MAPLE SYRUP at the SUGAR SHACK in the Woods! | Home Made Evaporator Built from Scrap Metal

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well good day everybody welcome to Canada it's maple sap time maple syrup time and we are gonna be going from maple sap to maple syrup start the finish in this video mmm gosh maple syrup gift from nature nature's nectar delicious very good do you know where that came from yeah her daddy made it oh my taste it delicious [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] does it taste like Daddy saying did it taste like anything nope nope not yet all right guys as we get all our buckets and smiles and everything put together I thought it would talk to you guys a little bit about how maple syrup flows so all the way you need to know is that in the spring you tap and then at some point in time it stops flowing really well and you can't tap because it gets too hot and then the SAP gets gross and it gets bitter and then you got to stop and plus you get flies and that turns all milky anyway nature's gonna pretty much tell you when that's done but it gets when it gets too hot and it doesn't go below zero or below the point of freezing maybe you'll go out and do it yourself if not you can always go on a little tour there's tours all over the place for maple sugar shacks and they're happy to invite you out there pay a few bucks go on the sugar shack get some fresh maple syrup put it on some pancakes which is what we intend to do and they're gonna be enjoying a little bit of nature's treat all right we got all our spoils out I think I got to do a count I really got to do count but I think we got 30 or 40 buckets out which is the most we've ever done we added another 12 or 13 buckets this year we should have a good yield as long as the weather cooperates it's pretty much all up to mother nature if it goes really hot really fast we're gonna get nothing but it fluctuates between positive and negative we're gonna be all good if you guys want to support the channel buy yourself a wood beard shirt they'll be down link down below and Auntie springs so that'll help me keep things going and maybe next year we'll build a sugar shack we think she would glue sugar shack maybe we'll get a sponsor for an evaporator and they'll build a whole Sugar Shack around it we think sponsor looking at you not we got to do more redneck boiling which is fun too either way we're gonna be doing it [Music] [Applause] you like buddies a lot in there that's not bad and you get it out pretty tricky huh so you hold it push it against a tree push good okay now you got it grab carefully it's going to come out all of a sudden it's going to drop so we had some really warm weather last two days but that's actually not good it's the tempered differential that we're looking for so it's I didn't go below zero think of a freezing point last night I should say you didn't go below freezing and above I just stops flowing really good and plus it's not sunny and there's the thing about pressure yeah anyway so we're getting a little bit but not much hopefully things switch around I think it's gonna get cold again for the next few days so we might be on hiatus because it's actually not going to get above the point of freezing so it's not gonna flow but later next week it will so rule resumed then but we might have enough to start a boil today see how she goes and holy what a jacket where's your jacket hold it when's your jacket cost cost the syrup if every child had to go get their sugar of the forest I think there'd be a lot less sugar consumed forty to one that's like one square of the caramel Park very funny mush Oh I think the funny part of that is that it inspired you to actually carry it out because you wanted to see what was in the bucket make sure you put the back ones on to the two cooks at the back [Music] [Music] the good news is I only lost a half a pail that's it thankfully not even a half of it that was uh these lids are on tight so I didn't lose any of those I was close that was really close all right we're just gonna filter our SAP right now and I found a pretty simple inexpensive ways a t-shirt probably use cheesecloth we better find our filter but I'm not all that particular boat my syrup so I just use whatever I got so just gonna put it over top like that and then once we do the first boil in the VAT we have to take it off and then we have to boil it more carefully on the stove because this is obviously way too big to do a finished product so pull it off put on the stove so I'll filter once again once it gets down to a lot more concentrate than this let's dump this in here we'll filter it out I'll get though most of the wood bits out and then we can dump it into the back [Music] [Applause] sit for today oh I'd say we probably have maybe ten inches on the back this is 24 cross by 24 cross by 10 inches deep so we probably have a couple liters of syrup in there do you think does it taste like anything actually a bit much 2% sugar yeah not much we got to boil that off I think we got a pound this a little bit depressed on Emma Frost listen very very nice