Power BI Dashboard Project | Power BI Tutorial for Beginners 2024 | Power BI Course

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hey guys welcome back to my channnel data tutorials so in today's video we are going to see the brand new interactive dashboard in powerbi software so in front of your screen you can see our today's topic is electric vehicle analysis and in this particular video we are going to design the complete dashboard which you can see in front of your screen from start to end so as it is a electric vehicle dashboard so you can see we have kept the theme of the dashboard in green color so it is a green fuel so we have ENT L designed this dashboard with a green theme so we will see everything what color combinations and what other backgrounds we are going to use in this particular dashboard so in front of your screen you can see there are different elements and different charts kis use in uh this particular dashboard so I will explain one by one I will give you an overview I'll walk you through the dashboard first and then I will show you how it is dynamically operated by using different slicers different interactive filters and then we will start the design of this particular dashboard so at the top you can see this is the name of the dashboard and at the left hand side in the vertical manner you can see I have added some kpis over here we can see these are the header kpis and then you can see these are some few of the secondary kpis right so uh the first we are showing here is the total Vehicles right so the total electric vehicles data we have then we have the average electric range okay so what is the range after one complete charge average electric range of all the vehicles right so this is not for one particular brand or one particular make of that particular vehicle it is for all the vehicles in the entire data set then the B Vehicles right so then we have pH EV Vehicles so uh I will I will explain you what this terms me what is the approvation means and then this is nothing but these are totally run on the electrical charge these are the hybrid vehicles like we can see 2022 or we can say 22% of vehicles run on hybrid uh you know power than other like 78% work on complete electric fueld right so I mean to say on complete electrical battery they work they don't need an extra Hybrid fuel over here like for petrol engine or a diesel engine getting or not so in this way we will see as we move forward I will explain you everything then we have total Vehicles by model year so we have explained it from 2010 to 2023 okay 2024 data is also present so the data which we are using in this we have PI from kagle website I will show you uh the website link and all those things right so we have directly grabbed it from there and we have using that particular CSV file then we have total Vehicles by state okay similarly how the with respect to each year how the uh you know total vehicle count in electricy vehicles are increasing that we will see then which are the top 10 vehicles uh by make okay so who is the leading uh you know uh company who is bringing up the electric vehicles uh in current Industries right then to to uh we can Vehicles by CAF this is nothing but clean alternative fuel uh you know Vehicles so uh you know with respect to that we will analyze the donut chart over here then the top 10 Vehicles by model okay so with respect to which model is the best seller and which is of that particular which it is of what company that also we will see getting or not so in this way we are going to analyze this entire dashboard so this is just a overview of this particular dashboard we are going to design each and everything on this particular dashboard and I will show you how it is operated dynamically so we have an option here called City filter so if you want to see for a specific City let's say you want to see for Acme so you can see it for that particular City if you want to see for Ed you can do that uh alade you can see you you can you can see for different cities over here you can analyze the dashboard you can see the data for those particular dashboard getting or not and if you want to select multiple cities you can press control and you can select let's say you want to see for these three cities then you can just uh see the data for those three cities getting or not similarly you have electrical utility over here with respect to different electrical utility you can analyze this particular dashboard getting or not so I will just unselect and you can see for with with respect to that particular utility you can analyze this particular Dash then electrical vehicle type whether you want to see this battery electric vehicle or a plugged in Hy hybrid electric vehicle that is nothing but Bev and phv which I just told you so if you want to just just see for B you can see the entire data for B if you want to just see for hybrid then you can just see it for hybrid as well getting or not so in this way this dashboard is designed and we are going to see the entire thing the same way getting so apart from this particular slicers or filters we also have used some uh you know uh the interactive filters in this dashboard so let's say you want to see all the data for Tesla like you want to see for Tesla make if you click on Tesla you can see the entire dashboard is filtered out for that particular Tesla car right you can see the total Vehicles which are 7 68,000 vehicles are there for Tesla and you can see how it is growing from 2010 to 2000 like you can see it is for 2023 you can see it is a complete electric vehicle that is Bev it does not use phv you can see it is blank over here right so it is a completely battery operated vehicle and also you can see uh which is the best selling model over here that is model Y is the best selling then model 3 is the second best selling model right so in this way you can see the different and you can also see the average electric range is 9.21 for Tesla cars right so if you want to see for Nissan cars if you see for Nissan Nissan is also completely B vehicle that is battery electric vehicle it does not work on hybrid 84 is the average electric range and you can see how it is growing from each and every year similarly if you see for sheret you can see for sheret also if you want to see for Ford if you want to see for BMW with respect to that so if you click on BM BMW BMW has both type of vehicles but most of it they work on hybrid electric vehicles right so you can see 72% of their vehicles are hybrid and only 28% they work on full battery operated Vehicles getting or not so this is the way you analyze and you will get the wide range of uh you know understanding from these particular filters getting or not similarly if you want to see for any particular state right so let's say you want to see for California so if you click on California you can see only 92 vehicles are there for California so this might be wrong but this is what we have in the data uh the most of the vehicles we have is right now is for you know Texas right or we can say Washington not Texas it is for Washington the data might be different but this is what we have in the kagle website also so uh either you can uh use the correct data from the different uh Government website or you can use the same data but the procedure will be the same uh the way of analyzing will be the same getting or not so this is all about the this particular dashboard we will go ahead and now see the problem statement so before moving ahead into our power project I would like to introduce you to my website so this website I have created with request of many subscribers who emailed me messaged me where they want to connect with me where they want different powerbi W data analyst SQL other materials projects so I have created this website you can explore this I will add the link in the description box you can just click it and you can visit the website where I have uh different you know where you can connect with me one to one apart from that I have some digital products where I have powerbi material uh realtime projects are available in this you know and different options are available like different topics are available you can just click and you know uh you can explore this you have to just click and you can explore this everything all right similarly there are SQL material is there complete data analyst material is also available and you can see I am top rated in 2023 right so uh you can see more than 2 750 bookings I have just done in last 3 months and top rated in data analyst here you can see the badges are available I was top rated in complete last year that is 2023 and you can see different projects are also available here is the powerb complete project on financial domain where I have designed three dashboard and you will get this powerb plus SQL with complete video just for 459 rupees okay there are reviews also you can see my testimonials also you can learn or read about me as well so if you're interested you can visit the website you can explore if you are interested you can go ahead and buy and so let's continue with our video so this is the problem statement which we have so it has been provided by the client for us and with respect to that we have to design first kpis requirement and then we are going to see the charts requirement so if you look look at the kpis requirement