Possibly Easy Way To Remove A Tree Stump - Complete Burn

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this tree's gotta be over 100 maybe 200 years old but yeah what I like to do is just try to mark it off and they quieter you don't have to be exact and then three Squadron I'll start drilling a series of holes that change real bit the other one was pretty dull but probably goes deep you can go and dips you can go man I've got this marked off about eight quadrants trying to space your hose out maybe four or six inches apart now you might be saying martial art that does not look like fun but guess what the battery pack is dead on my drill well I got all my hoes drilled and I didn't notice that uh toward the bottom of each hole it was a little bit damp so uh this tree was cut last September it's now April so it needs to dry out a bit more do not try this on a green stump but anyhow The Next Step is we're gonna feel each hole with some vegetable oil you could use motor oil but it's not recommended because we're going to eventually burn this dump and uh motor oil is not really that cool for an environment and it's something definitely you don't want to um to do if I'm Gonna Fill each hole this vegetable and I'm gonna let it soak her for a long time probably a month or so I don't know so just fill each hole well thanks for watching and uh stay tuned so the next part of this series but it'll be a while it'll be a month or so before I put the next one out in this series because I want this to soak and I may uh let it soak in there so today I'm going to use some charcoal simply because it won't give off a lot of flames and nothing he's gonna be high enough to get your stuff on fire before we get into all that I thought I'd show you the top of the stump it's been soaking uh over about six weeks and about every week I come back and add a little more vegetable into the holes I've gone through about three quarts or a gallon of pure vegetable oil and I top the hose off as needed as it soaks in there well what I'm gonna do now just take a little extra vegetable oil kind of drizzling on top of our stop I'm gonna wait they're bag of charcoal right on top there's nothing special about this charcoal in fact it's the cheapest I could find it's not the match light I don't like the match like charcoal simply because uh it gives a kerosene flavor to uh whatever you cook with it so uh I always buy just the cheapest stock I could find I'm gonna lay the whole bag on there open up a little bit a little vegetable oil on top of that and then use some paper to try to light it [Applause] we'll have to sit there and burn it down real good I hope we get a good hot burn on top of that log and then what we're trying to do is ignite the log now the log or I'm sorry not the log of the stump the stunt will not burn rapidly but we get it hot enough he'll sit there and smolder so that's what we're going to do to get hot enough to sit there and smolder and then burn well this is day two of the burn I was burning good or smoldering good last night when I went to bed but regretfully we had a light rain which uh put the fire out so here's day two and I've resorted to some uh firewood since I'm out of charcoal so uh we'll watch this burn oh this is day three we can see that uh the stump is still smoldering see that or not so what I'm going to do is take my shovel and rake all the Ash off probably cover it with some more vegetable oil build another fire on top of it and Let It Go Again I said this was the easy way but not the quick way so here's proof [Music] well it's day four little stump is still smoldering looks like quite a bit of it it's motored in too but this currently remind me now of uh the groundhog game movie that Bill Murray starred in every day you're starting to be the same so today we're gonna take the shovel and scrape off that the ash and rebuild the fire and let it smolder again day five deja vu all over again it's motoring great now so I finally think I got it dried out so uh today I'm just going to do the same thing I did yesterday take my show Rake all the Ash off built another little fire and Let It Go well this is our little log this morning regretfully uh last night we had major thunderstorm come by and put down two or three inches of water and completely soaked a little stump and put her fire out so I'm gonna call it quits on this uh part two just take it for me that this will uh this will eventually work one thing though you'll notice is this these are where the roots were and they've completely uh burnt out so they're way below ground level so another burn or two when it gets really dry and uh this little stump would have had it you can see it's only about six inches tall now it started out about 18.
Channel: Unique Woodworking
Views: 1,324,852
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Keywords: Tree Stump, stump removal, best way, easy way, best work, DIY Stump Removal, Remove Tree Stumps, Tree Destroy, Tree Stump Removal, Amazing Idea Of Recycling Wood From Dry Stump Removed, Easy Way to Remove Tree Stumps, How to Remove a Tree Stump Naturally, tree removal, Complete stump Burn, woodworking, fire wood, Amazing Fast Stump Removal Excavator Is So Satisfy, Extreme Dangerous Monster Stump Removal Excavator, Stump burning, Rocket Stump 2.0, stump, woodworking skills
Id: io7brFtWyWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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