PowerShell Modules

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Hello tech world, this is Techthoughts and  welcome to this special Techthoughts video   series focused on learning PowerShell.  This is an operationally designed video   series that aims to get you ramped up  and using PowerShell quickly. This is   video 13 in the series, PowerShell Modules. As always if you prefer written documentation   the corresponding article for this topic  can be found on the techthoughts.info blog   which I've linked In the description  below. Let's go ahead and get started. I'm going to be demoing a lot of code in this  episode. Don't forget that all of the code   examples are available on the Learn PowerShell GitHub repository for easy reference. You'll find   a link in the description below. In previous  episodes we covered PowerShell scripts and   PowerShell functions where we began to create  Solutions and solve problems using PowerShell . It's common to stay at the stage for quite a while  as you experiment and get better with PowerShell. But as you continue in your PowerShell journey you  will eventually find that you want to enhance the   capabilities of PowerShell through the use  of PowerShell modules. Additionally you may   want to share something you create with others. To  effectively do either you'll need an understanding   of how to work with PowerShell modules. A PowerShell module is just structured PowerShell   code that can be easily reused. Let's get a better  understanding of these structured components that   make up a PowerShell module. Here I have a script, and note the PS1 extension. And inside the script I   have an array declared and it gets loaded with  some custom PowerShell objects that contain   information about the various episodes in the  Learn PowerShell Series. So here we see that we're   loading episode 1 and it contains information  about the blog link, YouTube link, and GitHub link. And we have a custom PowerShell  object for each episode in the series. I'm going to come back up here and collapse this  region which contains all of these custom objects, and notice down below in the main section  that I do have a function here called Get-LearnPowerShellInfo which is going to enable  the user to go ahead and run this cmdlet and   get some information about various episodes in  the Learn PowerShell Series. So I'm going to go   ahead and load this entire script into memory  with control a, and f8 on my keyboard. And that's   going to load the entire contents of that script  into memory. And because we have that now I can go   ahead and run this particular function Get-LearnPowerShellInfo and I can specify for example an   episode number of 12. And notice down here that  we get some information back from that custom   object that contains information about episode  12 which is managing cloud with PowerShell. We're not covering PowerShell functions or logic  in this episode as I've covered those topics   previously. You can go back and check out those  episodes if you need a quick refresher. Okay so   why isn't this PS1 script good enough? It functions  clearly and enables the capabilities that we want. Well, it's just not very efficient from a code  sharing perspective. The script has to be shared   with someone. They have to save it to their file  system and then load the script into memory like   we just did. And there's no clean way to source new  versions of the script if it's updated or if bug   fixes are made. It's also difficult for your code  to take a formal dependency on a script like this. What I want to show now is that we can convert the  script into a PowerShell module file by changing   the extension to psm1. And note that I've already  done that and you see the psm1 file over here. This psm1 file is exactly the same as the script  that I just showcased. It has literally just had   its extension changed to dot psm1. This module  file is the minimum requirement for a working   PowerShell module. Because this is now a psm1 I can  perform actions with it that were not previously   available to me. So I'm going to go ahead and  terminate this console which will remove that   script that we previously loaded out of memory by  starting a new console. So I went ahead and deleted   that it's going to ask me if I want to restart a  session I'm going to say yes. And now we'll launch   a fresh integrated console. I'm going to change  to the directory that contains the psm1 file. And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to  run import module against the learn PowerShell   psm1. And I'm going to go ahead and click enter. So because we didn't get any errors that means  that the module successfully imported. And again   all we did was run Import-Module against  the psm1 file and again that's just a script   that we changed the extension to psm1, which is now  enabling us to import using the Import-Module. So what is this doing for us? Well now we can run  Get-Module against learnpowershell, which is the   name of the module that we just import. And that's  picking that up from the name of the module here. And notice that if we execute that that we do see  that a module has been loaded inside of memory   and notice that we have the exported function  that we had specified in this particular psm1 file, the Get-LearnPowerShellInfo function. If we had 20 or 30 functions in this psm1 a user   of this module could now explore each and run  help and engage our code like a reusable toolset. And because we have this in a module construct  we can see which commands are associated with this   particular module. But, notice that while this works  it lacks certain capabilities. For instance, note   in the example the module has a version of 0.0 . This is because the module file, the psm1 does not   have the ability to provide details such as the  module version. This