Microsoft Dataverse for Teams Introduction πŸ”΄ LIVE (June 26, 2021)

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the first uh live session live with reza i hope uh this this uh this turns out really really well for everyone who's joined the session uh the goal here is going to be to to provide a live content live training uh look at all your questions try and answer them live i have an eye on the on the comments i can see a lot of comments coming in already hello hi to everyone and and thank you for for joining this uh live session one thing i want to say before i i begin this live training session is uh i want to say a big thank you to to all of you uh who have who have helped my my channel grow over time um none of this would have been possible without uh without you all so thank you for supporting my work supporting my content uh thank you for liking the videos commenting sharing uh even thank you for disliking because if something was not good you you told me that this is not good and all that did is it it literally helped me uh try and gain more uh gain more understanding of what you guys need so this channel is is your channel uh i'm not selling this as my channel this is yours uh you tell me what kind of content you want uh you guys vote for it and and honestly all the videos i build is keeping you guys in mind so uh thank you so much uh once again and uh let's not waste any time this is youtube live um i want to ensure that i utilize uh the entire time fruitfully uh you guys know i'm fast so i'll try and go slow uh when i record i i i have the left i have the option of editing things out so if i make a mistake you can you can excuse me this is live my first attempt and uh i hope this turns out well all right so let's get started i will start with sharing my screen so i will switch over to my presentation i'm going to start with a very short presentation first on building power platform solutions using microsoft dataverse for teams and from here uh after the presentation is where i will showcase a live walkthrough of an example of what you can build uh in a matter of minutes with dataverse for teams and then from there is uh is where i'll show you a couple of examples of solutions that i've built and then we'll get straight into hands-on labs i plan to share the content with you all today so you can download the labs try out the labs and we will of course uh implement the la the labs live during the session as well all right so let's get started the learning objectives for for this course or this live session is we will first look at microsoft teams and power platform just a quick overview for for new folks as to what these two platforms are then we will look at what is microsoft dataverse for teams we will follow that up with different features of dataverse for teams the security and i see a lot of questions on security already so we'll talk about security and then we'll do a live walkthrough of how can we quickly build very simple app in teams using powerapps and then i'll walk you through a couple of scenarios that uh that i've built using dataworks for teams so that's the learning objectives of course we'll end today with hands-on lab so i plan to share that content with you guys today and we will execute that lab live next week okay so let's start with microsoft teams microsoft teams is the hub for teamwork in microsoft 365. chat call meetings sharing content collaborating we spend most of our times in microsoft teams on the other side we have the microsoft power platform which is the one low code platform that spans across the entire microsoft 365 suite of products and in the power platform we have four main pillars power bi which allows us to analyze our data powerapps which allows us to act on our data power automate which allows us to automate or create workflow processes and power virtual agents which allows us to build intelligent chatbots and all of these four pillars of this platform enable citizen developers me and you uh low code users and professional developers as well there's a space for everyone here to quickly build solutions for their business processes and apart from all of this on the power platform we have a key concept or a key service that's called microsoft dataworks now before i get into what is microsoft data works i can tell you this much that microsoft data worse or dataverse is not a database it's not it is not just a database there is more to it and in microsoft dataverse which is also known or formerly known now as cds or the common data service if you've heard about that it's not just the database you get a lot of things with this it's a service you get security which is extremely sophisticated you can secure your content at the table level you can secure your content at the row level you can secure your content even at the field level you can secure your content hierarchically as well based on access then there's logic you can write business rules calculations roll ups lookups plugins and a lot more then of course is your data and your data is relational in nature that means i can quickly create tables and relate those tables when with one another creating relationships in a gui like experience literally point and click and connect two tables together from a storage standpoint of course it's relational you can store files images unstructured data structure data and a lot more and finally the ability to integrate with with the powerful web hooks and apis that come along with microsoft dataworks so this is a complete data service that's packaged up and provided to you inside the power platform and bear in mind this is a part of the power platform so all of the services that we spoke about earlier power bi apps flows and bots they can all integrate with microsoft data works seamlessly and another advantage of this service is the fact that microsoft dataverse extends with azure at the back end is nothing but azure and there it uses a lot of the azure services from azure cosmos db to azure functions event hubs load balancing web jobs and a lot more so that means as my data grows the backend is already equipped to scale thanks to azure and that's the power of microsoft databus there are no limits here now that we've seen what's microsoft teams power platform has these four services now let's try and talk about microsoft dataverse for teams and i plan to stop and look at the chat as well i have an eye on the chat at all times so keep your questions coming in and uh post your questions and i will try and pop some of them on screen if i miss them no worries you can always uh once i have this live on youtube or once i have this recorded and available on youtube you can add in the comments there and i'll try and respond to all of them so data was for teams what is dataverse for teams we've seen dataverse you've seen microsoft teams now this is an amalgamation or a fusion of both of them dataverse for teams is nothing but that same low code data platform which is microsoft database offered to you directly within microsoft teams and here you have the support to build low code and no code apps flows and chatbots directly within microsoft teams now of course this is being offered to you inside of microsoft teams however the database or the data platform that's being offered to you here has only a subset of the capabilities that the full platform exposes of course it's a relational data storage system so you get that relational nature of the database plus it comes with a lot of rich data types and we'll look at that in the form of live demos soon now here comes uh the key aspects of dataworks for teams this is included at no additional license cost for you as long as you are a microsoft teams customer that means if i have any of the seated office licenses which comes along with which microsoft teams comes with in that scenario this is offered to you at no additional licensing cost so if you have access to teams if you have the license for teams you have the license to create data works for teams you have the license to build apps flows bots all of this at no additional licensing cost of course uh because something is being offered at no additional licensing cost there must be some limitations in that in that data service and uh one of the limitations which is very important to be aware of is that it supports up to 1 million records or 2gb storage capacity per team so every team in which i spin off this data service that data service or that database for that specific team has a limit of two gigs you cannot exceed that limit if you do you have the option then to upgrade to the full dataverse license model which basically takes you into the premium license realm we'll talk about that in detail later but bear in mind that you have the option to extend however the free version limits you up to 2gb now does that mean that uh if i stay within two gigs i can create as many teams as i want and i can have as many uh you know environments for data works for teams as i want well the answer to that is a no the way this works is for every 20 m365 licenses that you have your office licenses for every 20 license you get the ability in your tenant to create one environment so let's assume i have 100 licenses 100 e1 e3s e5s whatever i have 100 office licenses that means i can have up to five teams that can have this database created and each of those databases can go up to a maximum of 2 gb of course you have the option to upgrade but if you upgrade the entire licensing realm changes from free to premium for every user who is accessing that database either through an app through a flow through a bot it doesn't matter once you upgrade its premium okay i will stop here and look at some of the questions that are being posted in the chat i see a lot of uh highs and hellos uh coming in so hello everyone thank you um i'm trying to see if i can pop a few questions right here so let me try and test one out here so gerard uh who's a very avid follower of my channel says hello from ireland so hello gerard thank you for thank you for joining um all right let's see if we have if we have a few uh questions in here that i can pop onto the screen uh one of the questions here from ediron uh i'm sorry if i'm pronouncing your names wrong is uh what can you do with dataverse that you can't with with sharepoint that's a it's a really good question very very good question so uh i don't want to deep dive and give you all the answers here but i'll give you one key difference between sharepoint and microsoft database sharepoint is not a relational data storage system it is not uh dataverse is uh sharepoint has a lot of limitations in terms of when you're trying to create relationships using the lookup column there are limits in the number of items you can view the number of relationships you can create uh sharepoints are great for for for flat kind of architectures or structures of data but the moment you get into the relational nature of things uh dataverse or sql and database is nothing but sql by the ways it's backed by sequel will be will be a better choice to make than than sharepoint in in that kind of a scenario so i hope i was i was able to to answer uh that question um another question here is does does power apps require premium connectors to dataverse oh so i was recently uh recently i was doing a project