Power Virtual Agents Introduction for Beginners

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hello everyone this is razer durrani hey everyone this is daniel christian welcome welcome to the rmv show we almost got that right this time almost did it work very improving very improving man so um tell me how is how how's your week been wow my week has been good i've this has been a long week uh for a change i did something different here oh yeah but you know we've always been joking with everyone that um you should count uh how many times we you know we correct our hair so um like reza and i literally we go back afterwards and we do our counts if anybody is even close enough you might just win a prize so um well for me for me this was a it was a productive week that's for sure and i'm glad it's friday uh one of the neat things i personally like is like fall is here i can leave leaves that colors are changing the temporary chairs drop like i live in north carolina and i was actually 55 degrees fahrenheit this morning high of only 75 so i am enjoying the weather i'm gonna make the most of it that's nice that is really nice for me actually i'm wearing a sweater right now but uh outside it's like 85 degrees so it's pretty warm but inside uh the house i'm in right now it's it's freezing to wear this jacket and i'm traveling so right now i'm in uh in an intermediate location and the network is pretty average for me but i hope fingers crossed on this for today and uh yeah i'm gonna be back to my hometown next week so i'm forward to to heading back to houston awesome well let's uh let's dive into the whole agenda of today's call which is uh power virtual agents introductions for beginners so you know the whole agenda for today's scholars obviously you will see reza and me have some tips and tricks to show you for those of you you know for those of you who've been using power virtual agents um you know stay away here because we're going to be talking about some fun stuff as well building bots on the fly so let's let's kind of dive into this and we'll have some fun now first i do want to since it is introduction i do want to spend some time talking about power virtual agents from you know a new person perspective so before we go in i do want to thank a lot of people that we've got 195 followers so that's great um also we've got our own now url and reza will put that in the chat over there um we got you know some feedback he said hey is there a place where i can go and see all your videos in one place so i don't have to keep going to different links we heard about that thank you for that feedback and so we've gone ahead and now put this information in so no reza will put that in the chat any second now there you go awesome so let's talk about power virtual agents and where that falls into this entire family of power platform so we know that the power virtual agent was basically the last member um or the new member of the power platform family we call it the new kid on the block uh but all said and done the power virtual agent the pva still falls with all these nice bells and whistles attached to it it has you know functionality of all the other things like power bi apps and flows but then it also has all these other functionalities for the ai builder and database built into it so it's pretty neat um and it's you know it's it's start part of the entire power platform family now before we even jump into building what bot systems here is some of the most important challenges that we need to talk about and spend some time here's the thing 66 percent of people try to use a self-service system rather than creating an agent for an assistance which means that they're they're trying to build a self-service system where people themselves go ahead and assist themselves or you know take care of themselves but that has then there's already 66 percent of people doing it instead of contacting an agent so that 66 is a very important number that that is already a important use case for having an agent like a bot system for having some assistance in addition though 90 of the customers are expressed expecting some kind of continuity across the channels channels is not just in like the teams channels but across the different channels of communication and collaboration so that's again a very important number and all these channels are managed in silos so what that is also a very important number salvos means is that they are so compartmentalized and it's difficult to go ahead and communicate with one channel or another channel so what that means is that say if a you know assistant or an agent is performing some kind of conversation if that topic is completed it should switch over to another channel another collaboration and because of the silo of nature that doesn't work so these complex challenges are all tackled by power virtual agents so let's kind of move forward a little bit and talk about how these chat bots can actually help so the important things about the chat bots are first of all the complexity to make it where in that case you have the functionality to create like right now as we talk about building bots it is you know an expensive um and a hard to create process because it was very dev heavy in addition when you have this impedance impedance means that there is a this this is almost a communications gap or a big gap between the hardcore developers who are building the bots as against those who are the actual people the smes like they you know if developers building a bot they need to have this really close collaboration with the smees because the smes know what that bot reason is so there's that impedance there's just that gap between that and smees and smees for everyone here as a subject matter expert exactly yeah thanks thanks for correcting that so you know that that gap was one of those things the subject matter experts over there smees um it lacked that synergy between the two and and that is one of the key things about building the chat box and then finally bots need a dynamic way to get up-to-date content because a bot is going to be a virtual assistant what is the good use of virtual assistant provide me that information and that information needs to be up to date and hence any static type of bot systems which are you know hard coded or not pulling in heavy use you know up-to-date information those bots really cannot be that useful so that's one of those biggest things that you know the challenge is for the bots so now you get a really good idea of all the needs all the limitations where does power virtual agents or pva actually comes in and the best way for you to explain this is this new you know is the life cycle management of the power virtual agents so what the whole criteria of pva low code no code chatbot system is this lifecycle so you start off with creating a very simple graph using i mean bought using this you know ui which is a graphical interface and you'll actually see us build one of those in addition you go ahead and get what's topics we'll talk about topics but as you know topics as the term itself says what topic are you building this bot for is it for you know creating you know where are you getting these topics sorry is what i meant uh you know are you getting these topics from faqs or any sites like what is your that starter place to build that top what is going to trigger it as well then who's going to author these topics you know from where is this information coming in you're going to extract it what are you going to use are you going to save the topics and the conversation to variables all of that see so right now we are all kind of in the line of barrier the bot is getting built that section of that you know of what is going on when it comes to build a bot um many a times if you don't want to build a static bot with all the code or all the text directly inside the box you want to get up-to-date information coming from outside remember the dynamic piece i just talked about we'll use microsoft flow for that that's where you go ahead and you know power automate for that that's where you go and get all that information and then you can go ahead and extend the bar you can go and extend for those complex scenarios you can go in and put in more information and i'll actually be demoing one of those as well and then finally go ahead and publish the bot two different channels which are available over there we'll actually be testing one of those channels over here so this entire life cycle management is very important and it's actually you know almost like a perfect plan over there because it as you can see it even ends with the whole process of me getting to analyze the performance and the improvement of the bots because the reporting the built-in reporting system is really powerful and that's basically the whole concept of um you know the life cycle and this is something which the microsoft themselves have provided and you know they have my full support for this content over here but there's there's something else that i want to add because what i do is when i've been working and building blocks and talking to people about it i've always classified my bots in these two ways bots that have static content and bots that have dynamic content in fact it's not 100 new because we just saw that in the life cycle management over there so you know it's it's not 100 new but what's the difference between these two daniel like you're kind of confusing me and i understand that so let's kind of go over that really fast static content is a is a very quick and easy way