These Tourists Sights Are FAKE - Not Originals

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tourists from all around the world come to the city to admire its beauty without knowing that most of the stuff they're looking at are actually copies not originals and in today's video we're going to show you which ones are the originals and which ones are the copies now the astronomical clock behind me is most likely the most visited tourist attraction in prague the bottom part the calendar board was originally placed here in 1865. that was the original now when was it replaced with a copy you ask 15 years later in 1880 they were worried that it's going to get destroyed with rain wind and snow so they replaced it 1880 first copy now that's not the last one then they replaced it after the second world war in 1946 because the entire astronomical clock was damaged roughly you can see it in the historical pictures now the copy from 1946 lasted until 2018. and in 2018 they made a new copy that is currently in place and this newest copy that we're looking at right now caused a huge outrage in the media because if you look closely at the copy and compare it to the original it is very very different now funny enough in one tv show they actually mentioned this now let's be fair there is no way you can tell what the faces of the characters look like on the calendar board from this distance so it is pretty obvious that nobody noticed for four years now they noticed and the city is deciding if they want to make a new copy to make it look more like the original which would make it the fifth copy in the row yet people still think it is the original it is not oh wait one more thing if you do want to see the original of the calendar board from the astronomical clock you can it is in the prague museum that unfortunately is closed till the end of 2023 and once they open you can go see it much closer now just to be clear we're not showing you all the copies there are in prague but the most obvious ones and the ones you will look at for sure like this marion column behind me the original one was placed here in 1650 and then it was torn down in 1918 as a revolt against the austrian hungarian empire people poured it down it was damaged the original pieces of it are hidden in a museum and this one is a replica it's a copy from 2020. now how do i know it's a copy i partially worked on it you may be wondering how come they let me touch it well because i have a friend who has a friend and he knows the sculptures who made it also it is not complete there are still four angels missing on the side and according to the sculptures it's gonna take another eight years to make those copies so if you come here in eight years hopefully they'll be there hey man it's good that you're climbing on a copy and not the original right one of the things you will see for sure as a tourist are these historical cars now here's the fact they are not historical they are replicas i do remember that there used to be old cars driving tourists around the city they were old skodas and they looked amazing but taking care of an old car historical takes some time and money that's why they created these replicas now fun fact when the city made a check on them when they checked their technical status they found out that out of 58 of these cars 55 did not pass some of them were registered as tractors or snow mobiles believe it or not and there's many of them in prague [Music] some things you'll see on the street you don't even need to question if it's a copy or a replica or original or whatever the hell that is we are on the historical old royal way of prague and most of the stuff here is very old i mean it looks all like this wood paneling on this building yet if you look at google street view from 12 years ago you'll find out that this is brand new and it's changed the way the house looks a lot so it's not a copy it's not a replica it is brand new trying to look like old by the way if there's something that you'll see the most on this street it is the old traditional original tradernik is it original let's find out so let's talk about terdelnik there's only one thing i can say about sterling it is very popular in czech republic now if you question the origins or if it's traditional or not usually somebody will always say the opposite in the comments so it doesn't matter what i say so let's go to the only source on the internet that we can trust let's go to wikipedia and on wikipedia i found that a popular czech journalist said that here in the czech republic having a hamburger is more traditional than having atherdellinik now i don't know if i can quote myself but i just did that so deal with it and i promise you we will get on the trellising journey on the trellis history and for once and all we will find out if it is or isn't traditional for that we will probably go to hungary and slovakia but stay tuned subscribe we will find out for you [Music] we are on the charles bridge and it's not only a bridge but it's some sort of a gallery also because there's many statues around and people tend to think that all the statues are originals then on the other hand some people think that all of them are copies it's neither of those there's 12 copies on the bridge as of right now this one is from 1980 this one is from 1908 believe it or not for today's video not only i made a screenplay i made a little map for myself but there are some really cool uh statues and copies i want to talk about follow me now what would be the honest guide without some fun fact so here's one for you about the statues this one right here is a copy from 1913 and the other one on the other side is from 1928 but it's not a copy it's an original now how can a copy be older than the original statue well the reason is that before this statue there wasn't the same one there was a completely different statue that was replaced with a new statue therefore it can be one of the newest statues on the bridge yet it is an original by the way if you're curious where all the other originals are of the statues some of them are hidden in a museum sort of that way and the other ones are hidden in the basement of the visharat castle where you can actually go look at them but there's always a but there's one more category of statues and those are not copies this one is an original but it replaced a different statue that was here previously now where is the previous statue you ask it's not in the museum nor in the basement of the visherhad castle it is actually at a hospital i was there yesterday to check it out and it is there it is kind of cool that you go to a hospital that is right there at the end of the street and suddenly there's an original statue from the charles bridge i talked to one of the doctors he was like why are you filming that and i said dude it's a statue from the charles bridge oh i didn't know that i said there's a sign that says it so he was quite surprised so if you want to impress your friends and show them a statue from the charles bridge original one take them to the prague hospital by the way not only the statues are being replaced also many of the stones as you can obviously tell if you're curious where the original stones are they're in a place called nashutta where i actually saw them stored in a hangar but one more thing this statue is a copy from 1971 and it's been spray painted over and this city never cleaned the graffiti because they said that it is a valuable masterpiece and that they cannot clean it with any chemicals or with power wash it is not it's from 1971 we drive in older cars and we ride on older trams and if somebody spray paints over those we just power wash it down so it's kind of funny that the city treats replicas copies from 1971 as if they were originals and they rather keep the graffiti on them kind of silly original copy copy original by the way in one of the previous videos we begged you and the tourists not to climb statues on the charles bridge well just recently somebody climbed up on this one and as they were coming down they grabbed this sword from the turk and they broke it off so it's now being replaced once again it will be a copy because it's not the first nor the last time somebody broke it as you can see there are many stories to be told on the charles bridge so if you want us to do like a live stream with a friend of mine who knows a lot about the statues on the bridge let us know and we can do that when you are in prague and you will put eiffel tower in the google search the first result will actually not be the eiffel tower but the petseen lookout tower here in prague and yes they look similar yet this is not a copy of the eiffel tower it was inspired by it it is much smaller and the story is that the club of czech tourists went to paris for the world expo to see the eiffel tower in 1889. they came back to prague and they said we want to build something similar yet much smaller and it took them half a year to build this inspiration of the eiffel tower now if you think that the eiffel tower is taller it is 5.6 times taller but if you're standing at the top of the petzin tower you're actually higher in altitude because the petzine tower is on a hill and the eiffel tower is not [Music] if you prefer a copy or an original i'll leave that up to you but i must say that some originals should require maybe at least some repairs uh i hope you will take our walk that we did today and you will maybe discover even more originals and copies and let us know in the comments what you found on your own i'll see you here next week on our channel honest guide as usual i'll teach you a czech word at the end this time two words and they're pretty obvious how to say copy in check it's copier if you want to say copy it and original is original original original
Views: 569,276
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Keywords: prague, praha, czech, czech republic, janekrubes, janek rubes, honest guide, honest prague guide, honest, guide, travel guide, honest janek, honest janek rubes, honza mikulka, janek rubes guide, czechia, visit czech republic, travel blog, what to do, what to see, where to go, in prague, budget, cheap, kluci z prahy, eiffel tower, petrin tower, petrin lookout tower, charles bridge, statues charles bridge, astronomical clock, old town square, astronomical clock prague, old car
Id: mTYsOQB85sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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