Power Automate get data from Power BI dataset

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hi I'm Laura GB if it's your first time here don't forget to press subscribe this video we're going to look at using power ultimate to pull data from a power bi data set so let's start by looking at our report first so here's our sales report and we've we've got our monthly sales so if I filter down to what I want to do is send those June figures last month to a Senior Management and by product so that's what we're trying to do so let's we're going to use power ultimate to send that email so let's go to manage your flows and my flows Tab and I'm going to click create it's going to be a scheduled foe and we're going to put in sand product sales and we're going to run it every month so let's click create and here's our new float we're going to add a new step and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to pull data from our power bi data set so we're going to go to Papi and I can then search this one and what we're searching for is query if I could spell it it would help but hey it's okay fix it for me run a query against the data set that's all we're going to go for not the Json one and then asked for a workspace and my workspace is called how of data and my data set is called sales data and then asks you for the query now this is Dax it once okay but you don't have to write that down because you'll be glad to know you can write that Dax by using the pat you can have your desktop so let's switch across the power bi desktop so this either needs to be the report we just saw which is what we've got here or it needs to be a report connected to the same data set so what we're going to do is on a blank page we're going to add a table that I'm going to put in the data that I want to be able to see so let's just drag that over here just for a second speaks because everything closer together for a minute and I'm going to add some data so we're going to start by adding in the product name and I'm then going to add in sales uh total sales measure that I wrote so there we are there's the basic data but that's all of it I want to filter it okay I want to filter it just to one month so if I move over to the right here a little bit I can see I've got I go back to the data temperature for a second and in my calendar I've got a month offset and I'm going to drag that month offset into the filters on this visual and I'm going to change that filter to say is and last month is month offset is minus one I can apply that filter and there we are my data is filtered right now the Total Line I don't want that total line to come through okay so I'm going to remove it from the formatting so I'm going to go to my totals and I'm going to remove it now if you want to see the difference that does have it go both ways okay so that's got me my my table that's exactly what I want to be able to send the person okay so we're now going to do is we're going to get the Dax that's behind that so you do that by going to the optimize ribbon and clicking on performance analyzer and over here on the right that that gives you a new pain for analyzing one and I can click start recording and then I'm going to click refresh visuals and I've already got one visual on this page and that's that table so if I expand up what it gives me there it shows you how long it takes to draw that okay but the important part down here is copy query there you are I've copied the query let's go back over to power automate and I'm going to click into that query text and I'm going to put in into there and there you are you can see all the parts in there and if you're a dance expert you'll understand what it's doing there okay but that's that part done so now we're gonna I want to email that somebody so we're gonna do a very simple version this is not gonna be the prettiest email in the world but we're going to start by just doing a quick HTML create a HTML table and we're going to come into here and there we are run a query first table rows so that can go into there then we're going to write a new step and we're going to send an email and I'm going to send an email from Office Outlook V2 so we're going to put in the senior manager's email and then I'm going to put in monthly sales figures and I'm sure there'll be lots of blurb that you put above it but then what we're going to put into our email is the output of that create HTML email now it's not with the prettiest thing in the world okay so that's that's not the purpose of this perhaps this this video is to show you the game getting the data so we've done all that we've done that let's remember to save and now let's test it so I'm going to go to test and I'm going to go for manually testing it click the test button at the bottom of the screen click the Run flow button and then click done and they are really quickly it's run that flow for me okay so now we're gonna let's go and have a look at the inbox and there we are in their inbox we can see that email and there we are we have the sales product and we have the total sales now it's put some square bracket trials and things and this text isn't formatted totally as we'd want it but that has pulled data from a power bi data set using panel to make I'm Laura GB if you haven't already please press subscribe take care now
Channel: Hat Full Of Data
Views: 21,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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