PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover (The Blueprint Files) | BRK260

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[MUSIC] >> Hey, welcome to Microsoft Ignite 2021. It's great to see you. >> In person, this is wonderful. >> In person. We're not in a Teams call or not on the phone kind of thing. >> No VR. >> No VR. That's right. This is our annual PowerShell Unplug. >> Yeah, boy, I'm so excited to talk about all the great things have been going on with PowerShell, and if you're new to PowerShell Unplug, this is where Jason and I get down and we say, "Hey, what are the things that excited us that are going on." We go and demonstrate them and lot of demos. We'll have a couple slides tell you where we are, but lots of demos and we make mistakes that's part of the point of this. You see, people have been doing this for 15 plus years and they make mistakes. Then when you make mistakes, you're not beating yourself up. Don't beat yourself up. Making mistakes is natural and you'll see that we'll make lots of mistakes. >> I make lots. They keep telling me I wear my mask wrong, so apparently I making mistakes. It's all good. Let's take a look at the agenda that we have here. First of all, PowerShell continues to make you more productive. I think we're going to show that here, both past and going on into the future, making you more productive. For our agenda, a big long list here of agenda items, we'll get through it. Are you taking full advantage of PowerShell? That's one of the things we want to check out. Of course, we're going to talk about what's our upcoming release, some of the information for that of 7.2. But then we're going to look at some other things. Wow, what are we going to do with all of these native command, these console commands? There's something we can do with that, after all of these years they're still out there. Not everything is a cmdlet. Well, we're going to fix that too. We're going to take a look at protecting things with like SecretManagement, which is being released. Also, adding color to your life. If you've been using PowerShell for a long time, you're pretty much the white text on the blue screen or the white text on black screen. Now we're going to change some of that. We're going to make some new progress. We've got some new progress bars, and quite honestly, there's some new Tab Completion stuff to help everybody out and you're doing some stuff in there too. >> Yes. I strongly believe that most people know a small fraction of the stuff that we delivered in PowerShell Version 1. I'm going to show how some of the great stuff that we're just adding now combined with some of the stuff that you might not know about in Version 1 combine together to produce some really interesting stuff. Now the real point of that is we're going to do some 400 level stuff, so if you get confused, don't worry about it. It's recorded, go back. But it's all about exploring, about exploring. In fact, getting ready for this, I went down some path and it didn't work out, and I had to go down another path. I'm going to show you both the path that worked and the path that didn't, because they're both very illustrative of some of the mechanics behind PowerShell. Again, PowerShell is powerful. Honestly, we just have these sessions, it's just fun. We just love exploring the tool and try that. You're going to see some fun stuff. >> Now, as Jeffrey mentioned, I'll hit it up on the slide. This unplugged, we're doing this, just having fun and we're doing stuff that we will make mistakes on it, that's okay. The interesting thing as Jeffrey just mentioned, even if you're brand new to PowerShell, make sure you hang with the advanced session because you'll see, we make mistakes, we figure it out, we work our way around different things. It's worth the experience right there. Now, first of all, a couple of things on the slide for 7.2. We're getting ready to release 7.2. This is a long-term service release, which means, three years. Take a look what to expect with 7.2. Yes. We've gotten tons of bug fixes and features from the community. Thank you for coming out to GitHub and spending some time with us. We've got also lots of features outside of PowerShell that we want to talk about today. Oh, wait a minute. Can I say, if you're not using PowerShell 7, if you say, oh I'm waiting for long-term service release, I'm still on PowerShell Version 5, you got to get on PowerShell Version 7. There's some great big features. We're going to talk about those big features. But it's these little features, these little things that we have added, the community has added. It just has a completely different feel to it. It just feels so much more polished. You're going to really enjoy that. Again, if you're on the fence and "I'm going to wait till the long-term service releases coming out." >> It's boom. We're ready, and just as a little note, this is probably the most commonly asked questions. When is PowerShell 7 going to ship in Windows? Then what I'd like to tell you this is that you probably will not see it when you first get Windows 11, but we are getting closer. We are working with the Windows team and the Windows team and the PowerShell team. We both want the same goal of PowerShell in Windows, but we have some technical issues we're working with and we're working through to get there. But look forward to hearing more from us next year as we're getting closer to the target. Now. >> But that said it's so easy to get. You can't swing a cat without hidden way to get PowerShell on the box. >> It's so easy to get. You're going to hear his talk about all the different ways, you can get it from GitHub, you can get it from the Store. As a matter of fact, let me show you the slide. How do I get? General availability for PowerShell will be coming in November, is what our current plan is. About the time that you see this, it's going to be available. Whether you want it for Windows, Linux, Mac, different versions of Linux. It's all right there. >> Yeah. It's on a snap in a Ubuntu. >> In a Ubuntu. >> Just built-in. It's crazy. >> PowerShell is there for you. The LTS support means that you've got three years of support from this release. Now if you're working on 7.1, that was one-year support, that's coming to an end shortly. This will have three years long-term support. Now, as soon as I say that, I also want to point out that after our release, expect to start seeing previews from us on 7.3. That will be awfully exciting. Also a big note, PowerShell 7 is available in the Store. You can download it. There are so many different ways as Jeffrey just mentioned, that you could get it. One thing that I want to highlight to you that's going to be brand new. A lot of you have asked for this. Can you update PowerShell through Microsoft Update? The answer is yes. We've added that into our later previews and will be in release. In fact, really quick, I just want to show you I've got a link on the screen, (not that I can get my mouse pointer to work for me.) I just want to show you real quick. Yes, there is a doc all about using the Microsoft update. I want to