Power BI Tiles & Reports in Power Apps | Inventory Management Solution

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hello everyone reza here in this video i will show you how to leverage the power bi tile control inside power apps we will bring in specific visuals and the entire power bi report inside of power apps the use case here is an inventory management solution i'm leveraging the microsoft visio visual inside of power bi and bringing that into power apps the shapes of the visuals will change the colors depending upon the data so let's check it out in action we will first build our power bi report and dashboard since i want you to try this out along with me in power bi on the left hand navigation pane if you head over to get data we have an option here to get some sample content so click on samples and here let's pick the opportunity analysis sample click connect once it's successful you can click on go to dashboard and here we will get a sample power bi dashboard this dashboard has tiles that are pinned we have information like the opportunity size the region whether the opportunity was partner driven or not and other pieces of metadata now if i head over to my workspace i have the dashboard right here i have a report as well and i have my data set if i head over to the report if i was to edit this on the right hand side we can see all our tables as well as all the fields within those tables now let's see how we can leverage these power bi dashboards tiles and reports inside powerapps we will create a blank canvas app pick the tablet form factor and give this app a name we'll click create now to add power bi tiles inside powerapps we go to insert go to charts and pick the power bi tile control and to connect to our data we need to select a workspace this will list out all workspaces that i have access to in my case the opportunity analysis sample that we installed is in my workspace so i'll pick that then i will pick the dashboard and from my dashboard i can pick a tile these are the tiles that were pinned on the dashboard and they are all being listed right here pick the first option here which is average revenue and i can select the tile drop down here and pick any other tile now for this power bi tile if we look at the properties we have a property called tile url and this is the url directly to that specific tile inside that dashboard it has the dashboard id it has the tile id and some configuration information and this tile url got plugged in when we selected workspace dashboard and the tile now with one control you can associate one tile so if i need another tile from that dashboard to be shown in my power app i can simply go and insert another power bi tile once again i will connect it to my workspace my dashboard and pick my tile now if you want to filter the data in this power bi tile within power apps for the power bi control we have a property called allow new api and i will turn this property to true now if we look at the documentation for the power bi tile if the allow new api property is turned on we get a lot of additional capabilities like applying filters based on multiple fields plus we can also bring in an entire power bi report or a dashboard as well into that power bi tile control now if we head over to the tile url property where the tile url property ends i will apply the following filter ampersand dollar filter is equal to so let's say we want to filter the data in the style where the opportunity size is small if you look at the power bi report and if i search for opportunity size on the fields the opportunity table has this specific field so the way we can apply the filter is we will plug in the table name slash the field name in this case the field name has a space space has to be replaced with underscore x 0 0 2 0 underscore so opportunity size equal to in single quotes i'll plug in the value which in my case here is spawn the first tile here is filtering the data based upon the opportunity size which is small now we can apply the same logic to the second tile as well now in order for us to filter the data based on values coming in directly from powerapps so i've added a label put the text opportunity size and now i'll add a drop down and here i will provide the following values small medium and large i have renamed this drop down i'll copy the name of the drop down and now for my power bi tile all i have to do is instead of hard coding the value for the opportunity size under double quotes between two ampersands i will use my drop down control dot selected dot value and the same will apply to my second tile as well now if i change this to medium you will observe how the data in both the tiles gets filtered based on the opportunity size that i have selected next let's try and bring the entire report once again we will add the power bi tile and here we will head over to advanced and go to the tile url property and plug the url directly and to get this url for the report if we head over to file and go to embed report we have an option here called website or portal from here all we need to do is copy the link and plug that link right here now this will bring in the entire power bi report directly inside powerapps now we're going to apply multiple filters to this so i will recommend you go and turn on the allow new api property to true and since i have a lot of real estate to play with i'm just going to drag this across the entire space that's available let's go ahead and preview the app here we get the entire report experience including the pages in the report and the page level filters and this is completely interactable so if i was to select partner driven yes as you can see all the data here is being filtered based upon the selection that i made so i need all the opportunity information for the west region i will filter on west and all the data here is now refined now if you would like to drive the filters or refiners from powerapps we can apply the same filtering concept as before so for the tile url property i will apply the following filters get me all the data where partner driven is equal to no and the account region is east if i preview the app observe on the right hand side this filter that's coming in to the power bi report is being applied directly through that url the pages on the power bi report if you want to default to a specific page you can even do that through another attribute that you can pass to the tile url property and for that we will just pass the page name report section and the number of the page so report section 1 that's the first page if i was to change this to report section 2 observe how it selects the second page inside the power bi report and here i've just replaced the tile url hard coded values for partner driven and region with choices coming in from powerapps so if i was to select partner driven no this will show me all the opportunities where partner driven is no and