NEW AGE 6th Job Hexa Skill EXPLAINED For YOU

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new age is just around the corner and with new age just around the corner that means that six job is also right around the corner but that also means that there is a brand new upgrading system and that upgrading system is going to be referred to as hexus stat and hexa skills so in this video we're going to be going over everything that you need to know about this new upgrading system we're going to go over where to farm items what to use them on and how much you actually need to get to certain thresholds in this system hopefully by the end of this video you have all the information that you need to upgrade this system successfully so with that being said let's get right into the video so first things first there are going to be two branches to this upgrading system one is going to be hexa skill and the other is going to be the more complicated version called hexa stat we're going to first start off with hexa skill as this is going to pertain to more players and be appealing to more players as well hexa skill also gives you much more final damage versus the hexa stat that costs a lot more and gives you a lot less final damage the hexa skill is made up of four branches this is going to consist of your skill core which is going to be that big origin skill that all classes have your Mastery core which is going to enhance fourth job skills or below and just a quick side note to enhance the Mastery core you must have these to level 50 in the v metrix in order to upgrade them enhancement cores which are going to enhance fifth job skills and then common six job cores these aren't out yet the common six job cores are essentially going to be things like decent combat orders SI SE rope lift all those kind of skills that every class in the game gets that is all shared together so now that we know what this actually is what do we actually need to upgrade this system well in order to upgrade this system we are going to need an item called Soul era and the way to obtain Soul era is going to be one from hunting Mobs with sacred force or number two killing bosses and not just any bosses but the more difficult tier of bosses I'm going to put the list of bosses on the screen right now but these bosses are going to consist from things like hard Lotus all the way down to calling now of course the harder the difficulty of the boss the more Soul era you can obtain bosses can drop 50 all the way up to 600 Soul era energy so this is a very good way of claiming Soul era energy quickly without spending a lot of time the lowest tier boss is going to be Lotus and the highest tier boss giving the most amount of Soul era energy is going to be extreme black mage now even though these bosses and mobs drop Sola energy you're going to need 1,000 Soul era energy to actually obtain One Soul era you'll have a UI on your screen that gives you a gauge of how much you are out of 1,000 to filling up this gauge once you get to 1,000 Soul erta energy you'll be able to obtain One Soul era but Soul era isn't the only thing that you actually need to upgrade this system you will also need something called Soul era fragments now these Soul era fragments are only obtained from Monsters with sacred Force so you're not able to obtain this item from bosses so now that we know the materials that we need to gather in order to actually upgrade the six job system how much is it actually going to cost us to upgrade the six shab system so I'm going to put a chart on the screen right now that actually shows how much Soul era and how many Soul era fragments you will need to upgrade each hexa skill so one thing that you'll notice on this chart as well is that there are certain level brackets where it costs you a significantly more amount of Soul era and soul era fragments but there is a reason for this you do gain a substantially more amount of final damage the level thresholds where you will actually get a bonus is going to be at level 10 you will gain 20% ID level 20 you will gain 20% boss damage and at level 30 you will gain 30% ID and 30% boss damage thus the more expensive costs at these level brackets but just so you have a general idea of how much Soul era and soul era fragments you will need to completely Max this system in order to Max your fourth and fifth job hexor you're going to need 720 Soul era and you will need 20,000 Soul era fragments so quite a lot there and in order to only Max your six job you will need 356 Soul era and 10,000 Soul era fragments totaling 1,76 Soul era and about 30,000 Soul era fragments we don't know how much it's going to cost to actually upgrade or Max your common six Shob cores but that will be probably announced in the next upcoming December KMS update so now that we've gone over the more important of the two let's go into hexat and what this actually is so when you open up your hexat UI you're going to actually have to activate a hexa stat when you activate your hexa stat you going to have to choose one main stat and two secondary stats these are going to give you the option between crit damage boss damage ID damage attack and all stat as a side note the all stat does not scale but the attack does secondary stat will always be half of the value of what the main stat is so as an example of the this 7% crit damage being your main stat is going to give you 3.5% crit damage if you were to put it as a secondary stat so just remember your main stat is always going to be the highest value and your secondary stat is going to be half the value of your main stat depending on whatever you choose for the main and secondary stat you also cannot do the same main stat as your secondary stat so if you choose crit damage for your main stat you cannot choose it as well for a secondary stat activating a hexa stat is not free though it is going to cost you five Soul era and 10 Soul era fragments so now once you've actually activated your hexa stat you want to level it up and this system is a lot of RNG you're going to have three potential options when you level up your hexa stat every single time you're going to have a 35% chance to level up your main stat and then a equal split between 32.5% to level up one of your secondary stats this isn't free though it is going to cost you 10 Soul era every single time you try to level it up of course the goal and the ideal situation is to get 10 main stat and 10 secondary stat Flats so you have 10 10 but this is nearly impossible and takes an insane amount of time and for 99% of players it is 100% not worth trying to minmax this so for a general idea most people will probably settle with six or five on their main stat and any secondary setat that they get for the time being until the hexa skills are actually maxed just for example if you do roll your hexa stat and you get really bad RNG you can always reset it at level 10 this is going to cost 10 mil miso so if for example you try to roll your hexat and you only get two on your main setat and you decide this isn't really that good RNG I want to roll it you have the option to to reset it completely back to zero and then try again once you reach level 20 on your hexa stat you can set this as a preset and save it forever this gives you the ability to make a hexat for mobbing and then also make a hexat for bossing there's a little bit more information with hexat but to to be honest it's not super super important especially for most players right now the most important thing is trying to get your hexa skills leveled up as soon as possible and trying to put most of your soul era and soul era fragments into the hexa skills themselves hexa stat is just a secondary thing that you work on and it's not super relevant for a lot of final damage but that is going to wrap it up for the six job upgrading system I really hope this video helps a ton of you understand how the six job system works remember this system is a very long grind so don't rush it enjoy it have fun with it this is also a ton of final damage and remember we are only 20% into the six job itself so if your class doesn't feel like it's super strong right now remember that it can always get Buffs in the future for the other hexa skills that it will receive but with that being said you guys that is going to wrap it up for today I hope you guys all enjoyed this video and until next time I will see you all in the next one take it easy peace
Channel: Ereklo_Gáme (GMS)
Views: 19,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maplestory Reboot, Maplestory, Maplestory Training, Maplestory Guide, Reboot GMS, GMS Reboot, maplestory 6th job, maplestory hexa matrix, maplestory 6th job guide, maplestory hexa matrix guide, maplestory hexa skill guide, maplestory sol erda guide, maplestory sol erda energy
Id: aiA2l9PwCt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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