Pourquoi l'émeraude est-elle plus convoitée que le diamant ?

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Everyone get out, please. - In a few minutes, it will be the biggest auction of the year, in Colombia. 90% of stones sold in the world come from here. The emerald is today the favorite gemstone of the stars. She is in all the parades, of all the jet set parties. Behind the glamour, a lawless market. In pursuit of the green diamond, we met the damned mine, digging with bare hands. - Yes, I am fine. - Resellers. No bills, no traces, everything is paid for in cash. - 150,000. 150,000 I said. - Here my boy! - Next to the official traders, a clandestine export channel. - I prefer you leave me, because I'm going... - OK. - I must not be question, they don't like cameras. - Between Colombia and Europe, investigation into a more profitable business, than gold and diamonds. And often net of taxes. - Bogota, the capital of Colombia. 7 million inhabitants. This is where my investigation begins. Avenue Jiménez, one of the arteries the most important in the city. In the morning, men engage in a strange trade. They are called the Esmeralderos, emerald dealers. They are found all over the avenue, their precious stones carefully wrapped in tissue paper. The negotiations are done on the sidewalk. Leading emerald producing country, Colombia provides 90% of world production. These precious stones are the most beautiful and the most famous. I have a meeting with a merchant I know: Randolph. He might help me reach the emerald mines, a forbidden and dangerous place. - Randolph! - Hi Terry, how are you? - How are you ? Hello. - Business going well? - I negotiate the purchase of a beautiful stone with my friend. I offered him a price. - Do you want to see them ? - Do you have any emeralds? - Yes, a few. We can negotiate them. - How much is this emerald worth? - 3 million pesos, or $1,000. - Do you have stones too? - Yes. - Can you show it to me? - Randolph acquired another stone, even more beautiful. - Very beautiful this stone. - Yes, she is worth 15 million pesos, about $5,000. - Randolph can maybe allow me to access Muzo, the world capital of emerald, north of Colombia. - I would like to film in a mine in Muzo, can you help me? - It is going to be difficult For safety reasons. I should go with you. That I talk to my friend who owns the mine, so that he authorizes you to do so. - If I go without permission, what's going on? - We would shoot you, we would kill you. We would take you for a thief. - We're talking about money here. You have to have security on site, for everyone. - Randolph I'll call you, you tell me. - It's going to be very difficult. If I am given permission is great. Otherwise it is not Worth going there, it's too risky. - OK. - I call you. - OK, thanks. See you soon. - As promised, Randolph calls me the same evening. He asks me to surrender next morning at the Emerald Trade Center. His friend, owner of a mine, agrees to receive me. - Hello. I have an appointment with Monsieur Camilo. I am journalist. - You have to go to the Security Office. You can not turn inside the building. Authorization is required. Outside you can, but not here. - I'm going to the second floor, thank you. I enter the holy of holies. Here are traded the biggest sales of Colombian gemstones. - It's a very secure place. It's very difficult to be able to access with a camera. - We have a rendez vous with a mine owner, who could let me turn to Muzo. - Hello, I'm looking for Camilo's office. Is it this gentleman? - Camilo is in the middle of negotiations. - Hello. Do not bother. Thierry Gaetan, delighted. we don't mind not if I take out my camera? - No, go ahead. - Camilo trades a lot of five stones. - How many carats is it? - 184. - The unit of measurement here is the carat. A fifth of a gram. - I'm offering you $11,000. - No Camilo, 11,000 is too little. - $14,000. - We're not far, we're getting closer. - OK, we stop at 11,000. - Is a purchase like this frequent? - Yes, it is frequent. We do this every day. - No transfer, no check. In business emeralds, we pay cash. - Where do these stones come from? - From Muzo. - Is it for an order? - Yes, for special customers. - Local or foreign customers? - Customers from Hong Kong. -Hong Kong? - China is the most great market for emeralds. - You plan to bring many stones in Hong Kong? - Yes, about 5000 carats. - 5000 carats, 1 million euros. Camillo will hide his emeralds in a chest, while waiting to export them to Asia. - That's it, it's safe. - In the office, he presents us with a man. - He's my French friend. - He is French ? - Yes yes. - Are you a buyer? - Yes exactly. I come here to buy stones. - How much is this one worth? - Laurent is Franco-Colombian. He comes to buy his stones in Bogota, and then resell them in Europe. This young merchant has no company. He works for his own account. - Do you