Using Copilot and AI Builder to Build Apps - Power Platform [Full Course]

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[Music] [Music] well hey hey everyone welcome to a preview of learn with the NDS uh Brian don't lie I saw you dancing back in the Green Room to that groovy music um hey my name is Marshall Butler I'm the marketing director for pragmatic works and I'm joined today by Brian T CEO of pragmatic works and uh I got to tell you Brian uh we were at the Microsoft Power Platform conference last week and we were telling folks the topic that you're going to be covering this Thursday at 11: a.m. and folks were super excited about it uh why don't you go ahead and tell us about you're all good now well as you probably mentioned before the the conference is all about all the new stuff is all about AI right it's a hot topic now for everybody in the industry and they've how this it's re evolutionizing the way we build apps how we build automations and how we can analyze data so what we're going to show on Thursday is a whole bunch of demos around how you can make this practical inside your your environment also it's not just important us to have ai but it's important you know stuff that you actually that will that will transform your business we're going to start by showing how to build apps how to customize those faster and these will be like through canvas applications we'll then cover how we can uh go through and and even do things like power pages to write JavaScript for us to uh embed like better liquid code all sorts of cool coding around that we'll show and now we're really live sorry about that guys welcome to the session on from pragmatic works on the AI Builder so that was a recording we were trying to get trying to figure out the system how to how to turn that off I apologize good morning or good afternoon based on wherever you're in the world we see people from all around the world right now in the chat we see people from as far as Ghana all the way to uh the Middle East as well as South America and us so welcome all you folks today and uh we have a busy busy set of demos for you today we have about uh um uh just a few slides we're g to get into and then largely today we're going to focus on demos and how do we actually make action actionable stuff with with a with a u AI Builder so let's get started so uh uh with me today also hey Nate let me go ahead and bring you just quickly on here uh Nate is with uh with my team as well from pragmatic works and he'll be in the background answering a lot of questions uh so when you see the word you like uh Nate what are you using today are you using uh uh Power of the people or you using pragmatic Works um I should be logged in as pragmatic Works a gotcha so we when you see pragmatic Works you're actually seeing Nate in the background so uh thanks so much Nate let me go ahead and just go back to that and let's get started so let me go ahead and uh share my screen real quick there we go so today oh I had the wrong slide there but that's all good there we go I love by myself my name is Brian knight from pragmatic works you'll find my Twitter address here and my email address as well on a power apps MVP which basically means I produce a lot of uh content around power apps on the founder of pragmatic Works where we do things around uh we train around the uh the stuff we're doing today we cover Power Platform and we also do Azure as well I've Al also authored about 18 books the topics mostly around data uh most of which nobody uses books anymore but they use them to like you know to to to prop up desks that have fallen in those kind of things and I blog at pragmatic works and I do videos right here today's session though we'll have 20% more pumpkin spice in it because it is October after all all right so what are we going to discuss today well we're going to discuss most of the products you see on the screen right here we'll be covering the Power Platform and how we can use AI Builder as well as just chat Che GPT all the AI fil new features that are coming some of these features are days old uh matter of fact I Was preparing for the session on Tuesday and Microsoft released the first we'll be showing today uh a little bit earlier so it was kind of a a neat a neat option here that we did did not expect to see there so we'll be cover we starting with power Pages building out a a website around that and we will be covering a lot of a lot of data verse as well now what is data verse well data verse allows Microsoft to to own the platform from the data all the way to the visualization of that data so data verse is a database uh it's a SQL Server database behind the scenes with a bunch of azure features built into it uh but it gives us a lot of flexibility so for example for auditing for things like security has built-in rowle Security account level security auditing and it has colum level security built into it also things like file attachments and those kind of things can easily be done there as well so we'll be showing a lot of data verse because it allows Microsoft to create tables dynamically and and and things like that automatically inside there now some of the AI pieces we'll be covering today do not require data verse and I'll make sure I I show you in those pieces as well so for today we're going to start a little bit out of order here but we'll start uh we have be showing how to build a canvas app with co-pilot how do you modify that app with co-pilot and also some of the new co-pilot features co-pilot essentially uh is chat GPT Microsoft acquired about half of chat GPT about uh four or five months ago now in this case and you're seeing those components leak into all the Power Platform including powerbi things like word and Outlook and all that will be coming here soon as well matter of fact the version of Windows I have now has co-pilot as this morning built into it also we'll then show Model D applications and what do the AI experience they like well the AI experience there is going to have uh will be allowed to to to ask questions of our data we'll also be able to increase the productivity with things like open AI there as well so we'll show the Azure open Ai and how we can automate things very easily we'll start with power pages though first and how do we build pages with uh with with AI with chat GPT and how do we write things like JavaScript and liquid inside of power pages and then we'll also do power automate to build out automations and also how do we integrate chat GPT into our our um uh Power automations as well our flows so that's our agenda for the day let me go and hop out here in my slides and let's begin so uh those slides uh uh were were a quick quick one but I also Marshall has posted my crib notes that you'll find in the chat window uh this will kind of help you get started and and uh it's not comprehensive by any means but we'll at least get us started in the journey here so here's my goal here I want to start with power pages and I'm starting here because what we're about to do may take about five minutes so we're going to kick it off walk away do some other stuff and then come back and we'll see the progress of it being made so our first step that you may have noticed this is relatively new in power pages is the ability to create new sites right up top here in this uh start building a website with co-pilot so this top part right here is smart enough to recognize things like uh verticals for example so if I ask for it to to create a new website uh for a nonprofit for example it will recognize that vertical in this case all right so a nonprofit organization called soup kitchen this is my my a real soup kitchen here of Clay County to recruit all right uh volunteers and log their hours all right so something simple like that when I hit go it is going to start to uh use chat GPT here there it goes to determine what type of website a soup kitchen might need it builds of course builds my title right here gives it a URL you're seeing down here of course and when I hit next it's going to go out there and figure out what web pages we want next so these web pages as you can see here in a moment here it's going to build out hey which ones here's your site if you don't like the site you can hit try again and it'll it'll keep on going and and finding different variations all right so this looks like a variation of template one if you've done power Pages before and I I can hit try again it'll keep on you know trying to find different variations of this from a design perspective if I like this though I can hit next and then we'll see a list of all the pages it's going to create one for volunteers one to log the hours uh maybe one for donations because it is a nonprofit an about us page and I'll stop there so when I hit go it's going to start the about a five minute process here to create this site uh so it's going to create this the site with the template and then it's going to Overlay the content the pictures all those kind of goodies are going to go in on top of this website now uh have you done any videos explaining the license types that are available yes we have actually covered we have a video we just we just did this is the question from from Paul here and uh and we covered uh a video on on all licensing aspects of power pages and power apps and when do you choose each one you'll find that video on our channel in case you're curious there also what we're showing right now in power pages is like it's basically licensed based on the capacity so you license it based on how many users you think are going to come in each month and then how many are going to log in each month so it's a way of kind of kind of deriving it that way so again we'll come back to this website in just a few moments but what I want to show you next is how we can bring that into canvas app applications also this should be almost done now but I'm going to go and hop out here and uh look at a canvas page next so for our next demo we'll come back to that first demo in a moment here uh P qu question from Paul here is power Pages free uh of course uh it is it is included in your developer account with power app so if you want to do that you can stand up developer pieces that's what I'm in right now I'm in a trial right now environment doing this however if you have a developer environment can stand those up for free but they cannot