not nice looking but oh and genius self is function functionable oh yeah looks good actually it looks like it's very functional torrential rain last night so the normally dry cedar sticks that are on the trees or slimy they don't break very nice though you know both combustion Wow we got no smoke coming out of the chimney well if you look at the chimney which you're not showing I'm showing you no oh yeah yeah like magic to editing he's showing you the smoke burning like if you look through the chimney there's no smoke coming out of the chimney so the temperature of the fire is warm enough to actually burn the smoke off so we're getting really complete combustion so it's really clean burnt it's two stages with clean burn one is you need a lot of oxygen and wood has to be dry so if you're if your wood is wet it's not gonna have complete combustion because it doesn't get hot enough so if you have complete combustion you're gonna get more efficiency you're not actually boiling the water that's in the wood in order to boil the water that's on top of the work fire so shorten it up is this a good boiler or not this seems to be working very efficiently there seems to be enough air infiltration to keep the fire burning clean and it seems like there's enough it's actually containing the heat because I'm not like it I don't feel a lot of heat coming out so it's staying in and focusing its heat on the actual container that's boiling all right so now we got too much heat to talk this is turn into a blast furnace you got all the heat sucked up the chimney out we don't have a damper in the actual chimney section we don't have a damper in our custom-made boiler either so we got to figure out how to stop the airflow from going all the way up the chimney out and concentrate it where we want it which is on the the liquid we don't want to just keep being this fire and have it just escape up so I think Kevin's gonna attach a piece of metal on a stick and try to put it on top like a hat now the fire is not roaring as loudly because that all that air is not getting sucked out o3 to me we got some steam rocking now to the damper tell that thing falls on us don't catch it because it's probably like haha it's probably a thousand degrees oh we got 10 inches of SAP to boil so that's a first for us that's the first time we've ever had that much SAP boiling on our homemade boiler that's pretty impressive that's gonna boil so much more efficiently now we're gonna burn so much less wood so much less ten-time we just throw it in there boil it down and eat it sweet literally dude is that your jump yeah I was doing something else so I don't alright guys as you know I try to get a sponsor for this video it did not happen we did not get arrive operator so we're out here doing what rednecks do in Canada making maple syrup from homemade contraptions I'm sure you've all done it especially my Canadian friends so I am sponsoring myself you can buy these t-shirts on T Springs calm the link will be down in the description they've got a list of all the different animals I've eaten on the channel it's a pretty extensive list they've got hoodies t-shirts long-sleeve shirts and even girls shirts because I know there's a couple of you out there that still watch so yeah if you want to support the channel buy a shirt and we can keep this thing rockin cuz I'm having fun doing it I hope you're having fun watching it well we're getting pretty close to being finished we're not gonna end up with a lot of syrup from this boil but thankfully were just at the start of the season and we're gonna continue to see how much we can produce but you can't just leave it on the fire you have to take it off we have to be doing this properly we leave it on the fire what's gonna happen is eventually is gonna start to bubble up and boil bubble up bubble up bubble up and that's when we have to really start paying attention could easily spoil boil up cake along the sides burn completely done so we're getting to the point now where it can almost fit into one pot and then we can finish it probably inside on the stove but we can also bring it home and do it on a conventional oven that's how I prefer to do it because I can really adjust the temperature very very carefully so that's all we're doing we just want to get it to the point where there's most of the water is gone and it ends up in a syrup that's all we're doing it's pretty straightforward but it's a bit of an art a bit of a science just picked up the shirt here I want to show you how much stuff we filtered out in the last little bit usually I'll take it off well before now and do a filter and then do it on the stove at home let me show you just how much dirt weed filtered out and a lot of people would think that's pretty gross and all that stuff but Don Hoosier yesterday said that our syrup was so much better than the syrupy got from a buddy who uses a propane boiler because there's no smoke taste to it and all of the Pardons particulate matter is all taken out so all the maple tree cedar tree whatever else all that drunk just adds flavor to our so here have a look at this so