know anything about emeralds? - A little. I live in France, in Paris. I buy emeralds for special orders. For customers, individuals or jewelers. Especially in Monaco, in Paris. I have a few outside clients as well. - These ladies came to sell stones, extracted in the mines of the country. - How much is this worth? stone, which you have in your hands? - 15 million pesos per carat. ↕About €5,000 per gram. This is the asking price. - The pair you have in the hands, how much is it worth? - It's a stone that weighs eight carats. So a stone at around €40,000. - How much ? - 40,000. - 40,000. Price is negotiable. - You would like can I buy it for how much? - About half. - Less than 6 million? - Not below ten. - Not below ten? - Laurent then discovers a lot of exceptional stones. - It's a training peculiarity that exists only in Colombia. Only in Colombia and not elsewhere. Neither in India nor in Afghanistan. In other producing countries, we cannot find this emerald. It is typical of Colombia. This is what makes it valuable. These are emeralds called trapiches, because it is in the shape of a windmill. - Laurent is interested, but he wants to lower the prices. - Are you going to buy something? - Not at the moment. No business. Here you have to buy with patience and calm. When you can't find it, it's worth better wait, don't rush When I come here I stay at least two or three weeks. It's a minimum to do good business. Never rush on the goods. - Camilo, the boss of the mine, returns. He agrees to take me to Muzo, a forbidden territory. Departure is scheduled for the next morning. It's Randolph, the merchant I met at the beginning of my investigation, who will accompany me. He goes to buy emeralds. In his suitcase, more than €20,000 in cash. To climb into the north of the country, he takes the bus. - How much is the ticket? - 15,000 pesos. - OK, that's good, let's go. - Randolph puts down his suitcase among other baggage, Like nothing ever happened. Public transportation is the safest way, so as not to attract attention. If everything goes well, in five hours he will be in Muzo. - I'll see if I can buy something good. - At the moment, are you armed? - No, not at the moment. - After three hours of driving, we arrive in the region of Boyaca. This is where the bus stops. From now on, Randolph continues with his bodyguards. - How are you, my little Samir? You're okay ? How is it going ? So Freddy, how are you? Business going? It's always so hot here. I'm going to take off my jacket. So is everyone okay here? Have there been stones lately? - Yes, sir, there were quite a few. Beautiful ones. - And the big one last time? - She's been sold. - After the tar, the 4x4 attacks the track. two more hours drive to our destination. Muzo, 10,000 inhabitants, the emerald capital of the world. The city is surrounded by a dozen mines. 75% of emeralds sold around the world come from here. They are considered the purest, and the most beautiful on the planet. - Finally arrived. Hi buddy, how are you? - How are you ? - Oh, that's fine. - Lets' go. - Anything good here? - After a night's rest, Randolph and Ezekiel attack the serious things. Barely protected by a fence: the emerald market. It takes place every weekends, on the village square. Buyers and sellers negotiate precious stones, like carpet merchants. - Come on, 150,000 and I'll give them to you right away. - Go ahead, it's good. Sell him. Come on, sell him. - I am leaving. Are you letting me go? - Come on, sell him. - Come on, sell him! - 150,000. 150,000 I said. - Here, boy. She makes a pair with this one. I have to make a pendant. - Can you give me 140,000? - Well, my last offer. to do business: 120,000. - Come on, my last word: 130. - No, 120. Come on. - One year ago, these stones were worth much less. But with demand prices keep going up. Like always, the transaction is done in cash. - All stones, traded here, come from the mines that surround the city. Mines nestled in the depths of these mountains, in which I finally go to be able to enter the next morning. It's 5 a.m. I'm going up with the miners. The mines are located seven kilometers from the city. Most of them belong to private owners. The day begins with a hearty breakfast, offered by the boss. In a few minutes, the workers will go underground, and will chain eight hours work without a break. So they start by gaining strength. Camillo, the boss of the mine, is not there. But its director will receive me. - Hello. Mr. Soto, please. - Over there, at the office. - The low ? - The low. - Mr. Soto, is that you? Hello. - Please sit down. - Delighted. Thierry Gaetan. - What can I do for you ? - I come from Bogotá, from Mr. Camilo, who allowed me to come to his mine, to film the work of minors. - No problem. You can film the operation of the mine. - Is it dangerous inside? - There may be landslides ground because of the weight on the beams. It would be really bad luck that, all of a sudden, there is a beam that breaks. No, that won't happen. - Thanks a lot. Tell me the precautions to take. I guess I have to put on boots? - Boots, helmet and lantern. - Perfect. Thanks a lot. - The siren sounds. It's time to hire. But before entering the gallery, a daily ritual, prayer. It is the director who acts as a priest. - Hello gentlemen. Thank God for this new day. Please take off your helmets. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Almighty God, we thank you for this day. We ask you to enlighten us, to protect us. that you bless our families, as well as ourselves. We ask you make this day special. That we can bring the fruit of our labor in our homes. God bless us. - Three years ago, in Muzo, a landslide killed four people, buried under cubic meters of earth. 7 a.m. Mining begins. The gallery sinks straight in the mountain rock, for almost a kilometer. The gut barely does more than a meter wide. The heat is unbearable. Oxygen is scarce. - It's okay, it's good. You see, it comes out. - Is that where the air is? - Actually, it's for the jackhammer. - And this pipe, what is it for? - It's so we don't choke. - Come on, come on guys. - At the bottom of the gut, the dust burns the lungs. Miners know that emeralds are inserted into the white stone. For the moment, the rock is black. We have to keep digging. But the jackhammer no longer passes. The time has come to use strong means. - Who are you calling? - The artificer to bring the dynamite. - This is where I keep the powder. - Dynamite? - Yes, dynamite. I take four, which I store here. And I take four more. - Thanks to the dynamite, they hope to dig 60 centimeters of rock, in a few seconds. - Do not panic. Stay calm. - Don't run, don't panic. - Go over there, on the other side. - Where are we going ? - The low. - Come on guys, let's go. - Are you going to find stone? - We're hoping to hit a lucky streak. - What is a vein? - A vein, this is where the stones are found. It's betta, a stone white in which are the emeralds. That's what we're looking for. - These miners earn a fixed salary of around €100 per month. The rest is on commission, depending on the emeralds extracted. It's been four months that they did not find a single stone. They hope that, this time the mine will be generous. - This area is completely sterile. But we are moving forward. - At what time do you know, when there are emeralds? - They appear stuck in stone. But it shines. The color is vibrant. I use a hammer. To be able to take a good look. Without it, it would be much more complicated. - Always nothing ? - No, it's poor stone. Not there, not there, not there. We have to keep moving forward until we find it. - To the extent that, you have to get the rubble out. Tons of rubble. - How much do you go out trolleys per day? - We go out between 20 and 25 carts every day. - Each trolley weighs nearly 500 pounds. - With the dust, it slips. - Why did you choose to work in the mines? - How to tell you ? There isn't much here. That's what most people do here. - Are you from the area? - Yes sir. - Diego just turned 18. He is the youngest of the miners. It's his first week on the job. - Did you stop studying? - I just got my baccalaureate, I could not continue. - Why didn't you continue? - It's not that I didn't want to. It was not possible. My parents are too poor. I have to help them. - This rubble will be evacuated by trucks. For the boss of mine, they have no value. But they are not lost for everyone. On the other side of the hill, a man is watching. His name is Ovidio. - At this hour, we are watching. As soon as we see the passing truck, let's go. We put ourselves there because from here, you can see it when it comes out. As soon as he arrives, we go for it. I have to go, the first truck leaves. He's down there. - Where ? - Down there. It's the truck that brings the rubble. - Ovidio is not the only one waiting for the waste. Hundreds of people start to come. They are called guaqueros, treasure hunters. They search the rubble hoping to find emerald dust, which will change their lives. The rules of the game are simple. The men on one side. Women on the other. five trucks are unloaded on each side. No one moves before the departure of the last truck. - This is my bag for put my gems. - You hope to find emeralds? - Of course, we all hope so. - I've been coming here for 25 years. - 25 years old and you live off that? - Yes sir. - So what does it give? - Nothing, I didn't make a fortune. Sometimes I win a little. - I'm ready. - It all depends on God and luck. God willing, we find. Otherwise, we must continue to fight here. - Since when are you a treasure seeker? - About 30 years old. - The last truck does not have still finished emptying his dumpster, let the rush begin. - How are you, Ovidio? - Yes, I am fine. - No time to say more. For those