first uh we want to find out is the total Vehicles so this total Vehicles is nothing but it will give us an idea about what is the market size okay and how it is growing with respect to each and every year right so this is uh we want to analyze as the first second is average electric range okay so after one full charge of that particular vehicle it will run with respect to or it have some range that it will go 200 km 400 kilm so we want to find average okay all the cars is the average electric range the next is total beev vehicles that is battery electric vehicles which are only working on electricity that is only battery powered they do not have any uh we can say other engine in that right or diesel engine or a gasoline engine is not present in that where a combustion engine will be used uh in that particular vehicle no it is completely clean and Battery electric vehicle so we want to find out the total B vehicles and the percentage of that particular B Vehicles out of all the total Vehicles getting or not similarly we want to find out phv it is nothing but plugged in hybrid electric vehicles means what it will work on both the resources either it will work on electricity or it will it might also use its uh you know combustion engine that is either gasoline or a diesel engine so what happens in pH is it is a hybrid engine so sometimes it might be operated on electricity and that is nothing but on battery and so sometimes in case if the battery is not fully charged then it uh it can be altered or bypassed through combustion engines right so it has both the ways right so in this way we have to analyze both the things right so these are what the KPS requirement which we have now next we will see what are our charts requirement so charts are nothing but uh in this particular what we are doing in charts actually kpi is what gives us kpis gives us the overall summary of the business at higher level okay at higher level if you want to see the summary of the business that will provide us but charts what does charts give us at specific area for that particular specific field we enter in more granularity of that particular data we Deep dive in the data and we bring out the inside from that getting or not so these are the charts that is the reason we analyze different charts so first what we have to analyze is total Vehicles by model here and we want to analyze it from 2010 AR notes all all the data we are going to analyze from 2010 and above that so first we want to visualize is you know uh visualization of and it it should be visualized in line chart or area chart and what is the use of this visualization it is been uh you know to see the what are the growth pattern and what are the adoption Trends so how many people are adopting the electric vehicle how is the growth of electric vehicle from year to year that we have to see here then total Vehicles by state it can be analyzed in the map chart we have they have shown us the visualization type Al and in this we are going to see the different demographics right so that is nothing but with respect to different states how people are accepting it then top 10 total Vehicles by make we want to find out the top 10 Vehicles by make nothing but by company right and it can be analyzed in a bar chart then total Vehicles by cfv is nothing but clean alternative fuel vehicles right it is uh this particular term is analyzed or it is been derived from the government bodies and based on that some uh visualization we are going to see it is either can be done by a pie chart or donut chart so depend on us then total or we can say top 10 total Vehicles by model and it can be analyzed in a tree map you can also analyze in a bar chart also but treap will give us the more idea over here right so which type of that particular model of that particular company or of that particular make is the best seller and out of that 10 we have to find out getting not so these are total charts requirement which we are going to see in this entire dashboard which will give us the Deep diving in the data and then we are obviously going to use some filters in our data and we are also going to use some interactive filters as well right which will give us to more idea and deep diing the data so before moving ahead into this particular video I would like you to please go ahead and subscribe our Channel we are very close to 100K subscribers and uh you know with respect to the particular data tutorials and data analytics uh I have received so much of love and support from you guys and with this particular motivation only I have you know uh it helps me to create this particular good content for you and I have received so many positive comments on so many of my videos that you like this particular videos uh you are you know you learn from this particular videos where you are able to understand all the concepts which I am trying to teach you guys so I request you to please go ahead and subscribe and also I would like you to request please go ahead and like this particular video so it will help me to reach to so many of people or to many peop who are in need or or who are trying to learn the data analytics and who are learning powerb as well so this will help them also uh in learning and building the different uh dashboards of different domains okay so let's move ahead so the softwares which we are using in this particular uh uh complete project is uh first the Excel version which we are not going to use that much but I would recommend you to use the version which is greater than 2016 or 2019 the version which I using in this particular video is 2021 version of MS Office the powerbi version which I'm using is the latest version that is of December 2023 release uh you can use uh this version or you can download the version from your uh you know uh from Microsoft also if you don't have the latest version but always it is recommended to use the latest version of powerb which uh because powerb always goes any you know in each quarter what they do is they release some new functionalities for us which will help our uh design and man or we can say building and development very easy for us or it will give us the new form of charts as well so let's move ahead I will quickly uh walk you through the data which we have so this is the data which we have I haven't changed anything whatever we have have completely is been taken from directly uh the CSV file itself and the this is the particular link from where or the kagle website link from where we have taken the data you just have to search electric vehicle population and you will get the complete data set in front of you all right so this is the data which we are going to use from here you can go ahead and download the data it will be in the form of CSV file or a zip file you have to extract it and then you can use the data and the data which we are using in our this particular dashboard also I will add the link in the description destion box or the uh the link will be added in the description of this particular video you can download it and you can directly use for the analysis of this particular dashboard all right so now let's go through the data whatever the size and volume of the data we have I will explain you so if you see here the total volume of data we have almost you know 150k of the data that is nothing but uh 1 lakh 50,000 of data we have and uh the number of fields which we have are 17 okay and there are different uh you know fields are there I will just try to explain you one by one first is Win 1 to 10 I don't think so uh it have any meaning over here then we have the country similarly country also uh this field which we have is incorrect here that King y this this this doesn't represent a country of any particular I don't I'm not sure but I don't think so this is the correct field so this two we are going to neglect then we have City from which the it has been taken that is the car then we have the state postal code we have model is nothing but of which particular year that particular car has been manufactured or sold right you can consider otherwise but model is nothing but it has been manufactured uh date or we can say manufactur year of that particular car then the make is nothing but uh which uh what what name what is the name of that company or what is the make of that company that is nothing but Hundai G Tesla for there are different makes we have that in that particular company also or that make also we have different models right then we have the electric vehicle type whether it is completely electric operated or it is a hybrid car then we have cfv that is clean alternative fuel technology it is a government Norm with respect to that also we have different data over here then we have the electric range okay so after one complete charge what is the range of that particular electric vehicle right then base MRP we have uh we don't don't have that much value populated for base MRP so we are not going to use this value or we not going to use this particular field in our analysis then legislative district we have then we have the ID of that particular uh vehicle uh then we have the location of that vehicle from where it has been purchased or been made then what is the electric utility which I just told you in the form of filters and the sensus track we have all right so these are the fields which we have in our data not