be used for production uh if you want it for production then it's going to require a license of some sort capacity and you can find out more about that at Power or power pages. so when we go back over to here again let me go back and build our our next application now I'm at make. Power this is a classic area that we would go to to build out websites for power apps so in this case you'll noce notice that up top here just like you saw last time I have the ability to create apps this way instead and I'm going to do that uh through Power I'm going to go scroll down to my notes in case you are playing along and you'll see some um uh the ability to snag a quick description up top there we go so I'm going to pop that description in here and I'm just going to ask it to build an app to track my Pro my my my projects so most these demos are going to connect but this demo is going to be a little different different I want to go out there and track uh projects that people are proposing the amount of the status of it a short description of it and the cost estimation of that project so I'm going to go and hit go here now what's going to happen is it's going to because they own the whole stack the data verse stack it is going to start to look at the tables and it it's going to build a data verse table uh accordingly now if I ask for hey build a an app with my Pokemon uh types it will actually go out there and find Pokemon and Pokemon Pokemon I don't know and then bring those over here and and actually show me real data but because I'm asking for more of a generic example it can't figure out you know what I want to show is putting this sample data in here but here are some of the cool stuff we can do I could go over here and say you know add a uh a column to track keywords here we go hit enter and it will go out there build that column and include that column in my data set here also we can also go through and see the different data types and view the columns reorder those here here's my keyword column I can even ask for it to uh create more word uh create more records so create 10 more records so when I hit uh go this time it's going to go out there and we should see at that point 15 records versus 10 record or versus five records so it allows us we can even say things like remove a column add a column Ren name column change data types in some cases you can do that here also so it's a really easy way to produce this information for you uh now a good question here from uh love most are licensing questions today aren't they uh we got a good question here from um uh Rafi here Mr Rafi at do Office 365 users get Power Platform co-pilot licenses covered well in this it depends in this case again makers are always free in power apps if you use a developer envir but in this case because I'm ultimately creating a data verse table it is not included in your Office 365 license some of the features though are included which we're going to see in a moment here so yes and no to your question I'm going to hit create an app and let's go hop back over to our website to see what the website looks like so by the way the app is creating right now let me go back here again so we'll see this app be created it will take about 30 seconds a minute to create this app also uh let me go ahead and get that one off the screen uh can can oh here's a good question can I default Co can the can def can I default copilot in power apps to default the SharePoint list instead of dataverse unfortunately Rod because uh at this time that's that's a goal down the road but at this time because it is because they want to own the whole platform you know as far as owning the the database it's much easier to take some shortcuts right now the goal of what you said there to have a SharePoint list might be coming down the road also however right now it is only using data verse from that from this ex this particular example now back to Mr rafik's Question on the right here you'll see co-pilot here as well we'll come back to that in a moment and you're going to see how this integrates into the the the canvas experience and that is available to you now even if your data source might be uh SharePoint so hopefully that answered your question so two good questions here lot of lot of good licensing ones there all right so here is our website it we created a little bit earlier now you'll notice in this case website looks just like what you saw before has some stock images already in here we've got a page for logging hours and for a about us page and then donate page now if you're not familiar with power Pages this page that we're seeing this app that we're seeing here uh when I hit publish it is going to push this out there to the web to where even if I open it up you guys could even access it now in this case it's only available for privately right now so work right now for you when I hit preview it basically flushes the cach and reloads the cach and then allows me to kind of start to poke around and see this now just like you saw before this this website may have taken me a long time to create before but now it's ready to rock and roll now I want to do a few more things in co-pilot though to show you how AI can all integrate here so you'll notice co-pilot I can create new pages on the right here and ask for it to build a new page for for tracking donor or whatever and it will build that page all the descriptions all the stock photos will be created for me but in an effort to save time here I'm going to go over to the log hours area here and I want to this is a real example by the way uh I I run a suit kitchen on weekends with my wife and and one of the things that that when the teens come there they want uh a a sheet of paper saying that they volunteered x amount of hours so they it helps them with scholarships and those kind of things in in the State of Florida at least so I'm going to create the ability for these teens to go and self-service that to log in and to get that information to go and put the information inside of here but in addition to that we're going to make sure that we build a power automation to send it automatically send them a thank you letter after that so let's see how we can do that so I'm going to hit the little plus button right here I'm G to add a new section okay and then I'm going to click on form in this case to create my new form so in my case I'm going to go ahead and log a form I'm going to cheat Here Again by copying and pasting there we go now the the thing is if yours looks a little different that is completely fine I ran this example over and over and over again and I got different web pages every time and different websites and different forms every time so when I hit go here I'm say create a create a form that to log uh your volunteer hours and I'm specifying to columns here also so part of the challenge is getting as specific as you can I want an age column a number of hours and the description of what work was done as well so when I hit go here it's going to go out there and again build the data verse table I didn't make one mistake here it's going to build the data verse table and the form the mistake I made is I forgot to tell it what solution I want to go to and a solution the Power Platform allows me to package my stuff up and migrate it from environment to environment so we're noticing here I've got a description I've also got things like notes here so I could say you know what I have a description column why do I need need a notes column so I can say remove the noes column hit enter and it will go out there and remove that noes column I also have my age I have my number of hours in description and in a moment here we'll see that notes column will disappear also it will say the form's been updated and then we're off to the raises so you never know as you're doing this how long it might take chat GPT sometimes can be a little bit slow sometimes on on the on the uptake there but there we go notes is now gone and we can ask for other things as well like uh you know remove the contact fields or I can even ask for remove any field that has contact info in it when I was trying that earlier it was smart enough to recognize to remove things like the phone number and the email and all that but again individual results May Vary and as you can see this is still preview so just a heads up so when I hit okay it's going to produce that data verse table to store the data and that form to enter the data so pretty awesome so give it a few seconds again this always takes a little while in this case to do these things and then in a moment here we're going to have that those two pieces our only step we're going to have to do is Grant people access to that form or that data in that case like you know should they be able to access this or not so here we go and you're noticing I get a new permission button right here asking me do I want to Grant people permission because right now nobody has rights so when I hit new permission I'm just going to go ahead and say yep I'm going to get allow anybody to create a new volunteer hour so I'm going to say Anonymous people that is okay to create data at least again your results May Vary it's give me a warning saying Hey by you doing this anybody can now can now enter data are you sure you want to do that so it's give me a warning saying hey dummy are you sure you want to do that but now that we have that looks pretty good I should be able to preview this and by previewing it it's going to flush the the cache reload it and in a moment here I think it's still loading up maybe not I'll go to volunteer a log hours okay hopefully that's it and then we'll see our new form in action now there's some things that I want to be careful of with this like for example there's my there's my form right here so I can put you know whatever you know whatever let's imagine I have a three-year-old who did whatever if I hit submit it will now insert that data but let's imagine for example that your requirement was that nobody Under 12 should be entering this form it should only be people that are adults or at least teenagers to be able entering a state in that's my next goal is I want to make sure I restrict this form to only TW uh if you're above 12 years old so again uh I mentioned before also that I made a mistake what mistake did I make well the mistake I made is I should have put this new