Power of Perseverance

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hello everybody this is Audrey Mack with go tell ministries welcome into my office I had it in my heart to to share this message with you as a part two of the album the violent take it by force the part one was a message I preached in Colorado at the healing is here you can and then I just felt after this message that I needed to go a little further because you see I have a lot of people that I believe in God for healing mostly or any promise but when the promise doesn't seem to manifest quickly or immediately after a little bit of time they are very tempted to want to give up they're discouraged and they wonder what did I do wrong is it really God's will to heal or or is it the will of God period and so I want to share that with you because I want to show you that you know as part of that violence to take that promise by faith violently to cease it because on the other side of the promise there is an enemy that will do everything he can to stop you from getting a hold of that manifestation and of that promise he will put pressure against you to convince you that you don't have it but it's not the will of God that you know X reasons and to discourage you to get you to give up to quit and to abandon amen and so we find that Jesus was teaching this concept of perseverance of endurance of faith to his disciples he gave them a parable that is found in Luke 18 because in the verse 1 Jesus said oh let me find my he said in verse 1 he spoke a parable to them that men always ought to pray and not to lose heart and that word lose heart is the that means to quit to abandon or to stomp stop in the middle or halfway and so Jesus was teaching that faith doesn't quit faith doesn't lose heart and does not give up before the end or before the manifestation and he was giving the example of a little widow who knew her rights she knew what belonged to her and she approached and unjust judge and and and she approached him her with that kind of attitude like I would say the attitude of a bulldog that will not quit and so Jesus said listen to what the unjust judge is saying and in verse 5 he said yet because this Widow troubles me I will avenge her and lets by her continual coming she where is me most people have translated this as to say less by her continual begging asking again and again and again and again you see that's where that notion of begging God and asking God as if God is not motivated as if God has not already given to us what we need I mean that's what the Word of God says by the stripes of Jesus you were healed it's done on the cross Ephesian 1/3 that has blessed us past tense with our spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus 1st Peter 1:3 has His divine power has given to us past tense all things that pertain to life and godliness you see God has already blessed us given everything to us has already healed us given us the healing in Christ Jesus but now it is up to us to ceases to take it to receive it Jesus says whoever believe must believe that he receives but I preached that message on spiritual violence because on the other side of the promise there is an enemy that will do then he can to stop you from receiving from stopped you from seeing the manifestation that will put pressure against you you see we saw in Matthew 11:12 we said the kingdom of God suffers violence by who by the devil and his demons he push it puts pressure against you to convince you that it's not working that you're not gonna have it that it's not the will of God that God doesn't want to have it except right excetera he's gonna try to lie to you to intimidate you to slow down the manifestation in any way can that's why you and I have to be determined we have to be so convinced persuaded that it is the will of God and we have to go and seize it we have to be violent and take it by force that's what Matthew 11:12 says the violent take it by force and so as part of that violence and it's like that little widow we have to have that perseverance that I'm not gonna quit attitude because you see that unjust judge knew that she was not gonna quit so he told himself she's not gonna quit she's gonna come and you see that continue coming in Hebrew it's in Greek is the word he still knows of kamae it is not that coming back and forth it means to come to be set until the end or to come and to be set until the goal is reached and so because the unjust judge knew that that little widow was not gonna quit so he said well I might as well give it to her you know I heard somebody say one time if you are willing to stand forever it's not gonna take very long if the devil knows that you've got that violent perseverance that violent endurance like that we know that you will not quit until you see habit he's gonna say well like the unjust judge less she worries me by her Bulldog attitude I'm gonna give it to her now and so you and I have to have that perseverance that tenacity we have to have that endurance and when we think of endurance it has a an element of time to end or means to last for as long as it takes amen you see in Roman 825 it says but if we hope for what we do not see then we eagerly wait for it with perseverance and you see that word perseverance is the word Hoople morning and that word lupa morning means a cheerful hopeful and yearns it constancy or the failure even says it's the characteristic of a man who is not moved or swerved from his deliberate purpose and goal it's saying exactly the same thing the continual call me it's somebody who comes and he's set until the end until the goal is reached amen and that even that word wait it is not a waiting while you roll your thumbs it passively waiting and that's what people think that wedding is being passive no no the word wait it actually is the word up epic deco mine and it actually means to expect fully you expect for