Power BI Project End to End | Dashboard | Beginners | @Pavan Lalwani

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foreign project about Automation in business intelligence  tool in power bi when you're a data analyst how   things works in the company you will understand  in this particular project let us try to decode   about this project case study this project is  taken from one of the company as a reference the   problem statement Alphas explain you what exactly  is that in one of the company people   used to receive an email every hour it is a  company related to fintech the people used to   receive every hour data via email and there were  team dedicated team of like 10 resources their   job was to download their data via email clean and  massage the data understand what data problems are   there then post that they have to combine all the  data what they receive every hour and then create   a beautiful visuals in Excel and they used to  manually send the data as a number one figure   number to their relevant team for stakeholders  this process used to take lot of time and consume   lot of resources in the organization now the  the lengthy process consumes lot of time in the   company and the company is to spend huge amount  of time and effort on this resources now people   of those companies have migrated to power bi and  that is what I'll be covering in this particular   project so the project is end-to-end project  in power bi how to get the email attachments   without opening the email now imagine if I have  1000 email attachments if I want to make a sense   of that data those email attachments can be Excel  CSV PDF Json any flat data files now if I want to   download those data clean and combine those  data it usually takes huge amount of time in   the organization now in this video series you'll  learn about the technique how power BF fetches   that email attachments without opening the email  and then sends a beautiful dashboard directly to   your stakeholder it can be a manager team leader  it can be your client or any end user so let us   decode that particular project case study in  this particular video now remember implementing   this kind of case studies in a company will  save at least four to five months of time per   individual the organization will save four to  five months of salary per person guaranteed I   have implemented I have tested it practically in  all the organizations and it is a big head example   let's try to understand so I have some data I  keep on receiving data every month okay in an   email and that email contains the attachment for  example if you see I have received an email from   vikas okay and the subject line is techno H sales  monthly data September 2022 techno edge sales   monthly data October 2022 and so on and the data  I keep on receiving every now and then I purposely   have asked the person to send me all the email  attachments right away because I wanted to show   you a demo for that purpose now about that email  attachment contains it contains one attachment   which is a Excel file and that Excel file has  a data about September 2022. if I go for May 20   do you can see I'll get May 2022 the subject also  contains day 2022 now the person has also written   some description here that hi provincer please  find the attached techno sales monthly data for   May 2020 now before we actually go for a practical  let us find out what the data exactly is so I'll   just double click and open and if I try to format  the data you can just have a look here this data   actually contains about the sales information  custom information all the regional information   about the data how much sales how much profit  what quantity and what discounts we have given   to the organizations so if I want to explain  the data this is a very good data for learning   purpose because it contains all different data  types it contains date data type which is ship   date and the order date so it was ordered that is  the order date and then when the product was been   shipped to the person that's a shipping date here  same way we also have some other data type which   is a text data type which has a shipping mode how  did you you know take away that product was it   Expressway was it a simple normal delivery how  it is so we have a shipping board customer ID the   name of the customer the segment it also contains  geographical information about country City region   postal code and different geographical data type  later on if You observe here we also have data   related to category subcategory and the product  name and lastly I have data related to numbers   sales profit discount quantity Etc so now what we  want to do the end goal is this data we keep on   receiving everyone techno which company spends  a lot of time and resources for that person he   is dedicated for that work he downloads the data  cleans and combines and creates a beautiful report   and this report has been prepared every month now  what we are going to do is we are going to reduce   the time of that person and we are going to save  the time of that company how do we do that and   the person doesn't have to come to the office for  this particular work let us see that practically   now the very first thing is to do this activity  you need to have power be a desktop version   number one you need to have a corporate email ID  Gmail and Yahoo will not work you need to have   a corporate email ID I already have a copy email  ID for techno hls.com you can have Bajaj fins of   Wells Fargo RBI any Corporate email ID you need  to have number one second is I have an Outlook   