POV - this guy is watching you poop

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[Music] hi i'm yob and welcome to three weird pooping games three weird scary poop games let's poop [Music] uh oh stinky i'm extremely immature okay so i tweeted and asked for poop games you got you guys kind of helped and kind of didn't so i've picked three poopy games and uh two of them came from y'all so uh this one i found on my own we're gonna start with it there are ghosts in these stalls you're trapped in a bathroom stall there are weird writings on the door you feel a sinister presence in the room that's the point where you push through you just really squeeze and you make it happen that's probably all it is honestly [Music] ghost in the stars in the stars click anywhere to start oh we were upside down you tricked me wait did i pass out in the bathroom bro it's time to cool it at sunday brunch oh wow okay hold on oh my gosh it's so sensitive so sensitive who are you me oh i'm looking i can look around someone knocked a tr trash can over i thought i heard some there's a candle can we just leave just go you know what i mean like i would probably just go what's the point of the game i'm just how do i which button oh okay what was that hold on it was the sink hey man can you toss me some tp bro hey bro gonna get some sleep i ran through what i had dude and what is the hold on what is this oh it's a drawing of a butt and i collected it let's get this one we find the passwords and we put them on the thing and we've got to do it in time but you got to be careful you probably can't look too long you know what i mean oh i see one right there abba bowie get it why can't i i mean i see it but the game the game is not letting me take it put it someone's washing their hands repeatedly many times can you look over oh no he's not allowed he's not tall he's a short guy all right so we're playing as me but the game's like sir you cannot collect that i'm gonna level with you guys i don't think anyone was supposed to get stuck playing this game ever and i have figured it out i'm slowly scanning the room scanning for signs of life did i do too long too many too many lookies oh it let it finally let me collect it put it put her there put her there champ yeah v3 oop v version three where's the next one oh i see that was easy freaking ah the vents open we need to go we need to hurry and stop we need to hurry and duke hurry and duke hurry let me put that okay now we got one more where could it be it's got to be on this side oh i saw a guy looking he's looking he's looking he was looking at me where's the oh it's right there oh hold on stop get it get the oh yeah i got real quiet okay we're about to get jump scared what happens now i did it how do oh hello x marks a spot i did that oh what if you really think i'mma look up there fine guys jump scare just look up there okay it's still scared a short horror experience by elisha ramos for the two that was so good i liked it although i somehow got stuck thank you for playing oh it was good how did that guy that still got me it's all it takes to get meat [Music] it got me eric bro can i get some keepers don't worry we're not done yet next escape the poopoo house you play as a doomed soul andy make your way through the endless passages inside the poopoo house while avoiding the poopoo men in an effort to escape this endless okay you've told me twice that it's endless so something tells me there is no escape but i'm willing to try sometimes all you can do is try or poop play this game in the dark can it even be dark in here let me see if i can make it darker for you oh he's just kind of vibing he's having a good time get ready for true fear oh that is creepy that actually is creepier i like it okay begin how to play what where was my i'm i covered myself okay there's okay my spacebar looks behind me oh he sucks okay so these guys they just kind of wonder i i'm starting to think i should have read the how to play section right um avoid the poo poo men and find the correct escape pipe to win passing a toilet will spawn poo poo men a dookie or do nothing at all one dookie is also hidden in each room the green dookie doors require a dookie you can only hold one dookie at a time i've found that to not be true how do i take the dookie i want oh my gosh of course it spawned him bro chill i just need the dookie i don't i guess i picked it up all right i opened that because i'm freaking next level where's the we need the the lever i need a levered so i can i didn't even go by the toilet you freaking stupid oh okay look out yeah where's the door go go go okay i'm hiding take that they don't necessarily chase you they just kind of do what they do now it says that there's also always gonna be one hidden where could it hide there's nowhere to hide i'm gonna try and take this oh my gosh of course right now all right oh my gosh there's a lot of guys spawning okay they all left for some reason take this ah he's on my butt did you see that he was like touching my left butt cheek stop it do they ever chase you or is it just random going i'm gone how do you beat the game i don't remember there was a way to beat it i know but it says there's a hidden