damned of stone, the priority is to fill his bag. In a few minutes, there will be nothing left. For women, it's the same thing. - It's heavy ? - Yes, it's really too heavy. - Once the bags are full, another job begins. You have to wash, filter, hoping to spot the slightest emerald dust. Ovidio comes from find a tiny stone. Like everyone the guaqueros, he puts it in a safe place. - Why do you put it in your mouth? - To be sure not to lose it. In the pocket, we lose it. This is why it is necessary put it in your mouth. - Ovidio is not the only one to whom luck smiled. - Thank God, we manage. It's not worth it big thing, but it pays for the rice. - That'll buy me a drink. - Even if we win 1 million, we always say that it's for a drink here. - Did you find anything? - No, I didn't find anything. - Look at this little stone. It's not a big deal, but I haven't wasted my time. - Do you find any every day? - No, not all the time. - At the end of the harvest, traders are beginning to grind. - That's it, it's sold. He will give me 7 €, but he still does business. We are two. We will share. - Interest for buyers? Here they take advantage of the misery and buy at the lowest prices. - How much ? - There are five of us. There are five of us, so give us €15. - Finally, how much do you buy it? - €10. - Did you buy other stones? - Nothing. It's the first. - Are you doing good business here? - Sure. But today, There's not too much. - Ovidio is done sifting through the dust. Her two little emeralds a misery will be bought for him, around €15. They will be worth hundreds of euros in jewelry, set on a ring or a pendant. - You are happy ? - Yes of course, even if it's not a big deal. -Ovidio and the guaqueros will come back tomorrow, to try to find other small emerald chips, that will allow them to survive. less than a kilometer away, the atmosphere is more tense. The army squares the roads. The whole region is under control. On this road, it's not tiny emeralds that will soon circulate, but the most beautiful on the whole planet. We have to find Camilo, the boss of the mine. He owns a house on the heights of Muzo. - Hello. How is it going ? - Camilo is also armed. And for good reason. In his bag, a fortune in cash. In a few minutes he will find the other mine bosses. All Barons emerald will come together, for the biggest sale of the year. But before, he has a last little formality to complete. - It's the Virgin of the Carmel of Chiquinquira. The village next door. She is the patroness of all Colombians. She is a miraculous Virgin. We honor him because we are all Catholics. - Camilo invited Laurent, the Franco-Colombian trader, to accompany him. - Goodbye my little mama. - Goodbye my son. May God and Our Lady protect you. - Come on, let's go. - Camilo is escorted by a second 4x4, with his bodyguards. - This is the road to Muzo. Here millions euros circulate every day. millions of euros Colombian emeralds. - It's in these offices, guarded like a fortress, that the sale will take place. Unable to enter without being invited. - Hi Jose. - Hey Camilo! I am sorry, but only you enter. - Don't worry, he'll come out later. - So Captain, are you all right? - A meeting under high tension. In addition to the army, mine bosses brought in private militias, and even a helicopter. All the barons are there. These men look like nothing but produce three quarters emeralds sold around the world. Each of them weighs several tens of millions of euros. Even though he is forbidden to carry weapons, everyone took their precautions. - They hide their weapons, but they have them. Everyone has their gun in the bag. - It's William who will preside over the auction. - You are responsible for this sale? - Yes sir. - How will it be? - We will start by showing emeralds from our mines. We have an in-house sales system. - All mine owners brought their most beautiful stones. Only one of them will buy the whole lot to market it. Bidding will start soon. - It's okay, come on. - No one has ever managed to film them. Exceptionally, I am allowed to go up. - The only one that you film, it's me. You don't film the others. We will start unboxing. - Here are the 7500 carats. We just took them out of the trunk. - In this bag, a kilo and a half of emeralds. Bidding will start at €850,000. - While I'm unpacking, I don't want to see anyone put their hands up. - The buyers can examine the goods. These emeralds will end at the greatest jewellers. Or wealthy businessmen, in Hong Kong, Moscow, New York or Monaco. - IM asking you. I know you want to watch. I will display them there, but I don't want to see anyone touch them. - How many are there? - 246. - I don't want you to start touching them one after the other. Do not worry, you can watch them. We'll get organized then. - Everything is checked. The number of carats is recounted. The sale must be irreproachable. At the slightest dispute, the