you you know go ahead and build your bot like literally in less than a day and it goes dynamic content is something that needs a little planning and here's why because static content has static data you've got text you've got all this information you're going to start building the bot the bot's going to give out comments give you all the information and then so it has static data which means you will have to update that bot on a timely manner dynamic data is where the data is actually being pulled from another source could be database tables it could be a sharepoint list that's what it means by dynamic data and then when it comes to static content what happens is that's where only makers are involved in building the the bots that's where you know people who know power virtual agents who are comfortable with it they are the ones who can actually go ahead and you know make the bots therefore it is only a maker only involvement but when it comes to dynamic content it could be both the composition of makers and everyday user why because the maker actually builds the bot you know the full logic of the bot but the everyday user that's the person who can actually go and just focus on the content you know whether it be just updating the database table or just updating that sharepoint list and every day user could do that so there's great synergy between the two so now that i kind of understand a little bit about you know which how you know we see these two bot systems let's start spending some time in looking into each of them so we'll we'll start with the static content so i i have a question for you yeah jump in in the amount of bots you've built what percentage would you say was static versus dynamic you know honestly it has been a 50 50 with full disclosure um i i saw a couple of examples of static bots where it was a lot of a faqs like instead of having a static page of faq they built a static board of faq and that was a fantastic reason and an example of static bots because faqs don't get updated on a daily basis you know it's a place where people just go and see all this information so instead of you know doing that process of updating a static page it's best to update that static bot because at least in the bot you have a conversation going on so that was one example of the static bar the dynamic conversations as was a lot of places where you wanted like inventory updates or inventory information was a great example i saw dynamic content because inventory can change fast inventory changes so program not just daily basis it can change on an hourly basis and that's why um i really like that example of the dynamic content so it was 50 50 honestly i couldn't really say that you know it's one um was more dominant or the other was just 50 50. interesting it is it is cool so let's actually now we know what let's dive into a little bit in the whole pva section let's get a little comfortable with it and then we can you know go from there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go into my actual tenant which is right here and we'll start looking at it so we are now inside our virtual agents all right so get excited get all that give a drum roll whatever it is we are inside power virtual um agents over here um now let's spend some time just understanding this entire location of what power virtual agent is and how it works so all said and done the look and the feel is very useful it's very intuitive because on the left side you've got a vertical navigation to go ahead and select what the things you want gives you some good information on people want to go and learn helpful links you know what and you know and you know go ahead and give some feedback the overall look and the feel i like the way that they've done this they've kept this consistent because in power apps you kind of have the same thing you know on the left side you can go and see you know whether you want to go to entities right i mean i said entities you want to go to tables you want to go and you know look at the existing apps like kind of that similarity in the look and the field it's very consistent and i like that now let's talk about you know this is the home screen let's spend some time on topics so out of the box anytime you create a brand new bot and i'll show you how to do that you have all of those which are built in of these triggers and then topics and then those which you can go and create so one of the things i personally like and this is something that you will be able to also focus on is when you are you know brand new getting into power virtual agents spend some time on these four lessons i personally learned so much from those four lessons i was able to kind of understand okay what is a simple topic um how does the bot flow work like what is you know the workflow process of the bot and then it kind of walked me through you know building a bot with the simple topic conditions what how do you go ahead and use variables how do you basically even design the bot these four lessons were huge for me but after you've gotten comfortable with them and you're starting to build bots like for you know either pocs or actual production words my recommendation to you is toggle them off because if it's on it is going to get into your conversations because here's the beauty of these topics um i mean as you can see the topic is something like what is the topic of your bot and i have got different topics over here i've got you know i want to go ahead and talk about i need some assistance that's the topic of that bot you know there's other ones for greetings there's other ones for escalate and so on and so forth so these topics can easily overlap and honestly that's the whole that's by design for example there is a very general topic for greetings and when you go to greetings you can't turn this off it's always going to be off so there's a bunch of them which are always going to be off because they're very generic very general and also very useful so greetings is one of them so let's actually go into greetings when you go either create a topic or you're going to an existing one it has trigger phrases trick as the name thing suggests what is it that is going to trigger the attention of this topic which means what is going to trigger the attention of the bot tied to this topic and they've done a phenomenal job with having 52 triggers already available anything which is you know a greeting for hi hello you know hello how are you hey all of this like 52 different iterations of this are already there so that's one of those things is that these these um topics of general ones like the greetings the goodbyes you know um uh star start over thank you they're always on you cannot do anything to turn it off in fact you can't even go ahead and you know change anything you can't even go into the triggers um uh to add any more phrases it's just something you can't do so you gotta get used to it but it's the beauty of it is it's used every single way what you can do is you can go ahead and update uh the flow piece over there um the like the power three piece of it the authoring canvas so then i have i have a question here so you mentioned that you cannot change the trigger phrases right my question is what if i i greet the bot in a way that is not covered in that trigger phase maybe it says hello agent i say hello virtual agent do you think that's going to trigger it yeah so if you know you what you can do is you can you can do a comparing and a contrasting between what are the greetings available over here and then if you want a very specific like hello agent or hello seven whatever you want you know then create another trigger and or a topic and be very specific over there because um the power virtual agents does use um you know intelligence because it knows that hey there is a difference between um you know hello agent versus hello seven this other topic has double or seven so i'm going to start over there so it's it's very smart in that way it's not something that oh man it's so dumb down that i need to really be specific no it's very smart so if you have another topic with all these triggers it'll go over there and still so yeah that's a good question i get asked a lot is that man these 52 are not enough i said that's fine you can't turn it off so you might as well use it but then create another topic and then add your triggers over there and then you should be pretty much golden on that so um but while you're here what you can do is you have full access to go into the opening piece and over there you can actually go ahead and update that so one of the things i did is you know i actually updated this um you know chewy is one of the people we know from powerapps911 i always mess with these guys so i actually i i i was joking with them that hey man i'm actually going to build a bot for you guys and that's what i did is it i went ahead and updated the content inside uh just the way i wanted it so that flexibility is great like i can i can't do anything with the triggers but i can go and do that but we're kind of getting ahead of ourselves that kind of focus easily on the topic pieces so what we just covered is the lessons and we covered that these are the box topics are the ones that you you have to use and you've got workarounds for that and then the big big takeaway over there is that after you are done with the testing and the playing um go ahead and make sure that you toggle off those lessons because they can go ahead and intercede over there cool so now let's spend a little bit of time on these entities now entities