table into a solution the way I could have uh forced that from the get-go is I could have hit the little gearbox icon and chosen a solution that I want to put this in and by doing this any new table would be would be thrown into this learn with the Nerds demo uh solution so that makes it easier to move around now by doing this now doesn't mean this table's in a solution just means that any future stuff will be in the solution and I need to basically go retrofit that later if I want to migrate this to production someday all right but let's get back to our topic here I'm going to go back to Pages here and when I select my my little area down here I can see I have my form I'm going to hit edit code and I'll say open Visual Studio code this is the way we can open up visual studio code to see the back end of what's driving this website so give it a few seconds it's now signing in there's all my data I'm going to hit try co-pilot right here as well in power pages and I'm off to the raises so to do this validation of this form to make sure that nobody Under 12 can put their they can't log hours at least in there what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here to my visual studio interface here look for the form so I'll go over to forms here see up here basic forms there's my form and those has a little JS icon next to it meaning this is this is Javascript I'm looking at right now so now if I go to the left here you'll see the little co-pilot icon and I can ask a question here and and let me go ahead and just ask that question easier here I'm going to copy and paste to make it where you guys don't have to watch me type all this stuff in okay so I'm basically asking for it to write some JavaScript um oh here we go to monitor to to look at to validate the a to age column is always greater than 12 years old when when I now the key here is when I edit the field uh you to be very careful how you word this if I did not put put the word edit the field or change the field I'll hit the go button right now uh it might have waited for people to hit submit button by by saying the word edit the field now it actually is looking at this okay so there's my code right here and if I like it I can copy and paste it or hit this little button right here and it will merge it into my Javascript file here so what is done here is again the key is when I edit the field by doing that it's using this function that you're seeing down right here when somebody changes the this age column so this it's got a funky name here but that is my age column That's The Logical name for age when somebody changes that age column fire off the validate age function which goes up here and it said it looks it C takes the age localizes it into a variable and if it's less than 12 it's going to pop up an alert that says x y and z now we can also go through and merge some other code in here I can say I want some code to wipe out that column upon that so you can you can actually ask more information here here as well uh we could even ask there some great examples they have here like write some JavaScript for field validation check phone numbers there's one for doing liquid code like for example if I go over here and I ask for uh write some liquid code and liquid by the way is the coding language behind all this uh it is when I go back over to my form here some of the stuff you're seeing in here is liquid code so for example uh okay where it go here I'm not seeing any in this one uh it's in here somewhere just just just off off the screen here in this case but if I if I had some liquid code in here you would see it inside of here so I can say write some liquid code uh that shows the word log in when I'm in the anonymous uh web roll something like that and it will actually write the liquid code you'll see it looks like over here uh there we go so my friend Nate in the in the background here was was having one of his first one of his jobs out you know not my first jobs one of his most recent jobs before this was writing liquid code and Nate will tell you it is it could be challenging to learn so by popping this in here I can basically pop this anywhere I wish and if the person is not logged in it will then it will now show that new code so liquid code HTML some some bootstrap stuff all that can be done inside of this so if you're a new R of coding you can use this to learn and you can use it to kind of to cheat in many cases like I did in my case so you can do some really really cool stuff so once you're done just go ahead and save your Solutions see little the white dot there means I have not saved it so I'll h control s to save it which then goes out there my white dot goes away I'll hop over to my design studio and hit the sync button and that code is now in here now what did that do well behind the scenes what it's done is just put some code behind the scenes on the form we can see that that code in Portal management by hitting that little three dot here and in the back the back office now we're going to see that JavaScript code and we go and find that form uh so whatever is easier for you you could have pasted it in there or you can go to forms here like we see here basic forms I'll find my form it's is the same form you saw before there is my uh my one right there and if I go over to traditional settings you'll see the same code down below so when I pasted that code in there it basically is pasting it into the screen right here so it's one of the same Let's test drive this now I'm gonna go ahead and preview this site okay and when I preview against flushing the cache so it takes about 30 seconds when I preview and when I go over here just pop my name in here whatever off of my age is 11 years old and then it gets a little pop-up message of course you can show this other ways you don't have to do a pop-up message message you could put a message right underneath it uh just depends on how creative you want to be but this is an early way of doing these pieces here awesome so power Pages we as you saw we built a site in 20 minutes we have a form built in five minutes and we have the JavaScript done in two minutes so that process may have taken you a lot longer before uh and as again it may not be the prettiest site but it's a great starting point now what if I want to do some stuff with those volunteers hours again this is a real example here this example we want to go through and make it where whenever Shane or John or whatever submits their volunteer hours we want to send them a thank you letter because of that all right to thank them for the volunteer hours but not only send a thank you letter but make it contextual based on what they've done in these volunteer hours okay so they say they rake leaves I want to thank him for raking leaves and make it sound like it's not a form letter well chat GPT the rescue on that one right and co-pilot the rescue so our components we're going to use here are going to be AI Builder we could also use open AI if you wanted to as well uh AI Builder makes it where I don't have to go and and uh and build a license so in other words when I go over to AI models here you'll notice one of the new models that's in here I kind of scroll down here all right oop let me go ahead and just turn on my zooming here so you guys can see this a little better there we go so you'll notice one of the models here has GPT integration there it is this guy right here is what we're going to use today it is preview so again our options are we could have used this guy right here which means I don't need any kind of API keys or any of that mess right there Microsoft don't that work for me it's going to use AI Builder credits instead which you get with your each each your licenses uh or I could have used open AI or the azure open AI so one of those three options you can do uh the benefit of of open AI the Azure open AI uh if you use that connector it allows you to introduce your own data into this so if I if somebody ask uh for a PTO request you can respond with the company's PTO policy because it knows your PTO policy in that case uh for those that are not American uh PTO is for time off basically time off uh paid paay time off so let me go over to my solution and let's create a new workflow a new power automate to essentially send a thank you letter to these in these people so I'm going to go to new and I'm going to create an automation cloudflow automation to thank them for their hours we also the same way I've been building apps and Pages we can also do for for inside of power automate I'll show that in a moment here as well so for our flow name here let's just call this uh sin thank you note all right and this is going to be on uh data verse we go and we we care about when a row has been added when a new volunteer row has been added then we're going to trigger this to fire off okay so it's going to sign me in to power automate or I mean the date of ver excuse me waiting for that to happen all right and when when you want things to be fast never is fast all right it's because you guys are watching me right every look away it's go ahead and and go much faster now all right so come on one note here notice right below it connect with service principle this is where you can create a a service account and have it run your power automations as well so that way it's not running with my account it's running with service account instead by now it should be well under way here but we'll we'll kind of uh keep on going here now while this is doing its thing here I'm not sure why it's taking so long there it goes uh we'll go and point over to when a row is added and I want the table is going to be volunteer hours just type in v and it should find it there it is volunteer hours the scope is going to be organization which means when anybody creates that record I'm going to leave the advanced options alone today and I'll hit new Step here to create our next new step for our next step I'm going to go over to AI Builder and we'll see a whole bunch of AI builder stuff out of the box here for us again you can also have gone back and you'll see an open AI connector as well there we go so you'll be see a whole bunch of of of chat GPT let me go back here GPT um there you go you'll see some open AI connectors right here that you can use as well but let's use this let's use this uh uh create text with GPT okay and then uh we'll