Prague Czech Republic Travel Guide: Best Things To Do in Prague

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what's going on everybody this is islandhoppertv  coming to you from prague czech republic   in this travel guide we deliver a ton of  useful information to those of you who are   going to be visiting one of the most magical  cities in all of europe so let's get started   coming to you from prague czech republic we are starting out here at the astronomical block which you can see right there we're gonna walk into the old town square  here as we begin this tour from prague just want to show you real quick this  astronomical clock and tell you some   things you need to know about visiting here wow look at this i'm just going  to show you this roof real quick wow that's like a mosaic quite impressive huh all right so prague a city with 1.3 million  people in the city itself if you include the   surrounding areas we're talking 2.4 million people  it's a big city this here is the old town square we are going to take you  around to the charles bridge   we're going to go on the other side  of the river to the prague castle   you'll see there's many of these cathedrals  like that just classic old cathedrals here's a look at the side here i'm gonna actually go up into the old town that  way later in the film so stick around for that   that's actually cool that's like  one of the best parts of prague   i mean there's like four or five  different best parts of prague but wow look at this place there's a lot to  see in prague you're going to be very   impressed this is one that you're  going to want to stick around for   also put time stamps below for  those of you who want to see the other parts of prague some ham let's see  what they got on the old rotisserie over here if you guys are enjoying this  video so far hit the like button see what they got on the grill here some big ham so i cut the kielbasa and put  it in here and i'm gonna mix it   imagine if all of the great cities of  europe italy cities portuguese cities germany cities cities in germany cities in  scandinavia all kind of got balled up into one   and they had a baby frog would be the baby it is hot it's super hot actually i'm gonna have to get some water but yeah we'll  pick up as i get closer to the actual waterfront all right so we've made it now to the waterfront   we've got a nice little restaurant  here on a boat but if you look   right there on the water they got the prague boats  so the temperature is actually around 90 degrees fahrenheit and about 32 degrees celsius  and the heat it's like a creeper heat   you know it doesn't feel necessarily too  hot but once you're doing a lot of outdoor   activity like walking it does creep up on you  and you're like whoa okay i better drink some all water we have made it to the old town bridge salamuna it's kind of a cool place there see they got the locks last time  i was here they had the logs see if we get a view if you wanted to walk to the cathedrals  from here you could on this bridge but it's no joke [Music] no joke at all let's go up here oh the old town bridge i'm not actually going to walk all the way across at least give you an idea of  what you can expect out here yeah downrange there have fun walking across that  bridge on a day like this get your portrait done you  know hang that up on your wall the original selfie gothic look at lake like a lock down there loch ness interlocking spicy let's go in one of these uh places here i  actually need some nose clippers [Music] like a grooming kit see if they got them in here if you guys are enjoying this tour  so far be sure to hit the like button   consider subscribing to the channel  if you like videos like this let's see if they got what  i'm looking for grooming kids   grooming kids aren't uh too  popular with tourists i don't think oh heck they got an ice pub let's see if this  place is open free entry robotic bar tasty all right i got a tequila sunrise  we'll see [Applause] [Music]   so the machines totally made me at tequila sunrise  just wanted to show you guys these dikes here   how they kind of control the river okay into the crowd we go [Music] the stampede the prague  stampede so we shall call this the working man cutting through the stampede collagen so we got a tie massage foot and  neck and back right here good deal all right so i just got that massage  it was uh foot massage back and neck   man after all this traveling seriously i really  needed that i was uh starting to hurt for a moment   there but i'm feeling great now nice and relaxed  i feel like i could keep filming for you guys   for a minute there i was like i don't  know i might have to go back to my hotel   speak in my hotel let me show you my room hotel  here in prague this is the marriott in old town   and actually across the street here is the hilton  but uh we're right here in old town anyway this   is the hotel room uh it's pretty busy so the  price is for me it was 102 but for someone else   not using points it might be  about 270 a night in peak season   all right we're back what do you think of that  room so now we'll just kind of press through here   in the old town of prague in these streets you  ever seen one of these it's like a cinestick cooked over a hot wow and they got chocolate cooked over hot charcoal i guess remember those  from last time it's called rolled ice cream see food time food time it's food all right thirty i stopped to get a beer oh man   feeling good feeling good beer and beef  with some bread perfect so this whole area   right here is known as the clementinum  we've got a mirror cathedral or chapel and just a bunch of different unique old gothic  buildings out the shades here it's really nice i don't mind walking around here  when it's nice weather [Music]   when it gets hot that heat just sneaks up on you it's more of that rolled ice cream yeah i really like prague it's a spectacular  city i'm actually going to show you guys   some of the new city too so i get  over there something's going on here   maybe it's a walking tour crystal magic photo and there is a full look at the clementinum if you  wanted to do the tour it takes about uh 50 minutes   gotta love when uh walking right and then  someone just stops walking right in front of you that's what happens when you're  on these congested streets so i've been getting like ideas to go around  parts of the u.s or go to asia like thailand swarovski i think i'm coming up to that square oh wow cha-cha all right so we are now in what is called  prognose city you can