it diligently with earnestness and you see that perseverance is a little different from patience because patients it's it's enduring the suffering and the affliction and the pain and the provocation of evil with a car and unruffled temper and means you don't lose your joy you don't lose your calm you don't lose your peace while you are being reflected from the enemy amen you say that that's patience but here is what perseverance actually means it's a little different it's another layer of endurance that perseverance in the Webster means to to persist in anything undertaken to continued pursuit of anything that has been begun with and it's not passive it's not waiting for the things to come it is an active pursuit with expectation and because of expectation you see when you look in the Bible all the people that received their healing and you know I not talked about it in the first part of that of that message I talked about all the people that with violence to their healing by force you saw the woman with the issue of blood she had that expectation and because she expected to be healed she said oh her mouth spoke if I can only touch him I will be made whole she had that expectation but she had that tenacity and she did not give up you know she knew despite a discouragement because she had lost all of her money she spent everything with the doctor beside that she had no strength you know because she lost blood for 12 years despite that she knew that if people caught her in the in them in the crowd the law did not permit her to be in public she knew she was risking a to be stoned to death and and she would not give up even though she was faith to a crowd that was stronger than her that was bigger than her and huge cried but you see she had that perseverance where despite all the roadblock and the obstacle she would not give up she went and persevered and endured until the end because she expected to be him or we see those four guys that were you know that carried or paralyzed when they knocked on the door and they said they heard they know you can get in they did not take no for an answer it was hard it was not easy it looked impossible you know most people would have say well it must not have been the will of God no no no they knew that God is good that his will is to heal all you see and so we see that right there they went to the roof they uncovered I mean I don't know how many times they took straw whatever the roof was made of that in that time in those days but they found a way they would not give up that was a pursuit until the goal was reached that was a I don't give up until the end that was a perseverance until you know we get what we came for you see oh we see blind bottom is on the side of the road when he was faced with intimidation he was filled with people that try to shut his mouth to put him aside and stop him and his crack he would not give up he didn't quit until he got what is hard desire he screamed louder and he got Jesus's attention didn't he and so you see that that those people they had that spiritual violence and it showed that perseverance they insurance until the reader the goal was reached it had that element of of pushing against time pushing against the obstacle not taking no for an answer until the end they would not quit there would not lose heart there would not give up and you see that's what you and I have to understand that the enemy is gonna try to beat you with a clock he's try to beat you with it with the time to persuade you that he has not come yet because it's not gonna come but if you have that like that Widow that tenacity in your heart and you make the decision not to give up you see I love it you will see it come to pass James in the book of James it talks to us about that element of perseverance in faith it talks to us you know in james511 he talks about job you remember the book of Job and let me let me make it a parenthesis you know it done the book of Job has been so misunderstood so butchered I have a whole teaching on that you can go on my weapon I believe on my website you know go tell ministry dot orgy and in the media page you can find the teaching on a PDF and and on an audio amen and I probably soon will do a video with it but in the book of Job in James puts out a a what allowed what helped job to receive to be blessed at the end and to overcome at the end he said look indeed we counting blessed in verse 11 who and George you see that endurance here James is talking about the endurance of faith and he said and you have heard of the perseverance of Job and you have seen the end intended by the Lord that the Lord is very compassionate and full of mercy now let me add this the word intended by its in italic which means that it was added to the original text it was not part of the of the Greek and therefore because it gives that that notion that it is God who did that to joke that God did it to job for an intended purpose to me that's very sadistic but it is not the case here listen to it in the message Bible in james511 or the amplified bible excuse me it says you know how we call those blessed who were steadfast when Jord till the end you have heard of the endurance of job and you have seen the Lord's purpose and how he richly blessed him in the end in as much as the Lord is full of compassion tenderness and mercy you see here it points out that it is that God is full of mercy full of compassion and God had a purpose in the end not it's not God that did that you joke but when John when the enemy did that to job God turned it around and he had a purpose at the end he blessed him twice as much as what he had before what the enemy took God gave him twice as much and blessed him abundantly because we see that truth in Genesis chapter 50 verse 12 or 20 excuse me do you remember when Joseph I mean here's another example of one that endured you know just like Jobu and do it