is why most module authors   include a PowerShell module manifest. In fact, it's  a requirement if you want to publish a module to   a repository. It's extremely easy to create a new  module manifest because PowerShell contains native   cmdlets to do that and I'll go ahead and demonstrate  that now. I'm going to click Ctrl n on my keyboard   and open up a new tab of PowerShell here and Ctrl  tilde on my keyboard to stash this window down. And I'll go ahead and run the command New-ModuleManifest and all we have to do is provide   a path parameter I'll take it right here in  the default location that we're already in   and we'll call this learnpowershell.psd1 . And a psd1 extension indicates a module manifest file. The name of the manifest file needs to  be the same as the name of your module. And we'll go ahead and click f8 on the keyboard   and notice over here on the left that  we now have a new learnpowershell.psd1 . A module manifest is just a file that  contains a hash table of keys and values. These keys and values make up the metadata  of your PowerShell module and this metadata   provides a lot of detail about your module. The  New-ModuleManifest command went ahead and   generated a randomized guid for our particular  module so this can be tracked in a repository   such as the PowerShell Gallery. It populated the  author of this module taking the default user that   we ran this command as. And you can come through  each of these different values and populate it   with information that's applicable to your module. All this metadata isn't just informational though. Changes here can have a significant impact  on how your module operates. For instance, you   can control which version of PowerShell your  module will run on. And you can also specify   required modules that will be installed if  your module has dependencies, and much more! You can consult the documentation on how to write  a PowerShell module manifest as it details what   each of these keys is for and when to use them. You'll find a link on the techthoughts.info blog. I'm going to go ahead and close this  example one that we generated here. And I'm going to go ahead and delete that. I've  previously run that new module manifest command   and I've already populated the psd1 with some  information about the learnpowershell module that   we're creating here as an example. And so notice  here that I've put my author name, company name is   Tech thoughts, and I've written a description about  what the module is going to do so on and so forth. Through the magic of editing I wanted to cover  one particular cmdlet that I neglected to mention   in the first recording of this and that is  the Test-ModuleManifest command. And so as   you're editing your manifest file to make sure  that you don't enter any type of syntax errors   or enter some kind of construct that's not  permitted in the manifest, it's a good idea   to occasionally run the Test-ModuleManifest command against your psd1 file to ensure it's   still valid. And so you can execute this using f8  on the keyboard and so if it returns this instead   of an error that means that your manifest file  is valid and can be published to a repository. So if I list the contents of this directory  notice that we do have our psm1 file which   contains the raw logic and information  and functionality of our particular module. And we also have the psd1 file that's  populated with the metadata of our module. If we import the psd1 file... note, not the  psm1. We're importing the manifest file. That if we run a Get-Module against learnpowershell that we now have a versioned PowerShell   module as shown here. And this reflects the  manifest information that we populated in the psd1. Now if we make updates to our module the module  manifest version can be incremented and we can   release new versions of this module. Now that we've  covered the basics of PowerShell module components   let's dive into finding, evaluating, and installing  PowerShell modules. PowerShell modules are sourced   from a repository, the most popular being the  PowerShell Gallery public repository. And at the   time of this recording you can see there are over  10,000 unique module packages that are available   for download. We can show what repositories that  PowerShell is configured to use by running the   Get-PSRepository cmdlet. So here we have Get-PSRepository, I'll run that with f8 on my keyboard   and notice that by default PowerShell is  configured to use the PowerShell Gallery   indicated here with PSGallery. If we run this and pipe that to Format-List and star, again running with f8, we can see that  the PowerShell Gallery is just a nuget package   management provider and because we are defaulted  to utilizing this we'll be able to use commands   like Find-Module, Install-Module, and Save-Module which will be able to interact with the PowerShell   Gallery by default. So we'll start off with a  Find-Module, and we can provide that a tag is a   great way to search for PowerShell modules on the  Gallery. And if you wanted your code to be able to   do something, for example, with Telegram which is a  chat client, you could come in here and provide it   the Telegram tag and see if the PowerShell Gallery  has any modules that have Telegram capability. Here   we see that returned one result which is PoshGram. You can of course pipe this to Format-List as well   and retrieve some additional information about  that particular module. So here we see we get a   lot more information back including the project  URI so we could go visit and check it out on   GitHub. We could see who authored the module, what  version it's on, a description about the module, so on and so forth. If I wanted to install this  module I would simply run Install-Module, provide it the name, we saw that as PoshGram. And we could scope this. And we could scope   