POWER BI Tutorial From BEGINNER to Pro Level - HR Power BI report - Power BI Desktop

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laser here welcome to the second part of this power bi report in the previous video we have actually taken care of the home part right here so i can actually click and actually navigate through it right now so here we go we have this particular part right here that we actually have taken care of is very dynamic so when you click on any of the visual you see the other patterns which you'll get to actually filter it down to what it is so all these we're going to be some kind of creating the other part i've just shown you from the scratch so if you've not watched the first video please go ahead and watch that so going back to the action page right here i'm going to click inside here right now and show you what we are about to get into so right here we have our uh retracement and promotion people who are due for both of them so what the um the organization wants us to do as an analyst is just to get the data for what for an employee which we have not gotten right on our table previously before now so we're gonna import this data and actually fetch those people that are going to be there for retrenchments and people who are going to be due for promotion now in the promotion and retrenchment or table right now we have people who are in both table and what they want to do is actually uh we need to actually fresh people who are in the boat table because if they are here and they are here we want to actually pay them some kind of uh severance benefit that because we're going to retrench them and they as well do for promotion so want to give them what it is that the organization really you know is preparing for them so for that we are going to be going to excel to do this differently so now guys i'm going to show you how to do all this are you ready to go because i'm ready to show you how everything goes so the first we're going to do right now is to open the previous uh power bi file so here we have it youtube lesson so i'm going to actually open this it's going to take a little while to actually open so let us just give it some time to open so it's coming up okay it's almost about to take thinking about size of what we really wanted so here we are right now this is the first place we have actually stubbed i think we made a mistake right here here should be our deal for promotion deal for promotion that is different promotion and here should be not the okay there is going to be no different promotion in our first video please let us correct this because it's very much important if you've not watched the first video please go ahead and take care of that so right now here we have it due for promotion is what we have selected so i'm gonna go to the visual and click on this page right here and i'm gonna go to the title in here and this is what i need to actually come and change the title should be changed to uh not do that is all we need to do to have changed so iso so the next we're going to do right now we are going straight to actually import a new data right in here so i don't need to go to my product for the first time instead i'm going to go to get data i'm going gonna go now choose my way my data is actually in so txt is what it is okay now we have this particular patch where it says employee hr employee data so i'm just gonna actually import that in so it's going to take a little while to actually get connected not that much okay here we are right now it is on the right delimiter so you don't have to you know make any changes right here because if you do that right now guess what's going to happen if i actually go on the top delimiter look at what just happened it closed every single thing inside one column for us so if i go right on this page delimiter right now it actually spares it and do some kind of initial which we don't really want to so now the next i'm going to do right now is to make sure it is on the right part what is the what the comma that it is on before now so we have two columns right on it and straight up i'm just going to say transform data now i'm going to transform this data so there are so many ways to get this data connected to the previous one but i'm going to show you one which i think is some kind of vital for you to understand what it is that you need to do right now is actually going back to what our hr data their full data right here now that we are here what i'm about to show you now is very important please take a look at this now we're going to come to the top level right here where we have managed queries so in this match queries i'm going to click on it and you're going to see where it's going to actually pop pop out for you us now so we have this table right here on your full screen you can see the table we have in right here so you can see this now so what i wanted to do right now we need to navigate to where we have our employee uh employee number so we have the employees number right here i'm gonna actually make sure i highlight that particular specific aspect so now we have it right here highlighted i'm gonna come right to this particular drop down click on it you'll see the uh data just imported right now is hr employee data i'm gonna click on it and here we go so i want to actually make sure i connect this to this particular employee number we have right here so we go down and we see it has it's marked for us already which says that it is 100 you know match so now we have one four seventy and one for 70 rows in both of them that is beautiful now the next we're gonna do right now is just to click on ok right here after you might have done that what you're about to do is to bring the emperor is name inside this table that is the connection we have we have actually made the other way to make this connection is to create what you call relationship in my subsequent videos to come i will definitely teach you how to do that if you want to use that same way that is better okay now click on this particular drop down and you see this now that you have gotten this right now what we want is what we have to have checked so i'm just going to say use original column name as prefix i'm going to deselect it i don't want to check that now for the employee number which we used to