POWER RANGERS - THE MOVIE [1] Custom Mod Adventure

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[Music] [Music] oh they're just strong they seem to be defending something I agree these are no normal minecraft mobs they have the police station surrounded ah you're right guys these are not normal they seem to be drawing power from the charged creeper we have to do something if I got you injured we need to pull back and regroup you know I say this but we might need to call in some backup this is just too big for us you're right I know what we need let's go back to base okay let's do it what is going on oh my hair salon is going up oh no I won't call the pizza I left from last night oh that's nasty it's all I look tasty tonight before but now not so much in the morning I mean it's too early what I mean look outside it's not stepping up morning time it's I mean the skies are so dark what is this alarm this is the worst night ever I never get a good sleep anymore but what's that noise oh I left the shower running I'm so silly sometimes all right hold on let me just turn off this alarm really quick oh okay that's that's a bit better and that's just a let's get in here and lights are so bright oh okay okay but what what's going on what's all the racket outside what why is it so loud Oh Zack Zack what what are you doing here little lizard thank goodness you're home there's a big problem downtown and we need your help Oh what no way okay I don't know what to do okay I suppose I should just come with you now and I forget al-ahqaf later everything's gonna be fine okay Zack come on let's get out of here oh we've landed guys this must be really serious if they're actually bringing me to their secret base check this place out oh I'm really excited to get in I don't know what they really want from me I mean I don't know how much I can do but I suppose I gotta try help okay let's let's head on in hello hello Oh guys check this place out they have some para Ranger suits I'll start away whoa this is like harness is so much energy where I'm kind of like an industrial power plant area guys its sword on oh wow this is okay this is a bit much hello guys guys Zack is anybody anybody here hello oh look they've got white and what just opened they've got white and green here as well but I don't see any Ranger suits for them okay oh here's the door and let's go on true hello Oh Zach hey I made it okay little lizard first thing you're gonna have to do is the power ranger training course try to be quick this is an urgent matter whoa that was really fast I think it's time you become a Power Ranger head back outside and step into the white chamber really me a Power Ranger oh I don't know about that Zach but if you guys need help I will do everything I can okay so to go out and get into the white chamber I mean I don't know what that's gonna do but okay let's go do it [Music] okay guys this is it little lizard we need you to sneak inside to try and turn off the generator the mutant creeper seems to be drawing all its power from there these mobs are far bigger than usual if we turn off the generator they might revert back to their normal size all right guys I'm in position I'm going in it's over here okay more doorways martyr's lab doors this could be Oh because this just looks promising oh okay I did two levers two levers um is there anything there's nothing in the cabinets gas tanks okay guys I think I'm just gonna do it I gotta pull these levers and see what happens so here goes nothing oh good that looks good and [Music] he did it now let's take these mops down great job guys but I'm still worried these mobs didn't get here by themselves someone is behind this ah defeated the energems are all gone wait we have one last chance the green Energon none of us can wield its power before I wander Oh Oh slow down slow down little is it slow slow no no no more wheelies okay I gotta get up I gotta get up my phone is ringing hello little lizard no time to explain I need you to come into our secret price please hurry whoa guys billy sounds really panicked and he just hung up on me uh it's so far away it's gonna be nighttime before I get there okay I really better get best get moving come on quick quick quick let's go okay guys this is it the secret power rangers base okay oh so miserable and rainy I hope everything's okay with Billy let's get in here really quick Billy Billy a suit Billy Billy do you where Billy Billy Oh guys guys he's not answering I think he's unconscious Billy Billy I'm here I made it Oh guys what to do what do I do let's there's just lift it around that's right okay we need to see if just like some sort of infirmary in here oh my god this is a training arena Oh guys no no no no no this is not good where'd the rest of the Power Rangers I don't get it cos I don't understand okay no one's in here hello sir is there anybody down here oh wait there's cabinets let's see if there's any healing potions please please please have healing potions speed - no no slowness that's not gonna work we've got strength instant damage no weakness no none of these are gonna help hello hello the cameras anybody anybody there we need help guys there's no one here I need to go back to the main room I gotta have a look around there must be something in here surely to keep keep more supplies than this and where are the rest of the team why is Billy just injured by himself guys okay okay I can't panic I need to just stay headstrong here okay Billy tell your hello any more doors and he's secret areas what's this these have all the colors of the the Rangers okay red she's nothing they're yellow no green [Music] this is incredible you can wield the power of the green energem and it's healing powers I never knew it could do that little lizard it all rests on you now you are the last hope for the Power Rangers the energem crystals have been taken by our enemies they're being held around the city but we must get them back are you up to the task yes sure great these energems have the power to transform us into the fighting Power Rangers my team are all gone but we still have hope the red energem too large Jason our team leader the black energem belong to Zak our second-in-command the pink energem belonged to Kimberly March first ninja Ranger and lastly the yellow energem belonged to Trini ok so I've mapped out the locations from the energy surge readings and I've collected their coordinates the red energem seems to be hidden away in the science lab down near the large Cathedral on Fifth Street it's heavily guarded the yellow energy M is being held in a building site just north of our position the black energem is heavily guarded by a private military group in the military base just off the coast the pink energem is giving off less of a signal which leads me to believe it's below ground in our sewer systems blue lizard I need you to go and retrieve our gems it is our last hope at defending this city from evil little lizards I need you to be the Green Power Ranger [Music] okay guys my coordinates seemed to be right because it looks like we've stumbled upon the army base now this is some sort of private military contractor defending the black Endor Jam and I'll wait I didn't even read this sign properly protected by land mines oh I hope that's all that's protecting it oh okay okay we can see them on the ground that's good so it should be easy enough to dodge around I don't know if I get too close to them are they gonna blow or if I stand over them guys look at this place well I really I really hope there's not too many people around I've got a sneak I gotta set someone down there no I think that's still have you got there well there's a lot of landmines we got a careful of these barricades I see what are we got what are we go another insurgent take them out okay we got this we got this seater any more supplies there aren't sword okay we could use that some more AKM oh that's always nice okay that's it let's polish up these bullets so we can reload and we're okay with this one oh this is it guys if this is the guy who has the energy I'm crystal okay let's do it let's do it hopefully our weapons are good enough let's get him oh he's people just always pretty shot okay and he takes a cover take some cover ah we got him yes oh it was very very close to die in there guys I nearly had to take to cover and try all guys this is it the black Energon we did it oh that was that was really really dangerous oh he's so many more to get because no time to waste we are the Green Power Ranger the last hope for the Power Rangers so let's get out of here and let's head on to one of the next coordinates guys this is it this is the location now I do have my weapons which is really good that's the only benefit we got from going to the military base first okay guys these guys are possessed as