Introduction to Power BI Using a Healthcare (Medicare) Dataset

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hi everyone welcome in this video we are going to learn about power bi using a government data set the data set we have is a medicare provider uh inpatient charge data for the fiscal year 2017. if you haven't watched the video on powder pivots please do so first and then you can watch this video after now we are using this data set and i downloaded this data set and it is provided in the descriptions part there is a link and for this video you need to download power bi and which is a microsoft product and you can just search for power bi desktop and you can download it from microsoft and you can just install it and you'll be ready to to watch and do the same steps in in this video okay so i have my power bi i'm just going to open it and i also have my have my data set which is the fiscal year 2000 medicare inpatient data and if i open the data set in excel it is providing me a list of procedures and done by different hospitals and also the charges the total charges the amount of charges that medicare paid etc so here it is the data set is provided for you this is the provider's data and this is the the charge data and these are provided in two different worksheets now let's just close that and go to power bi first time you open it it is going to just show you this uh welcome menu and then you can just get rid of that it looks like i forgot to do that so let's just close it now we can import data from different places and i want to just import data from excel but there are a lot of different sources that you can just choose from if you look at here for example uh so you're seeing a lot of different data sets that you can think of importing okay so we are just going to just use excel it doesn't make us less valuable than all those uh people with using different data sets right databases okay so i want to just click on medicare inpatient 2017 click ok and now it says it is connecting now it is asking us which worksheets from this excel file that we want to connect to we are going to choose this top two and we look at it everything looks good in terms of their you know the titles the variable names are there all the procedures are there that means we could just import this in this way there shouldn't be any problems so we are going to click on load and [Music] so we're gonna wait a bit let me just pause the video okay so it took some time maybe half a minute or so i don't know why maybe my computer is getting older but what we have here is now this is the canvas of power bi and it says page one you can add one more page or another page etc then we are going to put our graphs tables everything in this canvas we can increase the number of pages and there are a lot of visuals that we can choose from we are going to just first add one visual i already have it in here that's called shape map but uh if you just open your power bi and the first time you wouldn't have that activated and just go to file and then options and settings and under options and go to let's switch this preview features and a shape map visual so just just check that box and click ok and you should see that there are two different maps in here but then i want to use this one and i think there's one more this is arcgis maps as well so now let's just look at the data set that we have we have a data set and it has two tables right so it has one table medicare inpatient data with the charges and it there's a provider's data set and this tool can be connected by the provider id so if i know the provider id in here then i can just know the provider name by looking at the other data set but if i do not connect them a power bi or excel wouldn't be able to know there is a relationship and sometimes when you open an import power bi is able to recognize that relationship so you can click on this manage relationship here or you can see the relationship on the left hand side so this one is your canvas this one is showing your data sets and this one is just showing the relationship and it has also already detected the relationship as you look it's here here and here the provider id and provider id are the same and if you look at the manage relationships the provider id in one table and is linked to the provider id on the other table and this is again one-to-many relationship and it is indicating that provider id is only repeated once in this table and it is repeated many times in the medicare inpatient charges data set table okay so if you just click on upgrade now it just changes the formatting and it looks in a different way and but we let's just go and click on the bars and we want to add some visuals in here and make it nice looking so first let's just add a text box and text box i want to just add a text box and say that medicare 2017 charges uh dashboard okay so i just type that and then i can just change the font and make this font look bigger and let's just make a little bigger and instead of 36 let's just make it 24 and make it like this and make it bold okay this is good so i have medicare 2017 charges dashboard and i want to refer to this dashboard maybe every morning and i want to look at certain things if these data sets is changing every day but it is a historical data you wouldn't need to see the changes but usually at a workplace you are going to have a dashboard where you connect to every day and values change right so you're adding more and more data sets in there and you can just see the new values and uh by just refreshing your connection so let's just put first thing you can just try different charts in here but i want to just add a clustered bar chart and when i do that it is only putting a chart in there so let's just make it look like this and we can modify that and let's just add one more thing in here and maybe just add in in addition to this cluster chart let's just add a shape map as well and just put the shape map somewhere here and align with the other one and just make it a little bigger and looks good there's nothing in here so what is happening so there's nothing here and there's nothing there the the reason for that is we need to add what kind of data we want to put in there so we need to populate it with data and if you click on any one of these and here what's happening is this part is the fields you can change the axis that uh the legend the values you can add some tool tips we are going to do that but these are just specific to this a bar chart okay and the same menu items will not be there for the next one if i click on this one this one has a location why because the bar chart is not going to store the location but map yeah you know the map is going to get the location in there you can add a location data field in there you can add legends color saturations etc so the color saturation means that if there's a value the the bigger values are going to be showing with high saturation saturation and smaller values are going to show with uh maybe a lighter saturation then for each one you can then also do some formatting so this is kind of a brush for excel but this here is a format and you can just change the title you can change the background you can add a border mexico will not pay for it and you can add some other things in for example if there's a bar chart again title background to tooltips etc so for each one the the format is going to be different and values and it is going to be also these the data fields are going to be different let's just add also maybe a gauge and when i click on the gauge i can also put it in here okay so maybe somewhere there and this is my my gauge to kind of consider and that's it we're going to put a little bit more information let's just add now something to the uh the bar chart so let's just add in the bar chart i want to put the provider names if i check that provider names while this is highlighted and what's happening is it is going to recognize that the provider names are going to be in the rows and then i can go to the medicare inpatient and i can take the average total payments in there the sum for per provider