Post New Age Arcane River Shadower Training Guide

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hey guys Plum here I'm G to be making a Arcane River Shadow training gu video I don't typically make videos like this but I figured let me give it a shot um if you guys enjoy it or have any suggestions just leave some comments down below uh I'm going to be doing Maps based off of the uh GMS Excel spreadsheet I'll leave a link in the description below as well as using the wacky beans calculator um you should use it I'm going to leave it also on the link down below it's really good uh so I'll have the max kill rates the base meso and experience that the mobs give per hour and as well as it will tell you the amplifications based on your level difference between the mobs so we're actually going to start in Chuchu instead of VJ just because I think the maps are so bad in VJ and train um there's some old rotations if you want to check them out we're going to start in five color Hill muled flest 2 actually um the max kill rate in hour is going to be 15,840 and then the base meso rates per hour is going to be 150 mil and the base XP is going to be 3.9 Bill I'm going to post some numbers again you could always double check me in the Excel spreadsheet below that I'm going to link and for the rotation you're just going to do era Fountain top right and you're just going to do dark flare top left um so this is kind of like a I guess you could call it I would call it a u rotation just because your summons are up on top left and top right and you're just going across the bottom um a lot of the pre grandness Maps you'll be doing it um sometimes if you see me go like up and down um it's just because I haven't trained on these maps in so long as you can see I'm level 286 um so I'm just checking to make sure that the rotation is working and that I'm actually clearing the whole map U I'm not using a ba um I advise anyone that's training to use a ba for the first time that you're training on a map just to make sure that you're actually getting close to the max kill rate and just to see if you actually getting more exp as well cuz you know there's also the level amplifier um next we're going to go with chicken Festival three everyone loves this CZ 3 classic um it's a Max kill rate of 18,240 a Max mess well base meso sorry 182 or sorry down here with um Shadow Veil dark flare jump over to the right you can also use Shadow faster then pountain up and then you're just going to go across with your cruel stab M with explosion same old Shadow or stuff you know nothing really crazy here no nothing insane um what you could do is also if you wanted to try it you could just do the assassinate plus Miss explosion um it used to be that you would do that to to generate more mesos um I don't I didn't try that much here um it's okay I mean in grandness training you're never going to do that um I just saw a few rotations online when before I made this video and I saw that some people still do it so I was like let me see it looks like it generates a little bit more um again if you're tapping Missle explosion nothing's happening just erase the missil and redo it by turning the tacle on and off um and then for the next map that we're going to go to after uh c f 3 is going to be let's see Arana we're going to do wear water and sunlight meat it's going to have a Max kill rate of 15.84% 6.3 Bill exp um so what you want to do in terms of the placement is you're going to put your dark flare top left and then you're going to put your era Fountain middle and then you're going to just drop down um this first kill one isn't going to be a full map clear I don't think yeah so the spawn on and you're just going to use these portals the top and bottom portal to go up and down um there you go so you're going to go across bottom and then you take the portal and C stab and there you go that's the ration and this is a full map clear assuming that your era can one shot or at least two shot again I that's important you want era to one shot or two shot dark flare to One Shot Two Shot or three shot any of those variations it's good and this is basically your first L rotation so when you hear people talking about oh it's an L it's literally just a shape so you're just making an L rotation map's pretty good not bad but the next map everyone knows this map really really good map and it's going to be Shadow dance hall 2 certified H classic come on everyone knows this map um according to the Excel spreadsheet the max kill rate you get here is 17760 uh base meso is going to be 191 mil and the base XP is going to be 8.2 bill so you're just going to dark flare make sure it's on the second step then you're going to put your here oh messed up and you're going go back to the middle and this is technically you can just stand here you could just trick blade and then clean up a m explosion sometimes the bottom one has a little straggler um if you do you just cruel stab and then use a m explosion um if you don't have a cool down hat um it's fine you're