well I can see it in their eyes look they've got the red eyes he's got a hammer so he's gonna be dangerous let's let's see if he's gonna yeah yeah they're going to attack they go to attack okay guys we have another fight on our hands but we could do this take them out okay I should probably I might I might use whoa you came out of nowhere there pal you stay back oh let's just try to take some of these guys out from a distance no point in getting in to a sword fight when we can take them out from a fire that's okay there we go now there we are all right so I think we need to get up higher guys there's no way this is gonna be stored on the bottom floor how do we kiddo did we see it I might've been in staircase at the front okay look there's so many of these guys around anything in this chest no no more supplies all right what do we got down here okay we've got some supplies a compass mmm I don't know what they're gonna do Oh some health potions they're actually very helpful let's take those because grappling guns straying all right let's see what else we've got I think oh I don't know what else we're gonna need let's take the health potions again guys we may need those in the future we've got some TNT okay okay that could come in helpful I don't want to do too much with explosives just in case it sets off any alarms but I mean it's good to have it could just be use for the building site okay here we go the way up that's a little creeped up okay they're coming here they come all right okay back up all right this sword is so good as a and these guys are no match for the Green Power Ranger okay let's already knocked him off there let's go let's go we've got some yep yep this is really good oh okay let's swap it up swap it up take out these guys all right I mean suppose though there's so many of these guys oh oh no no no no I was nearly cornered here guys you contracted these guys I don't know what it's going oh well okay I'm gonna be in a lot of tight corners here I gotta keep an eye all my surroundings let's have a look I think we're all right let's keep on going let's keep pushing forward guys and going our nope okay guys I've reached a bit of a dead end I mean I'm up really high but I just remembered I did get the grappling gun this is gonna be oh I don't like Heights guys I know I'm a mighty fighting para Ranger now but Heights really to get to me okay let's see here we go shoot the grappling gun oh yes direct hit okay oh this is a bit rickety I don't like this I don't like it at all come on car let's get off it okay whoa okay let's let's get our weapon back I don't know what I so many of these guys okay let's taking in Maryland these guys are looking like it'd take more like bad guys less builders around here that means I feel like we're going in the right direction oh whoa don't knock me off the building not knock me oh I just did it to him I just said don't do it to me I'm sorry mister okay let's see we've got another grappling here we go here we go zoom it in and fire did we do it did we do it oh we made it okay okay it looks like there's a couple of more guys appear so I just want to keep an eye out there definitely oh there's the bus guys there's a big guy he's got the energem all right it should be pretty interesting [Applause] he sees me let's do it let's do it let's take him out take him out stop he punches out he put aside our we got on we got on these guys so it seemed very strong at least we believe somebody else is actually in charge here ok let's find this the energem ok this beacon doesn't seem to work or wonder why let's have a look or suggest the yellow Energon ok guys we've got the black and we've got the yellow just the pink and the red to go let's get out of here before more bad guys show up these bridges just scare me so much but anyway let's go [Music] really big jumps going on here and here uh-huh how well I suppose I should just let them they're very very City whoever hired these guys oh we got another leaver okay let's see is this some sort of contraption it feels like there's quite a lot of puzzles down here in these sewers mister now that door doesn't open how about now it does oh it's the boss all I was ready I was ready in the corner okay there never have strongness let's just strike hey we got up we took him out okay guys it is finally time to collect oh that's kind of scary okay it's finally time to collect the final energem crystal here we go oh there it is guys we've got it we have the final energetic crystal it's time to get back to base let Billy the Blue Ranger know we've successfully collected them all and see I don't know I suppose see what's in store for the Power Rangers now I can't believe it you did it okay no time to waste we need people who can wield these gems and take on the responsibility of protecting this city and this world do you know of anyone I think I can think of a few people [Music] keep up little Kelly right behind you little lizard okay these guys are pretty tough you sure you're ready for your first mission as a power ranger I'm sure all right let's do this try keep up [Music] oh these guys are really tough you weren't joking maybe we should call for backup hmm maybe you're not up for the challenge try me how we did it [Applause] [Music] incoming car from base okay we'd better get back okay let's go Oh telly these devices keep going off we better get in here nice and quick I know this is insane I mean we just did a bottle I'm so tired little lizard I know that it's actually really tough being the parent is okay come on inside come on inside is so awesome okay that's not close we need to find Billy he said he's around here somewhere Billy Billy come on chew here come on Kelly so this is our obstacle course this is kind of where we do our parent your training I haven't done much of it now I might need to get a little bit more in but we get to shoot the guns here and that's kind of like a parkour race and then we have to swim underwater here and there's sharks and stuff it's kind of crazy that looks awesome but you see I know that I've kind of been thrown into this whole powering through thing but I'd like to get more training so maybe you could help me out with it one day yeah that actually sounds like a good idea I need more training myself I mean we could have done a lot better against those big mobs earlier but okay let's go in here I think this is a let's see Billy over here oh hey Billy ah guys you made it those devices are pretty helpful make sure you keep them on at all times okay so our computers started picking up massive signals from an evil presence out near the dormant volcano just outside the city that place has been a wasteland for so long that it's a perfect hideout for evil beings I need you Rangers to go out and scout the area find out everything you can and report back to me little lizard I'm putting you in charge you will be team leader are you up to the task Oh Billy you know I'm always here to help I'm just not sure I am strong enough to wield did the green energem I mean I haven't been able to use its secret powers since since the first time I became the Green Power Ranger and healed you don't worry you managed to use its power to heal me I'm sure it'll come in time now Rangers go and destroy that evil lizard the comms device this is where where the evil surge is coming from Oh little Kelly I think you're right but it's a bit of a climb uphill you ready yeah I'm ready put the lizard I have to know how did you become the green power ranger I mean all of a sudden you just recruited me I know I'm the pink Power Ranger boy you said something about healing Billy I need to know more okay well let me think it all started when I got a phone call from Billy hello little lizard no time to explain I need you to come into our secret price please hurry so I made my way to the power rangers secret base Billy a suit Billy Billy do you wear Billy Billy Oh guys guys he's not answering I think he's unconscious Billy Billy I'm here I made it Oh guys what to do what we do while trying to help Billy something insane happened to me this these have all the colors of the the Rangers okay red she's nothing they're yellow no green [Music] [Music] this is incredible you can wield the power of the green energem and it's healing powers I never knew it could do that little lizard it all rests on you now you are the last hope for the Power Rangers the energem crystals have been taken by our enemies they're being held around the city but we must get them back are you up to the task so I decided to help Billie and help the pair Rangers I managed to rescue every single energem and then Billy asked if I knew anyone who could help us out you did it okay no time to waste we need people who can wield these gems and take on the responsibility of protecting this city and this world do