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in every generation there have been revivals massive moves of the spirit that changed the course of history in every revival there were believers like you who chose to answer the call to become the one of their generation discover your call to be the one generation we're about to take you face to face with history welcome to a revival radio TV I'm your host Jean Bailey listen I've got pictures here we have pictures on the set of brother Copeland and Jerry Savelle from the early days of ministry I know you enjoyed last week let's get right back into the interview this week where we talk more about the early days in ministry watch well you finally come to the place where your mind begins to be renewed and you transcend your flesh and you get out in there into that area where there is no time oh I even came to word with him I don't have any money in those days I mean I still have business debts I'm trying to pay off in personal debts and I'm trying to prepare for ministry and I wrote him a letter and I said brother Copeland I don't have any money to give to you but I'm not without seed and I said I had prayer time and so that's where I would go every morning and spend my first hour praying for him Wow and interceding for him yeah and then I believe that's part of the reason why this all came together was oh I know that when you know brother Copeland heard from the Lord about me being part of his team yeah and now you talk about Jerry's talking about being sensitive to the Spirit of God when Jerry came in and said the law he said the Lord's called me out into my own ministry who will be partners for life and I had he'd get a shot of my notebook this is a Madelyne that that on introducing the spirit of power right and here it's continued well he and I went to we met we were both speaking at Full Gospel businessmen's Regional Convention and he came in from one place I came in from another and we we've actually met in the lobby we got in at the same time and and so the band's president of the chapter there came over and he said the mid that thing starts tonight which I'm going to preach tonight and I don't know when Jerry said let him I said no let let him he said both of y'all how's that okay Jerry goes Bert okay he went up to his room I went up to me I had my outline in there on the power and the authority of the name of Jesus well I'm just praying and seeking the Lord Oh what he wanted me to do and so and it came up in my spirit I want you to I want you to teach that but start on part two okay what did it ever occurred to me I don't know what and president of the chapter is sitting right here next to me Jerry States up there he said well the Lord has instructed me tonight to talk about the power and the authority in the name of Jesus and I punched him I said you won't see America yeah so I opened up this same little book I've had this thing long time I opened it nada slate at their part too and Jerry Tom all the anointing was strong he got up right to the scriptures where I started he even read him Wow and he said well praise God come on brother Copeland and that guy looked at that and he said that beats all I ever saw in my butt that wasn't the first time that it happened because it happened over and over and over and over to the point that we would wear the same color suit you know Wow I told you you'd never catch me off guard are you but communion in the spirit the were you you don't naturally know you supernaturally know you're actually moving in the area of interpretation where you're not just interpreting a message in in divers kinds of tongues but you're interpreting the move of a service and you do that in prayer gee you know people that don't have a prank can't do that that to me one of the most exciting things is when you start seeing it like on a screen in your spirit the service explained well you pray in the spirit you know Jesus said I'd do nothing except I hear or see my father doing first hear or see so apparently he must have saw it any spirit or heard it in his spirit so and it doesn't happen all the time but but I don't go into a service without praying in the spirit and many times in some of the meetings where I've gone where he turned out to be an extended meeting it's always happened where I'd go for one night in the Lord say stay until I tell you to leave and I'd stayed 21 nights no services were told no two services were like I would be in my room praying in spirit all day and at some point it was almost like a monitor and I'd see that entire service everything I'd say everything I do and I just go out and reenact it and it happened exactly where I saw it praise God yeah and and that like in Toronto before that Toronto blessing right came I was there preceded that and went to this church that I was scheduled to be in one night never met the pastor before and on the way up there the Lord said will you stay here for as long as I tell you to stay I said well Lord you know I'm supposed to in two other cities in the next two nights he said again will you stay here as long as I tell you to stay I said the Lord I have two of the meetings tomorrow night and the next night and pastor don't like you canceling their meeting the day before you get there he said again will you stay here for as long as I tell you to stay I said Lord I'll do anything you want me to do I'm trusting you to take care of those pastors both of them called me that afternoon I got in my hotel said brother Jerry I don't know what's going on but God told me to release you both of them said the same writers go out so when I got to the church that night and just met the pastor and he said brother Jerry I've been believing for a move of God in our church we desperately need to move Oh God well you stay here until the Lord tells you to leave I said well I agreed to do that on the way up here and he said well how do we go about this I said well let's just go in there and have this meeting and if we both agree that God's in it we'll stay another night he I said you you can announce to the people we're gonna stay another night and so we did that for like a week and then I realized something else it was very important for this meeting to to do what I believe God wanted it to do not only was her prayer not only was there hunger but everything had to be subject to change and the passion I agreed if we don't get to sing we don't sing if we don't get to receive an offering we don't receive an offer no that's awful yeah the dispatch during the break that the traces of that I have it track yeah yeah and and and so we agreed that he when I would walk in the people were so hungry they would take off work when they'd get off work they'd come straight to the church man and most of that it's public transit up there they drugged subways the trains right it's right in town and there's not a whole lot of place for parking your own car they come straight from work the church by the time I'd walk into the church at 7:30 it sounded like a hornet's nest