i'll give you a classic example here uh they use dataverse and uh database was being used and they were connecting to salesforce i believe and they were using dataworks for teams and they were within the 2gb storage limit they built an app that connects to salesforce and they were like uh yeah it's free well it's free as long as the connectors that you're using in your apps floors and bots is dataverse or any other standard connector if you are using any connector that is premium okay so salesforce is a premium connector sql is a premium connector if you're utilizing those connectors then you need a premium license so it does data works for teams does not mean everything is free you need to be aware of what you are connecting to so bear in mind about that uh i see a lot of questions around security i have a slide coming up so i think that slide will answer those questions so i'm not populating that up on screen and any other question here that uh i can pop up i'll pop up one last question from uday kumar ready asks when to go for dataworks so i kind of kind of covered that if i use dataverse is delegation still expected and the answer is yes uh delegation and that is something that i've exclusively covered on my on my channel so if you've never seen those videos i'll recommend you to do so uh delegation is the ability of power apps to delegate the work of performing the queries to the underlying data source and this is great when you're dealing with large data sets data sets that grow beyond the magic number 2000 and powerapps now from a delegable data source standpoint as of today we have four we have sharepoint we have sql we have dataverse and we have salesforce now uh something that just came in literally two days ago uh so these are the only four data sources that support delegation and of course there are going to be restrictions and the functions that you're calling this is clearly highlighted in the documentation so i highly recommend you to read the docs to read the talks uh from a delegation standpoint dataverse offers the highest flexibility of course followed by sql followed by sharepoint followed by salesforce so so that's my answer or for for this question i hope that i was able to uh point you in the right uh direction so thank you for for asking questions keep them coming in and uh i will try and pop it i will try and pop them up on chat uh as much as i can trying to see if there is anything else and i'm sorry i'm new to this platform i'm trying to see how do i hide this okay so let's get back to the presentation deck i am moving on to the next part which i got a lot of questions on one of the questions was dataverse for teams uh security so how does security work i'm building a database technically inside of teams i'm getting this database i can create tables and then i can build an app on top of it and then because it's only for teams that app is only available within that team so how do i share that app do i even have a share option and the answer is no because you're using dataverse for teams you are limited to that specific team only that means the security is controlled by the security of your microsoft team and microsoft team follows the following security protocol which is omg and that's my naming standard that's not microsoft's omg means owners members and guests these are the three types of users you have in teams today and by default when you build an app in data works for teams and once you add that app as a tab to that specific team all of your teams users will get access to that app automatically you don't have to share anything and the way the security works is owners have full access to the tables and they can create apps flows and bots in that team same thing goes for members members have full access and they can create apps flows and bots in that team and when i say full access to tables i mean they can go and delete the table or change the schema or add data delete data full access and of course guest users users who are external to your to your tenant they also get access to the app inside the context of that team but they only have access to their own records and they cannot create apps flows and bots that means guest users by default get this private access to their own data and they cannot create anything but they can consume so this is how the security and data works for teams works now of course you're going to tell me whereas well members have full access and owner creates a table the member goes and wipes it out right or you know i don't want to do that i want members to have read access or members can only add or update their own data whereas they should be able to read other people's data so can we create sophisticated security here and the answer is yes there are there are options and i will show you that in the live demo uh another key concept before i take questions on security is microsoft teams security is owner's member's guest for that team but what if i want to share the app that i built just the app that i built with users who are not a part of that microsoft team so maybe let's take an example right human resources has a private microsoft team and they've built an app uh maybe an app that shows the holiday information right for the upcoming uh or benefits information whatever so hr builds that app and of course it's an internal app so only the hr team members get access to it but now i want to open that up to users who are not a part of that team now i do not want to invite them to my private team because if i do they get access to the chat and other content but i would like to share the app with them and maybe even the tables with them so can i can i go about doing something like that and the answer to that is a yes there is an option in database for teams called share with colleagues colleagues are users who are part of your organization only so you can share it with your internal users outside of that team and you can do so by adding a security group so there's a feature where you can define a security group whoever is a part of that security group will get access to that app only the app not to the team and that security group as of today has a limitation of a thousand users so if you want to share your app with more than thousand users who are not a part of the team you cannot do that today um i can give you a hint there are good things coming in in future but for now you are limited to that to that thousand number and of course uh if you have multiple apps that you've built inside the team you can decide which apps to share with users outside of your team so you can be selective in that manner plus you can define the security of colleagues at a table level as well so i can say you know what colleagues have access to only read the data so i can define that security at an independent table level so that's more or less about security i will go back to taking questions here now on the chat so let me go back and see what kind of questions we've got now uh all right so here comes a question from senthil kumar hello reza what good to see you on live again thank you uh live for the first time uh i thought dataverse has got a separate license like in powerapps so dataworst does require premium licensing but dataverse for teams does not require premium licensing as long as you are building things within that team you're using database within that team and you're not using any other premium connectors like sql or salesforce so the answer to your last question are we saying that dataverse comes with no additional cost the answer is yes it comes with no additional cost and trust me not many people know that okay um what are the questions we have how do i stop so anubhav gupta is asking this question how do i stop team members from editing the app great great question uh when you build an app in dataverse for teams only the the individual who's created that app which is more or less the owner or the member only they can edit that app because they are the creator of the app if they want other users to edit the app you will have to share that app with them just like you share your your app uh with other owners so you can add co-owners to your app great question there okay uh sorry trying to see if there are any other questions after i complete an app and this is from um um ibrahim after i complete an app can i copy an app to another team or another tenant and the answer is yes there are options here to export and import so so you you you have those kind of options here in database for teams um another question this one's from prasang which uh the question is is building a power app in teams same as traditional power apps uh the behavior is is similar the way you build the app or the location you go to build the app is different so uh there is the the microsoft team is trying to create a parity between these different locations that we go to to build the app uh but currently you have to go to two different places so traditional power app you go to for building apps and teams you go two teams and i will show you that in in the live demo shortly all right i'll take one last question um okay this one is from cheyenne how to share an app with a user who is in a different business unit i'm new to database for teams but but i wasn't able to do this with standalone canvas app either um if you're talking about the security that comes in dataverse which is business unit and hierarchical security that is not available in dataverse for teams uh if you were not able to do that in a canvas app uh that is probably because of the way you've set up the security of your tables and the security profiles that you that you've created for your uh users so that's that's a different conversation around canvas app but inside dataverse for teams uh you do not get that sophisticated security model and i'll show you what it looks like okay i think we've taken uh some questions i know there are more i'm sorry i can't take i can't take all the questions i have to be respectful of the time so i'll move ahead to uh the next part which is dataverse for teams features now i added this slide intentionally because i feel these are a common set of questions that that i have uh i have encountered when uh you know at events that i've spoken at so uh the first feature i want to highlight is that you can build apps flows and bots of course but the key here is you can build multiple apps multiple slows and multiple bots you're not limited to one app i've heard this a lot right i built database for teams and i built my app and i'm done no you can build as many apps as you want there are no limits build as many flows as many bots as you want 14. you can deploy them to your teams with a single button click so many folks ask me this how do i deploy this well you just publish your app and and the the gui that they've provided will walk you through that and i'll show you that in the demo as well uh another key feature is the home page in the powerapp that you build in dataverse for teams comes with a special layout that automatically creates an interconnected suite of controls for you out of the box and it is really cool when it when it plays out in action so i'll show you that live how when you add a table it just creates the screen for you and you're ready to go it's called the hero layout of course i have