you know of anyone I think I can think of a few people [Music] [Music] [Music] that's how we became the Power Rangers whoa little lizard that's amazing I mean I'm just glad I can be a part of the team yeah it is actually a lot of fun once you get used to it so we should probably get back to business little Kelly now I know that we did go on a little small mission earlier but something about this makes me feel like it's gonna be very very dangerous so just be very careful up here okay make sure you have your comms device on you at all times I was really nervous though I mean an evil energy surge that sounds like a not good and not good at all no it really doesn't I wonder what they're up to this like barren wasteland there's no one really out here okay we need to let me start digging some holes here you're doing awesome oh my gosh I'm I just thought I'm at as confident as a ranger is you yeah I really need to do more training I know Lila Kelly bought it's kind of up to us now just to protect these lands and do you know what we might do we might get some training in when we get back to base how about that and I'll help you as well and hopefully Billy can help okay take your time we don't want anyone getting hurt we made it alright let's let's look around let's see what we can find okay Leo Kelly I really can't find anything you said did you find anything no maybe maybe the comms device isn't working properly I mean we I don't think we're in the wrong place I mean there were so many bad guys on the way up here they have to be protecting something yeah but there's like nothing here I really don't know maybe look I'm gonna climb up these vines and see if I can get a better view from up here yeah take a look around okay wait Luke Ellie what what's that noise you think it's a plane [Music] [Music] let's get up good Kelly all these guys are even stronger than the buddies down at the bottom okay okay [Applause] there's so many oh whoa whoa I'm taking damage I'm taking hits there's so many of them are you okay are you okay I've got your back I've got your back okay wherever more iter more there's more on the other air come on area oh there's so many all right stick together stick together work as a team okay I'm helping I'm helping Oh oh gosh I'm taking serious damage here okay we're good we're good hey there's more okay let's call my two angles yes yeah oh nice you finished him up all right let's get this guy okay we're doing awesome watch your back watch your back he's behind you oh good job good job all right there's only a few more we could do this all right he's down he's down oh okay jump it get up get him you got this what's your question lever Oh Oh Kelly I think I think we did it I think I think we're clear but if they send up were sent in reinforcements like that little lizard there's something that they're guarding here there has to be something okay one more scared of the area come on Kelly whoa how did they even know we were here oh I got another one as oh okay they're hiding and won't fear we need to make sure that we got the whole area clear oh it's okay it's an accident so I can see some light little Kelly over here quick over this way what's over there check it out look whoa the trapdoor your that must be what they're hiding okay how you feeling are you okay I'm okay I'm fine we can do this once we're together you sure yeah okay let's go down okay ladies first a little Kelly this is a bigger project than I thought I know there's people everywhere scientists and planes and it doesn't look good little lizard they have a lot of scientists a lot of guards around this is a proper evil hangar okay we need some sort of structure I got some rocks outside yeah yeah I had frogs as well from when we were fighting those other guys yeah okay maybe if we face but really want to make sure we don't get caught if we toss the rocks down there we could cause a distraction yeah well that's a great idea and then we can go and check out some of these labs that they have around oh my gosh okay there's computer screens and there's chemistry in there yeah if we're scaling this place up we need to start doing those okay so you're ready yeah hide hide hide [Music] it worked look at a quick month one follow me follow me don't have much time or getting greedy we need to get as much info as possible so look what is that little lizard look le Duc I think that's a dragon egg why would they have a dragon egg in a volcano I've no idea but it can't be good okay we need to get these out of here once we do what do you do okay I'm trying to remember like DNA strands it looks like they're growing these dragons Vera Kelly this is so not good alright I'm trying to think I'm trying to remember how to deal with a dragon egg oh okay so we can't break these because you cannot break a Dragon's egg it's it's too hard so what we need to do is we need to use fire a torch okay here look let's take this oh gosh let me have a look at the window make sure they're not coming okay take three clock tick is it okay uh I think we're okay we're okay alright so this is what we're gonna have to do that's we got to dig under the floor okay okay look we can get we can get extra blasts from somewhere around here I have extra blood but we need to be able to watch done like it's such a long drop it's such a fire drop so this is subsea okay it looks like it's a dormant volcano all around so it's keeping people out Oh little Kelly this is my work actually hold on let me see what we need to do is we need to bridge over and under okay do you Joe don't be careful oh okay this is gonna be tough alright we need to break these ones will you break that one yeah okay good job good job okay oh no hold on I can't do it cut do it we need to go around the sides okay okay let's do that then oh my gosh we have to watch your step what Justin okay I think I could do I think I could do it from here let's break this oh we gotta be so delicate okay we've got it we've got it okay just you could leave those there yeah okay let's put that one back there so this is how you do what a Dragon's egg we need to place a torch there okay okay are you ready three two one you need to break this block and the fire should release the Dragons egg okay I'm ready okay three two one it worked it worked I got both of them I got the two eggs okay take the torch take the torch we might need them again yeah they're still there come on go go go go down here do you think there's more dragon eggs in here oh yeah definitely definitely think there are more dragon eggs okay be quicker this time - okay we need to be quicker who knows okay perfect so does the floor here yeah he's a bit of a floor underneath here okay dear all right we know how to do this thanks your torch let's do it dragon egg okay do you get yours yeah okay that's all of them Oh nope doesn't otherone oh goodness okay you've got your torch yeah I've got it I've got it ready okay let's grab it we got these we got these uh did you yeah I got four and do you have one I have one there's five altogether five five dragon eggs okay Leo Kelly I think this is as much info as we're gonna get from here I think we need to get back to base and explain to Billy what's going on and this evil then I know it's crazy like there's there growing dragons we need to tell Billy he'll know what to do exactly okay let's get out of here okay uh how are we gonna get out oh well it is a hangar I suppose maybe do you think they'd notice if we borrowed a plane or a helicopter I think we can steal them since they're bad guys and growing duh dragons I mean okay okay we need to steal a helicopter and we need to be quick better okay let's go [Music] see you later sucker okay little Kelly let's go tell Billy all about that evil base and I suppose we should give him these dragon eggs yeah I mean he'll know what to do right weird the newest Power Rangers and he's been here the longest so if anyone's gonna know what to do it'll be Billy yeah he has experience with this kind of stuff I don't really know what to do I mean I don't really have space at home for dragons no I don't think buttons would like to get eaten by a dragon eater no I don't think so okay Billy Billy Billy were buddies he's in here he's in here Billy oh my gosh you'll never guess what we got welcome back Rangers I'm glad to see everyone made it back in one piece now let's hear it what was out there Billy there were so many buddies we had to fight our way up a mountain and then it kind of looked like - it was deserted but a plane flew in and dropped more bad guys for us to fight but I mean little Kelly and I we did pretty well for one of our first ever missions and we managed to take them out and we found a hidden trapdoor because we thought there was no evil there it up we went down and they were it was like a big science lab and okay