i can just check that box or i can drag that over here onto this file i'm sorry onto this object so we are seeing here all this information it is just all these providers many of them what i can do is i can only show a certain number of them and i can see that when i check this it just shows me that provider name is all and i can just go to the filter and instead of basic filtering i can only choose top and values maybe just say top 15 of them but how do i choose the top 15 among them what value that should i consider and i want to consider again the average total payments i can drag this again and put it under by value okay so in here now if i drag this down and you are going to see that it is only going to consider top 15 values and after that what i can do is i can also maybe add a tooltip to the tooltip is when you look at here the provider name and the average total payments are by default are shown but i can also show their medicare payments in there so i can take this medicare inpatient amount and put it under tooltips now if i do that i can see that for each one of them average total payment and average medicare payments are shown then i want to modify this a bit by just formatting it so i go to the format and then i'm going to look at the data colors and this blue and let's take a look at here uh what else do we see we are looking at the and we are going to click on the fx for default color and when you do that it is going to open a color scale and you can just choose the color the lowest value and largest value and based on field count of provider name and we don't want to have the count of provider name okay so what we want to do is we want to choose this as the average total payments and make it some so the color scale is based on sum of average total payments and then we just click ok now you are seeing that the it is just ranging from 0 to 11.83 million and we are seeing the uh the hospitals in here now let's just put the second one and which is what the the map so in here i highlighted the map and then i'm going to click on the fields then i will for this map this shape map i'm going to add in color saturation i'm going to again add the average full payments in here now the color saturation is put there and now it is asking me what the location data because it is not able to recognize where this average total payments are so i'm going to just choose maybe the provider state and i'll take that and grab and i'll put under the the location if you want you can just look at the zip codes and change it to a different type of map and you can see the values per zip code but here i think this is sufficient for us it's sufficient for us to kind of consider as the average total payments by provider state and finally let's just put this in here somewhere and make it a little bigger drag it up to here and this is my um the gauge and in the gauge i'm going to again look at the target value and let's look at the value first the value value is average total payment and let's say how much of that is paid by medicare and i take the average medicare payments and take it under here where under the target value so here this is the medicare payment and this is how much over the medicare payment if we want what we could do is these are what these are the the sums and we can just change that into average so if i just change it to an average and i can also change the average medicare payment to an average so this is going to be average per hospital and this is just showing me the amount average per hospital but when i do this i need to make sure that the title just indicates that then i can just go to the formatting and i can look at the general and i can look at the text in here where is the title i'll get title and then instead of typing this the average payment per hospital or average payment versus medicare so i can just change the title and instead of just using a typical title provided default title provided by power bi we can just use this one now this looks kind of big for us so we can just make it a little smaller and we can add additional things here or change their place of this let's also do is put some cards and i'm going to put one card in here and i want to indicate that oops i need to just undo that because what i did is instead of just clicking on the canvas it was already selected so it changes it to a card so i just click on this canvas and click on card and this is one card let's just put it there and just add another card and this is my second card and then i just click on this and just put one more card and let's just put them together so cart one average this is covered charges let's just make it bigger and then this is going to be average medicare payment and this is the average total payment do this and you can change them you can format them you can color them etc now we are going to put one more thing which is going to be a slicer as you know that in power at the pivot tables the slicer is going to filter the data set and we are going to click on the slicer and take this slicer and make it big and the biggest you have ever seen okay i'm not referring to a politician here it is just uh this is a bigger one and i will take this and put under this slicer the provider state and now i have the states but by default they are shown very small let's just make them big so how do we do that is we are going to just go to the formatting general and instead of making it vertical if i if you just change it to horizontal so it just puts all the provided states in there and you can just click each one of them one by one now whenever you put this slicer in here it is going to filter all these other things that you put in here so you need to maybe make sure that i just put the title just reflecting that so you can just choose for example if i just choose alaska now alaska is selected and it is showing me now the highest provider in alaska not in the in the us in just one state and everything has changed all of these are changed the map is showing average payment is changed and kentucky i think and florida and new york where's new york okay it's here so we can are able to click on here no yeah we have to kind of select in here from there from the provider states there and whenever if we want to kind of filter this and maybe sorry they cancel the filter we can clear the selections and now everything is selected for the whole us now if i want to publish this as a dashboard and just provide a link to some other people i can do that and you can just in the morning wake up and just check the data for different states if this is your company you can just check your data for different branches and you can look at certain measures without just digging through the data set and this is a visual for yourself to look at so you can go to file and publish and publish the power bi when you do that what's going to happen is it is going to publish to the the cloud and i think as if you are a company then you may have to pay for it and to store that and but you are able to share otherwise you can just file and what if if i just export to a pdf and i can also just save this as a report and the report can just stay and i can just open the report every day and i can look at those details so this is the first step and a quick introduction to power bi i recommend that you just download a data set and any data set you you could and just drag some visualizations and uh work on them filter them and change their formatting etc learn these the next step is going to be more of doing more calculations customizations etc but this should be sufficient for most people but there are certain things if you need to do you need to know your data set and you also need to know what your needs are then you can just add certain things onto your dashboard onto your report by just doing maybe some extra work i think this is sufficient for this video and thanks for watching
Channel: Excel@Analytics - Dr. Canbolat
Views: 20,702
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Id: Br_XkoUj9zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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