Power Apps Copilot is here - Let's Get Hands On With It

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this is truly groundbreaking ground breaking co-pilot for power apps is here and it's going to change the game for how you create powerapps where was this seven years ago when I first started building powerapps I don't know but I'm glad it's here today and I'm going to show you how it's done right after this [Music] that's right it finally happened we have a co-pilot for building powerapps applications this is using AI to be able to allow us to enter in natural language tell it what kind of app we want and it will build the app and the backend database for us to store our data let's see how it works now when we go to the powerapps homepage we'll have this copilot mode right here at the top of the page so if we're building a new application we can simply describe what we want the application to do and let the copilot do all the hard work for us I want to build an application to be able to manage visitors to my location so I'll say something like I want to track visitors to my office now I'll just click Send and the co-pilot will go to work behind the scenes is figuring out what back-end table you need to be able to store all the information for your app so what it did is just recommend a dataverse table structure for me based off of what I said I wanted so I can see it's recommended several columns for me already visitor ID name age gender the purpose for why they're there contact number arrival and departure time duration and Status virtually everything that I would need for some kind of visitor check-in system and it's even went ahead and populated some sample data to get me started so now if I want to test out the functionality in my app I don't have to worry about going in and adding sample data the copilot is doing that for us but this isn't all I can do if there's something here that we either don't need or maybe something that's missing we can Leverage The co-pilot on the right hand side to continue interacting with it and have it fine tune the solution for us we simply describe what we want changed like maybe I don't care about the person's age I'll say remove age field the co-pilot will go to work reevaluate this back-end dataverse table for us and there you go the age column is gone now I'm doing all this without even having to touch dataverse another thing I might want to do maybe instead of having one column for name I want to split it out by first and last name so I'll ask it to split the name field to first and last name columns let's thinking about here we'll see if it's able to handle this for us and there you go it did now we have a first name and a last name but we can see as we do these tweaks with a copilot it did introduce an error so it's letting us know that a text primary name column is required now apparently that column that we had a change was a primary column so we can simply interact with the copilot and say make last name field the primary field and we'll see if this resolves the error that it introduced when we made that last change it looks like it did now I'm pretty satisfied with what we have here so now all we have to do is Click create an app and this will take that data model that it suggested for us in Creative for us in dataverse and create a fully functioning powerapps canvas application for US based off of that data there we have it now we have a simple two screen application now the first thing you'll notice that's different is not only did we leverage this co-pilot to create the app for us which is amazing in and of itself but now we have a native integrated copilot in our power app for us so now the users of our application can interact with the data in our app with a copilot also and this is all possible through a new native copilot control inside of powerapps so now the home page of our application if we play this allows the user to be able to interact with the data and it even suggests some things that you might want to see about the data like what's the average duration of visits in this data set we can do that the copilot will go out look at all the data that we have stored in that dataverse table and it will do this calculation for us to let us know that the average duration is an hour you can imagine how this will really change the game and how we interact with powerapps alone rather than having to add in all kinds of complicated filters and sorting and grouping we could leverage this copilot for a lot of that stuff and encourage our users to interact with it this way but of course we have the normal mode of interacting with the data as well what this application did for us is to create this Landing screen with copilot but we also have this tab for visitor details so this is the traditional experience that we would expect in our PowerApp but another thing that you might notice that looks different here is the look and feel it's leveraging new fluent UI controls to streamline the look and feel of our powerapps applications as a reminder I didn't do anything I didn't have to go to file new app I just told this co-pilot that I wanted an app to track visitors to my location and it did all of this for me I have the screen here where I can have a gallery on the left hand side and navigate across the items that are stored in that table and see all the details as well as add new items if I click new record I have a new form here to the right where I can add in new items here so I'll just put in some information we'll just see if it works we'll fill in some date time values click on that check mark and now that data is added to dataverse and of course it includes some search capability for us as well so if we wanted to find a specific item like the record that I just added we could search and filter that gallery and what makes this even better as if it can get any better is it's responsive