Positano: 6 Reasons NOT To Visit | Positano, Amalfi Coast Italy Travel Guide

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[Music] there is a ton of information online telling you why you should come to positano and it's obvious why i mean look at it it's gorgeous it's like something off of a postcard you've got the delicious italian food the beautiful blue water what else could you possibly want however this video is designed to show you a few things that you should definitely consider before booking your trip positano from fishing village to instagram hotspot this is now one of the most famous places to visit on the amalfi coast social media influencers and celebrities alike flock here to enjoy the photo friendly streets and obvious charm one way people love to explore the amalfi coast is by car so we jumped in our little fiat 500 and hit the road but it wasn't quite what we expected if you're planning on hiring a car to drive the amalfi coast it is beautiful don't get me wrong however be prepared you have to have your wits about you when driving in italy in general but the roads are very narrow a lot of the drivers are quite impatient and there are a lot of bends so you will sometimes get people coming around the corner in the middle of the road if you're the kind of person that gets stressed easily by that sort of thing maybe you shouldn't drive it the amalfi coast in general is quite tricky for parking actually all of the streets surrounding positano are absolutely chock-a-block with cars so any available parking that is there is likely to be taken up pretty early on in the day there are a few places that you can pay to park but there's really not that many so they fill up super quickly and of course they're going to cost a little bit more money the struggle with the driving and the parking is something we've personally experienced whilst we've been here bearing in mind we are traveling during covid so there's a lot of international travelers who aren't coming here right now and also midweek off season in october so really take that into account if you're coming especially during peak season we would actually recommend doing this on a vespa or a motorbike because it just seems a lot more freeing when you're doing it in a car parking is also a huge issue whereas if you have a motorbike or a vespa it's going to be a hell of a lot easier but even with that my point still stands and if you get stressed with the traffic and the narrow streets and the winding roads then maybe it's best just not to drive at all due to limited roads around town you're going to be doing most of your exploring by foot now if you're alex and i and you love exploring new cities on foot especially italian cities then this is gonna be an absolute dream for you it really does look as good in person as it does on camera and i guarantee you'll be stopping every five minutes to take in the views on the flip side if walking is difficult or just not possible for you there are a lot of steps i warn you now i guess you can't get this lovely layered effect without them unfortunately so definitely keep that in mind as this could be a big reason why you shouldn't visit another reason you might not want to visit is because of the prices before you come here be prepared that you can be paying more than you would in the rest of italy now you do get what you pay for it's a fantastic location like that in itself is kind of worth the extra money but just as an idea where we are right now is just a normal standard place here and the prices are at least two times because the three times the price of other places in italy so for example bruschetta would cost you eight euros a margarita pizza 13 euros and usually you can get this in the pizzerias around italy for about three to five euros even things like the caprese salad are 13 euros so just bear in mind you might want to budget for that and save up a bit so you can really enjoy the place it kind of has a feel of being in like a huge beautiful resort and you to enjoy those places properly you need to have a bit of money it's kind of like going to vegas and not actually having much money with you you're not going to get much out of it so if you want to be on a budget this might not be the place for you there are plenty other places around italy that you would be better suited to the cocktails here cost 10 euros each which actually i think is pretty reasonable considering the price of the food and also the amazing view that you get in the background so we have gone for an apparel spritz and a limoncello spritz now lemoncello i believe is one of the biggest exports of the area and it's super popular you will see it everywhere walking around so i'm guessing the lemoncello spritz must be unique to the area and it's delicious [Music] [Music] carrying on with the prices we've come down to the beach area and it seems to be pretty similar so a beer cost me 5.50 we've got a view of the beach we're basically on the beach emma got a coffee for 120 because she's starting to feel tipsy and she's very lightweight but it seems like extremely reasonable for what you're getting so i think if you're a backpacker a cheap backpacker like we used to be it's very stingy it's probably not the place for you but if you're going on a holiday it's got it all we've had to retreat into the shade because it is boiling today bearing in mind this is october if you are sensitive british skinned people who are gonna burn like a crisp then keep in mind the weather please if you don't want to splash out for a fancy restaurant meal there are other options available here this slice is pretty big and it's only 380 compared to the 15 to 20 euros that you'd be spending at minimum at one of the restaurants [Music] another reason you might not want to visit is if you are one of those people who cannot stand this kind of fronting instagram culture of mb where we try and take photos of our holidays and make everyone at home jealous if you're someone who doesn't like that this might be a place to avoid because there's a lot of that going on i'm not gonna lie i know that might sound kind of rich coming from a couple of youtubers but there is a lot of it going on all over the world these days and it is hard to avoid in general but if it's something that really grinds your gears and winds you up best to avoid it there's definitely enough places in italy to find your own little space away from the instagrammers i mean we have stayed in a villa made our own pizza and a pizza oven we've gone down to different sort of hidden beach areas so there's definitely possibilities for getting away from people but there's no denying that this area of italy is stunning and it's very easy to see why all the fronting and instagramming goes on for example i've been able to buy a lovely glass of prosecco for three euros 50 and take a short walk away from the crowds to have views like this behind me it's so easy to make it look good when i found out that this place was a playground for the fashion icons and the rich and the famous i grabbed the only shirt that i owned and got changed immediately but it turns out actually i'm way overdressed especially for the beach a beach is a beach right yeah i've said in other videos that i am not a fan of pebble beaches as far as pebble beaches go this one's actually quite nice the pebbles are very small it's not uncomfortable to lie on if the reason that you want to visit positano is because it seems so unique let me tell you that you can find the same things all over italy if you're looking for scenic cliffside villages you can find them all over for example telero is a good and touristy option if you want to find beautiful beaches then i can't recommend puglia enough for you food just all over saying that this is a really stunning place to come and visit but it just might not be as unique as you potentially think that it is we hope we have given you some food for thought as to whether or not you think you should be visiting positano i have to say that this place was amazing and we had a lovely time it was actually better than the pictures and way better than we thought it would be and i think a big reason for that is the fact that all the photos that we've seen have been in like normal times not in covert off-season time so we expected lots of crowds and busyness and that just wasn't what it was today so one of my biggest regrets is that we didn't actually have enough time here so if you're coming to europe or coming to this area i personally would recommend that you spend three days at least one for the amalfi coast one for positano and one for doing a boat trip to explore yes that's one thing i'm gutted we didn't get to do as a boat chip that would have just been the cherry on top of the cake hopefully now we have given you enough information so you can make an informed decision on whether or not you would like to come here leave in the comments have you been here do you like it would you like to visit here or what type of holiday do you prefer and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe hit the notification bell and of course give us a big fat like and for anyone that is watching right now that hasn't seen us before i do something that i don't like it started as a joke i can't stop it so thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time and peace out next time on travel beans i can't believe this is how our italy series is gonna hint
Channel: Travel Beans
Views: 985,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: positano, amalfi, amalfi coast, amalfi coast travel guide, italy travel guide, positano travel guide, must do italy, must do amalfi, must do positano, travel guide, italy travel video, italy travel, italy vlog, positano vlog, positano travel vlog, amalfi vlog, amalfi travel vlog, travel beans, travel couple, to do amalfi, to do amalfi coast, to do positano, amalfi road trip, positano road trip
Id: r3qxd_iGFl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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