all the fields we are to make use of in our dashboard analysis the most important and meaningful Fields only we are going to make use in our dashboard and then we are going to design and develop our complete project in the power B so this is the complete data which we have you can go through the data and always remember guys 60 to 70% of your task is to study the data itself okay so if you are studying the data in and out how the data is Flowing from higher level to lower level that is higher granularity to lower granularity what are the different keys and terminologies us in the data so 60 to 70% of your analysis is done over there only then next task is just to paper out everything build a rough dashboard on your paper and then finalize what you can uh you know bring in the form of visualizations which will help your company which will help your client to bring some insights from that okay so go through data try to learn the data whatever you can see the volume of data see the sizes of data whatever we have it will help us to increase the performance or the dashboard performance also whichever tool we are using to analyze right so right now we are going to use power B so now let's move ahead I will take a new worksheet okay so I have taken a new worksheet of powerbi so this is the workbook uh which we will be using so when you open your workbook in front of you you have this particular interface so uh the data which we have here is in a form of CSV file that is comma separated value file and to have the connector for that we have to go to Home tab go to Home tab over here right then you have an option here called get data just click on this and you have an option here called text or CSV just click on this and then you will have to just locate your file okay so what you have to do is first you have to download the data which is added in the description of this video download the data from the drive then store it in your local system wherever you have and then uh you know locate the file in your system just click on this and click on open okay so once I do you can see the file it will take some time uh to open the file and now you have this particular comma separated file so it is giving you first 200 RADS okay and if you want entire data set also it will show the entire data set and from here you will just see if we are bringing the correct data into our visualization or not just you have to click on load it okay so once you click on the load data it will load the data into our power B and then we are going to make use of that particular data right so now the data has been loaded but you cannot see it over here so for that what you have to do is you have to go in the table View and here you can see the data has been completely populated and at the right hand side in this data pane when you just expand this you will have this different fields in our data model right so this is the entire data which we have and you can just check if all the data has been populated correctly or not if is is there any field missing from our data which has been not populated getting or not so this is the way you analyze this particular things now we have to use uh you know uh we are going to use uh the count of vehicles for modeling all these particular things but first what I will do I will just help you uh to check the quality of the data right so how to check quality whether there are is there any need of data cleaning in this right so for that what we can do is I will just go on home tab over here and you have an option here called transform data so just click on transform data a new window will be opened in front of you and this is nothing but a power query editor so for now I will just uncheck this okay so now you can see in front of you there are 100 rows or we can see 1,000 rows are there you can see 999 plus rows but it are almost 1,000 rows only and out of those 1,000 rows uh we are seeing uh we can say the top 1,000 r or it randomly picks 1,000 RADS from the data to see the quality of the data and here you can see the number of tables which we are going to use it will be visible at the left hand side and whatever steps we are using here those will be displayed over here if you are changing any data type if you are changing any name or if you are renaming anything all will be visible over here getting or not so now what we have to do is these two columns are not required for us so what we will do so I will just select this two columns okay just press control or press shift and select these two columns and then you have to just right click over here and now you have an option over here called remove other columns or remove these columns so what we will do we will just remove these columns all these will be removed okay we we don't need these columns in our data model getting or not so this has been removed and here you can see a step has been added that is removed columns right then next how to check the quality of the data for that you have to go in view tab first you will be in Home tab just go in view Tab and click on column quality and just click on column distribution okay so from here you can see you have this particular uh we can say distribution which has been created for you so what does this column distribution and column quality help us understand is you can see valid is 100% error is 0% and empty is 0% what does this mean is uh in this particular field that is City Field whichever rows we have all these particular rows have Z zero empty values and zero null values and do not have any errors so it is 100% valid and always remember whenever you working in on any of the data set it should be 100% valid okay it should not have it should not have any blank values or errors right blank values are accepted but error should not be there because in some cases for some of the dimension Fields uh the data itself demands that it it should be blank getting or not but it should not have any errors then you can see the distribution is there over here which says 109 distinct and 40 unique values are there so what does this mean is uh we have 40 unique values and 109 distinct means what this is not a primary key for us right so there are values which are duplicating over here getting or not I mean to say Seattle it is for first row it may be present on you can see on 17th row 18th row also it is there so it is not a distinct or we can say not a unique value because the values are repeated again and again and 109 distinct means what uh whichever are single value repeated okay but out of that 40 are unique only getting or not so this will help you understand what does actually this particular column distribution means so in this way you have to check each and every column over here similarly here you can see this column is important for us that is do uh we can see vehicle ID so this is the column which we are going to make use of here you can see one 1,000 distinct and 1,000 unique values are there because this particular power query editor just shows us first 1,000 rows in our data or random it might be but what does it mean over here is this particular uh field that is do vehicle ID there are 1,000 distinct values in this and 1,000 unique means what each row each row of this particular column have unique value right so this means that this is our primary key or we can say this is the key for this is the particular field where we have each and every row have an unique and nonnull value non empty value non error value you can see you do not have any error and not don't have M value getting or not so in this way you have to check the cleaning and the quality of the data right so once you have done we have deleted we don't want The Unwanted values similarly this also we don't want we'll just right click and we'll just right so these are the fields which we do not want in our data set so we have removed those then you can go to Home tab and to you just have an option here CL close and apply so whatever changes we have made here they will be automatically applied in this entire data and the same data will be brought into Power pay so I just click on close and apply so once you do you can see the data has been brought in powerbi and all the deleted columns are not present now here getting or not so in this way this is the data now we will go ahead and start building our dashboard for that we have to go in report View getting or not before first or before that what we will do first we will try to bring our background over here right so we are going to use a background in our data or in our dashboard so we will first bring our background over here so for that go to format your report page then go to Canvas background and here you can add a background so I'll just click on browse and this is the back which we are going to use I will add this background in our description link from that you can download and you can use the same background if you want you can use different background also doesn't matter okay so I'll just click on open so still it is not visible over here what's the reason because the transparency here is 100% so you have to reduce it to 0% once you do you can see you can see this particular background over here then go to Canvas setting and here you can see the vertical alignment it is at top what we will do we will click on middle means what in uh we can see uh at the top and at