actually connect it i would select it i want to actually have my employee names right here when i actually click on ok right now guess what happen this is what we have gotten right here are you okay so guys this is what it is so the next i'm gonna do right now is that we've just gotten this right in here it is time for me to actually go back to power bi so i'm just gonna go and say close and load so it's gonna take a little while to actually load itself right let's just give it some time still loading okay we have just gotten our data right in here the next thing to do right now is just to make sure we name this page to be some kind of home so i'm going to name it home so after me naming this particular part home what i'm going to do right now is just to make sure i duplicate this into two but now i'm just going to use wonderful kids so it's going to get itself duplicated so right here i'm going to name this to be some kind of action so action so we've just gotten this to be action so now on a full screen what i want to do right now is just for me to actually get all those ones away from here so after doing this i'm going to click on delete from my keyboard let's give my keyboard i have deleted except this one that i want to prove some kind of stubbornness i'm still going to get it out now go away nicely we have a clean slate again to work with so the first thing i'm going to do right now is the name we have imported just now i'm just going to type in em and it's gonna give me my employee names right here which i'm going to click on now i have this employee names right in here and i want to actually make sure i see it by what by our retrenchment that is exactly what i want to see now so now let us search for where we have our deal for retrenchment right here not the percentage but the one deal for promotion i think i'm gonna try okay i should type it right here i can't find it that is due okay therefore promotion beautiful promotion okay we've seen therefore promotion right here right now so here is our default promotion those are the people that are due for promotion we've just gotten people that i do for promotion i told you it's just 72 people that are deal for promotion and the next one wouldn't get invited right now are people who are deal for retrenchment who would definitely be retrained by the organization before we actually see how we can actually give them the benefit but we need to actually get the people who are actually appearing in both lists so i'm just going to copy this and have it pasted in right here and after doing that i'm just going to move the one i just have copied i'll move it away from here down to this particular expert i'm going to have it pasted in here now it is time to change deal for promotion to deal for retrenchment right now okay to search for that i'm just going to type in r e right here and i have retrenchment percentage so now we have will be re-changed in here so this is exactly what it is we just got in with a bit trench and we have brought it down here is 117. so can you see that i think i have to correct something this retrain should actually be some kind of not this way i think is this is it has no a it's just some kind of typographic error i'm sorry guys you must have gotten to that kind of error so now that you've gotten this right here right now it is time for me to start doing the right thing so we need to actually go to excel to go to excel right now click on it you see export data so right now that we have just gotten this right here click on it and actually make sure you give it a name that you remember so now that is for retrenchments i'm going to type in refreshment in here so and say okay and i want to get this to excel as well excel environment export it and this is going to be for promotion and it's gonna be for promotion so for promotion i'm gonna click on okay right now okay we've just done this the next thing is for me to go and actually get our data to excel i'm gonna click on the folder where i have it so i have it actually right here so we have promotion retirement this tablet does so double click on it and have it opened to see what we can do about it so it's opening okay we've just opened this right now so the next one we're gonna open is actually this is gonna be for retrenchment okay our retrenchment is opened as well so what i'm gonna do is just to make sure i copied it away from here i'm gonna copy and actually have them in one single sheet copy all the way down ctrl c will help me to copy it i'm gonna go to the next sheet and have it pasted in here so he's not right on it okay here we have this [ __ ] so i'm gonna have it pasted right here so now that i've gotten it right here i'm gonna have to expand everything so i'm gonna show you what i'm doing to zoom in so i want to get this particular part of before then i have to make sure i know what this one is all about so i'm going to double click on it and i'm going to type in my words type in promotion promotion i hit enter so it is time for me to get this away from here right now i'm gonna click on delete and i have it deleted and right here i'm gonna actually double click on it as well and type in my retracement it's a retrenchment and now i don't need this as well so i have it deleted so i have these two lists so guess what's gonna happen now find duplicates so find duplicate is gonna be equal to we're gonna use if condition to find our duplicate and it's gonna be very much easy to get what we really wanted out of it so i'm gonna say if this particular uh cell right here oh sorry i should have used equal to i'm so sorry for that so i'm gonna use now if top key this particular cell right here then this employee is equal to this one right in here i'm gonna put on my comma so if it is true what do you want so y for yes and n for no so n for no have it closed and hit enter now is now so what i'm gonna do right now i'm gonna have to copy this down so double click and have it copied down so we'll scroll all the way down we'll find try as much as we could to find where we have it or some kind of no and yours all of that so we should look for that so as you can see we have some y and n right here which means there are some duplicates so how do we actually work around this so now to get the name of where people actually are existing