it either to all users, so that all users would  have access to this module. Or we could scope   the install to just this current user and  so only this current user that I'm logged   in as would have access to this particular  module. I'll go ahead and scope it to the   current user and I'm going to go run this  Install-Module using f8 on my keyboard. Notice that I'm getting a prompt about an  untrusted repository and it's asking me to confirm   if I would like to install this module from the  PowerShell Gallery. I'll go ahead and say yes and the Install-Module handles everything  for you. It went out and reached to the   PowerShell Gallery downloaded and installed  that module onto this particular system. The reason that we got that prompt is  notice if we run Get-PSRepository again   that currently the PowerShell Gallery  is by default an untrusted repository. You can adjust this in the configuration  settings of your PowerShell repository and   elect to set the PowerShell Gallery  as a trusted Source if you desire. It is possible to register additional repositories  using the Register-PSRepository cmdlet. Check out the techthoughts.info blog for  additional information as this can be used   to register things like private repositories  or internal repositories for your particular   Enterprise. PowerShell modules can also be  installed manually. The psd1 and psm1 files simply   need to be placed in a folder in the environment  PS module path. This is a reserved variable that   contains the paths that PowerShell will look in  to natively discover PowerShell modules. Notice   if I click f8 on my keyboard that this lists out a couple  of directories and these are the directories that   PowerShell is going to check to see if it can  find particular PowerShell modules. Notice that   if I start typing in the Send-TelegramTextMessage command that that went ahead and auto   completed and I'm getting intellisense for the  bot token, the chat ID, and the message that I want   to send. The reason that PowerShell is able to auto  source and autocomplete this for this intellisense   for this cmdlet is because it is checking to  see if the Send-TelegramTextMessage command   is available in one of these locations. And again  it's getting that from the environment PS module   path variable. I'm going to go ahead and kill this  terminal again and start with a fresh session. And note that in this session, because we have not  manually imported the module that we've created   as an example, that we do not get the Get-LearnPowerShellInfo auto completion and PowerShell is not   aware that that function exists on the system. And so what we can do is again we'll evaluate   the environment PS module path command and  what we need to do is place the psd1 and   the psm1 files that we previously created into  one of these locations to manually install this. We could place the psd1 and psm1 in the  C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules location. We could also place it in the documents slash PowerShell slash modules location. And so that's what I'll elect to do. So what we'll do is we'll come in here, into documents PowerShell modules  and I'll create a new folder   and it needs to be the name of the module that we  created. So this is going to be learnpowershell. And now that I have that what I can do is I can   copy in the files that we previously created, the psd1 and the psm1 into that location. Now that the manifest file and the module file are   inside of this location, which again is being  sourced by the environment PS module path, if I type in Get-LearnPowerShellInfo I'm  now getting auto completion, because when I   clicked tab on my keyboard PowerShell went  ahead and scanned through everything in the   environment PS module path to see if it could find  a module that contained that particular function. So this is how you can manually install a module  on your system. Note that because we installed this   module in this particular fashion that we won't  be able to do things like use Update-Module to   update this from the Gallery moving forward. And so  once you have taken a manual approach to a module   install on your system you will need to continue  to interact with it in a manual fashion. If you   wanted to uninstall this in a manual fashion it  would be as simple as coming into the modules   location and deleting this particular folder. And that module is now deleted from the system. Sometimes you might want to evaluate a PowerShell  module without installing it. And this can be   accomplished using Save-Module. This is  going to ask us for some very similar information   and we'll provide a module name like PoshGram. And because we're doing a save we also need to   provide it a path. And so we'll put it in C:\eval and  if we run this command what's going to happen is   it's going to go out to the PowerShell Gallery, because that's our default repository, pull down   the PoshGram file, and save it to the C:\eval  location. So I'll go ahead and run this using f8. And if we visit that location on the file system   notice that it has downloaded this particular  module. And now what we can start doing is   we can start evaluating the contents of this  particular module. So I could for example drag   this psm1 file into VSCode and I can start  evaluating and inspecting this particular   logic to make sure that it does what I think it  does prior to getting installed on my machine. Because this is in a location that is not part of  the environment PS module path your system will   not be able to auto source from this location. But of course you can navigate to this location. So we'll change directory to that save path so  C:\eval and because if I list out the contents   of this it contains a psd1 we could obviously  import the module manually here from this location. And that would allow