Awesome Space Survival!!! | Astrometica [ Playtest ] s01 e01

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hey everybody this is glider cat and it's time to play today we're going to start a let's play on a game called astrom Meda uh this game is currently on a play test I believe it's an open Play test uh and you can see the version I'm playing up in the top right of the screen 9612 um I featured this game on the gladder cat Channel about five months ago and it's slated to go into Early Access sometime in May or June 2024 we'll see how that plays out but let's uh let's jump in play game that's preview as my little practice session here played for about an hour and 21 minutes let's do a new save and we'll call this Pat let's play season 1 and there's two modes here looks like um for the play test survival mode is the only mode available that survival mode is story driven experience where players must scavenge for resources and craft equipment to survive on a remote planet after a spaceship explos explosion probably let's jump in want to thank gladder cat patrons and channel members for their support it's what makes this content possible all right initial tutorial stuff we got WD for movement shift for the jetpack C for Crouch that's all very common the one that's not is switch the tool battery so that's X we got to remember and then flashlights unique or T and tab for the inventory all right let's hop in and see see what they want us to do first here check out the Hub station it says Marcela usable resources hello this is Marcel if anyone is out near our Hub I want to inform you that we're evacuating this location you need resources you can find them here but please be aware that the airlock now requires power to open don't forget to bring a power cell with you stay safe out there okay so that's like a mission and then here's Captain Matthews this is Captain Matthews from the maxora anyone is out there we've crashed landed on a nearby asteroid our supplies won't last long please if you can hear this come find us let's add this signal location to our map and then let's go out and explore I'm surprised there's no objectives I think there was before let's see go out basically we can kind of drift around and collect some initial resources here I'm just kind of using my arrow or my WDS and hovering around you can see in the bottom left a little oxygen tank is depleting while we're out here let's grab some resources they're just floating by our little tiny our little tiny station here warning and if we go back in our oxygen will replenish yeah looks like the objectives aren't coming up but that's fine we we will do it on our own um in this little station here we can do some crafting we've got some kind of basic parts here copper wire electronic parts batteries chipsets iron and copper bars uh here is sustenance items so water oxygen Burgers space burgers and medkits and then this is the stuff we need for our our little astronaut here um and we want to make these things as soon as we can so this jetpack is a key one that's going to allow us to move in space a lot faster we need copper wire two coal and two iron let's see can we we can make a copper wire already then we need two coal and two iron tab let's see what we've got we've got two iron we need to find coal let's go see if we can identify Some Coal guessing that's pretty dark looks like there's something way out here yeah before we get the jetp pack we got got to be kind of careful we don't venture out too far there's one coal that looks like a coal over here too let's grab it o if I can boom one there grab a piece of ice on our way back warning this is quartz here take that on the way back got a decent amount I'm going to snag this and snag that head back in all right now we can make the jetpack boom awesome let's put that on our little guy here and what else uh this stuff we've got an oxygen capsule let's see what the jetpack says fly freely in space with this jetpack okay then we've got the oxygen module is a device that increases the amount of oxygen available in your space suits oxygen capsule okay with this module you can explore for longer periods of time without having to worry about running out of oxygen okay that's kind of a big deal we need two copper wire for this think we have quartz let's um we can make copper wire one it looks like I need probably iron right let's go get some iron there's [Music] one there's some copper like that might be an iron up here grab that guy while we're out and about let's grab some more oxygen tank still looks pretty good we got more than half a tank and we're right near our little pod here grab some more not sure which one was better to grab there that one okay let's head back in one more copper wire and then I think not oxygen tank we want this guy capsule tab to get that equipped boom that should give us a lot more breathing time it shows 80 out of 80 here 80 units in the bottom left of the screen uh what's next what's next is the maybe the mining tool the backpack Shield okay mining tool electronic parts a battery and two iron battery is copper wire and coal I have copper wire I don't let's make one of those battery and where are you two iron electronic parts electronic parts is another copper You There It Is Mining tool awesome that equipped the next thing we can make is going to require some resources we don't have nearby we've got the shield module that requires nickel and a chipset the chipset I think we can make no we can't we need silver and gold for that we don't have those resources nearby but we'll get them um let's see backpack requires silver we don't have that let's see what can we do take a look at inventory and let's take a look at these little storage boxes I haven't looked in here yet if we got some extra food and water in here let's um grab a couple of water and a couple of food maybe see what we got on this one medkits and fill the oxygen tanks let's take this stuff move it over to the other one have this kind of be food and health oriented stuff I don't think I need the medkits uh I am going to hold on to both oxygen tanks I think just in case of emergency wait a minute thought this one had all the food