no it was really really weird but check it out Billy look this is what they had this is what they were grown so you take these oh these these look like dragon eggs in the wrong hands they could have been so dangerous bring them this way I know where to put them these eggs were raised for evil so we'll have to keep them contained for now I'll try and work on a formula that will revert the evil and make them good again oh I forgot to mention now that we have the HQ up and running again we will be hosting the Power Rangers challenge each of you will get to attempt the assault course once a week and you will be ranked in a Power Rangers leaderboard why not give it a practice run bit of a friendly competition oh great that sounds like a lot of fun we were actually just talking about getting some more training in because if these missions start getting more difficult Kelly and I well let's just say we'd be more confident if we had a lot of practice in the training arena so little Kelly let's go okay okay yeah I I agree with I mean if we're gonna be dealing with like dragon eggs and everything this is a lot more hardcore than I thought yeah so are you ready for the assault course now I tried it once before I'm gonna try my best but I don't know how I'll do I mean I'm kind of tired after that mission it was a pretty long okay up here above the line okay okay hold on you ready so this is only friendly competition this is practice before we go to the Power Rangers challenge which will be ranked on leaderboards which would be pretty fun okay it's kind of a race but let's help each other as well okay okay extreme work so let's do it three two would go oh oh gosh I didn't even know where we're meant to go ah this is so cool you have your permit cuz you've done this before so I do have a small idea of what I'm doing but it's still pretty difficult and it's all their timing okay I need to try get as fast as you can in these okay okay I mean I'd say the more we do it the faster we get and the better pair of Rangers will be exactly okay boom part one done look can I help you I'll help you too oh okay I'm here I'm in the water you're in the water oh good job okay come on down here let's try shoot some of the weapons okay I'm gonna take the green spot okay I'll take the pink spot okay take a weapon take a clip load up okay my feel like my accuracy is gonna be pretty good okay I need more clips okay let me see okay that's pretty good in the shoulder you do great yeah that was pretty cool okay now this one's pretty tough little Kelly this is the swimming one is that we got a swim there are sharks at the end put their friendly sharks but you gotta trust them okay if you say so I mean I do I have to trust you you're my team and we're the Rangers okay come on up we'll do this together okay okay so now it can be hard at times breed so try find any air pockets you can and make sure you go through the gaps ok ready 3 2 1 go oh my gosh okay you're doing awesome we gotta swim faster Cuddy oh my gosh if you want to try breed we gotta swim fast I came here to get you okay air pocket there we go okay you get it yeah I got it looks up and over this okay there's an air pocket here it looks like there's an air pocket in the roof yeah just in time that was scary okay good job good job and over here there's another air pocket in the roof okay okay come on Kelly you can do it you can do it good job finally down the edge and we're nearly there oh that's it oh that was just you okay okay we're just gonna play a hit the top but little Kelly we did it that was pretty good I mean in terms of practice we could do a bit better but when it comes to the para Ranger challenge I think there's more involved as well so I'm excited to try and be the best pair Ranger that I can be did you enjoy your first mission I really did little is it I mean you're a great teammate I'm Billy too and I can't wait to see what more missions we go on okay Rangers great work today go home and get some rest and report back here tomorrow in the war room we have lots to discuss evil never rests keep your buzzers on you at all times [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh No the lizard Donal where are you [Music] trouble down on the beach they taking a girl come quick [Music] Billy they've taken little Kelly we need your help okay calm down get into base and we can form a rescue mission we can use her comms device to track her whereabouts quickly this is a critical mission little Kelly is one of our own she's the pink Power Ranger we must do whatever it takes to get her home safely I've called in all the backup we can get say hello to the Yellow Ranger I've uploaded the data from a little Kelly's count device but it doesn't make any sense it seems to be out in the middle of the ocean I can only assume that there is an underwater base there guys are you up to the task there's no time to waste okay great head to the supply room and take whatever you need I'll be on the comms device for the whole time so keep them closed good luck okay Rangers you guys ready to go to the supply room I'm ready I'm ready I can reproduce I'm kind of nervous have you been on a mission before little as I have I've actually been on two missions so guys follow me come on this way this way no time to waste my future missions permission Kelly okay so my first mission was to collect the energems that had been stolen and spread around the city those are what turned us in to the fighting power rangers so I managed to collect all of them that's why you're the yellow slim that's why you're the black I like my upper the best you like being the Yellow Ranger yeah what's my breading pleasure new supply room guys this place is constantly being built up since we have all the Rangers back or start working on it so it is pretty cool the second measure on the weapons and this is where we have weapons and supplies yeah so the second mission I went on was with little Kelly and we had to go into a volcano and there was just crazy man things gone turns out turns out scientists were actually working on evil dragons that were trying to raise either built dragons but we we got them back we got the dragon eggs okay Rangers so what we know about this mission is that we have to go to an underwater base it is filled with a lot of bad guys now myself and Donna we're on the beach we only managed to see them flying away in the boats with little Kelly she looked injured so we have to get there as quick as possible but guys we're gonna need some scuba gear because of that we're painters but a lot of lot of cool powers and weapons we can't read on the water so we need to practice so there's a favorite tank yeah okay let's put a soccer gear I suppose let's not put them out just yet okay flippers mask and scuba tanks all right so these guys look pretty tough so I think it is smart for us to take some of our weapons so head tear I have my yellow one over here yet grab some ammo okay perfect and I'm gonna grab my might be good as well all right comes a crazy welcome so let's check in guys does everyone have everything we've got I have neighbors and I'm ready to go little brothers yeah no I don't flip perspective people get your flippers dirty have a flippers okay this is he's new to this it's okay so we got flippers scuba tank and snorkel yeah yeah I have all that perfect and we have our two weapons a benign and the HF g9 dragon one weapon though okay do you want to take a look Donna you got to take your weapon from this side as well you can use the white one okay I got two rooms to groans big muscle ones too okay Donna make sure you get these supplies get some ammunition okay guys everyone got their comms device yeah okay guys it's time to go save little Kelly come on let's go you seem to be right above it gear up and be careful okay guys you heard it over to comms device that was Billy so it looks like this is where they brought Leo Kelly and if you take a look down below it looks like there's some sort of underwater domes or bases you guys ready have a look yeah let's go down have a look okay Donna you're good I'm good I'm good but I'm just a bit nervous because I'd say this some even guards here so we've got to keep our eyes peeled okay yeah we've got our weapons okay guys Oh ah finally a Power Ranger with the power of an energy I've always been fascinated by your powers what do you want uh let me go oh don't worry dear you'll soon be set free as soon as I strip you of your powers and your energy Oh Rangers where are you calling all scientists to the lab for an emergency experiment okay guys first things first let's get out of this wet gear it's only gonna slow us down okay hey and just taking off my tank now and I have my super cell so right off okay guys let's take a look around this is a kind of like a little container real scientist