in both lists i'm just going to actually type equal to and still use that if condition again i'm going to say if if this particular any here is actually equal to y which is yes that means is some kind of duplicate so what i want you to give to me is this name right here it's else if it is not just give me nothing so i'm gonna have to actually hit enter i have nothing right in here i'm gonna have to duplicate this all the way now i can now see that our first names of people who are actually deal for what before promotion as well do for retirement not retirement so retirement and kind of foster retirement whatever nice retrenchment so now i've gotten all of them right here so what do we do right now we need to actually bring those names together and form a list of it so now from here i have organized the people that will be up for the severance benefits right in this particular sheet right here so i can actually go ahead and make the top headers because some kind of difference so now here we go written white and stuff like that so now people that will be getting i'm going to put my b right here so people don't be getting severance benefits those people i have just you know extracted from these particular names we have in here so you can see what it is that we can actually do with that so now we can head back to our power bi environment so here's our popular environment we've just gotten that created that is what i want to show you right here so now i'm just going to have to duplicate this particular aspect as well i'm going to have it duplicated so now we have this so i want to reuse this particular color i have in here i'm just going to copy and paste it and actually move it right to this particular expert so i'm going to be taking it all the way down to this level so now guess what we're going to be creating so you want to see department level how many persons are going to be some kind of retrenched uh uh actually got promoted and stuff like that so first of all i'm going to select the kind of kind of want to use for it this is the cat i want to go for department so department is right here click on my department and i'm going to have it cleared i'm going to clear this one away from here i'm going sell recharge so for the trench will be retrenched i'm gonna have to select it so we have it right there uh promoted due for promotion so we select it as well so we have these two right so if we go back right now this is what we have just actually uh created so i'm just going to expand it a little bit and all there so go on a full screen we just want to have this right on our chat as we should so now here we go we're gonna have to expand it all through this way now we have a very nice outstanding oh okay this is what it is so now what we need to do is just to make sure the header is very outstanding so what we can do right now is just to go back right here to fill the color into what it is that we are doing so i'm just going to go back down right here so for the data color i want to change this color to this particular uh color we have right at the top level here so it's actually fits in so i can actually go ahead and change this color to something much more outstanding so we have these two different kind of colors so you can actually make any shares of color you see right today you can actually make it some kind of outstanding stuff like that so make sure whatever color you have chosen is actually you know going to be some kind of correlated with what you are doing all that so that is all you need to do so just getting this right yes let's see what the next part is going to be now let us see the level of the satisfaction right here if we sign the column for job satisfaction so job satisfaction right now is not actually right in here so we have to create that because if we go ahead and visualize this what we see is a bunch of numbers go to table this is what you just see right here so you can't really get what we are looking for i want to do is just to hope right here on what on data transformation stuff like that so we hit back in here and now we just need to give it some kind of full screen to see what we have and now we need to cite for where we have a job satisfaction column we're just going to go right to that particular aspect so we need to actually keep searching for it so here we are on our job satisfaction so if i click on this right here now you can see we have this bunch of numbers so one two three four so we just need to actually say one is this and two three four is actually this so how do we do that so let's see how we can actually customize our job satisfaction to have high low and medium whatsoever so let's see how we can do that so what we need to do right now is just to head on to this particular add column so click on click on conditioner column right here and you're gonna see that this is gonna come up so now we just have to look for job satisfaction from here so i think we have the satisfaction so once we've just gotten this job satisfaction i'm gonna click on is less than or equal to i'm gonna say is less than or equal to so it's going to be high that is higher your satisfaction so i'm gonna put it on high and we add a dot close right here and this is gonna be same job satisfaction click on it and actually decide for that column and all through job satisfaction environment satisfaction okay now here we get it so now it's going to be equal to 3 equal to 3 right here is going to be some kind of medium and the rest of the numbers will be some kind of like low load of satisfaction so this is how we create this we can go ahead and actually add this column so this is what we need to actually get right here the next one we have to take care of is actually called performancy rating so under performance rating that is the performance rating of every single worker in our organization so what we need to do right now is just to go back to this particular part here under the conditioner column so whoever is actually within the range of three rating is actually um a high rating so we have to check for performance rating here so we just need to actually locate where we have about monthly rating in right here so here's our performance rating i click on it i go back so equal to 3 is going to be high rating i'm going to type in my high