that question can i take something i built in one team and put it in a different team or maybe move it in a different tenant the answer is yes you can export you can import using solutions uh i don't know if someone asked this question but how do i get data that is not inside these tables maybe it's in a different system excel sharepoint sql i want to bring it into dataverse for teams you can do that now uh it's it's coming soon actually it's in it's in preview uh there's something known as data flows which allows you to quickly create a connection to your data no matter where it is and you can create a flow uh this is not power automate this is more like what you do in power bi like a power query you can connect to your data perform uh you know you can you can perform queries and you can normalize your data if you want to and then you can move that data inside dataverse for teams tables so you can do that using data flows and finally uh the thing that i want to highlight and i'll try and do one of the live sessions will be on on templates uh there are there are out of the box templates that that microsoft has provided i believe there are five today three in preview that you can directly go and download and import uh so there are around eight pre-packaged solutions that uh you can include in your teams and uh just by one click and you have a full-fledged solution that you can enable for your team's members plus you can customize it and extend it further so i'm a big fan of of customizing i'm a big fan of extending things uh i'm a big fan of of stealing things so if you feel there's something in that template that that that is valuable uh maybe you're trying to build something and a template has something really cool that they've built install the template look at the code copy it paste it reuse and that's the idea of of dataverse for teams templates okay so before i go to the demo once again i'll take a few questions and then head straight to the demos for 15 to 20 minutes that'll be the demo so let's me look at any other questions that have flown in since uh okay i have a question that is a repeat which this is from raj what is the benefits of using dataverse over sharepoint lists it's the relational nature that's just one example uh i want to give a huge shout out and thank you to to my my mvp colleague my friend dan christian thank you for being in the chat and he's answering all your questions and uh thank you dan i i really appreciate you being here and supporting i'm doing this all alone uh trying to manage everything here so it really helps and and i appreciate you being here dan thank you okay i'm trying to see if there are any any other specific questions uh on security which is more secured sharepoint document library or dataverse so a sharepoint security model uh you can secure your content at a list level or a library level you can secure your content at a row level uh dataverse offers a lot more sophisticated security sharepoint has limitations when you start breaking permissions if your item level permissions exceeds um i believe it's two thousand or five thousand that's not the view threshold it's the permission threshold then the performance starts degrading and sharepoint uh so from a security standpoint definitely dataverse wins because it offers a lot more flexibility and i'll show you how easy it is to set security for tables it's literally point and click i'll show you that uh i'll show you that live as we walk through it all right um next question this is from lokeshwar reddy please let me know i'm building an app with model driven can i connect with canvas for form filling back end is dataverse so we are talking about dataverse for teams and the only apps you can build currently in these are our canvas apps so uh you cannot build model driven apps as of today maybe it comes in future maybe not uh so uh data verse for teams does not have more model driven apps okay um any any other questions here i'm just trying to quickly skim through the questions uh another question here from prasang are the controls in powerapp teams same as traditional power apps uh the controls and power apps for teams are more catered towards the fluent controls uh these controls are more catered towards the design of teams so the answer is the controls are similar but they are not the same so so please so please bear that in in mind all right i think we've we've gone through all the questions so now i will switch back and let me try and project my second screen so that we can start the demo so i'll stop my screen share start sharing my screen and go to screen number two and i'll focus purely on the content okay so let's do a live walkthrough of dataverse for teams the first key aspect to understand is that dataverse for teams you have to build your apps inside of teams you do not go to if you go here you are building your app in the traditional model okay you're building your app inside the context of environments these are standard power apps these are not your team's integrated power apps for creating power apps inside of teams what you need to do is if you go to apps inside teams left hand side just go to apps and here search for our apps and there's an app for powerapp you just got to go ahead and add this i have already added this inside my team's browser and once you do i will recommend you to right click on it and pin it so that you always have that app available on the left hide on the left side navigation rate so i have my app right here inside of teams which is called powerapps and this experience is what is called dataverse for teams so if i build an app here i'm actually using dataverse for teams so the key is to come here and not go to next when you start creating apps inside dataverse for teams the first question that gets gets asked is which team are you creating this app for and why is it asking us this question the reason is because it data works for teams only and only works for teams so you have to create your app for a specific team you cannot go across teams you have to create it for one now because i want to show you this from scratch i will quickly go and create a team so let's go and create a team in microsoft teams from scratch i'll create a private team i'll call this my life team i'll click create and this is just a very simple microsoft team getting created in a matter of seconds and here is my team called the live team right i can have conversations i can add owners members and guest users now in order for me to build an app for this team i will head over to powerapps i will go to start now and here i will search for my team select my team and click create now the moment i do this this should not have happened but it did that's because i just created the team so let me try and refresh this once again this is live okay so back to the powerapps app inside of teams i'll go to start now and i will search for the live team again with my fingers crossed i'll click create okay no problem i will click on start and i will select an existing team so i have a team here called play zone so i'll select the steam and i will click create now all i did is i picked a team and i'm creating an app inside that team now when this happens if this is the first time an app is being created for the team it will not create the team or it will not create the app instantaneously there may be a delay now why is there a delay what is happening it's very important to understand this if i go to power apps whereas you're going to power apps yes i'm going to power apps because i want to go to the admin center to show you something inside the admin center in the power platform if we look at environments each environment has a type associated with it and there is a special type called microsoft teams now microsoft teams means this environment got created inside of teams and this environment is where that database lives which database data was for teams so the moment you spin off the first app any owner or member who creates an app inside a team inside database for teams the first thing that will happen is the creation of this environment and that's the reason why you may have a delay to start with once you have the environment created the next time you create an app and this was the case for this example here it immediately took me to the app creation experience so here i can give my app a name i'm going to call this i'm going to keep calling it live because this is the live stream stream i want to make sure that i have my app name accurate so i'm going to name my app i'm calling this live registration i'll click save and this is the complete powerapps maker experience for you right here inside the context of microsoft teams and as part of this you have your standard powerapps controls on the left hand side if i go to insert here are all my controls i can insert labels buttons all those controls are right here i can get data in can get media files i can connect to data sources now here is where the magic of data works for teams comes into play because i'm building an app inside the context of microsoft teams i have the option here now to create tables and these tables will get created in that database in that environment that got created for this team so if i click create a new table i can give my table a name i will call it my registration table so i'll call this registration live i'll click create for folks who are familiar with excel i'm just creating a table in excel for folks familiar with sharepoint i'm just creating a list like experience in sharepoint for sql folks i'm creating a table in sql just like that i'm creating a table in dataverse for teams and this experience is actually very similar to sharepoint here i got my primary key which is the name column that got created and right here i can click on the plus icon and start creating additional columns and these are the rich set of data types that are provided to us if you observe i have not left the context of microsoft teams everything is happening inside teams so let's take a scenario i'm trying to build a registration system wherein users can come in my team members can come in and register for training okay so i have the name wherein the user can give some information about what they need uh and for training i'll create a choice column i'll call this uh training training and let's say we're offering trainings for apps flows and bots okay so i've just created a choice column very similar to sharepoint right you have that formatting option you have that here as well you can add those formatting options i'll click create so i so i have a second column created inside that table uh maybe i want them to give me a date at which they want to take the training so i'll create a date column and of course i can create many other pieces of information right here in the interest of time i'll keep this table very simple i just created a table and this table now i will go ahead and click on close now the moment i click on close this table has got saved plus this table has got connected to my power app and i can see that right here under data it's called registration lives okay now where is that hero layout that i was talking about in the presentation right here now we have the option to start with data so if i click this all i need to do is provided a data source i already