build a prompt next now again I'm going to cheat here and I've got a prompt already done here let me go ahead and pop this in but this is the art of chpt right it's really getting the right kind of prompt so in my case I'm going to create a personal thank you letter with uh thank you email body I had to do this over and over and over again I practiced by the way under create prompt when I did that I I basically kind of went back and forth and created some text and tell it what I want to do and it basically kind of tried over and over again so I got the right kind of combination here so uh in this case create a personal note from email box with a subject uh um with no subject otherwise we actually create a subject line also for us uh two and I'm going to look for the person name now so go volunteer I think it is the volunteer's name so I'm go and click on the volunteer name make sure you has some spaces around that otherwise it can get little goofy uh for a volunteer uh sorry subject to this name for a volunteer of clay uh kitchen of Clay County that volunteered x amount of hours let me go and find that there's my hours volunteer cheered right there boom all right make sure put my spaces around that uh on whatever date for my date here here it is with the below uh below work they did Target this to a blank year old so I'm going to gohe and look for their age and put that age in here as well the cool thing I found here by the way is if I had a 88y old volunteer it would talk about that in glowing terms so I'm targeting an 88-year-old it's writing style changed down versus T targeting a teenager it's writing St sound was much more casual it's really really pretty cool so I'm going to change out my this this right here you see in the bottom with the description of work they did there we go and that should do it for me now here is an interesting part about this again create promp will allow you to kind of practice this now the the interesting part about this is you'll notice that I have my little flow Checker here lighting up here and what it's telling me is you cannot use this component right here without having some kind of approvals in here you don't want chat gbt to send out just letters randomly from you uh and just thanking volunteers without your approval first because sometimes there's this notion of hallucination where chat GPT might hallucinate and think you did X and talk about y instead it's pretty rare now it's getting better and better but you just want to make sure you kind of watch out for that that stuff as well now a question here uh can we export the solution to a production environment uh if so does it need a Ser need to have uh to be a service principle so you can absolutely export this using solutions from Dev to QA to prod and you can then point to whatever service principle you want in each environment you just got to go and create those in each environment uh it's called SSO you'll go up there in the uh environment uh admin Tool uh and then from there you'll see and you'll see it right here let me just kind of quickly show you here so you can kind of point there we go when I go to my environment to create these service principles and you don't have to create these but it's definitely a good idea in case Brian were to leave the company so this guy right here learn with the Nerds on the right side you'll see your service principles right here so there's a few steps to doing that outside the scope of this but this is where you can create those in each of your environments all right so what it's telling me is I need to approve each of these so I'm going to create a new Step I'm going to search for approval there we go and I'm G to this is a a fairly new item here start and wait for an approval is what we've seen in the past but I want to do start and wait for an approval of text so when I select this it's going to send me an email and say hey uh do you approve there a title of email uh this thank you letter all right the suggested text is going to be the text that came from chat GPT it's assigned to me put my email address there all right perfect the details you can put whatever body of details you want it's not really needed for this because but it could be extra information that you want to share with the approver if you want you can also put things like attachments and all those kind of goodies in here and do you want to allow them to reassign this to somebody else in case they're gone on vacation or whatnot so now that I have that I need to go ahead and say if it was approved send the email otherwise you know throw it away so I want to do a new step and it's going to be a condition step okay there it is control and condition so if the outcome of you doing this was approve so I'll go over down here you'll see outcome so see it kind of matches what we have above this so the outcome of what that user clicked on was the a word approved then it's going to go down the green box otherwise it'll go down the red box so for that green box I'm just going to send myself an email all right I'll use the uh I'll use the Outlook connector okay and I will send an email perfect and I was going to send them all to me right now but of course you would have it go to the volunteer instead so there we go so right now I'm G have it to go to myself but ideally you would go to the volunteer uh set thanks for volunteering all right the bottom of the email make sure you don't pick the chat gbt one but you want to look down here and look for not response comments but approved text right there the approved text is is the text that was actually approved by the individual there we go of course you can put whatever other text you want into this let's go ahead and save it and let's test it on our power page next I'm going to go and test this bad boy right here all right let that save and then test and while we're doing that looks like we have a few questions here one is all right this is from Rod is copilot intu enough to create a flow that would be integrated sap into a SharePoint list I have found Rod that it is freaking really smart so I'm going to do one of those in a moment here so you can see I have not tried it with sap I have tried it with other things like SharePoint and it is smart enough for SharePoint I have not tried it with uh for this in power automate here for example for sap but I imagine it would be so just based on what I've seen so far it's a great question there from Rod keep them coming and Nate thanks for answering those in the background also so let's go and hit hit the test button and we'll go have a test run the background here while we do our thing all right and our thing is going to be to add a few records into this so there it goes it's waiting for me to go and kick this off now I'm G to go back over here again and I'll put some real data in here we'll call this uh Justin who's sitting in Cross me right now uh is an 11-year-old who has uh we'll give him Justin you've been very generous this past week 120 hours and I'm thinking let's see here you um uh fed the homeless okay and um I don't know cleaned up the facility we go with that okay uh and I'll put 45 meals in here so we so we can quantify that uh uh fed and delivered how we do that okay cool the date we'll put whatever random date we want onto this that we I just know that's being used by the flow so I got to make sure I use that uh nothing else is important other than I think uh I think that was it date number of hours age that should be good and I'm gonna oh make sure I spelled that correctly and that should be good enough let me go ahead and submit that now can't if I had anything else in there but I think that was it all right so off it goes let's go hop over our our power automate and see what is happening here so hopefully in a few seconds it's going to it takes about usually about 15 20 seconds for it to recognize there's a new row out there and then oh there it goes I already heard my phone chime next to me or the the PC chime next to me waiting for approval so in my other email inbox here I'm still I heard my my phone told me it was there there it goes here my phone do it again here I am getting a teams message I'm getting an email and I'm getting my phone led up because it had the power automate app so we can see here if I kind of Select this what kind of uh email it did here to Justin and I'm waiting for the email to come in I have not seen it yet but I've heard it on my inbox but I have not seen it come in all right anyways we can see what's going to be sent in here I'll just kind of paste this into oh there it goes all right I knew it was coming in here eventually here's what I got in my inbox here and this gives me a chance here to go through and make any Chang es that I want so first of all this is right inside of Outlook uh hope it's te find you well thank you for volunteering yada yada yada and uh especially considering you're 11 years old uh age of 11 I thought I put the validation there so it actually was smart enough to actually you know recognize his age oh I picked the wrong um uh column for this here remarkable x amount of hours I put the number of hours I should have actually put the you number of hours in there um and then as I go down your work for feeding in a 45 for the homeless along with cleaning up the facility has made a significant impact yada y yada so it's actually smart enough to to Glow about the right things here um and talk about you know making the world a better place I'm honored and so on and so once again thanks for so it's a really a pretty cool letter so when I hit approve I'll go and put my comments in there hit submit and that gives me one more chance to change that letter at that point also so if I wanted to I could have uh uh uh put that letter in there so what happened my 12-year-old uh restriction there is I accidentally uh opened up a a cached window right there so that's a qu qu great question there I open up an old window versus a new windows that was my bad there um I should have opened up the other one so uh but that's was my 12-year-old restriction there but as you can see we have the email and then my letter my email just lit up here now we have not formatted any this or anything so I should format the email better but there's my raw text of the email that just came in there pretty cool though right this allowed it to wear h a lot of the lot