Data Analyst live Mock Interview | SQL | Power BI | Data Science - Must Watch!!

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so hi shant good afternoon hi Aus good afternoon I hope you're doing well uh yes and you yes I'm also doing great thank you for asking uh so shant pleas can you please uh walk me through your profile uh well uh thank you for giving me this opportunity I am suban BR and brought up in orisa and uh I have completed my graduation in BC physics and coming to my experience I do have one uh one year of experience as a data analyst right where I got chance uh to work with analytical tools like Microsoft SQL server and Microsoft Excel and powerbi in SQL I'm good with uh working working with joins subquery and group by aggregated for functions and in Excel I am good with uh P tables uh V lookup H lookup X lookup index match okay reporting okay and I'm good with Dax okay fine so uh shra as I can see you have done a project okay uh while you were working as a data analyst okay so uh can you please tell me the roles and responsibility you were doing in that project my role and responsibilities was to uh dat for mainly for data cleaning importing data from various sources okay and data preparation generating reports fine so uh which tools were you uh basically handling on those all those uh you know which tool were you onto it mostly I use uh Microsoft SQL Server okay and Advance Excel so uh shakan tell me what are your primary skill sets my primary skill set is uh mainly SQL all all right fine fine fine so how would you uh rate yourself in a scale of 10 10 being the highest I will let myself eight out of 10 okay fine so all right um so shant we have our panel Santos uh he would be uh going through your technical round so over to you Santos you may please proceed hey hi shant how are you doing hi sir thank you foring okay shant so I you I think you are pretty much comfortable in SQL right yes sir okay so can you please tell me five SQL functions which you have used for data cleaning uh I mainly used dream functions uh while uh cutting the Extra Spaces from the data and I use uh uh date functions to standardize date for format and I use text functions also to standardize uh text into standardize one and uh I use uh lower and upper formula mostly use uh to standardize text value uh these functions I use for data okay so do you know a mid function sorry uh do you know me function or substring function and SE will uh yes yes okay so can you please tell me what are the parameters that are required uh to you know use this function uh me functions uh uh allow three parameters uh one is the main subst strings we have to pass the first and uh then we have to pass the starting position from where we want to extract uh a a sof string from a main string and and then we have to specify the how many number of characters we want to extract from the mainstream okay okay all right so can you please tell me the difference between a primary key and foreign key uh primary key and uh foreign key both are constant and uh primary key is uh a constant which restrict the column to have a duplicant and non values while foreign key establish a relations between tables okay okay so uh all right do you know what is normalization uh sorry sir I cannot recall okay okay so uh okay all right so let's say uh I have an employee table okay so the employees have got rating like appra rating 1 2 3 4 5 five okay so uh depending on their performance these ratings are given all right so I want to give let's say one uh people who have got one rating I want to give them 20% hike people who have got two rating I want to give them 15% hike people who have got three rating I would give them let's say 10% hike so how would you achieve this how can you do this I can achieve this uh by update command and uh uh using case statement in this excellent excellent got it got it got it okay so so what is the difference between we and having uh where Clause is used to uh filter the data individual data from a data set uh while having is also used to filter but uh we use having Clause to filter summarized view of data any any other differences um where Clause is executed after uh from from command uh while having Clause is implemented after the uh where Clause is executed okay so can you use aggregate function along with where Clause uh yes we can use are you sure yes agre function agregator functions we can use uh with we Clause okay right okay so how many types of indexes we have in uh SQL index uh sorry sir I could not uh recall about the indexes all right so have you ever worked on user defined functions have you ever created user defined function on your own uh no sir I have not created any the Define functions I use pre def functions in SQL okay so suppose I have got some you know negative numbers I want to get rid of I want to get rid of the sign Okay negative sign okay so what is the numeric function you're going to use there uh we can use absolute functions apps yeah perfect perfect all right so so uh what is what is a view in SQL uh view is actually temporary result set which he used to view a temporary result set in display so uh what is the use of car index function in SQL car index is a used to find the position of a string starting position of a string from a mainstream all right all right so uh tell me uh have you used powerbi uh I use uh little bit powerbi for generating reports so from which data source you were importing data to powerb uh mainly from SQL server and Excel okay okay so are you familiar with power query uh yeah okay so what is the use of uh merge merge query in power query uh Marge query is used to Marge the data vertically okay okay so all right so familiar are you familiar with Dax functions than functions little bit all right so uh what is your notice period my notice period is uh one week one week all right so fine fine I think I'm done from my side aites do you have anything for shant uh no no questions from my side again yeah so good to go again um shant uh thank you for joining uh we'll let you know once we have decided our decision with our decisions so thank you for joining have a good day thank you thank you sir [Music] yeah
Channel: Talentele Learning
Views: 177,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8cNZ_GHVzGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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