Power Virtual Agents and Omnichannel for Customer Service

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[Music] hello today I'd like to give you a demonstration of power virtual agents integrated with omni-channel for customer service I'll start by introducing myself my name is Neil Parkhurst I'm a freelance dynamics 365 consultant emerge soft MVP and a Microsoft certified trainer and I've given you my contact details there if you'd like to reach out to me for any requirement you might have I do blog quite a bit and you may have come to this video through my blog which is great if not please check out Neil Parkhurst comm where I talk a lot about omni-channel unified service desk and all things related to dynamics 365 let's progress into today's demo I want to start off by showing you a demonstration of the visitor experience so how your customers would see the virtual agent within say a Microsoft portal will then look at how I set up my virtual agent how I configured omni-channel for customer service to work with that virtual agent and what changes I had to make to my portal to enable it in the way that we'll see in the demo start so it starts off with the demonstration of my virtual agent working now this is just a standard customer service portal that I've created and I've just made a couple of config changes to it that I'll show you later if I go on the front homepage you can see that I'm being offered a bot chat but just to show you the concept if I navigate around the site I'm offered a human chat so I'm deciding at what points to offer a virtual agent and at what point to offer live chat I go back to my home page we've got the bot - let's open the bottom so I open my virtual agent an agent will be with you in a moment I can start to talk to my agent I will show you how to build an agent and I've done this very simply so let's show how I could ask the agent questions in natural English so in my example I've imagined that I sell computers I'll say I want to buy a computer - the bot and it'll say right I can help you with that but what sort of form factor do you want you want a tablet or a laptop form factor and I'm say well on to tablet and so we've got two options a surface pro X or a surface pro 7 no if I knew each one of these I wanted I could click on it and it will take me straight to the page to then purchase that device if I'm unsure what the bot can do say no problem let me get someone to discuss the tablet options with you an agent will be with you in a moment so I'll just swap over now to the agent experience I'm logged in here as an agent and you can see already it's popped up that there's a visitor and the agent knows that this is an escalation from a bot and I'm going to accept this the chat will load and you can see that what the agent can see immediately is the conversation that's happened so far so the nose so the agent knows exactly what's been said between the customer and the bottle ready this last make message importantly comes actually directly from the bot to the agent so that might give the agent some context as to why it was transferred to them the beauty of this is the agent can respond immediately in context of the conversation that's currently happening and the customers got that message and then the conversation between the customer and the human agent can begin so you can see that my bot has handled the initial questions and is handed off to a human as and when required so next I'd like to show you how I'd set up a power virtual agent here I've logged into the power virtual agents and I've already created a bot and I'll show you how that bot works in the moment but I thought it would be a good exercise to show you how we'd create one from scratch and then you'll get the idea of the setup process so I'm going to go to this bot option here and say new but we need to give our bottle name so I'll just say and demo bot we can also pick the environment so for my demo I'm going to connect it to my sandbox and I'm going to say create you can see that it will take a few seconds to create my butt but it's not that lengthier process is fairly quick now my bot is loading so that's creative Mia but but it's not connected in any way to omni-channel so now I want to connect it to my Omnitrix either option to say transfer to an agent we just pick that we pick which environment we want to go to which is defaulting to Dynamics 365 now we need to enter in here an application ID and to do that we're just going to click this as your app registration link to start with you can see I've created one already but if you haven't got one you just say new registration give it a name and click register now what I want out of this is this application ID here so we're just going to copy that now we'll take the application ID that we copied that we created in Azure and just paste it in here and click Next Next again and we'll see that it's going to enable Microsoft teams to be able to use Omni channel for customer service with my virtual agent choose which environment want to connect to so I'm sticking with my sandbox we're looking for this green banner to tell us that the bots connected successfully so we're good to go now our agent has been created we continue to build the topics and whatever escalation logic that we wanted to within our bot now I will swap to my demo bot in a second but let me just use this test one that I've created to show you the kind of changes that I'd made so under the topics option you can see by default we get some basic topics that we could play around miscount some kind of examples and then we get some system topics now I just wanted to show you one of these system topics because in the escalate one I might want to change it so I go into this topic and I go to the author in canvas so I want to replace this so I'm just going to delete that then I'm going to add in to end the conversation and in the end of the conversation I'm going to say transfer to an agent and where it says transfer to an agent this is where we can put the message in that we'll go from the bot to the the agent so the agent knows the context so I might put in here and just a name of the topic that I'm transferring from so you'd obviously now have to build all of you topics and the logic that you need so I'm going to swap