for nine months the attacks he lost everything he lost his health his riches his family he lost everything even his friends were persecuting him and and and and so we see men who endured and persevered and did not lose his faith until the end and the same thing happened to Joseph you see Joseph was persecuted by his brothers he was sold into slavery he was thrown into a pit then he was thrown in to a prison then he was forgotten I mean the poor guy went up to one tribulation after another tribulation one attack after an attack and many people people think and believe that God did that to Joseph so that he could protect the nation of Israel but listen to what Joseph says in Isaiah 15 verse 12 he says but that's for you and he was talking to his brothers he said as for you you meant evil against me but God meant it for good in order to bring it back as it is this day to save many people and save them alive amen and I like him that listen in the message the same verse in the message lest you miss it it says don't you see that's Joseph speaking you planned evil against me but God used it use the same plan for my good as you see all around right now life for many people in other word what Joseph was saying what you meant for evil to destroy me to kill me God many he he turned it around for good for my good for the good of the people of Israel and for his glory you see God has the amazing capacity to check whatever attack the devil throws at us and God if we are like Joe or like Joseph and we don't quit we don't abandon our faith God has the potential to take it around turn it around for your good and for his glory and to bring many people into the to blessings and to encourage you it can turn your tests into a testimony it take your mess and make it and turn it into a message hallelujah you see because and here's the good news while we persevere not in passive and Durance not in submission to the devil but with that violent endurance that I will not quit until I see the manifestation if we have that attitude it will develop character in us and will fortify our faith it will and will end up being blessed twice as much as before and will reveal you see even we see in job here is a great example because job didn't quit in his faith it did not abandon his faith even though his his wife said I'll just curse God and die I mean what a wife and he refused to give up his faith he refused to deny God he refused to accuse God and and and and he refused to abandon his faith and you know at the end what happened God revealed himself in such a great measure it what is character I mean if it's care of the character of job was tested and and proved true and strong and he received twice as much as before but he received we see that that's when God revealed himself in such a great measure his compassion his tenderness his faithfulness his generosity that's what James was talking about in james511 he said see the end intended by the Lord when we don't give up our faith like Jesus talked about in Luke 18 and he said will I find that kind of faith on the earth when I come back that's what God is looking for a faith that will not I am that will not accuse him a faith that will stand on the promise of the Word of God until the end until it see the manifestation and when we honor that God reveals his we know God more than ever before we receive a revelation of God's goodness is revelry his mercy and his compassion like never before in James 5 in verse 11 in the message Bible he says what a gift life is to those who stay the course you've heard of course of job staying power is staying power will not quit and you know how God brought it all together for him at the end that's because God cares right down to the last detail I love that don't you that's who God is is full of mercy full of compassion and you know what will help you stay the course what will help you to persevere though the enemy attacks you is to realize just like what happen to joke it was not against job the enemy had it was that Joby was attacking the devil was attacking God he was attacking God's integrity he was attacking God's heart is character he was attacking the kingdom of God that's what the devil was after and you see today the same thing any attack against you and I it's not it's not personal it's an attack against God against his word his truth and against the kingdom of God against God's character that's why you see people that you know that pray didn't get heal they gave up and you know that accuse God and they said yeah God doesn't care oh that God doesn't heal or and then they get mad at God I get angry at God that should not be you see that means the devil succeeded in attacking God's heart integrity and attacking the truth that God is good and healing is always the will of God you see and so once we understand that those attack against you and I it's not personal don't take it personally but understand that it's an attack against God his truth his word his integrity and against the kingdom of God because your stand will affect others your stand will either be a mess or a message you see and and so once we do that Jesus was talking about in Matthew chapter 13 when he was sitting on the parable of the sower Jesus was saying that there are different type of soil good rocky the wayside there is rocky hard hard there is thorny distracted hard and there is the good heart those who have given themselves entirely to God and that have that tenacity that conviction that faith that persuasion in their heart until the end amen and Jesus was talking about listen to what he was saying in verse 20 and 21 he says but he received the seed on stony places is he hears the word and immediately he received it with joy hallelujah yet he has no loot or no death in himself buddy and yours only for a while you see that's why your faith must have and yearns and perseverance and he says for he endures