The Restoring Relationships Strategy for Healing and Why it Works

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dominic herbst here with restoring relationships and i'd like to share with you the restoring relationships strategy for healing and why it works that's a legitimate question and it's time for an answer that's very clear and we trust that when you hear the answer on the basis of the word of god and his holy spirit of truth that you will walk in this ministry as walking with him we are mere navigators we are not the healers but we will introduce each and every one of you to him in a way that maybe you have not understood his purpose for your life we have a a link that we call walking through calvary it is pretty much placed up there right now on facebook it's been up there for several weeks because it leads to what we call a zoom encounter yes using that method of interactive video so that we can lead you in an action plan through calvary that's why we call it walking through calvary and what we're saying to you here is that we want you to learn how to take the fight to the enemy before you come under his bondage in captivity or if you're already in that bondage and captivity even in your mind it's time to turn the fight around and take it to him because there what are we waiting for all authority all power is given to jesus christ in heaven and in earth if you know him as your personal lord and savior that power reigns supreme in your spirit his spirit his holy spirit bears witness with your spirit that you are his child it is time now to deploy that power that he has bestowed upon you in his name and what we do here restoring relationships when we walk through calvary is we equip you to deploy the power of the lord jesus christ in ways that you had never before known i believe one of the greatest revelations we will know when we get on the other side is how much we could have had the power of god in the heavenly kingdom come here on earth as it says in the lord's prayer thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven you and i are the purveyors or are the ones who bring his will his kingdom here on earth oh it's all him let's make it clear we become the vessel so stay tuned as we walk through this uh session so that you then can make an informed decision of one of the doorways that we'd put up there on uh facebook in the on that visual there are four doorways that you see there one is the prodigal spouse if you're experiencing with a very frustrated marriage in a situation where your spouse is either there but not available to you or he or she has left and you're concerned about divorce or the divorce proceedings have started and you want to be sure that the living god is sovereign over your situation that you are looking to him more than you're looking even to your spouse that's a bit counterintuitive because you're thinking wait a minute that's my focus that's the reason i'm here correct but why not make the handoff appropriately to the one who has all wisdom who has finished every battle at calvary where he said it is finished and has given you and i the authority in his name to finish that same battle in our relationships with our spouses within ourselves another battle that we may have within ourselves which is another doorway is depression and anxiety well you may be experiencing with one or both of those i had and i was held captive by them until i was set free and christ set me free without meds without therapeutic process any of that but by walking in his truth and those of you that have experienced those kinds of afflictions you know you can't reason them out of you in the flesh the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds so if that's a doorway that's a struggle for you then this is the place that you might want to come and let us walk you navigate you through calvary in the action plan the strategic plan the literal deliberate fight against the enemy where you take authority over him based on the finished work of jesus christ at calvary and then a third one is divorce recovery some of you have already been divorced uh maybe for some time some of you recently and you're you're still struggling because there's a sense of death over your soul it's a loss because you were one in the covenant the two shall become one the rip if the bible describes it as being torn asunder ripped apart right down as if you're into little pieces and your heart is broken which is why jesus said in luke 4 18 when he read in the temple i have come to heal the brokenhearted meaning that if you have been ripped to that degree godly sorrow and walking with christ in the greatest most desperate pain that you've ever known in your life is going to be the way to see yourself from the darkness into the light and lastly is truth-based parenting particularly when you're struggling with children that you feel that you're becoming so frustrated in the development of the relationship that now you're desperate because you're trying to get them to to follow house rule to follow the ways of god etc and in your desperation you're actually tearing at the relationship and you're bruising the spirit without shaping their will and you want to shape their will and there are very clear biblical methods for uh truth-based parenting that we walk in that takes the onus of responsibility off of you as the parent and places it on the child and this is for uh one two parent families single parent families if you're a single parent you're already compromised because you've lost the second witness in the oversight in the authority that you produce for that child and we will teach you how to increase the power of that witness by the lord jesus christ and by operating in the truth and subjecting that whole method and message over your household right now those are our four doorways we have newer ones coming we want to make sure that we provide for you ministry at the place of your greatest need