where all the emails I receive so what you can do  is first thing you have to shift all the emails   which are in your inbox to a separate folder and  how do we do that you need to have little basic   knowledge about the Microsoft Outlook so I can  go to the Home tab and here I can define a role   now remember this project what we are doing is  assuming that the person has already completed a   power bi course maybe a classroom training maybe a  online training or maybe some video you have gone   through if you have gone through those Basics now  we are coming to the end to end project about this   power ba so now let us begin this part the very  first thing what I have to do is I have to shift   all the emails which has the attachments which  has a subject like this techno it sales monthly   data into a separate folder in Outlook that is  the first thing I have to do so I just click   on create rule here I'll say emails which contains  subject as monthly sales data and I'll just remove   this part what I want to do is I want to move  the item to a particular folder I can select a   folder in this place I will create a new folder  name of the folder here is monthly sales data   and then I can just click on OK button and you see  a monthly sales data folder is already created and   now I can just click on OK button click on okay  now it will ask me do you want to execute this   rule right away so I'll say yes I want to run  this rule right now so I can just click on okay   all the emails which contains techno it's sales  monthly data as a subject line will be shifted   to that particular folder now this is a ocean of  topic it can also have different examples not only   this particular thing it can have maybe a person  who's sending maybe from a system generated email   maybe the date you can filter based on different  parameters right now I'm very much interested in   the subject like the subject line was common  in all the places so if I scroll down you can   see how many emails I have I have total 48 items  48 items in that monthly sales data folder now   in this data as well I don't want to combine the  data which is of 2019. I only want to combine   data which is after 2019 which is 2020 2021  2022. these are the only three years data I   want to come by now imagine if I ask a person to  do this activity in the Microsoft Excel combine   36 attachments first download those email  attachments then consolidate all those 36   attachments which are Excel files and then create  a beautiful dashboard so this person will take lot   of time let us see how do we do it in hardly  10 clicks 10 button clicks no coding required   moving on to this is my power bi power bi there's  a user interface which has been changed we have   some new features which has come over here all the  visuals which used to have earlier on the right   hand side are shifted on this place okay so you'll  see all the charts and visuals arranged over here   this new feature has come in the month of March  April 2023 so if you're using older version of   Microsoft power bi you need to upgrade on that  what is the process of upgrading file menu bar   options and settings options then you have  the option given in here as preview features   in this preview features we have plenty of  different options available what are the key   options which are imported on object interaction  that is one thing second would be here as a modern   Visual tooltips and third would be here as  Optimizer bill so these are three new options   which are there but safer side you can select all  the options over here now the moment when you're   watching the video if you watch after one or two  or three months this options might be upgraded   so make sure every month you have to come and see  what are the new features coming up now there are   very few companies which immediately migrate to  the new version because some features might have   some defects or bugs so they don't want to take a  risk today when I'm recording there also say many   defects in Microsoft power ba in the newer version  so you have to be careful if you are a student   obviously you can try this new version if you're  working professional in one of the company where   there are live projects already going on do not  try to implement new features till you get in go   ahead from the admin person so now coming back to  this part I can click on OK click on okay you have   to restart Microsoft power bi since I have already  have the new features I don't have to restart now   how to get the email attachments in power bi  without opening email that's a beautiful part   so I can click on get data more button Microsoft  power bi can pull data from 100 plus data sources   so if you see there are plenty of different data  sources you can pick up so you can pick up from   SQL Oracle Big Data sap PDF access Json and Excel  CSV many of them to get the email attachments we   have to type the connector name as exchange  Microsoft Exchange online so once you click   on connect option you have to enter your email  address remember Gmail and Yahoo will not work   you need to have a corporate email ID only then  it will work so if you are a student do not have   an email ID this practical will not be useful for  you but if you are a working professional you can   show this trick to your manager which is going to  save tons of time I can guarantee it is going to   save one month of time per person who does this  activity and I'll explain at the end what it does   so here I type my email ID and I can just click  on okay now it will ask me the password since I   already have a login in