us to access and evaluate  and test different functions inside of this module   without actually installing it on our system. So Save-Module is a great function to know. Okay so wrapping up with a final example let's  publish this learnpowershell module so that   people around the world can utilize it and  learn more about the Learn PowerShell Series   using PowerShell! In order to publish  a module to the PowerShell Gallery you   will need to sign in with an account. It's  generally tied to your Microsoft account. And once you're logged in you'll have access to  an API key which will allow you to publish your   modules to the PowerShell Gallery and  share them with users around the world. There is documentation for how to  create a PowerShell Gallery account, recommended best practices for utilizing your  PowerShell Gallery account, and you can again   find this link on the techthoughts.info blog. In order  to get this module published what we're going to   utilize is the Publish-Module cmdlet. And  in order for the Publish-Module cmdlet to be able to run this particular cmdlet needs  to be able to source the module on our system. And as we previously discussed in order for  PowerShell to be able to source a module it   has to be inside of the environment PS module  path. So I need to make sure that my module is   located inside of a location that is sourced by  the environment PS module path. And so I'm going   to come in here again and create a folder that  matches the name of my module, learnpowershell, and because my module manifest file has a module  version of 0.7.0 I'm going to include that version   here in a subfolder 0.7.0. And so notice up here  that we are going to a path that is included in   the environment PS module path, our folder is  named the same as our module name, and we have   the version number being specified here. I'm going  to navigate into that and I'm going to include the psd1 and psm1 files that we drafted previously. Now that these are in this location the Publish-Module command is going to be able to   source our module version from this particular  location. And we're going to specify a name, it   needs to match what is inside of our manifest. And so this is going to be learnpowershell. And now we need to specify our nuget API key. Again you're going to be retrieving that  from your PowerShell Gallery account. We're going to specify the repository that we're  going to be publishing this to, which of course   is going to be the PSGallery, and we're going  to make sure that we specify the exact version   that we want to publish out which is going  to be the required version of 0.7.0 and so   let's quickly review this. We're going to be  using Publish-Module which is going to   be able to source the learnpowershell module  because we placed it inside of a location that   is source-able by our environment PS module path. And because it has access to this it's going to   be able to utilize our nuget API key which we got  from our PowerShell Gallery account, and publish   this particular module and module manifest to  the PowerShell Gallery. And we're going to be   publishing the required version of 0.7.0. I'm going  to go ahead and run this with f8 on my keyboard   and this is utilizing the permissions of my API  key to publish that psd1 file and psm1 file to   the PowerShell Gallery. And success! And because  this has now been published to the Gallery you... watching this video can run the Find-Module command and specify the name learnpowershell we see that the 0.7.0 version has been  published and is available in the Gallery. And it has the description and information that  was previously entered into our psd1 manifest file. And so now you can practice at home using Save-Module, Install-Module and get access to this   particular basic module and explore  its capabilities on your own device. Now that you have a grasp on the fundamentals  of a PowerShell module let's go check out some   source code of a popular published module  on the Gallery today. And so this is the   GitHub link for the PoshGram PowerShell module  which adds Telegram capabilities to PowerShell. Now looking at this you're probably thinking, hey wait a second there's a lot more going on   here than a simple psd1 manifest and a psm1  module file! And you're right! Many module   authors integrate continuous integration  and continuous deployment practices into   their module development efforts. This enables  capabilities such as automated tests, formatting   checks, help generation, and combining functions  together to build the project for publication. But come up here and take a look into  the source structure and at its heart   every module still just has the basic  components that we just covered, a psd1 and a psm1. We didn't need any of this extra  tooling to publish our basic module to the   Gallery a moment ago. And users from  around the world can still engage it. That said there are a lot of benefits to  adding CI CD capabilities to your module   creation process. And we'll be covering Advanced  PowerShell Module building in a later episode. Make sure to subscribe to be notified when that  content becomes available. Don't forget that all   of this information is available in written format  on the techthoughts.info blog. And if you found   this video helpful go ahead and click that like  button and subscribe for more Tech thoughts videos!
Channel: TechThoughts
Views: 12,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PowerShell, Learn PowerShell, PowerShell Training, learn powershell online free, learning PowerShell, PowerShell Tutorial, PowerShell Examples, Module, Modules, PowerShell Module, PowerShell Modules, PowerShell Module Manifest, psd1, psm1, PowerShell Gallery
Id: tg5bEPsXTQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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