show you. Look at this beautiful screen. You've got two options here. I don't want you to be confused by this. The first option basically adds a registry key saying yes, you want to be updated for PowerShell. The second checkbox indicates whether you want to receive that update through Microsoft Update. Now most of you will select both checkboxes, that's the recommended. However, those of you that have WSUS, you're using SCCM and you've gotten WSUS, maybe you don't want it through Microsoft Update, that's why we made them both available to you. But check out this documentation for using the brand new Microsoft Update. Last but not least, before we just fully dive in, we've got lots of improvements both inside PowerShell, and here's the interesting thing: outside PowerShell. There's a phrase that you like to use. >> What we're really doing here and there's lot of engineering work required to do it. But effectively what we're trying to do is to decompose PowerShell into a set of swim lanes, so that each team can go in their swim lane and go at their own pace and not have to interact with the other teams to get their work done. Really what we're trying to do is to increase the overall bandwidth for innovation that we deliver to you. If it's all within one thing, there's one schedule. This allows teams to go much, much faster. We've broken out a number of things in the past, we're going to continue to do that, and we're going to continue to do that. You'll see some things that are in PowerShell today. In the future, we're looking to figure out a way that we can take them out so that they can innovate faster. Can we talk about those? >> Sure. >> Go ahead. >> Anything you what. >> Your defining policy. >> Anything technical fellow wants to talk about. Yeah. >> Exactly. >> Look at the basics. We're going to have a lot more information about this, but the basics is this, we are trying very hard to move the things that make sense on the outside of PowerShell, just as Jeffrey mentioned, so that those individual things that you care about they can be developed and worked on and shipped to you even faster. But also wouldn't it be nice for the size of PowerShell to be reduced with stuff that you don't need? It's easier to secure. It works better in different scenarios, so we're working on that as well. The idea being we're building a lot of stuff outside of PowerShell and that's where you want to enjoy your experience with PowerShell. You can add the things in that you need. You're ready to go? >> Let's go. >> I want to do this. Now we're going to get started on our first demos. But before we dive in with this first demo, Jeffrey, we actually did this demo last year. We started this demo. What I did is, we were talking about this. It was an experiment, a proof of concept. Now, thanks to you and everybody for all your help, we're getting ready to release something called PowerShell Crescendo. Let me just show you how cool this is. First of all, when PowerShell V1 came out, there was like a 100. >> 28. >> What's that? >> One hundred and twenty eight Cmdlets. >> There's the guy. I heard it was a 129, no. I'm sure you're right 128. Now, here's the thing though, when PowerShell v1 came out, it also shipped with, at the same time that Exchange 2007. Now Exchange added another 500 Cmdlets for managing Exchange, but let's face it folks, 128 Cmdlets that wasn't a whole lot to manage with. Today we have thousands, but not everything is a Cmdlet. Let's face it. It's easier for a lot of development to go right to a console command and so you see a lot of console commands, both Legacy and Brand new. Well, we've got a way for you to be able to take care of that. Let me dive in here and show you quick. Come on mouse pointer you can do it. >> Just to be clear, we are fine with that. If you recall, PowerShell is, the very first time I started talking about PowerShell, I said, the world always has been, the world is, and the world always will be a messy place and the goal of PowerShell is to allow you to manage that messy place and to be able to turn it into a place of predictability. We start off with PowerShell Cmdlets written in .net, then we added the ability to write them in PowerShell, but really we broke the back of critical mass of PowerShell Cmdlets when we said, Hey, you can write them in WMI and so it was WMI and then we put a PowerShell, high-level task current that abstraction on top of that and then Azure gazillions of commands, those are all using rest APIs. Here we're going to show you is, Hey, we can just produce some new Cmdlets, but what powers them is a native, what would each call, Legacy? Alternate parser CLI. It's like, that's fine, whatever. >> I love your description of the world's a messy place because let's see if we can take some of the mess out of it. Take a look at my screen over here and first of all, I'm running on one of our latest previews, by the time you see this, it will be released. You all know the ipconfig command. Let me just go ahead and run that for you. We live and breathe off ipconfig, but you notice if you're looking at my screen, I'll do ipconfig and do a slash all real quick. What I have a hard time doing, is grabbing that IPv4 address so that I could use it in my Automation. I just want the IP address, but that's going to be hard. I have to figure out how to scrape this string and all that. Wouldn't it be cool if instead of that, I could just have a Cmdlet. In my case, I'll do -all. I've got get ipconfig. Isn't it cool? That's pretty cool, but here's the best part. Get ipconfig, not only is it a Cmdlet, but all of that output that you're seeing, that's in an object, and for a PowerShell user, when the data's in an object, we have now complete control over it in the pipeline. As you can see here, if I wanted to use that for automation, I could select and just grab that IPv4 address. I'm rockin' and rollin'. Now that's what we had talked about before, but we've added more stuff. We've added the ability for you to be able to handle elevation with your commands. We've added a lot of features to handle the scenarios that you're in. Let me show you really quick, ooh, this cool. Let me show you quick how to elevate a command. Yeah, I'm sure you've all worked with the Windows Firewall and if you're an IT person, sometimes you just want to turn it off, do something quick to test something and then you want to turn it back on because you want the security. Well, I want to turn it off and then turn it back on real quick. Look at my screen, how many of you ever use the netsh command? That's an easy command to work with. In this case, if I wanted to turn off the Firewall, wow, I'll never remember any of this, but what I've done is I've let PowerShell Crescendo, take care of this for me, so now I can set Win-Firewall, in my case, it's already on, I'll set it to off and here what I want you to notice is this is going to come up. Well, first of all, it's not going to do anything because it wasn't recognized. Let me quickly, I know why. I can show you ipconfig and let's do this. Let me go into Ignite. >> One of the part where we're