situation could deteriorate very quickly. - Now don't can stay as buyers. The others outside. - Can't stay longer. The auctions begin. I join Laurent who was not allowed to enter. The bidding will last all night. Finally, the batch a kilo and a half of emeralds, will start at €2,620,000. Once cut, they will be worth three times as much. After shopping for several days at the Muzo market, Randolph, the merchant, will take the road back to Bogota. But first, he does his accounts. - So the stay in Muzo? - I am very happy because I bought two nice lots. This one has a nice color. This one is a little worse, but... I start packing because I have to go back to Bogota. - There are a lot of stones. How much did you pay for all this? - Between €18,000 and €20,000. But hey, trimmed, they will be worth three times as much. This small batch which is less good, cost me €2,000. - With this merchandise, not question of returning to Bogota by coach. Randolph returns at its offices in the capital, escorted by his bodyguards. - Hey Pacio! Everything is fine ? - A last sign of the cross before hitting the road. If the trip goes smoothly, tomorrow he will have his stones cut, before reselling them to jewellers. In Bogotá, in an apartment in the north of the city, we find Laurent, the French buyer. Today, he returns to Paris. - The flight is due in three hours. So we're starting soon. I'm putting my things away. To put things in the suitcase. Ready to go. - Is that what you bought from Muzo? - Absolutely. Partly in Musso and in Bogota. Here, we have a gangue. A beautiful matrix of emerald. This one has a value merchant around 800 € or so. 800, 900 €. I paid around €400 for it. About. - In his suitcase, he arranges the stones of no great value, those that cannot be pruned. Souvenirs for tourists. - There are few value in these stones. I will make bills roughly in correlation with the price from here, in Colombia. Normally it shouldn't not exceed 1500 euros in total. customs declaration, even if I get searched, there is no problem. It's for cut stones that's a bit more problematic. - Exactly, the cut stones arrive. - Hello ! - Hello. - How are you ? Sir. - How are you ? Sorry. - How are you ? - Thanks very much. So you brought me the stones? - Yes. - He brings you stones? - Yes, that's what I bought in size. They come and deliver them to me here. I do not need to move around, it avoids... It avoids risks, in Bogota. - Is it for safety? - Yes, for safety. I prefer that they bring them back to me. That's the stone I was waiting for, the oval. It is 10 carats. A beautiful crystal. It is a stone worth around 1500, 1600 € per carat. It is a very, very pure stone. We have 10 carats, it's a stone at around €15,000. This one is sold. For Monaco. I take it with me. I come back to Paris with and I take it directly. I take a plane ticket for Nice and I bring it back to my client. - The most exceptional piece, is this heart-shaped emerald. - It is a stone that is 26 carats. It's a pretty gem. You see, on the chest of a woman, that would go perfectly. This stone, the fact that she is very big, we can do it easily worth €2,000. - €2,000 per carat? - The carat, of course. - What you have in the hands, how much does it cost? - Around €50,000. - In total, Laurent will bring back in France for €100,000 worth of emeralds. They will be worth double on the market. Gemstones are taxed at 20%. If he declares them, he will have to pay €20,000. To save this amount, he will let them in clandestinely in France. - It's not risky to have them in your pockets, when crossing the border? - Without risks. It's not drugs. There are eleven stones, commercial grade, which are selling well in Europe, for standard jewellers. Or small customers who would like a pretty ring, for their girlfriend. In the pocket, the most important. I keep them close to me. To not lose them. We just have to pack it up. - If he gets caught, he risks a fine of €50,000, half of the total value. Bogotá airport. In his suitcase, the €1,500 worthless stones. - The suitcase is gone? - That's it, let's go. On the way to France. In your pockets, do you still have your stones? - Yes of course. - I can see ? - Do you want to see the little packages? I have to remember where I put it. - A little stressful, right? - Two envelopes. No, no stress. On the contrary, peacefully, no anxiety. To pass the border, you have to be quiet. Relax. With smile. Carefree. - See you in Paris? - Yes it works, No worries, see you in Paris. I prefer that you leave me now because I'm going... - I must not be question, they don't like cameras. - I said goodbye to you. - See you soon Thierry. - Thanks see you soon. See you in France? - Yes, in Monaco. - Good luck, goodbye. - Monaco principaty, a few days later. The richest city in the world. The greatest fortunes of the planet are found here. - Yes, flawless, it went well. Hassle-free