all those crumbs are all little wood bits and things like that that we filtered out just at the very end there it's kind of gross but our syrups always really really really good nobody's ever said that they didn't like it or enjoy it and that maybe is why it's just our little special brew I guess so we're gonna throw it here for the day my mom's here my dad's here so we're just gonna hang out of the cabin and boil so we have the time you have Towe dinnertime if I don't finish by dinnertime then we will just continue at home yeah how about work inside here my mom's hiding hiding behind the door she didn't do her hair so she's embarrassed so mine the fog but there's a few pots so for all our work we will end up with some percentage of this but it'll be quite a bit less than that it's pretty liquidy you can tell the consistency they're not quite one so we'll boil that down and there's horses a little bit left in the pail you want to put it all in there and then have it boil over but my hands are sticky which is a good sign means we're on the right track all right pretty slow going on the stove here it's a heating stove it definitely gets the chill off inside the cabin but it's not enough to boil that syrup SAP down is here so I think I'm going to take it home and finish it off on the stovetop and I think next weekend we'll be able to come back out and I don't think we can finish off this video without making pancakes so next week's supposed to warm up again the SAP will be flowing and I think we can do a run in a second batch of syrup and finish it off put on some pancakes at the cabin you guys think I get a big family thing or whoever's up for it on our second pole here now running solo see you guys get action cam first person hopefully were rocking this the right way not sure how much stop we're gonna have today it's been flowing but slowly next couple of days should be really good I'm hoping we have enough to even bother collecting cuz it was a fair Drive to come out here it's like barely any not not flowing super good it's not too much kind of a slow slow slow drip expecting uh with the Sun going the way it is right now and flow better than that barely going anyway we'll clean these buckets up and hopefully I get at least a couple that are full now he's got a little bit more and see how the bucket being frozen is not a good sign that means it's not quite heated up in the bush here the good thing about it though is when you you see there's some drips around here that could be used for me splashing see that one's a better flow when you get a drip every second you're on the right track drip drip that's drip pause pause drip so guys it does go faster than that it's not gonna happen today it's uh - and that's about a couple inches on our first draw we did three pails like this and not produce two liters of syrup so that's what we're shooting for next it looks like we'll do probably a couple more poles together for another boil out of it and not too much in this football Paul we didn't have to bother collecting today see the flow on that ones drip pause drip pause drip so not at full tilt that's for sure good news won't take that long to clean all these buckets up and then we'll probably wait two more days or so with these temperatures and we'll do a big big boil probably just in time for the weekend it's nice to have everybody out with us sit around the fire do a big boil make some pancakes enjoy some of our fresh syrup this is just getting to the point where it's dripping it's actually pretty cold in the woods here so that one maybe looks better but only because it's a smaller bucket that feels to have here I might be one of the better ones let's check the flow on that one drip drip drip drip drip drip pause drill a little bit faster this one here it's hard to get these lids off but you got to keep the lids on you're also gonna get all that gross stuff on the top you don't want that in there that's good good bucket so those two were probably the most productive see this one drip pause drip yeah that's not bad it's almost a drip drip getting there that's about half a peel off of six six or so head toward the cabin we might have one pail and then we have to go back up we do the road once the road ones typically do better because they warm up with the road and the Sun and get full Sun out that way there's tons of tons of snow left in the woods here that's for sure that some of our brush pile is over there that we're starting to clean up the woods a little bit let those saplings grow up let the woods turn over as we get closer to the cabin we have two more down there in that tree and then we have one right at the cabin I'm thinking the one that the cabin probably doesn't work very good what we're gonna do here is we're gonna get all this collected put it in the VAT and leave it in the VAT and it won't spoil as long as it's cool out of the Sun which it is oh there's three on this one oh this is the mother lode this trees doing really well this year that might fill us up that check oh this one go that's the drip drip we want so in another day this one might fill up