POWER at the OFF GRID CABIN! | Generator, Electrical, Buttoning Up, Guests Ep3

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[Music] well it's another big day at the small cabin in the woods we have a generator finally got power out here we got a Briggs & Stratton sixty-five hundred watts so this entire video is gonna be obviously sponsored by them they're bringing us the power they're bringing us the juice so we just had it delivered Kevin's bringing it down here with the tractor and here it is the Q 6500 60% quieter than the traditional generators this is going to be perfect for our needs I have Mark coming out grant is coming out we have a bunch of people coming out to help it's gonna be a pretty productive day we're trying to wire in for power but probably won't get all the way done today it'll be a couple day job but the idea is to get this sucker up and running so we can run power tools out here we can have lights we can have all the amenities that you come to expect to make your life easier and you can't have it without power so thank you Briggs & Stratton for your Q 6500 this thing Q for quiet right 6500 that's the number of watts it's a lot of output for for our needs but they wanted to send us the best so here it is so let's get to work let's get this wired in and let's enjoy the amenities that we've come to really appreciate in our modern day life there's no reason we need to rough it out here just because we're off grid [Music] okay so after you put the siding up we notice that there's quite a few gaps so we're doing is gonna go screw on the bottom up or from the inside out and then we're gonna suck that space in any spaces that we can we'll we'll put some spray foam in there but the screws is doing pretty good job so far so that just tightens it up skills it and gets rid of the draft and also we want to make sure that no animals or bugs can get up inside there so before we tie everything together here we're just going around with the screw we're gone we're gonna suck in all the gaps here between the sightings with a lot joints here we're gonna screw up through here and then type them up see Kevin's working our way over there so we're gonna go through all the joints before we do anything after we get all this screwed together we'll put some tar paper down and then we can run our electrical and that'll give us a barrier between the theory and also stop a little bit of the airflow but also providing a gap we need between the exterior and the insulation we are going to be using rock wall we decided we decided we were going to do a slip straw at one point but then just doing a little bit of research it just wasn't just didn't make sense for us to do it so we are going to be using a modern material for that it just it just makes sense it's it's such a small space doesn't make a lot of sense to go through all the aggravation and you know it's a couple hundred bucks for the insulation so we're just gonna slap it in there and be done with it whatever work we're working today on getting rid of getting ready for electrical so we have to tie you this all in first and then we can run our wires we have to build a little house outside to run the generator our to house the generator and that's gonna supply electricity rates that to the house beside a 2-inch screw into 3/4 going on an angle our siding is 3/4 of an inch thick so you can suck it in if you want to take a look over here this is a really good example of what we're doing right here if you can see that the gap there actually is coming whipping around here and we have had a really put a bit of blowing snow so this is why it's actually good to build in the wintertime it's because you can actually see there's a very good example of what what we're seeing so this is this is snow as is air penetrating the building so this moves right now so what we're gonna do and just like that that gap is closed so we're gonna we're buttoning up or basically stitching all the lap siding together because the only when we did the lap siding you're only nailing at the top so you can't see anything and now we're actually screwing from the back so we're actually tying it all together but any episode to say so the beginning we have all the gaps all the airflow and then like I said there's gonna be tar paper that's gonna separate our siding from our in insulation and then we're gonna spray foam it we didn't do tire paper originally because we didn't do plywood so if we had plywood on it we could put tar paper on there and it wouldn't have torn wind would have caught the tar paper and it would have been a giant sail it would have just flown everywhere broken time timing was basically everything because we didn't have a big stretch of window to actually do it why do we no use the plywood cost cost the plywood is just astronomical right now I don't know if it's because of the wildfires in the summer time but like cost of plywood were like 60 bucks a sheet and and really Labor's cheap and material is expensive my wife actually made me some chicken noodle soup homemade that's what's for lunch for me let's talk about phone this is a game it's brave all it's good for minus five there is a different type of foam for different types of weather this one is minus five is currently above minus five outside so we're gonna use this can a foam flow expansion we're gonna seal up all the cracks we can't physically put a barrier there so we're gonna spray around the gaps and make them more airtight every time we see a crack it makes it warmer in here and right now it's about a sweater sweater weather in here it's not t-shirt weather yet but we're gonna get their t-shirt and shorts weather [Applause] [Music] even got some gluten-free crackers I don't eat gluten-free because it's a five I eat it cuz if I don't I spend way too much time on the toilet Bon Appetit what's this for the internet told me to do it now this is uh this will just prevent moisture from getting behind the insulation never gonna spray foam all the edges and see this nicely tightly against the frame omnidirectional there no this is just tar paper this is purely a non-organic material that can get wet they can dry and get wet it can dry it'll be here four thousand