going to make mistakes. >> This would be one of them. I'm letting the cat out of the bag a little bit, but it's good that you can see this. Now, I'm going to import a module. This module was built for me by Crescendo and now what I'll do is set that firewall off. What I want you to notice, it's prompting me for credentials. The reason is to change the state of the firewall, you need to be an administrator. This is pretty simple. I'm just going to dive right in and type in administrator and put in my password and you're going to see that it's going to, it popped up and turned the Firewall off. We have Command elevation. It's all good. I should show you though how I actually did it, really quickly. I'll be very brief. Let's do code. Yeah. >> Ramping the native Cmdlet with Crescendo basically transforms a command with a question mark syntax, right, everyone's got their own syntax, and then -all. What does -all mean? I don't know. What it does is, it says, hey, we know what we expect this PowerShell Cmdlet, verb - noun - parameter name, that makes sense to us. Then when I get the output, I get objects because I don't want to do this prayer-based parsing. Go down twenty eight, twenty seven, twenty three lines, go over so many. Oh there's a tab... with your prayer- based parsing that very fragile because as soon as they update it, it breaks all your scripts, so instead you put it into objects. That's what you're getting here. >> Now, really quick, how Crescendo works is, you as the author that wants to take whatever console command, I refer to it as native command platform specific Linux, Mac, or Windows, we can do this with, that's the important part. You can take that and if you take a look at the screen, there is PowerShell Crescendo. You need to download this from the gallery in order to author your own Crescendo-ed commands. Once you do that, you go in and you create a JSON file. This is the configuration file. You just need to add a few settings in there. Tell me what verb, what noun you'd like to have it. What original native command it points to, and tell me what you'd like to call the parameters. I'll show you a quick example once you do that in this very simple JSON, now Crescendo does the magic for you. You export this using the export Cmdlet and what you'll get at the end, is a module, not just any kind of module, a PowerShell module. A pure, clean PowerShell module. Here's the best part: that module can be deployed to any system on your network, it can be shared with other people in the gallery, and the best part is... >> It doesn't need Crescendo, correct? >> It does not need Crescendo. >> Crescendo is an authoring tool. >> Yeah, Crescendo's the authoring site, but once you deploy this module, it's fine all by itself. Take a look at my screen right here. I lost my mouse, there is my mouse. I'm going to go into Windows. Notice this is Windows PowerShell. Here's the best part. I'm going to go into... >> Wait, like PowerShell version 5? >> Windows PowerShell 5.1, that's Windows PowerShell, it's beautiful, it's great. I'm going to go into PowerShell 5.1 and I'm going to load this module. Import the module and not the alias module wall and make this ipconfig. Now watch, get IP config select "IPv4", there it goes. Crescendo will let you wrap everything. It'll work down-level to Windows PowerShell 5.1, that's pretty cool. Also Crescendo will let you work on Linux, so you can wrap Linux commands, you can wrap whatever makes you happy. Now the best part about this, well no, I've already told you the best part, but let me show you another part too really quick. >> While you're figuring that out. Let me just highlight, this one of the values of breaking things into their own swim lanes. Crescendo, awesome features, awesome functionality, and we didn't want to say the only way you want to get that is if it's the latest version of PowerShell. When we break things out, each technology can decide what makes sense for it. Does it make sense to go down-level? Maximum flexibility, maximum bandwidth for innovation. >> Maximum flexibility. Folks, what I've got on my screen right now is that little short configuration file that you need to create in order to use Crescendo. Now we have cmdlets that will help you get started on creating this, and you'll be able to fill in. We've got plenty of documentation that we're coming out with as it gets released. In this case, what I'd like to do is show you really briefly, I've specified the verb, the noun, the native command I've gone through, and I've specified some parameters. That's all I did for the ipconfig one. But for elevation, and the reason I want you to see the elevation is you can, of course do that with Crescendo. The reason I'd like you to see the elevation is I'm going to change it. Same idea, you see the verb, the noun, the string to the native command. You'll see parameters, but in this section down here, we now support elevation on Windows. We support Windows elevation through start process. We also make it so that you can change to your own elevation provider if you want to use something different. On Linux, you just use the Sudoers file as any Linux admin would do, that's pretty straightforward, but I want you to notice here, I've got "-credential," and right now I'm saying "get-credential." That's why it said, hey, put in your username, and password. I could easily change this to "get-secret Jason." "Get-secret" is our new SecretManagement, and our new SecretManagement is a vault that you can have on your system. You have cmdlets that let you manage secrets, and you can put secrets into it, pull secrets out of it, there's no reason to run a script again with the username and password in it. Can we say that that's a bad idea? >> That's a terrible idea. Yeah. We've been passionate about this, and we've done a bunch of things in PowerShell from the very beginning to help avoid using passwords. But it's still, it turns out that API keys, and legacy cmdlets, etc, that passwords are still ended up in the scripts no matter what so what we did was we invented this new technology, SecretsManagement. You can think of as a Key Chain or Key Vault. It basically says, I'm going to put my keys in here, give him a name, and then when I want them, I ask for them by name, and I get them. Then in your script, you say, grab the password, grab the secret for my Azure storage API, and pulls it out, and then you use that variable in your script. The great thing about this is it then that vault can be personal to be on your machine or you can have a team vault hosted up in Azure, and this is a pluggable system so partners can go to the same thing, and other Cloud vendors. You have any number of implementations that you want, and so when you do it in Azure Key Vault, then all of a sudden we write this one script, we hand it around and then everybody is able to run it as long as they have permissions to the Azure Key Vault. >> I think the important part is, is that the idea is that your problem needs to be able to scale so when you start it with its small PowerShell is there to help you as you grow. Of