which is why we're collecting cuz we don't want to have them overflow and lose it all that's no fun this one seems the light but let's see that's not bad not the worst one the best one neither that one not on the Sun side of the tree any more Suns at the back side of the tree so it doesn't seem to be flowing as good this is on the shade side of the tree let's see this one as a comparison so it's kind of in between there at the front part of that trees working better now maybe these ones worked better in the morning but in the long run it's definitely the front side I almost lost it completely frozen that means that on below zero overnight and that was all flow from yesterday plus probably a little bit on top that one's not even going get zero out of that one it's always weird when you get a zero anyway I got this so one full one anyway pretty much full I'll load that up and a sled here make our way back to the cabin this stops a lot cleaner and clearer than the first run that's for sure all right we have one empty pail and then we have three more load pails these students don't have any holes in them so we won't get any spillage and unload my food bag camera bag back and you never know the main camera something interesting might happen and then one more Hale actually wanted to show you in here I have this is um maple sugar so if you boil see here what I got here a bunch of snacks so this is SAP this is this year's top syrup it's really thick - I like a loop is super super thick so if you boil past the sugar syrup stage you get into a sugar so this is like 100 percent of the water and move this is like I don't know probably like 98 98 percent 97 I don't somebody should check that out how much water is left in the syrup because I don't know but that's the syrup that's a thick thick thick see if you'd pay a lot of money for that one so once you boil it down past that you end up with the sugar the sugar is very storable because it doesn't always end up with chunks like this sometimes you can get a really fine green looks like a brown sugar so you can get some of the blue brown sugar it's mostly going to be the chunks you can see the sugar if you do it properly it ends up like that I'm gonna take a chunk of sugar my son likes to eat them like this because they're super super sweet so it's basically like eating candy maple candy but if you guys are interested in me showing you how I do this let me know in the comments and I'll do a batch of syrup down to sugar and I think this is like three years old mount just distorted in the peanut container this will lasts for years and years and years this way this will last they say like six weeks but if you freeze it like don't put the tight lid on tight freeze it don't put don't fill it all the way to top I think this stuff will last indefinitely you might get a little bit of mold on top but the molds not gonna bother you unless you have a mold allergy which case you probably want to eat it but if you just peel the mold off and you don't get too much of the aroma in there the stuff will last a long time in the fridge I keep it I've kept stuff for a year you probably shouldn't but you know follow what's on the label yeah so anyway this stuff all I think this is the way to go if you want to do long term storage but this is amazing thing this comes out of a tree it literally comes out of a tree that to me is amazing like these trees over here this is this is what we're getting out of it this is what we're extract down evidencing sugar that's pretty cool all right let's go let's get going and collect the rest of it check this guy out these guys ripping I only got one pail a friend of the property on the roadside oh no now I'm full yeah all the way back that's what I get for thinking that whole woods was gonna be the same this thing's ripping full Sun this one's this fall is the last one you're gonna be done here and it is oh no oh no it's a good thing though we gotta go get the sled we are full already knew that that's one and a half buckets that one is done these are the big ones all right also in the full Sun almost full some people say that you can just get rid of that ice on the top but I know for a fact that you can't because I've seen pails freeze all the way to the top so don't tell me that there's zero sugar in that just cause it's frozen to the top maybe this is straight-up ice water but I'd rather take the chance and boil it he's like I said I've often had pails that were completely frozen to the top check this one here who ones getting there too starting to make sense that we collected today I think by tomorrow afternoon those buckets would be pretty much Donna completely overflowing this one's only got a half a day left I think what flows over full on that one again now get it pretty good load here have four or four buckets and you still have I still have more than empty that's it's gonna be at least five buckets because there's already one in there so let's do some let's do some math here last time we did three buckets and got two so if we have six buckets that means we're gonna have four liters of syrup collected