the bottom equal amount of spaces left so our canvas is at exact center getting so now what we will do we will start building our dashboard so I'll just close this as of now and now we will build our dashboard so first thing you can see in this particular dashboard which we have already created so first I will add the title for of our dashboard so for that you can see I have used a placeholder for this same placeholder we'll be using here as well so I'll just go in insert and I will just click on shapes and this is the shape we going to insert okay now what we will do I will just close this and open my format menu then go in general go in properties the height for me will be 50 I will use the 50 height okay and the width which I will be using is 1 12 60 okay so this is the wi we will be using and I will just add it into Center okay and now what we will do I will just go to shape and I will go to style and we will use the color for this just go here and I will add click on more colors and I will use the code over here that is hashtag I will use it as 00247 okay so this is the code which you are going to use I will just click on enter and click on borders okay so for Border we'll be using two pixel of width and I will choose the color for us is we will use the code for our this is 006 E1 F okay so this is the code which you are going to use all right perfect and now we will just go here again to the shape and the rounded Corners we'll make it as five perfect so this is the placeholder now we will add the text in this I'll just click on text and we will name it it as electric vehicle dashboard or we can see electri vehical analysis all right now just select this go to effects just click on turn off the background for this now select the entire text in this then we will choose 24 as our font and we will choose it as bold okay and color we will be using it as white okay so this is our name of the dashboard and I we will just try to reduce it likewise okay and now just take this and we'll try to place it over here all right so this is our electric vehicle analysis now next uh we will start design our dashboard so first as per our problem statement just let's see our problem statement so first we have to find out total Vehicles okay so for that what we will do first I will again create a placeholder okay so this placeholder we will again create it so now what I will do I will just take this crl C and control V so we don't have to format it again and again I will just copy and paste this okay the same thing we are going to use all right and I will just now go in select this go to General go to properties and here we will choose the height for it as 200 and the width for it as 231 okay 231 so this will be our placeholder now select this again go to shape and for here just select three okay okay so we'll use uh this particular rounded Corners as three pixel now we will design it now first we have to design the thing that is total Vehicles we have to find out the total vehicles for that I will just click here so I have already told you while checking the quality of the data find out the total Vehicles is nothing but we have to take count of all the vehicles right and this is the we can take any of this particular but this is the field that is do vehicle ID was the field which had unique values on each and every row so we will take or make use of the same uh vehicle ID or the same particular vehicle uh we can say this particular field to find out our we can say total number of vles so I do I'll just right click over here and I will click on new measure and we will use our Dax over here so I will just increase the size and I will name it as total total vs okay and the formula which we are going to choose is Count okay you can use distinct count also I will use distinct count of D okay so distinct count of D vehicle ID so this is nothing but name of the sheet and this is the field in that particular sheet and I will just close this hit enter okay so once you do now next you can see this particular field has been created with the sign of the calculator so whatever wherever you see the calculator sign this is the sign this this is the field which has been created in powerbi okay that is nothing but a measure right all other fields are directly coming from database right now what we will do I will just take a card from here I will just take a card from here and we are going to make use of this card and I will just take total vehicles and I will add it in here right so you can see these are the total Vehicles now we will do some formattings on this but before that so for our entire data okay we are going to only analyze the data which is great than 2010 okay so whatever we have in our analysis we have the data if I show you the data and if I add the filter over here I just make it into table and you can see the model here we have it from 1997 to 2024 but our requirement is to only analyze the data from 2010 or greater than 2010 okay so for what that what we will do I will just select this whatever we have to analyze after 2010 that is it will start from 2011 up forward getting or not so for that what I will do I just select this go to filters and you can say we will add it on this page or we want to add on all pages we can use either this or this okay so on this page means what only on this particular page one and all pages means what whatever Plus when you click on plus whatever Pages we are going to use on that also it will be added so we will be using this or you can use this also and if you're using only this that is on this visual means what only on this particular this visual only this filter will be added so for that what we will do I will take model here okay take model here and add on this particular this page okay then you have an option here called is less than greater than whatever so we are going to use is greater than okay greater than 2010 everything greater than 2010 and we are just going to click on apply okay so once you do you can see nothing has been changed because it was not we don't have that much amount of value over here right right so you can see if you want to verify or cross check also so what we will do so I will just go ahead and and just select everything after 2010 okay so that is after 11 everything we will choose just to cross check okay and I'll just click on okay so you can see this has been filtered and you will see let's see the count of all the this particular do you can see when you see the count it is 154 to 4 that is 150k getting or not and if you want to see everything less than uh this particular that is up to 2010 if you see we don't have that much amount of data right so just let's see that okay and just click on okay and when I select right you only 61 counts are there right only 61 amount of data are there here right so uh that doesn't give give us any sense of analyzing those previous data that's the reason we are going to only use everything after 2010 right so you can see it has been not changed the values but it has changed you can see and note that in the next visual which you are going to right so now we will select this then let's come here format visual so I hope you have understood this right so uh after 2010 also I've shown you you can filter and you can cross check on your own also if you still want to see I'll just build a mat over here so just let's bring a table over here and now I will just bring the model here over here so instead of sum I just don't summarize and we will bring the total Vehicles over here right so here you can see we have 2011 to 2024 it is 14 1 15422 the same value we are getting over here just the decimal places have haven't been added over here right so if you remove the filter over here so let's say we remove the filter over here so you can see it is from 1997 to 2024 getting or not just to verify uh if you might get confused on this right so I will just undo this and the filter is again added over here so I'll just close this remove and now we will just format our visual just click here go here okay just go to uh format visual go in general then uh go in effects and turn off this part right then go to visual turn off the category label also we don't want to give the heading we will give the heading some from somewhere else and here uh we are going to use the font size as 28 a bold and the color which you are going to use is more and we will be using hashtag I'll use the color for it as 6 FB 7 71 okay so this is the color code which you are going to use right now display units will just show it up to two decimal points okay that is 150. 