this place I'll just click  on Microsoft account sign in give the permissions   and then click on connect it is hardly three  button clicks and I am getting the whole outlook   all the data from my Outlook inside Microsoft  power bi I can see all my calendar details   whichever details I have blocked it I can see all  my emails with attachments meeting requests people   and tasks now this is just one example you can  try hundreds of example on this particular project   if I can import all the email attachments I can  make a sense of the data if you are a person who   regularly does a meeting you can analyze how  many hours in a year you have done meetings   you can take down those meetings to you know 10  20 30 percent you can keep only those meetings   which are important you can also think about all  the people which are connected to you you can get   all the details about that person for time being  I am interested in the email so I'll just select   this mail check box and then click on transform  data now see the beautiful part all the email   has been coming to my power bi in just hardly  three to four button clicks no coding required   the first thing what I have to do is from this  place I have separated the data which is monthly   sales data now there are around 48 emails in that  folder so the First Column if you see folder path   this folder path will tell you these are different  folders which are available from this place I will   just select this which is monthly sales data inbox  monthly sales data and I can click on ok now it   will filter all the folders all the emails and  give me only 48 email attachments which I have   if you try to observe this will tell you the  subject what that email has this will tell you   the sender details if I expand this data deselect  this checkbox and click on OK this will give me   the name of that person who has sent me and the  email ID of that person next is let's see what   are the columns which are available all your email  details will be given in a tabular format remember   unstructured data has come into a structured  format so here we go if I have more details   when was that email sent date and time received  importance of that email if I scroll on the right   hand side is it red or not if I have read all  the emails I'll get the details if not I'll get   here false sometimes you get only emails people  forget to send you the attachments from here you   can filter whether it has attachments or not I  am mostly interested in the attachments which   I've received on the right hand side if you see  preview message I can quickly find out what was   the subject what was the body text the person has  written it has written high performance sir please   find the attached techno it's sales monthly data  so I can read all the body text of that particular   email and there are some more details if you see  on the right hand side some more information there   but right now what I'm interested is I'm  interested only in the column game that's   attachments but I do not want the data of 2019.  remember that 2019 so in the subject line the   person sends me data with the name of the month  and the year so I can filter this data using text   filters and tell them does not contain because  if you see I am having 20 22 2020 2021 I can tell   that person text filters which does not contain  and here I can type let's say 2019. and now I can   just click on OK button so let's see 2019 all the  emails have been received and now there are only   36 rows 36 attachments why 36 3 years of data into  12 months I'll get 36 emails 36 monthly data here   coming back to this part I only am interested into  one column which is the attachments I'll select   the attachments column remove other columns now  there are 36 attachments which I have now after   getting the attachments column I can expand this  column and I can just click on OK so I'll get all   the details about that attachment so what is the  extension of attachment what's the name of that   attachment some details about the attachment  here so if you see that email contains xlsx   and PNG okay so out of all the attachments I am  only interested in the XLS X just select Excel SX   and click on OK so all the 36 email it will filter  and keep only 36 attachments which are Excel files   depending upon your requirement you can filter PDF  Excel CSV and so on now all the data is headed in   the attachment contained column that is the only  hero column which has all the data kept inside so   I can keep that column remove other columns now  attachment content we need to write a function   to extract all the email attachments from there  so I can just go to add column custom column here   now remember this project when you're seeing you  cannot understand in one time you have to watch   the videos twice and Thrice minimum to get all  the insights and all the answers post that you   can do practical to get an understanding how it is  working here I have to write one function named as   Excel dot workbook Open Bracket and double click  on attachment contain so Excel dot workbook is a   function which will extract all the data from that  column which are Excel files and now I can just   click on OK button perfect it took me 60 seconds  to get all the email attachments separated now you   might have a question this is Excel so we wrote  a function named as Excel dot contain now what if   the data has a PDF document what if it has SQL  what if it has CSV document so I can go to add   column custom column if it is a CSV you just type  as CSV dot document if it is having a PDF you just   type as