jesus always met the people that he walked with at their point of greatest need when you have come to know and understand the forgiveness of sin through the blood of christ of his finished work on calvary often times our greatest need is to be able to be cleansed and purified from our worst pain now you might say but that's that's not a sin no but when you're a victim of pain and you've been a victim of pain as a child or into your young adult years and beyond we call that season one and season two childhood years season one birth to about 18 19 20 adult years and then when your adult years begin to the present time is season two a lot of folks do not know that if they do not let the lord heal them in season one those unhealed wounds will play out in season two the events of violation may be in the past but the impact of those events are within us and when they're within us they spill forth until they're cleansed and purified so if you're struggling with would long long ago pain or deeply deeply recessed pain or recent pain in your adult years your second season in your marriage in a previous marriage where it is so causing turbulence and and torment within you that the enemy lives in that concealed pain this is why i say pain concealed is pain unhealed and what's worse is that pain if it's not cleansed the it becomes infected and the enemy lives in that concealed pain to torment us anything unsurrendered unrevealed to god is going to be enemy ground does he have the does he have the right to take it literally no but he's a thief he comes in to steal kill and destroy so we in effect give him a false legal right we give him a false legal right he really has no legal right but he will take whatever you and i don't give to christ this is why this walking through this the experience what sets us apart from mere counsel is that we are walking in this truth we are doing the kingdom work and we are taking authority in active warfare see you you can pray and intercede which is what god wants us to do pray without ceasing you can intercede to the throne room for the needs that you have with your depression or or your marriage or your the situation in your divorce don't cease in doing that he also wants you to take active warfare coming against the enemies hold upon your heart entangling you and your soul in a way that he cripples you that he causes you to stumble that he causes you to believe things that are not true he will cause you the enemy in his influence because he's incessant he doesn't give up he'll cause you to embrace the lie as if it's the truth and reject the truth of god as if it's a lie and over time you will be subtly held captive in your mind you will have imaginations in your mind or things that you believe and you will find out that they do not lead you to freedom the enemy will even give you a false sense of freedom at times in your battle causing you then to relax and that's when he tightens the hold and the grip he's extremely tactical and very vile and very wicked and he's not one you want to dance with because he creates this dance is what i call it when you dance with the devil he leads he will even let you dance very close to the calvary experience and dance around calvary but he is leading he will not let you walk through calvary if you keep him if you let him have that control yes it is possible as it is for so many believers me included to be blood bought born again regenerated spirit by the precious blood of jesus christ with his holy spirit in my spirit and yet let my soul be ravaged and tormented by concealed pockets or places of held back pain and bitterness including a bitter root the enemy loves to provide all sorts of surging power in the bitter root creating bitter fruit and the bitter fruit springs forth and many be defiled hebrews 12 15. that is why again counseling begins with opening or awakening opening your eyes and awaken you to truth of the source of your entanglement and the fact that there's things that you need to do but often does not know how to walk you in it so that you are transformed by the truth it's one thing to be awakened to the truth which gives people the want to i want this but if without the how to they don't know what to do to walk in it to be set free and transformed and that's what the zoom encounters do we require of you your investment of walking in that truth but we navigate you we lead you on the basis of the truth of the word so the real navigator is the holy spirit in you and when he begins to navigate you more when you're away from us from the zoom encounter event than we do when you're with us then it has begun the transition and i want to show you the steps to how that transition works so that you understand we know where we're taking you many people ask me how do i know good counseling how do i know the counselor i'm with knows what my needs are knows what they're doing with me and what their plan is you ask them ask them have them give you specificity and detail in the counseling process of what they plan to do well they may turn her back and say well what are your goals and objectives and you might be saying i just want to be have a relationship that is at peace in my spousal relationship or i want this depression to leave i'm tired of this anxiety and fear i'm starting to get panic attacks and and i'm losing my temper to the point i'm driving people away from me so you'll say that and then you ask them how are you going to help me with that and you then you evaluate and they need to be able to give you specificity and detail of what they're going to do i'm talking the christian counselor well we'll read the word we'll we'll learn things about the truth okay then you ask well how's that going to set me free well that'll get you closer to god and pretty soon you're going to find yourself in a little bit of dialogue that you're going to be challenging your counselor you need to do it challenge me challenge joseph challenge