going to alternate between trick blade your sudden raid like I just used here um again you could always just drop down cuz you have enough time you have like seven to eight seconds in between each spawn wave and then you use M explosion again with uh your Tri blade um in case you you have both of them on cool down what you can do is you can shoulder you can Shadow a Suter in like horizontally just to generate mesos so that you can again clear the mobs again this is all assuming that you can onot the mobs on the maps that you're going to train it um it should be a lot easier ever since the reboot Nerfs in case you're a reboot player like myself or sorry heroic server you know so I guess this will be good for any Hyperion players um the next we're not going to do Asar as Farah's ass stay away from as farar you want XP we go to celis XP mesos cus uh we're going to do three variations of the next regions so we're going to go to uh edite 2 this is a very lazy rotation um so you just dark flare top right uh on bottom again same thing you're going to rotate between three skills trick blade sudden raid Shadow ass alter and the max kill rate will be 15.8 again 15,840 or sorry now 15,360 mesal will be 169 mil and 7.9 bill for XP again this is just another lazy rotation U the XP is less than um shadow danceall in terms of Base rate but in terms of level these are higher level mob I believe I could be wrong I will double check after and I'll leave it in the description if I didn't make a mistake on that um but yeah it's super easy like no effort at all you're just chilling you don't have to move you just move to fix the summons when they die that's it um after that we will be going to the final edge of light six very popular map always been good um the max kill rate is going to be 18,240 the base Messa will be 202 mil and then the base XP will be 9.6 bill again these are in hourly rates so you just put dark play there eround there and you just go across the bottom um so I don't know if You' guys picked up yet on these rotations so far but basically in terms of being a shadower all you do is you put your summons on the top or the bottom and then you go across either the top or the bottom or you put them in the middle and you make an L that's pretty much the variations in terms of Shadow or training um as you get higher up it gets harder through like one shot and you know one shot mes poision uh just cuz the mob's HP get higher um and you know you get the FD loss for sacred force and Arcane Force if you're under that um but everything's pretty fast now in the game in terms of progression so you shouldn't have to worry about that too much uh just use events rings and stuff like that you know just make decent meso drop here um after this map we are going to go to uh swallowing C6 I believe is the map that I wanted to do uh pretty sure yeah okay so the max kill rate should be 18,720 it's pretty high for this level uh base meso is going to be 211 mil and then 11.1 bill of exp um so you're just gonna Shadow Veil here you're gonna drop down you're gonna dark flare right here by the Rope and then you want to a fountain on the right side of that portal and you jump up so instead of C Sing there you're supposed to trick blade I didn't um but basically you just stay over here above your summons and same thing you just go across and here you would you just do that Grill sa and then right here yep trick blade like that um ideally I think maybe you want to go more to the right and then trick blade facing left that way you get the mobs on top of you um alternatively to trick blading you could also so just sudden raid right there in between right here yeah see where those there's like a little opening in between all the platforms you could probably just sudden raid there and it would be fine as well um ever so often in case you like mess up um yeah so try not to fall through the platforms like I did um there is a Korean rotation I believe that I stumbled across that has like the exact like movement of placement of where you should be um if I remember correctly I think Maple bench also made a video um you could also do this rotation I believe without using ER and Nova Fountain you can just um like literally just put dark player down and I think you only miss like one mob if I remember correctly um but yeah it's it's literally the same thing you just go AC cross the middle and then you just okay yeah see when you trick to the left you get more of the mobs cuz then your musle explosion clear the ones the top and right of you and then trick clear on the bottom yeah see so there's one mob that was there it died as a next spawn wave um yeah I mean it's pretty simple nothing there's not going to be that many crazy things here going on in terms of Arcane River training it gets more intricate once you get to like grandest but again it's still like basically the same premise where it's like you know kind of like a u- shape L shape summons on the bottom Farm on top some's on Top Farm on the bottom nothing that