is is a and as the name suggests that it is a natural language understanding of what it represents you know what is the representation of this information key key thing is that the term what is the representation of this information so as you can see the representation of all of these things has to do with you know age city color of you know primary colors of that color spectrum whatever it could be colors tied to you know color of the walls in your house color of your vehicle that you drive those type of you know color representation um so you know what is the context of that now one question i get asked is hey daniel this is entities so first of all is this going to change because it hasn't been changed hey all these other entities they became tables is this the same type of thing no these entities are not the same type of entities we used to see in power apps um cds over there uh these are completely different so these names do not this entities are not going to be changed to tables they will remain that way and this context is completely different so kind of you know keep that in mind that don't get confused they're very you know very different and you can go and use these out of the box or you can go ahead and create your own entity it's completely up to you you have all these methods to choose from too you see whether you want it as a closed list or you want to go ahead and have a regular expression rather regex you know there's there's some fun stuff involved over there but that's the thing um honestly from all the you know talking that i've done about this i really don't see a lot of people who spend some time on this one they just use that out of the box cool so these were the two important things enough for us to go ahead and start looking at the first type of bot that i was talking about the bot that actually has um the static content so here's the example of the bot right back in the day and which to some extent it is still there when the lockdown occurred there is a company called shares incorporated cheers incorporated had did two things people who needed service would contact them and then also people who offered service could contact them so cheers incorporated was getting hammered with all these phone calls because people needed service and people offered service they were constantly getting hammered with all of that so what shears incorporated is okay i need a you know an intermediate contact person to go and help me what's going on over there so they were able to now go ahead and leverage a power virtual agent chatbot system to at least handle handle like 80 to sometimes 90 of those conversations and any conversations which could not be carried over or needed the next level the bot went ahead and transferred it over to a form so it's that really made life a lot easier for you know basically the the support system or the people who take the phone calls that is a very important piece for the um a very important scenario for the power virtual agents now i do want to pause over here and bring out a very important point there has been some discussions that people have come and said man bots are they going to replace me am i going to lose my job because of a bot and this is a prime example was first of all you are not going to lose your job because of the bot systems bots are going to make your life so much more easier they are going to take away from you that day to day mundane and yet time consuming tasks that you do this bot will take that out it will take that big load off your shoulder so that you can focus on those big tasks in your career you know day-to-day task jobs and then this is a prime example because now you don't have to directly you know spend some time on the load of people contacting you but you're still going to network with those people because you're going to you know get all those form requests that come in now you can focus on those forms and you can spend still all that attention you know time and attention giving your end users your customers whoever all the support that they need but you don't get all busy with that so kick away bots are not going to replace us or you know take away our jobs they're going to make our jobs a lot easier over there so let's let's actually take a look at this great example that we have right so what we've done is this is an example of a static bot so what are we going to do is we're going to switch gears now and go into that bot system that we saw so here i have a topic and it's called need some assistance so in need some assistance i've got all of these 10 phrases that i already went i had it it could be somebody coming in and say hey you know free help or i can provide some labor i can provide some financial assistance i can provide some money and basically that's the different types of bot systems that we've got over here it's the time of bot systems where we say that um you know the same context right either like i need help or i provide help well these are the type of you know trigger phrases that people can do exactly and i can provide is one of them in fact i should have just put in a trigger for i can provide and i need some and so those are my trigger faces once i got a little comfortable with trigger phrases because you know the the uh the the the note over here says that you need at least five to start with uh my magic in my so my magic number has always been at least seven but i've always been on the highs at least put in ten so you can go and the more the merrier because that way no overlapping happens cool so now let's go and talk about this authoring canvas the authoring canvas is where all the design happens so once once i come in over here i try to get myself as much more room as possible so what i do is this hamburger menu i go and click on that some of you depending if it's the first time you might even have your chat test bot ready you can go ahead and click on this so you have a lot more real estate space to go and start so now when we've come over here trigger faces by default are already ready and then you will also have this message already ready so um these are the two things that you will always have ready over there so next what we've done is the bot the first thing that bot asks is you know hey we're glad you stopped by what is it that you want you're gonna do you need help or are you willing to help this is a neat you know transition because this is something that i've been doing a lot is i already have that message so next thing i do is i ask a question now you could go ahead and you know not use this message because you could pretty much in your text come in like that and you could ask your you know uh you could basically put in we are glad you stopped by and put that over here so you know basically something was saying that daniel i could just put that message in the question put a space you know and start again the reason i do this is because i will go ahead and start a conversation and in that case i don't want that to be in that same starting of conversation so whenever you're looping your conversations or your bots you know logic you kind of want to break down the message as a separate action altogether and that's why i have taken this example so when you go ahead and start playing around with you know building this bot you've got the question here are some functionalities that you have in your questions you've got all of these new functionalities and i need options available two most common ones that i've used is the multiple choice and the user's entire response the user's entire response helps because you're putting in natural language type of flexibility for these end users and it works really well i'll still tell you why i use um multiple choices a lot is because you want yes you want the bot's conversation to be as natural as possible but one other thing is you're the bot maker you need to govern and be full control of that conversation because you cannot 100 predict how these users are going to go ahead and add their text over there it's really hard to you know completely anticipate that so that's why i always have gone with these multiple choices um and i go ahead and put these multiple choices that way i have full control of the conversation of how it is going and then after i've selected the multiple choices i can go and add multiple amounts over there you know i just don't have any limitations i don't have any limitations where only it needs to be one word or only digits or any such limitations i don't have i've actually put some conversations away going on and then the beauty of this is that i can go ahead and now use that to go ahead and add it into a variable so that i can call this variable into another section so while we are here i want to show you really neat tricks which is all of these functionalities so i could you know over here it's something called a zoom in so if i were to have say zoomed out i can use this zoom in feature so this tools over here is pretty neat i can zoom out so i can go and zoom out i can go in and zoom in this feature over here is it re-centers it which is really useful because you might go all the way to the one side all the way to the other side you may want to center it again you use this recenter but this mini map is one of my personal favorites what it does is it actually allows me to go ahead and have this visio type effect to show me how this is the overall design of this bot one of my personal favorites over here so that's why when we look on this you'll understand that okay daniel i think i'm getting your