of the stuff I would do by hand and I would spend 10 15 minutes writing a letter to Justin thanking him for his time is been automated now and it actually it's much better letter than what I would have write written manually also so that's why I love this from a power automation perspective it really speeds things up so awesome uh great questions that come in there as well so a question that we got from uh I think it was earlier there about power automate as well you'll notice that when I go back to Power automate make. power automate that we do have the same box up top so you can ask for it to watch a SharePoint list for example or do whatever so you can say watch a data verse table called accounts count the number of rows and uh send me a teams message daily there we go so what's going to happen here well check this out if I hit go it's going to read my information here and and oh there it goes it's going to reoccur every day so that's the daily part it is going to this is how I would build it myself almost here uh it's going to then list the rows which basically gets counts all the rows that step right there doesn't count it's going to get my office profile then send a message to me from my office my off office principal there if you can say that that wasn't quite right think again you can go ahead and say this wasn't quite right what I looking for and if I hit that button it will it will try again until it gets it right so when I hit next it's going to go through we're going to see the new interface for power uh for power automate here as well so when I hit create flow there we go this is the new interface they're marching towards right now in power automate and I can ask for more information on the right here in copilot but now all I have to do is point to which tables I oh it actually got the table that's the first time done that for me usually it has not been getting the table for me so it's going to read the count table then go over and and get the length function to count how many rows there are get my profile and then post a chat to it's going to post it as I'll go as flow bbot here and it's going to post it in a let's go chat with flow bot there we go so there we go so if I save that oh and I have a bug here right now it's it's actually because I did not put the message here all right there are and I should put a little little Dynamic button here boom sometimes it does a better job than others and if I look for I'm looking for the um the compos step right there that should do it and of course the recipient I put whatever recipient I want on this as well and sometimes it it kind of hallucinates and and invents new steps that I don't want also but this is a uh and of course you could do um you could do a lot more stuff around the as well but really really neat stuff you can do inside of here so uh this is how we can basically create new uh this is to Rod's question earlier about how do we how do we integrate things like sap and all that now to Rod's question let's just give it a shot real quick why not all right so we can say create a flow to synchron to uh pull data from sap into SharePoint something like that let's just see what happens oh party Foul there Rod sorry about that buddy so it looks like it it's not like in the sa the sap if I had to guess there in this case so I didn't see why it wouldn't work but I obviously does all right I had a few questions here one of them was how do you format that email text the one that you saw with all that that that kind of smooshed together text the one you see right here well what's happened right now if I pull this over is is there is a a a the each of the line returns that we saw has something like this forward slash inm something like that so we'd have to do a compos step that replaced those right there with a a HTML tag like a Break Tag instead because this is actually an HTML email that did not understand the carriage turn Line Feed in this case so you can absolutely format that we wasn't outside the scope of today but yes it can absolutely be done great question there we also had a question shouldn't we also note uh it was written by AI That's a good ethical question there Tina um uh you know that that's up to the business business unit of choice here on whether you uh disclose this written by AI or not that's a great question I'll let the experts decide on that one uh outside of my tech my tech ability there it's more of an ethical question there I guess all right cool so now that we have that let's go hop back over to to our studio that we were in earlier so we've showed you an end to end build the website log the hours send a thank you letter as well as doing other things in in there as well we also wrote some javascripts now we're ready to get over to our previous example where we created the app to log a project information so what we're seeing here is we have the app that was created oh about about 45 minutes ago now I think in this case and we want to go through and add some additional stuff to this application so this is where the AI builder for makers Works no matter what the case so now what kind of license you have you can go over here and say all right um add three buttons on the right side when I I type that in you'll always find it right here in case you case you wanted to find it later so as I do that we're going to see three buttons are dropped in there we go I can then move them around of course but if I highlight these buttons make sure you have them highlighted our box as you're doing this you can see which buttons it did here you can say you know change the color of those buttons to dark red hit enter and it will go off the races here and do this again all right there we go look at that so I'm going to delete that button for the time being and there's one more step now this created the table but one of the issues I had were things like AI Builder is not intelligent enough to create things like lookup columns and some of the more uh interesting columns I wanted to do I had some issues with that originally at least now they're making it smarter every single day but for this table I'm going to right click on this table and just look at the data and do a few more little tweaks on the data here The Tweak I want to do is I want to have a column called uh long description our project incription do I'll do long description is fine and I want this to support multiple lines of text in other words a whole whole long project Inception document uh it'll be text but also want to make it where it supports a lot of characters like 20,000 characters something like that so this goingon to give me a lot of wiggle room to enter data I'm going to save that and my goal I'm going to paste that long description from word or from Adobe Acrobat or whatever it might be into this and I want it to then summarize that down for my short description columns so so I now have the long description in here I'm just going to add that field into into this form uh really quickly here as well I tried AI builder for this piece but let's go and just add it the old fashioned way all right there we go so now I have that new column now created and I have it right here let's go ahead and paste in a a long project open it's actually a a long scoping document here for our new headquarters we just broke around our new headquarters uh last week uh it's about about three or four miles from here I'm going to paste that in for project a where did it go oh I hit the pencil icon and there it is so I've got this long long document right here bolded list talking about the this flowing you know Fufu kind of stuff we this term the S called Fufu sometimes as this long flowing dock talking about the project Inception okay so now I want to go through and use that document to get the keywords out out to get other information out of that that I can use later so let's get out of this and let's have it uh let's have ai Builder here our a co-pilot build a build a button so build a button uh that has the that has the label uh generate keywords okay there we go so it'll build a button has the appropriate ones in here now while it's doing that we have a few pieces here questions from uh and the audience can we use copilot like Google assistants or voice enabled uh you cannot yet however you know got to think there's some stuff coming course now if you have like um things like accessibility features and you absolutely could do that uh but right now there's no easy way to do that quite yet you know if you have like accessibility like screen readers and those kind of things and absolutely other question we got is does copilot default to creating canvas apps instead of M apps yes it does how I'll show you the M apps is our last demo today also so we'll show that as well great question um as of right now all the stuff is contextual based on right now and again it's changing so so fast so literally as I'm doing these demos I'm seeing features adding this week so and they announced a whole bunch of stuff at the conference last week also let's just goe and move this uh button around there we go and let's create one more as well uh create another button oh gosh uh that has a label and we'll call this a shorten short description all right cool so this this will generate a short title one here is also all right give that a few seconds and it should come in here as well and as you can see you can do a lot of neat stuff with this AI Builder right inside of here I I use it mostly for oh that's interesting it chose a different button here oh I I I I did I put button in there another button that's not a button though is it no it's a label all right no problem well that's all right I'll just do I'll do the old fashioned way that's fine okay there we go so much harder right all right so we'll call this this button right here is going to generate a a short description all right the other one's going to generate some keywords we're GNA use AI Builder to do this now a great question from Donna they are adding a lot of this stuff into powerbi also you're starting to see it as of last month starting to creep into power bi more to come on that this this video uh does not have a whole lot on the powerbi front but you will see that narration all that stuff was going to improve very very soon also one of the coolest Parts I saw by the way coolest demos was in power automate if you