PDF dot tables if that is having some  Json files so you can just type A json.document   if that is having some SQL database you can type  as sql.database if it has Azure you can type as   Azure so depending upon the data set your function  should change currently it is only an Excel file   so I have used as Excel dot workbook now all  the email attachments data has been extracted   here now I can just remove that attachment dot  contain column and just keep this column expand   that column because all the files which are  received have the same pattern they have the   same column heading same number of columns and the  positions are saved now I can just click on okay   so it is mandatory that the emails which you  receive or the attachments which you receive   should have same column name number of columns  can be less or more remember when I say the same   column name if I have the first space name column  first name first space name the second file also   should have first space name it cannot have  first name without spaces no it needs to have   the same column heading number two the position  of columns can be here and there first name is   the first column in the first file first name is  a 10 column in the second file first name is the   20th column in the third file position does not  matter so name of the column should be exactly   same position can be here and there and third one  is the number of columns can be less or more so   the first file has 10 columns second file has  20 columns and third file has 30 columns that's   not a problem so this is something which you have  to remember here obviously the number of Records   will keep on changing here now out of all data if  you see data is the only column which I need so I   can just write click and remove the columns so in  this column data would be kept rest all columns   would be removed from here perfect now I'll just  expand that column and then just click on load   more and here what I can do is I can just click  on OK button so what will happen is all the 36   attachments which I have received will be uploaded  and you can see I'll be getting those data here so   when I expand all the 36 files have been extracted  and you can see it has been expanded now remember   those three things which I have told you will be  applicable when you have a data set in a tabular   format it's in the table format but suppose if you  have a data which is not a table but only a sheet   format then the answers will change at that point  of time we need to have same columns and also the   positions of those columns should be saved so  currently I have the same number of columns and   the positions are same if you have a table format  then you can change the structure which I've said   earlier so right now I have the first row as  a header I can just promote the first two as a   header home mini bar use first class it now there  are 36 times the headings are repeated so what I   can do is in that case I can just click on remove  rows and I can say remove errors because I know   the order date values repeated multiple times if  you want to have a look you can see in this case   if I just click on keep rows keep errors I will  have around 35 errors because there are 35 column   headings which I've been trying to convert into a  date format so what I've done is I just kept those   errors and just to show you that if you see here  when I keep a cursor next to that error message   at the bottom of the screen I'll get as order  date so this one how many times error I'll be   getting I'll be getting 35 types you see there  are 35 errors which I have so I can just delete   the last step I did it just to show you that it  is repeated multiple times if it was a table this   error I wouldn't have received but since this  data is having only sheets I have got here so   remember table is a more structured format so if  your company or if your system is sending try to   get the data in a tableau format so what's a  solution for this one I will just remove the   errors from this column I know the data therefore  I am applying this particular step now all those   36 email attachments have been combined and this  is the clean data if you think you need to clean   some more things in this you can maybe select some  columns try to convert this into an upper keys   you can go to the new columns and try to convert  or change the data type now the beauty of this   example is everyone I have not opened those  36 emails I have not downloaded those email   attachments neither I copy paste it neither used  any coding knowledge or coding language to combine   this data those things have been converted in  front of you in less than 30 40 minutes maybe   so because I was explaining and I was showing  you the Practical here but this entire activity   will not take you more than 20 minutes hardly 20  minutes I can go on the right hand side and I can   just change the data type of those columns into  maybe data type as whole number just for a game   say you can keep it as a decimal not a problem  now finally when all the data has been clean and   combined I can write the name as combine data and  then this is a clean data so what we have done is   just to quickly recap we received many many emails  we got the emails in Microsoft power bi we have   not used any coding knowledge or coding language  we combine all those email attachments in hardly   15 Steps 15 button clicks no coding required only  one function we have used Excel dot workbook if   it is a CSV CSV dot document now finally I can  just click on home mini bar close and apply so   this completes