did I just bring all the no there it is yeah so let's hold on to all that stuff uh water looks like I might be able to drink okay and let's see if we can make food and water just so we know we can kind of sustain ourselves that's over here Burger is just two Organics so that's a piece of cake those are just floating out in space right then water is ice food store one let's store two food we'll hold on to two food and two water and two whoops oh I didn't mean to do that I me I wanted to move it in my inventory guess I should just use the sword button at least that was water not oxygen all right iron ore I want to get rid of these resources that we have on us to free up room so we can scavenge more all right let's hop out and we're going to head over to this marker right here where it says 177 M I think that came from picking this turning that on I believe so let's go see if we can get over there now that we've got the jetpack can kind of do a shift and move a bit faster got to wait for the jetpack to fully recharge if you want to maximize your use of it recharging in the bottom right there's a little buddy there I don't know how we defeat that thing let's see if we can go around the other way this uh little tunnel goes all the way through maybe we'll get lucky yeah it does not sure what danger lies for us here oh check it out I think this is our silver oh there's a robot over here too let's grab that silver think that guy's going to end up killing us let's I'm going to try to head back to base I don't have enough oxygen to make it I don't think and so how many Jetpack rechargers we can get there in the bottom right uh we do have an oxygen tank on us if we're desperate not to waste those though warning oh man yeah I'm going to have to take an oxygen tank bummer let's go back to base we did manage to get one silver let's hop in here and one on the store that's silver and then I guess I'm okay with everything else I have we're probably going to get killed here let's just do it cuz I don't have weapons to fight that little um that little robot that we saw floating around at the entrance here it looks like there's one over on the other side of the tunnel too and then we need to get in here there's a bunch of resources in here for us gu going to zap us pretty good oh I got him with the uh got him with the drill nice I'm just going to click to grab those things uh let's see if we can get in here I don't have an extra battery we got to go I need a battery I'm going to grab that I can can I get this forg it see if I can make it back yeah we need to craft a battery before we come back I'm surprised we didn't die last time I played that little robot took me out but this time I drill I get hit him with the mining drill here and it took him out [Music] so to make it without using an oxygen tank warning yeah I think good no all right did I get anything on that trip no just some little Parts uh we need a battery so let's build another battery we need copper wire and coal don't think I have coal copper wire we've got on us let's go see if we can get coal nearby like that might maybe that looks like a big rock can try to drill this for coal that little scan where it says scan that is not implemented in the play test so just ignore it when scan comes up on the screen that give me any coal by chance yeah it did gave me too coal see if we can get a little more right clicking to use the mining drill here boom yeah we have four now let's go back up uh maybe grab some ice on the way want to drift off too far warning all right battery right there that I think is all we need and let me clear inventory just so we have room to scavenge where we're going got a water I've got an oxygen tank I got a couple burgers and I don't need those electronics and we do need the battery I think to get into that place let's go back not going to grab any resources on the way there's going to be a bunch of stuff for us to collect inside this giant asteroid oxygen looks great actually right now be able to grab these silver boom Oh that's quartz there go here and see if we can activate this guy battery I've got a battery okay that take noop warning battery empty H we've got one in our inventory why won't it work battery huh I don't know I'm going to have to use my oxygen tank unfortunately just to survive here we see need okay says needs power cell let's go maybe I don't have the right kind of battery let's head back we'll look and see what we can craft maybe there's a different kind of battery we need sure I can get back so I'm not going to bother collecting resources uh get that back maybe I'll grab that nice warning going to need to make another oxygen tank okay it said it needed a power cell is is there something different in here there it is this guy all right takes a battery and two silver do we have two silver we've got one here and I think we might have one in here yeah now we can build it this one is what they wanted um but now I need an oxygen tank to take copper wire and two ice copper wire takes that and that there's our copper wire there's our oxygen tank kind of would really like to have two of those of course I just clicked it by mistake and used it let's go get more copper and Ice remember not to click things on in the inventory unless you want to actually use them grab some of this coal while we're here Bas copper use some iron the big one I don't want to drill at the moment coer iron another iron another iron another iron another iron all right let's go back in fire oxygen tank fire more ice dump off this iron and quartz coal go get ice' be nice to have two oxygen tanks at all time and then we could probably steal a water we get back to keep a water or two on us so all times [Music] also here's nice we can go out a little further B grab that for food Organics iron and copper all right let's let's go back and now we've got two oxygen tanks do not click on them uh we've got extra ice get rid of that store that up store the copper store the iron swort and let's eat a burger that time when I clicked it it did not eat I had the um storage open um I'm going to grab another Burger to keep with us I'm going to grab [Music] another water to keep with us 6 L 6 lers