Prayer For A Broken Relationship

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maybe you're in the throes of a broken relationship your heart is deeply deeply broken I'm gonna speak to this from a romantic point of view first you've been dating someone and you have intertwined so much history with that person you may even have what's called a soul tie that the communion between your two souls has woven so deeply that not being around them feels as if that you're only half a person and your struggle is so great because you feel helpless and sometimes even hopeless and I want to appeal to you to appeal your pain before the Living God he came to heal the brokenhearted now your struggle may be here at the head but I just want that person back I want them back in my life and I want to be able to do something that's going to bring them back if you continue in that regard your torment will increase because you are attempting to do in the flesh what only God can do in the spirit you don't want that person to come back if it's on your terms or in your manner of operation and Jeremiah 17:5 the word says cursed is the man or woman who trusts in man or woman whose heart departs from the Lord cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm his heart departs from the Lord that means all attempts by you personally to try to make this work is not only to no avail it works against you if you could grab hold of that truth right now and you might say but I have prayed to God and he hasn't done anything are you sure let me explain man looketh on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart you see the heart is deep within a person if God has been moving upon that person that you love so deeply you wouldn't necessarily see any evidence of that outwardly but if you appeal to God fully and completely on behalf of that person in intercession before the throne of grace God will move as he promises to move on your behalf in them and not only that he will give you a sustaining courage power and grace while the you continue in this season and you will come to know God as you have never known him before and you will look back if you embrace this that you will see the things that God wanted to show you for many years and now he's showing you through this season of travail and pain and torment you may even feel like right now that you're so ripped inside that you've been torn asunder I don't know there's a deeper description about how a heart is torn and broken because of what you've endured this may be the second or third time that you have endured a situation where you felt it was the real thing and the right thing with this person and now you're being abandoned again or they're doing something that's causing you to get away from them whatever it might be your appeal has to go solely and completely before the throne it cannot be half-hearted it cannot be part God and part you he says that no flesh will glory in his presence that he will share his glory with no man he says that a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart will he not despise that was David's prayerful words in his Psalm 51 of repentance where he said I do take brokenness if you're broken in heart then be broken in sorrow sorrow is better than laughter for about the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better you will find a place of healing through pain that you've never known that's a paradox we do everything to avoid pain we do everything to medicate it but the truth is walking in it and walking through it is the place that we own the pain instead of it constantly owning us the depression will begin to leave you will trust God in a way such as you have never known and you will love the person the object of your affection in a sacrificial love not a selfish love but a sacrificial love it's at that point that whatever God does you're in the best position to be restored with them if for whatever reason their free will is not turned it's not submitted in a way either to God to be obedient then you have to let God deal with him or her on that basis you are not to get in the way of that you're not to touch it because the flesh will contaminate and curse it my flesh your flesh and if God does bring them to restoration and they feel in restoration that they are drawn to you and you are still drawn to them after your restoration and you will never regret what you have endured because you will see things that you never would have experienced with that person had you not first gone through this let the Living God have this in the name of Jesus Christ let him have it fully and completely pray with me right now it is important that you speak the words the power of change in you is in a spoken word of the Christ through you and appealing to God through him a spoken word brings either life or death the spoken word brings either blessing or cursing choose life choose blessing let's pray father in the name of Jesus I present myself before you and before the throne of grace I know that even if I don't understand it the purpose that you have and be going through this suffering and this broken heart that I'm experiencing will be worth it at the outcome however right now I can't even function because I've been totally torn asunder I give you my brokenness as a such suffering as you gave me your son is a sacrifice of suffering for me Lord I pray that you would reveal to me what it is you want cleansed from me I'm looking in and I'm looking up to you I'm not gonna look out anymore and make it about the person I loved so much I'm gonna look in and look up and when you're finished taking me through this season of pain I know the wisdom and the healing that you give me will help me to endure whatever it is that happens at the outcome I'm gonna trust you even before that happens and I'm asking your perfect love to cleanse me to come to me and through me and touch and envelop my broken hearts embrace me on the inside when there's no one to embrace me on the outside I'm gonna trust you like I never did and I present this person before you by me before your throne of grace and I'm not going to touch this person I'm gonna let you have him or her totally completely in a way such that I'm not going to interfere I'm gonna try to help you no matter what I do even if it's the right motive it will be the wrong method I trust you O God and what you're about to do in my life and his in the name of Jesus I pray amen
Channel: Restoring Relationships
Views: 691,715
Rating: 4.9339876 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, relationship prayer, divorce prayer, reconciliation prayer, prayer for marriage, prayer for spouse, husband prayer, wife prayer, prayer for couple, pray for relationship, marriage counseling, prodigal husband, prodigal wife, prodigal spouse, marriage restoration, restored marriage, marriage falling apart
Id: awj4qQdmQSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2016
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