logic you've got the initial bot right over here having an initial conversation and then right over here which is right this one you're classifying that as two different types of conversations one is for someone who needs help and the other one who's going to offer help which is volunteer help and you've pretty much knocked that out of the park because that's exactly what i did because even though it looks like it's a long big one it's actually very simple it's all hard coded text and it's the exact same the one on the left over here is when somebody needs help which is right over here and then the one on the right is the exact same thing but somebody who's offering help so let's kind of go at least on the left side which is somebody who needs help right so when they went and selected that button is somebody who needs help the bot says we'll do our very best to help you and then the bot has more questions coming in like what kind of help do you need is it a financial help household chores you know like cleaning vacuuming whatever mow in your yard do you need babysitters do you need any help in technology and then the more you select over here the more it goes ahead and you know creates all that so let you know if you're a first-time user it's like oh man this looks pretty complex it's not it's just it's just in this case i created this big honestly it's ready to go ahead and test it type of scenario um that's why it looks big but the overall concept is very simple very straightforward so i'll just pause over here let's go test it so you have a real-time effect of what is going on so i'm going to come in over here and then you can kind of see what is going on because it will actually do us a full testing so we'll go ahead and start with right on the top and i'm going to say um you know i need some help all right so let's do like a like a responsive type over here so it was able to identify that hey even though i didn't have a very exact trigger that matched uh i need some help the intellisense was able to pick it up saying that this is pretty neat uh you know this is the type of um the topic that uh um the user is asking and now it knows that hey this is you know it's asking me that same thing is right now i put in these two questions options for the user they show up as these kind of buttons for you to select so i'm going to say you know all right i'm glad you stopped by you know you need help are you willing to volunteer in this case it is just a double checking so i said yeah i actually need help so i went and clicked that and then the next piece is again we'll do our very best to help and as you can see it is very dynamic so while you're testing it in this test spot it is telling you at which point in your logic are you actually there so you are able to real time do some it's amazing testing which is going on and then now over here i've given the users or the end user four more options to select and i'm going to say i actually need some financial help so in the financial health it's like you know be next we sympathize with you um you know and we'll do our very best if you go ahead and now click the form it will go ahead and take you to a microsoft form in the microsoft form you go ahead and fill out all the information again like that example that i just showed you then it's asking need anything else and i said yeah actually i do need i can't do anything else and this is where i kind of talked about the example because now i want to start back at this area of the loop if i had put this text over here it would be very confusing for the people because the user just didn't stop by right now the user stopped by a few minutes ago see the importance of actually that message versus breaking the question down like now when i demoed it you'll actually understand that it kind of makes sense like put that message as a separate action altogether it really helps so in this case i'm going to say you know what i i know i actually i can't even help volunteer so the person then the bot's like great you know you know what can you you know volunteer with and then you can go and say hey i can volunteer with doing you know landscaping so on and so forth so you actually have this conversation thing going on so so that was the effect of building a very simple um and a very in a static bot as you know all and again for the emphasis on the static bot everything is happening over here all the text all the content all the responses they're all like see all the messages that they bought it it is hard coded text inside over here and again for this scenario specifically about this scenario where information is not going to change very often a static bot is a fantastic example it's a very applicable for this scenario and it works really well but let's switch gears now and build one dynamic one and that one will build it together so what i'm gonna do now is um now i'll check to see if what did there is any specific questions came in for the static bot type of scenario um no specific questions uh there were there were comments that um about the the experience that you showed of creating the bot uh zoom and zoom out i mini map um i had seen that but i did not uh i had seen the option but i didn't play much with it so i i really like that uh one specific question though that uh i said if i get an opportunity i will try and put that on the screen it was related to trigger phrases so i'm going to put that on the screen this is by rob is it possible to translate the trigger phrases uh inside the always-on option so i'm assuming he's talking about language translations here is it possible to translate the trigger phrases inside the always-on option i'm not 100 sure on that i i understand what he's asking i don't know 100 um we'll have to yeah it is i think it is going towards that natural language understanding piece over there um i'll i'll have to test that drop that that's my take away from this conversation i'll test it i'm leaning towards a yes but let me test it let me just verify that i do that's a great question though i'm kind of stumped on that one but yeah yeah i'll i'll take that away we are recording all these conversations so we'll definitely uh take a note on that all right cool so dan oh time check it's 11 33 we probably have five minutes to show the dynamic one all right we are running out of time gotcha all right so it's times like scenarios like these where actually have one already built uh in five minutes may not be able to build a bot so let's go ahead and uh build another one so in the dynamic bot as i had mentioned before one of the things we're going to do in the dynamic bot is build a very dynamic um app i mean i said this has just been the words coming out of my mouth are very interesting today not an app you're building a bot we are building a bot okay so the the context of this bot is going to be pretty interesting what we are doing is you're building a a dynamic bot and uh the logic of this bot is going to be so sound that we don't have to do anything after we built it because all the data is coming from a sharepoint list and power automate is going to be the one in between so let's go now to our topics and here's what it is i've called it as the rnd learning content but before we build the logic of the bot we need to have our data in place and so for that what i've done is i've actually gone ahead and put in a sharepoint list this is my sharepoint list and i went ahead and added three very important i mean four very important things um but let me step back a little what this bot is going to do is it's going to give you all the flexibility to just come and chat to the bots saying that hey man um uh i you know i need some information about power virtual agents and can you provide me all the content that reza or daniel has have already built like youtube links and and stuff like that where i can just go ahead and you know click on it so i don't have to search for it i just ask you all uh and ask the bot and the bot provides me the link that's the whole context very similar so first thing we did was we went to the sharepoint list and we added all our stuff over here now if you wanted to really take this to the next level and if you're already enough um pretty savvy with power automate you could do rest api calls to our individual youtube channels to do that but this is a beginner level one so i'm not going to dive much into it i just took the easier way out is when i went ahead and actually created a sharepoint list and all i did was the titles of each of our videos who is the author which is the author of the video what is the content type is it video is it a blog what is it and then each of the links that's all there is in the sharepoint list literally that was that list building that list uh took all of two minutes now let's take a look at my bot over here so here's my bot and in the bot i'm going to go in and i'm actually going to see what were my triggers so in my triggers was show like actually want to show r d show or was it a reza and you know dan show sometimes people have called me mr christian so i went ahead and put in any possible triggers i could think of i went ahead and put that in like you know uh rn you know it was mr durrani was another one somebody you know may just call him out of respect with his last name so that can also work mr reza reza ronnie uh just raised up in the same context i did as much of triggers as i could that's why i said you know even though the minimum is five right recommended is ten i kind of went above and beyond on that but now let's