yeah let's just do it to be safe and now let's go head back we've got the power cell yep and we want to go down here see if we can get in this time I think we can enemy over there all right there we go there we go and we go and we get our oxygen recharged in here which is nice let's look around and grab some resource there's a silver we need gold right for was it the was that mining drill or something no was there's another thing that we can build that requires gold now I can't remember what it was uh let's stay to the right grab all this there's some extra water only two lers there 2 lers oops we'll grab all this boom that looks red I don't think we can get in here that one same thing this is a play test so it's not fully implemented there are places we cannot go yet this looks interesting blueprint thank you very much sh new blueprint Builder tool and the laser tool laser tool cool see what this thing is entry ID a27 this is Marcel we managed to construct a ship that can transport us to another ma maxora station if you're reading this note then you should know that we've secured an additional location for emergency supplies when you decide to make your way to this location remember to obtain the key from my cabin it's the only way to unlock the airlock door leading to supplies okay we secured an additional location for emergency supplies I don't know if that's here and it sounds like they went somewhere else let's grab this another blueprint habitat habitat Corridor and habitat airlock cool so we got more things we can build um this nice a full liter of water and data Transformer says a device use a transfer and store Digital Data allowing players to access and use information at a later time okay we'll see what that's used for I don't remember if we saw that when we played the demo these pillows are good for fabric and comfort when sleeping medkit class couple light bulbs grab all that new blueprints for light bulbs and flashlight module okay cool put these little large or Locker there's the key card key card OB station okay I got hey a little meal here little Happy Meal all right we checked all those we have to remember that these are actually little drawers cool nothing there that's all checked out uh this little piece of art is kind of cool nothing we can do with it though doesn't look like we're going to stay to the right uh there's another little chest space donut plus 100 food oh man going to make me hungry for donuts um water take water the emergency doughnut couple Fabric and then we're probably going to have to just come back right looks like there's some stuff for us to mine there but let's go unload our loot so I'm going to stick to the left to get back to where we came in uh forgive me if I don't pick up that these are red as quickly all right off we go let's head back unload our goodies then we'll come back and harvest some more inventory is full be nice if there's an upgrade for that I think we saw there's a backpack that we can make right maybe that's the thing that required the gold starting to get silver that looks interesting over here too check that thing out all right oxygen looks decent waiting for my Jetpack to recharge in the bottom right let's go looks like I took a little damage my health meter in the bottom left guess when I drilled that little bot maybe he got a little bit of me before I got him took him out all right let's see what we can make medkits we can make this backpack electronic Pires and silver I think we can do that let's um try going to make room get rid of that cloth got room for one more thing in here how about this data Transformer and then let's get rid of our space donut our extra water uh we have extra food too I'll send that over extra water can go I only need two of these we got two oxy tanks light bulbs I don't know how to use those yet don't need the medkit or the glass get electronic part I'm going to hold on to the key thing I'm going to ditch the organic for now all right for that backpack what do I need electronic part I thought I had one in inventory already electronic part then we need to Silver right to Silver did we bring back more silver I thought we did what am I missing sort these guys just sworn we grabbed more silver while we were over there maybe already used it iron there's one we need two let's go back got one on on me I guess I will dump that over here guess I won't that is full so I dump it over here just to create space I'll dump that electronic part for now and that wire P I do need a drink of water drink one of those oops now I can drink it when I don't have a chest open okay that's good enough back to it shuttle our way back over there and get some silver I think there is a cave here we where we can get some and then we might have had two more fabric we could pick up right from one of those chests that we left behind well my inventory is empty I'm wondering if I should go after that after that other enemy a quartz there I'm not going to worry about it seem have quartz floating by us boom I think we did all that just double check this yeah that's dead that we can't do this is where that extra fabric was let's grab it don't have a lot of storage on our main um our main little shuttle I'm tempted to leave it okay here's some silver for us we we have time too we've got oxygen here I believe y now it's a little dark we can change the settings in the game there actually is a gamma setting let's crank this up a little bit maybe it'll be I think I need to hit apply actually after doing that oh maybe [Music] not that's a little little tiny bit better there's a little nugget of silver your eyes peeled I'm going to stay to the right that looks like something we can mine I wonder if that's gold here's now can I open this it says use scanner tool and it's an iron asteroid fragment now the scanner tool is not implemented yet I'm just going to click on each side of this thing see if it opens doesn't look like it does yeah so this is not part of the play test yet developer mentioned that they are working on the scanner tool not ready yet kind of want to get this silver while I see it though let's get it then we'll go back to sticking to the right um what are you