have the table connected i'm just going to select this and the moment i do this what's going to happen is it's going to create a screen for me with a lot of controls that are interconnected so let's just go and preview the app and see this app in action here i have a registration system i can click on new record this opens up the form associated with that table so let's say uh i need app training okay i need some app training i need this by the 22nd of july and i need some powerapps training i'll click save and guess what happened this got recorded and i can see the details right here i can create more records right here i need flow training okay and excuse my spelling speeds trying to save time so i need this by tomorrow i need some flow training there you go so what's happening here the power app has created a screen that connects to that cable and performs full crud operations creating records editing records so i can change information click save so i can edit records i can even delete records and all of this is provided to us with this new option of a hero layout now this is power apps you're not limited to data verse right you can connect to any data source maybe i want to connect to sharepoint here maybe i have some training information lying in sharepoint i want to bring that here go to add data go to connectors and connect to any data source of your choice if it's sharepoint connect to sharepoint you're not limited here right you want to create more tables go to add data create another table you want to edit the existing table go here edit this add more columns change things you have the full power right here and all of this at no additional licensing cost as long as you do not pick a connector that has this diamond symbol next to it that clearly says that this is a premium connector you are trying to use that's the key and once you have your app built out and you want to push this out to your team members remember one click i click on publish to teams this will now save the power app create a version publish the app okay so it creates that major version of your power app all of that is happening at the back end full versioning support and this now will list out all the channels in my team bear in mind this does not work with private channels these channels have not to be those private channels okay so in my case here i just have one channel which is the general channel in my team if i want to add this app as a tab i just click on this plus icon here and this app now should be available so i will close this so it will now push the app as a tab to my team and now if i go to that team which is my play zone team here i have that live registration power app so if i just select that it should now load that app right here inside microsoft teams and who can access this app every user of my microsoft team my owners my members and my guest users now i am in the browser experience and sometimes the browser experience does act up as you can see so i have to refresh my my browser and once i did i have that same app running inside the context of microsoft teams and this took me literally 10 minutes to build of course this is just a prototype it's just a model that i created to show you what's possible with dataverse for teams now if i head back to powerapps again inside microsoft teams remember everything has to happen from here now if i go to the build tab this will list out all the teams for which i am an owner or a member and there has been the environment created so here if i go to that team which is called play zone here it will list out all the artifacts that are available inside that team and if i go to see all this will list out everything inside that team and this team i've built a lot of stuff as you can see if i go to apps i have built plenty of apps one of them is my live registration app and if i select this it will take me back to that editing experience wherein i can make modifications to the app and i can republish it also if i head over to tables this will list out all the tables as part of the app and one of the tables here was that registration live table that i created directly from the powerapp i can also create tables right here if i select this this shows me all the columns of that table and just like sharepoint has those additional columns created by modified by createddate dataverse also has those kind of columns those system columns that it creates if you want to only look at your columns you just change the view to custom and it will show you the columns that you created in my case i only had those three columns i can see all those three columns right here next if i try and add a column in this experience in this experience if i go to data type you will observe that the data types that are available right here are a lot more have a lot more options than the data types that were being showcased inside that powerapps maker experience that maker experience is a quick create experience so you don't get all the column types if you want to leverage additional column types and just check the power of dataverse here you can create a column type of email url auto numbers whole numbers language choices currency files floating point numbers i can bet you on this it's the most powerful and provides the most richest data types amongst all the data sources possible so that's the power that you get right here plus just like sharepoint right you can create views right just like sql i can create views so i can go here and add a view create a view add columns add filters just like i do plus i can create relationships i can relate tables together so if i had multiple tables i can go add a relationship and this is primary key foreign key just like we do in sql it's a lot of work we got to do right go to one table create the primary key go to another table create a foreign key this does it for us out of the box if i want to create a relationship pick your relationship type just pick your table okay and just click done that is it it will create a relationship create the primary key foreign key create the columns for you in both those tables automatically that's the magic of dataverse for deems it's relational in nature you cannot do this in sharepoint you cannot do this in excel you can do this in sql but it's a lot of work here you can do it literally through a gui like experience and these views that you get here have a lot of power to them if i head back to that power app which is my live registration power app this will launch that app once again inside the context of microsoft teams if i launch that app again right here when you create a gallery and you connect to dataverse so right here is my gallery control you can see my data sources that registration table you see you have the option of views you do not get this option in any other data source you get it in dataverse it is extremely powerful you don't have to write queries apps just write your queries on your tables in your views and just relate those views right here and this views properties something that you can even change dynamically extremely powerful use cases can be created here plus in data verse for teams you get this magic option or object called teams and what do i get with this team's integration object well let's try and add a label to my screen and i'll place this label right here on the top if i try and connect to that object teams i can get a lot of information about the team in which this app is running okay for example is this running in full screen mode is this app running inside a side panel inside a microsoft teams meeting what is the theme of my theme dark mode light mode i can change the styling of my app based on that property which channel is this running under which meeting is this running under you can build apps for meetings as well i've done a video on that so do check it out plus i can get information about the team in which this app is running for example what's the name of the team or what's the id of the team right i can trigger a flow that sends an adaptive card to my team's members i need the id of my team i can get it right here extremely extremely powerful scenarios can be created with this so these are some of the basic concepts that i want to showcase and i hope that this was this was useful and you've learned something new now of course i didn't want to just build something from scratch and say okay this is how you build things i want to show you things as well so i'll show you three examples quickly of things that i built using dataverse for teams the first example i will showcase is a help desk solution that i built in dataverse for teams and uh this is loading up right here and this is something that we are going to build in a hands-on lab as well uh not exactly the ui won't be exactly this but you'll build something very very similar okay as we go through the labs and here is that power app data verse for teams i have the gallery here of all the tickets i select my ticket i can see the information i can create new tickets i can edit existing tickets it's that same experience at the back end i have a table i have a flow for running workflow processes and i have a chat board so users can interact with the bot as well so i think so you can create these kind of experiences in a matter of minutes it took me 20 minutes to build this app and you see right here it says ticket id is number seven so maybe i created a ticket the idea seven in beta verse we can also build bots one of the live sessions in future will be around bots so don't miss that here i have a bot called the help desk bot it's a chatbot in teams so here as a user i can say hi okay natural language i'm conversing with a bot and i'm i'm asking the board or i'm positioning a hi to the bot the bot says okay what can i help you with today uh i need my ticket status reza you spelled my incorrectly yes it's okay it's natural language it should be able to understand my intent you see it did now it says what is your ticket number so i'll say you know what my ticket number is seven now what it's going to do the bot is going to go look at the database check to see what's the status of that ticket and guess what the status of that ticket was spending so it tells me the ticket status is pending so as a user i don't even have to go to the app i can just interact with the bot and the bot can tell me the status of the ticket i can even create a ticket by answering questions to the bot hey i need a quickly i need a help desk uh this is my use case and the bot goes and creates a ticket in your system all of this at no additional licensing cost everything what i'm showing you today uses the standard licensing realm inside of dataverse for teens that's one example let me show you a second one this is called a quiz based app for folks who followed me on my channel and looked at my videos i do show this sometimes as part of demos so in this app is an option for the user to take quiz okay so team members can come in and answer questions pertaining to a quiz and the questions here are coming from a table i have a table in dataverse for teams wherein admins are populating the questions the app reads those questions and those questions are presented to the user in a random manner the user can answer the questions the answer to this is 2000 so i will lock my answer it