out of the box because it's leveraging containers so if I were to scale this down you see the app adjusts accordingly to how much I scale it down so if I have this phone optimized view I could click on any of these objects and then it would show the details so now we can truly have one application that works both natively on mobile and desktop so if you're starting from scratch with your powerapps this is truly transformational I don't think I can stress enough how much this is changing the game for how we build applications with powerapps so now not only can we build an app just by telling it what we want but we can leverage this in addition to the other AI functionality that we already had inside of powerapps like powerapps ideas if I needed to make any tweak to this application like say change how this Gallery is being displayed or filtered I can leverage powerapps ideas which has been in powerapps for a while now use natural language to tell it how I want to see the data and not have to worry about knowing the ins and outs of Power FX to make that happen this is really breaking down barriers and enabling so many more people to build applications of power so you might be wondering though this looks cool but what if I have an existing application that maybe I want to add in some of these cool AI features in like maybe this AI copilot widget to be able to search and filter my information well you can do that too so I have this application that I actually built three years ago to help me manage my events it gives me this great experience where I can browse across the days and look at different sessions that we have for the events for our conference so I can dive into any one of these see all the details about the event now for an application like this this could really benefit from that co-pilot like experience embedded in the app so that users could ask it things like how many sessions are there related to powerapps and all of that rather than having to rely on the need of searching and filtering and browsing in the application it could really be a big Time Saver an improvement to my users well I can do this easily let me show you how we'll open up this application in edit mode and first thing I'll do is go over to the settings tab right here and go over to our upcoming features so I want to scroll down to the bottom and make sure that we have the co-pilot component turned on once I have that if we go to the insert tab and do a search for copilot the brand new co-pilot control will show up that I can embed on any existing power app that I have I have this placeholder Landing screen that I would like to make the default screen for my app which would include that copilot widget so people can interact with that to find sessions so all I'll do is go back to that insert button find my copilot control again and click to add onto the screen now when I add this to the screen the first thing I need to do is bind it to a data source so this operates similar to a gallery in that you bind it to a single data source and then the copilot is able to do all the intelligent stuff to be able to return information about that particular data set for my use case I just care about this sessions table so I'll bind it to that and this will give the users the ability to be able to search and find information about all of the sessions we have I'm just going to do some simple tweaking of this control kind of make it fit on the screen well for me now the moment of truth let's give this a test so I'm going to move this up so it's the default screen for my application and give it a save let's see what kind of things that it can do in return about my sessions table anytime you add this on it's going to automatically get some context about your data source and recommend some things that you can ask it so one of the things that I'm doing in this data source is I have a column called track where I'm tagging each of these sessions to align to a specific track like AI Biz apps modern work things like that so I might want to use the first prompt that it's suggesting to know the most popular track in the data and boom there you go the most popular track is modern work because it has two sessions so I was able to easily return that information for me and once we get a lot of conversation going we have this Nifty refresh button where we can kind of reset the conversation and go back and see those prompts but let's ask it something unique here maybe I want to know how many PowerApp sessions there are let's see if it can handle that and there you have it so we have three PowerApp sessions and it gives me the name of the sessions this will really add a lot of value to the users of my application be able to get some quick information about the data if you can't tell I am super excited about these new capabilities I expect that I'll have many more videos after this showing you some different ideas and things that you could do with this but I wanted to make sure to make this video and give you a pretty good overview of the new capabilities that are there so that's all I have for you today but I do want to hear what you think about this so drop a note in the comments and let me know what you think of this new capability and how you think you'll use it thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video hey before you go I have more videos on AI functionality check out some of these foreign
Channel: April Dunnam
Views: 36,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Power Apps Copilot, Power Apps AI, Power Apps app from AI, copilot app, April Dunnam, Power Apps GPT, power apps gpt-3, April Dunnam Power Apps, Microsoft Power Apps, power platform, artificial intelligence, power apps, learn powerapps, canvas app, power apps canvas, power apps beginner, powerapps tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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