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foreign [Music] fishing villages deep blue skies turquoise water fragrant terraced Gardens pastel colored houses clinging onto the side of dramatic Cliffs sounds like the stuff of dreams right but no a mere half hour from Naples it's all there on the Amalfi Coast and it's even more beautiful in real life [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Tara is a fishing town along the Amalfi Coast it's less well known than some of the touristy Villages like Positano and the Amalfi but like it's here that you can kind of really soak up local life and you know you'll see that the fishing Traditions are very much alive this town in particular is famous for its Anchovies and tuna so I'm hoping that I can find a fisherman and see what the fishing is all about and try some of the amazing typical dishes that this region is famous for [Music] luckily I met two friendly local fishermen Vincenzo and Antonello who invited me to join them on their morning fishing trip off the coast of tatara [Music] hello [Music] [Music] familiar [Music] [Music] foreign no problem foreign there's a lot of plastic pollution so sadly a lot a lot of the fish die it's very difficult now fishermen to make a living fishing in these uh small towns [Music] foreign [Music] it's an incredible thing you know how they put out their Nets and you know they go fishing and they could just see they're so connected to see very like you know chilled out lifestyle I play [Music] Ed I'd like to tell you about the sponsor of this video surf shark whose product has provided me with an invaluable Service as a travel content creator a safe and trustworthy VPN is so important nowadays especially when you travel and connect to public Wi-Fi a reliable VPN allows you to browse the internet in a safe manner I've been using surf sharksvpn for a while now and you can use it on all platforms including Mac Windows IOS and Android the great thing about surfsharks VPN is that you can use it to secure 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colatura Di alici and they saw sekolatura from a local producer foreign though [Music] this is foreign [Music] on top of the other okay basil basil potato okay yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ideas [Music] [Music] let's go audio [Music] right [Music] nine minutes for the pasta to be Al Dente which is how you're meant to eat it a lot of people where we live you know faster are making me soggy but you need to have it Al Dente so it has to be a little bit firm still nine minutes is it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's really all you need with a great quality spaghetti which of course in Italy all of the pastor is amazing quality but like it's salty it's fishy it just gives it like the most incredible flavor a bit of parsley olive oil he added like a Chili at the end and it's just an unbelievable flavor like wow this dish really defines chitara [Music] high above the Cliffs of the Amalfi Coast lie Mountaintop villages with prime positions overlooking the turquoise sea and it's in these towns that you can get a taste quite literally of age-old traditions and local Hospitality one of these towns ajerola is famous for its production of the Fiore cheese and a local Antonio is taking me to meet his father-in-law Pasquale who runs his own Farm the origin of this Workshop is from this area I generally we're famous when we submitted the pizza for the queen Margherita fiori latte from a general and this variety and a little oil and the oregano oregano and the Summer Leaves no pineapple forbidden it's forbidden you go in jail here if you put pineapple on the pizza you go directly this is the quality milk that we need to use this is all fresh you know fresh quality milk Rich of bacteria without Butternut fermentation so this is the word shop needs five ingredients [Music] oh okay I like it foreign [Music] [Music] like so and we wait the exactly moment the stretching wow look at that you need to take the the exactly moment and now you come here [Music] that's always going to shuck it like throw it in [Music] it okay we go across this stretching this uh sour pattern lost it you lose the sour part do you know how to make it technically but um and then the tomato and the bathroom I'm going to hide it this is the best moment [Music] Mamma Mia um very rich to taste I'm giddy giddy with Fior de latte we're discovering the particular place where I preserve all the production that I produce and now it has a little red okay cheers this is the same in a blender red wine three different variety grips [Music] the name of this smaller it's Lavigne the winery of the goats good name very very old tradition because this family that I know the fourth generation but it is Morales demonstrous there was my grandfather from My Father's Side okay and that came here my name my name of my father is [Music] a little younger the team oh that's yeah normally you give them the name of your father to your son oh that's such a good idea they don't get to every day some bottle-wise it's a good idea when the wine is organic and the secret of not life in a glass and uh there was the life was totally different [Music] this is what I love about the mountain