see the wave house   at the top you got some people taking pictures i'm going across the street here at the new city all right there it is how's that [Music]   all right let's go check out some more of  the new city designs here along the river what they got here just a  bunch of boats restaurants huh [Music] very nice very nice maybe they got  some soup i'm gonna move for a soup all right so i stopped in to get some soup that was good a lentil soup with that  uh frozen margarita still hot out man   it's getting better i think it's just the sun is  just absolutely intense so i'm heading up this   uh floating revolving head made of silver color  it's about 13 minutes away so we'll pick up there   you know in other european cities  you got to watch out for bikes   but here you got to watch out for those street  cars look at they're just always on the move   people movers man look here comes another one  right here just always on the move [Music] it's a great way to get around though [Music]  the only frustration i have with this place   is they have a different currency  than the euro and you know when you travel it's like  you always gotta find a new   atm like this okay it looks like we got a  mall here let's just check this place out here it's down below i don't know where that goes  way down to the metro maybe so there's the floating head and it's not moving  why is it not moving or does it never move yes people really like that thing but it doesn't move when i come here so there we have the rodney museum i don't know  if you guys can see it it's coming in now it's a   museum it's 6 30 so it's closed let's walk this  big path here this big avenue filled with people it is 6 40 actually p.m late july [Music] i like how it's wide most of the times you get these in europe  that really thin like they might be just   as wide as these cobbles right here or maybe  extending out beyond that this one actually very wide so it can hold a lot of people and it's comfortable thanks to this good serve mr  nelson we're gonna go do hop on hop   off now got my ticket and see what  prod has to offer on this bus today all right so it cost me around 32 like i  said nelson really helped me out getting   this ticket he took good care of me so if  you see him buy it off him because he's   he's the man and uh yeah so i'm excited  to go to this castle on the other side of   the river actually but i want to see what other  attractions they show going across the river now and here we are at the prague castle look  at this beautiful thing we're gonna go in it's here one of the premier  destinations in all of europe okay what do we got going  on in here is it a well a okay looks like does it say no cameras there's the hours it closes at  440 it looks like opens at nine no flash and no tripod and this is not a flash or a tripod go for it oh yeah i see plenty of  people using their cameras oh my gosh oh wow this is kind of how the  marineski and krakow krakow looks oh man nice [Music] so the prague castle here was founded  in 880 and the reason it's so famous   is because it's been the seat house for many  bohemian kings dating all the way back to 880 a.d so it's over a thousand years old obviously   looks like it's probably undergone some  infrastructure changes but it sits up on the hill it's interesting how old prague is on the other  side of the river and this is on another side of   the river it's like they're like oh let's keep the  people on the other side of the river that way we   know who's coming across it's almost like a giant  moat the perfect situation for kings and rulers karlovsky pollock by the way you come here they do have  a like a checkpoint with arm guards so   don't try to bring anything unique through here i actually thankfully i'm  not even wearing a backpack so i just went right   through just my phone my wallet my camera easy i  think you have to have tickets for some of these   because it's not all free whoa look  at that backside of his fantastic   it's actually a lot better day than  it was yesterday in terms of weather   and i did get a good night's sleep last  night so i'm feeling a lot more rested and   healthy it's amazing what a little catching up on  sleep will do for you and some good food you got   to eat right too which in my case is a burger  and fries always gets me back on the grind   no but the good night's sleep probably  played a bigger factor in it than anything it's like you can listen all these people tell  you oh just eat salad and do this and that and   then you're just like okay i did it and nothing's  changed i still feel groggy then you go back to   your old diet burger and fries and you're back  back to you feeling great isn't that interesting there are some things that i have had to  eliminate from my diet though like coffee that's pretty good but yeah from here i plan to  go south to uh austria vienna   where they actually have a lot of trains leaving  out of here so it shouldn't be a difficult   trek especially now that i'm on this side  of europe it should get easier i don't know definitely western europe has more trains but i'm like in the middle and the route  that i'm on is actually going to go   probably through hungary into the balkans hungary is this an exit or is this just  a way down i don't know i mean it   feels like i'm going down a mountain  or a i mean it's definitely a hill okay here we go see what this view gives us this is see what's up with this view oh great views all around okay well the uh entrance i went into at this  checkpoint was way shorter of a line than that   it's a long line i actually need to stop and  get some water soon i will take this down and   tell you how long it takes but you can see we're  definitely coming off of a mountain here or a hill   call it what you want and it feels like the sun is  now coming out in full effect   check effect check effect is in full effect oh my god so i got this  little deal here draft beer nice i can get a water here hopefully man that zoo for prague is really  popular i keep seeing that on like tripadvisor   something famous about the prague zoo so going down that golden lane as they  call it very easy takes maybe a total of   five minutes going up people are like really  hurt now so i don't know your best bet maybe   take a hop on hop off bus up there or the tram  up to the top and then walk down the mountain   that's probably what i would do if i was you  plus the line at the bottom seemed very long that was a metro so i'm back down headed towards  the charles bridge i think there's a wall