from south so that's probably a boat we had last time more or less so we got twice as much as the first draw and by the looks of things it's a lot of water to boil off something that would not be funny is if that that leaks that would be a disaster so that that he's about halfway to the top now we still got more to come okay so these are all empty let's go hustle up some more that's a pretty good start a couple more pails to go along the road looks like we're gonna have about eight which will produce about five liters of syrup altogether it's not bad for two extra days and we're just getting started [Music] [Music] [Applause] we are both three or four inches from the top of that being interesting to know exact the volume of that but it's a lot it's uh I think we're probably 24 inches high and over 24 wide 24 the other way it's probably 24 hi you guys figure out that is and figure out how many litres of syrup we should end up with I know we started off with 10 inches last time about 10 inches last time and that produced 2 liters so if we double that we should have 4 litres or so probably more than 4 I'd say maybe 6 litres of syrup in there there you go that's your hard work yesterday uh-huh let's use that can I get it in a pretty jar it's pretty easy get Mason that's pretty big actually that's a lot of SAP leader well I got I got fancy jars coming oh really are you gonna sell it no it's not too much work to sell it dude yeah that's thick it's thick I'm gonna try and okay so the neighbor down the road did some with he's got a proper boiler with the proper proper as in like he did new school so he's got the no smoke gets in his boil and then he's got a propane turkey fryer that he boils the final I tried it wasn't great like this stuff is like delicious it's full of flavor it's full of flavor that stuff kind of tasted a little bit like french fries and I'm not sure if it's because he was adding some like is it when it Frost's he was put in canola oil in the in the froth to prevent it from frothing up too much and I guess that's when you put oil in this no that's not right well they call that's the old-school way to do apparently and then they used to do it apparently they used to hang a ham bone on the side of the thing and it would you would froth up and then it would make the froth the bubbles out it wouldn't overflow the Sothis impurities you could scoop it off well they do they they sell those scoops but he added canola oil and his final boil smelt a little bit like carnival french fries and the final taste was very very light and you might see on my Instagram actually I posted his jars and they were very it was very clear not this this is like this looks like used motor oil and it's good though it's very good really good it's very sweet very good but his is very very clear very look like canola oil but I don't know to beaches oh maybe the second boil will be his tap his trees are first tapped so like he's never they've they're 50 years old and over the top so it was the first year doing it so let's see if this next boil is any better or different I guess this is different it's not better or just different I like mine better we've never had enough Full Tilt so let's see how she goes gonna be a lot of heat but we got a lot of water to boil [Music] it's hard work watching this boil this is like this but it's five feet long the one I was gonna get which 2x6 we got a full boil rolling so much you can't even see the bottom so I did take one pail out just to get it going but I think we can probably add the other pail back in so that's six pails I think altogether we're able to boil this boys working really well you have 30 gallons in there well gallons five pails five gallon 30 gallons all right so do the math on that figure out how many gallons of syrup we should be able to make from 30 gallons it's definitely like less than one gallon yeah well if the sturdy then we get almost a gallon it's not bad hey good morning guys we didn't finish the boil yesterday ran out of time so we're starting to back up today we're gonna do another poll probably not get a lot of SAP today because it's cloudy I don't think it got super cold last night so it's not the ideal conditions for flow but we're gonna collect what we have here and then we'll be current I think we gonna make pancakes today and we might be wrapping this video up but doesn't mean we're wrapping up the syrup season we're gonna keep going probably see just how much see if we can make so you have to stay tuned and figure out as the season goes on at the cabin here how much we can actually produce so so far we've only finished the two leaders thus far by the end of this boil we'll probably have another four to six or seven eight liters maybe at the most but looking pretty good so let's go to our collection and see what we got overnight all right so that drawl handed up with four or four pills amazingly which is super awesome and I think this VAT thankfully is gonna take all four and then in the quote I still have half the buckets to check which is great news we're gonna have a full day boy I'm out for sure let's