only for a while why for when tribulation and persecution arises because of the world not because of you because of the word immediately he stumbles or he gives up oh he abandons and loses heart what is Jesus explaining here is that the word the truth that you received produce faith and when the devil sees faith that you are taking a stance on faith a stand up faith hitting men against whatever it is when he sees that immediately he comes with an attack with persecution with tribulation what because he wants you to give up your faith he wants you to abandon he wants you to lose heart he wants you to quit and give up on your faith hallelujah because he knows that if he can persuade you that it's not working he's made a mess out of it and you lose your message and your testimony hey man and you know what it will do God will not will get no glory because it through a testimony that God gets the glory no testimony no glory and so you see the importance for you and I to understand that those attack against you it's not personal it's against the word it's against faith it's against the truth of the word of God it's against the kingdom of God and against God himself so you and I when we stand on faith with stand by faith we've got to have that perseverance that endurance that I'm not going to give up amen hallelujah because the purpose of that attack that persecution is to make people sway and abandon what they believe is to make people abandon their faith you know that's why the devil trying to do with job so that he would quit curse God and abandon faith and it's on the bottom line is really to mock God to said ha ha you see God your people don't believe in you they quit I hope you see that how important it is for you and have to have patience not ulusal Kanal not you lose a piece not to lose our joy when we get attacked but also have that I will not quit an attitude that perseverance that endurance until the end we Landon let me say something because the devil does not abandon my not abandon right away I have found it and it's been you know at the beginning when I started to really no fade and stand by faith and take your stand against those attacks and the enemy sometime the symptoms will know all the problem would not get less that would get worse what do you do when you are standing in faith and the symptoms or the problem becomes worse you see we have an example we talked about you know the poor job that's what happened to him he lost all of his family but then it started again and then it was his own body and then it was something I mean it didn't stop but we also have an example with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego those three guys you see when they were faced to the intimidation of a king which might I add it was a symbol a type of the enemy of the devil and so when they were commanded to bow down to the Statue to bow down to feel to intimidation to that false God what was their attitude they said King we have no need to answer to you in this manner in another word we're not gonna give you the time of the day when they would not bow down to that intimidation and to that pressure of the enemy do you know what the enemy did he brought the fire seven times stronger the fire went seven times more powerful as if one time was not enough you see that's what the enemy will do some time where you are let's say you are believing for healing and you are taking your stand and you are focusing on Jesus and you are taking it by force and you are one day one day one week one month and still nothing and you are tempted right that you want to give up said it's not working it's not happening the temptation is to give up and what will the enemy if you see that you're still standing you know it's like it's gonna put a little more pressure it's gonna increase the sin some things will get worse or the whatever problem it is yeah well and no I'll have a break loose you know what I mean and let me explain this I remember here is an exemple I talked about it on the first message but I want to talk about it because it's powerful I remember one time my husband and I were wanting to go scuba diving and so I thank the bag everything was ready and so I put the suitcase to put it in the trunk and as I lifted the suitcase all of us and I did something to my back I felt pain shoot from the bottom of my back to the top and I could not ban I could not breathe it was excruciating pain my husband came and he said utterly we cannot go and because I knew that it was the devil that was trying to steal from me I took a stand I said no I will not give up and you know I understand faith - I said I'm not quitting I'm not giving up I am NOT gonna lose heart and so we went in the car we drove to the South Florida checked into a hotel and we know I'm declaring I'm praying declaring the word and I'm thinking in my head while tomorrow morning I wake up it'll be all gone I woke up the next morning it was worse you know my husband had to pull me out of the bed well long story short ended up at the the place where you ran the equipment where we booked our scuba diving trip and the guy looks at me thinking are you sure you're gonna go and I'm like I am I have that endurance I'm that tenacity I'm not taking no for an answer and I continue to continue and all the time the pain is there I can't even breathe or talk so I rent all the equipment here we are on the boat among the boat everybody is looking at me with big eyes thinking what is she going to do I mean I was the attraction I was the big joke on the boat you know but I would not give up I refuse to give up and you know every time I had to put a piece of the equipment it hurt when I had to stand up with those tank in my back that were very heavy and hurt when I had to stand on the side of the boat it hurt and my husband says Audrey are you sure it is not safe it's not wise are you sure you