Send Table data as an attachment to mailbox in Power BI using Power Automate | MiTutorials

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hello everyone and welcome to my channel Mi tutorials in this tutorial I will be teaching you how to export data from your table in power bi and send that as an attachment to your mailbox so we will be achieving this using power automate so let's get started with this tutorial so I have a table over here which contains all the columns here that I am interested in sending this particular table as an attachment to my mailbox so what I will quickly do is I'm going to create a copy of this particular table so that this will save me some time in creating or adding in the columns into a power automate visual so once I have created a copy of this particular table I'm going to go here under build a visual and change this into a power automate visual so by doing this I don't really have to bring in the columns that I need to export again into this particular Visual and now you're not able to see anything as a background of this power automate visual is because I had turned off background in this particular table over here so I'll quickly go into the format tab over here under size and style I'm going to turn off the turn on the background and over here you will see that power automate visual is saying that it's going to create a button over here which will trigger the automated task so now let me click on the ellipses over here and select edit once you are in this particular screen over here let's click on new and choose instant Cloud flow and let's add a new step now the first step that we will be adding over here is initialize variable choose initialize variable over here let's give it a variable name in this case I'm going to call this as sales table and then the type here is going to be an array the value you can leave this as a blank I'm going to add a new step now and now let's search for append to array and under the actions over here let's choose the first one that is append to array variable and under name over here let's select the table that we created or the variable that we created over here which was sales table and under value over here this is where we will have to Define our variables that will go into a CSV file so this is basically a Json input so I'm going to open curly bracket and close curly brackets over here and within the curly brackets over here I need to Define all the columns that will go into my table so I'm going to open double quotes over here and then type in My First Column name which was a country in this case so I'm going to type in country I'm going to close the quotes over here give it a space type in Colon here and open codes again and under Dynamic content over here I'm going to type in country so this will now bring in the column from my table that we had in our power bi table and now once after you have inserted this I'm going to close the quotes over here followed by a comma and then let's add in the second column which is order ID close the codes give it a space enter colon open quotes again and over here let's search for order ID and I'm gonna select the order ID over here I'm going to close the codes for a buyer comma I'm going to repeat this for all the remaining columns over here now that I have entered all the details of the columns that I want in my table I'm going to click on new step over here and in this new Step I'm gonna type in create CSV and over here you can create the first action which says create CSV table in the from section over here under Dynamic content let's choose the sales table variable that we created and now I'm going to add a new step and let's type in send email and choose the second option over here which says send an email V2 and in the two section over here I'm going to mention the email ID to whom I want to send the email to enter the subject over here let me just call this as sales table and enter the body hi and click on show Advanced options so this is where you can Define the attachment name in this case I'm going to call this as sales underscore table sales underscore table dot CSV make sure that you enter the extension of the file as well it is important and under attachment content over here let's choose the output from our CSV table and once this is done you can now click on save our flow is now complete what you can now do is rename this particular flow if you would like to call this as sales export CSV and then I'm going to click on Save and once this is saved let's hit on Save and apply and now it says I have successfully applied let's go back to our report you will see that a new button has been created over here let me just resize this particular button over here and let me come to the country slicer that I have let me choose a country from the slicer let's say China for example and under item type I'm going to select beverages so I have these few rows over here that I want to export or send that as an attachment to my mailbox what I will now do is I'm going to click on run flow it says it is triggering and in a couple of seconds it will change to triggered and then let's jump back into my mailbox and wait for a couple of seconds for the email to arrive okay the email has arrived let me open the file that we have sent us an attachment and you will see that we have all the rows from the country China and of course we don't have the category over here but this is for the beverages category that we exported and now let's say you don't want to filter anything from here but you would want to select some of the records that you see in this particular table and export only those records into a CSV file so let's say for example I want to export uh rows from Nigeria let's say Spain and then let me scroll down I want Libya and then let's say I want a Albini and now I have selected those four records over here I can now click on run flow it says triggering and in a couple of seconds it will change to triggered and you will see that there's a new email that has arrived with just those four rows in my CSV file isn't this really cool let me know what you think of this process flow of creating a CSV file and sending that as an attachment to your email I hope you will find this helpful at your workplace so that's it guys in this particular tutorial I hope you enjoyed this tutorial you learned something new today please consider subscribing to my channel for more such tutorials
Channel: MITutorials
Views: 1,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, MS, Excel, Spreadsheet, Help, Guide, Beginners, Basics, Tutorial, technology, Microsoft Excel (Software), Tips, Format, AutoSum, Calculations, Powerbi, Analysis
Id: _g4IXpwPjw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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