all those in restoring relationships if we can't give you an answer regarding the hope that is within us it's time to go somewhere else but we have walked this and i don't believe anybody else can take you to a place that they themselves have never gone and we have gone through this we have a testimony with specificity and detail of realizing the places in our souls that bound us i had depression i had anxiety fear even panic attacks that made me feel like i was losing my mind i had rage to the point that the reason nobody around me could control me i couldn't control me all of that rooted in past pain that i never had seen because the enemy held me in blindness and kept me from seeing it yet today i'm set free my marriage was in trouble why because of all those afflictions because i didn't do what god was calling me to do on the basis of his will through the holy spirit and on the basis of his word of truth this is why we want to do action it's why james said be doers of the word and not hearers only we're going to be a doing in this zoom encounter we're going to be going we're going to be walking in it being having the knowledge of the truth will give you the awakening but walking in it will give you the transformation and it will bring wisdom from on high from an infinite source i'm a finite source as long as i give you infinite word though this is anointed and the holy spirit's speaking that's anointed that's god speaking through me so it's not about me it's about him but when you walk in truth you get an anointing of wisdom that you're able to take others to that place and you're transformed so you'll see why all this applies here so when you hear the truth you're awakened to it when you walk in obedience to that truth you're transformed by it that's what the zoom encounters do so being awakened will give you the want to walking in it will give you the how to we want both john 3 21 says he that does the truth comes to the light he that does the truth do you hear that you don't hear a whole lot of doing truth you hear a lot of hearing it do we need to hear it absolutely first and foremost faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god well what about it says though when you know the truth it shall set you free that word in john 8 32 in the in the original greek the word for no k-n-o-w is genosko do you know what it means to know and do it's simultaneous knowing and doing see it's interesting the word no recognizes that if this is truth you don't question it you don't pontificate on it you don't write a book on it you just obey it jesus said if you love me obey my word it really comes down to simplicity which is why he said the kingdom of heaven is like unto these children do you ever notice when you talk to kids about jesus they don't question do you ever notice when you ask a child to pray for you i would always ask my children and their innocence to pray for me and and my wife and our needs and the church and people you know why god hears their prayers they don't question them they're just embodied with faith out of innocence they know and they do they don't question it we get older and we think we get smarter but the smarter we get in the flesh the dumber we are because we're focusing on fleshly reasoning and this is what's happening with the world right now it wrestles against the spirit of god against the spirit of truth it actually wrestles it's the spirit of antichrist and wrestles against anything of jesus and if they can get you if that enemy spirit can get you to reason jesus out of someone they don't have any hope they don't have any uh healing from on high they don't have any opportunity to be set free from enemy grasp it's only the christ he is the only one that can set us free so knowing the truth is doing the truth simultaneous all right and we begin with hearing so if we look at this now that the the experience of the zoom encounter will break you out of a cycle of that circular reasoning see i like to say prepositions to me are not only literal they're they're the in the realm of the kingdom they're very symbolic i i was drawn to calvary at the time that i couldn't be farther from it i was headed to a graveyard or a prison that's the truth because of my lifestyle what i was doing when i was 22 years of age and i remember stepping out of my car in a farmer's field no more than three 400 yards from where i live now who would have thought it was all farm fields and i just got out i was alone and i said god if you're there take over my life it was the feeblest prayer and and notice i said if you're there whether i was saying if you're there i'm not sure you're there but i really meant if you're there for me i mean i don't know why you would be there for me but if you're there for me take over my life and i tell you that was sunday after thanksgiving 1976. and you can do the math it'll be 44 years sunday after this thanksgiving and i did i see fireworks anything of that nature no but i did have an overshadowing of peace i can't explain even to this day he began to order my steps did i know that no did i know and understand it did i know the word no i didn't know any of this he began to order my steps and he began to awaken me and he he caused me to see things i hadn't seen before he lifted the veil the blindness that was over me in so many areas the devil still had many areas of blindness in me as a result of the infections within my soul but the sin and my spirit was cleansed fully completely by the blood of christ by my faith in that shed blood but it was the next 12 years i was beginning to be awakened to walking out my salvation in soul you don't walk out salvation spirit you surrender it's the gift of god it's by grace it's not of works ephesians 2 8 9 and not of ourselves lest any man should boast but in in the soul we must recognize as paul said work out this salvation and fear and trembling he was talking to people that were already believers he said this