down there there's a lot of carrots but guys did you hear that intercom yeah all the science is gone the scientists were all called to the lab for an emergency experiment guys I'm really worried this could involve little Kelly okay but then we need to get down there right away there's no time for wasting now yes it starts close we need to do it cuz you ready [Music] let's get a Rangers gonna be a battle okay okay I'm gonna try oh oh okay Oh guys I'm cutting the corner I'm cutting the corner I think I'm gonna be alright though I'm having a bit lizard I'm okay I'm okay whew good that fire great Tommy this guy's on fire okay who's using their weapons good idea great idea okay Donna I really want to make sure I don't punch you yeah you've got you've got a bit of is easier okay yeah I'd say you could get them good idea yeah - Chuck be over here tone I need some backup using backup okay one down over there nice nice nice we're doing good okay just good teamwork huh it's just a few more okay there we go so I get them to go bad all nice nice oh yes yes yes we're getting the movie on them okay two more you okay Donnie you got this - this see you gotta kind of get him put you're done yeah that's it pretty face let's get a madam okay shoot him shoot him shoot him Oh guys we did such a good job there that was amazing Donnie you were amazing out there great fighting skills donut your skills with the weapons were so good you were so accurate I'm very proud I am the best sniper Power Ranger ever there was pretty awesome dog you guys should be everybody guys we don't have any time to waste remember we need to try make our way down to wherever this lab is that they're talking about dude we got a rescue later Kelly we're gonna do this okay guys I'll be careful miss nice beams Erica's hairy lace is prettier looks already well-tended all right let's go for it oh I got a jump jump jump jump guys okay okay I made it okay good job guys good job I made it excellent look down jump goes goes yeah we have a good step back get back I got a shoot up Ken I'm okay yeah oh we got a shooting he shot up something each after Porton okay we can use this okay be careful okay lil daddy do you want to take a look yeah look okay it seems it the coast is clear okay go Jonah you're next I mean I mean I'm sure cameras quick jumper to get someone's Cameras Cameras audience this guy's a nervous guys in there let's go let's go hi butch putting camera getup can all there's a few little broken Beach clothes I think coach the door close the door quickly guys and just take these to air okay I got a video is my weapon okay Janet oh that was good work guys went oh no what are the cards drop this where'd you get it but it's here what is it what is it it has like some sort of cold on it it says one six nine six maybe it's a cold to a door or say four six nine six okay perfect cuz we need to continue forwards come on oh yeah we got him we got him it's okay come on oh these carrots are everywhere cuz this must be a high top security military base let's see over here look there's a chance it's cold what was the code 1 6 9 6 9 6 Oh guys we got we got a button okay let's take that a knife and bananas anybody want a banana and no a knife we can use that over here oh okay good idea there's no door Don are you good to go okay guys and everyone check your check your ammo make sure everything's ready to go and just just be careful when we go in these are such tight little corners and corridors that we may end up hitting each other so let's be careful only one person you start going okay okay guys guys let me see I'm taking a little ride we have two guards two bogeys okay who wants to go for it forcibly open it and I'm gonna m shoot okay I locked on it go go go go okay I think I can see one and I gotta take them yeah got him you got him gonna take the second one got em okay way better guys that was much smarter let's keep on going forwards keep pushing forward okay family's here there's some sort of laser here guys I don't know how we can get under that I told you talk to let's go up here first okay so he's going first and I'm just gonna keep a lookout down here okay Oh guys it's like a weapons it's a weapons area okay that's pretty cool let's let's stock up I suppose so I'm up there as well there's some ammo for our big guns there's not lamo for anything else let's just take it anyway in case we find as we go just take something in case okay okay we've got some stuff here let's grab it's just some sort of sniper Oh guys check this one out this is so cool oh if only they had ammo okay camera huh let's not hold these weapons just in case they see us okay we need to sneak these in all right trying to go down to the dunny let's go back down let's go back down okay clear down here okay just have that laser beams get through okay I'm on my way I'm right behind you okay guys join me go first I'll take the open lizard okay guys go for it wait for me whoa guys don't don't come to you talking to if you don't Oh guys it it took all my weapons I've no weapons left the suit so in truth all I have is little knife okay look tofu just disappears it's blocking the weapons system sort of force field on this oh I got this but there's just no web there's no ammo the only reason it came - oh you're gonna deal guys come on we need to hurry up we do okay guys guys yeah we're just gonna have to do we're gonna have to use our fighting skills come on guys come true we're Power Rangers we can do it darling oh I've got all my weapons you know you don't you're tricking no oh it's just the ammo I thought I had my weapons it's not it's just unusual said the ammo okay okay guys let's have a little a little future oh it's an epic era there's no one come on in nobody here maybe it's a trap kind of strange here looks pretty high-tech okay to stop Oh what user dude stuff guys stuff moving us Justin yeah you kind of step on the pressure plate for the Pistons look okay there's a door over here but there's no way to get through it okay does anybody have any buttons left no I've got my tank and I've got my flippers but we gotta use these pistons wisely I think okay guys it looks like it's some sort of secret code oh oh okay look look let's try get the block okay yeah look stuffs movements of women we're doing good here at the block Donna Donna jump up this one over here one more yeah there you go okay Donny I'll call it let's go with the middle one very middle one very middle yeah don't stay there stay there Donny right in the middle keep going in the middle no no no next one oh yeah what - you're right no no middle middle and still here there you go okay now get off quick jump off at you buff your muff muff muff okay Donna you need to jump off okay there and you got a push you from this side now yeah that's it I'll be over here every card is 30 okay there we go okay okay let's see yeah got a good idea go where to go it's underneath it's underneath okay let's call it this one duck Donna Donna over here over here okay I don't know this one this one okay there okay no job of it jump in the middle okay there we go okay right in front you yes there we go there we go we're do good okay this one this one and finally this one yes guys we did it okay Rangers let's push forward this is just a such a small room oh no oh yes place guys these look like computer servers I think we need a code one six nine six that's that's not able to type a code we need this time we need to actually crack the code I don't think we can do this guy's we need to get past this okay let me let me just try get in touch Billy Billy we can't get biter fifth layer of security there seems to be some sort of code and we just can't crack it okay let me see if I can help each of you place your comms devices on the portable basis from there I may be able to access their servers and drop their firewall if successful we can bypass the code and drop their shield okay guys you hear them let's test them on you ready Jake put it down would hahaha that's it you're in [Music] guys guys did you hear that okay come on quickly come on scientists [Music] look Kelly Kelly little Kelly we're here where is it where Oh Kelly oh no guys were we're too late I can't believe it she's gone guys oh my gosh guys we failed her we felt a little Kelly little lizard your healing powers you have to use them now I can't like I can't control it you can do it little lizard you're the strongest person I know if anyone can do it you can do it [Music] Oh [Music] you did it you did it a little lizard yeah Oh Kenny you're alive guys guys I did it wait you guys by my side I can control the power what what happened no time to explain little Kelly quick let's just get back to base let's get out of here oh that sounds great let's go well done Rangers you saved little Kelly and really show how team works