kind of dig into our um our actual uh you know bot and the authoring of it so one of the one of the things i've always consistently noticed is that when you start spending some time and building these dynamic ones those flows all in all tend to be a little small because it's see that it's just small like nothing fancy is happening and here it is like you know after the trigger says hi there welcome to the r d show chatbot and then you'll come back and say you know both reza and dan have learning content for both power virtually for our power virtual agents anyone in particular you're interested in and then it'll give you the options for reza and daniel that option is stored in this place over here um directly which is stored into a variable and in that variable based on which you select it will go ahead and give you um you know the options so so here's the neat thing in the message is the use of variables because i don't know what the bot is you know what the user is going to select so i go ahead and now leverage the variable and i say great choice the variable which could be reza or daniel it has some amazing content for choice for chatbots let me get them for you and here's where the next magic happens is i didn't have to put links for each and every one of them over here and then provide that i just did it in the flow and in power automate flow it will take the information that you put in and you know in this case like who who did this user select was it reza or daniel great the user you know gets i mean the flow will go ahead and get the value from the user and it will send some value back so let's go take a look at the flow now about the flow this thing really gets me excited because this this little bit over here that link was not there the first time the first time and this was first time in the flow came out the first time when the flow came out it was a mess i'll be dead honest in fact i've got screenshots over here i'll show you at the end if you have time but but this link was neat so i now i can just click on that link it directly takes me to the flow i mean that just makes your life so much more easier nice i got i got excited over there but let's let's go and take a look at the flow all right the look at the flow is i go to edit and then the trigger is from power virtual agents and it went ahead and grabbed whatever the user put in this is pretty simple you all know this piece this is all this should this is the easy part because everybody pretty much has been done something like that specifically with sharepoint is now i went and initialized the variable and then i go ahead and use the get items in the get items we did a filter so we do a server side filter and that is this starts with starts with was author and i did a mistake when i was creating that author so i got to make sure that i get the exact author name which is the list column name and then it is doing a starts with is hey did did the user put in reza or daniel i don't care i know that the author's name should start with whatever the user put in it does a filter goes ahead and saves all of that information and appends it directly in this format and now here is the markdown design that i did markdown design is very interesting it's not html even though it's html-ish but it's not html it it has a very specific design and uh you know uh reza if you can just you know quickly find the link for that microsoft doc for markdown and put it in the chat useful over there so it's very simple and i'll there's sometimes some confusions which happen so like for example the uh the open brackets close brackets the square ones that's where you put the title the curve brackets that's where you put the link and it gives you a hyperlink uh design now the one dot is not that this is the first one and that's it no the one is telling me that hey i want to put this in a ascending numerical order technique so all we are doing over here is actually a format design and then i'm just returning it the flow is literally that simple but the beauty of it is you can actually go ahead and test it so let's do that let's go back to our bot let's go and turn on the chatbot style over here and we'll go ahead and do some testing so i'm going to just say you know show all right just put in show and in the show it figures out the bot because it knows that that's the topic that the person is talking about says hi there welcome to the r d show chatbot you know both dan and reza are you have learning contents that's great now check this out i'm going to go and select reza so now reza's name went and got saved into that var user variable and therefore it'll come back and say great choice right there up on the top great choice great choice reza has some amazing content because that reza came from the original click that you did it went ahead and ran the flow so you'd already triggered this section of so fast the flow got triggered really fast and it also went ahead and responded with the information and now you got all the links so you see that markdown design it's pretty slick though i mean it works it works really well and remember that one dot which i had which sometimes can be a little confusing no they're actually numbers in ascending order and the links work like if i go and click on it it will take you straight to reza's youtube over there so it works really well and then after that i just mean it's the logic it's like okay do you want in anything else i can say yes in that takes me all the way up to the top and i can start with no worries let's start from the beginning and then after that i can say hey i want daniel's one daniel's one also comes in and now you can add other features over there you could go ahead and add you know training and whatnot but but you know i'm gonna pause over here because um this is a good time to kind of you know hand over to reza because he's gonna take it from a team's perspective but i've kind of helped at least you know lay the foundation on what the bots are and the two different types of you know styles that i've come up with the static one that we built and then this dynamic one which easy let all the data come in from the sharepoint list and then you add flows into it so come on show us well you know what you got from the team site and all your fun stuff let's go i have 18 minutes so i'm gonna try and breeze through and uh i also have a average network so let's see how this goes and you can hear me fine right dan that's good for now yeah very good all right so let me know if you can see my screen let me switch to full mode can you see the power virtual agent's pricing page i do see that all right let's go so first thing whatever dan showcased today he was using the full version of power virtual agents the pricing for that is a thousand dollars per month it gets assigned to a tenant which grants that tenant two thousand sessions a session is an interaction or a conversation between the bot and a user who can build boards they need a license to build bots and for that because this license is assigned at a tenant level you can assign then the creator license to any of your users you can also have add-ons now this is when you're using version of the full experience of the bot now here i wanted to show you first a bot that i built with the full version and that bot i have made available in microsoft teams so my topic here is around microsoft teams and chat bots so this is the same power virtual asian bot creation experience in my case here i'm going to come and say hi to test my bot now one thing that dan uh dan thinks but i plan to cover the ones that he uh that he did not cover so one of them is tracking topics so when you're actually testing the bot it's great to turn this on why well let's check it out hi so when i say hi to this bot let me try and zoom out a little uh it says sorry you don't have access to talk you see how kind the bot is to be let me try this again so let me refresh this maybe it kind of timed out dan you can still hear me right yep yep okay everything's good yeah just a little worried about refresh i'm just worried about all right so now i say hi to the bot and uh let me track between again and say hello to the bot so remember hi hello these are all the greeting topics that's baked in so if you observe here when i said hi or hello it actually takes me to the greeting topic and shows exactly the steps that have been executed so far so now it stops at what can i help you with today now in my case here i have created an organization bot so i have customized my greeting topics so that the user knows what this bot can actually do for you so for example this bot can do three things for me it can search any activities or tasks that are assigned to me it can search onedrive it can search microsoft to do xyz or it can search for files messages or events emails calendar items or any files that are shared with me or it can go and create teams for me as well so let's say you're there take this part of the third one so i'm gonna say i need a team okay i'll say i need a natural language conversation with abort the trigger that i created for this topic will probably not have that word that says i need a team but the trigger phrases that i put are things that are related or close to that phrase like i need a t or like uh create a team builder team team xyz so i'll say i need a team and you can see how this flows through beautifully it goes to the team topic i only created these five trigger phrases well it matched so it kind of went in here then i asked a question please enter the team name