Coast you just got this stunning blue sea I'm heading down now to find a secret Beach but oh my God the scenery is unbelievable thank you [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] incredible atmosphere and because it's a less well-known Town than the other ones in the mouthly coast Italians that come here so we get a true sense of like a real Italian summer of what it's all about [Music] [Applause] the sun has gone down it's a lot fresher everyone comes out so it's very bustling there's a lot of people everywhere [Applause] [Music] that was absolutely amazing to see and I asked someone in the crowd like what this is all about and he said that this is in honor of the safe Pietro the saint of fishing it's like a whole of the Town comes together to like celebrate this absolutely incredible [Music] oh my God [Music] foreign [Music] is a town along the Amalfi Coast which is most well known for the Acres of Lemon Grove along its vertical Cliffs which fill the air with a citrus-like Aroma along the path of the lemon we see lots of terraces and this is where they grow the famous Amalfi lemon which is called the Sato amalekitano the lemon is so integral to the cooking and the culture of this region in Italy I'm on my way to meet a local kid Giovanni who has a Lemon Grove and he produces lots of products using the famous lemon a few years ago the father of my grandfather ever all mountains [Music] you make a little part for everybody from someone soon and now at the moment we have a 300 500 per person these lemons they're very unique because of their shape right or the shape for the taste and especially because they're a peel the skin skin is very rich inside the essential oil if you touch and that's amazing that sounds amazing obviously The Taste the position because this is the wind from the sea the salt in the in the area is a magic and the position we stay in front of the sea everywhere is not flat area yeah it's not flat it's no place all The Terraces is it in front of the sea inside the bulb is not bitter and the juice also literally is like the base of a lot of the dishes along the Amalfi like the pasta that we do early morning pizza with ricotta cheese and the Pumpkin flour I use it every day and wow it's amazing well I really honestly this is amazing I've probably spent all my days here I'll come and pick the lemon [Music] oh [Music] for Giovanni showing me how he makes his own homemade limoncello I make this one yesterday see the alcohol in there we use it only the lemon beef important is make adapting the skin very fine without the white part okay just just the skin and then we put inside in the pure alcohol pure alcohol oh my gosh okay and then take off the beef and then the this Essentia a center like essential is it like oil the oil the oil we mix it with the sugar and water water [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] along the path of the lemons in minori Viviana and her husband Enzo run a farm-to-table restaurant foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] because I production lemon jam my cherry Gem and you're growing all in your in the farm yes wow [Music] foreign particularly in this region the Amalfi Coast they are blessed with the perfect climate the Mediterranean climate so you know they've got hot dry Summers they get plenty of rain in the winter so it's like the perfect conditions to grow you know all of this incredible fruit and vegetables so literally coming here you're going to eat so well everything is fresh everything is natural you know the taste is just like unrivaled vegetables just taste so fresh and that olive oil was drizzled with a bit of olive oil and oregano they're drying the tomatoes and the zucchinis out in the sun so cool these are first Garden is a service for the active for the restaurant for the uh the mix mix tomato aubergine beans beans yeah wow [Music] look at that beautiful color wow this strawberry a little strawberry [Music] [Music] the eggs of course hi the hens you're using it for the eggs for the rabbit what the pool yeah you use the soil everything okay incredible chemical production oh that's good that's good I thought it was like a bunny healing farm for a minute that's fennel it's so fragrant like [Music] so whatever is in season whatever they grow that is what they'll be using you know in the kitchen to make the product um and to make The Preserves which is great right because it's like every it's just a seasonal yes yes it's fresh very fresh yes I work every years yeah to production oh yeah yeah depending on what is in season every day of the years [Music] thank you [Music] the Amalfi Coast is a real love story from the first time you visit you feel as though it pulls you deep into its Heritage it's food it's people and some of the best views the world has to offer you will want to know it even more deeply and discover step by step the secrets that belong to the coast I did and I feel I will forever be dreaming about it foreign [Music]
Channel: Malini Angelica
Views: 857,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #amalficoast, #italy, #traveldocumentary, #travelvlog, #amalfi
Id: EFSNkeCCytw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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