says awesome that's correct let's go to question number two i'm going to purposely give a wrong answer and if i do that the quiz ends i get a score now this is where i use the integration features well i got a score the score is 500 now i want to post this to my microsoft team as an adaptive card i want to tell my team members that i took the quiz i scored 500 points now here i have a magic button inside of apps when i click this button i'll tell you what's happening when i click that button i trigger flow i pass the id of my microsoft theme from that team's object because i need to know for which id is that flow being called or for which team and then the flow creates this adaptive card you see it just did it and it posted it to that microsoft team stating that reza took this quiz and scored 500 points we will be building adaptive cards as well in one of the hands-on labs so if you've never used adaptive cards or you've never tried the flow bot i think this will be a good learning experience for you to follow those hands-on labs and we'll build it all live so here's an example uh i the flow actually also creates a certificate i'm pretty sure it did uh if my if my flow did not fail so you see right here it sent me a certificate as well stating that reza you took the quiz great job you scored 500 points so you can create these amazing experiences just by leveraging database for teams and one final demo that i will show you before i head over and take questions and then open the floor up for q a and share the hands-on lab content with all you guys is a solution called expense reporting now this solution was something i built a year ago inside of inside of data verse the full version and when data was for teams came out i was like i want to make this i want to make this inside of data works for teams and i wanted to see how difficult it would be for me to move a solution that is premium outside of the scope of database into database and to my surprise it was not that difficult i literally just exported the package as a solution got it inside dataworks for teams and just reconnected the dots and within two hours i had the solution working inside dataworks for teams at no additional cost and this is an expense reporting solution wherein users can come in and create expenses so i'm creating an expense i'm going to call this live training expense and trust me i have a lot of expenses so i'm going to pick my date for the expense uh i will build this to microsoft hopefully they pay me please do and i will click create now all i've done right now is i've created an expense basically i've created a record in a table inside dataverse for teams now dataverse is relational in nature so what's the power i can relate tables together so for every expense the user can have multiple line items basically multiple receipts so let's check this out i'm running this in my browser imagine i was running this on a mobile device when i click add when i click upload receipt if i was on my mobile device my camera control would light up and i can directly take a picture of a receipt live in this scenario i'm just going to pick a receipt and now here comes in more magic when i pick this receipt i have an azure function that's running at the back end that gets triggered and what that function does is it performs artificial intelligence on the receipt so the receipt that i uploaded is from little caesars uh the dollar amount is 12 and the transaction date of that receipt is october 2nd 2014. i stole that from the web so if you observe here look at the power i added a receipt i uploaded a receipt i could have taken the picture live i did not even have to fill the details right azure came in of course i have to pay the license cost for azure but azure came in performed artificial intelligence on the receipt and grabbed the information for me and now i can save this and just like that i have an expense that got created and associated related to a receipt if i click on this it will open up that receipt that image that i just uploaded this could have been from the camera control let me add another one why another one one is too many relationship one expense can have many receipts here i can upload a second receipt so let's say i upload this receipt once again the moment i upload the receipt that azure function is running in the back end it's going to perform the query grab the information and plug it here in this case it did not work so well so i'll just put my own details here and i will click save i guess what happened it added the information here it gives me the total cost right now i can click submit what happens it submits my expense for approval i have a flow that triggers an approval process the approvers are picked dynamically based on the cost center they get notified in teams they can approve or reject all of this we will be doing in the form of hands-on lab so you will get the full experience whatever i'm demoing right now it's not just a demo the goal was to give you a taste of what we are getting into and that right now is in pending status with the approver who is reza and i can directly send an email to reza as well if i click this um you can see that it opened my email i'll kind of sneak my email in here you see open the email i can just send an email to the approver and say okay why are you not approving this of 24.72 i even have a chat board for this so i have an expense reporting bot there's the approval by the way uh so here's a chatbot i'm going to say hi so hi to the chatbot again the chatbot will come alive and welcome me hi reza what do you want i need details of my expense natural language again it's gonna say okay uh what status are you looking out for well i only need my pending expenses okay enter the dollar amount uh the dollar amount is uh 20 dollars check this out i'm just writing natural language text i said 20 dollars i'm hoping this works the chatbot should pick the number 20 query my data source there you go and give me a nice looking rich experience here that shows all my expenses that are pending and greater than 20 dollars and check this out live training expense the one that we just created is right here and if i click on this this will deep link directly into the powerapp to that specific item that's the kind of powerful experiences we can build for our users in no time whatsoever so these were some examples of dataverse for teams uh the solutions you can build the bots you can build the tables the relationships and just wanted to show you the true power of what's possible now i'll switch back to me and the floor of course is is open for questions and i will then share the hands-on lab content i'll share that in 10 minutes in fact let me put the link at the bottom so you can grab the link uh there is where's the link sorry i'm just getting used to this there's the link right there at the bottom the link is case sensitive it has my presentation that i presented today plus it has the hands-on lab content for day one day one hands-on lab content which is building an app with power apps inside of teams i will execute that step by step in the next session which will be next saturday same time 11 o'clock eastern step by step we will execute it plus i will enhance it okay i don't want to just you know follow the steps and okay that's what we do no i will enhance it i'll add things on the fly maybe you can say okay reza can we do this can we do that i'll try and see if i can incorporate those as well so we try and enhance the experience and as i walk through it if you have any questions you can go through that we will look at it try and solve it on the call itself if not you can always connect with me later so now we're going to look at the chat all right um all right uh let's see let's see what questions are in here what are the key points for deciding sharepoint unless data was for teams this is a question from artanu i kind of threw that out uh data was for teams uh one thing to understand is there is a limit the limit is 2gb if your data is going to grow beyond that you have the option to upgrade but if you do you have to pay the premium license cost for every user so if you want to stay within that premium realm uh whether the step within the standard licensing realm and you want to use database for teams you have to be mindful of that limit you cannot you cannot break that limit okay we know that feeling all right any any other questions uh all right i see danielle is us answering so many questions man he's he's doing an amazing amazing job uh here's another question from dina bandhu how to share files from sharepoint links to mails now uh you can connect to sharepoint from database for teams and sharing files you would more or less go to flow so flow has an action called share link you can use that action and you can share content so that's the answer there um the next question i see here is from foreign thank you thank you for joining can i import components from my component library into an app built in powerapps for teams fantastic question components is currently in preview first of all uh that's that's the first point second dataverse for teams currently does not have the concept of component library uh based on my knowledge right now it's not available so you can build local components inside your apps uh however microsoft just made an announcement literally a day ago that uh local components will be deprecated so don't use that so my suggestion is not to use components inside dataworks for teams for now wait for component libraries to come into play and of course let it go into ga general availability so that you can use it freely and without uh without any stress all right uh raj says thank you reza for the event thank you raj thanks for joining um okay fab question from artanu is there any limitation of pva count under teams the answer is no you can build as many bots as you want uh plus someone asked the question on api calls when you create a flow and you trigger the flow from data works for teams from pva power virtual agents when you call a flow that flow gets 15 000 api calls per day for free 15 000 so if i build a board like for example my help desk bot i asked it a question it you know it scanned my database gave me the response all of those actions that were taking place at the back end maximum four or five actions so 15 000 actions per day is what i can call per per flow so that's the power of per bot so that's the power of pva and you have no limits as to how many bots you can build uh here's another question this time from trong what happens when we reach the data limit in database for teams can we buy more storage there is no option for buying storage there is the option for upgrading and when you upgrade you go to the full licensing model your environment transforms into the standard power platform environment the type will change and in that case of course there are storage uh limitations as well and you can buy additional storage but you go into the premium licensing realm so that's a very important thing to be aware of if you're planning to build large-scale solutions inside dataworks for teams and you want to stay within the premium within the standard standard licensing realm okay um here's another question can you run a flow against dataverse and archive to sharepoint for items that