have a a paragraph of like product numbers and prices it can pull all those out and build a Json list or a comma separated list out of that so we can actually read the text pull the critical information out and turn it to usable data you can load somewhere else that is a built-in feature in chat gbt also you'll see that in AI Builder all right cool so let's go in here and actually make some use out of this first thing I need to know is what is this uh this is called data card SE value seven that's what this big text box is where my data is at so for my first one our first trick we're going to go ahead and grab out some code you'll find this in my cheat sheet I'll go over here and make the button do this now what I'm doing here oh I forgot to add something here first of all I need to add a new connector and we'll call this just uh as I scroll down here AI models and what I'm looking for is create text with GPT same thing we used in in the other one as well and again there there is the AI Builder there's Azure AI build all that stuff's in here also but by uh open AI Builder excuse me but by doing it this way I don't need to pass API keys back in forth and all that mess it just makes it way way easier so now uh now that I've got that I'm going to change this from 8 to 7 and what we're seeing here is I'm calling this connector it's a premium connector as you can see in this case and I'm going to say create a create some text with GPT okay that's fine and I want to go ahead and generate five keywords from the following from this big text right here and I'm going to go ahead and grab that variable that you see here far keyword response and I'm going to put that into my keyword element right here so I'm going to go ahead just for the time being I'm go ahead now we of course would want to propose it not to squ just accept it of course but so in other in order to do that I'm just going to drop a text label in instead and I'll put these are my proposed keywords so I'm GNA use my variable Name Bar keyword response and I'll do Dot and there is the text that came back from it so when I hit generate keywords give it a few seconds and I should get some keywords in a few seconds there we go and it found five of them and let me let me share the apps you can see a little better here so we have one like a pragmatic works okay we training company headquarters building and modern facilities and amenities there we go so that's the keywords it found from this large large uh about a page and a half document in this case that it found from this if I want to go and generate a snazzy title for this project I can do that as well let's do the next so I'm again I'm going to use same code that we did before I'm just changing my prompts in this case so I'm going to change the prompt in this case be hey create um what is the project uh title for this in less and less than eight words all right let's try this hit the button there again and let me drop in another label here again so we can kind of see the response from this I'll put that label somewhere we can kind of see it how about right here and we'll call that uh VAR short response. text again and there we go oh nailed it so this this even though I got so much fluffy text in here so much like like verbos like garbage basically we can see ultimately this this bowls down to we need a new headquarters building so this is this is basically you know bold it down for us so there's some really really cool stuff you can do with this uh for take for scanning things you can use AI buer to pull all the information out of a PDF for example and then boil it down right here and figure out does this Pro does this relate to any other projects that we've done before you go ahead and save the record so lots of cool stuff that they can do now and imagine what this is going to be like in a year from now based on how far they've come since the acquisition a partial acquisition of open AI that partnership has it's only four to six months old and this is the stuff we're getting out of it in just a few months all right so we got answer the question there okay any ideas when copot will reach the B the the GCC tenants that's is a great question the for those that don't know GCC is the government Cloud um I know it's coming but I know it has to go through a lot more government regulations and Security checks and all those kind of things before it can happen so I don't have a good time on that uh Microsoft would know better on that but I imagine it's going to be a while uh probably another least I don't even speculate be it's going to be quite a few more months before we'll see that there I know it's it's also coming to the European audience here very very soon it they already be there for part of that uh we'll see it for they'll be lighting it up they're having to install um servers in each of their Azure data centers to support that so they have not they're trying to kick all the bugs out in the US with commercial tenants and after they kick those bugs out you're going to start seeing that in all the different tenants here as well so the GCC Cloud should be coming very very soon here as well okay uh another question oh another question here any ETA when copal be available oh I just answered that one yep other regions so that is their major major Focus right now is they're they're having to install these servers for open AI in each of the major tenants around the world and as I do that each of those tenants have to be certified from the government and they'll they'll be showing those out there as well these these are not cheap servers as you can imagine they're all using these big Olden video cards that are very very fast um it's very very costly from expansion side so I know it's coming for the European audience very very soon and for the rest of the world it'll be coming you know in phases here also okay so we now have this app fairly close to uh doing some really really neat stuff now we have some questions about the model driven side so let's let's go deeper in the model Jen app next and kind of show what can we do on that as well and what steps we have to do to turn on this there is one more thing in the canvas application I want to show first so the last thing I'm just going to drop a new screen here just just to kind of show this to you as well so if I were to drop in uh let me go over to this view here and create a new screen and I'll just create a blank screen real quick you'll notice there is also a new component under insert and it's called copilot right here also this allows your users to ask questions of their own data so for example if I point to I don't think that that table hasn't left enough data I'll point to accounts here in this case the point the account table which has a little more data inside of it and I go ahead and on the right side you notice you can configure this to to to to pass in different types of fields uh you can customize um the title of it if you wanted to you get oh this is this is brand spanking new this edit and power virtual agent this is this is new as of as of I I didn't see this yesterday at least so this is as of this morning for me at least uh but you can pass in the me change of message here say you know welcome to me and change my title from like hello world for example and you'll start to see the left area we we we'll take that into account when we start to come back to this next time but when I play this notice we can ask questions just like you have in power bi for a long time you can ask questions of it here like you know how many accounts do I have okay and it will come back with an answer from that uh there's a few little gotes you have to do around but largely it's it's pretty darn smart we can also this is going to allow your users to ask questions of the data that you're producing and not have to build 80 million reports nor is a little faster than this but you won't have to build all these reports anymore it will make it much much easier to build these by Theory if it comes back GPT is a little slow today looks like okay so I'll let it let it kind of think here in the background while we do this but it's even smart enough to ask questions like how many accounts do I have in this state or those kind of questions also but for some reason right now it's taking it sweet time so I'll just go ahead and uh let let it kind of think in the background while we move on now the same thing we're seeing right here hope if it uh the same thing we're seeing right here would also work inside of model driven apps as well we're going to show that next but to do that there's a few steps that we have to do to make this work um all right a question here we need to pay for co-pilot starting November 1st or will there be a Grace trial period now Richard uh uh from my understanding at least if we're uh the makers are intended the stuff that we're seeing on the right here the stuff right here my understanding is that they're G to keep that as included in your maker account that would that I could be wrong there licensing is always tricky that's that's been half by half my questions here but uh uh that's what I was told a long long time ago we'll see that actually stick okay so I'm going to give up on this this canvas one right now it will eventually come back and and you can see here I can I can kick it I can stop it from doing that right here and ask you know how many you know rows are there in the account table for example so it should be coming back faster not sure what's taking so long but it's important that as you do this you can give it thumbs up and thumbs down and they are uh you know reading that and it's becoming smarter and smarter if you're it you can also turn off how much uh data is shared with Microsoft as well so if I go over to the admin Center you'll notice under settings here if you're an it you can turn on co-pilot here okay but also a little bit lower down here is data sharing for this so if I turn this on Microsoft gets uh access to my questions I'm asking and kind of the context behind those questions so you you and it can turn that on and off off based on that so I'm going to give up on this right now it's not waking up but you get the idea all right so Model D apps before we go into Model D apps by the way uh we have um some cool training we're building around this also you're going to find we have uh introduced