and i'm expecting a full response from the user so whatever the user enters grab that entire response and put it in this variable that gets created in pva so let's say i want to create a team called rnb okay i'm going to say next now the moment i do this you will see how the bot moves ahead to the next question which is please enter the description for the team so i'm going to say reza and dan that's the description i'm going to hit next so i'm basically taking inputs here from the user by asking a lot of questions and all of this is being stored in variables another key thing is right here at the bottom there's this variable option if you select this you can even look at what variables you have and what values are set for those variables that is extremely extremely powerful one inbuilt variable is bot dot user id that gives you the id the azure ad identity of that specific user so you can do a lot of things with that identity for example call power automate and power automate can then use that user's identity through the graph api to perform a lot of operations now my next question is what kind of a team do you want public or private so i'll say private choices that i've entered so it's just just like dan showed earlier and just like dan had a flow eye to flow here that gets triggered and once that flow gets triggered the flow sends me a response now this what you see here is using markdown so i've leveraged markdown to put in a nice looking image of microsoft teams and here it says that your team request is now gone into the system and it is waiting for approval you will be notified via email that means i have a flow now that got triggered that has an approval action around it so that's the basic concept here now if i head over to my email i'm playing the role of the approver for any request that comes in into the system for creating a team so here's the request that came in for a team called rnd reza made the request all the details that i entered in that bot are right here and i can either approve or reject this i will go ahead and approve this and now what the flow will do is go ahead and create a theme for me inside microsoft teams once this approval action is complete and here in teams within a few minutes we should see a new team pop-up which is called and it's the bottom live right here's my team called rnd now this bot literally if we look at the topic that is team the topic that i created if i go to the offering canvas for this one right the key aspect here was the flow so i grabbed a lot of information i got the id of the user name of the team the description of the team and the privacy for the team all of these i ask through questions that i that i put forth to the user who's conversing with this bot and right here at the bottom wherein it says create team so i'm going to use daniel strip trust me i did not know that so i'm going to select this see dan you taught me something this takes me to the the flow associated with that specific uh that specific bot now here if i go to edit this flow and by the way so guys for everyone using flow there's a bug so if you click on the screen it will load it quickly so here i have pva sending data to and this in the trigger itself i've asked for these four attributes that i'm passing from the pva editor to flow and here the first thing is i'm getting the profile of the user and i'm passing the token of the user so the user is the individual who is currently conversing with the bot i get that id of the user so i'm passing that so i use that to get that user's profile now here's another tip when you call a flow from power virtual agents the flow has to respond has to respond within i believe it's two minutes if it does not it will time out now if i had to if i was to create an approval action it would more or less time out because you're giving my approval too less time to even approve it so what i did in this case is i created a parallel branch the bot is waiting for a response so first let's respond to the bot on one side i went and provided a response to the bot here i used markdown wherein i put that image and i say that your team request is now waiting for approval so pva on my bot is now responded and the bot can move ahead and on the other side i have a process that just got created and once the user approves it i am using the creator team action to go and create the team and then i can even add members and owners to the and these questions that i asked about so think about this about for users to create requests for creating teams that can go through an approval process before a team has been created so that's an example of how you could leverage it with microsoft teams in general one thing about nice thank you one thing about uh you know what i actually did this i had built this for one of my video topics but i never got to it but here it is i got the opportunity today so i said let's let's show it off a little so uh one thing is if you go to publish your bot you can of course publish the bots content is available where can i push this bot out too so the full version you can push it out anywhere you can push it out to microsoft teams you can push it out to a demo website the one that dan demonstrated earlier he pushed it out on the demo website i put that link in the chat so you can try that out you have a lot of options facebook skype xyz now all of these require that license for pv right these come reza i need to build bots i need i need to build bots that are free so can i do i have an option like that and the answer for that is a yes for that the key is to use microsoft dataverse for teams we did a full series on this in fact i think i did a full live series on my channel on dataverse for teams we even did an exercise on building a bot now here inside of microsoft teams if you head over to apps there is an app available called power virtual once you have this app installed it bought specific team that is that when you're building this bot it is limited to a specific team only however the advantage you get here is as long as your users have the license to access microsoft teams they have the license to access the bot plus plus this does not have any limits okay so you can have as many conversations as you want with the bot this is provided to you at no additional cost the only limitation is it is contained within a team that's number one and the number two is you cannot go beyond so your bot cannot go beyond the context of that team so i can't share it with users who are outside the team for example so if i head over to the chatbots here this is where i'm allowed to create bots and i have all my microsoft teams listed here now i'll show you a couple of bots that i already have pre-built so here i have a microsoft team in which i have a simple help desk application and this is built using microsoft database for teams and powerapps users come in create a ticket in the system so let's say i'm the admin of the system uh reza or a user put this request in for creating a training portal i added this and uh you know i make changes to this and save this and for each of these created here there is a status associated with that so the status here is approved this one's rejected and so and so forth and each ticket has a unique now of course the users can always go to this search for information look at the tickets and so and so forth but let's say i am a user who created this request and i know my ticket number is four i need a board so i can ask the board self-service what's the status of my ticket so here's the board in action this board is built leveraging power virtual agents for teams this board is called the help desk board and this board is directly available inside of teams for me so let me try and zoom in and converse with the sport so i'm going to say hello again natural language i'm treating the bot the bot triggers and says hi reza durrani so the bot knows who is currently conversing with the bot it says i'm a virtual agent i can help you with checking ticket information i'm going to say okay i need ticket help okay again natural language should now go in and say okay what's your ticket number so let's say i say ticket number i forgot the number but i'll say nine ticket number nine now what the bot will do is it will go and trigger a flow the flow will go and query my database and try and figure out what the status is i think there's nothing called ticket nine so i never picked it now if i go back to my help desk app i think i have ticket number eight which is pending so let's do that wonderful bot and say uh i take it info again natural natural language it says what's your ticket number this time i put ticket number eight which actually does exist so it should go and grab the status of that ticket from my database which in this case is microsoft database and how did i do that through power automate mpva today goes through power automate this announcement has already been made so i can disclose it there is going to be the ability to directly connect to connectors in the ui in pva itself and for folks who are disappointed that markdown is not an easy language to learn yes it's not it's very finicky if you make one mistake you won't render your output won't render accurately uh adaptive card support is coming for power virtual agents as well that is something i am extremely extremely excited about so i would highly recommend you to go and check that out now uh i have five minutes i'm gonna try and get this done quickly uh customer satisfaction survey so very common use case uh i have a microsoft form users