years no one will be it it's designed to get wet it goes under shingles normally roofs it'll serve our purpose well who doesn't like doing wallpaper [Applause] sorry paper normally goes on the outside of a house on the plywood next year obviously retrofitting occurs that's Kevin explained earlier it's just easier this way wait well I gotta get flack for that one it's easier this way actually in our situation it's easier this way because we built it the way we did that's nice and warm in here we're not fighting wind there's no wind there's not paper whip it in your face [Music] [Applause] well last night I was really good but then it rained in its node so we it's kind of got wreck so now we have to slide down it a whole bunch of times we got a ton of people here we have mark we have grant we have dawn everybody's gonna be on Full Tilt so mark and I are gonna do the wiring on the inside Kevin is gonna be outside with Grant and Dawn they're gonna build the box for the generator so between the two we're gonna kind of meet up in the middle in the cabin with power all right dude so what's the plan so the plan is we're gonna run from the generator into a breaker box run a couple of breakers so that we can run some outlets 3-way switch and have some surface mount pot lights up top so nice wall sconce lighting down below and kind of separate things so that if you need to add or something later and you everything's kind of split up in that way you have two circuits running in here so we are we waiting for a battery to I know we had talked about that so I don't know if we're actually gonna be doing that is I something a future consideration yeah if you have consideration you can have a little battery system out by the generator that's charging while the generators running so dawn never got a proper introduction this is dawn he's been helping out with the cabin how do you know dawn dawn dawn and I work together yeah okay so that's pretty simple yeah on renovation stuff right okay he's also a friend so there you go I bring on adventures listen I'm just introducing him now because people said you never introduced dawn so we've missed a few characters in the show so this is dawn one yeah so what are you doing out here we're just cleaning off an area we're gonna do a little like a dog house and it's gonna be storage for the generator so it's just gonna have a little place to live when it's not in use so some of the key drei keep it up out of the elements keep it safe all right have fun Thanks so you're Haley yeah you're Grant's daughter yep yep you're the fire expert today anyway what are you gonna cook marshmallows that sounds good did you bring anything else yeah yeah oh nice so how you making the fire what are you putting on right now little cedar branches what's your name dude Tyler Tyler what are you eating yep cuz you can't wait for the rest of it yeah if I are taking too long hey what's going on everybody hurry up I'm never here there you go [Music] [Music] foundation to the generator level there it stayed secure that's what you mean again yeah so the third Trust goes here and loss go on where does the generator go it goes under underneath there's walls all right the walls on this big sheet it and everything and under the walls yeah make like easy salt to work up high then that's the roof yeah what is it it's galvanized steel yeah where'd it come from it came from a band down the road I think it's an old woodshed did the idea I think with this with this one here I think we're gonna do we're gonna do the old school chicken wire and moss and see if we can hide it because it's I don't know I think it should blend into its forest shouldn't it should look like that something who wouldn't want to steal that's right yep Joyce Dani gonna fire this up all right everything is frozen he wants to put two switches at the door one is gonna run an outdoor light one is going to run the pot lights for the upstairs and then he wants another switch on the other wall they're gonna run the sconce lighting one on each wall so I just have to figure out the best way to get across your light switch and then back using the least amount of wire simple simple simple and fun [Music] [Applause] so you may have already seen this on internet we're gonna build a small cabin in the woods out of pallet wood pallet wood golf pallet wood so these are all these are this is a pallet and these are these are pallet pieces this was on a pole pool company uses these as stickers to hold the logs on the transport trailer so this is a basically skid would he shut out to tea outdoors Teodoro he be did he make a skid would happen yeah well I didn't watch any of his videos we're gonna wing it like we wing everything we're gonna be a little doghouse you'll be the doghouse out of skid wood but it'll be a little cabin so we've got her somewhat shimmed up on the ground we can't dig grounds completely frozen so the idea in the springtime will be to come and take the forks on the tractor just lift it up and kind of make ourselves a base probably out of some stones rocks or something like that to keep it keep it steady but right now because we're dealing with sub-zero temperatures and the ground is completely frozen we've got her somewhat leveled up so he can just kind of build something temporarily so this is another mark urine did you watch your video you were in the video once it yep yeah yep you never got introduced no hi family friend roasting some wieners we got a daughter and Friends goat what's your friend's name [Music] you had to check they're not very good friends like the cabin good idea great idea yeah quality quality craftsmanship yeah ain't no an outdoor time that comes with it right that's right absolutely that's the best part yep hangout enjoy nature have a place to retreat for some reprieve if you want yeah yep love it I think it's fantastic are you hungry Prue ho dude do with the hoods I just lied look a lot better yeah I've been sliding a lot faster and going a lot farther all right let me see [Music] okay filler in it's good [Music] [Music] getting here yeah we're adding plywood to the bottom so looking at the back window here that's the generator house getting constructed right now so from there