42 which is the same value which I told you before in The Matrix then go to General and here in title we will turn on the title and the title we will give it as total Vehicles okay this is the title for us uh we will take it to center right uh the color which we'll be using is this and the size we'll be using is 11 and we'll be using it siio semi Bol okay so this is the way we are going to analyze and now what we will do we'll just take this and we will place it over here right so this is our total Vehicles so in the same way as per our second problem statement we are find out average electric range okay so we already have an electric range over here we have to find out out the average electric range right so for that we will use the same placeholder I will just take this crl C and control V same we'll use her and I'll just remove this and we will take the electric range over here so I will just take it electric range over here and instead of sum what we will do we have to take average so this is the average electric range getting or not but you can see here we want to add an in front of that kilometer okay see I'm not sure if it is in miles or in kilometers okay it might be in miles or it might be in kilometer uh I'm not sure about that because it is not specified in the data so it depends upon you whatever you have to add but I will show you how to add it uh I will I will not add it over here but I will show you how to add it so for that we will write a Dax function so I'll just right click and I'll click on measure and here you can write it as average range okay and we will use a concatenate functions because we have to combine this value this is this value that is 67.8 3 and in front of that we have to add a kilometer right so I will use a Conca inate function okay so it is saying text one so whatever function this is a numerical value but it is asking us a text we can use the same value over here but it will be converting this value into text because it conet function works on text only and it the result output will be also text okay so for that what I will do I will take average okay so we have to take average average of What uh we have to take it for electric utility okay that is electric range not electric utility electric range okay so this is electric range so this is electric range comma okay what is what should be the second okay so first we have to close the bracket of this first then second argument is text two what should be the second text so you have to add kilometer or it might be mil so you have to type it in double inverted so I will just add it kilometer you can add miles over here and I will just close the bracket and I will just hit enter okay and now what I will do I will select this and you can see a new value has been created a field I will close this and I will just take this and you can see we are getting a value over here but it is in so many of decimal points because it has converted it into a text value and you can see when I click on this we do not have any option here to change its uh decimal points because it is a text so to do that or can see format it what you can do is you can add a format function over here so I will add a format function over here before average I will open the bracket and here the second argument you can use here is what should be the format that is nothing but in double inverted commas I will add 0.0 that is we want two decimal points I will close this and I will close one more bracket okay and just hit enter so once you do you can see you have 67.8 because we have two decimal points if you want one you can use one that is 0.0 only getting or not and now this you can place it over here so it depends upon you but for now in my analysis I will just choose it as this particular average that is electric range and I will just take it as average over here that is I will not add anything it will be up to you what you have to add getting or not and I'll just try to place it over here getting or not and just we will change the name of this particular title go to select this go to General and here we'll name it as average electric range okay hit enter so this is average electric range 67.8 3 kilm or miles depends upon you okay because it is in us so I think so it might be in Miles only not sure okay right so this is the first you can see the kpi which we have designed right now as per our problem statement what you have to find out is total Bev vehicles and percentage of total be Vehicles right and we have to show it in the form of a pie chart which shows the percentage and then inside that we have to add this two values right so for that the outer this particular thing that is the uh container we will just copy it contrl C and contrl V and I will just try to bring it over here the same container okay so this is the same once one more we will just create and I will just try to place it over here okay and just make sure there are equal spacings between all right and now what we will do we'll just build it over here first we'll take a pie chart from here so for pie chart what we are need here is just take it here so uh I will just take electric utility not electric we Del vehicle type in Legend okay and we want Total Vehicles so with respect to Total Vehicles we are going to find out just bring it over here getting not so you can see for all of this this filter will be always there because for this initially only we used it should be present on on this page so this page every time you use any build or any visual always this filter will be automatically present over here so always it will take the data greater than 2010 so don't get confused why we used only for this okay so it will be always there getting so I will just select this okay or you can just select this go to format printer and just select this what will happen the we can say whatever we have used over here the background and all those will be removed from here right so we don't have to change it again and again so now select this go here so we don't want any Legend we don't want any details we don't want any title as as well we will remove we want clean and crisp okay then go to properties so height we will keep it as 200 itself but the width for this uh or we can say height I will be using 231 okay choose height as 231 the width we will be using is 259 okay now go to visual go to slices and in spacing we'll use it as 85% okay and the color combinations now we have to choose over here so the color combination here I will choose it as this particular thing right so for B I will use this and for plug-in I will go in more colors and the color combination which I will be using here is hashtag see this particular color so this color which I have used now this is the same color which is used for this kpi so you can copy the code from here and this particular for this slice I will be using a different color code over here that is 6f d77 no not this one so we'll use a different code that is 014 d06 okay so this is the code which are going to use now just take this and bring it over here at Center okay so we have found our Center perfect not yet okay so this is the center we have just placed it exactly at the center and now we have to build the central kpis okay so what we have to show is we have to show the vehicles which are just for B okay we don't want all vehicles out of all how many are B vles so for that what we will do I will write a DEX calculation so I will just write and click on new measure okay and I will name it as beev Vehicles be Vehicles right and we'll use a calculate function okay and the first expression that is we have to find out expression means out of for we have to find it from Total Vehicles okay so total Vehicles comma we have to filter the value the filter value what that is electric vehicle type we have to filter it out here that is type okay so nothing but electric vehicle type it should be equal to what it should be added in double ined comma we will copy it from Excel sheet okay so it should be this value just copy this from here make sure you type it exactly whatever we have in the data the same should be typed over here it is case sensitive okay close the double ined comma and close the bracket so I will explain you how this works we are using a calculate function so out of in calculate function we are using a expression as total Vehicles so in this is the total Vehicles right entire count is there but we have applied one filter for that that it should only take those total Vehicles which have electric vehicle type as BV okay and this is taken from the data itself and just click on this okay and you can see a new field has been created we'll just take this crl c contrl v the same file the same kpi I will close this and we will use V Vehicles okay so these are the v v vles select this and we don't want any space over here that is we are okay or we will do that later so I'll just select this go here go call out value and decimal points we'll choose it as zero okay and the size for this or we can say uh the font which we are going to use for this will be 22 okay we are going to use 22 and it will be bold itself uh but just go in general the title we will be changing it as be Vehicles right so it is for B Vehicles right and we will choose it as 10 okay so and we'll just reduce it likewise reduce it likewise now just take it and bring it over here okay so these are our be vehicle that is 117k now we want to find out percentage also over here so how to find out the percentage okay so percentage is nothing but total divided by we can say total B Vehicles divided by total number of vehicles so we already have the B Vehicles we just have to divide it by total Vehicles when we will get the ratio percentage so we'll just right click over here click on new measure and we'll click it as we'll take it as percentage where is it percentage of V okay and it is nothing but Bev Vehicles total Bev Vehicles divided by total Vehicles right then we'll just click on enter right and I will just take this contr C control V I will show it over here I will just close this and these are percentage okay so right now you can see it