come in fill this form and give me feedback so for example a user called uh joe so joe comes in and uh come on joe at gmail.com puts in his email address and says you know what i'm not so satisfied with your products uh not that great and your submits so it's a standard feedback form anonymously available for every user to create in microsoft forms the moment this response comes in i have a i have a flow that triggers picks that information and puts that puts that in a back-end sharepoint list so i just created one for joe that said you know i'm not so satisfied so that information is available right here now let's try and see how we can build a bot quickly so that my customer agents who are actually handling this the feedback they need to provide feedback or they need to know what sort of feedback are we receiving instead of them going to the back end sharepoint list keeping things up to date going and checking out here what if there's a bot where they can just interact with the bot and say okay can you give me all the ones that are not so satisfied or give me all the ones and the last we happy about you know our about our products so for if i head over to power virtual agents and yes i'm using pva in teams every microsoft team is backed by a sharepoint site so this team is also backed by a sharepoint site my team is called power zone so right here when i go to microsoft teams i can go to my specific team which in this case is power zone and the goal was to build this bot from scratch but sadly we are out of time so luckily i always practice so here's my bot that i practiced and trust me i built this in 10 minutes here's the simplicity aspect of the bot i'll go to topics customer satisfaction these are the triggers that i put in okay so customer details or info for customer sat customer sat info so and so forth and you can add as many triggers as you want notice i've even misspelled customer it understands natural language if my intent is customer satisfaction details it will trigger the bot and in this what i did is very simply i said hello these things i'll talk just to show you additional features of the bot and then i ask questions right what is the satisfaction level you're looking out for a or b i can change this with you know satisfactory or not satisfactory and then i go and call the flow so the heart of everything here is that flow so if i select this it should launch the flow for me right here inside the context of pva itself and if i click edit this now will allow me to edit the flow so see how simple this flow is the flow triggers i pass the satisfaction level and then i query that sharepoint list and a very simple filter query that i pass is get me all the data where satisfaction is not so satisfied grab that information get that specific information of the user's name and email join them all together in the form of a string that's because you can only return values to pva of type text yes no or number so we are limited at the moment with what we can do we can't pass arrays back that's why i had to do that that's all about the bot now one thing entities that if these entities are not sufficient for you you can go ahead and build your own custom entity using regular expressions this is next level stuff because think about this if i'm asking the user for example give me an article id you know i want you to search my knowledge knowledge base give me your article id if those article ids begin with or have to be two characters followed by six digits it has to be kb followed by six digits i can simply create an entity pattern for that by putting that regular expression in here the beauty of this is if i use this entity when i'm asking the question to the user it will keep asking the user to give the correct value based on the pattern specified i created one for credit card number i'll show you that in action writing my topic of customer status so let's test this out i'm going to say hi okay i want to show you the power of entities as well so hi please note these entities have nothing to do with what i'm trying to show here so i'm going to say customers at this faction even if i spell it wrong it's fine you see it triggered my topic now here you go color i just wanted to show you it's a question i'm asking the user now if you look at the type i picked the entity color now check this out if i say reza can someone tell me if reza is a color it's not right reza is not a color right that means this entity is smart enough to know that it can only accept colors from the user now if i enter an actual valid color only then it will move ahead and you can see that right here it's put red my red was lowercase it's actually mapped it to the true color proper that entity which is amazing now check this out credit card number this is that custom regular expression that i baked it now a credit card number is 16 digits let's say i just put in some random digits which is not 16. if it says i did not understand right that's because it's not matching the regex pattern that i specified now let me put in a credit card number and believe me this is not mine so don't try it out now if i put in that 16 digit number it knows that yes this matches that regular expression pattern so it moved ahead there are plenty of entities entities like money okay money is very powerful if you want to ask a question to the bot and the bot is responding to you and stating okay how much uh you know you're trying to scan or search our database what's the dollar amount if the user enters to zero the numbers to 0 so it knows it's 20 if the user types the letter 20 t w e and t y it will understand the intent that's the power of entities and bots of course here i have some choices that i've provided i'm just going to pick a choice this should go and trigger the flow and check this out it went queried my database and got the first user that said that they are not so satisfied and i believe that user here was alan of course i don't know build it full fledge to give me all the results these are just some examples of power virtual agents and what you can do with them i'll show you one last one and this is just a quick demo and then i stop here is an expense reporting board i've shown this before but now we you will try we'll try and understand this through the power of entities i have a system wherein we are tracking user expenses i say hi the bot knows it's reza so i'm going to say i need my expense and i'll spell it wrong expense details i've purposely spelt it wrong to show you how it understands the intent of the user there you go now it says okay you're looking out for expense reports what type of expense reports pending approved rejected or all of your expenses well i'm looking out for all the pending ones okay what's the dollar amount now this is where i'm using the entity of type money now if the demo gods are with me should be 20 okay now check this out i'm not actually putting an amount i just wrote a natural language statement but the bot if this works should be smart enough to pick 20 and know that my intent is that the dollar amount is 20. so it will take that number 20 and it should go and query my database and that's exactly what it did go and query my database to check all the expenses that are greater than 20 and the status is spending that's exactly what the bot did through power automate if you observe the dollar amounts here they are all greater than 20 and the status is all pending so these are the kind of amazing experiences you can that's are you there hey dan sorry the network just went off no i hope i was able to complete the the demo dude you did that the last demo over there were able to show that topic pool that was awesome that was awesome my gosh that was awesome yeah slight slight hiccup in the sound cool so one of the things that i wanted to talk about right at the end although was um you know in the screen over here is that we went through so many different examples but the key thing is that you know process overview is what you want to focus on for constant improving because as you can see we start from this way we create a bot we go through the entire process you know even measure the bot and then there's when you come in you also want to revise your bot so this you know repetition process always gives you that room for improvements that's that's one of those really interesting things that we have you know something that you want to kind of keep in the back of your mind did you come in take a look come in take a look cool so one of the things i wanted to show you was that little example which you said that this was the first iteration of the flow which had to do with power virtual agents and you didn't have that trigger over here this is what you had you actually had to make that http call so this was the old you know way of doing it or one of the first iterations are doing it and this is what like resident evil demos you have an actual trigger you actually you know you have that real return this was the before this is the after and now at this you know that uh before you would actually go and grab a url you have to put in a json the same thing that you're trying to do over here the speaker or you may put in another text this is simple useful this is how it was before so i'm really glad that this has come a long way when it was how to use flow because it was it was not intuitive before it really wasn't so i just thought i'll add over here but honestly that's all we've got covered for the power virtual agent side now we've got some you know some a little bit more announcements