you guys can't fck out yourselves but in case you need a reference I'm making a reference you know for any of those new shadows out there they can just go look at the video and then be like oh hey it was made this time that's pretty recent let me check it out um so now we're going to go to moonbridge um again we're going to try do everything in threes so we're going to go to lh4 the max kill rate is going to be 1,760 the base Mesa will be just say 200 mil and then 10.3 bill so you're going to r on top over there you're going to dark flare on the bottom over there and [Music] ideally had a little St layers you would just CR stab across the bottom and then your mosion take care of us so I just making sure everything was dead over there so yeah just make sure you're pressing your Miss explosion so you don't have any stragglers like that uh I mean worse comes the worse you do have enough time to go and kill them in case you somehow messed up right so just making sure that they're all dying because again I haven't trained here in Forever um so just want to make sure the rotation is working um okay can't see to stay on the platform nice and yeah it's pretty much it you just CR Saab met explosion cab met explosion and just make sure you clean anything up can always use a will skill if you do will and whatever uh so we're going to do six now last Horizon six or L6 if you he be a talk that you're going to just put your summons in the bottom like that and then you're going to just go across the top that's all you have to do your sum will take care of the bottom your muscle explosion will take care of the middle row and then you would take care at the top see so I was just going down there making sure that no mobs were left and I was clearing everything um one thing that you will notice is I don't have my flash CHP keybound uh I think for farming purposes it I mean even in bossing it's probably better to have it balc cuz you you can see that on some of the platforms are a little bit high up so sometimes I up the jump and I won't actually hit the mobs um so just definitely check that out and the max kill rate here sorry I didn't go over that is going to be 16,8 or no no no 18,240 base M 205 and XP is going to be 10.7 bill and the next map we're going to do is going to be void current one bc1 this is super lazy rotation again um so I'm trying to throw some laser rotations in for people so they can also just you know sometimes everyone doesn't want to sweat there sometimes people don't want to be active farming I like being an active farmer but you know some people don't because then you can farm for longer right you're wrist won't hurt fingers won't hurt whatever then also this is like for people that want to use a controller you could also use a controller for a lot of these rotations um so the max kill rate 16,320 um base massive 1886. mil base XP is 10.1 bill so there is that and basically just put your summons on each side and you just go across the bottom cruel stab mess explosion Cru stab mess explosion nothing insane nothing yeah just a lot of laziness you know nice falling asleep here um I don't know how people do this and the next map we're going to go to is going to be Labyrinth of the suffering interior 5 again another lazy rotation um so basically you're just going to uh sorry let me just think what do I what am I supposed to do right right okay I'm going to put my summons here dark flare and then I'm going to put myON and then you're going to sit on the right side so you're going to again we're going to rotate through trick blade sudden raid and Shadow alter so I us un raid there um so you're not if you don't do it at spawn I do the bottom die okay yeah so I think you have to do it right away so try not to mess up or else you will miss those few mobs at the bottom but again you always just drop down and kill them but it looks like whenever I get them right away on spawn they die so that's good the max kill rate here is going to be 15,840 uh missiles is going to be 182.5 mil and then base XP is going to be 10.1 bill so pretty similar to vc1 um and then after that we are going to go to let's see labyrith of the suffering core one I believe is where I wanted to go to next let me just I think so no I think it's one I think I want to go to one maybe where is it okay sorry don't know all my maps yeah so we're going to go one so going to drop shadowville we're going to you always use uh your SL Shadow formation as well put your dark player there uh and found yeah so you can use your SL Shadow formation to always help you when you're placing down your summons usually what you want to do is use uh Shadow Veil as like your summons like cool down kind of thing so like you place it down to kill the one side of the map that you're not going to be at when you're going to place down your summons and then you could also use your SL Shadow formation um to kill the mobs so again this is another one where you just rotate through your trick blade your uh sudden raid and your SL Shadow formation to