the region is west let me showcase an inventory management solution that i built leveraging power bi powered apps and microsoft dataverse i have my power bi report which has two pages the first page shows the facility map this is the storage facility when i'm maintaining my inventory it showcases the names of the space the number of spaces available and the total square footage of that specific space this is a microsoft visio visual inside power bi and the colors of these containers change depending upon the space available in these containers so if the containers have space available the color would be green orange signifies that the container is filling up and red signifies that the container is either out of space or there's very few spaces left so let's take an example of space j it can accommodate 40 items so on the right hand side here if i select space j we can see that this space has the capacity to accommodate 50 items and there are currently 10 items in this space i can either update this or i can add additional items here the sample inventory that i have created is an inventory of fitness items i will click on add so let's say i pick the olympic barbell set 30 items of these that are coming in and i would like to place them in space j now because there is space available i can accommodate this and i will submit it basically added to that specific space and the moment i do that you will observe how the capacity of space j has changed it only has 10 available spaces now if i head back to my home screen if we focus on the visio visual it will highlight that fact by turning that space red because there are very few spaces available i also have a second page which shows a tree map of all the spaces and this showcases the name of the space and the number of available spaces and i have an option here called container where i can filter by specific containers and this is a combo box so i can multi-select so let's say i pick space a this now will apply the filter to the power bi report to only highlight space a and we can see that visio has stripped out all the other shapes and is only focusing on the shape for space a which is right here if i head over to the tree map page it will respect the filter that's been applied and here since it's a combo box i can filter by multiple containers or spaces so let's say i pick space d and space i the gallery here in powerapps showcases that data and at the same time if we look at the power bi tile now it's highlighting those three spaces so let's look at some of the key aspects of this solution first i needed to track the items that are going to come in and out of my inventory so i have a table that i created specifically for items and i even have a page here in powerapps the data for which comes directly from that table called fitness items i have my fitness items table and here i have the following columns the name of the item a picture of the item an item id that gets generated for every item that i'm tracking and this is the data for all my fitness items next i have a table called space and as part of this table i'm maintaining the name of my space i'm maintaining a column called shape id this id is crucial because i'm mapping the space id to my visio diagram this vizio diagram i'm maintaining in my onedrive i have added my containers as shapes if i head over to shape info i have a label here called shape id and this id that i'm maintaining here in this visio diagram i am also maintaining the corresponding values for them inside this table of spaces and we can see the date here in this table i have the following spaces and these are all the shape ids that are matching the shape ids in my visio diagram i'm also maintaining some additional details like what's the total capacity of that specific container and how many spaces are currently available and finally i have my table of inventory data a look up to my fitness item table so i can map to a specific item i'll look up to the spaces table so i can map it to a specific space and then i can define the count if we look at my power bi report here my first page only has a visio visual the data for this is coming from my spaces table the shape id is what i'm mapping to the id property and these are the values that i want to show inside each of those shapes and then the availability factor of that space which basically drives the color logic so let's edit this visual the id is the shape id if i open this we can see that each of those spaces are being mapped to the ids coming from my table next i wanted to show the details of my space i'm showcasing the name i'm showcasing the size of that space and i'm showcasing the amount of spaces that are available and finally to drive the color logic i have my availability column if you look at availability here it is a calculated column that i created it basically divides the available space by the total capacity and multiplies it by 100 so it can calculate the percentage of the available space and i'm leveraging that specific field inside the visio visual properties to drive the color change so if the availability of space is between 80 to 100 show the color green if it's between 60 and 80 orange 40 and 60 a darker shade of orange 0-40 red and you can change this based upon your use case so let's say if it's running out of space i want to change the color to black i can just change it right here the filtering concept that i'm applying here to my power bi tile the data is coming from this combo box the items for which is being loaded from my table of spaces and when the user selects items here if we look at the tile url property which is showcasing the entire report all i'm doing here is checking to see if any items are selected in the combo box if yes then i'm applying the filter to my table called space the field called shape id and i'm checking to see if the shape ids are in the selected values coming in from my combobox home screen once again we can see the data being changed live and even the color changing live that's because my power bi report is connected to my data source which in this case is dataverse in direct query mode if you enjoyed this video then do like comment and subscribe to my youtube channel and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 5,289
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: power bi in powerapps, power bi tile in powerapps, power bi report in power apps, power apps filter power bi tile, powerapps, power bi, power bi tutorial, power bi visio, power bi visio visual tutorial, microsoft visio, powerapps inventory management, powerapps inventory app, powerapps tutorial, powerapps power bi tutorial, power bi powerapps integration, power bi dynamic filter, power bi query string parameters, power bi tile, microsoft powerapps, power bi tile filter, reza
Id: DADWqlKdL3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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