want to do that jump in the water like this and you see everything was against me the pressure even my husband really was telling me Audrey are you pretty crazy but I refuse to quit I really because I knew that if I don't quit I don't lose but you know the moment I jumped in the water I was willing to go till the end no turning back when I jumped in the water and my foot hit the water all the pain was gone my back was totally free and I have not had that that kind of problem ever since and that's been 20 years hey man and so you you see that faith has to have that such a conviction that it will not quit until it see the manifestation no matter how long it takes but you see if the enemy that keeps on pushing and pressing sees that in your heart you are wavering vacillating doubting then he's gonna make the fire and it'll hotter it's gonna make it harder a little harder but I'm here to tell you don't quit look at the three Hebrew children they would not quit they said I don't care even if you throw us in the fire we're not gonna quit even if you throw us no matter how hot the fire is we are not gonna bow down we are not gonna give up no matter what the cost they went till the end amen glory to God amen no matter what the cost no matter what decom they just you you don't give up you don't quit and and in James 5 8 I like that James remember what verse 11 he was talking he's saying look at the perseverance of job but in the verse 8 he says you also be patient establish your heart and you see in order to persevere till the end that in order not to burst vacillate and down and shrink back and give up you will have to establish your heart right at the beginning that's why the Hebrew children did they didn't wait until there was face to face with the furnace to decide that they were gonna give up they had decided long ago just like Daniel in Daniel 1 a it said that Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself he purposed in his heart they established Stefan what does it mean that means that you decide the matter before the problem ever comes it means that you decided in the area of healing that you must decide in your heart that healing is always always always always the will of God and to come to that conclusion you gotta have the Word of God and stand on that word that that foundation is not shaking that foundation issue you must have searched every day a strong belief in what God says in his word that that's how you establish your heart you know that you know that you know that you know that it is the will of God whatever it is you are standing for you see and and you must believe and you must establish your heart you must purpose in your heart before the problem arise amen and at the beginning of your standing in faith amen hallelujah glory to God and in order to strengthen to persevere and so you're gonna have to strengthen your faith you know as from the moment you start standing until the manifestation you keep strengthening your faith and how do you do that you have to strengthen your faith you've got to persevere to endure and zoom in to do long to endure until the end not to give up to see the full manifestation until the end then mean that you're gonna have to strengthen your faith and how do you do that enough in Hebrew 11:11 it says that Sarah received strength for she considered God faithful you see in order to strengthen your faith in the promise of God you first I'm going to have to have faith in God that's what Jesus said in mark 11:22 as he was teaching them to walk in authority to receive the promises of God and to walk in love he told them you are going to have to have faith in God or to have confidence in God to know God's goodness his faithfulness his kindness his mercy his compassion you see that's what we saw in james511 he said that all of a sudden Joe persevered and he saw he had a revelation and you know he didn't have a Bible job didn't have a Bible to encourage him to strengthen his faith but yet he persevered till the end and at the end he had a revelation of who God is faithful merciful full of compassion hallelujah and so you and I am I gonna have to have faith in God and like Sarah we're gonna have to strengthen our faith in God by considering God faithful how do you consider God faithful well the first thing you do by to consider God faithful is to remember everything that God has done for you remember your testimony how God delivered you I say to you hi he healed you in the past has provided for you the the acts of kindness that God did the little thing that he did for you you know the little smile everything that God has done for you or others will reveal to you that God is faithful is constant it does not change and what he's done before he does it today and he'll do it two more because God is the same yesterday today and forever that's what Sarah did she considered God faithful she reminded herself do you remember Sarah when you got out of your the land of her her I got provided and guided us you remember how God was so patient with us because we took all the family with us when God told us to only take us to inherit the promised land but God waited he was faithful you remember how in time of famine God told us to saw so and God multiplied made us rich remember samurai when all of a sudden you ended up in the harem of of the Pharaoh and God intervened supernaturally and delivered you because she remembered all of that her faith was strengthened and she knew God is faithful and it helped her to persevere until the manifestation of the promise because do you remember God spoke to them made them a promise but it took years and years and years to see the fulfillment of the promise the manifestation of Isaac in their lives you see Holly you and so that's what Jesus was saying have faith in God know that God is good he's loved amen oh you see that's why Jesus came to show us who God to reveal