course, when you need to scale, you always look to the Cloud, and the Cloud is going to help you there. It's the perfect solution. I wish we had this 15 years ago, right? If you take a quick look at my screen, I want you to be able to find SecretManagement. SecretManagement has already GA-ed, it's in 1.1. You can get it from the gallery as I have there and something else I wanted to point out to you. Notice how I did my fine module SecretManagement star. That'll give you a list of the different types of stores or vaults that you can use with SecretManagement, you'll notice some familiar ones, ones that you may already be working with. A lot of the community wrote these. >> What? >> The community's amazing. They did all of this. >> Seriously? >> Yeah, the community jumped in and did this. Make sure you stay secure, make sure you run your scripts secured for your automation. Now you have SecretManagement in a vault to do that with. >> Again, the scripts, it's not just internally. All of a sudden I can take a script, and I can require secrets, and I can publish it to the world, not with my secrets, but a reference to the secret up in the Cloud or in some vault, and then when I say, you want to run it, different company, you just have to get your key into the vault with the same name, and then the script runs without modifications. In fact, I could digitally sign the script, and give it to you, and you can just trust me, put your key up there, everything works. >> I absolutely trust you. Also, and Jeffrey, here's the new thing. Did you even notice my screen? Did you something kind of weird? Because if I was running this demo in PowerShell 5, this would be white text on blue. What do you notice here? You notice is it all white text. >> Yeah, no! Colors. >> We have colors. Now look, we're starting to add in some colors, and let you have some control over colors. The idea here is, we're starting off small, but we're working on this. You can now control the colors for a lot of things, and let me start this out by saying "$psstyle." That gives you a list of things that you can colorize and the different colors you can use, and I encourage you to take a look at this list. You might be surprised at some of the things that you might see there. >> It's important to do that because when you just run "psstyle," like I did, you'd see the last set of things and it looks like it's a set of enumerations for color, you know, asking sequences to set a color. But if you scroll up you see, it's that, and a bunch more. You can add these settings to your profile, but until, don't add them to your profile until you've decided what colors that you want. Let me give you a quick example. I'm going to change the table headers. If I can keep this. Notice right now they're green. I don't like green. I want to actually, I do like green, I just want to make them something else. I will do "$psstyle.format." Fortunately, I've got tab completion to help me through this, and I want to do the table header, and I want to set this "=psstyle.foreground" >> Yeah. You have foreground, and background and then a color, and you can also have an arbitrary RGB value, that's a function. >> I've changed it, theoretically. >> What did you change it to? >> Yeah, I like hot pink. It's a little red. Also you'll notice you can change things for your executables, your PowerShell files to get them to stand out a little bit better, you can add these settings into your profile. >> Yeah, notice the first one there, artifacts. That's a directory, and so we have a light blue background. Make it pop. >> Now, besides colors, we've also added something, we hope this will make you feel better, it certainly makes me feel better. Taking a look at my screen, you guys remember, when you do something that takes some progress, you get the big progress bar that goes like that? >> Yes. You know what it looks like. See you got to say it. I was hoping we'd let you change that where you can put in whatever you wanted, but we never did. >> Me too. >> Let's do this. I'm going to do the progress bar now under PowerShell 7.2 look at that. Bright, nice, tight, clean, very nice. Of course, you can always change the color of this with PS style if you want to change. But let me show you a cute trick. When I'm in my Mac. This is a cool trick. I'm going to bring up the terminal in my Mac. First of all, this still never stops me from being just thrilled to death when I can do this. Watch. I'm on a Mac and I'm going to launch PowerShell. It just thrills me to know that this works today. Thank you to everyone that worked on PowerShell 6. Steve, right on. Here, I'll just do "update-help" really quick so you can see a progress bar. But what I want you to notice is when this gets going, I'm going to actually add two tabs. This one's going to start running the update any second. What you'll do is you'll see a spinning ball up here in the corner, so that when I go to this tab, I can go back to work and this spinning ball will turn to a bright blue thing when it's all done. I think you can do that on Windows too. >> Yes. >> You figured this out for me. I had this problem. We were figuring this out. I'm like, "It works great on my Mac," and he's like, "It doesn't work on Windows. I don't know why." You want to tell them how? >> I forgot. I'll sign PS. >> Here's that spinning ball. Now it's blue. It's spinning and it's blue. You can see it's over here doing its thing, and now it's done. >> If we can go on mine. There's that "$psstyle" OSC indicator and its default on Windows is false. If you just set that to true or 1, then if you do the same thing, what did you do? Update help? >> Yeah, just to get a quick. >> There it is. There's the little thing. Notice how this is different. Now I can be working in this script by this tab, and I can just monitor what's going on in the other than one. It's still working, so I can't use that one for awhile, but I can just work in this one. Very cool. >> By the way. What do you think of Windows Terminal? >> Oh my gosh. Well, you know I'm reminded of when we first demo-ed PowerShell to Bill Gates and he said, "Wow, this is clearly an example of going from the worst in the industry to the best." My feeling is that's what the Windows Terminal folks have done, because command.exe man, it's just sad. >> That console was very sad. >> That now Windows Terminal is just freaking amazing. >> Back in the day when PowerShell V1 came out, for me, one of the most helpful things is tab completion. >> Tab completion. >> Now, if you're just starting off with PowerShell, let me show you real quick what tab completion is. When you start typing, if you're a touch typist, what I do is I stick my pinky up over the Tab key because I end up using that more than anything else on my keyboard. When I start typing, if I start typing "Get-ch" and I hit the "Tab" key, it will auto-complete that for me. Now let me back up. If I only put in get-c and I start hitting "Tab", it'll cycle through everything that'll match that and I can hit "Shift," "Tab" and cycle backwards. But wait, it gets better. Once you have a command like tab