we're gonna run our main feed line but a breaker panel here will be up here so the feed is gonna come up through the floor to the feed the box that'll be the panel basically for the whole cabin just get rid of that here that's gonna feed in to the first plug and then from there we're gonna have two circuits probably feeding the rest so you can see basically it's all run plug the plug so we have a plug here by this is going to be eating area and then we have another plug down here at the front door so I don't know what this one's for it's kind of just extra well you might use it we may not and then this is a light switch so you got a two gang so we're gonna have the outdoor light switch and the indoor light switch and then up above there future consideration we have a plug up in the sky that might be for a TV that's kind of an afterthought it may happen in an off we'll see and then over here we have another light switch so you can picture climbing up here up until the loft we'll have pot lights up in here I think a bunch the little be buried up in some kind of bulkhead at the top so Mark's working on big massive stuff here because there's gonna be a wall sconce up top here and then another plug here where we can charge up or use an appliance if we want to use like a toaster we're thinking maybe not a toaster but maybe a little bit too much draw or a microwave probably not so mostly it's just the wall sconce there and then maybe you know if you need to charge a phone or something some kind of device and then up top it's gonna grab the library I'll get set up in the top here show y'all what's going on up there so the other switch will be just glow here so the idea is have a bed on this side and a bed on this side and so in between you could have a little table just under the window you know charge up things or have another TV so obviously I know you're thinking about the TVs is like we're gonna be watching TV out here probably not but I like watching movies so I all the kids like watching movies if you invite them out at the end of the day it's nice to sit down and watch a movie that you've got another thing wrong with that it's like kind of like balancing your life out so we live with gadgets you have to adapt to them it's not gonna be like you're gonna be sitting here watching cable TV non-stop it's more like just to wind down and to keep the kids interested in wanting to come out so they want to sit down and have a break that's cool but most the time is gonna be spent outside so anyway there'll be a light switch up here switch off the overhead lights and then the reason we put two light switches undone it's the control up and then the wall sconce is at the bottom because if anybody's sleeping up here in the loft area and we can turn the lights out on the top and then we still have lights down below and then we'll have exterior lights obviously for some you know late night after activity we might have a fire out there or you come in late you want to keep the lights on so you could see the cabin through the forest all that kind of things and if you want to obviously you know you're successful in a hunt and you need to clean clean an animal and get it all ready to eat and you're gonna want to be able to do that in the dark and to be honest most of time that's exactly how it happens you get home late and you want to you're having to do that in the middle of the middle of dark is not fun so having some exterior lights is definitely something that we that we really need and then the next thing is we're gonna have we're planning ahead for battery power so we don't have battery power yet we're thinking we usually generated we can power up the battery and then we can run everything silently off the battery so then we don't have to listen to the generator running all the time especially when you want it to be quiet at night so we're working on that that's kind of working probably so a little bit more deep nor involved in doing that but it's not crazy with what we're doing we just need to think about inverters and not blowing up the generator not blowing up the inverter and all things like that ocid been in the plastic you put the bottom out of each box it's for a vapor barrier you know for airflow right yeah so when you put your insulation in we fold this out put the insulation in and then this can be tucked around and taped on to the vapor barrier right that makes it seamless so you don't have all that air flowing behind the Box blowing in and freezing your butt off it's nice to have this fire going [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the fire out make sure your smoke coming out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just heated up the leftovers a Chinese food theme stir-fry and I forgot to throw any vegetables in it so it's basically just chicken and rice really reminds me of I actually used to do renovation with my brother into renovation we had a business together a while ago never really my thing but I did obviously to pay the bills I alluded to well people that anybody acid using the answer I have has to do in renovations I got into rental property back in 2001 I bought my first one I was only 21 at the time but it was student loan debt right out of university and I learned how to do that from being a student and paying rent for a long time so I kind of figured there was probably a little bit of money in there and the time real estate prices were really depressed that was kind of the end of the last sort of bus cycle hasn't been a bus cycle in years in Canada anyway we missed that whole 2009 debacle that the u.s. got I've got a little bit of a dip there and then it just kept on trucking but now people were massive amounts of debt in Canada there was never a correction and so people just keep kept consuming kept accumulating more debt I worked for somebody else before in in renovation - at a university painting mostly so I painted a lot and it was not very fun work but it it was pretty easy it was relaxing any mind breathing latex paint all the time the oil base was terrible didn't like that at all but I pay my dues I did some roofing for a little bit I was hard work flat roofing hauling around 80 rolls of paper has enough