to make but uh this would be actually a great time to um you know see any q and a's that have come in what you got over there there's a all right let's see what kind of questions we have i think you were answering a lot of those along the way but uh still i would like to pop it out on screen for for a wider audience so we have a question from our friend pidi building chatbots inside of teams would do a lot of good especially for mid-scale companies who can't afford the full premium licensing then why is it that expensive like that so before dan answers that dan does not decide the license costs okay go down yeah i i don't um but um remember that when you're doing it inside teams there's limitations um there's a lot of perks but there's limitations when you do it teams it's got an environment you've got 2gig and you cannot increase that 2gig number that's what it is also when you go ahead and use the flow with it you only get standard connectors you don't get premium connectors over there so you're bound by those limitations also you don't get all those flexibilities where i can take a flow i can go and attach that you know outside the outside teams in fact anybody we just did a test over here you can't do that you don't get that heavy analytics functionality um so there's there's limitations inside teams which keep in mind that they are still you know high fidelity as far as using it but you can have that limitation so yeah you know just keep that over there um just just to see nilish actually went and asked you know what those limitations are go ahead and get the uh the most up-to-date uh licensing document and it gives a very detailed breakdown of what those limitations are from you know side by side can i can i add something because i see a lot of questions around i want to try it out oh i'll tell you what all the demos that i showed you the thing inside teams is all free so i did not pay a dime for that the ones that i showed you with the full version you can go and take the trial and honestly to date i've just kept extending it now that's for learning do not use that in production scenarios it's a completely different ball game i'm just learning so i am free to keep extending the trial at one point my trial is going to end and i won't have that extension so be careful about that uh nilish is asking another question can we use pva pva for external or anonymous users by design the bots that you build in pva not in database for teams they are meant for anonymous users if you want to add authentication to it the bot has an option where you can even authenticate the users against your active directory okay moving on to another question i'll pass this at dan i am using a legacy system where data is maintained and i want to use that so basically he wants to point to his migrating that data over to sharepoint or database how can that be achieved using abort power automate flow is your answer that's how you use it um so hopefully whatever is this legacy data system has the flexibility to make at least api calls some calls whether it is you know whether connector which is available with power automate or it's you know if it's got api then you can make your own connector you've got somehow you need to be able to talk to that api kind of data source and then use power automate for that um because then you can the examples that reza and i showed you with the sharepoint lists or any data source we made calls to the data source and we will get that information in so yeah that will be the exact same thing so you you won't be able to use the team side you'll probably have to use probably you will have to use the standalone pva and then your intermediate step will be power virtual agent just check to see if your data source has some api connection flex option so i want to call out something on this oh yeah our demos were sharepoint and database related however we are using flow as dan mentioned so there are no limits you can connect to any data source on premises or in the cloud as long as the data connector is available bear in mind if your flow makes a call to a premium connector premium connector at that instant when pva calls flow the flow requires a premium license and the licensing realm changes so even though i use it inside of teams and yeah the bot creation is free if i call the flow and let's say the flow query sql it requires premium licensing so please bear that in mind when you are trying to scenarios leveraging bots okay uh another question that i have seen pop up a lot i'm trying to see if i can get that right here on the screen it's not a question it's more or less a request is there uh is there an option to uh to learn pva from scrap so i'll take this go to dan kristen's channel he has a full series in fact he has a full playlist dan put the link in the chat please he has a full playlist on pva he shows you step by step he's broken down chapters into e like topics entities i will honestly i've learned pva through through some of his videos so i will definitely recommend you not because dan's here you kind of went out a little bit um i think i know where he's going next either yeah i'm right here can you can you hear me i can hear you yeah go ahead okay so all i was saying is go to dan's channel for direct on pva yeah and uh what was the he said do you have any other backup after that something we can use uh okay apart from that of course if you want to learn i think dan gave a great tip go to those lesson topics and and read and understand how those are built and of course uh if you go to the community forums there are a lot of sample boards and examples provided there as well for you to learn and then microsoft documentation of course yeah there's also the power virtual agents chatbot in a day yeah it could be helpful um let me go grab that one more question dan from diago is there a limit to the number of bots that can be created with a license oh i do not know i'll have to go look at the licensing dock to see how many chat bots you can build um no i i don't think there is a limit the limit is on the number of sessions so i have to add cup yeah i mean i didn't come across any limits of number of chatbots you can build so yeah i don't think there is any limit on that what else is here uh is there a limit to that yeah we went ahead and covered that um there's another one that came in um sheak some had asked the using bot without doing conversation message shall we play video video input hasn't come into it yet uh images have come in link has come in video showmix should be coming in very soon so that's going to be out very soon um just kind of keep that in the back of your mind um i know there's more and more um releases coming out uh that's why definitely watch the ignite one next month because they're going to be talking about stuff over there but video embedding is not available right now and and uh even with markdown reza and i do a lot of testing it just it comes out as just a blank icon like a broken icon i was test for this video i was actually for this show i was testing embedding a youtube directly inside it just doesn't work so um but but it i know that it's on their roadmap because they've talked about it so yeah all right i think we are on time and that covers all the questions for today if you have additional questions once this video goes live on dan's channel make sure you go there in the comments and post those questions dan you want to show what are we doing next before we wrap up yep so the next video we have it is on october 8th 2021 same time 11 p.m eastern time uh reza and i are going to do power apps tips and tricks so this is for all of those you know people all of you all who have come got comfortable power apps you know canvas apps and now you want those tips and tricks to like improve building the app or speed up building the process or like some of those things you just never know but you know you kind of have like man i wish i could do this attend this one because we are going to do some really smart building you know of apps on things to automate and speed up the process a little bit so i can't attend that session and this is 100 dedicated for a canvas app so that that should be a fun one and then you know just make sure that you uh um you know stay track of us on twitter so because we'll be announcing all the information and things over there so yeah that's going to be october 8th it's going to be a fun one all right thank you so much thank you dan i look forward to meeting you on october 8th with tips and tricks i'm gonna outdo you with my tips but let's see we'll try and outdo each other we should i don't know i have a lot of hidden gems no that should be a fun one man yeah that will be fun but everybody thanks so much for attending and enjoy your weekend thank you bye everyone
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 801
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: #powervirtualagents, #chatbots, bots, power virtual agents, power virtual agent, power platform, power virtual agent demo, power virtual agent microsoft, microsoft power virtual agents, power automate, virtual agent, power virtual agent chatbot, chatbot, microsoft power virtual agent, pva, chatbot tutorial, chatbot examples, power platform microsoft, power virtual agents introduction, power virtual agents teams, reza dorrani power automate, daniel christian powerapps, RnD_Show
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 56sec (4556 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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