our project 50 on cleaning of that  data set so now let's see the remaining of data   visualization in this project so it took me almost  two minutes to combine the data and get it loaded   inside the power bi so now if you see all the  columns have been combined and this is the column   names on the right hand side now the power query  cleaning part combining part and the automation   has been done if I receive a new email from that  person because this database or this visualization   and database would be automatically appended  this is the beauty of this Microsoft power ba   I do not have to come to the office I do not have  to open that email neither I have to download and   get this updates now let's move to the data  visualization part what I can do is I have   already created a theme which I will just try to  use it I can just click on this browse for themes   and here I have the theme kept into one of the  folder techno Edge Theme here so now this theme   once it is imported I don't have to work on the  Cosmetic a lot this is a gray color background and   the colors are predefined how to pick up those  colors these are predefined into this theme so   I can just use that theme in this particular  project now I can just insert a title first   of all I know what I have to present to my team  I need to present the dashboard such a way that   whom I'm showing this presentation he'll be able  to take a quick decision which area which region   which country which city which customer has given  maximum profit so all those details can be ported   in one particular dashboard now I can go to insert  minibar and here I can insert let's say shape   this insert sheet just try to put on the top here  I can press Ctrl C and Ctrl V and try to put it   here now one thing if You observe the left hand  side and the right hand side space on my screen   is not utilized properly I'll try to increase  the width of this dashboard okay now this is   not a dashboard it's a report and let's see so  I can right click on this please format canvas   in this canvas settings I will try to increase  a width of this page to let's say maybe here as   1600 height I can make it as let's say 900  and I can just make it as 800 for time B so   when I minimize and if you see this space has been  increased here but still I can see it as a space   which is not utilized properly I can right click  format canvas I can make it as 720 keep it same   and this will be let's say 1700. now if I  just close this you see it has occupied the   full screen here now so what I can do is on the  left hand side of the screen I can add here some   cards on the top I can add here the title okay  I'll try to add some visuals and some slices   so let's begin the first thing what I can do is  I'll try to enter the title on this particular   shape right click and I can just click on format  and here on the right hand side shape style I'll   try to go to this text option increase the text  over here and here I can write here as techno h   sales analysis report let me just increase the  size to make it proper visible so now I'll just   make it as bold increase the size to maybe 16  17 18 yes then try to change the alignment and   I think it's fine so this is a simple title on  the top on the same shape which I've given now I   want to add here some cards to add a card I have  to create a card insert minibar and here comes a   visual Gallery so in this place I have this card I  can add cards for sales profit quantity and so on   let me go to view Tab and this right hand side  filter option is disturbing so I've just disabled   that part so here in this place I'm just going  to add some numerical columns so the first one   I can add as sales try to put it here on the  left hand side so one particular card I have   to change the Cosmetics so I can just click on  more options here on the right hand side I'll   get size and style I can change the background  to off this particular text which is on that   card I have to make it as white color to make it  little contrast increase the size of that text   and here in the category label  I'll change the text to as y color   make it as bold and increase the size perfect  now this particular text if I want to change the   title I can also change the title over here  that is possible so if I say yes total six   so I can just change the text color to white  increase the size so you can also have a title   on the top this is a total sales title and  this is just a category label if I want so   maybe I can disable that label and that's total  six same way I can just copy paste copy paste   and copy paste so the first one is for the sales  second one should have been different I can go   back and talk about let's say profit third  one I can talk about let's say as discount   and the fourth one I can bring here something else  contrary right now on the left hand side if you   see they are written so smoothly it's very easily  visible now so now the title I have to change   everywhere let me go back click on more options  here on the title I have to write as total profit   since I know the column names I'm  writing it properly this will be as total   discount and the fourth one would be as total  quantity perfect moving on I have to bring some   visuals on the screen so I can just right click  add visual this is one of the newest method in the   previous version of Microsoft power bi we used to  get a window over here which is to pick up all the   visuals but now in the new version you have this  option in the insert tab which is visual Gallery   so here I can just click on ADD button and I