load these up dawn and marked it all up with a sawmill trying to cut some shakes out for mark he's he's building a structure in his backyard so he cut down some cedar trees from Kirk's place that's the place we're working on the coyote and he brought them over here and now they're milling them so they're gonna make shakes I want to talk to you about my sled shakes red much said I you seem to drive this around all over the place this is a wicked wicked wicked sled it's got runners on the bottom super durable they send me these two on our last year I think it was a pelican a pelican company they're great for pulling around ice fishing stuff winter camping use this all the time and obviously now for maple syrup so these runners they're plastic runners they screw on I'm not sure if it cut I think it comes as a kit separately but you can also buy it like this at least they gave it to me like this anyway it was wrapped so I do think it comes like that but it's got a super deep bucket obviously so you can fit lots of lots of gear it has a cover that goes over top of it which is wicked for winter camping especially because it's it's got elastics around the outside and I'm not selling this Pelican they didn't pay me any money they just sent me the sleds but I've been using this for two years abusing it and we dragged it all the way to put a lake and back all through all the trees and like it's still you still really couldn't tell that it's it's been so roughly used as I've put this thing through so consider guiding self a pelican if you want a workhorse I would recommend immediately switching out the ropes that they come with and get some of this climbing rope climbing type rope and just drill some new holes bigger holes tied a little knot and end and you're good to go and then I've added an extra mod to this where I've drilled the other little holes and I put loops so that I can tie I put one on either side so when I cover it I can put the cover over top and then I can flash a rope through all the way down there's all the way to the bottom there's three on each side it's a six in total and this thing works awesome you can stuff this thing that you don't want to do you can stuff it probably double the height it does become tippy obviously once it the weight gets further away from the bottom but it works really well and then Jeremy actually put some extra mods on his where he put bars across and attached them to his hips we'd have to check his oh one wild crafter he has a puddle lake I think I I think I might have it on my puddle leg video as well so you go buck check that out I'll dump that one in but I don't know if you can tell but it's all the way almost all the way to the top I could probably afford to put one more in just take so long to get that to boil when it's full to the top I probably add one more just in case so I'll have three buckets to go up the top there because I don't want to not have enough room so yeah that's uh eight buckets today geez I was not expecting a bucket so that's great alright next step we gotta go to the wood pile and get wood and stuffer in there and stuffer in there and stuff round and stuffer in there we figured we'd probably go around about an inch an hour so if that's 24 inches 24 hours but doesn't work out quite like that because of course as it gets lower it increases the boil speed here's our wood pile it's at the front of the property because it gets full Sun up here and dries if we put it back in the suit of bush we are not going to have any dry wood anytime soon I should get a giant wood splitter coming the thing is massive if the sponsorship work so it should be on its way in a few weeks you guys are interested in seeing that apparently it's like a dinosaur it just basically completely shreds wood superfast and because we're getting all this wood from free from arborists we can go through it really fast set it up here to dry like at our mic ballad boo-boos don't get it poppin you pop them have to catch them first too fast random bubbles bubbles everywhere a mother would do both got me out of my pocket did you get it look at that one still Oh every run okay so as you can see you now are you behind the tree behind the job I see you you're with Uncle Chris this is pretty impressive we have it filled right to the top and it's on a hard boil and it's the first time we've ever got the full VAT all the way to talk to boil that that much that much not much what are you eating raspberries raspberries they're good yeah did you have fun with the bubbles yeah but was it fun those berries match your hair where'd you get your hair color from mmm good because he's favorite no bad seeds seeds in that a little bit not too bad no Lee's that's a fire yep poppin yeah I'll eat a cake it's your pancake ice my paycheck you gonna make a little dipping station can you hold that okay don't drop it you got it to hims let me ask you just pants for sir two hands Lena use two hands to hold it Oh me baby you hear the chickadee yes I hear the chickadee yeah yeah do you want to take a bite take a bite tell us how it tastes tell me if the syrups any good