as one y1 so just go over here and filters we have anything no we don't have uh but let's see I just select percentage and I'll click on here percentage okay so it was a rounding of the value so it was showing one so when you click here so you have to just click on this particular file or we can say not file the major and you have to go in major tools and you have to just click on percentage and automatically it will show you right and now just bring it over here right just try to place it nice and clean now select this and just go here and we will name it as it should be percentage of total right so go in general and in title we will name it as percentage of okay T should be Capital getting or not one sec all right so this is the B Vehicles you can see it is 78% and you can see this particular Pi is also Dynamic whenever value changes it will take that particular 78 percentage of uh we can say consumption area for this particular P right so this is for b b is nothing but completely battery operated vehicle or battery electric vehicle where it does not have any hybrid okay or we can say hybrid um uh resource is not there like a combustion engine is not present it will be completely operated by only electricity or we can say electric battery now next what we have to find out is pH EV vehicle pH is hybrid okay it will use a power of electricity and sometimes it will also bypass and it will use the combusion engine also so now next we have to find out that so for that it will be very much easy we just will copy the same pie chart okay same pie chart we will copy and we'll just have to change the color combination so what we'll do we'll go in slices so for this uh we will choose it as this right so this will be our this particular color and we have to reverse this color to this right oops this and this will be the reverse color simple okay and I will just bring it over here all right one second okay so now we have found out the center now we have to find out these two values right so for that we already have wrote this particular calculation so I'll just copy this entire thing I will right click over here and I will click on new measure okay and I'll will paste it over here so this is be vehicle now we have to find out for pH so instead of this filter we have to change this filter now I will just go to our data and I will just select this so this is the text we are going to add it make sure it is case sensitive you add it correct either directly copy it from data itself okay or you can type it also so this is we are going to use I will just click on okay okay now next we are going to find out the percentage right so for percentage I will just copy this entire thing again contrl C and I will right click here click on new measure and I will paste it over here this is percentage of P EV Vehicles so instead of B here we will use as pH vehicles and divided by total Vehicles will be the same and just click on okay okay so it is ready now we'll just copy this contrl C control V oops and delete this and we want to bring out here pH Vehicles okay so these are the phv vehicles and we'll just place it over here clean okay we'll change the title for this it should be B Vehicles right now copy this again contrl C control V close this and we'll bring percentage of phv so we can see a zero but just select this phv and click on percentage and you will get a value over here that is 22% and we'll change the title of this as percentage of total okay and just bring it over here perfect okay so just try to make sure it is at Center so these are all our kpis requirement and you can see you can take an Insight from here so most of uh in this electrical anal analysis most of the vehicles or we can say 78% of vehicles are battery operated and only 22% of all the vehicles are you can see which are hybrid okay electric operated as well or we can say uh they are operated on gasoline or diesel engine or we can say combusion engine right so it it can switch the power okay it can bypass the power and you can we can run the vehicle on that but this is a complete pure electric okay so this is the inside which can be taken from here all right all right so now next we have to find out our charts requirement or we have to design our charts right so with respect to that if you see our problem statement so first we have to find out total Vehicles by model here and the visualization we have to do is either a line chart or area chart right so first we will uh bring uh our container for this okay so we'll just take this Okay contr C and control V and I will keep a gap at the top right so or we can just I will just add one more container over here all right so this we will use to you know add our filters over here so I'll just add this container over here and I just increase the size of this likewise okay and I will take one more container over here contrl C and control V and I'll just place it over here and I will just go in general in properties I will make the height for me as 270 and the width I will be using as 520 okay so this will be uh the shape which we'll be using now next what we will do uh we'll take a area chart from here we'll build area chart right on xaxis we have to take the model here so we'll take the model here on x-axis okay uh so it should be on x-axis and on uh y AIS uh we have to take the total Vehicles okay so this is the chart which we have to visualize now what we have to do we have to do quick for formattings on this so for that what I will do I will just select this pie chart okay so this pie chart I have selected not pie chart a donut chart click on format printer and then just click on here right okay one second select this click on format winter and just select this particular chart you can see all uh the or we can see the background has been gone so it is just taking the formattings of this chart and we are pasting it over here so now just select this chart go here go in x-axis okay we don't want to show the title for this we'll just turn off the title similarly for y axis we'll turn off the title all right then grid lines will turn off the horizontal as well as the vertical grid lines right and now we'll just try to bring it over here increasing likewise and we'll add just it this vertically as well right and just try to place it as Center okay now uh go to General or go to visual first and here go to lines okay and in lines we will choose the color over here so choose the color here this that is the same color which we use to design our this particular things right so this particular font of this particular kpi same color shaded area what we will do we'll just increase the transparency of the Shaded area we'll just make it a 75% okay next we'll go to markers and we'll turn on the markers we want to show the markers all right and then we'll just turn off this and in data labels we have to turn on the data labels okay and go to values and instead of bold we are going to choose it as semi bold okay or we will keep it as D itself and we'll make it as 12 okay or we'll just reduce more okay and we'll give the color as white okay and the display unit is correct next okay layout just go to values again one second all right and in data labels we'll just choose the position as above okay so we will show all the positions as above and next uh this particular also we have to change the color of these also so we'll just go in y axis xaxis and we'll just change this to this and on y AIS we will change the values color to this okay perfect and now you can see it is starting from 2010 it should start from 11 itself so for that what we will do we will go in x-axis and you can see the minimum range it should start from 2011 okay so it should be starting from 2011 itself you can see in the tool tip itself and you can see the trend or the inside which we can take from here is it is going or it is increasing uh we can say from each model year or each year of make it is going on in increasing and increasing right so the usage of electric vehicle is increasing and here you can see it is dropped in 2024 that is we just have 642 vehicles but this data because we are in right now 2024 the data is not almost for all the year it might be only for half of the January month okay so as we go on increasing and when you update the data in this sheet and when you hit refresh over here automatically this chart will be also updated and you can see the trend for 2024 will be more than 2023 right so year on year the trend has been increasing and the adoption of electric vehicle is also increased right so in this way uh we can you can generate the Insight from here right so you also they want to see uh what are the insights and growth pattern right so adoption and growth pattern is good for electric vehicle the future is good for electric vehicle right and people are adapting the green energy getting on so this is a good sign for us get right now we have to add the title Al for here so we just go in title and I will add the title at the left okay that is total Vehicles we'll just increase it by one and we'll choose this color okay so that is total Vehicles by model here all right so now this was the total Vehicles by model here next we have to find out as per our problem statement if you see we have to find out total Vehicles by state okay so for that I will just select this background contr c contr v and I will just