can  bring some different visuals from here let's say   I'll pick up here area chart stack area chart  to add that data I have to bring here some day   data type so I can just deselect this such as  data type so the first one would be order date   and I can bring here in y axis as sales and in  the legend I can bring here let's say region   so this is a stacked area chart this is showing  for all the years if I want to see based on the   quartus I can click on this fourth button  over here this will show me about the chord   is again if I go back it might show me further  maths so this way I can bring that area chart   let me close that window the formatting and the  Cosmetic part will keep it for the end the next   one is I can add some more visuals I can add data  deselect this option try to create a map which   shows me Statewide seats so I can select state  and in the bubble size I will pick up here's sales   so this is one of the map which I have remember  whenever you have a geographical data type which   talks about the geographical locations always  prepare a map if you have a d data type create a   line chart or an area chart so this is a map which  I have obviously some customization could make it   look much better I can pick up here something  let's say graysky or I can pick up light dark   and aerial so this way I think I'll just go for a  road option here that's very simple easy to use it   now the other visuals which I can pick up here I  can just create a chart over here so I can just   click on ADD visual now I'll go for a simple chart  which is the column chart stack column chart and   I'll just add some sub category I'll add here  let's say sales deselect this option and select   this column chart option now this is what you call  subcategory sales a simple column chart I can try   to reduce the size such that it matches so this  way I have created a simple column chart now few   more visuals I can add here I will add here let's  see a donut chart right click and visual deselects   this suggest type over here I can pick up here  let's say region and in the y axis I can pick up   here let's see as seats so this is not a pie chart  I'll go for a pie chart select this chart try to   place it in this area now the last one I can right  click add visual from here I can just pick up a   donut chart try to add here let's say a field  named as segment and then add values as seeds   so that's a chart which I can bring it here now  Cosmetics will be attention very soon now to   make a chart with some third party add-in I can  just add some visuals so in the visual Gallery I   can click on get more visuals from here you'll be  opening a window of around 400 visuals so one of   them and very famous is scroller so this kind of  chart you might have seen on sensex news channels   stock marketing forms or any any boards which you  go in the organization so I'm just trying to add   that third party Visual and which contains  a rolling text so I can click on okay visual   Gallery I can add this scroller chart on this  please I will add here few Fields let's say state and I can pick up your profit perfect now  I'll just try to place this on the top   so now I don't need the title for this  particular chart I can right click on this please   maybe I can click on this brush icon click on  more titles I will disable the title which is   on the top secondly in the size and style option  and I have to change the font size so let me   select this option searching for font size which  is in the scroller option I'll try to make it as   Auto font size then the speed is little boring it  looks like a blue Russian news which is going on   I want it a bit faster okay A bit faster so I  can select the scroll speed as let's say as 5.   so this way people would be attracted towards  the dashboard they will not find it boring okay   and if you want to add here some custom text so  you can add here let's see I'll write my name as   foreign enter so that particular text will keep  on flowing if you think you don't want your text   you just delete that particular text and remove  from here so scroll speed is 5 which is fine   then next is status text coloring that means if  it is profitable it will show as green color if   it is in loss refreshing the red color so I'll  just keep it that way now this is all the basic   visuals we have added now let us add the company  logo I can just go to insert tab insert some image   which I've already downloaded and try to put it  here now moving on if I want to add some social   media icons I can just go to a folder I already  have downloaded some pictures kept into one of   the folder so I just try to add here LinkedIn and  also I'll try to add baby as Facebook perfect and   then try to place it at the right location you  can definitely change the colors and bring some   good colors which can match with this particular  theme itself you can spend lot of time on this   and I'll just try to minimize perfect now this is  the part which you have done for creating a report   observe the time how much is required to create  a report this is what you call end-to-end project   in power ba but just wait there's something which  is still left the Cosmetic part I can just click   on this format option I don't want the Legend  part here and I just go to more options I want   the title to be better I want the detail labels  to be better so on the right hand side I will   just disable the background I will just go for the  legend as of detail labels I want as the category   and percent of total the values which are given  are very small I think the size can be made