yes yes yummy yummy this year good quick very good very good do you know where that syrup came from where'd you see it came from yeah her daddy made it yeah daddy uncle Chris made it came from the trees you love it so that came out of the tree put your finger in there take some Oh taste it delicious good Don sir it's excellent with all the religious yep every bit of a good fold up like a sandwich a big pancake burrito oh yeah that's good syrup good pancake - we need some tables look at that that's that's that's something the tables next that's a lot I just might believe the napkin extra beavertail people won't know how to be retail don't think it's a literal beavertail all you Americans out there you should go and look up beaver tails and Canada they sell them in the capital of Ottawa it tastes like candy the deep fried goodness deep-fried batter covered in powdered sugar and cinnamon cinnamon syrup syrup and whipped cream I think that with cream okay so glamorous right well the kids are gone to bed he's Kevin's kid that's Kevin's daughter by the way Lina and that was her mom Rachel Kevin's wife so I have some time to myself I get to contemplate life actually waiting for the stove to heat up so that I can cook my pancakes I can't eat those weedy pancakes I gotta eat the non gluttonous pancakes so I've got some batter pre-made here this is egg vanilla and almond milk I don't think you're allowed to call it an oak anymore almond water almond juice cuz I don't drink milk either so I'm gonna mix this up and make myself a batter seems like I have too much liquid but we'll see just gonna mix it in the bag here so we got our maple syrup and I like to eat my pancakes with a banana so I'm gonna do that and I have all the time in the world we're letting that stop outside boil down it's probably not even gonna be done today so much SAP it's crazy it's gonna mix this up add it to there and I actually want to talk to you guys about a future plan I've been considering so this book actually I read this book it's not really a read book but it's like a plans book little house of my own 47-grain designs for 47 tiny houses it's interesting is it's like I think the published date was 1987 so this thing predates all the tiny home movement stuff but it's a really cool book if you guys are into tiny houses and cabins and things like that it's got like tons of different designs of like fixed fixed structures I see the picture there it's got fixed structures like basically tiny houses throughout history it's got little garages cabins sheds special to you stuff like look at these that's a pretty cool little house these are all like things you can really throw up quickly so if you think like this cabin design was just like something we kind of came up with probably not like 100% unique ideas but ideas that we have experienced throughout our lifetimes by seeing little different cottages from when we were kids my grandfather actually owned a a tourist camp up north he had 16 tiny houses on it that he would rent out to other people and that's where I grew up I grew up on on that property basically running around on a bunch of acres lakefront all summer long we'd go off and collect berries and come back and my mom would make pies and we were basically left on her own to roam on this huge acreage lakefront and we would visit we basically have a round of visitors different kids to play with who came from the city which is basically southern Ontario to come up and basically live like we did every day and they would pay money to rent these cabins it's an interesting thing the conversation always would I came up with like what do you guys do out here I'm like you guys are vacationing here you're vacationing where I live we do this stuff every day we vacation every day so that's a little taste of my childhood anyway but yeah different much a different you know people live in small houses forever because they were it's hard to build a big house especially we have to do it by hand but aside from like building a sugar shack which i think would be fun to do although always we found we we don't really need a sugar shack there's was this one really cool design that I had I had taken a picture of and I put it on my computer had it on my computer for a long time and now that we have a song now I'm thinking this would be something that would be interesting to do if cabins out for milling it up and if he's not well he can mill up all the pieces and I can build it but it's called after house it's 8 foot plus 7 foot plus a deck so it's only 56 square feet you can pull it behind a car or truck so it's meant to be lightweight but the cool thing about this plan is that you can actually sleep in it so it's not a it's not a winter ice fishing shack although it could double as an ice fishing shack it's actually for summer fishing so it's got pontoons to float the thing they have it listed as seven-inch thick styrofoam buoyant billets but I know now they have open containers and I think they have foam filled containers too that if they puncture they'll still float but yeah the idea would be to like build us