about 30 free classes out there on our learning management system if you go to pragmatic you'll see a start learning button right here and then once you sign in once you create your account you're ready to go there's no credit card required to do this you go and sign in for the trial and I'm going to go ahead and log in instead because I've got some uh I want to show you where all the free stuff's at as well I'm going to log in here we go now once you're in here you're going to be see under categories free for life there's about 120 classes in here but a large amount of those are also included forever for free including all of our past events like this we've done we got some app in a days some dashboard in the days and all those kind of classes here as well uh we update this a lot so this dashboard today has been updated almost five times this year uh so it's it's a very very active one you can find those at pragmatic and again uh signing up for this and all the classes you're seeing on your screen right now are forever for free without a credit card or any kind of trial period that's our community Edition and then once if you decide to You'll also see there's 120 other classes that are out there that are available for you as well and we also do things like hackathons we're doing a lot of AI Builder hackathons right now where we we teach you how to do this with your own data and your own problems so it's not can classes it's your class with your own data all right so now we're ready to get into a model driven application and kind of what can we do for model dur an apps I want to show you two ways of doing this and this is going to complete our demos after we do these two ways so let me show you a really practical way this is something that's really cool that I saw a a u a component out there so one thing we can do is we can ask questions of our data and the other thing we can do is use chat gbt to enhance our data so what you're seeing right here is how we track what what YouTube videos we're we're we're launching uh when they're scheduled you know uh all that kind of stuff is inside of here production notes this the stuff that are our production team uses it's actually a real a real example in this case but uh what I want to show you though is this right here see this component right here this is not built in we had we had to kind of use some uh some stuff I'll show you how we did this in a moment here so what it's doing is taking the title that you see up top so let me go ahead and just and just create a new one here okay all right I'll say a video on how we call this uh using AI Builder uh in power apps to enhance your data like that all right now if I hit this little button right here it's going to pass in that title asking this question right here to produce YouTube hashtags as well as a video description from that title that's half the problem I find is is having to go out here and build these descriptions can take a lot of time a matter of fact the video you're watching right now came the the the title and description of it came from chat GPT from this exact example you're seeing right now I popped it in the system I hit that button right here I hit apply the response and there I go so here is a potential uh video of it here we go and this video yada yada y looks pretty darn good I'll just paste my my keywords down to my tags and that to me the hard part is not the video for me the hard part is come up with a stinking video this four or five sentences describe the video so this will and you can even say like clean this up or make it long ER or shorter and it will do this so where can I get this component this is using open AI aure open AI or it can also use chat gpt's API to do this this is not using AI Builder like we saw before this using the built-in components so the first step I went out to this is the bad thing about having uh eyes like mine without my glasses on right now oh there it is right there chatbot chat gbt so once I found that I found there's this one component here called open AI chat gbt and again the the the the full link is right here in case you care later down the road you'll find that link right there okay now there's pretty good IND directions here as well but once you download it you'll download the um the release ready here on the right and you'll install it as a solution so you'll basically just install the solution into your environment once you do that all I had to do is is go into my classic mode and it kind of walks you through the steps right here um you can go into classic mode and you'll see that right here you'll drop it in and there's classic Mode right here and you have to kind of wire it up at that point and point to your open a open AI API key or um your aure open AI uh API key so one of those two spots you'll point to I'm going to produce a video on this because it's a pretty awesome component that was built by a community number some major props to this guy right here who who has produced that let's give him some props here oh where's the name oh I don't see his name in here but he he did an amazing job and he deserves some big time credit for it oh here it is uh here's his name right there so major props to him for producing that all right so that's one way we can do that it's called AI assisted call columns now there's another way we can do it as well let's find a way to ask questions of our data as well so when I go over my goal is to do this let me show you the the end goal here if hopefully it's a little smarter right now I'm just going to refresh my page here and you'll see now I'm GNA show you in a moment how we turn it on but there's a new AI little widget that pops open right here if you have Dynamics you might find there's two AI W widget right now one for excels accelerator and then one for power apps now I can ask it really simple questions so I can go in and ask like uh something like you know total number so total um meals served all right there we go so I'm going to ask it these questions hopefully it's a little little uh uh faster now than it was in the canvas application it might be it might be having some quirks right now because all of us are trying it right now I'm not sure so what it's going to do do is it's going to look at the columns here and it found there a total meals column and it found that there are 3900 meals that were served so I could even ask it a question like uh what were the total meals grouped by by I'll say kitchen for different soup kitchens in in our community when I ask a question like this it's going to build back an answer that will group those answers and tell me how many meals were served by each kitchen now doing this could be done in powerbi of course it could also be done in charts but as you can see this response was done with with little or no work on my part I'm going to show you how we produce this in a moment because it take it does involve a little bit of work on your part in it or in Dev to turn this on but this is a really really cool thing to do you can also ask questions like what uh what was the average meals uh total meal served and it will tell me how much you know what is the average amount of meat I need or average number of pounds of of or gallons of soup I need and so on and so on so we can see well got that answer wrong so what we do is give the thumbs thumbs down in this case I had no idea how I got that answer uh it's averaging it by some some some wacky thing there but we could ask you know what was the average pounds of meat try that one so you can see just just a visual looks like it's probably gonna be in that seven or six range and it got it right this time not sure why the total meals got wacky there probably because that word total uh it's probably summing it up and then doing an average of the average something like that happened but for average pounds of meat it did get it right so again to do that normally I had to bring it to report and then solve that problem there and it's done it all right in memory in this case so how did I how did I do this well for the next like five 10 minutes we'll show you how we can solve this problem in Model D apps and in data vers the first step we have to do is go to your admin center now we've been spending some time in admin Center already there we go let me go over to my admin Center is short answer is this URL right here uh you can go to my favorite URL for this is ppac Power Platform admin Center you can also hit the gearbox in the top right at make. power apps and go to the admin Center that way so there's about three steps we're going have to do to turn this on we're going to turn on at the environment level you see it's already turned on the tenant level we'll turn it on at the environment level then we're going to turn it on the views that are ask we're asking questions of so the first step is to go to your environment that you want to turn this on and so I'll go to my learn with the Nerds environment where I've not done this yet I'll then go over to settings and I want to go to the product area under settings and then go to be Behavior first for Behavior you'll notice right now the M app release Channel we're on a on a on a twice a year kind of cadence if I change it to monthly Cadence we're going to get all the new goodness here so first step change that release channel in this this see see the uh the the the path right here so go to settings and behavior and change it right there and go to monthly channel once you save that that's the first step the second step is we have to turn it on at a feature level so go back to settings go back to product and then features and we need turn on the feature that features right here it is turned off by default right now and that is for model driv apps to also get that and notice it actually gives you a a clear answer right here that has to be on a release cycle of this now again these steps might change if you're watching this video in 2024 these steps might be a lot easier but as of the time of of today in October of 2023 these are the steps all right so now we've turned it on I need to save it now by the way while we're here one of the cool things you can do also is turn on data data verse searching this allows you to go through and search in number of tables with one search box so it makes it much easier to search data verse I'm going to save this and now we