better   and better as black color perfect so this is  one of the visuals the title which is given   I think the title can be made better the title  has to be as middle alignment if you see here   the middle alignment I think you cannot see  that however you know how to work on it and I   can make it as bold size little bit increased  and also I can add some Shadow okay so this   way this features of cosmetic I can just copy  and paste it everywhere that's what you call   format painter so I can select the chart use  format painter and paste on different visuals   so I can select it paste it on different visuals  so here I can also add the data label which is   not there data label perfect now if I close the  other windows and if I show for a presentation   this report looks beautiful people call this as a  dashboard okay so if you're explaining this to a   Layman who has not been interacting with power bi  you can call this as a dashboard not a problem but   if you're interacting with your personals already  knowing about power bi you have to call this as a   report okay so remember I have written on the top  s report there is a difference between report and   a dashboard which you already might know because  we have come to the project part right now now   here in this place a data label is missing so let  me add the data label perfect data table has to   be in thousands which are given as billions more  options here at the bottom which I'll get as data   label and somewhere at the bottom I'll be getting  as values display units I can make it as thousands   perfect so now after creating this data  visualization now the timers come where we have to   share this report with our stakeholders so imagine  we got a dirty data in the email and now we want   to share a beautiful dashboard to directly the  person whom we want to report so for that activity   we have to click on home mini bar publish and I'll  just click on Save first the thing is you need to   save this file so I'll just save this file as take  no h sales analysis report two now after this once   it is published I can just click on my workspace  click on select this will take some time around   30 seconds to publish report once it is published  I have to click on the link and open that report   click on open and now this report is published in  online version now I can see the same report in my   mobile phone as well if you're a mobile phone user  and you can just download from the play store that   this is a power bi app from there you can see this  particular report here now coming back to this   part if you're going for a presentation and if you  want to present it the full screen you can just   click on this full screen option and you can see  you can present it properly this manner now you   see this Blank Space which is left at the bottom  you can just pre-plan before you are doing the   presentation and you can utilize the space as well  now what I was saying is if you want to send this   you know beautiful dashboard to your stakeholder  you can just click on subscribe button and then   you can just add new subscription so the person  whom you are sending will get a regular updates   here I can mention the email ID of the person  I can just select whether it is daily weekly or   monthly I can select the options weekly we work  on Monday to Saturday we don't work on Sundays so   I want my manager my team leader to get a report  from Monday to Saturday every morning let's say 10   o'clock 9 9 30 is reporting time the first email  should go which is my dashboard and that should   be in the morning and I can just click on Save but  there are some few more options which I can go to   more options here I can see the weekly report not  weekly it's a daily report Daily Report which is   sales analysis report and I can include a message  IPL please find the attachment of the report   now this is the date and time we have this  will only send one page at the time you   cannot subscribe to multiple pages so if you  want multiple Pages multiple times you have   to click on ADD subscription so start date this  is a today's date and the end date which is till   when you want to send the emails regularly to your  stakeholder so the person will get a preview image   a snapshot of this image will get a link to this  particular report and the permission to access the   report I won't click on save button otherwise my  colleague will keep on getting everyday emails at   10 o'clock so just click on cancel now this is the  beautiful part now suppose my colleague sends me   a report right away okay now this is a end-to-end  project what you're learning when we get a email   attachment from my colleague again let's say  because this will be automatically updated in   the output here in the dashboard one setting is  missing in the my workspace if I go back there   in the data set I have to do some  settings so let me close this window   if I go back there's a techno Edge sales  analysis report click on three dots settings   option here in this data source credentials  I have to give the credentials I have to   give the permission to power Base Service  to access my email attachments only then   this is possible so I can just click on  edit credentials items as private sign in   then I have to give the access of this email  perfect now any email which comes from because   with that subject line and particular attachment  which is Excel file here automatically a dashboard   will keep on upgrading so I do not have to come to  the office to do this all this activity so this is   the beautiful part about this end-to-end project  