try to add it over here just choose the center and I will reduce it likewise all right perfect now for that I will just take a map chart from here that is a field map we'll be using and you have a state I just add it into location and we'll be using the total Vehicles into lend okay just take the total vehicles and we will add it into lend or it's not just select the instead of this we'll just choose the shape map okay so instead of build map we will use a shape map okay so in shape map you have to add the location uh the state as in location and the total vehicles in the color saturation okay now same we'll just select this chart click on format Pinter and just select this okay so automatically the same formattings will be applied over here as well and now we will just try to bring it over here okay now we will just reduce it likewise and reduce increase it vertically likewise okay okay and now we will do some formattings on this all right so go to format visual then we will change the field colors for this just go to fi colors we'll be using a gradient so just turn on the gradient over here so we will just choose the minimum color from here so we'll choose a minimum color this and the center color we'll choose we'll go in more colors choose your green okay the center color we'll choose is at this and the maximum color we'll be using go to more colors again go to green and we'll choose like this okay perfect so this is the saturation we are going to keep everything in green color them right so from here you can see the darker color is over here right so Washington most of the vehicles are for Washington itself and the data is also for Washington itself but still they have provided some of the data for other states but they are more focused towards the Washington so if you want to also see the data for other states if you see here for California you can see with respect to that the values are changing right and you can see the uh you can see output for only California and you can see filter out those value for California and see the trend of that getting or not so this is the total Vehicles by state all right so you can see some of the values here are missing right so why because it does not have space to show the value over here because x-axis values are not showing right so when you increase it light you as soon as the values increases you can see the the labels are also showing up so it doesn't matter okay because we have a tool tip okay when you just go here over over your mouse you can see it in the tool tip itself so don't worry about that okay so if if customer says also that I want to see everything then you have to change the layout of your chart right so you have to increase it likewise and instead of this chart you have to adjust your some different chart over here and then all the other layout also will be changed with respect that okay so now next as per our problem statement we want to find out the top 10 Vehicles total Vehicles by make okay okay so for that first I will take the background I will just copy this and we will add it over here just take the background okay right and we'll just reduce it this is okay great and we will take a bar chart from here so this is the bar chart we'll be using I'll increase the size and we have to find out the total top 10 total Vehicles by make okay so we have have a make over here we just select make and the total V okay we have all of these but we'll just quickly format this I will just select this format painter and just click on this okay so everything will be gone from here and we will have the formattings and now we just have to show top 10 so show top 10 I will just open the filter over here and here you have an options here right so only on this visual so it will be affecting only this visual so I just select here okay and instead of basing filtering I will choose top n and in topn I want top 10 Vehicles right and by which value we want it by total Vehicles so I'll just take total vehicles and I will add it in the values and I will just click on apply filter so now you can see we have all the vehicles by top 10 Vehicles right all or we we just have top 10 Vehicles over here right and now we'll just click here and instead of this this U we can say x-axis values we don't want here I will just open this and I will just turn all the values right and now I will just take it and I'll place it over here perfect okay now just select this go here uh we will go to bars and we'll choose the color we'll check the color as this perfect all right because we want to keep everything in the green theme similarly if you want to see the values only for Tesla you can select here and you can see the values for Tesla itself so here you can see it is just highlighting you can see the bar is not completely filtered out so for that what you have to do is so I will just select this particular thing that is this particular chart we have to go to format and click on edit interaction so just click on edit interactions and instead of see you can see now right now this has been selected you can see it has been filled that is highlight so it is just highlighting not filtering out so to filter out you have to choose this option that is filter so when I click on this you can see it has been filled and this has been filled out okay that is it has been removed and now select this also all right and now when I select this you can see enter value is changing right likewise enter uh uh pie chart values are completely changing and showing us the values all right and now just click on again on interact edit interacts you can see it has been uh uh the options are going out from here right so in this way you should know how to highlight and how to just uh highlight and how to just filter out all the values right so by default it will be highlight but highlight doesn't give you and proper Insight or readable insights from that particular option so you have to highlight you have to filter it getting so now next as for our problem statement we have to find out total Vehicles by CF eligibility so for that we will just take a background first over here so we'll take the same background that is this one I just select it contrl C control V okay and we'll just try I will adjust it with arrow keys and I will reduce it likewise okay this will be the space we'll be using and just select like the donut chart you can use a pie chart also and we want it with the CF that is this and with respect to Total Vehicles right I we will just select this go to format printer and just select this okay so this is the thing now we'll just try to adjust it over here and just reduce this likewise all right and now we'll do some formattings on here go to General first we'll change the title so we'll just remove the CF legibility okay and we'll just keep the abbreviation over here right again select this and we'll change the slices first we'll increase the spacing for this we'll increase it to 70% okay and now we will change this colors so one I will choose it at this second we'll choose it as this and the third one we'll take it as this perfect okay so this this is the color combinations we are going to use the same which we used for this gradient same we are going to use over here right now select this and we want to show the Legends here right and the Legends I will show it as top Center okay at the top and the text in the legend I will choose it as this particular color this one and I will just turn off the tle of the Legends okay so from here you can see what insights can be taken when I take the house over here that is clean alternative FL Rec is eligibility is unknown as battery range has not been researched means what so for this particular uh Vehicles whichever Falls in this category the research is still going on on CF eligibility that is nothing but clean alternative fuel vehicle so clean alternative fuel means what instead of using your uh resources which are depleting U with respect to time that are gasoline petrol so these are uh we can can say nonrenewable resources right or we can say I'm not sure whether renewable or non renewable this is part of sale but they are going to deplete it with respect to time they they they might you know the consumption might be so high that they might be shortage in future but what are clean alternative fuel might be first is electricity second might be uh your solar panels it might be some other resources which are naturally available right like hydrogen powered vehicles right so these are the clear alternative fuel so research has been still going on then you can see this is uh like 41% that is clean fuel vehicle is eligible so all the vehicles which fall in this range like 41% of vehicles are eligible for this particular criteria right so it is giving us a clean energy vehicle it is not non-polluting vehicle we can see and we can say 11.86% of vehicle are not eligible right so all the vehicles which falls in this criteria they are not eligible for clean alternative Fel so this is a government Norm whatever Vehicles fall in this particular range they are not eligible and they are not they do not fall or adopt in the category that we can say they are a clean vehicle and most of them are you can see most of them are pH only right so you can see only nine vehicles are there which are be Vehicles which falls in non-eligibility and if