I'm proud of you all little lizards you managed to control the power with the help of your fellow Rangers I knew you could do it okay Rangers get some rest tomorrow is another big day because as you know [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's when we jumped down morphed into our power injure suits and took out the bad guys [Music] let's get it right oh whoa you guys are so brave I'm so grateful you came to save me wait someone's approaching the base little Kelly bring up the live security feed okay hologram systems are up and running let's see who it is [Music] yo yo it's the real deal rope oh the red rager [Music] rope oh that was so cool we thought there was someone sneaking up on our secret base I was just actually explaining to little Kelly about our latest mission as pair Rangers where we got to go underwater and save little Kelly from it there's no time here for reminiscing guys we have got more action on the way have you guys not checked out the news today oh no I actually have been busy little Kelly have you checked it no no I've just been doing some training and stuff I haven't seen us guys guys guys it's insane there's like robberies all over town and I mean it's jewelry stores and only jewelry stores it's like four of them have been it already this can't be some sort of a coincidence there's definitely something going on we gotta check it out Oh little Kelly how are you feeling are you up to the task I know you were a bit weak after the last mission the Pink Ranger never refused a mission okay cool guys we got to go help out let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] anything gold back it up and give it here gold now come on ain't got all day I like gold [Music] yo gimme all go I'm gonna sit here for the call hand it over bag up all that gold now [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the Gaul in your store give it to me now hurry okay okay just please don't hurt wait a minute I know that voice take that mask off - Johnny Johnny my son my only son why are you robbing your own family store what's going on Johnny son where am I what am i doing I gotta go that was my mother I nearly robbed my own mother this is getting out of hand I need to do something about this hello I need to call in an anonymous tip Greenfield central bank it's gonna get hit tomorrow you have to be there to stop it she's getting stronger I have to go okay okay no problem guys I just got a weird phone call it was it was like an anomalous tip it said that the bank is gonna get hit next or something this just can't be a coincidence the bank is next yeah guys and jewelry stores and someone's ringing up explaining about a bank okay this is kind of like the only lead we have guys so I think we're gonna have to run with it let's see I think we need to have a stakeout yeah okay do we have to go like an old-style car like in the movies oh I care about be a little bit obvious where the Power Rangers we're gonna have to do something a little bit more adventurous maybe like a rooftop something like that but either way guys we're gonna need supplies for a stakeout so come on with me let's go to the supply room ha sweet okay I've never seen this place yeah this is the obstacle training area little rowboat this is where we get to get our practice in only in downtime only when there's nothing nothing crazy yes what do you guys need practice for I'm a pro check it out Robo there's some pretty good moves but we can always do with more practice some of these guys are pretty strong they're really really bad as well so guys supply room this way come on oh sweet there better be some neat stuff in here okay this is it bear Rangers are you guys ready yeah come on let's do this let's go come on guys get over here it's our time to shine and plus I am crazy to use this new gun okay guys okay this is a good vantage point everybody weapons out let's check out the first guards and then let's get down there I'm gonna take I got what I got one take the map guys let's do one down one down one down whoa oh okay Rangers Rangers let's go oh come on guys it's let's do it guys okay hopefully there's not too many of these guys around now remember to be careful as well oh here we go [Music] they're shooting at us they're shooting back guys to return fires to be careful good we're good okay Rangers were about to enter into the bank and these weapons might be a little bit too dangerous for close combat so I think it's best we switch now to our light swords everybody got them on them yes we do awesome okay guys you ready take out some bad guys let's go oh man okay there's a lot of whoa more than I expected they're pretty breeze John okay I'm going in on it super strong whoa whoa whoa they've got some serious good accuracy goes everybody okay got your back man oh thank you so much Red Ranger lil Kellie are you good I'm good I took a couple hits guys but I think I'm okay okay good job well done guys check it out over here look what we've got oh this guy looks pretty badly beaten up I think we get some information from this guy what do you say I think that's a great idea Red Ranger let's do it I ain't sayin nothin all right guys stand back let me take a crack at this guy I haven't wanted to try this [Music] Rita Rita Rita Rita [Music] although robo was that was that some sort of Ranger power yeah I've got this special ability I'm able to tap into people's minds that's the first time I've tried it it's insane but guys I saw I saw a vision it was like of a gold mine and there was something there it's like someone so evil I mean it was like every bone in their body was the most evil thing I've ever seen guys I think we're gonna have to get back to the HQ we need to restock this is gonna be a seriously difficult mission all right guys um I think this is the place it looks kind of familiar from the vision okay come on let's just take a look around okay guys so all these old mine shafts and mining sites usually have quite a lot of supplies around so let's double check before we go anywhere we got some the workers equipment in here I don't know if anything's gonna come in useful because we do have like this everybody break their binoculars yeah I've got my binoculars it's also got the light sword and the Nugget stuff okay perfect okay guys I found a grappling hook here this might come in handy oh this could be really really helpful guys if we have to get over long distances okay I can't see anything else that I really gonna need we might just do you need a wrench to fix your car little lizard or no again that's not right that's not a point um guys maybe take one of these big hammers because as we are in a mineshaft there could be big rocks that get in our way so let's just take those wheat okay we're fully equipped guys but I wonder what's over this Ridge here I mean my vision was so crazy so evil okay guys binoculars out it looks like there's people here hey now it's a lot of trucks we've got a lot of bad she wasn't well we're gonna laser night yeah I see a worker but they they don't look normal they look kind of strange as if they're demented or there's some sort of evil in them or something thought this cannot be another coincidence guys I'm starting to think that these people have been put under some sort of spell it's not like they're thick they can't all be evil can they no but my feeling is they might be evil towards us if they are put under a spell but guys these are just normal people we can't we can't really take them out we've got it hey little Kelly you you said something about these knockout stars maybe we could hit them with these yeah it won't kill them it'll just knock them out for a while and give us time to figure out what's going on Oh sounds like a really good idea Rangers are you ready to go all right come on right here okay let's use our grappling hooks okay be nice oh I went to her he's a knockout star I'm gonna use it on this guy oh okay I'm gonna get sweet I think little is are you all right yeah I'm knocking them out I'm knocking them out okay I saw that shot good shot man I'm gonna go down a little bit further okay we should try sneak and stay out of these guys my way oh well they came really close to me Paula yeah I think I'm okay okay this guy's coming for me I'm gonna throw a few these knockout stars man well we've got to be so accurate with these things nice you guys okay you guys okay yeah we're kind of making our way down slowly oh man here comes the rain okay guys I think we need to start making our way further into this mine chevon there's a bit of a mudslide we have to be careful the rain is making the rocks move Oh okay stir okay little robot what did you say about some sort of evil yeah it was in the vision of a lizard ah I'm not quite sure what it seemed to come from them like entrance to of a mineshaft would