were completed thinking great idea uh yes you can do things like that you can write flows to archive items i have built a solution wherein i have stored files in sharepoint and i have the metadata in database now the advantage is i get the relational system in dataverse i don't store files and database for teams because i know that files will quickly eat up the 2gb capacity limit so i have a pointer or a reference to the files in sharepoint so these kind of counter solutions can be implemented um okay can we okay what other questions do we have dan looks like dan is literally walking through all the questions so thank you dan once again uh someone says all right pirate says i didn't know about views that's awesome that's true views are truly awesome and extremely extremely powerful very powerful um hi reza how about environments raja how about environment storage capacity limitation notice by environment capacity limits so every time you create an environment data verse for teams it depends on the license if you have 20 m365 licenses you can create one environment for teams that's free if you're talking about standard environments power platform environments you need minimum one gig storage capacity to create an environment if you don't you would have to buy that capacity and you can get it independently i believe forty dollars per month or uh you can buy premium licenses which will add to your tenant capacity all right uh what other questions do we have uh another question here is can we use premium connectors you can uh but if you use premium connectors you need premium licensing for all your users who are using that app okay um when would we get the hands-on lab reza well the link is running in the ticker right here at the bottom uh i need some confirmations that you were able to access the link so please just put that in chat just give a plus one few confirmations will do there's another question can we use canvas app in offline mode i'm actually working on a video idea around offline the answer is yes very limited storage capacity so you have to be very careful uh this question is from vara prasad so answer is yes but you have to be careful okay um what other questions do we have all right de lauer reza out of context it's okay wanted to build an invoice builder and powerapp portal how can i do this well portals is a different concept completely and i want to be honest i have done very little work with portal so i may not be the right guy uh there's a guy called nick doleman uh recommend you to follow him send me an email message me on twitter i'll give you his reference um i know two three other folks who who are really good at portal so i would highly recommend you to to connect with them and i'll be more than happy to to give you that direction uh all right here's another question from rk could you please suggest a little bit about e1 e5 license models now i don't want to make this a licensing session but uh all the enterprise licenses e ones all the way to e5s they come with teams and if they come with teams they come with dataworks for teams so if you have any of those licenses you have that model i have plus ones coming in so thank you um what other questions do i have okay and i think that covers all the questions uh one final one i'll take here can we have environment variables this is from bk so environment variables so i can change those when i move from a different team what happens to database for teams migration tables so when you migrate you can migrate the structure of the tables not the data but now with data flows you can move the data as well you can build a data flow that connects to one environment and you can import it so that is a possibility uh i don't think it's there right now but it's coming soon um and talking about environment variables you can surely create environment variables there but honestly when you are using dataverse you do not need environment variables because by default the way dataverse works is it it connects to your current environment so as i move environments it's already aware of the tables in that specific environment so uh i don't think you need that here but it's possible okay uh here's another question how can we share apps and this question is from john how can we share the apps between teams which has different members together with the same data fantastic question uh there is so if you have a requirement wherein you have a table and you want to share that table with uh three different teams you can actually do that when you connect to a table you have the option to change the environment uh i showed this in a quick tip in on my twitter handle once i think i put out a small gif uh so it is possible but there are some constraints constraint number one everyone needs to have access to that table uh so if reza is trying to access a table in a different team reza does not have access to that table then well it's not gonna work right so you need to be aware of that um okay so i think i was able to answer most of the questions uh i will and dan has answered all the other questions so let me try and switch over once more and show you a few more things before we wrap up for today for day one uh because i had these kind of questions so i'll go back to powerapps again inside dataverse for teams and here if i head over to the build tab and if i look at my team so here's my play zone team if i go to tables i have my registration live table you see i have the option here to manage permissions if i select this i can manage security at a table level now owners have full access and this cannot be changed you cannot modify this you cannot say that uh i have dan and reza the owners of a team uh reza can do everything but dan cannot modify things no that's not how it works if you are an owner of the team you have full access it cannot be changed period okay now for members i can change by default members have full access i can give them collaborate access wherein they can create and read all records and they can only update or delete their own records i can give them read-only access i can give them private access to their own data or i can completely revoke their access from a table this is the sophisticated security model that i was talking about the advantage here is it's literally click and save i don't have to go break permissions and do this and item level security nothing just do this and it will automatically apply that security and the users who are accessing the app will see the changes if i go to guest users they are private by default they can only see their own records but i can change this i can give them collaborate access or i can give them full access it all depends upon your use case and you can do this on a table by table level also apart from this you have this option called colleagues right i can share my app with colleagues users who are outside of my team here they don't have any access to the tables but i can grant them access someone who asked the question right now how do i share a common table between people well create a team create a table have your common data create a security group when you have all those users add that security group here i'll show you how go to the table go to colleagues and give them the access read access save and if you want to share the app with colleagues all you have to do is go to apps share with colleagues pick the apps that you want to share and enter the security group right here and click save that's all you have to do so that's how you can create those kind of experiences for your users extremely extremely powerful okay i am still looking at commands uh all right bk says reza thanks for questions and this session appreciate your insight thank you for joining uh what permissions are needed to start creating apps for teams a question from arun all you need to do is you need to be an owner of the team or you need to be a member of the team if you are either of those and you have access to this app powerapps the powerapps app inside of teams your team's administrator can block it can block it if it is not blocked you can go and start creating this right away okay how many security groups can we grant permission question from arthur again uh you can only grant one as of today only one and that one can have a maximum of thousand users only okay uh the lab content i can see that some forks are having issues with or may be having issues with the lab content all you have to do is just go to that link that i shared and here is the presentation deck and here is the lab content and next saturday i am hoping that each and every one of you who join me today will come back next week go and tell others if you liked it go and tell others how awesome this was or tell others that it was not that great if it was not so be honest give honest feedback and if you felt that this session was useful i think the best way to repay is to share go and share this and tell folks to come and join these sessions uh i will do more of these if i get a great response so the more love you show the more i do and this hands-on lab content has been created by me step by step with screenshots we will create a help desk power app next week step by step so if anyone who's not joined the first session no problem you can come back next week and we will start from scratch and we will go through all of these steps what do i need next week when i come in here all you need is an account that has an office license that has access that has access to create to create data works for teams apps that means you need a team's license if you don't have that i will recommend you to sign up for a developer account i will share that link next week so you can quickly create an account you create your own tenant and start building things in your own tenant if you've never done that start doing that and we will walk through step by step and go through and build tables build relationships um create an app and create a lot of amazing things so i am looking forward and uh really really thank you everyone for for joining and i hope this presentation was good i hope you learned something new or you saw something new uh if you did share the content like the content and uh thank you once again uh the floor is open for questions so i'm here i'll be here for another 15 minutes to answer any additional questions and i would like to say thank you once again all right let's see foreign foreign says thank you reza and danielle i think those three claps can be multiplied by a hundred and and go to daniel again so danielle thank you man really appreciate it uh abdul says excellent presentation and live demo thank you reza thank you sir thank you for joining brendan says thank you uh all right gerard says thanks reza you said this is your first live session yes it is it's my first live session super nervous uh i'm in an apartment here my lighting might not be great uh my audio i'm hoping is sounding well really my setup right now if i show you the way i've set things up is insane i i somehow created an experience for for you guys so i hope i hope it was it was good okay uh danielle's twitter handle is d christian19 he has an amazing youtube channel as well uh so so do check that out and uh he is he is a great person to follow um okay any other questions learned a lot in an hour than i have