onto the Bata Elia this is my bot and we can see what I've done under the topics I've added in a whole raft of my own topics I've disabled these lessons and I've already altered my escalate to go to transfer to an agent incidentally some of these topics I created using this suggest topics option which is worth knowing about all I did in here we just put the name of my blog in and it created load of suggestions that are then edited and turned into topics which is great tip to quickly create a bot based on maybe your fa Q's page or something let's quickly have a look at the one that we saw in the demo to start with which was the one about buying computers so in my topics I've got trigger phrases like what computers do you sell what laptops do you have and suchlike and then if we go to the authoring you can see my author in here so here's my trigger for a says I've got the message and I've got things like this where I ask question and present the options and depending on what said so if we say tablets we've got two tablets and me offer those if we said laptops it would offer laptops if the customer was unsure it would say transfer to an agent and that's where we then add in our transfer and you can see that if I transfer and they've already selected tablets it will say to the agent that it's the tablets option that's been selected or if it was laptops it would say it's the laptops option creating my virtual agent was pretty simple I just had to remember to publish it once I've done all this and then I was ready to add it into omni-channel for customer service so you've seen the visitor experience and we've seen how we'd create our power virtual agent next we'll look at how to configure omni-channel for customer service to use that virtual agent that we've just created in the omni-channel administration app we can see that I've got two bot defined now that have been created automatically as I define the settings within pair virtual agent so I've got two because we've created the demo one just and earlier I created another one so let's have a look at the one I created earlier so here's my original bot and this but is tied to this queue now this is an important concept so I could just have one queue and have my butt and all my agent within that queue and then when the bot transfers it would just go to anybody that's available in that queue by giving the bottom very high capacity by default we're always going to route effectively to the bot and then they'd hand off to humans as required now that works fine I prefer though to have two separate queue so I'll show you how I've got that configured so under my chat I've created two chapter one is my live chat that we saw coming up on parts the portal and the other was the bot chat now whenever I create a chat I'll end up with a code snippet that needs to get inserted into my portal and I'll show you where and how we use that later within this they chat goes to a work stream and then on my work stream we've got these routing rule items that they decide where to route to so on my bot chat stream I've got one routing rule that's going to route it to the bot and that will go to my bot Q and I've got another routing rule that will go to the human and that's just going to go to my default Q so all my human agents have I've put in my default queue and then I've got a separate queue that's just got my bot in it now to decide which of these routing rules to apply I've added a condition in and you can see that the condition here uses a context variable called VA scope now VA scope is one of a number of condition context variables that's available to me in this instance it contains a value if I want to route to the human so basically what I'm saying is if my bot check comes through and this VA scope doesn't contain any data then I'm going to go to my bot queue so I'd route it to my but if however the VA scope variable does contain some data then it's going to go to my default queue which will involve routing to one of a number of human agents now there are actually a number of context variables that might be available to me to help me decide how I want to route two different bot channels or two different human channels and I won't go through those now but I will in the blog post that I'll associate with this I'll add in the details of all the different context variables that are available to us so that explains how I'd configured omni-channel for customer service to use my virtual agent finally I wanted to show you the changes that are made to my portal so first of all under content snippets I found this content snippet called chat widget code and in the HTML version of this I've pasted in the code snippet for the live chat agent so that's going to enable the live chat on pretty much all the pages in my portal now it's also possible to add that code individually to particular pages so I've then gone to my web web templates and for purposes of demo I've added this into my home page so we can see here in this line here I've pasted in the code snippet for my butt so what that's going to achieve is my bot would show my home page and my live chat would show on all the other pages so you can see that the changes to my portal are pretty simple actually it's just a copy and paste of the code into an appropriate position within your portal all within any website that you wanted to use where you wanted the virtual agent or the live chat to appear that concludes my demonstration hopefully I've given you a good explanation of how the visitor experience might look with the virtual agent transferring to omni-channel for customer service we've also seen how to set up the virtual agent to do that transfer and how to configure the routine within omni-channel for customer service and then we've wrapped up by saying how we'd actually enable that within our portal or within another website thank you for watching this video hopefully you found it useful to see how our virtual agents can integrate in with omni-channel for customer service my name's Neil Parkhurst and thank you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Neil Parkhurst
Views: 6,870
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yi1X-c4RZwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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