completion, first of all, it makes it easier to spell. I'm a terrible typist, so this saves a lot. Also, when you get to a parameter, I hit dash and I hit the "Tab key" it'll start cycling through the available parameters. If my memory isn't as good, I can go, "Oh, that's the one I wanted," and fill it in. Tab completion for me is one of the best discoverability among most helpful things ever. It really solved with PowerShell. >> PSReadLine. >> PSReadLine. >> Thank you Jason. >> But. >> But. >> Tab completion does a great job for cmdlets and for parameters. But once you've figured out some rocking command with pipelines and all that, tab completion doesn't really help you with that. Also, a couple of other things. How did you guys get help? Now, if you're like me, you update your help and you use help on your local system. But whenever you do "get-help" and you do something like "Get-ChildItem," man, it takes up my screen and I got to read it, so I have to go to another tab or I bring up another Console Windows and I work and I read. Well, we've done some improvements around tab completion in the PSReadLine module to make your life a little bit better. First of all, let me just solve the help problem for you. If I type in "Get-ChildItem" right now and I want help for this, today you press "F1." F1 will take you to this virtual terminal. The help is being displayed. You can arrow up and you can go through. It's the full help. Notice you can hit "Q" and it takes you right back to where you're working. No matter what you're doing, in fact. >> Not escape colon. >> Not escape colon. That's right. You don't have to worry about what keyboard things do I have to do now. >> That's a VI joke. >> It's a VI joke. Also on parameters, take a look. If I do F1, when I'm up on a parameter, it'll take me right to the help for the parameter. >> That is so helpful. >> Let me tell you, I wish we had this with v1. Although v1, how it handled help was fantastic, this is a little bit better. I appreciate this a lot more. My favorite part is you can copy the example, or whatever, and it takes you right back to where you were working so that you don't have to have multiple Windows going and all that stuff. This is great. But you've probably seen this already on my screen in light green. Another way that we wanted to help you is with all those big commands. When I start typing something, you're going to see there's a whole command prediction here. This is part of our new predictive IntelliSense, that's a part of PSReadLine. What this does is pretty simple. It takes a look at your history. Now, if you've been working with PowerShell for a long time, especially since the v1 days, what we did is, we record your history in that session and you can use "get-history" and go look at it, all that stuff, but it was just for that session. PSReadLine records your history through all of your sessions. Much more useful. Now you can get suggestions from your history anytime you correctly complete a command, it can now be part of this predictive history. What we've found is this, if you're a highly experienced PowerShell user, this really accelerates you. You can bang through it really quick. If you're new to PowerShell, it'll help you, but I've got something else for you. But before we get there, let me just show you; with predictive IntelliSense, there's a couple of views. I'm going to do get-c. I'm not doing a good job. Yes, but if I press "F2", this gives you what's called a ListView. We've got two views. ListView where you can see a whole long list of options and you can arrow down and select the one that you want. Or some of you that are more comfortable with the Z Shell or rust experience like I am, you want the inline view. But here's the best part. It's not like you have to go out and reconfigure all this. Just hit 'F2" and flip between them and use whichever one at the moment solves your problems. You've got two different views that you can use on this. What do you think? Isn't that cool? >> This is crazy. We make less mistakes in PowerShell now than we used to. >> That's the test. If you've watched these before, notice we're making a lot less mistakes. But the interesting thing about this is that the other perspective we wanted to look at this is we didn't want to just help you with what you've already done successfully, what if you're newer to PowerShell and you needed some help with understanding what commands are available, what parameters are available? Let me give you an example. First of all, when you get PSReadLine, this feature isn't going to be turned on. Here's how you turn it on. You set "PSReadLine." Thank you predictor, that's close. Set "PSReadLine" option. I'm going to do "-PredictionSource history." That will enable this historical predictor. We don't have it turned on by default because we figured it'd confuse everybody at first if they saw it. Now, that'll give you the history one, but if you're working with some additional plug-ins, there's one plug-in that's written today for Azure PowerShell. I'm going to turn that on and here's the best part. Now when you start typing "new-az," take a look what's on my screen and being predicted. Now that Azure predictor is predicting, these aren't in my history, it's predicting the full commands, here's the best part, F2. There's nothing in my list for F2. I don't know why. Usually there is. Let's see if I get it this way. Well, I'm not getting it. Let's do Resource Group. I know why. The internet from here is a little bit slow. That's causing me an issue with this predictor display. But you get the idea because you can see what's being displayed already on there. This predictor will not only give you suggestions for commands, but as you move through the Azure commands, if you filled out the arguments, it'll reuse those arguments when it makes sense. If you created a resource group and now you want to create a VM, it will auto-populate that for you into those arguments for those parameters. It will really, not only accelerate you, but teach you as you go to work with it. We hope that predictors like this will really help newer people. >> You're seeing AI getting introduced step-by-step. One of the things we want to be able to do is to run AI against the full corpus of public domain PowerShell commands to see what are the patterns when somebody does get through. What are the typical parameters they use and then highlight those, make them more prominent as opposed to having to cycle through everything. Watch that space. There's just so much innovation coming on there. >> Watch the space that we're doing. The Predictive IntelliSense things and we refer internally as this is dynamic help. Things like hitting F1 to get the help. These are new tools for you to use that will help accelerate you and we hope, with the AI, help teach you some of the things that maybe you didn't already know. We were talking about tab completion improvements and I'm like, dude, this is a pretty good one, but there's more actually with tab completion. >> Yes. What I was going to show is that the tab completions also works for values. What