Scottish Monarchs Family Tree

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today I'm going to show you the family tree of Scottish monarchs in an earlier video we looked at the family tree of English monarchs and then also the British monarchs after England and Scotland United and those are shown here in the red but in that video I did not cover the Scottish monarchs before the union of the two crowns shown here in dark blue so that's what I'm going to do today and as usual we'll be using my European royal family tree chart which can be purchased as a poster from my website useful charts calm now the first King of Scotland is generally considered to be Kenneth MacAlpin and he lived in the same century as Alfred the Great I should point out that I'll be using the anglicized pronunciations throughout rather than the Gaelic so just keep in mind that these individuals would have actually pronounced their names quite differently now although Kenneth MacAlpin is generally considered the first King of Scotland he wasn't really the King of Scotland at all and that's because Scotland as we know it didn't actually exist back then so let's quickly look at a map to explain this map was made by Carl Craig you can see that Scotland was originally inhabited by several different groups of people the Scots who were Celtic and spoke Gaelic were mostly confined to this orange area here the kingdom of dál Riata but there was also a different branch of celtic people who spoke a brittonic language similar to welsh and they were located here in the green and there was a third Celtic group the Picts and there's less certainty over how exactly they were related to the other two Celtic groups but they lived here in this blue area and finally there were the recent arrivals the Anglo Saxons the Germanic peoples who eventually became the English and they lived in this yellow area here so we knew that Kenneth MacAlpin was a Scot and that he became king of the picks by conquest and in the centuries that followed the Scots and the Picts merged slowly and also extended their territory South until they became what we know now as Scotland but this process did not happen overnight so back to the family tree chart I haven't shown every descendent of Kenneth MacAlpin that became King because there were many of them and the throne often passed back and forth between various branches of the family so our real story is going to begin with malcolm ii who reigned about a thousand years ago and who was the final king of the original House of Alban but this time Scotland had established itself as a unified nation north of England but at the time of his death Malcolm did not have any sons to inherit the throne so the crown passed to a grandson who became Duncan the first and this established a new royal house the house of dunkeld and this King Duncan is also character the famous a Shakespeare play Macbeth and Macbeth was possibly another grandson of malcolm ii through a different daughter but the exact parentage is somewhat unclear now in the play Macbeth murders Duncan in his sleep frames the guards and becomes king he and his wife Lady Macbeth then descend into madness and commit a bunch more murders in reality however Duncan died in battle while attacking Macbeth territory after which Macbeth became king and reigns quite peacefully for seventeen years in the play Macbeth is killed by a character called Macduff and Malcolm the third son of Duncan the first instantly becomes king in reality Macbeth died in battle and it was actually succeeded by his son for a few months before the throne that goes to Malcolm the third now Malcolm the third is important because he provides an early link between the royal houses of England and and this is because he married a member of the English House of Wessex a woman who is now known as st. Margaret of Scotland and their daughter went on to marry King Henry the first of England who belonged to the House of Norman and this marriage meant that all future monarchs of England and later Great Britain could trace their lineage not only to William the Conqueror of Normandy but also to the original house of Wessex and to the house of Dunkeld in Scotland but enough about England let's go back to Scotland now there's a small mistake on the chart Duncan the second who fought with his uncle Donald the third over the throne after the death of Malcolm the third was actually the son of Malcolm the third and his first wife not Saint Margaret but that doesn't matter because Duncan the second didn't rain long and the throne actually passed to his younger brothers first Edgar then Alexander the first and then finally David the first and David the first was followed by two of his grandsons Malcolm the fourth and then William the lion and it's during the reign of William the lion that Scotland started to use this coat of arms which we know are quite familiar with today the red lion on the yellow background and and this particular symbol can still be seen as part of the the coat of arms of Great Britain today William was followed by his son Alexander the second who married Joan of England daughter of King John of England now there's another small mistake here because although he was married to Joan of England King Alexander the third was actually the son of alexander ii and his second wife Alexander the third also married an English princess and they had a son also named Alexander that would have become Alexander the fourth but he died at age 19 his sister Margaret who had married the king of Norway also died leaving their three-year-old daughter also named Margaret as the only possible heir to Alexander the third so this individual here becomes Queen at age three now at the time Edward the first of England who was King of England put forward a plan to have Margaret marry his son Edward who would become Edward the second and had this happened England and Scotland would perhaps have been united much earlier but this did never happen because Margaret died at age seven and this through Scotland into a succession crisis now after the death of Margaret there were two individuals who had the best claim to the throne and they were both descendants of this individual here who was a brother of King William the lion there was Robert the Bruce and the other who's not shown on this chart was John Balliol who was also a descendant of this individual here through a different daughter and Edward the first of England helped put John Balliol on the throne but then proceeded to use him as a puppet to control Scotland's affairs and of course the Scottish people didn't like this and by 1295 they had had enough a group of 12 leading men to control formed an alliance with France and then this led King Edward the first of England to invade Scotland and John Bailey all eventually abdicated the Wars of Scottish independence began and if you've ever seen the movie Braveheart it's based on this particular time period and features contemporary of Robert the Bruce known as William Wallace one of the Scottish leaders eventually Robert the Bruce declares himself King in 1302 six and over the next decade he takes back most of Scotland from the English however the wars between England and would continue about halfway through the reign of Sun King David the second King David the second married the sister of King Edward the third that was Joan of England he also married a second time but did not produce any heirs and therefore the throne after his death passed to a grandson of Robert the Bruce and he belonged to the House of Stuart and he became King Robert the second and King Robert the second was then followed by Robert the third and then James the first and James the first was married to a descendant of the royal line you can see that connection here their son James the second then becomes King was followed by James the third who married into the Danish royal family and then we get James the fourth who married the sister of King Henry the eighth of England and this is extremely important because when King Henry the eighth's line dies out closest heir to the English throne was actually the King of Scotland because of this marriage here Margaret and James had a son who became James the fifth and then James the fifth had a daughter who became Mary Queen of Scots now Mary Queen of Scots a lot of people get her confused with Queen Mary the first of England who was also known as Bloody Mary and these are actually two different people Bloody Mary was the half-sister of Queen Elizabeth the first of England and ruled before her whereas Mary Queen of Scots was alive at the same time as Queen Mary the first of England and the first part of Elizabeth the first reign but was reigning in Scotland and Elizabeth famously had Mary beheaded because it was suspected that Mary was involved in a brought to over throw Elizabeth and take the English throne in the end Elizabeth the first of England who never married left the throne of England to marry son who had become James the sixth of Scotland but was now also and James the first of England and this is known as the union of the crowns and from this point forward Scotland in England always share the same monarch and this union was made permanent during the reign of Queen and when the kingdoms of Scotland England ceased to exist and then they become the Kingdom of Great Britain instead now as mentioned at the beginning I did a separate video starting with the English monarchy and then continuing through these kings and queens of Great Britain so if you want to see how that line continued after James the 1st and 6th you can check out that video but that covers the monarchs of Scotland and their family tree and as I make sure the beginning if you want to get a poster of this chart it's available on my website useful charts calm thanks for watching
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Views: 252,650
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Keywords: king of scots, queen of scots, kings of scotland, kenneth mcalpin, house of mcalpin, house of dunkeld, robert the bruce, braveheart, william wallace, mary queen of scots, union of the crowns, scottish history
Id: M5k1eItd-_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 28 2018
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