done all week god bless reza god bless you too thank you for joining by d thanks you are a very avid follower of my channel really really appreciate that uh srinivasa said i joined a little late this session is very nice thank you thank you so much for joining sir any other questions uh mbm says thank you reza love your content great session thank you danielle been learning a lot from you guys thank you thank you i think and i say thank you from from uh danielle's side as well all right any other questions looking for questions only questions now and if you want to post a question put the letter q and then post your question because i'm getting a lot of chat uh i'm trying to scan the questions from that chat okay let's see uh sheikh samad says using devops can we move database for team solutions from dev to broad i don't believe uh you can do so today so um i know you can do so with environments the standard environments but not where data works for teams environments i'm hoping that support comes soon i would say no for now 50 80 percent sure that it's no okay uh all right lolita says raza a quick question on dataverse is there a way how you can increase the size of it without buying licenses there is no way to increase the size without buying licenses if you're talking about standard dataworks you can buy the capacity it's a 40 like per month license for i believe one gig or 10 gig don't hold me for that uh either of the two there is there is a way where you can buy capacity not licensed just buy capacity so you can spin off environments please note environments do not require premium licensing it just requires capacity not licensing licensing adds to your capacity so great great question i'm glad this question popped up okay i built a power apps and teams but while using it in the channel tab the ui got distorted why um if you have built it you um if you have built it with the mobile experience like i did for the expense reporting solution i showcased the key thing to note is it is not responsive by design you have to make it responsive using the responsive containers it's a lot more work i have done videos on responsive design so i will recommend you to check that out uh ideally the out of the box layout that comes in should not be distorted uh if you are experiencing that issue i would recommend you to raise it in the user voice okay uh okay then there's another question a quick question okay this we answered devops we answered uh okay question sorry for late asking what are the limitations for data versus security the only limitations for data versus security is first of all who can access your i'm talking about data verse for teams who can access database for teams owners members and guest users of that team only they can access your content plus colleagues colleagues are users who are externally to a team who are within your organization and you can define them in that security group that can have a maximum of thousand users as of recording of the session today so those are from an access standpoint who you can give access to from a security standpoint you can give full access to tables read access column levels uh sorry row level security and no access you cannot do column level security in dataverse for teams you cannot do um hierarchical security and database for teams for that you need the full data verse model you need the premium licensing all right next question i'm literally taking every question right now so when you build a flow with database for teams with security contacts data that doesn't run under the answer is depends upon the trigger of your flow if uh if i build a flow that triggers on a schedule or triggers uh when an item is created that means it's going to run under the context of the person who created the flow basically the connectors that it's running under uh if the flow triggers from powerapps in that case it's the person who is clicking a button to execute that flow same concept and we'll be covering this in the hands-on labs all right thanks reza and dan big fan of both thank you thank you rajo uh i joined this session late we will you add this video to your youtube channel yes i will uh i'm new to this i'm hoping i can i am pretty sure that there will be an option so this will be available on demand so do check that out pawan says thanks raza what's the timing for next week the timing will be the same always for the next three four sessions at least that is every saturday at night at 11 a.m eastern est eastern standard time usa 11 a.m est every saturday i'll try my best to keep that schedule okay uh database for teams in power automate have additional steps to retrieve choice tech instead of number yes yes it's a big pain i have tried that i have avoided that in the hands-on lab specifically because it requires some sort of uh json um deep diving so uh maybe in the hands-on lab or maybe during that session i'll try and show you this so raymond great point uh great great point and yes uh it is a bit of a pain and i hope that uh the team gives us a dynamic content that i choose and it just gives me that choice value that demo that i showed in the bot that shows you the status of the ticket it's a choice column if i show you the code it's a long code just to transform that good into that text it's not that easy great point okay dan is still answering questions okay uh okay i get this question a lot can we embed the apps in sharepoint i would say no uh great great question i've seen this three times right now so i would say no something to try out i don't think you can do so it only works with those apps that you create in the standalone structure the goal for these apps is to live and breathe within teams if i go to the powerapps app on my mobile device i won't get these apps i have to go to the teams app on my mobile app and then launch the app so keeping that in mind i would say no all right uh all right all right all right here's another question central says got this from daniel on responsive designing uh by default in teams okay teams by default the apps that you create are not responsive by design they are not they are using containers but it's not responsive try it out go and try opening that up on the mobile device it won't be responsive uh the three solutions that i showed today the power quiz app was the app that i made responsive using containers it's a bit more work to make it responsive uh i know i've done a lot of videos i know dan has done a lot of videos on responsive containers so so check it out okay great stuff can't wait for the next video yes sir me too uh all right thanks for the session i'm not populating all the questions now i'm just looking for questions uh all right so george says reza you are amazing thank you i don't have a question but watch out in the coming days i'll be busy testing the labs and will hit you by strong you can try and connect with me i will respond as and when i get an opportunity uh trust me guys i get 100 questions a day on you know personal messages people say share your whatsapp number i end sharing my whatsapp number uh you can connect with me on twitter if i get the time i will respond i respond to every comment i give the highest preference to commence on my channel so if you comment on my videos related to my video i i do make it a point to answer uh even if it is an unrelated comment it's okay i try to answer if i or at least give you direction if i cannot uh i at least point you in the right direction because i i feel it's my responsibility to answer so i try my best to answer everyone uh i do it out of choice i don't know if other people do it it's their choice uh i i feel like i owe you guys something so if you ask me a question i better respond of course if you send me an email or you you like message me on facebook i don't check those quite often so the response may be delayed okay uh sheikh someone once again you're asking a lot of questions can we use custom connector directly in database for teams all right so in dataverse for teams if you build your custom connector in azure api management as your apim if you build your api your custom connector from there and you publish that custom connector to your database for teams environment that connector will be considered as a standard connector you heard that right as a standard connector no premium licensing the example that i showcased of that ai piece that is not using ai builder ai builder is not available inside of dataworks for teams i actually built a custom connector using azure apim that connects to azure form cognitive services and scans that uh scans that image or that receipt and returns the data and that connector is a standard connector because because i am you i'm deploying it from azure api and for your question can i export and import you can do things like that but if you just build it in azure api you can just publish it to any environment you want it's very very powerful so check that out uh highly highly recommend you to check that out okay next question is it possible to deploy the same app in different teams possible uh you would have to export it take it to a different team and deploy it but then you have two versions of that app so uh can i have one version and 100 uh you know team 100 teams using that no you'll have to create multiple versions okay uh question if our m365 subscription is from a third party like rackspace can we still get it for free hmm i would say yes i would say yes because you're paying for the license cost but i am not too familiar with how the licensing protocol works with the third party so my guess would be yes try it out you will come to know uh okay next question what are the limitations for guests outside of your organization there are no limitations uh just like users can access the app guest users can they can go to the tab by default the security for guest users is private access so they can only see their own data but you can change that in the security options for the table and who can change the security options in a table only the owner of that table all right i have to pop this up this is really funny dan says i have reza's phone number dan you're not sharing that i'll have to change my phone number then okay but that's funny okay yeah for a million dollars i think iron dan will give it away okay uh what else you're the man reza appreciate your time thank you thank you for joining uh that's all your great dan thank you uh all right yes here's another question why is there no drop down control here that's because the controls that you get in dataverse for teams are those fluid type of controls i mentioned before we look at it in the next session you know we look at that and there's a combo box combo box is just like a drop down and uh you can there's a property in a combo box called single select honestly if you ask me i prefer a combo box any day over a drop down a combo box the user can search right if i have a drop down with 20 options you want your users scanning 20 options combo box is any day better than a drop down control so uh not selling it but just putting that option there all right reza can we make a power app fully offline uh no a canvas app no uh a model driven app yes uh canvas app no uh yes what is the size the size depends upon the size of your device uh and that varies device per device