does that mean? I'll just say "gps" format table and say, but what we notice here, start to tab. What's that? These are the properties available from Get process. I can also say, "-view." Did you know that format table had a view? Very few people use this. >> I don't think... this is awesome. >> Why don't you just do this. Let me show you. "gps w* ft" That is actually the process view. >> I don't even think I knew that. >> Tab complete says, look, there are these other things like priority and StartTime. StartTime, in fact, what you want to do is you want to sort first by StartTime, sort by StartTime. Then here let's just clear this first and then look at this. Now what we've done is it says it's sorted things by StartTime and you're formatting the processes based upon grouping them on StartTime. These things started a couple of days ago and these things started today. Crazy stuff. Then I was looking at this and was like, "Yeah, this thing's awesome. " "Format table, view" and check this out, "version info." I said, "Jason, you got a bug. Like version-info. Look, it gives me an error. What the heck?" He's like, "No. Jeffrey, you forgot. You know so much you forgot." It turns out that get process, I don't know if you knew this. Check this out. Slash include username, file version info. Get-Process FileVersioninfo. Then this is showing you the files associated with the particular processes. If you said, Get-Process, let's make this clear. "gps Powershell" "fileversion info format table view." That's the path to PowerShell. By the way, that's the path when you install it from the store. Crazy cool stuff. >> One of the things that Jeffrey is showing here is, he's hitting "Tab" to get the views. See, the reason that none of us knew that there were additional views out there is because, while we didn't know and you had to manually type them in, but one of the things that we've lit up for 7.2 is, on views, which there are some out there that you're going to want, you can now get with tab completion. That's why we ran across the file info one and went, "Hey, this is cool." Then it broke and he was like, "No, we have to turn it on with the cmdlet," and it worked beautifully. Hey, that's really cool. I like that a lot. >> Yeah. Except, look at this. It's like, well I got colorized table headers, but everything else is the same. Whereas when I do a "dir," look here, I get all these nice colors. Yellow for the PS1, etc. I want to go down a path and I want to explore making my colorized output. Now, PS style is hard-coded to a set of scenarios, but I'm going to show you how using techniques in PowerShell version one, you can do the same thing. I'm going to show you a path, show you it didn't turn out and then show you the proper way to do it. But first, what I said was, PowerShell has an adaptive type system. I said was, I'm just going to modify the type system so that when you see "ask for process name," you get it colorized. >> That makes sense. >> What does that mean? First, let's go here and say this is update type data. Update type data, you can modify the type system. What does that mean? You'll see. First you got to tell us, what type do you want? I say system diagnostic process. Then what do I want to do? Well, I want to add a member type, just script property. Its member name is NewProcessName and its value is this script. Here, just so you see what the script says is, hey, if the session ID equals zero, which basically is a system session, define a variable color to be red, otherwise make it green, and then emit this script. Basically it says emit the color and the process name and then reset. Let's see what that says. Now, I add this and what I can do now is, so first off I say Get-Process, get member star name. You see now, I've got this new process name here. This as a process name as a property. This is a script property. You've modified the type system. Now this only happens for this session. If you wanted to persist across sessions, there are other ways to do that. But now what I can do is I can say get process w star to format table. No I can say format table, let's say ID name, process name, new process name and look at that. All of a sudden, it comes out. >> It looks Christmasy. I love that. >> Yes, it is Christmasy. That's cool, but now I want to refine it. First is, this is really cool, except I really don't like this. Some people like this, but I think you can do better with something we added in PowerShell. Which version are we at, I don't know. We just recently added it. It's called the Ternary Operator. >> It's PowerShell 7 is when we added it. It's either 7.0 or 7.1. >> I forgot to say. This is what I wanted to show for yucks. Look at this. I don't know if you know this. Question is, how do you know what the type is? You say get process, pipe two, get member. I promised these errors. Type to get member. It shows you-all the properties, but up at the top there, it tells you the type, so it tells you the type. There's another way you can do it, and that is $A, $B = get process. $A, that's one process. $a.ps type names. This tells you the type hierarchy. Every type starts in system.object and then it gets refined. As it gets refined, it gets more properties, gets more methods, etc. Check this out. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to go and I'm going to say, "Hey, everything that is system.object, which is basically everything, I'm going to add a property, this time a note property called PS owner and its value is JPS." What's that mean? That means one. PS owner is JPS. I can say Get process piped W star, pipe to format ID, ID, name, psowner. Everything in the entire system now has a property called PS owner and I own it all. This is just some of the power of the type system and this is a type system you can modify anything, plugging things on there. Now what I'm going to do is talk about this ternary operator. First is the code as it typically works. That is this, so you have an if statement. I'll say if dollar sign true, then use PowerShell, otherwise rocks and assign that to a variable x and then I emit it. It's true so you get PowerShell. If it's false, you get rocks. Now, I gave it in this one line instead of spread out, because this sets us up to show you the ternary operator. Basically what it does, it says, now I get rid of the if and after this, I put question mark and the "else" I change to colon. Then I have to change these squiggles to brackets. Now, it does essentially the same thing. Basically it says, a ternary operators, this format, this syntax. If something's false, it returns the second value and if it's true, it returns the first, so we assign that to x and then we emit x, so rocks. >> Just as a quick note, if you're saying, well, I can already write an if statement, why would I even mess with the ternary operator? First of all, a lot of folks like the ternary operator because it makes their code easier for them to read. It may not make it easier for you to read, but you should be aware that the ternary operator is out there, how it looks, because you're going to start seeing an awful