is the beginning because the enemy now has lost you to christ and he's going to want to bind you in a variety of ways and anywhere where you're vulnerable hurting afflicted or that you're having struggles with people that you deeply care about the enemy is going to use that to keep you shackled and in bondage you must want to break free but as long as you're looking out with the eyes of the temporal world on the horizontal plane the enemy can skew the view because he's a liar and he's a deceiver and he will give you imaginations which is why it says cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against god and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ so he gives you thoughts that you think are reasonable and they can be sensed to be reasonable in your carnal nature but they reason against everything in heaven everything in the spirit realm is counterintuitive to anything in the natural realm this is why we must walk in truth we must bathe in it we must read it and walk in it knowing it's obedience to the christ himself and to the word of god and to the holy spirit who's leading us who's ordering our steps and so these seven things as i close out are the areas so that you know we know where the holy spirit and the word of god in harmony want to take you and i for freedom for freedom from bondage within our soul from oppression of anxiety and depression from being held captive to areas of pain that we never knew were originating from years ago and as we walk through this the first thing that happens is the awakening we bring the awakening to you based on the word of god and his holy spirit for god's sakes not by our own opinions do not sit at the feet of a counselor who brings you his or her opinions they not they have no eternal value they cannot set you free they waste your time they waste your resources you want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and you want to learn and know how to walk in it so the awakening the second the looking in and looking up notice now we're going to teach you how to get your eyes off the horizontal plane and get it on the vertical when you look in the holy spirit we'll meet you there and show you things that you never knew were there you say but i've asked no there's a battle going on we're going to show you how to remove the enemies interference who's putting a shroud or a veil between you that shroud is a funeral blanket he puts a a death of darkness a blinding darkness between you and that truth and he's going to keep you from it until you fight him in the name of jesus the battle belongs to the lord jesus the battle belongs to the lord but you and i must engage so getting you to look in and look up is going to be the beginning of knowing what that battle is of the enemy wanting to keep you in bondage and darkness the third is the truth and the inward parts this is psalm 51 6 the lord jesus when david the lord god was saying to david i want the truth of your heart so david spoke out what the holy spirit had anointed him with in that truth you lord desire the truth in my deepest inward parts yes and as you and i pour out that truth you say but he already knows it yes but he wants our acknowledgement that we know it then we're in harmony with his will and his word and when we pour out the truth he pours in not only healing but he pours in wisdom wisdom beyond knowledge something that you can't be taught in the classroom or in in in the religious school or the uh the the theological seminary no no this is wisdom from on high this isn't the knowledge of of the professors of of of the ages this is wisdom from on high imparted by the holy spirit as you pour out the truth then he wants the disclosure unto god why the disclosure life and death is in the power of the tongue what you know and you receive and you learn and what's been revealed now must be spoken to it must be declared it must be proclaimed on high when you make a declaration that declaration speaks into the heaven that this is time you mean business when the declaration of independence went forth do you know that it was in the quietness of a very peaceful room when those signatures went on there but then came the war okay so but the declaration right then and there you might as well have said right then and there freedom is ours it's going to be of the price but freedom is now belongs to us why we declared it and then there's the emancipation proclamation jesus anointed lincoln in 1863 in the middle of the civil war there were still two years left and he drafted the emancipation proclamation he proclaimed the freedom of the slaves he he freed them before they were free he freed them knowing that they'd be free we're missing it you declare this in the heavenlies there's no power in this earth you can stop it and there's no power in heaven that's going to stop it heaven decreed it and heaven anointed it to your soul all you had to do is speak it walk in it believe it and know that god was going to see it come to pass but the enemy is going to rise up in a battle but he's a defeated enemy at calvary and it's time to bring the the victory that christ did on calvary and the triumphant victory into the place of your soul that's where the battle is your mind and in your soul where the enemy is trying to keep you captive he lost you to jesus christ for eternity now he wants to you in the days you have left in this life so that you do not bring others into the kingdom he's afraid of you i'm talking satan he's scared of you he but he put a target on your back as one preacher said your pictures on the post office of hell you're public enemy number one that's okay you're with christ that's all you need and recognize when you do this this isn't just dancing around with the devil anymore this is taken by the throat in the power and the authority of jesus christ and cast him in out and away until he awaits for the ultimate judgment of the great white throne in revelation 20 where he