fun on a hot roof you know I'm pretty pale didn't agree with me too much it was hard hard work really hard work but by the time I was 30 I had paid off everything and I knew if I did that I knew if I could accomplish that if I could pay everything back I'd be okay the reason being because my rent would pay a salary to me and I would still have overhead of course and you know property taxes and repairs and maintenance and it'd always be defaults on rent although thinking back or looking back now I don't think anybody's ever stiffed me on rent because it was my job I never wanted anybody to have the impression that they could step me off on rent so they never they never got away with it some people tried they weren't successful because they looked at it like a game and whenever I play games I like to use strategy try to try to find little advantages if I could not in a malicious way but more and just a competitiveness way and that comes back to you know the lessons I learned in hockey were you didn't stand your ground in hockey you got pushed around you suffered so you always you always show back in hockey farik someone shoves you you always shout back so that's the lesson I learned from some competitive sports this is kind of a roundabout way to say that my meal here is really reminding me what it was like to be on that job but this is another mechanism of freedom so the cabin bill is it's just the way of like inexpensively producing and it's not an escape but just a place to recharge away from city life is that I'm totally not into city life I I don't feel comfortable I mean I could get along fine in the city I just it's not why some I think I like being and the woods I like being away from people but I don't detest people I don't detest city life I love city amenities I would never choose to live off-grid permanently I just I just feel it's it's unnecessary amounts of suffering and doing without when the city life offers so many conveniences that you can't get when you're doing it all yourself so yeah it's a it's about balance right if I've talked about this many many many times the life's about balancing things if you're if you have everything straight you're not running away from everything you know fix all the little facets of your life there's the individual parts if you fix all those and you're not running away from something you're just running toward something so I don't really feel comfortable leaving my family when things are going badly I like I want to fix things and then I'm like okay this is working good now I can go off and do something to make myself better and then I come back and be a good person all the time so it's like charging recharging your batteries and probably a lot of people can empathize with that position and maybe are suffering where they're lacking in certain respects maybe some of the relationships or maybe in their jobs or maybe just not getting recharged by going out and doing things that they love hunting fishing or just exploring or traveling I mean it can be anything it doesn't have to be related to outside it doesn't have to be related to fishing or hunting it doesn't have to be anything like that if you recharge going out with your buddies playing poker anything it can be it could be literally anything if that's not something that you're able to take advantage of maybe it's something you might want to look into yeah it's not too late it's just and it doesn't have to be like the whole shebang it can be part of it you can just make small steps lots of people ask me how do i how do i do survival well it's just like you do one part of survival and then that becomes easy to do the next part of survival it's the same thing with Bill in the cabin say we knew all the little pieces it's not like we're learning from scratch we've done all the little pieces before we don't think we've ever built we've never built a building from scratch you know from the bottom up but we've renovated plutt plenty of people's mistakes and fix them leaky bathrooms renovated kitchens put flooring in drywall painting you know mudding taping some electrical some plumbing obviously need to be a ticketed person for those things except for the plumbing you just need a permit but yeah we've done a lot of different things we've jacked houses up that were that we're falling down put structural beams in like everything so between between me Kevin and our and our friends like and the internet like if you don't know something click at all so that's how you get started on something and that's my I guess that's my food for thought for today so just thought I'd share that it it's really started to remind me of these launches anyway till we get this finish and I could start cooking proper meals it really feels like it feels like I'm just on the on another renovation project except this is much better conditions obviously more freedom and I'm the boss or were the bosses or chickadee friends here lost the raccoon that was up in the tree that they're eating off of so it's buried now in the snow but they made a tunnel down into the snow to grab the fat off the raccoon so what are gonna do this and dig it up the shovel give them an easier time put it back up in the tree if I can I don't know it's in there pretty good [Music] use what you got so the last piece is just a piece of Valley flashing you would normally put in a roof you know in the two roofs meet the flashing in the middle so it's a obviously another piece of extra scrap stuff kind of say he's gonna cover this in check that cover the roof and chicken wire and he's gonna put moss on it to help it blend in more because we don't want this to stick out as much it's not really a feature of Cabot's more more function than feature to fit in it he's a we made a loft space up top there so we have some extra storage we just put a couple extra piece of plywood up there so you can throw in you know stuff up there or the raccoon can make its home up there mice or whatever rats yeah the main generator will be down here and then we can just tunnel down below pipe wire or not a pipe and now they go to a cabin over there that's it I just need the door now there it is looks like a pretty good fit then we have our start