i think there is a top limit of two mags maybe uh i'm planning my video and of course when i do i do a lot of research so i will read through all the documentation because i want to make sure i put the right information in front of you guys so i don't know what that exact limit is but it's very minimal and you have to be very careful can i take everything offline no no you won't be able to do that okay my team kept complaining about the license expiring sometime when they want to access power apps we are using e3 any idea what that is your team might be using connectors in the app that is premium and they must have taken the trial license for premium which expires after a month so that might be might be what they are getting it's my guess i would have to see what your team is doing okay dan has to drop thank you dan big shout out to you buddy uh who else can we get some training on power bi so so guess what there is a reza as well uh his name is reza rad he has a channel called radacad r-a-d-a-c-a-d he's a very good friend of mine uh his name is reza as well uh i would highly recommend you to follow him i am no power bi expert i get a lot of kudos that he gets because our names are the same uh but it's him and not me so i would highly recommend you to follow reza rad he posts out videos on his youtube channel he does a lot of training and he's an amazing amazing guy uh ten steps ahead of me so follow him reza rad rad okay uh any other questions everyone's thanking dan so am i kudos to you and your team i have i'm assuming this is for me i have no team it's me and dan here thank you uh is there a multi multilingual option in dataverse i believe i believe yes maybe in the full version but not in the teams could you suggest a better multilingual solution other than storing the data in tables or excel um actually the excel version that i so i did a video on multilingual center uh i did it two weeks ago three weeks ago uh i used excel but i made it dynamic it was not the the excel file was uh the languages were being added dynamically so if today it supported three languages i needed two more was just a button click no modification and the app is multilingual so i kind of showed different options how you can make it uh dynamic in my videos i typically start with simple i show what's there then i i kind of ramp up ramp up ramp up and then try and show the best part at the end so if you stick to the end you will get the best part uh i don't know if you've seen that but if you did uh and you feel that was not so dynamic well out of the box your canvas app cannot be made multilingual you have to do work uh model driven apps and data was the full option yes all right database for teams environment management is there anything we need to be doing yes uh you don't want any user to go and start creating apps uh very recently i was looking at a solution or in fact i was invited as a consultant for um a customer who wanted to do a management of environments and i just went to the admin center and opened the environments just like i did in the session today and they had over 200 environments and they were even not aware of it that's because users went to powerapps and said build an app in teams built an app in teams and it just kept spinning off those environments so can we manage that yes your team's admins can block those apps and you can have another power app and this is exactly what i did for them we built a power app when you can come in and request that you want to create a database for teams environment for this team there was an approval process when it got approved the environment got created and you were added as the owner to that team so you had the full action so management and uh governance is the right word for this is a lot more work it's not order it's not something that you get out of the box next question can you connect to power bi uh dan krishnan did a great video i think on power bi uh my friend deepak i don't know if he's here but he also did a video on this so you can connect to power bi uh for your data was for teams data it is possible and uh they've shown it so go and check check that content out oh possible yes okay uh thanks for the live session looking forward for the next one thank you for joining sundara says thanks thanks sundar he's been following my channel forever thank you thank you uh please upload video custom theme generator and powerapps so theming in powerapps is a very iffy subject as a reason why i did not do that video yet uh there's something good coming i know what's coming being an mvp i get access to stuff and there are ways there are ways around it there is a custom theme generator and the coe uh there are hacky ways around it uh maybe i'll do a video on a simple version of what you could do maybe i'll try and do that so thank you for that request i'll add it to my backlog uh okay what else uh do you have udemy courses no i don't i i don't why because i never had the time uh do i want to do maybe maybe in future can you advise for power bi guy on youtube radarcat r-a-d-a-c-a-d and of course guy in a cube let's not forget guy in a cube they are the big daddies of power bi on youtube so if you are not follow following guy in a cube uh you're making a big mistake so follow guy on the cube and uh follow radacad r-a-d-a-c-a-d okay ali tech power app takes more time to open compared to any android app on same size any fix depends what your app is doing how much data sources it's loading how many controls you have uh yes there are certain challenges on devices because of the way the back end engine works uh i cannot pinpoint on a fix for you options are plenty reasons are plenty i have done a couple of videos on performance maybe you would like to look at those okay uh okay uh here's another one from prasang i have a i have a workaround for drop down you can use the classic control yes but that's an experimental feature uh i know what's happening in future so i'll say no but possible okay thanks raza for all the wonderful videos and sessions thank you of course not just live sessions i do a lot of videos as you guys know uh first of all thanks a lot your videos have helped me a lot thank you apart from job when do you manage the time to make video and vlog want to know more about your time management uh that's my secret that i won't give out so the the key is uh i'll give you i'll give you one secret the secret is that i'm curious when i when i do things either in my projects or you know whenever i i see new content that's being created i read a lot of blogs so if i see someone's written something really cool i go and try out mix it with different scenarios uh i know i'm doing something right now i've not i'll disclose it here on live i'm doing something with vizio microsoft vizio power bi power apps and dataverse and it is absolutely stunning what you can do with that so uh again i came across a use case i play it out and of course i listen to you guys so if you guys tell me that reza make a video on you know gallery filtering for example i received a lot of requests for that so i go and try and create a scenario i create a use case and uh for me everything is scenario based i i don't just go in thinking of building a video from scratch i think that's very basic and it doesn't get anywhere i think if you have a good scenario a good use case i have six common use cases i use if you've ever followed my videos task management event tracking um holiday schedule leaf those common cases so that you know folks relate to it and then i add things to it and most of my apps are reused uh i just change the theme of the app i just move things around so it looks a little different so i reuse a lot uh i steal in a good way i steal a lot uh i improve things i pick existing templates uh so that's those are the kind of things that help me to build things quicker uh of course there are other secrets that i that i won't give out okay what else ah thank you reza can't thank you enough thank you rajan uh thanks i'm following radicat now what's the difference between forms and sharepoint list and power apps uh microsoft forms is movement for anonymous or authenticated surveys and quizzes it's great for those uh quick form like experiences sharepoint is great as a data source because it gives you a lot more flexibility security uh different column types you can you can use list formatting options uh you can even format sharepoint forms i've covered all of that on my channel it's all there uh and powerapps of course can can help you take it to the next level and you can integrate with multiple data sources and a lot more so uh i gave you like a a 100 000 view answer of what's the difference but of course there are a lot more uh from a complexity level i think you start with forms sharepoint powerapps okay uh do you have suggestions for learning portals uh honestly i i know folks who who do portals for a living so uh if you just send me a message on twitter or comment in in youtube i'll give you the links to those people so follow them uh they have some really good content which i recommend uh raza how to work with developer account for power platform and teams for trying out hands-on dev environment purpose i will recommend you sign up for the office 365 dev tenant just go to google and search m3s microsoft 365 developer tenant you can get your own tenant and in that tenant you get one user which is you as the admin and you'll have the full access you can spin that off in five minutes so just go search for that it's called m365 developer tenant just sign up for that and get it your great amazing session thank you thank you sir uh okay in jul in july microsoft will start rolling out lightweight version of the vizio web app yes uh you are absolutely right bringing visual diagramming and collaboration to all of teams exactly right and that's exactly why i was thinking of that video okay reza says he's still in a good way love you my friend thank you thank you uh man we still have 100 folks on the call uh we are we are way over time so uh i wanted to take all the questions i i wanted to have this interaction with with everyone here so uh i gotta go as well so uh everyone thank you for joining once again thank you for for all the love uh i hope you enjoyed this session and i will see all of you guys in the in the next question says i haven't seen your questions you're gonna ask your question next time you post that same question i'll answer it first up remind me remind me in the chat next next week all right thank you guys thank you for joining and uh bye for now
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 12,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft dataverse for teams with power apps, microsoft dataverse tutorial, power apps, microsoft dataverse, microsoft dataverse for teams, dataverse for teams, microsoft teams, power platform, dataverse with powerapps, learn dataverse for teams, build power apps within teams, beginner tutorial for microsoft dataverse for teams with power apps, powerapps in teams, microsoft dataverse power apps, microsoft dataverse overview, reza dorrani, dataverse for teams licensing
Id: SF6iF6aEhsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 15sec (6375 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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