lot of demos, a lot of scripts written using the ternary operator. You don't want that to throw you off. One other side note for this, if you use a ternary operator, your scripts aren't going to work down level on Windows PowerShell51. >> Good point, but I really like it, so I tend to use it. Now I'm going to do the same thing, but you see, to me, this code is much more pleasing. I go ahead and do that and then do it again, newprocessname. Now it's the same. But notice, I got to keep adding this newprocessname. I did that for scaffolding. What I really want to do is to say, no, I just want to change the ProcessName. What I'm going to do now is to change that and say, now I override the thing. >> Oh, I like the sound of that. You're going to override ProcessName so you get it colorized the way that you want it. >> Yes. Now when you go and I just say "Get process" and it asks for ProcessName, it's going to run my code and it's going to fail any guesses why? Here's what happens. I went to the type system, I modified the type system itself. It's so incredibly powerful. You modify the type system itself and I go to processes, and I say it has a new property called ProcessName and it blows up, of course, it's going to blow up. It has a new thing called ProcessName and here's its value. Look here, part of its value is this.ProcessName, if you try to evaluate it, it refers to itself. It took a while before it blew up the stack and blew up. Now let's use this to highlight the type system, like what's really going on there and how do you avoid this problem? First, let's do this. I'll do this with the Cim because it's a little bit more interesting. I'll get the BIOS $b. Oh, great. Then I say, what really is going on here and by the way, when I have this, $b can do things like just specify the name. Well, that's great. But what do I really have b piped to get member. It looks like I have this nice object with all these wonderful properties. Turns out there's a lot. In fact, if I did that relates to a format list star, there is quite a few properties there, we have this view of it. But what's really going on? That thing there is in fact a fiction. If I do this for real, I say $b piped to get member -view, remember view? There are different views. There is an Adapted view, which is what you generally see. There is an All view and there is a Base view. The Base, remember I said type PowerShell is about making your life simple part of that is taking wacky type systems like Cim, and turn it into something that makes sense to you. Because guess what if you had to deal with Cim, this is what you'd really be seeing. You'd see this. >> Oh, Jeffrey, there's nothing useful there. There is not the stuff that tells me this all of a sudden got harder. >> Every single Cim object looks exactly like this. There is CimInstanceProperties and there is CimSystemProperties. Remember when I did that $b.Name. What you actually have to do is to $b. Here's the trick to get to the base object. Every object in PowerShell has a property. We don't really talk about it much called psbase. That gets to the core object. That is the real thing. If you wanted to get its name and we just did partial, didn't do its magic for you, here's what you do. hisname.CimInstanceProperties''Name'' >> Oh yeah. >> Oh no. That's not it. That gives you this funky data structure. Then you got to ask for its value. You could ask for that or b.name. That's why we have this adaptive type system. Now, remember $b.pstypenames, this gives you the hierarchy. Now notice here, remember I said everything starts with System.Object and it does, then it's System.Instance. But then notice everything after that has this pound sign. This is PowerShell's synthetic type system because every Cim object, be it a BIOS, be it a process, be the disk an IRQ, everything basically has these first two things, it's a Cim Instance. But how does that help you? We want to say oh if it's a BIOS, show it this way. If it's IRQ, display it that way, if it's a process, display it that way. We've got no hat to hang or hook on. What we do is we produce the synthetic type hierarchy on top of it. This is all just made-up stuff. >> I like the made-up stuff, but obviously, we need to get to the real object in order to solve the problem of recursion. >> Exactly. >> I say obviously, I'm just following along. >> Therein lies the trick. Now what we do is we're going to go add this system, that was all about showing you how you get around this problem. The problem was, I adapted the type system but I adapted in a way that created this recursion. What I want to do is I want to say, I want to replace the existing thing, but then when you go to get the value, I need to refer to the core object. I want to refer to the PSBase.ProcessName. This is the same thing. The only thing I added here was this PSBase. Therefore when I add ProcessName, it gets it. Now add that - and I ask for these. Look at that. >> That is amazing. >> By the way, look here. It shows this way. But then also if I want to say get process pipe to format table id, name. It shows up if I say $p = gps lsass. I said I'll assign p.name. Everywhere, you ask for the name, ProcessName, it shows up. This is crazy. Except it doesn't work. No, it works. >> I see it what are you talking about it. >> Imagine I say gps. - name $p.name. Look, it complains. >> Why is it complaining? > > Because now the name has asking sequence in front of it, saying "turn the screen red." If I said psbase.name, anyway, or ProcessName. It does work. >> There you go. >> It's like yeah, works and it's cool, fantastic tool. But for this technique that wasn't the right technique. The right technique is in fact to extend the view system. Notice when I get process, I'm not specifying a bunch of stuff. It just happens. Why is that? There's a whole bunch of default and going on underneath the covers. Let me show you a little bit about that. Oh, by the way, there's one thing before it, if you know, I'll show you one more thing. >> Yes. >> Back to that. Get process objects or the things that we really built the type system, used it as a playground for building the type system. Get processed pipe to get member -view extended. This shows you all the extensions, all the difference between the base object and the object that you get. Look at here, we have alias properties. That's why I'm able to type name and it maps to getName, that's why if you type handles it maps to Handlecount. Because when you're in front of 700 people and if you forget the o and Handlecount, it's a terrible demo. I never make that mistake again. I always use handles. Then we've got CodeProperties, NoteProperties, PropertySet ScriptProperties. Again it is PropertySet. What's that mean? Well, imagine I say gps lsass pipe to format table PSConfiguration. It's a name that maps to a set of names. If you want to get some things, you always want to select something. I think I can say this, GPS star, pipe to select, PSConfiguration, I specify one thing and it pulls out all those parameters. Yeah, so the type system is crazy fun. >> There's a couple of morals