in this place and I don't know I saw something evil and I mean really evil okay guys we need to scout this out we're looking for the entrance to a mineshaft some of these guys out you guys keep on looking okay hold them off okay whoa okay use the grappling hook guys cuz I am getting over serious distances here oh wait everybody meet up here there Kelly with us okay I'm coming I'm coming guys I think I've got something look look there's a mine entrance there and it looks like there's a guy yeah that's the same type of guy that was at the bank oh it is it is he's got the green gloves on okay we'll Kelly you're here guys I think we need to skip past these workers let's grappling hook over and if we can talk to him hopefully we can talk some sense into him you guys ready he's a long one let's do it let's go guys okay small little careful guys remember the mudslide okay I'm down you see he seems to be peaceful enough you guys here he excuse me mister are you okay Rita Rita Rita Rita Rita go leave now leave now Oh guys what's going on guys what was that [Music] oh that's not good guys you guys good there where's miss problem where's roko roko I'm okay guys I'm okay I came up really really high man whoa okay I gotta get back yeah I see you there okay guys these rock monsters just all came out of the ground I mean that's some dark magic guys we can use some of these dead stars from up here let's try take one or two time out before we get down to these guys them strong their own rocks okay okay I gotta admit my first shot wasn't great guys concentrate on one try get one down and see how much help these guys have these might not even be doing damage to rocks man they seem pretty strong I'm getting good hits on here but me to me taking any damage they don't seem to be doing taking too much okay guys guys let's take them from the side one at a time and if you get stuck it's time to get him with the grapples okay okay okay the lizard okay that's trouble mister there's trouble I'm okay yes I'm okay I'm okay one down one down okay yeah I'm good I'm good another one down no no Kelly Kelly now out of there it's okay we'll do good okay they're all piled up together we can take good damage here in Jupiter that mom now the target for a mere guys come on here we go guys let's get in get in these guys have got good accuracy okay yeah we go to good jelly we got these regardless appear on this side we got him we got him we got him yes good jump I'm gonna make sure they're all gone let's just check that the coast is clear guys honey use my binoculars make sure there's none on the other side that's it Rangers I think we got him I think we got him guys okay let's finish this we need to get in here and find out what this evil is let's go ah Gordon has found some excellent Rangers for me to play with you fools will not stop me this time I would eliminate you right now but unfortunately I've just awoken from a thousand-year slumber I will need some time to grow be grateful Power Ranger you are blessed with a few more days on this pathetic my team they're light sources are fading I have to do something I have to get her away from you [Music] let's see if these Rangers can fly [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's too far gone he can't use his healing powers on himself I I don't know what to do guys I might have an idea when I was inside that robbers head earlier on using my energem it was like I could feel his soul maybe if I do the same with little lizard I could bring it back it's worth a try I don't know if it'll work but it's worth a try go ahead Robo [Music] [Music] and my inside little lizards conscience where am I [Music] if this is his mind it's kind of hint is is that the energy [Music] it works your Armour is taking on the power of the green and red energems use your healing powers on little lizard quickly power so much power I can feel it Robo don't let the power take ahold of you the lizard is your friend you have to help him but little lizard little lizard I have to help him [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh guys I feel I feel so weak what where's my energy gun rope Oh use the red energem to enter your mind and combine your power with his that's how we brought you back rope oh you saved me but your eyes wouldn't once green of once red what's wrong I know mana I've got I've got so much power I mean I don't think a human should have this much power it guys it it's messing with my head little lizard rope oh come with me I think I can fix this this machine was built to help recharge the energem after a particularly tough mission but if I can reconfigure it I may be able to separate the green and red energems and transfer the green back to the lizard I hope so I hope so it can go one of two ways either it works or they both blow up [Music] [Music] did it work did it work right ropo let me see your eyes yeah man I'm here I feel great yeah it looks like it works your eyes look like they're normal again this is hair do you feel guys I've got my energy back I feel great oh yes it's so good to have you back man soon I will be strong enough to defeat you once and for all Rangers but for now a little something to keep you occupied Ivan it's time for you to rise [Music] [Music] don't celebrate just yet guys there's been a blast downtown people are reporting a flash of green light you guys need to investigate guys better parents it's so intense but I really enjoy it I do yeah me too man it is awesome but guys a green light you know what that sounds like right it it could be Rita Repulsa she could be back oh ok guys I know we're just after coming off a big mission board I think we need to check this out as soon as possible this sounds like a job for the Power Rangers wait come on yeah guys it was crazy I mean it was just like super colorful there was purple and like green and red I mean I was inside your head dude it was crazy that sounds insane I don't know how you did that but it's a pretty cool parrot to have I'm not gonna like we still have to figure out and unlock the black Ranger's power I'm so excited for that I've got the healing powers little Kelly seems to have this this kind of pink blast that she just can't really control yet but it's really really dangerous and Robo can get in people's minds donut I'm so excited to figure out what you could do but I think guys I think that the site is up around here somewhere yeah it's really close around here actually ok this place looks pretty abandoned Oh guys down here look over here this is crazy ok we better get down and take a closer look guys if anything is that kind of expecting a lot of green if it was Rita Repulsa yes Oh once you careful be careful don't go near it stand back yeah you're right donut I mean this purple stuff is kind of strange and then it's like purple goo making you know God say it's really goo look how thick it is that it's mixing into the water it's separated but guys it's not good that this is after getting in the water systems okay my gosh you know I think it's gonna take a sample of this and bring it back to the HQ what do you think I think that's a good idea Donna rage I tested it doesn't look like this was Rita Repulsa good guys were kind of in an old factory area this could have been like a gas explosion it could have been anything bought it's probably safe to bring it back and test it just in case yeah I don't know about a gas explosion little lizard I mean this purple stuff there has to be something fishy going on here yeah I've never seen this before it is pretty weird okay guys no time to waste let's get back to base okay Rangers does everyone have their sample yep I have here okay guys put it in over here we're gonna analyze it and see if everything's okay with it so mines in place and yeah okay I'll try Aaron let's just check the data here Oh Oh guys guys this isn't good what's wrong what's wrong what is it it says here that this liquid this this purple goo has as mind-controlling properties what it was ice controlling too close we never even touched it it this can't be I don't think it was you rope oh I think there's something evil half full here man this is not good I knew that purple stuff I knew there was something fishy going on [Music] [Music] wait [Music] Rangers I've gotten reports of some emergence down at the water treatment facility get down there as soon as possible and be prepared I have a bad feeling about this okay Rangers you heard Billy it's time to get ready for battle guys come on let's head to the stock rooms oh yeah man I always get kind of excited when we've got a battle about to commence Oh Robo if you get excited about that then you will love this I wasn't meant to tell you guys okay guys have me promise not to tell Billy okay hehe okay okay follow me quickly quick all right we got to do this quick I