rating so i copy it and go down right here so this is going to be some kind of low rating so i just need to change this to low so it's going to be low rating and all of that so i just need to actually add this so now that we've just created this column so we just have to hope back to it go back to our power bri environment click on home close and load so we're going back to power environments right now so here we are the popular environment so now if i actually still check this let it load it's going to take a little bit okay here we have it if i go back right now in goes oh i think we made a little mistake right here we did not name the column we've actually brought in right here so we just have to go ahead and do that so sorry for that guys you can always go back and read it so this actually give us the opportunity to actually re-edit what we have just done so i'm going to show you how to do that so it's going to take a little while to come up so now that we've just gotten this just click on this particular setting icon right here and now we just have to give it some time once it open here we have it so we have just column one so we need to change one to performance rating performance rating so now we go back and actually click on ok so and once we've just got that committed we just have to go right on this one as well we just have to change it to something that is suitable for it for identifying right here okay now this is gonna be job satisfaction so for job satisfaction we need to click on okay so right now we can load this back to our power bi and it's gonna work so well so it would be very easy for me to identify which column we want to actually pull information from i hope you get it right now sometime when you make the mistake on something you to make it a little more that is one thing with analytics and any other part of life you know so right now we can actually make sure we have this deselected and i'm gonna go for my job satisfaction right now i think i have this if i click on jump satisfaction so i go right here i have both low and what and medium so i don't want to use that i might decide to actually use something like this right now i want to know how many pests how many employees we have on that particular range of job satisfaction i'm going to go for total what total employee so right i'm gonna click on total employee so we have it right on this particular kind of chat and we can make it smaller and make sure it suits tightly right on this expert here so can you see that now you just have to make sure it sits right here so in a jiffy we just have to remove the watch move the background but we want to have everything actually right here before i actually go ahead and do that so the next we can actually get right now is this particular level we have right in here so we just need to get to see how many persons actually have there for overtime in our organization go to volatile employee and i'm gonna click on overtime like ov so for overtime i'm gonna click on that so for overtime i wanna actually visualize it on this particular pie chart right on this one so now all we need to do is just to format our pie chart to sit directly on this particular aspect and to look some kind of very nice on it so don't worry it's not gonna take uh too much time and of that so we're gonna have to do that we're gonna actually touch it and make it some kind of looking gold okay to have it formatted this is what we do so i'm just gonna come to this particular format uh brush or paint or whatever you call it for the legends we can see the legend is actually gone so we've taken the legend off but we need the legend to actually stay so i'm just going to go to the top left right here on the legend i want to actually see the legend at the top center so the legend now is at the top center so now we just want to get the title of the legend away from here out of that we just got in that so i'm gonna have to close it right now and go down to the label right here and i'm gonna turn off the label i don't want the label because i want it to look some kind of bigger so right now everybody can hover over it and see what it is that he or she needs to see now you can see it filter all the way down to what we have just clicked out of this we can console it and now we can go ahead and change the color to something that you really uh like so seriously i think i'm gonna go right through this color i'm going to go with this kind of color right here so we might not have the same color with my previous work don't worry i want to use something different so you can also use something different as well so now just go to this particular axis so now what's this uh what why an x axis we want to actually turn off the what's the label and we have right in this so click on it and have it open and go all the way down to where we have that label on so you want to turn this off so what i turn this off so if we go right here right now we can see we don't have this any longer i expect this okay except that so um expect that one to be turned off as well so go for the x closet and go for the y and go all the way down as well under the wire so here we go we have it turned off so if i go right now and actually take it back to the top level and i'll close it and actually have the kind of what the kind of data color or the black color what i have writing here i can decide to go for this as well now what about the background color for the background color i wanted to come right here and go to where we have the background color right in here and i want to look for it and actually have it turned off so i've just turned off that background color i do the same thing for this as well and i come right here click on it and come back to where i have it and turn off the background color so we just have to scroll all the way down and see where we have it so now we have the background color so right now on the full screen you can see what we have so expect this okay this should actually be turned off as well so we just have to go together we have the background as well so i'm going to turn the background oh so now we have something just like what we have now so now we just have to create something right here and what it is before we do that we just have to get to look at what table we will have right