return to customs. It happened as planned. We will deliver the stones, we have an appointment with a client. - The meeting takes place in a bar. The client wishes to remain anonymous. - How are you ? Good ? - Hi you ! Great ! - How did past this trip? - Flawless. Very well. - The road, how did you do it? - By car, with Alain. I present to you Alain, my partner. - How did that happen ? - Great. Flawless. Everything went as planned. I brought the stones back, no worries. The import went as expected. Impeccable, I have everything I need. I'll show you that here. I did not bring rag, it's not very serious. We're going to get this out. - Oh yes, there you go. - That's the seven-carat one. That's 17 38, lighter. The less there is light, the more the color stands out. - Yes I see. It's the green we were looking for. - We have this one, the oval. This stone is really beautiful, she is very pure. There is nothing in it. I have the certificates for each stone. - Do you like these stones? - This is exactly what I expected. In terms of weight and purity, that's what I wanted. That's really what I was looking for. They are really beautiful. - This buyer works for account of wealthy businessmen. These are people who want to invest, invest their money. So for this one, in general. Then we can have other types of customers. The jewelers are looking for these goods. They have customers who ask them for stones, including emeralds from Colombia, which are the emeralds par excellence. Here, me, they are investors. - The stone market investment is exploding. A lot of people are looking to invest, in reliable and secure investments. Many were investing in gold when it was interesting. In the real estate. Today we are in a delicate situation at this level. The precious stone has become an interesting investment. Including the emerald. She takes between seven and 10% each year of value, following the opening of the Chinese market. Colombians are rare. much more than, for example, the diamond which is not rare at all. The price increases, grows every year It is an interesting investment for those who have money to spend, just to invest. This commodity, in a trunk, does not take up space. It takes value. It is an interesting investment. - So there, a stone of 7.20 carats. A 10 carat stone. A stone of 17.35 carats. - How much is the total amount? - I have a little trouble telling you. It's a bit tricky. There are approximately between €40 and €60,000 worth of merchandise. - Deal done. The intermediary will pay in cash, as always. Net of taxes. These stones should be worth €3,000 more in a year. He uses it to trying to sell her pretty heart. - I wanted to propose it to you, it might be of interest to your customers. - Of course, there is the clientele for this kind of stone too. How many carats? - 26 carats. 26.24. - It's something that I can suggest. - How much do you want to sell it? - I'm asking €1,500 per carat. - In total, how much is it worth? - There are 26 carats, multiply by 26. It's around €50,000. Roughly. Just under €50,000. - The price remains very correct. For a market European, it is very correct. - Would it be worth the same price on Place Vendôme? - No, definitely not. Afterwards, it's up to the jewelers to do what they have to do behind. But no, there is a bargain price. It's not a price that you will find at the end, once mounted for a piece of jewelry. That is destined to high jewelry anyway. Because 26 carats on a Colombian... [inaudible] Especially cut in the heart moreover, it is rather particular. There is a clientele for that, of course. 1500 euros per carat is not expensive. - Finally, the buyer won't buy the pretty heart. Nor any of the other lots. He is satisfied with the three stones provided. The negotiation ends. Laurent is satisfied. - Well, listen, delighted. - Anyway, glad to see you again. - Good bye. Thanks. And have a good trip! Are you sending me a message? - We keep in touch for the heart. - There's no problem. - See you soon, hello! - Goodbye ! - Is it a nice operation? - It went well. As I expected. Yes, it's a nice operation. Everything went as planned. Now we are going back to Nice. See a client for the stones. Then, return to Paris. It's a beautiful day. - Few weeks later, Laurent will sell his heart for €32,000, less than the expected 50,000. It's still a benefit 25% off the Colombian price. The market of emerald is booming. In 2016, Colombia exported 27% more stones than in 2015, of which 60% to the United States. But in pursuit of the green diamond, there are no numbers on parallel market channels.
Channel: Investigations et Enquêtes
Views: 4,460,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reportage, documentaire, emeraude, trafic, mine, collection, pierre précieuse
Id: -Awy4pRKt9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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