly, isn't it? It's hard to eat shrimp Shrimp, I was wondering how to eat it. Cute tissue case It's a little expensive. Ah, is that so? It costs about 9,000 yen. Sure As the housewife, It's not easy to buy it. Is it difficult to launch a brand? I've finally reached the final stage. Good, good Do you have a good outlook? almost It's finally here That's right~ you've been doing it since the beginning of the year? Was it earlier? Last August, we distributed scented letters to viewers. So, we've been developing it since before that, so it's been about a year now. I see Yeah It's been more than a year. Well, the situation seems to have calmed down a bit now. I don't think it's that easy to create a product. I see So, are you okay now? Are you feeling better? I started asking people to do jobs that I could ask them to do. I reduce my workload while maintaining quality. It's difficult because you can't do good things if your body or mind is tired. I tend to give it my all. Hahahahahaha Yes, that's true. Even though I wasn't cutting corners, I felt like I was slacking off. It's hard to rely on others to do things you can do yourself. yes Even so, I feel like that's not good. In order to continue, it is necessary to delegate work to others. And if I don't trust others, I won't be able to delegate work to them. I also thought it was important to trust others. I'm not good at communicating, but I have to convey something very complicated. Very difficult In the first place, design and feeling are difficult to put into words. I think there is probably an aesthetic quality that can be expressed in words. What can I say... It's really difficult to explain even that. I want to make something, or I want to tell you something. Something like "Haa...! So cute~♡" It's like I want to convey that "spark joy" feeling. Then, where does that "spark joy" come from? Yes, certainly Where does "spark joy" come from? I wonder what it is? It's hard, is not it. Hmm It's difficult to explain logically. yes yes The overall image is important. I agree It's hard to communicate through a third party, isn't it? I'll also show you the reed diffuser I'm making now. I want to see it! The size of the wood attached to the diffuser is just a little large. It feels a little strange. I understand "Spark joy" only comes when the size is just right. I agree It's really difficult. I don't know if I feel the same way as the other person. We need to have the same feeling for "spark joy" "Spark joy" is profound. It's deep! While eating cheesecake for dessert after dinner, Girls talk continues...☕️ When my friend came home, I felt like I was left with a gaping hole. The kitchen is a little lonely, like after the school festival is over. It's the same room and the same night as yesterday, but it feels strange. In a room where a bit of loneliness and the afterimage of a fun chat are mixed together. Let's get some work done in the free time until dinner. Now that I'm in my 30s, I've become much better at dealing with loneliness and isolation. But that's because there are people around me who support me and people I can trust. Also, I have friends who I connect with through YouTube. There's nothing I can do other than make things, A lot has happened, but I want to give back to the people I care about with the work I created. I am sure I can do it, believe in myself.
Channel: NIKO LIFE
Views: 127,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: niko, nikolife, niko life, vlog, ニコ, ニコライフ, にこ, 早起き, 朝活, morning, morning routine, 習慣, 早起きする理由, ルーティン, ルーティーン, silent vlog, モーニングルーティン, モーニングルーティーン, 新生活, 社会人, cooking, 料理, 昼食, ランチ, 手作り, パエリア, 簡単 料理, 簡単 レシピ, レシピ
Id: qIQNDs67y1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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