here okay i think we still have something messing up right on this i'm gonna copy this and have it let's go and have it instead in here so we just have to go back and do it again over and over i'm gonna do that behind the scene so we have a table right here which shows our job role so i'm gonna say job role right here so we have it so we just have the table right in here and i'm gonna go for the total so for that i don't actually click on this i want to go for the total employee so we'll be rearranged and deal for promotion as well so you want to get all this right here i think we can expand uh this right to this particular level now so after my you might have done this the next we're going to take a look at is actually how to make this particular uh part to be this particular table to be some kind of transforming to what we really wanted so the style i always love to use on my table is this minimal we have right here so i can actually go ahead and choose that and close this and now we want to actually see the header or how do we want the header so when i actually make the header bigger so we have to crank the header size of text up a little bit i think we have something like this beautiful i think that is nice so the next we're gonna do right now is for what we have in here so go back and turn off the header as well turn it off close it and we'll go for the total uh for the value instead of the total we go for the value and we just have to make sure the value as well is being some kind of you know we we make it bigger what is the text we have on the value so i can go for more than 10 and 12 so go for something like 13 14 so this is what i want to do when i have this expert close i think beautiful i have something filter i'm going to clear the available go for total employee and come to this particular conditional formatting i don't want to put on the back uh right so for the color we just have to make sure we walk around and see what color can actually fit in so for the positive one i want to have something uh like this i think this is the color when i have written i have something like uh uh something of this nature is what i want to have for the negative one uh when i have something like this for it so now here we go if i click okay this is what we need to do to just get the kind of power we really wanted so you can actually apply the same bad as a method for everything we have in right here you'll be good to go out of that so now this is what is very very simple and easy to be done so in the first video we've actually taken care of that and you've seen how i actually created it out there so we can go ahead right now and see what we can do to show the value and the percentage of what of the high rated people and the low-rated people on this particular aspect here now to create the rating of employees i'm just gonna go for the high rating right here i'm gonna click on it i have a percentage created for that so i've shown you in the previous video how to create this please go ahead and take a look at the first video i've just got created for this i'm just going to make it some kind of smaller and i'm going to copy this from here i want to actually copy this particular format and actually come copy and have it pasted in here so now i can make it smaller then easier so i will bring it all the way down to this particular aspect so you can see it better so i'll bring it and make sure oh sorry for that guys ctrl z and i have everything back on board so click away from here once you click away you have it so you can now click on it and make sure it's sitting right in here and centralize it copy it and actually have it for the second one just here we go it's in the middle of it so we can actually go ahead and change it from high rating to what to the low written right here so we have it both high and low so now we might want to have the some kind of um the label right on it so i'm going to click on this particular format roller and go to the label go to type to sorry to say put the title i'm putting title on i'm going to put here high rated high rated riso we need to do come right here as we undo the same thing turn on the label and here we go it's going to be low rated it's loaded and we have it's like this so if we go back to the full screen now this is what we have gonna have everything right here being closed i'm gonna close this as well i'm gonna have this closed have this closed and this is what we have just got developed all of that so now beautifully go back to our previous one the one we have just done before now and this is what we have please if it is not on the same you know color don't worry you can actually play around i've shown you how to get around in all these things just done all this time so you might just have known what it is that you should actually do to actually get it right so beautifully so in my subsequent video i will show you much more about how to use excel to do all it is you don't want to do and stuff like that okay so if you're saying that i did not cover right here don't worry i'll have it covered all you need to do is just to hit the subscribe button keep connecting with me every single time i drop a new video because i will be keeping dropping videos for you guys to get how you really need to learn about excel power bi and sql is coming up as i've said before now don't worry i got you covered so thank you very much your comment is very important to me go ahead and hit hit the subscribe button if you've not subscribed leave a comment i'll be very much appreciative about that so thanks a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Data with Decision
Views: 106,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power bi for beginners, data with decision, data decision making, advanced power bi dashboards, advanced power bi, dax in power bi tutorial, dax in power bi desktop, data analyst, data analytics, data analyst interview questions and answers, microsoft power bi, microsoft excel, excel dashboard, sales dashboard in power bi, power query in power bi, power query advanced, power query, ms power bi tutorial for beginners, ms power bi overview, ms power bi tutorial, Hr dashboard
Id: gFKNSmO8oyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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