you see in eligible Vehicles you can see 75 per are eligible right and you can see when we say research we can see on all the electric vehicles only the research is still going on getting or not so you can see here also it is highlighting so for that what again what I have to do I have to go in format here you can see when I click here 100% is there so it should completely take this entire uh we can say area of this donut chart that is for 100% entire green should be there but it is not happening so for that what I have to do I have to go in format click on edit Ed interactions and here you have to click on filter here also you have to click on filter similarly here also it is highlighting so you also click on filter and now when I just select this go to format here and then uncheck this and now when I select this you can see 100% means entire is selected that is on all which are we can say research is going on on all the electric not on we can see hybrid electric and we can see which are non-eligible so we can see if I click on non-eligible and 100% all the vehicles are non-eligible here right so only nine vehicles are we can say here which is a very negligible amount in front of 18,000 only nine vehicles are non-eligible which are of pure electric type getting or not and in that also most of them are Toyota Ford all these V right which are non-eligible here you can see when I click on non-eligible the Mak which are for these are non-eligible vehicles for clean alternative and which if you click here which are eligible most of them are Tesla Nissan and sheret and if I click on on which vehicles the research is going on still on Tesla some of the Tesla model vehicles the research is still going getting notes in this way you have to read the insights of this particular dashboard right so I hope you're understanding how how to read it and how to take an analysis from that so if I click on here on Tesla you can see when I click on Tesla 100% of all the vehicles are Bev means what all the vehicles they made by Tesla are electrical Vehicles they don't focus on hybrid electric vehicles getting or not so this is the Insight you have to read an average electric range is 90 km of one complete charge similar if you want to see for Nissan okay so for Nissan also 100% are electric if you click on sheret you can say cheret deals with both cheret deals with both 100% electric vehicle and both on uh we can say hybrid electric vehicles also so this is very important guys okay so in this way you have to read the insights and which which can or your client also can take the insights from here all right so now next what you can do is uh we have to find out our last requirement that is top 10 Vehicles by model okay and for that we have to create a tree map so I will take a background for this that is container and I will just increase the size likewise and this is the container we'll be using here you have a tree map uh where it is this one we have a tree map over here so this is the tree map so we have to find it for model Okay so for different models by total Vehicles right but we just want top 10 models so for that what we will do I will just go here and first go in filters okay select this and go to top n and here we want top 10 okay and by which field by total vehicles and just click on apply so you can see top 10 are there but we want to give the colors to this so first I will just select this click on format Pinter and just select this you can see all the values are changing now now go to Colors okay and here what I will do I'll just click on FX okay and here we'll choose gradient color okay and for here uh it should be by what okay by which field we want to uh take the gradient so it should be by total Vehicles okay by total Vehicles what should be the lowest value so the lowest value should be given the color as let's say we'll go in more colors going green we will take a a bit darker green color and for highest value we going more colors go to green shading and we'll choose it as this color okay and just click on okay so you can see automatically the color has been taken uh we'll just choose another color a bit darker and at the end at the lowest value we'll just choose the more dark okay perfect now it looks fine and I we will try to add it over here all right so this is total Vehicles by model all right guys just Pi it here now now it looks perfectly fine and with respect to this we have designed all of our charts right so now next what we have to do is we have to add our uh filters over here so for that what I do I will select this go to style and the color which I will be using here is bit black color okay I will add a black color for this background and we'll have to add a filter panel over here so for that while I will just take a text from here first I will just select this contrl C control V okay and I will bring it over here and I'll will name it as filter panel okay and just select n we'll choose use it as well okay perfect and reduce it likewise right so this is our filter panel and now uh we'll just change the color of this to Blue okay and now we will add our filters over here so filters are nothing but slicers so we'll take a slicer from here so the first slicer which we have to add is the city okay so I will take a city from here and I will add it in the field and now we will do some formattings on City go in slicer setting so it should be a drop down in selection it should have all button okay and we don't want a slicer header we'll go in values for background in values background we'll choose it as black okay and padding we will choose it as zero next font color we will choose it as white okay and now just select likewise then go in general go in effects and just turn off the background and now we'll bring it here perfect okay and we'll just copy this now contrl C control V and I'll bring it here Center now name it as City okay select this and we'll name it as color as white okay so this is our city so we'll just take it to left select this both of them and we'll take it to left perfect choose it as set we bring it more closer okay so this formattings this alignment takes some time guys it will take time for you also but once it is set it will be same for all all right so this is with respect to city right right so if you want to see for different city you can choose your city and you can filter out the value for different cities likewise if you want to see for multiple cities you can just press contr you can select multiple cities right so in this way you can select cities now uh I will just copy and paste this both them both of them just press control and select both of them okay or you can press shift also control C control V and I will just take them both of them over here okay and now instead of city next we want is electric utility so I'll just take electric utility and add it here same we will change the name of this as electric utility right bring it to right right so this is electric utility then again contrl C control V okay and now we want to see it with respect to uh the electric vehicle type okay so that is nothing but b or pH and we'll say copy this again contrl C control V take it over here okay and name it as electric vehicle type all right so we will just take both of these this this this this and this we will just move it to left okay so these are all the filters right so you just have to adjust them uh it will take some time for the alignment so I will I will be just fast forwarding video for this all right so uh in this way we are adding our filters getting and so this is the this is how we uh design enter Dash if you want to add a image over here so you just have to go in insert click on image okay and I will just go downloads and I will just choose my image from here this is the image okay and you can find this image on Google anywhere whichever image you want to use okay so this is the image all right so in this way guys uh we have designed our entire dashboard and here you can see this is the beautiful dashboard I hope you have learned so many things from here uh you you you have learned different functionalities how to design a dashboard how to formulate how to generate insights how to read the insights okay which will help your client to take an uh you know decision from or taken insights from entire dashboards and entire reports whichever you are building in future all right so I hope you have liked this tutorial I will see you in the next one till then please go ahead and subscribe the channel like the video and help me reach out to many peoples who are in need and who are learning the data analytics field see you guys bye-bye
Channel: Data Tutorials
Views: 33,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: power bi tutorial for beginners, power bi tutorial, power bi dashboard, power bi, power bi for beginners, power bi training, power bi dashboard tutorial, microsoft power bi, learn power bi, power bi desktop, power bi course, power bi full course, power bi tutorial for beginners excel, power bi project, how to use power bi, what is power bi, power bi reports, power bi dashboard design, microsoft power bi tutorial, microsoft power bi full course
Id: qjjt87YoOMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 6sec (4986 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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