guess I can mine it oh man that's going to take forever to mine right maybe not I'm going to use up my battery I think that's going to be silver uh maybe we can mine it we can always get another battery I guess Oxygen's not an issue food and water look great health I think we can only restore Health to the med pack I don't think food does it but our health is looking pretty good all right let's look at inventory before we blast this thing open we've got five silver and a couple fabric ious to see what we get out of this oh man six more silver I'll take it um I think we should mine this thing it looks like it I don't know what this is it could be gold or I think we saw we needed nickel too right maybe this is nickel 34% battery on our mining drill here we should be able to get through this pretty easy boom new blueprint Corridor asteroid minor that sounds kind of cool nickel nice we need that we're going to need it I think we saw something in the list that of things we can craft at our little workstation that needed that got a little bit of room left in inventory five slots let's keep moving through here probably not going to be able to empty out the whole place oh man look at these bars iron bars we may grab some of those we'll see this chest is empty looks like we can't go anywhere there what do you got for us electronic parts water I'm going to take that water and drink it it's just um2 L um this stuff is not special think we should leave it these open so these ones do not open Iron we can kind of make ourselves we can always come back for that thinking I might leave it to tell you the truth we might find some other better resources I said I was going to sip this water Let's Do It um that gives us five spots in inventory yeah I don't think I'm going to bother with this stuff yet we're able to make iron bars back at base see if there's something more enticing eyes peeled these rocks almost look like they're here temporarily to block something but maybe not that is definitely something for later this thing can't do anything can't drill it I think we can drill these rocks either with yeah no not letting me making me wonder though if there is like some kind of secret pack passageway we have to drill our way into that must have been the supply room they were talking about in the message uh copper bars again this isn't critical I guess I'll take get we can make those pretty easy back base yeah this is what I kind of wanted to save room for silver nuggets what else we cleared most of it hopefully I didn't walk by something it we'll stick to the right right I think that takes us back out right got all this I have one inventory slot let's don't want to get too close to that guy because if he kills us I don't want to risk losing all the inventory we have maybe we'll come back and take that little dude out some point I can grab this quartz just that one inventory slot let's head back maybe we can make the backpack pack and get some extra storage space that will help us out we got new objectives now up in the top right I think when you first start to play you get um objectives right off the bat but I already completed some in a previous little test run so they didn't show up now they're starting to show up all right in we go uh let's store a little bit just so we have room we don't run into issues with not having room for crafting or something learn I need to learn a blueprint for storage running out of space here all right backpack can I do it uh we got to grab our electronic part I think we had one in here take you um let's count the rows 1 2 3 four is all our backpack has now back tab plop that on what did that give us two more not bad not bad we'll take it for sure what else we unlock some new blueprints along the way we can make light bulbs essential source of Illumination light bulb emits a warm comforting glow fits in a various fixtures providing ample brightness to eliminate your surroundings efficient design ensures Energy savings while delivering a clear and vibrant light copper wire and glass uh we got plenty of light in here it looks like that must be for when we build our own habitats and things what else is new resin canister used for printing objects okay cool that must be like an assembler or a um 3D printer kind of thing maybe we're going to be able to make there's iron bars Capper bars we saw that before chipset requires gold we haven't found gold yet no new food items oh flashlight module electronic part and a light bulb we can do that pretty easy we have any more electronic parts pre-made don't see any there there's one electronic parts and then we'll grab one of the light bulbs we just harvested [Music] boom flashlight module and let's slap that guy in this I think is a placeholder icon think think these modules look familiar from when we played the early early early demo about five months ago what else can we build mining tool we've got that I think that's our normal little drill that we have on us just double check that make sure yeah mining Tool uh we should be thinking about a new battery for that guy too uh I bet it needs a power cell right x uh that looks like a battery let's build a battery we need copper wire and coal nickel there I'm going to need an iron copper and a coal our copper wire there's our battery we'll just keep that on so we can replenish our mining drill oxygen capu I think we're only allowed to build one of those a level one there's going to be a level two I think that we're going to be able to unlock backpack we have Shield module requires a chip set and nickel Builder tool this we want data Transformer in a battery looks like we're going to have to build another battery there's a data Transformer in here let's get the Builder tool built boom and put that on guess that would go on the hot bar yeah and now we can build things but we don't have a battery backup might need to go fetch some copper um got copper wire what's the battery copper wire and coal I think there's coal in here too right let's get another battery built so we have it on hand build it to a laser tool two gold bars yeah we need to find gold we have nickel we can make batteries we can make electronic parts a handy tool that emits