to us who got in because Jesus is God perfect expression perfect manifestation and I would add God Jesus is God perfect theology and you know what God's perfect theology Jesus acts 10:38 how Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil hey men God was good he heals all but the devil is bad he makes people sick or John 10:10 Jesus says I've come to give you life and life in abundance but the devil come to kill to steal and to destroy same theology God is good he comes to give us life and give us life in abundance but the devil is a thief he come to steal kill and destroy that's God theology and when you know that you know who God is and you don't doubt the goodness of God the faithfulness of God the compassion and the mercy of God it will strengthen your faith and cause you to be able to persevere and to endure until the end like job like Sarah like Shadrach Meshach and Abednego like Daniel and all the men women of God all those in the Bible that endured till the end because they would not give up they would persevere and they would enjoy with calm with peace with faith in God do you see you might that's the reason why you must see every attack like I say it's not an attack against you it's against the kingdom of God so you've got to change your perspective don't see it as personal see it as an affront against God and and and so that's one more reason to take a stand in faith until the end it's one more reason to persevere to endure until the end because the end of it will bring glory to God see that tribulation see that that attack see that persecution or that attack from the deceit not like a victim why oh me oh poor me don't be a victim see it as an opportunity to glorify God because remember it's an attack and a front the front against God the truth the word and the kingdom of God see it as an opportunity to put the devil back in its place to prove that you're a child of God and you mean business that God is good just to glorify God Amen and give the devil a black eye you are a victor not a victim amen and listen to one Roman chapter 5 verse 3 and 4 says and not only that but we also glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance perseverance character and character hope and that hope it's not a wishing and hoping it's a confident expectation or the desired result of the manifestation you see what it's telling us here that tribulation is an opportunity to glory Canada don't joy when you encounter all kind of tribulation and persecution for the end of it is glory to God oh ha that's what happened you see when we choose to persevere it builds not only character in us it proves our faith strong and genuine like gold amen and when and you know that perseverance will involve self-denial self-sacrifice because you come to the place where it's not about me it's not about me it's about glorifying God it's so bad I'm putting the devil back in its place it's a bad you know standing till the end amen and when we have that added to that win I'm gonna give up we're gonna see the fourth man in the fire we gotta see Jesus hallelujah we're gonna God get a greater revelation of God like never before and we're gonna get double for the trouble like job hallelujah amen and I all I hope I hope you have that that you got that revelation that faith when Jesus says you must believe that you receive and you will have it that that little fool Edward will means endurance and perseverance and it could happen instantly like I said if you're willing to stand forever no matter what the cost no matter how long it takes it won't take very long but if it takes long if it costs you something then you are willing to stand forever an error and you will see that at the end of that endurance and that perseverance you will have the glory of God you will see the glory of God and all you'll be so blessed so blessed and so Jesus says you must believe you receive it and you will with endurance and perseverance receive it Oh hallelujah I pray that this message was a blessing to you but I want to pray for you right now in the next few minutes we have together because I just prayed Jesus name for a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God that the eyes of your heart be flooded with light that you may know the hope of your calling that you are called to to faith you I called to have that tenacious that I will not quit that bulldog faith that Jesus is looking for in luke 18:8 and i pray father for they faith will not fail that they faith will not give up Lord I think you Holy Spirit that you teach them that you opened the word to them that that word will explode in their heart that they will see understand and know and receive the promises of God and that black that good ground there will bear fruit some 30 some 60 some hundredfold I pray for a fruitful life a fruitful heart a heart full of faith because it is such that God is looking for and God is not against you is for you he's not trying to measure you up and try to disqualify you is there to help you to guide you to correct you and to lead you to the victory if you faith is gil shaky talk to Holy Spirit he's gonna show you help you coax you like a cheerleader he's gonna encourage you and show you how to pick it back up and and your persevere until the end god i bless you my friend let us know how you are doing and visit our website i'd go tell ministry dot or subscribe to our youtube page I'd Audrey mad and go to our Instagram or dream and go tell to our Facebook page like and follow hallelujah and our Twitter good Audrey Mac and we have so much more amen that you can watch lesson read to be a blessing to you so that your faith will not fail
Channel: Audrey Mack
Views: 7,751
Rating: 4.9633026 out of 5
Id: -LPwCHV-Dqc
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Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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