in there the buzz the electricity in the place because I told they pack out the auditorium praying in the spirit right they didn't talk they didn't they didn't discuss what they did that day they walked in the church started praying in the spirit by the time I got there and I'd already seen the service in the spirit and I'd tell the pastor we're not singing tonight okay no problem say we're not receiving the offering one night or something I said in fact I'm not even preaching tonight we're just gonna flow with the Holy Spirit gene I stayed 21 nights Wow no two services were like the Lord said go home and rest for a week I came home for a week and went back stayed another 14 nights no two services were like he said go home and rest for a week I came back for a week and I went back stayed 9 more days isn't one of the greatest moves of God I had ever been in at that time and then the Lord released but he said ok you're done what stands out to me about that is he told you to take a week off and go rest yeah because that all I was so locked in I had morning services and evening service right I was so locked into that meeting in fact when I got out there was a I'm a I'm a small stature guy it was a heavy aside ever weighed 172 pounds I've never weighed that in my life my shirts were so tight across my neck across my waist my slacks I got into that meeting and so what God was going to do and I went on a fast and I fasted the entire time I was there only drink liquids and I lost like 20 pounds my like during that meeting but it wasn't just the weight loss it turned out to be good but it got me more sensitive to the Holy Spirit as what fasting does you used you talk one time on fasting and you said fasting causes your spirit to reach an ascension over your mind and your body that's right and that's exactly what happened and so I was so locked in that mean I didn't leave the room I didn't do anything but praying the spirit get the mind of the Lord and so it was so intense that at the end of 21 days I needed a rest and I came home for a week and just rested and did whatever my family wanted to do and went back and locked in the same way in fact a lot of pastors came up for that meeting and then they wanted me to come to their church afterwards and say they'd say come and do the same thing there I'd say well I can't promise it it'll happen there in your church and so brother Nichols you know brother Nichols was so hungry for a move of God I took Aaron Loup up there to see you talk about a man sensitive to the voice of God brother Nick who said come and do it at our church brother Jerry after I left Toronto I said brother Nicholas I can't promise anything now come and if God's in it I'll stay until he says leave right the first night there it was like pulling teeth I thought dear God I am NOT a glutton for punishment I am not staying here another night well as soon as I got through brother Nichols said brother Jerry go to my office and pray and brother Nicholas addressed the congregation he said now brother Jerry's gonna let us know if we're gonna go another night I'm in his office and I got my speech all prepared where I don't want to hurt brother Nichols yeah this is not anywhere close to a revival right and I got my speech all prepared he comes in and he opens his door and he just sticks his head in do we go another night and I heard come out of me and it's not what I'd plan to say yes sir we're having revival you go tell him we're going another night he took off running I said to myself you idiot not even close to revival but then the Lord taught me something he said now tomorrow night when you go in there he said I want to teach you the law of combustion I said Lord what does that have to do with a revival he said tomorrow night when you go in that service and brother Nichols turns it over to turn your back on the congregation and you preach to the spark that's in there brother Nichols he was on the platform my back on the congregation I only preached her brother Nichols and he said no you watch the law of combustion the sparks will begin to fly we stayed two weeks pray so I learned something that you know where a place is dead if you if you have to stay then preach to where there's a spark the law of combustion high-tech place is good now a pastor like Harold Nichols or any heart-felt pastor you have to be subject to change yeah and you're not just changing things trying to get something to happen I would we would go into we'd be invited into Church and back in those days you never knew what they were going to sing right so and they they'd sing songs and bombed with unbelief and I mean just terrible stuff until you he almost had well it wasn't almost our meetings were always three weeks long those take two weeks did preaching the Word of Faith to get the traditional stuff out of there and then that third week men everything of break loose and so I would say to the pastor of Senna in the mine the morning service I also know what I'm doing is singing I'm just gonna open and we'll just preach for an hour okay he couldn't do it yeah why you wouldn't do it well he would get out there say well you know brother Copeland said they don't know so let's just have one little course yeah he couldn't do it couldn't break he was in such a habit of it and he thought he had to have it well he's he's and now he and the reason we're there is because he needs a move in his turn the reason he needs to move in his church because he's stuck in a rut right and he's he's moving not moving by the spirit for the most part and he's be chasing fires now let me god is not moved by the needs of the people Jean right if if Jesus was if he allowed himself to move just because you need it he just be following the devil right instead of following this beer to go but if you will come into intercession any pastor any sunny schoolteacher I don't care who you or any person in the church and you decide man we just got to have move in this church this has got to happen and so just start just start praying in this well brother Copeland I don't pray in tongues well that's your fault not God's right he provided it 2,000 years ago all you got to do is open your mouth and talk if you born again so if you will begin to pray in the spirit concerning a church concerning your past well we need a new pastor no you know that's God's business not yours anyway you just begin to pray in the spirit for the church pray in the spirit for the people that you don't like the most begin to just move by the love of the Spirit of God and just by the majesté pray and intercede goal then get romans 8:26 and 27 days position sit right up there in front of you then just pray in the spirit the King James Version says he helpeth our infirmities that is three Greek words compounded together he takes hold together with us against our infirmities he takes hold together but with words in fact last night Gloria and I were listening to brother Hagin for when sleep and so and and I thought I'm just going to look at scripture up in in the in