either here or up north we built it here we'd have to transport it up north which is something that we could obviously do but so I guess what I'm doing is I'm pitching is I think do you guys do you think this would be a cool build to put this raft house together I don't know if this has actually ever been built I wonder if it's like somebody just like came up with a concept who never built it because they don't have a finished build and it's just a picture so the proof might be white it might not have ever been done maybe I should contact the the author of this to see if there's actually have a picture of this ever being built because as you know floating things is a very tricky thing to do so yeah I wonder I wonder if it's ever been built so would you guys be interested in seeing us you know an overnighter and a fishing on this and actually building it I think it would be really cool so anyway only think guys with you leave that on the comments if you think it would be interesting to to see us put that together so let's see how this fire going the fire is not going so it's gonna be slow so we're gonna mix our get our batter mixed up any way it can sit in the bag while we're waiting for that fire to eat up let's get this going I'll mix it together yeah actually that looks like about the right amount of liquid I did follow the directions this time and this is the easiest way to mix us up it's just put it in the bag if you're ever camping just grab a ziploc bag and put your batter in there you don't have to buy expensive gluten-free batter either just get your gluten-free flours and then you're pretty much set to go you can use it as any other type of real mixed pancake mix is like the easiest thing in the world of mate to buy creamy pancake mix I guess you know go for it but this is the absolute easiest way to make pancakes just throw it in a bag like that and then I'll probably cut the corner out here and then just pour it out I say eat it that way you don't have to deal with any mess and then is that call it the recipe oxy calls for butter but I'm just gonna put loads and loads of butter in the pan when I cook it I'm really looking forward to this I really earned my maple syrup this year and last year and every other year for that matter you guys ever had pancakes with bananas it's worth them in plate full of pancakes two bananas all set put the nila and your pancake mix that's the way to go fresh maple syrup well dudes the only way you get this to like this is if you do it yourself there's so much satisfaction going into this jar maple syrup that buying it from the store buying it from the store you can't appreciate it not the same way that's for sure well I'm gonna keep that pancake in there keep it warm but I am going to put that butter all over the pancakes all right watched everybody else eat now it's my turn I'm so good now our maple syrup from start to finish it's so much more flavorful than anything you get from the store Canadian maple syrup pretty good make sure you get the authentic kind I don't get the stuff from Quebec Ontario and of course northern states Maine blues produce a lot of syrup actual real maple syrup make sure it's not some corn syrup derivative or that stuff just garbage compared to this but I burnt off a lot of calories so I've earned this and dessert that I'm not even done yet we're just getting started oh I'm gonna keep doing the boil I'll update you guys in another video as to how much syrup we collected this season so keep watching the cabin series for that mom have any questions about how we did it feel free to leave those down below if you guys want us to build that raft the raft cabin let me know I think would be a fun project not only Kevin would be into the raft project as much as me because another fishermen box might be able to convince him to spend a night on the raft if not you can just help me build it and send me off I can find somebody else to go with I'm sure Jeremy ago Courtney recalled even Holden I think Holly would do it he's really getting into fishing shouldn't have a problem convincing him to grow it's gonna be all pancakes best part about this is that I get to contemplate my life out by the evaporator all right guys I'm gonna dig in here thanks for checking out the channel you can subscribe or not or whatever I don't care if you subscribe but that doesn't mean I don't care about you
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 568,412
Rating: 4.8409061 out of 5
Keywords: maple syrup, home made evaporator, maple sugar, maple sap, how to make syrup, how to boil maple syrup, how to make maple syrup, diy wood boiler, diy wood evaporator, building, build project, how to boil sap, sap boiling, maple syrup boil ratio, canadian syrup, mapple syrup tapping, tapping trees, cheap home made maple syrup, homesteading, survival, wild edibles, small cabin, off grid, tiny house, cabin in the woods, wooded beardsman, maply sap ratio, sugar shack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 34sec (4234 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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