just use your musle explosion to kill the rest of the mobs whatever those skills don't kill and the max kill rate here will be 16.3 [Music] I guess Arcane Riv itself is and now we're going to go to uh sing core six um this one's pretty lazy too you just dark flare here you're going to do your ountain here and you can just go across the bottom U the only thing that I don't really like about these Maps um you kind of have to wait so you lose like a second of time I've noticed for the mobs to actually spawn in looks like see so like you can't actually hit them right away so sometimes you might miss a like a CR stab something if you're attacking too early um but yeah other than that pretty easy rotation uh 16.8k mobs an hour 195 mil an hour and 11.1 Bill an hour um nothing crazy here just summons on top go across the bottom [Music] um and then we're going to go to I believe lemono I think that brings us to lemina right we did three here so I think we should be going alumina um again we're not doing this in any level order I'm just kind of going through the map Arcane River um again the the mob levels are all on the map so when you go check it out if you're like oh I shouldn't go here I'm not that level um then don't just follow your level whatever level you're at oh this map is super super super chill I love it no summons involved at all World St dep 3 literally just go across you just go left and right that's it probably saw the meme where the guy was like flipping through each uh map pretty sure that was this was one of those Maps when they were doing that when they were talking about getting rid of ruins and they were like oh my God this new tech but yeah um it has a max kill rate of 15.8k uh 186 base meso and 10.9 Bill XP um but yeah I mean there's not much to talk about on this rotation you're literally just going across the map like you just left in right that's it um one thing I didn't include in this guy is looting rotations because I use a backpad so I am sorry for anyone that's looking for a looting rotation uh we're going to go to 25 next or end of the world 25 sorry um dark light here and then you're just going to go up oh drop down nice he just it up there um I don't remember we might even be able to put on the bottom one I didn't test that out um but yeah so this is like your super lazy farming session right now in Lumina it's pretty nice this is a nice area to like Farm fam cuz you literally just don't have to do anything it's just so nice um the max kill rate here is 15.3k mobs uh base meso is going to be 182 mil and the base XP is going to be 11 Bill an hour so again don't forget to use the wacky beans calculator you can put in your kill rates um and it'll tell you put your level and it'll tell you if it's worth it to be there or not so just keep that in mind uh we're going to go to the goed map One n next um make sure you ER found here don't put your dark fler there or else cuz sometimes your eround won't clear up top so you have to put your dark clear up top just keep that in mind and then also you have more time to because your eround won't actually trigger until you kill any mobs so you have time to get a little extra cheese on that first wave before the spawn cyle starts because it won't start until you actually hit a mob or damage a mob or kill a mob I forgot if it's damage a mob or kill mob but yeah at least you have time um the max kill rate here will be 16 .3k base meso is 193 mil and the base XP is 13.9 B um this is also going to be the last map in the rotation um just because I wanted to keep it Arcane River separate from grandness to help any like new shadows out join the Discord or anything like that um just so they have some type of reference so new players don't feel so lost in case they're like oh I don't know if this video is still good it's from a year ago or I don't know if this video is still good it's from two years ago just so they have something updated to keep track of in case people aren't just using daili and MP to level up um and I'm going to go to just to show it if you guys want me to make a grandest training guide I'm down to make one um I don't know how long it'll take me does take me a while to make these videos because I'm very lazy and not the greatest editor I'm try to edit everything myself so anyone has any tips let me know if you guys want me to make a grandest training guide I'm fine with it I can basically go everywhere up until the 500 secr Force Maps um yeah let me know hope you guys enjoyed and yeah thanks um if you guys want to check out my stream I'll post a stream schedule and it's sensitive so sometimes I do it sometimes I follow it sometimes I don't um yeah thanks for everything hope you guys enjoy the video peace out
Channel: Plumede
Views: 1,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maplestory, vtuber, nexon, kronos, reboot, shadower, arcaneriver, training, vtuberen, 섀도어, 리부트, english
Id: Lp-IMdVCo2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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