will be cast into the lake of fire with all of the other demons in revelation 20 a sorry painful difficult scene for the people that will appear there who went into eternity without christ so now you have the wisdom of revelation in psalm 51 6 where you're bringing out the truth and the next is we proclaim over you and draw out by the power of the holy spirit the godly sorrow to replace the worldly sorrow you say but i've sorrowed so long i want to get through this that's because it's been worldly sorrow it's kept you in bondage it's like a stagnant pond in the middle of the field it's a toxic it's oily it breeds bugs mosquitoes larva you would never drink it it has no life coming in it there's no life-giving streams there's no place for it to run it doesn't even move it's paralyzed you don't want that water anywhere near you but that's in your soul when you have depression and you have anxiety and fear and and when you have uh panic attacks and when you lose your temper these are these these filthy sewage waters yeah sewage too are boiling and bubble and that's why the bitter root will therefore springing up many be defiled i look at it as a fountain of sewage would you would you hang around and found the sewage when you're thirsty or when you want to be cleansed and you want to bathe you wouldn't bathe in this well that stuff's in us yeah as believers in christ until we're cleansed and purified by what godly sorrow it streams heavenly streams in the spirit realm that flow endlessly from the throne room of heaven by the power of his holy spirit coming through you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet cleansing purifying all the pockets any of the cancers that those those cancer tumors of bitterness that are in your soul i call bitterness the cancer of the soul in there and what's happening it's being cleansed out it's being cleansed away and you're being purified from pain now that the bitter root and the bitter seeds of contempt cannot grow the bitter root and the enemy now no longer has a place to torment you why because the godly sorrow comes when you give the truth in your inward parts you see now you're walking in it now you're acting on it be doers of the word and not hearers only now you understand what we do in the zoom encounter you understand why it's different it's got to go way beyond sitting in a counseling format i'm starting to get sick of the word counsel oh it's biblical and the multitude of counselors there is wisdom however in freedom there is walking in truth that goes way beyond counseling so please understand it's time to do the doing it's time to move beyond the hearing and do the doing and that's what this is and as we close out here the godly sorrow number seven personal accountability before god do not underestimate the power of the repentance of one human being before god in heaven repentance is me making a decision to consciously turn from going my way and and not holding anything back anymore but surrendering all and against thee and thee only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight david said in psalm 51 4. he opened with saying that even though i sinned against everybody in my kingdom as king of israel kingdom again sinned against family and family send in adultery and murder ultimately lord the sin against them was first and foremost sin against you and until i get it right here on the vertical i will never ever have it fully resolved and restored on the horizontal and that's another tactic of the enemy if it happened on the horizontal between two people five people eight people people in a family people in a church whatever it might be we tend to try to keep it there no no we read the word and we prayed to god and then we did the result not good enough according to the word we must pull away come into the place of full surrender and brokenness before god broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart will you not despise lord and that will only come through godly sorrow that leads to repentance second corinthians 7 10 and i close with this the restoration and healing through christ through this action-based zoom encounter comes from your trust in his word your obedience to his will and your surrender to his finished work on calvary now come and look for us there's going to be a link it's going to be shown it's going to be walking through calvary all you have to do is sign up get on the waiting list no commitment yet then we will have a q a on zoom with all the people that are on the sign ups we've probably got 75 or 80 there and this is our first push on it so come and sign up with us and it's at that place a q a that you can get your questions answered and then from there you'll have the opportunity to seed into this ministry and walk in the truth that even if it's you personally benefiting from it god will bless you more than more ways than you can ever imagine and you will say what job said in job 42 and i think it was verse 3 i saw things too wonderful that i knew not let's not forget that the culmination of job's full restoration was he saw things he would never would have seen had he not walked through and kept his obedience before god look forward to seeing you on walking through calvary and in the weeks ahead let's pray father god we ask that your holy spirit would now move upon every heart who's listening now and every heart who will listen to this later that you will stir within them from you that they might be drawn to an opportunity to be set free to be transformed by you not by us as we facilitate and navigate in this experience of walking through calvary and we ask blessing upon all families represented here in the name of jesus christ we pray amen thank you and we'll see you soon
Channel: Restoring Relationships
Views: 6,171
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Id: 8TXK1YynIz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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