dookie in every room but like how where's there's a there's supposed to be a dookie okay here it is going this way i haven't been this way where are these levers to flush i need to flush somebody oh i need a flush on somebody i want to take a poop on somebody the green ones chase you okay good to know excuse me i'm going this way i really need to flush somebody dude i really take this that did not just happen stop passing the toilets you're spawning so many it's getting out of pants this is like 3d binding of isaac wait how did i just do that did i kick that did you see that it looked like i kicked it okay go okay go this is fine it's still under control everything is still under control final poop game they come at poop time this has got to be one of the coolest videos i ever made based on a true story who is that oh it's a toilet okay well they really went all out on the soundtrack one on the sink one in the window and one in each door sink enemy pops up with a noise when he's visible press e while pointing at him with the lights on oh this is a lot to remember window lights off everybody else lights on let's just do it okay so window guy is lights off remember we remember that because i told you to help me remember that it was window guy not mirror guy right i have no legs what hey don't window his lights off stop that oh hey i guess i did it you stopped that i'm answering yeah answer the door i turn the lights off you need to leave sir he's in the room what happens now hey leave what the freak there's this guy turn then i turn this guy on oh that's creepy i don't like that hey how do i do i slow him down remember by looking and then uh stop that eventually he gets in though is the thing with him he eventually gets in and then he makes your light stop working okay this is like boogie man but like way smaller scale this is the creepiest part right here this guy in the mirror just looks at me just close this door hello okay you need to stop that all right so then i got to turn this off and look at him right is that what i'm i don't remember to be totally honest occupied i turned it on and answered the door you heard that stop that you okay uh lights on the lights are disabled turn [Music] oh it's one of these like uh it's boogeyman it's let's be real it's boogeyman with poop it's booboo man i'm sorry for how immature i am but hopefully like somebody else out there feels this is the same you leave a comment if you feel the same okay so i can look i think you're the guy i can look at to slow him down but aren't i supposed to turn the lights off i could have swore i was supposed to that guy does not give you a lot of time okay and then i look at you to make you chill right or is or is it only when the light yeah i think it's only when he gets in occupied leave sir he just kind of leans he's just kind of watching me poop which is weird can you okay bye he's just like hey anybody pooping in here anybody pooping today better tell me right now please leave okay i'm learning okay this guy you slow down i think with the lights on what is he though that's freaking creepy though that's the scariest guy and i don't even shut up okay so i can slow him down or the other guy down but this guy stopped it so he's gonna come in and then the lights have to go off okay which is fine this guy disables the lights once he gets in are you gonna leave come on get out try to poop in here okay he left you can leave sir occupied occupied imagine being a monster who's like the kind of monster i did fart i did a fart the kind of monster that just politely knocks on the door so if this guy makes it in when you need the lights to work is a problem i'm looking at you you are scary okay but at least he turned my lights off that's fine ah turn up no don't do that please leave can we make this this is a long time to last for pooping oh my gosh what was i supposed to do i had the guy with the lights off guy and then the lights on guy yo hey okay yeah hey they came at poop time gonna have a poop time every time i look at my watch guess what poop time please quit out of this before i keep going so there was three scary poopoo games i hope you guys liked this video oh wow i was supposed to literally record this today all right guys well i'm going to go ahead and try to edit this nightmare now this dumpster fire video i'm going to edit it real quick thank you so much for being a part of my youtube channel i so appreciate it it makes me feel good that you guys are here hey it's outro turn the light back on thank you anyways guys thank you so much and uh patreon supporters i so appreciate it that you do the one or two bucks a month does anyone still play the minecraft server i have not been on there in months and thank you to you just for sitting around and watching my videos i mean that alright i'll see you guys in the next video make sure you keep that chin up work hard and believe in yourselves and as always have a bye five song could you smack [Music] tell me that wasn't a perfect recreation of that sound effect
Channel: YuB
Views: 395,084
Rating: 4.953115 out of 5
Id: DkI-3p9vZEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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