we have now please see I have recently received   now January 2023 which is seven o'clock right  now so this 2023 email which I received there   in power bi I should get the updated data but  let's figure out first if I go to this place   and if I just open this dashboard separately so  you can see the numbers let's pick up one of the   number I'll pick up the smallest one 669. okay 669  which is the number which is total discount and 30   000 is a quantity now if I refresh the data the  dashboard should be refreshed I have not opened   the email I have received the email and because  it's just now send me an email please observe   seven o'clock right now if I go back to Power bi  and if I show you the time when it was recently   published it was 659 I just sent a message to  vikas kindly send me an email attachment 659 and   now if I click on refresh icon was scheduling  refresh that's not a problem 659 now it should   change to let's say 703 maybe right 703 If You  observe here and now the report has been updated   so when you change the data set the report has to  be updated inside power bi the beautiful part is   I don't have to do this work repetitively and  here if I just open this report so remember   the number if you had six six nine so six six  nine has been converted to six nine one thirty   thousand has been converted to Thirty One Thousand  so the conclusion of this video is the end-to-end   project what we have in power bi is we get a  raw data in an email attachment we don't come   to the office we don't open email don't download  the attachment don't clean it don't visualize it   and automatically your boss sitting on the other  end is getting that email attachment in the form   of beautiful dashboard now let me tell you what  is the impact of this particular project if you   implement in your organization now let's calculate  a company where a particular person is working he   spends almost one hour per day into this activity  downloading copy pasting cleaning visualization   and sending it if you prepares Daily Report one  person if it spends one hour the person spends   240 hours in the entire year 240 hours if you  divide to 40 hours by 8 hours in a day okay eight   hours is the normal people work in a day so that  comes to 30 days which is almost equivalent to one   point somewhere two five months approximately  so a person who is doing this activity every   day is spending 1.25 months approximately in the  entire year to do the same task now the company is   spending 1.25 months of salary on this activity  if you implement this project which I've showed   you right now the company is going to State  I will save that 1.25 1.25 months is almost   equivalent to one lakh average salary in India  as you say it's approximately one lakh around   so like this there are multiple activities in  power bi which can be implemented and you can   automate this task this is the calculation which  has been proven by all the bigger organizations   where this kind of training has happened already  so now if I talk about authentic company where   I work together with them they used to have  10 members in the organization and their job   was to send a report hourly I am talking about  daily report they used to send hourly report so   imagine the amount of time effort and energy  they were investing on that repetitively work   that has come down to only one resource in the  organization so upgrade yourself on Microsoft   power we are the last case study I want to share  that's one of the biggest bank in India I will   not be able to take the name of their bank they  used to get all the email attachments from all   the banks in the in the country in India they used  to send the daily reports the Mis reports what you   call any of the Imp imps ATM transactions pause  transactions to that particular Bank the bank   used to have few more members who used to say 4  hours per day to download those email attachments   clean the different formats they receive in the  attachments combine it and create a government   report so that they can publish it online this  Activity 4 hours per day so imagine four hours   per day it's almost equivalent to six months of  salary if you calculate in a proper manner now and   government people get paid more over there so now  you can imagine the amount of time they have saved   they have implemented this case study and that six  months of time per person has come down to 15 days   in a month this activity has to be automated it  is only one time activity the next time you don't   have to open the email next time you don't have  to open the dashboard so directly it will go to   your stakeholders inbox itself so employment this  project just do not learn and practice and create   a dashboard no Implement end-to-end Solution on  this project so that's it for this particular   project on Microsoft power ba I hope you have  understood and that's all for this video foreign
Channel: Pavan Lalwani
Views: 181,152
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Keywords: power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi tutorial, power bi for beginners, pavan lalwani, power bi project, power bi tutorial 2023, Power BI Project, power bi internship, power bi jobs, data analyst, Power Bi tutorial for Beginners, power bi, power bi dashboard, power bi project 2023, pavan lalwani power bi, power bi by pavan lalwani, power bi jobs for freshers, data analysis project using power bi, data analyst project, data analyst projects
Id: QGqn4hWAhBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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