the Greek concordance just see think I gotta turn my phone and I looked it up in several different translation and one of them oh man it said he takes hold together with us with words let's see how was that one that with things that are just too deep for words just groanings that are just too deep for word well the only way you can get there is with that language that you didn't learn and you speaking not on the men but under God and your interceding for the people in that church your interceding for the Ministry of your son or your daughter and I remember all this was back no it was right after creflo and Taffi dollar and glory and I became such good friends and we and I heard the word of the Lord so clearly but in here he said believe you receive when you pray in the spirit I've never thought about that he said standing on mark 11:24 for when you pray believe you received them and you shall have them it didn't say as long as you understand what you're praying and edge just let me up boy and I and and and I mentioned it creflo and he counting on him you know kind of got didn't look at his a you know grifoll I mean he gets told something like I'd just like a we were there the whole weekend and and I don't remember now what we were doing that the four of us were in there the car anyway and that car was just full of glory and and I decide to start praying in spirit and they're just we just driving along I'm driving negative a still a little more all that later that I'm in timbal of all of the commandments settlement creflo said I agree with that I believe iris I set myself an agreement with that that's your mystery is now mine and the Weymouth translation said you pray divine secrets yes and the secrets going between you and the father and the devil hadn't got a clue what you're talking yeah yeah amen amen see he can't foul it up no and you can either building up yourself preying on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost why is it your most holy thing because you can't get in it with your mind it becomes a if you're if you're doing it by faith then it be and you're walking in love if you're not walking in love you're just making a lot of noise Courtland 1413 chapter on first Corinthian but you speak in the tongues of men and angels and you can very well be saying something that Satan don't want to hear because God is ripping into him in the spirit and you don't even know it because he's a fallen angel right and there's been times over the years that the anointing would just come on me in the spirit to speak to him in tongues hmm and man he overhears because God just really read in the riot act in a language that he can understand right hey man okay you know you talked about earlier about brother Roberts and you know you had the privilege to drive him and co-pilot and all that there was there and you mentioned about how you know he didn't that last thing he heard was what he's gonna hear from the Lord before he got what else stood out to you in those days about brother Roberts in his ministry that she's think three believers are keys to what he did one when he would finish preaching give an invitation all these people would come up and answer that invitation and then he would lead them in the prayer salvation then he would immediately turn them over to brother DeWeese he would walk he had a little thing that probably a little smaller than this here that they would set up in every place with his a tent or an auto-tuned where it was right you come through the curtains of the back of the platform there and he had does it know this is back in the days when they had to have microfiche right it was information that was put microscopically but they did it first for newspapers so you could store all back newspapers right and you have to put them in a reader in and so he had the names of all of his partners on microfiche now think about this these are the people supporting his ministry he would stop immediately on his way to the invalid room were people that could not manage the crowds and he would go pray for them but he would stop between five and ten minutes right behind that little black curtain he had a little basket in there all of his partners names on that microfiche and he would hold them up before and bless his partners bless those people hey now think about this so he actually incorporated it into his sir oh yeah every service and then he would walk he would be there honest he's under the anointing of God hi dad and then he would come into the inlet room and I had the privilege of of working in there with him no aha gene miracles the most most hair-raising things I've ever seen in my life and that my very first day in there the the message coming from the auditorium oral mountain the tent would be on speakers in there and we're listening all right well I'm outlining the message and then they they they're my boss Colin steel during the in there during the meeting he said now you outline it and then you go back over the main points of the message and prepare the people to have hands laid on them well he walked in there and I just stepped back out of the way and he surveyed the room and when it went in times like that he never was sad looking or he just surveyed the room and boy there's some sick people in that room and he reached over and got me he said now you're gonna do the praying and you're gonna do the laying on of hands right I could feel I'm changing colors any lad don't worry about it if you make a mistake I'll be there I'll fix it do you remember the first time he went to pray for somebody I remember when I did it was really scary to be quite honest it was afraid to do that and that's the whole thing as I was in fear you know we can pray for anybody and see lives changed just like brother Copeland talked about it's time to step out even when you don't know what to say and maybe you don't even know exactly how to pray God honors faith and when you step out and pray in faith listen for someone and they say yes and they're actually allowing you to pray for him what a marvelous gift that you're giving them but also what a marvelous move of faith that you're making but that God's going to step in he's gonna step in and be that for somebody we know prayer changes things and prayer changes people so I want to encourage you today step out in prayer offer prayer for someone I have yet to see anybody that just absolutely didn't want to have somebody to pray for me even if they didn't believe in God so take that risk today step out be that man or woman of God that steps out and prays for somebody and watch God do something you'll be shocked thanks for coming our way today or revival radio TV I'll see you next time
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 5,066
Rating: 4.8157897 out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland, jerry savelle, faith, prayer, miracles, salvation, healing, heal, gene bailey
Id: A8d_UWAfuYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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