PPM P6 - 13 Leveling of Resources

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Primavera Training 13 leveling of resources leveling of resources whenever you plan resources for your projects there is a chance that you may our allocate resources means for example if you have three masons and you are performing two activities and using the Masons in both activities then there is maybe our chance that they are start overlapping so this is called over allocation of resources so removing our allocated resources from your project is what we call as resource leveling and for that purpose in Primavera there is special option is available that is resource leveling a feature in Oracle Primavera p6 that generates a lot of interest to adjust a project schedule based upon resource availability for example there are two activities which you have planned a activity and B activity that baseline and you have assigned for a activity resource engineer one and for the B activity resource engineer one but the limit is that you are having only one engineer for performing a work in a 1-day work but you have assigned the same engineer for the two different tasks so you have to do the leveling one way is that you have to perform the leveling after the completion of the work a so now you have done the leveling so each project will perform its excellence without any trouble or issue so this is the leveling of one way there is an other way of this leveling you can assign an other engineer for example here engineer two so that the each activity will perform their own work without creating any disturbance in the project so how we will we do leveling in primary de so let's see here is a primary project for understanding the leveling of resources I have created a simple project leveling of resource example now I am opening a project here is I have created two activities plastering in ground floor and the second activity brickwork at first floor the that is the activity of six days and twelve days respectively and here before you are these two screens are appearing which never appear in the earlier training sessions so what is in the earlier session that is the detail window but how you can see the resource usage profile here resource the user profile here against each resource but in this activity I have defined only one new resource this is miss someone okay now I will filter only the display the current project resource for example I have open this example but that purpose I am using this only this one resource that is missing and I have assigned that how many masons can work in a day that is the three masons can work in a day and standard rate that is the $40 per hour for the project cost con calculations so now I am going in the activities here there is all other resources that is no nothing is appearing but in the Mason one that is of the current project we can also filter by display the resources only for current project it's the only one resource that is Allegiant and that is the limit the in our resource assignment I have signed that maximum three masons can work in a day so that is the limit line so here for example in this activity for 10 to 16 November I am using the Mason one Mason each day so here but due to overlapping you can see the increment and mean from 16 may 13 to 16 days from 13 216 days that I have to use to Mason's because because our activities are our liking overlapping and there is I am saying no issue but if I apply the limit that I have only one mission for my project for my project so what will happen there's now the limit line is one but the activities are overlapping so if the person is working in this activity then how can it work in the other activity so the software is given the alarming that you have power allocated early units so here it is showing in the red so the software is saying that you have to level these things okay now for leveling there is option level resources so here are different options automatic leveling when scheduling so I want to share something with you automatic is done in a robotic way that option is available in the primer beta but 99% the planning engineers do not use this option they go for manual leveling so there is option let I will show you how for example automatic leveling and I am clicking level okay so here you can see it done it is automatically done that after completing this activity then the other activity will start and now there is no allocation of our allocated in the sources so how I will undo this I will just click again and click on default yes close yes so okay I will again schedule my project so here it came back to its original position and another thing this curve is showing basically the S curve of his source s curve mostly used in in primavera that that it is the cumulative of resources or in the cost profiles you can see the cost accumulated cost profile so this is a very good thing for understanding how resources are working in this so there are a lot of options you can shift this activity from this to this and you can assign another mission for performing this activity which is work for for example from 13 to 16 from 13 to 16 you need another mission you can hire another mission for performing this activity so that our project will not disturb so that's how we do the leveling so that's all thank you
Channel: Engineering World
Views: 12,810
Rating: 4.6326532 out of 5
Keywords: resources, leveling, p6, primavera, Labors, material, non labour, level, create, load, assign, schedule, training, tutoiral, details, EPPM, PPM
Id: z3PNfNd5L0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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