don't want to get cut because as you guys know this base is full of security cameras okay there's one there let it go by doo doo doo okay don't come up there yeah I've never seen this before so Billy teased me with this and showed me a little bit guys take a look at the new Power Ranger suits now guys these aren't ready but these are what Billy's been working on a secret he is look at this [ __ ] a speedy sell out oh my goodness eight are you you saying someday I get to wear that that is insane yeah rowboat now it is still a prototype there's a lot of tests and studies going on and I'm not a finicky bought that that's a pretty cool suit isn't it it's awesome is this my suit or is it simply Ranger out this is this is the black Ranger dispute honor this is here it is look at this space for energems as well this since see little desert I can't believe you were gonna keep this from us oh I could I couldn't I have to show you guys it's it's just too cool like a yellow one fair and then finally the pink one but as I said guys you have to keep this from Billy and they aren't the only work in progress so I think we did get out of here remember guys we still have a mission to go on let's go yeah that's good I'm super excited now let's stock up so guys as I said Billy has been working on some new weaponry as well now there are a few things that are actually ready to go so you can check it out down here come on guys yes I love I wanna check out my weapon okay guys so not everything is finished but we do have the blue Rangers para lance Oh little robos failed his Parris okay well with that in the fleet I think there's something behind you oh my god check this out look barracks Pirozhki all right our cool rating was hovering at about eight to nine out of ten I just think we hit a salt and with these things Oh Robo I think you're right but unfortunately my weapon just isn't ready just yet there's a few things that Billy's still tinkering on as you can see we don't have yellow and we don't have the green just yet so I'm thinking since the guys aren't here I'm gonna borrow one of theirs what let go with the blue Rangers paralyzed thank God this is the para Lance but there and it's pretty sweet for y'all so what he got check this out I think you should take this is this is this the pig parable or it is hink parabot has asked you know occurs it might be pretty handy to have a long-range weapon in battle with you two guys haven't haven't birthday axes and swords good thinkin okay guys I think we're pretty much ready to go we've got to go check out this place I mean I knew this purple stuff wasn't just some sort of weird coincidence there has to be something weird going on Oh Daphne little rowboat Donna are you ready to go I'm ready to go and I'm hoping that we can try out our new weapons and put them to the test let's go guys okay guys I think this is it are you guys ready oh we sure are yep I'm ready I'm suited and booted okay guys it's morphin time okay guys let's do this follow my eight guys got each other's backs right okay keep an eye out and see if we can see anything suspicious okay oh whoa whoa whoa straight away whoa guys let's go now oh oh these guys are attacking him attacking us guys are attacking us be careful this shouldn't some sort of purple goo at us or something don't get hit by it guys these guys are brainwashed remember to goo oh it looks like their eyes check out the viewers mind control okay okay be very careful she's very careful for a parasol is pretty cool okay look this more up on the bridge I gotta go from oh okay take them out with a bow nice insane okay don't come on over here my friend Joan over I'm gone over okay although Garces so many over here we we need backup we need backup do you need help okay I got that guy yeah I've come enough cover no cover thank goodness I've got my helmet on guys this stuff is gross oh my gosh check out their eyes look at their eyes to Bob Porco there okay guys I just a few down here I'm gonna try taking from long-range watch to watch the arrows okay good going for the finish yeah one more finish them donut that's what yeah nice one good job guys I think it's pretty much clear the block way up there is clear those workers well-controlled oh wait guys because there's another one up there okay I'm a together thank you ma'am okay guys it's time to there's one more I can see one more no more sets corner coming down oh okay I'm gonna thank you guys yeah you guys got okay I got him I got him Oh guys well doing good teamwork let's go check this place out guys that's it they're all gone but I can't really see anything else uh wait guys down here look what is it oh is it lose one most purpose oh nice one nice one okay race guys check check out the zoos this could be what's I think it's what's controlling everybody Oh guys over here look you got a tan just at the top of the water they seem to have the purple ooze oh no guys you know what that means that those that purple stuff that we're making all those workers go crazy with a purple eyes if that gets into the water system the whole city could turn crazy Oh guys we need to put a stop to this now you gotta stop these guys come on okay come on guys we can get up on the walkway and try to do something about this and we gotta smash those cylinders guys we can't get that into the system okay guys take one each donut this is yours I'm gonna take this one yep rope Oh in the middle got it and I'm gonna be down the end smash these things guys I'm tree to one let's break them [Music] all Rangers we managed to save this plant but who knows this could be happening all around the city guys we need to put a stop to this yeah you gotta get to the bottom of these guys because all right this is gonna get out of control if we don't stop it right now where do we go from here guys I mean we know that whose stuff is behind everything but we know nothing about it I mean where did it come from maybe we could go back to that source where all the purple stuff was booked guys I'm running out of ideas here I don't know what we can do oh oh wait hey baby look good hey kit well what's going on what have you got there oh this is this delicious ooze I got it from the candy store down the street Oh okay kid thanks a lot guys I know where that candy store is follow me it's this way and a donut can you can have the cops ability or something get someone to look after that kid yeah that's no problem I'm gonna get on the cops right away let's hurry up guys get to the store all right guys come on this way we're getting pretty close Anna yeah don't it I'm not I'm a bit surprised you don't know where this place is this place is like covered in chocolate and doughnuts your favorite man no I don't like doughnuts at him oh that's it is that it there what what okay um it just looks like a regular candy store oh no guys check it out the back shelves look it Oh guys okay guys everybody spread out around the store get rid of all of this oh we can't have you around guys oh man he's targeting children this is not all right guys break it up break it all up okay good jobs on it you cut that one I'm getting it all I've got six of them busted so far okay okay this kids look at the boy this is we need to get it off the shelves ASAP guys my sites clear everybody good yeah yeah I don't guys I know that's good news but think about it this is one of many stores I mean it could be sold in the bakery it could be sold I don't know the garage anywhere across the whole city guys our work isn't done yet we've got to destroy all this okay guys here's what we're gonna do Robo you take Street out to the left donut you take the street out to the right I'll head north and we will clear out our stores make sure there's no use left you guys ready all right great idea let's do it go [Music] [Music] oh my gosh guys I take me to the great job but hopefully that's the end of all that demons what do you guys think yeah well man we spent all night get up but what is there a newsroom look guys look look another HQ does more news I just ooze everywhere just is everything guys who is mister who's guys I think you should come in here and see this ladies and gentlemen children of the world your favorite slimy treat now as a brand new special offer free booze in all your local stores enjoy unlimited deliciousness all for free today and remember give in to the UN's you
Channel: Little Lizard Adventures
Views: 4,590,398
Rating: 4.7030177 out of 5
Keywords: POWER RANGERS - THE MOVIE [1] Custom Mod Adventure, minecraft, power rangers, hero, battle, movie, morphin, custom mod adventure, little lizard, little lizard gaming, the series, the movie
Id: 6JieDhF0i8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 16sec (6256 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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