and I have access panel here you have ports for power all set to go should probably give it one test running on its new home [Music] thankfully that's not a little most it's actually a mole they don't make messes inside like mice do it's because I was hiding in the woodpile and you clean up all the woodpile and then figured it was springing I guess I'm to get out trying to keep the place tidy he says scrap pile but it's also useful wood and we built the entire shed generator shed basically from scrap stuff obviously we had to dig it up the snow she's a pain in the butt it's kind of what you deal with in the Canadian winter it's always snow so unless you we didn't have a plan for that first cuz we didn't actually know the generator was coming and so we started looking around we knew he had some scrap left over and sure enough we got enough plenty enough to make it not good enough to make on the mill I'll put on the main structure but plenty good enough for what we need for this little generator hot I turned out pretty good looks like Charlie Brown's house hundred percent or Snoopy so it's not Charlie Brown Snoopy hundred percent lake Snoopy's house looking pretty good general go in there and be nice and safe and then when we want power all we do start it up an alternative to having a generator like this is using portable battery deep cell marine type battery would work for and we may be supplementing charging the battery with the generator itself so the generator is kind of always a mainstay we can always bring gas out here but we can also use the deep cell battery so we could switch it back and forth from the hot so we just put the battery in the hut connect the power to the cabin through the other generator or the battery and we're set to go one of those deep cell batteries I've heard from talking with a few different people that will last about a weekend three days or four days depending on use we're gonna be using extremely low amounts of electricity enough for a lights basically just lighting and we may use to see for some other gadgets have mentioned having a TV out here but that's to be determined and it only be for special occasions too if like want to come out here for extended periods of time it's nice to throw a movie on and relax in in the long winters where you know it gets dark at you know five five or six o'clock and it's not light till like 6:00 the next day in the summertime when it's not dark till 9:00 9:30 it's not so bad but in the winter it gets pretty long and obviously the winter gets pretty lonely too so but the main thing will be to actually to have people out here and entertain people and that way you know obviously don't need a movie on in that case but but my family's out here we like watching movie so we might indulge in one just to to relax and that's what it's the whole cabin experience is really all about just relaxing yeah see the generator fish fake we superimpose this cabin here this cabins in superimposed its green screen you can't you can't see this thing you know you're not gonna see it anyway all you're gonna see is like shapes and shadows it's not gonna be right ap shadow don't want the white all right look at the lens for a second today we're gonna be putting together a Fido house to fight Oh Snoopy we're gonna be putting together a house for Snoopy no it's for the generator we're getting power at the off-grid cabin stick around find out how we build this today we're gonna be building a doghouse we have a massive barking dog we're gonna put it in this little outbuilding no it's for the generator we're getting power for the off-grid cabin that's gonna be the shelter for the generator we're getting power in the cabin today we're gonna be building some outbuildings today this thing here we're gonna be putting together to house our generator so we can have power and our small cabin in the woods today we're gonna be building a small shed for our power center for the small cabin that's right today we're getting power at the off group cabin I think it's missing a little bit of balance and you need some pillars on the side and a wraparound porch that'll kind of balance it out really does look like Snoopy says there's no doubt about that but it's gonna do the job I'm going to cover up with moss in the spring/summer and that'll help it blend in a little bit more but it's Mason its Molly it it's it's mainly just to cover up the generator so that's gonna service job we've got to put a door on the front and then we need a little bit of flashing for the peak where the two roof sections meet and the roof ah we actually got from a neighbor who tore down the shed so that's all reuse and the trusses were actually reused as well so there's nothing we the pallet was how it was free as well so everything that went into this building is all Rives nothing new the roof came from a neighbor who tore down a shed the siding was extra stuff that we had leftover from the cabin the pallet was obviously free as were the two by fours that went into it plywood we got from the lumber store they had it leftover scrap pieces a lot went in there turned out pretty good sockin lacking a little bit of balance I think you need to add a wraparound deck and whatnot but we're gonna throw some moss on there in the spring and that roof will blend in a little bit more and it's uh just to house the generator that's all we need it for and that's gonna run power from the generator room back into the main cottage and then fire it up whenever we want power will bury a cable down into the cabin and as soon as we want power just give it a pull we're set to go
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 402,756
Rating: 4.842752 out of 5
Keywords: briggs and stratton q6500, small cabin, cabin in the woods, asmr, nature, outdoors, self reliance, building a cabin, tiny house living, norwood portable sawmill, sawmill, milling lumber, off grid, shelter build, woodworking, construction, renovations, carpentry, cottage build, cabin project, cabin plans, log cabin, forest, tiny cabin, tiny house, building, hd36 norwood, electric generator, offgrid
Id: hvqmKJSFFsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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