here. First of all, this all started because we enabled the feature of tab completions so that you could tab complete views which you didn't know you had, but now you know you had. >> Yes. >> That was the first thing. The second thing is that, well, with PowerShell, you can always solve the problem. As you see, Jeffrey went down and went, "Hey, I want to take some PS style, add some color. I want it to be specific to this." It blew up and hey, "Let me drill into this further. Let me figure out another way to do it." PowerShell always enables you. Sometimes you have to drill deeper, but you can do it. >> Yeah. The key thing is to hopefully get to you understand what's behind the covers and encourage you to explore and have fun. Obviously this path didn't quite work the way to do it, the right way to do this is in fact with formatting. With formatting, what you have here is my formatting. I created a format table. >> Yes. >> Now the way to do this is to go find an existing format table and copy it and modify it. What I did was, I found the format table that was actually in PowerShell version five that had the .net types.format.PS1XML. >> That's the one you want. >> What it says here is, "Hey, I got view definitions," and here we select this by process name. Basically what happens is it says, "You made an object and the formatting system gets it and says, 'what is it's type?'" It looks here and says, "I found it. Somebody's got it, this is how to format it." If you don't find anything, it then walks down the type hierarchy. Now what we do is it says, "I want to do it as a table." You specify all the table columns and then the values or how to generate the values. Here's what I've done, is now what I've done is I've taken that code from before, color says, "Hey. Depending upon the session ID, make it red, otherwise make it green." Then emit the string, giving the color, and the process structure. >> The PS base process name. >> Then you do a reset. You always do reset to get rid of that, because when you set one of these colors, it changes it for everything going afterwards. So what you do is you set it, emits your text, and then reset. Now that's in this XML file, so what I do is then I've got to update the format data. You want to say pre-pend because it's ordered like, hey do you put it at the end or do you put up it at the beginning? Here I'm overriding the existing stuff, so I want to pre-pend it, and I say verbose because, why not? Now I've taken that XML file, I've defined a new way to do it and so then whenever it says, Get process, process object gets emitted, says, "Hey. What do I do with this thing?" Does this selection, finds 0system.Diagnostic.Process This is the formatting to use when you go to emit ProcessName, run this script, and emit these colors. >> Couple of little side notes though. You want to make your own view and you want to grab your own PS1XML file, you can. They're located where PowerShell was installed, but be careful. What Jeffrey had done out of the.net. I can't remember the.netPS., yeah, that one, was he copied a section out of it. Don't modify the actual ones, you're going to notice those are signed and that would not be good. >> That'd be bad day. I got to say I'm just going to go and apologize that XML is hideously complex, is not a happy day, and I screwed up every time that I do it. Because there's tricks, sometimes you don't have to specify the name in the width, and therefore we'll just pick the right. It's a mess, but you can get it. >> Well sir, guess what? It's happened again. >> We're out of time? >> Yeah. Take a look at my slide. >> What's next? >> What's next? Well again, 7.2 is generally available probably at the moment you're seeing this video. Again just to remind you, it's LTS support, so you get three years of support on this. This is our long-term one. Remember, you can now get this from the Store. You can now get updates from Microsoft Updates for it, and update your way through your PowerShell experience. We've got lots of improvements and a lot of the things that we talked about here. Also one little note to mention, we got DSC. Yeah we're working on DSC as well. Now what can you do? Well, first of all, get PowerShell 7.2. Look folks, it runs side-by-side on your Windows box next to Windows PowerShell 5.1. If you're thinking, "Well, I'm afraid I might break something." Hey, put it on your box, you can now test everything really quick. You're off and ready to go. We've got lots of projects out of GitHub.PowerShell, that's where you'll find all of the stuff with us. Of course, if you want to follow the team or Mr. Snover or myself, you certainly can. In summary, well, PowerShell does make you more productive no matter what, wherever you are. >> Hey, did you give a shout out to the conference coming up? >> Hey. As a matter of fact, I may have it in here. I do, with a link. Hey, we're gong to be celebrating PowerShell's 15th birthday. Come join us at the Automation and DevOps Summit that'll be occurring right around November. PowerShell's birthday is the 14th, I think this conference starts on the 15th, so we will be doing a slightly belated but a happy birthday. >> It's a virtual conference, correct? >> Yeah, it is. This year's a virtual conference, they really wanted to do it in person, come back next year, we'll do it in person. This year it's virtual. It's going to be a blast multiple tracks, all that great stuff. It's funny because I've got this up here that says we're 21 years in the PowerShell, but PowerShell is only 15 years old. You started this a long time ago. Well, just from everyone, first of all, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to PowerShell, and thanks for 21 years of making one of the best products I've ever seen in my life makes us all better because, what's the best tool you have in your toolbox? It's going to be PowerShell. >> Thank you so much. I hope you got a lot out of this session. If anything, I just hope that you walk away with a, "Hey, PowerShell's fun." There's some cool stuff coming down the road and it's great to explore. There's so much there, so much to do. When you do that, you make mistakes again, like I did at the beginning, and make mistakes all the time. That's normal, do not beat yourself up and don't stop when you make a mistake. No, when you make a mistake, lean in, reach out to the community, have connections, ask the community for help. The community will help you, the community is a fantastic community and then also you help the next guy. Thank you so much for your time. I cannot wait to see you in person hopefully next year. >> Take care.
Channel: Microsoft Ignite
Views: 2,416
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Keywords: Azure, BRK260, Breakout, Jason Helmick, Jeffrey Snover, PowerShell Unplugged with Jeffrey Snover (The Blueprint Files) | BRK260, Rick Claus, i8e7, ignite, ignite 2021, microsoft, microsoft ignite, microsoft ignite 2021, ms ignite, ms ignite 2021, msft ignite, msft ignite 2021
Id: M6zsv5odXxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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