save this we want to go over to our table and turn it on the table level next so that's now been turned on let's go over to our solution now oh that's one still searching here all right I have a feeling that's not going to come back anytime soon let me find uh make. power apps there we go I'll go to my solution and we're going to turn it on there so a great question from uh some of our folks here is your is this data going anywhere outside the tenant uh it is that's a good that's a great question it's using um it is staying inside of your Azure workspace so it is not being sent over to open AI or like that it all your stuff is inside of your tenant in this case using open AI uh stuff there okay great great question that's one of the benefits of using that versus if you use uh that's Azure open AI but if you use the regular open AI API you are sending your data out there in that case with open AI also as your open AI you can also enhance the data further as well okay so now that we have that let's open up our solution and go to our table all right there's my there we go let's go to our table and I'm going to add a uh the table I forgot to add earlier which was called volunteer I believe there it is all right let's just add that so you can kind of see it now okay there we go and now that I have that table again that that's not requirement that's just something I forgot to do and let's go ahead and look at this uh volunteer hours table and let's go to view well first of all there's a few things we want to do here under properties first of all you'll notice one of the things you want to turn on under Advanced options is track changes um the the the chat gbt stuff the co-pilot stuff does need this turned on in order to query this table now that's the first step I'm going to go and save that we can also by the way if you wanted to have the database data verse search we talked about a moment ago outside of scope of this but just real quickly here over here under this little icon right here the overview icon we can turn on data verse search for this table but it's checking that option and now I can search in number of tables all of that one query there not required for this demo but it's pretty pretty darn handy now this indexing might take some time it might take about 20 minutes so I'm not going to be able to We won't to see the results of this in this video video but uh it this there's one more step we have to do to make this work uh that final step is to go to our view for that table and we'll to tell it uh some give it some some extra stuff to to query so I'm going to go to something called the quick Vine quick find view there it is right there it's a quick find whatever your table name is Select that and on the right side the bottom right you'll see find by go in and add any columns that you want to be extra evidence into this so add your descriptions your email addresses whatever you want to add into this and then whenever you're ready hit the apply button save and publish that and then wait a little while for things to get indexed properly for that data verse search and all that so after that we're ready to we're ready to go ahead and query it now so this allows us to go ahead and ask questions of our data much much easier track again track changes has be turned on and need to turn on the feature in the environment also so uh once this goes back come on there it goes I can hit the back button and then We're Off to the Races we can start to query that data so again so this is the model j way of using that that uh option that you saw on the right here this this CH gbt option right here on the right so lots of new stuff we can have coming up there also as you can imagine that the the authoring pieces I'm sure will be coming here so their goal was to make it where anybody can build applications so you're soon going to be see a lot more movement on the authoring experience as well they they've already shown some previews of that at the uh the conferences that they just did recently powerbi power Power Platform conference um as well as their blogs as well lots of good stuff coming down the road so I think we're uh want to leave a little time for questions so if you have some questions please feel feel free to ask those now and again if you want to see more videos like this please do subscribe to this as well uh and ring the bell so we can kind of find out we have more videos like this you can go to pragmatic to find out more information about our training as well and I'm waiting for those questions to come in now all right Nate were there any themes in the chat window uh mostly licensing lots of Licensing um and also uh we had a question that was uh starred it was about if the data is in SharePoint or SQL uh will the co-pilot control in the app be able to answer questions about that data or is it only data verse okay so depends on which one I showed quite a few of them here today I apologize for not answering when it came up earlier if it was uh if it was done in uh Power automate then yes it can take the data from SharePoint or from wherever SQL server and use that matter of fact we're using that for uh some of our our learning management system right now chat gbt to do things like uh uh condensing the the transcription of that down to a few words for search engines and whatnot uh so yes the data can come from wherever from Power automate side and uh you can use it for app Construction in canvas apps however if you want to build tables it only works from a data verse side also okay so but you know that said who knows what's going to look like in a year from now also I'm sure the SQL Ser team is is been uh asked to do some stuff around GPT as well thanks for asking that Nate uh any other questions so far I'm seeing look looks like we're pretty clean here let's see I'm GNA scroll down the bottom here and see wow wow you've been busy here 300 questions all right of course one of the questions we always get ask is this recorded it is absolutely recorded in that recording you'll be able to um uh look at my cheat sheet and kind of copy the code over from that just to change things like the data card names they're not like really super super pieces around that all right will be okay a lot of more licensing questions here uh the major tenant was uh here's the question we got asked over and over again is there any cost behind this Microsoft's major tenant was makers are free so for for you they hope this will be a free experience from a maker side on power on the Power Platform from an enduser side there might be some cost run like you saw that component was a premium component in the canvas application so that's a great question uh um great question here from uh about about about management Studio to write queries wouldn't that be great uh to be able to write queries for best performance in management studio with this uh nothing I can announce yet however you got to think that's coming because one of the big key tenants of chat gbt is code writing right and they know how to write tsql so it' be awesome to do that nothing we can announce yet but I I you got to think all the teams at Microsoft are heads down trying to try to integrate this stuff in here um uh great question here as well answer the cost there question okay I think that's the bulk of the question I used okay formula suest oh there we go uh Sue said she used a copilot to for formula suggestion work with a champ yeah so that's where I'm getting the most value of is using copile to learn stuff that I didn't know like the JavaScript example the liquid example and then once you do it a you that's that's the biggest challenge right most of our job when learning how to do it is stealing code from other folks right is going out and Googling stuff and getting stuff from stack Overflow and all that now it will'll bring all that code to help you learn much easier here awesome well I think at this point uh it is available in us only right now yeah is it's available only in US regions yep it will be available in other countries very very soon Microsoft has announced that that it's coming very soon they're just having to install those servers in those other regions here so you'll see on a country by country basis starting to light up uh know that you know like like questions from the Scandinavian folks it is coming very very soon all right well hopefully this gave you a great intro to starting using AI inside of your applications your flows and also in your power Pages um if you have any questions after this we'll be watching this this uh the comments down below and answering questions down below after the session but thank you so much for watching this and uh if you have any questions please feel free to ask them there we have another Lear on the nerd session coming up here soon Marshall this is going to be on powerbi developer uh developers use um with fabric so lots of cool stuff around that if you are a bi developer you're going to want to catch that session also it's an amazing session uh Manuel is is is awesome at doing these on fabric he's been done some good good work around there as well all right well uh thank you so much for attending this session and and dealing dealing with my personality it's early in the morning for those West coasters or late in the afternoon for you uh you uh uh Europe European folks thank you so much for watching us today and and and being so participatory we have had 400 comments and and questions in the chat window so thank you so much today for for for participating hope to see you on the web and make sure you tune this channel for future videos like this as this is a a fast developing product thanks so much have a [Music] great [Music]
Channel: Pragmatic Works
Views: 12,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot, ai, pragmatic works, brian knight, power platform, microsoft copilot tutorial, copilot windows 11, artificial intelligence tutorial, microsoft copilot 365, copilot ai, artificial intelligence course, copilot power bi, power platform tutorial, power automate copilot, power bi copilot, power platform copilot, ai builder power automate, power automate ai builder, power automate, microsoft ai builder, power pages, ai builder, power apps, power apps copilot
Id: P3v18SjaBME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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