powerful laser be used for cutting through materials mining resources and defending against hostile creatures oh man do I want that we already have the flashlight module I think that's T there we go not so handy in here it's already kind of bright here's a door here if we um click it it kind of half opens it's not available in the play test so you know so yeah we need to find gold and I need to find a way to create storage um building if I hit two I've got the building tool selected how do we build stuff let's go out okay I'm right clicking with the build tool and that's giving me an option to build all these things let's uh do it inside and see if I can build the storage and just throw it in here he right click all how about all is it storage habitat air lock habitat room Corridor customize your base's colors with the colorized base module use your terminal allows us to access new signal missions that must be like one of these guys seems like we completed this right uh we need resources now this one one I think we completed completed that one actually is their storage recycle machine machine that allows the player to recycle unwanted items into useful resources Power Cell charger power capacity needed okay battery charger habitat window medium storage three iron bars and a data Transformer two iron bars for a small storage let's see if we can do that uh we got iron here boom boom let's grab four of those think iron bar oh it takes three iron per one two one short three bar not the build tool right click what this is under Advanced um compact St storage created for organizing and various items three iron bars for that one and a data Transformer let's just see what the data Transformer takes electronic pirate and quartz uh those are Organics here's a quartz thinking yeah I'm thinking maybe we should go for the bigger one it's probably a more efficient use of resources so let's get um we'll need copper and iron copper iron yeah copper and iron mostly looks like grab some oh it's a lot brighter out here since I turned up the gamma doesn't look bad though I actually kind of like it I'm going to grab some coal here while we have it I know we're getting a little low on that if I can reach it iron copper or of iron they hunger in water looks okay get copper way over here I'm going to grab if we can get over to this guy get these Forest um you do let's take it all and head back oh why can't you give me that that's not actually enabled we didn't get two new rows of storage got like one row and a couple cells bumer all right I think we need one more iron bar wire um maybe I didn't need the wire have copper iron and copper wire sort got copper wire out a storage space do or you keep thinking this is an electronic part let's dump off some of this silver so we have inventory space that looks like I need to get more iron for you yeah looks like it's iron right trying to build this guy takes three iron bars and a data Transformer one two we got our three iron bars our data Transformer oh we can build it cool Advanced medium storage in here maybe I can't uh let's see R maybe for rotate q and e no maybe it's just not going to fit yeah maybe we need to put this somewhere else but I can't even back out to see be nice if it would just think we're going to have to build our own pod that's what I think this is telling us um which means we're going to need a habitat room I think a door to get in if I'm not mistaken the all habitat room provides shelter and comfort allowing the player rest and recharge before continuing a space frame journey and I think this gets us oxygen free habitat air lock Corridor air loock is buildable structure that can be used as an entrance and exit point for a pressurized environment we need both of these things which means a whole lot of iron bars right eight for that oh man yeah we're going to need to do some iron mining like a lot of iron mining um get rid of some of this stuff into the storage that we do have I mean I could try and craft the little one but I don't think that's going to work either the little storage let's do it here's a small storage yeah they're not going to let us build in here it looks like to tell you what I'm going to do going to call the episode here and in between episodes I'm going to go Harvest some iron I might need actually drill some of these larger Asteroids for it but I'll collect as much as I can and build um or craft up a bunch of iron bars and then when we get back we can try to build this habitat room in the air loock and then we'll have to pick a place to actually build this we've got kind of a oxygen recharge station right here so we probably don't want to build it like right next door we probably want to build it on the way out to explore some somewhere else right and then it can be like a little um pit stop for us to refuel our oxygen I don't know where we need to go though it's pretty cool pretty cool this looks pretty awesome anyway yeah let's wrap this first episode here for analysis of gladder cat saying thanks so much for watching we enjoyed this early look at the play test version of astrom Meda again this game is slated to enter early access in May or June of 2024 um that date is a few months out so could slide we'll see what happens man pretty cool want to thank glider cat patrons and channel members for their support of the glider cat Channel deeply appreciate the support if you'd like to help support the glider cat Channel there are links to do so in the description and I'd be grateful for the support and with that I'll see you all in the next episode
Channel: Glidercat
Views: 69,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astrometica, astrometica game, astrometica gameplay, games like remains, games like astro colony, upcoming space games, space survival game, survival game, best space games, astrometica trailer, astrometica review, astrometica game trailer, astrometica first impressions, astrometica let's play, astrometica first look, astrometica preview, astrometica pc, astrometica tutorial, astrometica tips, glidercat, glidercat gaming
Id: P-BrliZ4i-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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