called   the lenin wall so we'll go see what's up with  that i like both sides of the river i think   visiting prague you want to do both sides of  the river even the old town and the new town   so pretty much prague is just a  very fully active city fully active   what in the mario kart is going on with  that i got a whole platoon of mario karts it's one way to see prague well here we  are on the banks of the voltava river   and yes some goofballs decided to  litter and they had to clean it   up so please don't be a litter bug when  you come here because that's ridiculous you can see the boats doing the boat tours these  ducks it's a polluted river so it's still early   but i decided to come in here and get this goulash  soup because ever since i saw that one picture   it's like i gotta try it so  we'll try it and see how it is   okay i got goulash soup and a beer before we  get here all right so the goulash was good   you can see some of these other foods they have at another restaurant nearby all right oh the anne frank museum let's see here pedal car museum look at these guys  that's not every day you see that we got a serious situation right there anne frank museum kafka museum and then we got the little  gingerbread house right here oh i'm gonna go down to the waterfront here's a great view of the  charles bridge right here let's watch that barge go right through there man  that would suck if one of those barges hit one of   those pillars look how close he is he's so close  wow i bet that thing could take a beating though   talking about the bridge yeah nice so now i'm  going to try and get across the water here i   want to see if they've got a water taxi  maybe is that what this is a water taxi   oh wow look at that like a little river  canal stems off the river there it's perfect but i gotta go back up top there's  those motorbikes scooter they are oh man some big alleyway here oh man cheers mate they're from uh england on those bikes so as i showed you guys earlier in the  video the other side of the charles bridge now we're coming up to this side of the river's  charles bridge oh wow we got that moat hmm let's just take a look around here looks nice i think i'm gonna do one of those uh water taxis so if i do that water taxi it's actually  not a water tax it takes me to a bigger boat   and the bigger boat goes up and down the river   so i'll probably end up doing that  but i wanted to come over here first look at this wrapped ice cream if you guys are enjoying this  video so far be sure to hit the like button   all right yeah wow look at the other side   the charles bridge this is what  you get when you come across oh wow oh wow simply amazing city huh wow this is like the easiest best travel  guide because it just markets itself it's like a never-ending  adventure here look at that anyway you can see the whole city is just amazing  now i'm going to go actually back towards the   charles bridge show you what it looks like kind of  walking out there on this side then i'll go down   and uh catch the boat ride up and down the river  so we'll do the they call it the venice of prague   we'll do that but let's pick up when i get to the  bridge okay let's go up to charles bridge here film effects museum what an incredible bridge huh is amazing foreign oh wow where's all this water come from check out that little troll or  whatever on that wagon wheel water wheel funny let's go towards the london wall we go i don't know exactly what  the landing wall is but it's   a very popular place i'm assuming  they're talking about lenin from russia they got signs that say no graffiti but  then they have this whole wall of graffiti   that everyone comes to all right here we go hello  yes okay oh on the front okay yes thank you on our way includes this taxi ride plus a ride up and down the river um yes [Music] is and we've made it what kind  of animal is that the marmot just hanging out eating with the ducks what a mystical wonderful world prague man this is never ending amazingness in prague nothing like it in the u.s san antonio is like and here's the other boat tour i guess i will sit here right here and we're all i don't know what kind of ginger ale  that is or lemonade or whatever but it tasted good so is the ice cream the water runs right under the buildings and here we go under the charles bridge at this  point uh you can see the water level uh markers   something happened in 2003 where they had a  thousand-year flood in prague and it was pretty   serious but they say sometimes in the summertime  you can actually walk across the river because it   gets so shallow i don't know if that's still the  case because they put these dikes and these dams   upstream but very interesting going  underneath the charles bridge here   because you'll see those water  markings of how high the river has been [Music]   prague is a definite tourist destination but there  are some hazards that tourists need to watch out   for i watched a couple of tourists almost get  run over by a variety of different things people   dropping off supplies the guy just got hit in the  knee by the uh person who was pushing the cart so all right we are back in the  old square here there's meat burger oh very good just missed it oh my gosh here's a incredible looking church here oh man okay hmm all right and here we have the gallery of  steel figures as we have that guy frozen some interesting place here  especially for the kids okay cruising okay very nice area here now it's time to pick up my laundry all right so this right here is an interesting structure got a  restaurant over here big old restaurant pilsner pub okay it's a beautiful building concerts [Music] so this here is considered the city center you've  got the palladium 200 shops right over there oh [Music]   well anyways guys thanks for watching  this episode of island hopper tv   from prague czech republic see you on the next  one from vienna that's where we're going next   so subscribe to the channel turn on the bell  we'll see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 55,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Prague, Czech Republic, Prague 4K, Prague 2022, Prague vlog, Prague TripAdvisor, Prague Expedia, Prague travel, Prague travel guide, prague czech republic, visit Prague, Prague Castle, Things to do in Prague, best things to do in Prague, Prague travel tips
Id: 45-uMRV3ITo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 34sec (2854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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